Hot panties | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My last Vacation I spent on the Baltic Sea coast to recover a little from my professional stress. The weather was quite mixed, but during the day it often invited to sunbathing. Since I was traveling alone, I often ran miles at the beach along to see something new. So of course I often came along sections, where no human soul could be seen far and wide.

Once I saw a girl going to the beach from afar who felt all alone. She pulled out her jeans in walking, as did her blouse. Your breasts swung up and down every step. Under her jeans, she had a tight blue panties, when I came closer I saw that it was gymnastics, recognizable by the white hard shoulder.
Since she still hadn’t noticed me, I avoided something to the country so that there were always a few bushes between us.

She spread her towel in the sand and put her bag next to her. She took out a few booklets that I recognized as a happy weekend. After a short time her free hand hiked to the lap and fluttered between her legs. I got warm from the watch, because that was exactly what I liked the most: loneliness, a sharp mouse and hot panties.

And now I had everything here at once. My stand in my pants swelled right away. I got my whole courage together and went to the girl. Not long and she noticed me.

In my head there was only a buzzing when getting closer and I had no idea how to speak to it. Thank God she called me a friendly hello from afar and had already broken the ice cream. Perhaps she had recognized me as a converted in the spirit, because I too was wearing a tight blue gymnastics with the same side stripes. Only I was bustled by a few centimeters because of the conflict there.
I settled next to her in the sand and replied her greeting.

She was called Claudia, I learned and she was with her aunt to visit. We talked about this and that and of course about the happy Weekend. She also told me that she enjoyed feeling the horny looks on her body, and therefore tried her hottest clothes here abroad. Among other things, she had a whole selection of hot pants with her, which she particularly liked.

The gymnastics pants she was wearing was loaned by her cousin to “perform”. She was really sowing like a second skin and was very soft. Claudia said that her cousin would probably not see again, so she liked her. Above all, the tickle feeling when you stroke your fingernail over the cunt.

I had to fully agree with her, because that was exactly what I liked the gymnastics pants.
Of course we tried it out and enjoyed each other with our fingers. However, I did not neglect her full breasts, which I caressed with my tongue. We went into the water from time to time and otherwise didn’t do much more than let our hands go for a walk in the step of the other. Even in the water we could not leave our hands apart.

In the water it was Claudia who first took the white initiative. She freed my cock from my tight pants and started under water jerk off. I had never had the feeling. Under water it was really great! It didn’t take long and I felt the well -known pulling in the loins and we could see how the sperm poured out of my cock like a long thread.

It was exciting to be in the water in public and one orgasm to have.
Back on the beach again, she brushed off her gymnastics, knelt down in front of me and also pulled out my gymnastics panties. She took my dick that started growing again in her hand and played with one hand on her cunt. Dispatched Claudia’s eyes as she stroked her fingers through her open column, the little brains of her clitoris circled and finally jerked the horny meat of her pleasure grotto. She rubbed my staff panting, and when it was stiff and hard again, she licked over the exposed glans and kissed my nille head.

I leaned down to her, took her tits into my hands and twirled her nipples. All suddenly Claudia interrupted her lovemaking and asked me to come home with her, her aunt was to work anyway.
After lunch we cleaned up the kitchen together. Claudia tied the apron and pulled me into her room by the hand. It was a tastefully furnished room where there was a wide bed that was almost inviting to fuck.

From her cassette stock, Claudia chose tender music. Horny she spread her legs that her plum was invitingly bulging. Slowly slowly groped her hands down to her stomach over her tits. Then they moved on to their cunt and stroked them through the fabric.

She now had one of her own gymnasts, a white white one made of satin that felt excitingly smooth. After swimming, she had worshiped me one of her jeans panties that suited me skin, but this thick fabric could not hide my excitement.
We stroked again for a while until Claudia reminded me that she promised me a dessert, and that it would be time for that now. She pulled out her panties and pressed my face between her legs. I immediately started to caress her with my tongue when the banana taste noticed me.

I asked her about it, but Claudia just pressed my head back. I saw that she started pressing and suddenly came out of her pussy a piece of banana. She had put a half banana in her hole before eating and kept for me as a dessert. The banana had already become very mushy and had mixed with her horny juice.

