Eva is chased [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Eva stood with Miss Dr with pounding heart. S. before, and she was also admitted and handed over after a short greeting and the question of the end of a guard who brought her to the third department. Evchen had already presented this reception in the doctor’s penalty department in a thousand pictures and mainly during the nights.

She had been instructed here for four weeks because she had completely destroyed the absence cure through nonsensical food and because the doctor had learned that Evchen paid homage to the masturbation.

She had been wearing a protective belt against this die -hard truck for 14 days, and from today on, there was finally a place in the penalty department that she had to take. Eva had already experienced the surcharges and locking of the heavy doors behind her back when she had been put on chastity protection in the third department and flogged her up the bottom. She also knew the receptionist. They had been lonely waiting for it for a while, a time when the fear almost won curiosity over her lustful curios.

A narrow door was opened and you pushed it into a tiny room, with the order to undress down to the stockings and it should also keep up her rubber dash.

So Eva carefully hung her clothes on a bracket and put her underwear together and waited, now only clothed with her rubber suit, which she had to wear and under which the belt was connected, with very high black silk stockings and black pumpsshe picked up.

She knew that she was not allowed to wear rings and earrings and had left her home right away. Finally a door opened, but not through which she had come, but a opposite, and she heard the invitation: “Come in!“She stood restlessly in front of the chief of the penalty department, which she examined exactly. Eva felt like a horse for sale, the connoisseur pattern. Two guards were waiting for the commands of the head.

“You are the new one, the supervisor said objectively.

“They are called Eva;With us simply eV. you are healthy? But they are too fat and masturbate they too! We will have work with you. And for them it will be a bit uncomfortable. “She smiled maliciously, and the two guards in her leather club believed that he had to laugh at duties.

“So, first down with the rubber suit!“When this had happened and the integrity of her closure between the tight thighs had been checked, it was opened and the belt fell.

Shoes and stockings disappeared behind the door where she had moved out: and now she was splintered, she was pure nudity. She already knew the enema, bathing, bathing, spraying on the front opening, but that did not take this embarrassing process of its shame and humiliation. After shaving the abdomen and cut the hair on the head with the scissors, she was immediately introduced to the mysteries of the rubber by putting on a rubber suit that had incorporated gloves and feet and whose hood the wholeHead covered and made it possible to breathe only by means of a suitable mouthpiece.

The rubber of the suit was thick, but very stretchy, and it laid down the whole parts of the body. The guards gave the reason that she had rowed around with her hands with her hands with her hands.

The closet was set to the body size and proportions EVS with a few steps, and soon Eva stood blindly and silent, pressed into a fixed rubber, upright in this closet.

Her neck, like her two hands, was captured in a bunched board. Another board kept her hip unable to move and a third of her legs. The cabinet was closed and the guards were happily chatting to drink and breakfast to drink and have breakfast. Eva heard nothing but her own pulse, was almost no muscle and was in perfect darkness.

The counting of her pulse showed her how long a minute was, but many minutes passed until she was finally released again.

From now on she had no free minute and was no longer without supervision. For the three patients in their cell, three guards were divided, of which there were always at least one service, in some treatments there were also two. So when measuring the “Willkomms” in the institution, in which the pop poke were made to bloom. If the inmates of the prison were not treated, they were made slim and fit with physical exercises and movements.

In the evening they slept in their sleeping niches, pulled and clamped in their bonds so that they could not have exerted their truck-the masturbation-all three of Evas cell.

After their daily enema and their washes, they usually got their daily 10 to 15 floors. One day Evchen screamed very loudly after the first blows and the guard warned her. But immediately after that she screamed loudly again.

She was so terribly sensitive today. Then the guard asked: “Maybe want to go back to Madame Asta?“But this was not in the sense of EVS today.

Today she was glad that she had taken her daily ration. There it was different a few days ago. She would have liked to receive a little more and told a colleague. She looked at them very amazed and then said with a smile: “Oh, you can have that very easily.

You just have to scream once, and after 2 or 3 warnings our guard calls Madame ASTA, and that then takes you.

I think you will definitely get enough then. “She laughed amused. But Eva was serious and she didn’t sleep almost all night. The next morning she tried to follow the council.

As soon as she was ready to be received, she was on the criminal box and had been put on the first two, started screaming and struggling.

The guard was amazed at this behavior. For eight days she has been capturing her daily ration without any screaming and refusal, and now this performance suddenly. She seriously warned Eva and announced that stricter punishments would follow if Sieso continued. But that is exactly what Eva wanted to achieve;And she continued to behave as unruly and screamed like a obsessed one, so that the guard could not put up with it.

She slapped Eva and went to her colleague and reported the incident, and so after a while the guardian Asta appeared.

Madame Asta was known for very sharp punishment and also responsible. She liberated Eva from her penalty position and led her into the room in which Madame Asta prevailed, and put her on a solid wooden scheme with a high back and arm runs, its seat, back and armrests, all parts that touched the body of the seat, was occupied with short wooden tips, and Eva screamed in horror in front of pain when she came to sitting on these spines with her freshly fresh, naked naked bottom, but she had no way to further blare because she was a foam-filled gag in her inpressed the mouth that spread out in it and suffocated her shouting.

The attachment of this strict gnBel happened with straps around the mouth and back of the head, under the chin over the apex and from a strapping strap over the mouth and over the nose, this leakage, over the forehead and back of the head to the wide necklace again. In this a steel rail was incorporated that reached between the breasts at the front and only ended on the mouth of the mouth and pressed his head backwards and held it in this proud posture.

Eva had been attached to this chair with a few handles so that her arms struck firmly on the spiky backrests and a wide leather belt her upper patches, her abused buttocks pressed firmly on the spines of this punitive chair and her back through a belt over her breasts andUpper arms sharp Contact Had with the peppered backrest of the penalty chair, so that she also felt the spines almost as painful through her rubber jacket as on her bare bottom.

Madame Asta had plunged Eva into the deepest shame during her harvesting through her speeches. So Eva heard her misconduct and received her trucks accused.

“So far it has happened that you can no longer leave it alone without creating a chastity machine so that your naughty hands do not keep finging your lustful snail. “Such and similar speeches drove Eva the blush on her face and her sharks.

After the rigorous bondage and gag, the guards no longer dealt with her. They had brought in two patients and then started to snort them into black leather foods. These black -leather criminal corsets, into which breeders were pressed, reached their knees from the chin to their knees.

There were two young, well -built women who were corseted here. The one, a black dark -skinned with long legs and even facial features under the smooth institutional hairstyle, got a heavy corset made of soft smooth leather: all eyelets, hooks and buckles shone from chrome metal.

The lady climbed into the leather food or. Their leg tubes that were pulled up their festival and tightened tightly. Then she put the corset over her body and closed the strong planket at the front and laced up the hair in front.

When she had to turn around, you could see that the corset was only imperfecting her body. There was a wide strip of her light brown skin free and naked. This long area was interrupted by the black straps and cords at regular intervals.

Then the one guard started to narrow this gap by putting on the lacing, and she pushed the waist together very closely and pressed her body into the leather tanks. The guard did not give in until the edges had completely closed.

The neck was unlikely to extend, the breasts were modeled out very pointed and their pop -butchers are firmly packed in leather. Her long beautiful legs and arms and her head as well as the face were still free, but it only took a while for the guards to tie these parts of the body into leather.

The head and facial mask had throughlets for the eyes, and so she was able to see how her colleague, who had come with her, was tied into a leather stripping nut, which was definitely even more uncomfortable and even more drastic. The footwear of this somewhat full young woman consisted of one piece, both feet and legs came into a single leather and were then tightly laced together by the toe to the abdomen.

Her headgear made her completely blind, her facial features could only be guessed. The two arms, which were firmly laid out on the Beiensite pages with outstretched hands, were constricted in the black leather corset, and since one could probably have not been able to incorporate the waist as narrowly as desired, you first press them into a leather bodice and did not missPressing her abdomen together by having strapped a leather pubes so firmly to the bodice that she cut in the crotch.