I was now able to nibble down the banana bit by bit. I hadn’t seen such a sweet pussy yet. It was a lot of pleasure for me and Claudia was getting hotter. She had already had cracks in it and, apart from broomsticks, candles, cucumbers and dildos, she said, but she only needed that if she was alone, otherwise bananas are the best.
After I had licked her cunt clean, she picked up my zipper, took out my comment donor and first sat down to feel it.

But she pulled it out again and led him to her back entrance. She gently pressed on it with her butt and when I got it, I held against it. Her rosette opened and I penetrated into her intestine. It was wonderfully tight in it and I started moving my fuck piston back and forth.

Claudia screamed up and cheered me on even more. After a short time we both had an orgasm and I pumped tons of cum in their butt. That was wonderful!When the aunt was released in the evening, we were “broken” again in time. I was now wearing a small super -short white gymnastics trousers under which everything was emerging, and Claudia had attracted a particularly tight red gymnastics panties from her selection of hot pants, which was so tight above her cunt that I got a stand again and secure the good stallthe imposing bump in my pants was not hidden.

Until late at night we sat in front of the house with the aunt and talked. The table that was between the aunt and us offered us enough privacy screen for our horny finger games, from which we could not leave now. So I was able to stroke Claudia’s lust hill again and again without noticing the aunt, which was so seductive under the thin fabric, and she could secretly feel the bulge in my gymnastics. At Claudia you could clearly see a big wet stain in the crotch.
Claudia was still on vacation for another week and you can imagine that we took advantage of the remaining time and were always inseparable.

This started with making a forest run before breakfast together. In order to keep our aunt’s sporty grade towards our aunt, we both carried gymnastics trousers to run. I the same thing that I had already hit in front of the house in the evening, and Claudia a white, very scarce and Hautentges panties, as the girls put on volleyball. And apart from her panties, Claudia was naked as I was naked.

For me it was a wonderfully rising sight every morning to watch my little friend running like this while running. Her bare tits hopped up and down every step and the tight panties were stunning over the curvature of her plum, which not only marked every detail of her cunt, but I could even see the notch of her fuck column in the soft fabric. No wonder that something soon stood in my gymnastics trousers.
Our run led us every morning to a nearby grove and on a clearing Claudia then commanded: “Pants, now there is a gymnastics naked!“And she got out of her panties while I needed a little longer to peel myself out of my gymnastics pants. As an enthusiastic gymnastics and aerobics supporter, she did some exercises and I had to participate.

However, such exercises did not stay for a long time, because as soon as Claudia saw.
She immediately ended her morning gymnastics that my cock was standing and we fell in the arms with a laugh. Moaning she then pressed her bare lower body against my and rubbed her stomach on my hard latte. And with a cunning smile, she said that that was a particularly good exercise for her abdominal muscles. She explained me mischievously to me that now there was an exercise that promoted the sensitivity, took me between my legs and fiddled with my sack.

Then I had to grab her between the thighs and massage her soaking wet cunt. She let them moan comfortably massage endured and said in a sophisticated man.
After we had rushed up with such exercises, we could not resist the temptation to jerk ourselves really cool! We then sank into the soft moss and jerked each other until it came to us. Then we squeezed back into our gymnastics and ran back home. If the aunt had known what kind our morning fitness training was! Whether she might not guessed anything? Because it could not be avoided that when we came back from running, in the crotch of Claudia’s panties was a suspicious damp spot.

Once even the whole step of her panties was wet because Claudia had tried to pee without pulling out her panties beforehand. She just crouched on the top of the edge and called me back. I was allowed to watch a small spot first appeared, which then became more and more quickly and how the water ran out of it. Then she continued as nothing special happened.
We then both went to the bathroom and closed from the inside.

Claudia then sat down on the toilet without undressing her panties, and while she was slowly peeing, I massaged her cunt through the fabric, which she rewarded with a voluptuous moan. Then I pulled out the pitch wet panties, pressed my mouth on her labia and enjoyed the rest of her body water. Then I stood in the shower and while Claudia stepped behind me, I started pressing, because my bubble was also full of the morning coffee. As soon as the first ray drew a large spot on my gym trousers, she began to massage my cock.

I peed what it was about while she jerked me. When the ray dried, it came to me with such a force that I curved myself together. Then she went forward, took the hand shower off the hook and let the water run lukewarm. She climbed into the tub and I took the hand shower.
When she felt the strong ray from the shower on her breasts, she had to scream.

I first treated one side, then the other. Their rose cernos are immediately swelling, they became red and stiff. I showered the place between her breasts and her waist. Then I took a break.

She groaned when the water jet hit her between her legs. I turned the shower to full strength and her genitals caught fire and wanted to melt. I dwell and lower them. Claudia put on her legs so that the water is even better over.

She had to hold on to the edge of the tub. After a short time it started with her -the already well -known feeling, in which everything flows into the middle, came over her with all his might.
A few days ago she told me that she would like to try an enema and we had agreed to try it out today. I had taken care of the necessary utensils and prepared earlier. Claudia’s abdomen burned from the previous treatment and she could hardly wait.

I pushed in the pipe deeper and deeper and massaged her clit. She was excited and wanted to put her legs together. Now I let go of the pipe, it kept alone in her anus. With one hand I raised the enema bag, with the other I worked on your clit.

When she realized how the warm water got, she began to cry out loud. It was so unspeakably beautiful that she had to hold onto both hands to stay calm. And just at that moment I pushed my limb into her column. I moved it very slowly, almost only at the front, later deeper inside.

And water flowed into their butt throughout all of the time. She was on the other hand, but I continued as if nothing was. Only when she was almost finished did I let go of my own load, so that she was at the same time from both sides.
Claudia lay on the floor like a flounder and was almost senselessly. Her whole body was limp and comfortable, warm and completely relaxed.

Their intestines were full of water, but even that was nice now. She rolled around and stood upheld. She was completely satisfied, but she had so soft knees that she could hardly go. She had almost no voice than she turned to me.

Then she knelt in front of me and I peed away again what the stuff was thinking. Claudia first steered the beam over her face and hair and then on her breasts, which she massaged at the same time as her free hand. After the source was dried up, she started to milk my cock with her mouth. It wasn’t long before I had an orgasm like rarely beforehand.

I exuded my seeds into her mouth and over her wet tits. Claudia deteriorates the seed on her breast, because that should be good that he would stay in shape. Then we showered extensively, where Claudia brought me back into shape by sipping my lout extensively. Of course I also had to step on Claudia and especially between the two big toes it was the most fun for her.

I was also not allowed to neglect the breasts, but that didn’t happen that easily either.
At the top of the room we organized a small fashion show, because we planned to get the people in the city and on the beach a little bit (or better to stimulate) because Claudia always attracted particularly hot things that we had chosen together beforehand. We tried several of their and also my hot panties one after the other, not without convincing us again and again in between how they fit. I particularly took great importance to the partierm and the Popo and always felt extensively when she performed a new panties. Finally, her suit consisted of blue gym trousers, which she had certainly worn in school and which was now really soft and sexy.

To do this, she wore a few cowboy boots and a T-shirt, which was probably two numbers too small, and that brought her breasts to the most advantageous. I also had a t shirt and a jeans panties made of Claudia’s that she had sewed from one of her old jeans, and that was already totally worn out. But that made the fabric really soft and felt wonderful.
We then took the bus into the city, which was always quite empty at this time, so that we could choose a place. Claudia sat down from a young blonde girl that didn’t look much less hot than herself herself.

The little one wore black short jeans and a thin blouse that she had knotted over her stomach. The ridge swelled again and I started to folle Claudia’s body quite unabashedly. The little one looked at it a bit unsettled at first, but soon started smiling and spreading something. Our sight obviously aroused her, because suddenly her hand moved to her crot.

Without knowing it consciously, she stroked her pubic hill. Claudia sat down next to her and touched her hand gently with her fingers. The little one flinched and shocked on. My girlfriend However, her fingertips put her fingertips on her mouth as a sign of calming.

Then she put her hand on her lap while stroking the black fabric under which a hot pussy was waiting to be satisfied.
During the course of the trip to the beach we got into conversation and we learned that she was called Anja. She insisted to accompany us to the beach and help us with our games. Once there, we had nothing in a hurry than to take off our T-shirts as quickly as possible. We laid up on a large bath towel side by side, taking me into the middle.