Since this patient could not stand alone and the first patient was also close to falling, both were placed on the wall that their necks were spanned by leather -padded rings, in which they were more hung than.

Only a very quiet moan was audible, the figures covered with leather were completely motionless. Then the guard approached our Eva, who was sitting on her penalty in gruesome pain, but who no longer felt the pain before excitement, and loosened her out of the straps and captivates her and led her to a wide -legged goat from which sheA narrow leather -padded seat cushion pulled out that Eva Rittlings had to sit on.

The upper body lay on the leather stake, the hands and the feet were strapped to the 4 legs. Sitting on her wet honey pot was not that bad. The guard knew exactly what she was doing and what she needed.

She had her rubbish on the pillow, and no waist strap prevents her from back and forth, while she missed her a good beating with a tight breeding whip that the skin could soon no longer withstand and tangle of the streaks some blood dropsformed.

But only when Eva hired her riding art did the scout stopped. This cure had deeply impressed Eva, but she had also been sick for days, until then everything was fine again and healed it somewhat, although the “daily” was by no means saved by her. It was the case with Eva that sometimes she couldn’t get enough blows while she was soft and sensitive on other days and could only get the ‘daily “with great effort”.

And Madame Asta had kindly invited her: “If you feel like again, contact me, quite unabashed!“Madame AStA was always very keen on the disciplinary and gymnastics lessons. The participants in these practice hours wore tight leather panties without legs, the narrow front parts of which were only attached to a fixed leather belt.

Also as a bra, they only wore one strap around the upper body with two semi -circles, the breasts pushed up.

The narrow pants and high -stained shoes were the only items of clothing at criminal aerobics, they served to better observe posture. Exercises for tightening and loosening of the body, such as arm lifting and lowering, shadow boxes, shadow boxes, wood chip movement, bouncing and jumping rope, squats and torso, which had to give the compensation for the laces and bonds and for the blood circulation and the flooding of the skin after hourly lengthWear the rubber wash and clothing.

The execution of the ÜBUN gene was guarded sharply, negligence or errors were either corrected with a hard blow of a long whip or the person concerned reported to a punishment. Once Eva had the opportunity to experience such a special treatment. She had been ordered as a guard because a thigh strap was torn down on her corset, and she had got her stick over her awkward fingers ten times and had to stand on the sting board with bare feet in the large criminal hall until the corset came back repaired.

In doing so, she was able to see how two colleagues under the supervision of Madame Asta tried to deal with an institutional comrade for two hours of dark crew.

The guardian passed a mishap that was certainly expensive for her. The one was put in an iron cage, sentenced to dark rope penalty, so that her head was out of a neck hole, while her whole body was locked up in the tight cage. The cage rods were about 10 cm apart and surrounded the whole body of the locked up all around.

This wore the mandatory high -heeled long -layer boots and had been put on a tight waist corset. In the cage, the thighs above the knees were closed with iron buckles and short chains on the cages of the cage, as well as the waist.

The arms were closely connected to the body by wide iron ligaments above the elbow joints and handcuffs. The hands were in metal gloves. The convicted arbitrarily applied her limbs to the bonds and endured the preparation to be silent.

Madame Asta played in thoughts with the leather face mask, into which a strong gag was incorporated inside. And 5 minutes before the start of the penalty period, she grazed the prisoner over her head over her head and strapped it tightly and tied her off the head to the neck so that the gag remained firmly in the mouth.

Using a chain she closed her the head, which was screwed backwards, on a ring above the apex to the prison so that the prisoner had to keep this torturing head position.

The guard then sent her assistant away and looked at her successful work with tremendous nüstern. Suddenly the door opened, it kicked FrL. Dr. in.

She looked critically at the work of the guardian when an exclusion of the displeasure from her mouth sounded: “Apparently you can’t hear what I command you. Or do you refuse to carry out my arrangements, I did not prescribe this pupil for two hours of dark arrest with tightening? Here it is even on the piece of paper! And why did you not attach the tightening? Can not you read? Are you perhaps too lazy to follow my commands, or do you want to rebel against my orders? Excuse? Well, I will excuse it, but only after you have been applied for two hours of dark arrest with tightening to strengthen your will.

Get ready! Just as the patient has endured her punishment here, you come to the cage, but do not forget to say that you should be tightened to the strain chain so that you can never forget to hang up the step chain when tightening. After the punishment, I will accept your apology and you will thank you for your punishment and assure me that I will never forget that my orders have to be followed exactly.

“The guardian, who had been punished because of her negligence, later vowed to EV because she had listened to her shame and humiliation. Eva had not witnessed her punishment herself because she had finally been redeemed from her spiked board when her corset strap was sewn up again.

She avoided Eva at the next gymnastics lesson a clear seal of very transparent plastic without creating something underneath and especially during the exercises, so that the sweat ran over the whole body and she was ready in the eveningBed crawled and with no one about the matter spoke out of fear of being taken back again for fear.

A colleague Evchens, a dralle, wide -hipped Virgo – she summarizes it to be a pure virgin if you didn’t count her that she has been the masturbation since her 12th. The year of life has fallen that she had not been able to heal a cure so far-once told a story from her boarding school, during which she mostly belonged to the masturbation. Her truck had soon been recognized. For the masturbation, so that their surveillance was not interrupted, there was no Christmas trip at home, and when the other students left the school, the teacher, who had been given her supervision as a specialist, organized an extra shot for the O-Rage.

In the evening all five girls were gathered for the package.

“Our surprise should be packed in this package,” said the virgin. “And it was ceremoniously opened. The result was a rubber prison, a rubberized skin to include a person. With fear and curiosity we felt the solid rubber that had the shape of a human body.

You could clearly see your head, fuselage and legs on it. The teacher asked who of us wanted to try prison.

The fingers of two girls tentatively raised, I was one. My classmate was the first to try to try it out, and she crawled in the rubber skin, only very little clothed. First with the legs, then with the head and upper body.

You had to see to get the rubber tube in your mouth with your mouth, so that you had air to breathe. After the zipper was drawn on the back, it was the only opening in the rubber prison.

The whole body from head to the toes was enclosed in the rubber container. We sat around the prison. She explained the meaning and purpose of this suit, and so we learned that if we could no longer endure it and absolutely jerk off would have to allow it.

But there were therefore 25 with the leather breeding whip or the person concerned would only have to stay in prison for two hours.

The first time Would she be enclosed as Martha was now included. But if you would come with such a thing more often, you would have to expect tightening. And this tightening will now try our Irenchen, she said, and I was this Irenchen. I had reported voluntarily, but I was prepared, while our Martha was still locked in the rubber prison, like someone who had contacted jerking off.

They pulled everything from my body that I was wearing, and while some captured me, other ointments rubbed me in the bottom, and I immediately noticed that it started to itch and tingle.

The teacher showed me a rubber song in a virgin size that I could get in there if I wanted it. But I didn’t want it. And so they worked on me. They lifted my arms behind my back to almost under my shoulder blades and strapped me tightly there.

They tied the individual fingers together, and itching in my Vötzchen increased more and more;And it made me shamelessly ask the teacher to give me the rubber hinge, and in front of the eyes of my wanking colleagues she put the narrow long thing between my legs in my jar and tied it around the waist and through the legs, so that it could no longer slip out.

That calmed down a bit, but at the same time stimulated even more. And when Martha was out of the rubber prison, I came in right away, and it was two hours of hard excitement that I experienced in the tight rubber prison. The rubber hing between my legs made me half frenzied with lust that had driven the ointments to the height, but these ointments still had a chemical addition that nature did not come to us later, otherwise each of us would be out of theRubber prison came out two to three times satisfied.

But only when you were released from the rubber prison could you do it, and the need for satisfaction and the lust, which was stored up to the extremely stimulated lust, got it ready that you did not comment at all and that it is two to three times in a row under Jauchzenand moaned. That night one after the other of my classmates came to rubber prison, and none wanted without “tightening”.