Anja had nothing on her hot pants, and so Claudia lent her one of her gymnasts that she luckily had in her beach bag. So Anja didn’t have to go back to the city with a wet panties after bathing. We already knew that both of them are the same size. She peeled out of her hot packaging and put on Claudia’s white gym trousers with the black stripes.

In doing so, she had a little difficulty getting her over the buttocks, but it worked out well. She had never had such tight gym trousers and was happy about the sweet panties. She said that it feels fantastic, rubbing her fingernails over her pussy. You didn’t even know that the fabric was so nice and soft.

I was probably more happy about that I was now allowed to stroke two pussies that were so lovingly packaged. Anja left of me in her white panties and Claudia on the right in her blue panties.
When we could no longer stand it with heat, we swam the short piece to the sandbar in front of the beach. I had previously exchanged my jeans panties for green gym pants. When we got out of the water, Claudia noticed that Anja’s panties had almost become completely transparent.

Her pubic mound was almost as easy to see as if it were naked. But he looked almost better, at least more sexy. Anja first went around the sandbar, “to look around”. But it was more likely that she wanted to be seen everywhere to try out her effect.

And she could be seen with her crispy breast, the warts of which had erected through the fresh water and with her no less sweet bottom, which was packed in a tight panties that could hardly hide anything. With this sight you could even make a weak monk to become a drive perpetrator.
However, there were only a few young women and girls on the sandbar at this early hour, the gentlemen of creation were not yet represented. So I enjoyed it twice when Claudia and Anja began to stroke my tail through my pants in public. No wonder that my stand that was already excited anyway grew further and it hardly kept him in his tight prison.

But more came. Anja and Claudia had agreed to really get me on the palm. Claudia lay on the side so that her breasts hung down. They were larger than Anja’s that was right next to her.

Claudia now massaged Anja’s plums and noticed that it was completely smoothly shaved. Because of Anja’s blonde hair, that hadn’t been noticed beforehand. Of course, Claudia got up even more, because it felt very cool. Anja was so nice to let Claudia go ahead and she took one of her breasts in her mouth.

She continued her explorations until Anja’s breasts were warm, fire red and hard, such as flowering core before bursting up. She kissed Anja on mouth and eyes, licked her in her ear, kissed her neck, bite her in the armpit and finally turned her on her stomach. Completely forgotten both took off their panties. Claudia went quite a bit.

She continued down and found that she had gossiped to get cantilevered between her legs. Her mouth lingered at the point where the back shares, and Anja moaned violently. She just didn’t finish keeping her lovely butt down and threw her pelvis back and forth.
Claudia pulled her backbake apart and licked her kimme. She was warm and moist there.

She opened her backbake even further and could see her pink opening – she was so tight and so tiny that one said that there was hardly any match. She kissed the opening, licked her with the tip of the tongue, and Anja raised her butt as a sign that she liked that. She continued there until Anja could hardly get out of it. Finally she turned around and kissed her navel.

Her mouth slid deeper and sucked vigorously at the point, on the body into the thighs. She licked Anja around her bare pussy and when she was struggling with all your strength in the small area between the two holes, she groaned and deeply groaned. So she kept doing it and embarrassed not to touch the tight gap, even though it was getting wetter from the inside. When Anja was about to start lust, Claudia drilled her middle finger in the rosette of her most intimate hole.

Anja twitched together and poured “Jaaa!“And now answered with a passionate caress.
With both hands she pressed the two hemispheres of a fragrant girl popos close to her eyes and drove with a wide tongue of Claudia’s clit, the pink pearl of a lust mussel dripping into Claudia’s tart rosette, and the cheeks began to wag in her handsand turf. Two bodies that have been wrapped into one. It was pressed to Anja’s head by fluttering thighs, she felt a tongue trill in her own hole and between the buttocks, under which she believed she had to pass and under which she felt the infinitely sweet twitching, he gave way to him and it was closed and trembling to theLast faded out. But the two girls remained insatiable.

The orgasm hadn’t made her tired. He only stitched her.
With soft paws they drove over the body of the others, growled and continued to play like young cats. Now in the knees. The first to raise her head and stretch his butt in front of the playmate was Claudia.

She pressed the upper body down very deeply so that Anja could knead and deflowly finger the rosy buttock and with delicate and soulful fingers into a excessive pleasure shell. And Anja accepted the invitation, with all the passion she was capable of. She kissed the matt shiny skin of a round buttock, he groped the entrance to a pleasure shell with two slim fingers, felt her fingers sucked in and was already in. But suddenly she had a completely new feeling because she said that her fingers were in a real mouth, a mouth with lips that held her fingers.

Your hand could neither before nor back. Her hand was enclosed by small, but incredibly strong and twitching muscles that felt hot and slimy and wet, which relaxed and became very far for fractions, but immediately went around her fingers as if they wanted to biteLike teeth of a real mouth. That was new for Anja! It was so exciting for her that it was already pucking and itching in her pussy behind the butterfly wings. And she didn’t know what she should want at the moment: the root of her fingers enclosed by such active and so horny muscles of a sucking vagina or being licked again by Claudia.
But Claudia’s head and thus also Claudia’s tongue were far away, Claudia could not kiss and lick her for anatomical reasons now for anatomical reasons! Why Anja opted for the first election.

She moved the tips of her fingers, snippets in Claudia’s wet vagina around, licked one moist path after the other with wide tongue strings on the round of firm cheeks of a girl behind, came back to the vertical deep furrow, but was put back by a tastingThe scent and smacked with lips and tongue on a rosette. And with the cheering of the lust, the gaping girl popo got up even more in front of her eyes, Anja had trouble getting along, but instinctively, she did her free arm around a girl’s waist, felt a navel, slipped deeper and took a extended clittenderly between the thumb and index finger. Claudia came after a few seconds. She wagged with her butt that Anja’s face was thrown away, and she shouted that Anja thought she hurt her.

But Claudia’s scream was a crystal fulfillment, a cry of orgasm. And Anja felt that around the root of her fingers, which she was still lifting into Claudia’s vagina, small muscles loosened, became very soft, and that the juices of lust sparkle into the plate of her hand like sparkling wine.
But even now Claudia did not show any exhaustion. The eyes made her eyes, she saw that Anja wanted to get it between the long thighs with her own hand. She tore away Anja’s hand away from the already spread butterfly wings and let Anja kneel as well as she had just kneeled in the sand.

Anja saw, except for excitement when she looked between her slopes, that Claudia adjusted her head exactly in the middle between her spread legs. But then she saw nothing anymore, she had to close her eyes because she felt hands that were everywhere, between butterfly wings, on the “brains”, on the hot baking of her butt and upholidated buttock, and because she molts under the same tongue trill as before. But this time the tongue trilled in her right back of her knee, which she once again found it as new, which she also wanted to feel your skin on completely different square centimeters of her skin, which is why she wanted her with the power of lustKnee slid backwards and her gaping pussy, in which it pucked and itched, lowered to a pointed tongue, which finally drilled again, where Anja wanted to feel and enjoy the trill not to die of lust. Claudia’s tongue was unlikely! And it was Claudia’s hands and fingers too! At the same time, Claudia’s fingers played – as she did not, Anja did not know – in her front hole and in her back, kneaded and knocked on her crispy ass at the same time, and elicited her cheering groan after the other.

It was to get crazy! Until Anja came until she felt the sweet inner twitch, which captured her whole body powerfully and irresistibly, the hands that accessed the lust and the trilling tongue Claudia’s was shaken by a new foaming flood.
At first she tried to squeeze her throats, but then it couldn’t work: now she also had to scream with lust because this pleasure was simply overwhelming because this overflowing wave of lust and lust. On Claudia’s trilling tongue riding she screamed her orgasm, with the same volume as Claudia. Then she just gasped and sank next to her playmate in the soft sand of the small island.
They were not long before they thought that there was still someone whose cock tried desperately to escape from his tight prison. I had looked at this wonderful spectacle all the time and my sack and my cock gently scratched through the fabric of gymnastics.