Later I was one of the most eager customers in the rubber prison, even when the teacher raised me more than two hours in prison and also the 25 blows.

However, she granted the treat of the exciting ointments beforehand, according to the genus of which you became so horny that you would like to put the whip as a masochistic lust source. This virgin told some things about her life, as here: “As I said, our teacher loved to impose strict punishments to us. She also loved captivating us and she loved rubber. But she had us enjoyed here and there too, and without that we would not have been so patient and endured.

One day she noticed that an unauthorized man had rummaged in her equipment chamber.

She found the rubber lines merged differently and metal bonds and other things put it differently, as it always did. She brooded over who it could have been, but did not come to any result. She asked us students of the O-Riege, but it hadn’t been. Then she thought of putting a trap, and she put various things openly on the table that should give the incentive to touch and feel.

It passed a few days, and our teacher had already given up hope, when they got two of our classmates, and they confessed to her that she had entered her and that she had looked and tried on different things and that her classmate Agnes in an iron helmetis enclosed and she could no longer open it.

Our teacher took us – of course I was also there – and we got every 10 cane strokes onto the bottom after we pulled the pants down, and then we went to the equipment chamber with us, and there was an offer to herstrange picture.

Agnes was wearing a rubber suit that spanned the whole body with black rubber and reached up to the neck with prepared feet and incorporated gloves. Her head stak in a mask that was completely closed and which only had several holes on the back of the head. This head mask, which was completed by a thick stitched iron gag inside, made the wearer blind and deaf, the mask was closed on the neck. We had moved up when the castle was put on and then had not found a key to opening.

Since the rubber suit on the back was closed with a strong zipper and the end of this zipper was under the mask closing on the neck, we could no longer take off the rubber suit to the trapped.

We had tried some things before, and Agnes had been chosen as the victim for the iron gag mask. The way it was as our teacher thought. We were convicted. Now she had the opportunity to punish us without one of us being able to say something about it.

I too had to try the rubber suit and torture helmet and am marching in it like a tin soldier under the teacher’s foot.

“When we were sitting together again in the evening, our virgin told us about her time when she belonged to the eccentric club. In this club she had acquired membership. All members were a bit abnormal. One day we learned that the A.

from m. just had treated, and we asked the room and went straight to her.

You were just in the process of making the last steps on your preparation. She was already wearing a rubber native uniform that consisted of 6 parts. First, the trousers that skin -tinged and joined under the sole of the foot.

Second, the jacket that the pressed out of the neck – highly surrounded – reached to the hand knuckle. Third, the belt, which was closed with a patent closure, was inseparable from pants and jacket. Four the ankle -length rubber boots, which were black and shiny like the whole uniform.

Fifth, the headgear, everything made of solid but elastic black -glossy rubber. Two girls of the house were at the moment to cover the pretty regular face and the light blond curls that are sparking from the rubber hood with a black-down paint-like mask and to cover them on the neck and back of the head.

Now everything was covered with the slim, tight -built girl with the black shiny paint rubber. In the face mask, only three were left through, two for the eyes and an opening for the nose, but from which only the two nostrils looked out.

So that she could not detach herself from the penalty uniform or to squeeze it up and to be completed by airtight through more often or to facilitate similar manipulations, her arms were strapped together on her back with strong straps from the hand ankles to the elbows. So she was finished and had to stay in this presentation for 24 hours. We visited them again later when we came back from the Loornberg siblings, which had been captivated in the high -quality hall.

The larger of the two sisters was clamped into the screw machine.

The hands had been dragged up to the completely naked tight wife and in this embarrassing location with handcuffs attached to a crossbar. The ankles in iron cuffs were pulled far apart, the body was widely horned by a metal tire from which one had screwed metal straps from front to back, which were just as wide as the body strap. Around every breast, wide metal straps were placed on the base of the breasts and they were drawn together that the front part of the breasts developed strongly from the iron bond.