The sun had now dried the fabric, only at the top of the tail tip was a large damp spot. But it was no longer off the water, but the anticipation almost ran down my legs. Four hands now moved towards my abdomen and Anja said that my cock could also be done with my cock. Horny she spread her legs that her plums were invitingly curved and the horny slit was open.
Slowly slowly groped her hands down to her stomach over her breasts.

Then they continued to go to their pussy, loved them for a moment and looked for the pussies. Finally she pulled the swollen pussies very far apart that her rosy and wet shimmered shimmering shimmering shell. She smiled promising and I only understood it when she peeled full of tube and a hot, golden yellow stream flooded my abdomen. It almost came to me on the spot when she steered the beam over my tight gym trousers.

I immediately grabbed the hot ray and massaged my cock through the wet fabric with the other hand. But now I punched up like a flash and pressed my mouth on this horny source so that as little as possible was lost from this noble wet. I drank and drank but it didn’t stop flowing.
Claudia had also noticed what was going on, she tore me aside and now drank anja entirely. I kept myself harmless to this and she willingly left it to me.

She pressed and pressed and suddenly her source broke open. Anja already grabbed my latte with both hands and freed her out of her tight packaging, jerked her a few more times and put the nilly head on her clit, moaning, and stroking the glans through the crack without her cockPut right into the fuck hole. This treatment of her cunt seemed to be a special pleasure. But now she wanted to be fucked through properly.

With one hand she widened her pussy hole, with the other she introduced my stand into her slippery column. I felt how Anja’s soft and wet cunt lips nestled around my staff and how he penetrated deeper and deeper into her fuck channel. I pressed my upper body against her body that Anjas excited nipple tightly in my skin and closed her mouth with a kiss.
Anja looked at me, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me wildly. I worked like a wild in Anja’s nimperer and hungry hungry fuck grotto, and her slippery pussies sucked tightly around my dick as if they never wanted to let him out of her cunt again.

I grabbed her tits and kneaded her big balls, and while I pushed my fucking piston in her in front of wet cunt hole, and my eggs hit her plum with every push, Anja cheered up in the highest delight. With my massive fuck movement gene she wall horny her ass and fell hard against my stake, who kept piercing her hot meat again and again. When I finally sprayed and flooded her pussy with my seed, she screamed out her whole lust. We stayed in this position for a while and my no longer stiffer felt really comfortable in Anja’s Klitschnasser cunt.

Our exhausted horny juices dripped out from their pussies into my crauses, and I moistened my fingertips with the mixture of pussy juice and cunning cream and rubbed it into her clit while Anja exposed him with his fingers.
So this week flew by. When we had to say goodbye – we had banged an hour before Claudia’s departure on the beach and exchanged the gymnastics panties for the last time – we promised that we would see each other again in Cologne. For the rest of the days I was mostly alone on the beach, thought a lot of Claudia and the wonderful fucking with her that I was often the tail and then I had to wank a! I also saw Anja a couple of times, who no longer had to separate from Claudia’s gymnastics trousers and wore them again – of course again without anything underneath!Later in Cologne, Claudia often visited me in my apartment and still does it today. If we don’t go out every now and then, we will spend the whole weekend with me at home.

And Claudia, who had met my weakness for scarce gymnastics during our stay on the lake, always delighted me with a referral specimen of this mini panties with a cheeky specimen. Often she had only exchanged her normal travel clothing for a tight t-shirt and hot panties at the main station, then it was a little walked through the crowds on the high street in order to let some husbands grow stem eyes. Also from women, she also received admiring, sometimes glare. The driver of the tram has already forgotten to drive off when she sat down in the front bank next to him.

Then she ran the few meters to Dürener Straße and then stood in front of the door with a gossip pussy pussy.
It gave her a lot of pleasure, where no one knew that she knew to present her flawless body in public hardly any public. Before she lets me take off her gymnastics, I have to (or may) feel her cunt in the skin -tight fabric and trace the course of her cunt in the fabric. Yes, she can literally jerk off the fabric in the pussy until it comes, the narrow step of gymnastics is reduced and the scent of her waxed pussy signals that she now wants to have my hard fucking in her hole and properly overthe tail wants to be pulled. Of course I fulfill all of these wishes with joy.

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