Her metal straps had also been placed at the top of the thigh and pressed them together, and the supervisor, Ms. 5. , It tried to shed the bottom with the dog whip, that her mouth, which covers with an iron plate and screwed into an iron ball peppered with iron spikes.

The small, tender Sister They had placed on an iron plate, screwed her head into a metal capsule and this cover at the upper end of the iron plate on which it was lay with chains.

The legs stuck on the knees in iron covers with chains, they pulled the legs after the Fuj3 part of the iron bed. The body was pressed into an iron corset to the breasts, the screws of which were increasingly screwed together. On each of the breasts there was a kind of iron basket that ended in sharp tips at the bottom and freezing deep into the meat around the breasts. From the pierced nipples, thin chains went to the highest elevation of the baskets, and since these chains had been tightened, the breasts were pulled quite long and captured in this position.

Here, too, the chains were often shortened to stretch the breasts even more.

From the foot part of the iron lounger, an adjustable pipe went after the middle of the body between the legs of the screwed -in, which had a seat at its upper edge, a seat in the type of a small bicycle saddle. And this iron saddle, which was provided with magnificent long iron tips, the tied tightness was pressed in between the spread legs by means of a long screw.

We too used the tortured to make the location even more painful by turning the nipples on the leg screws, then screwing the step even more sharply with the tips of the iron on the saddle. Then we went back to her sister to make her intimate tightening. Then we went to the lady from M.

and visited them in the rubber native uniform. We no longer stayed with her because I wanted Gina to experience electrical treatment once, and afterwards I wanted to leave Brigitte here for the night, a night that should remain unforgettable to her.

So we went into the electrical cabinet and released that Gina was completely undressed and put on the treatment chair. Here I strapped her so tight that she couldn’t stir a member anymore. I took the cabinet from the electrical vibrator to be seen here, then put a thick piston out of foam rubber and pulled over a special-present manner from a very thin rubber, which went over the handy apparatus due to its very special length and only ended at the handleAn electrically rotating thin hard rubber tab, which was provided with strong nodules all around, I really made our anxious, but also expectant Gina, when I introduced the staff to her snail until it had become completely moist.

Now I took the electrically prepared vibrator, and in order to know its effect, I first pushed it in with myself by highlighting my skirts with the other hand.

A pressure on the starter and protruding this cheeky journeyman to move in me, tremble and shake, and I was right away and so excited that I would have loved to do it myself right away.

But I wanted to push this out, and so I pulled out the brush, as he was called here, let him try Brigitte, and while Gina was waiting for the visit with a twitching ore.Brigitte the guy, which had a very nice length and a considerable extent, to absorb. Only when I whispered in her ear: “You go home immediately if you don’t follow,” she made her lower body push forward and hold onto it well when the rubber hing on her honey gate and drove up and down.

Then he was a jerk and inside, and he was already beginning to buzzing, twitching, vibrating, and our Brigittchen also made pretty rhythmic movements. After a while she was completely stunned when I just pulled out the lust and took away while she was itchy grotto Dalag. Because now the impatient Gina should only get the rubber hinge.

He was in the slippery palace, and then I let him work electrically and slowly pushed the trembling satisfactory back and forth.

When I realized that Gina asked for more and quickly came up with the climax, I tore him out of his wet dwelling and with a jerk I pushed the over and over slimy guy into the somewhat lower hole and let him continue working here and his massage continuedcarry out. A member of the club had meanwhile come to us and had observed our actions. The lady gave us the advice to connect Gina’s nipples to the electrical current, and soon afterwards there was a jagged bracket on every nipple, and switching on the current caused a strong shock of her tortured body.

Every nerve trembled and trembled in him. I changed the whereabouts of the rubber hungry, and the first twitch was made again, and then it was flooded and a whitish juice quoll from Gina’s pleasure grotto.

In order to renew the effect, I cleaned Gina’s nest, and then she was allowed to absorb the rubber hing again, and while I increased the current on its high -standing, squeezed nipples, I let the vibrator run on the highest tours, and alreadySoon Gi-Na closed her delighted eyes, and immediately after that, the highest delight started with her.

The club’s newly climbed lady told us an exciting story of a gentleman who had been treated here and I pushed the rubber core in Brigittchen Vötz -chen and, depending on how the story of our member, caused me faster or more slowlyfidget and shake. Last week, the lady told us, there was something going on here. I hadn’t experienced anything like that yet. One of our female members, a very strict mistress Her husband brought her gentleman with and also her friend, a doctor.

Because it should be on yours slaves a small operation are carried out.

The lady and her girlfriend had the idea of performing this operation and strict treatment at the same time. They put the man in a heavy forced jacket made of black, matt leather, which reached below the hip and enclosed the neck up and closely. The sleeves sewn at the front ended in strong straps. At the back the jacket was tightly pulled together.

The arms were wrapped in the sleeves and placed on the back, so that the hands pressed in the leather lay on the top of the shoulder blades, and then the strap of the right sleeve was placed over the left shoulder and the strap of the left arm was placed over the right shoulder.

The straps then went crossed to the larynx on the chest, were strapped together in the back over the crashed hands. The man wore a short, leather, firmly adjacent trousers, which, however, left the genitals completely free in the front in one passage. He had shoes with extremely high heels. It was immediately apparent in his willingness and devotion that he had fallen for the Algolagnie and certainly had his bright joy in the rituals and preparations.

And yet you had quite cruel with him.

It was placed on our men’s saddle, a pretty iron bicycle saddle, which was bent high at the front and had a passage through which the genitals came through. The saddle is screwed on the two upright legs so high that the ring aspirant lost the floor under the feet with heavily spread legs. The legs and thighs were strapped to the legs of the apparatus, put a jumping gag in the mouth that paralyzed the tongue, and in this perfect helplessness and forced silence, pierced his glans and pulled him a ring of stainless steel through thisHole in his tail.

The testicles had been dragged back with a ripe, and his spear, who hadn’t fully stiffened – probably of fear – put it in a metal trough. A pencil -sized rod was squeezed into the urinary opening.

Two sharply -pinched brackets were placed on the cut hooks, and then the electrical current was switched on. Due to the penetrating stream on the one hand, through the brackets on the testicles and the rod in the urethra on the other hand, the whole sex apparatus shrugged and became tall and rigid like a stake.

The women were pleased to switch off the electricity and thus activate the certainly very embarrassing feelings of the prisoner. He tore his eyes wide, twitching his lips, his head flabbed forward and back again, and his mistress didn’t like it at all. She took a leather cover in a bag shape and put it over the head to the operator to operate.

So his facial features could no longer be seen, and he no longer disturbed his mistress with the nod of the head, because a ring that was riveted at the top of the leather headcover and hung on the elevator pulled the patient up strongly and kept him in thisposition.

The patient was able to breathe through a few holes on the side of this leather mask. His mistress and the doctor laughed at the helplessness of her victim, and when his beet was brought back electrically, they screwed two metal plates at the front of the glans, and through the openings of this plate the doctor slowly pulled him a big needle, then breastfeedingBleeding and then put a ring of about 3 cm diameter in the opening.

With a special pliers she closed this ring, which was later welded together. Electrization by the urethral pencil and the askesering provided the proof that the rigidity still worked perfectly. Then a rather bloodless operation was made by completely separating his foreskin on the pint with the knife, so that the glans could no longer be covered.

” -” Why was this man so horny?”” I want to tell you that.

He was supposed to live completely abstinently for four weeks during the absence of his mistress, and to prevent any possibility of breaking up the breakthrough of this commandment, after all healed, he was put on an iron pre -Servative with pretty fine spines inside over his limb and lock to the ringwho looked out something in front, a pretty nice castle. And so it was no longer a danger that the patient or another person could even do the slightest thing about his tail.

I find this idea of closing lustful men extremely effective. So they all have to be closed. Brigitte had come twice during this story, and it was high time that the stored and stored and stored one now came to me, and I stuck the pleasing rubber hinge between my legs, and when the lady described the investigation of the chastity belt once accuratelyThe first waves about me, but I sacrificed twice.

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