The black whore fucked | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The first thing I realized the following morning when I woke up was that I couldn’t move. Sure, I was still tied up. My arms, mine Legs And my back hurt because I had slept all night in this wide -spread position. Mine as well …

Burned – the mass use from the previous day had sore my labia and my clit. And afterwards Leroy had fucked me an eternity, hard and as brutal as his predecessors!I had to smile when the memory of the past day came to me. Then I looked around. Leroy wasn’t there.

I called him, but there was no answer. But he had to be in my apartment because I could hear noise from the kitchen. Finally I heard steps mine bedroom approached. The door opened and Leroy came in.“Good morning, you white bitch slave!“Leroy greeted me and I smiled at him:“ Good morning, Leroy!”” Listen to me well, you dirty bash slave! From now on I am no longer just leroy for you! Clear? From now on you call me “Leroy, my owner”, you understood dirty sow? You wanted my white ..

and be a slave, or did you think about it differently?”” No, Leroy … I mean no, Leroy, my owner.“I replied and had to swallow.”Good Excellent! And you yourself are no longer Yasmin or Yessi! From now on I call you dirty white bitch slave. And you no longer say “I”, but you also call yourself in my presence, or when you talk to other blacks, that’s clear?“Again I had to swallow. Leroy went mine enslavement yes, quite nice! I am willing.“Yes, Leroy, my owner!“I replied and felt how my heartbeat increased.

It gave me tremendously how Leroy humiliated me.”In order.“, He said and grinned at me. Then he came up to my bed and first loosened the knitting on my legs, then on my arms. I stretched out and rubbed the reddened joints on which the rough knits had rubbed my skin a bit. Then I swung my legs over one bed edge and wanted to get up, but my feet were like deaf.

Totally insensitive! I had spent all night in the extremely high boots. My ankles hurt, because such a pemanent wearing of such high heels were simply not used to. I wanted to bend down to take them out, but Leroy hit my hands away.“Least boots! That looks horny.“, He hissed.“But, … but I can’t go that! My feet are like deaf.“, I said a little frightened, but Leroy just laughed out loud so that his white teeth were bared.“You don’t need that for the time being, you will crawl through the apartment on your hands and knees!“, Then he noticed that I had not adhered to his instructions that had just been given and had only called myself“ I ”.“You stupid bitch, what did I tell you how you call yourself, hää?“, He drove me on.

Then he touched me on the chin and raised my head so that I could see him directly in his eyes. It flinched like a flash. Damn, I just haven’t got used to calling myself that way. I quickly wanted to make my mistake well again!“Sorry Leroy, my owner! I wanted to say: I dirty white bash slave can’t go like that! My feet are like deaf.”” You just say “I”! Damn, you may be a stupid sow! say that! Come on!“, He asked me.I swallowed my heart hit me to my neck.

Then I looked into his eyes firmly and said: “I was dirty white coil slave am a stupid sow!“” What is your name with a full name, bash slave?”, He asked me and I replied:” Yaemin ,,,, “. Leroy nodded.“Well, then say now: I, Yasmin ,,,,, I am a stupid sow! This time you can only say “I”.”” I, Yasmin, am a stupid sow!“, I said loudly and clearly.Leroy grinned at me, then he said: “Maybe you will notice it that way. Still your brew head and now ask me that I hit you in the face! You want to be beaten by me, or?“I nodded, then I summarized my courage and said:“ Yes! Please, Leroy, my owner, I want dirty white bash slave.“Then I closed my eyes.Gaporative – gossip – gossip – gossip!From left to right and from right to left, Leroy pulled his muscular black hand over my car that my head was thrown to the side.When I opened my eyes and looked at him with burning cheeks, Leroy pulled up and spat in the middle of the face. Then he deteriorates his spit.“Drecksau! My dirty white bash slave likes that, what? That makes you horny! You want that, or?“He asked me and I blinked him.“Yes, that makes me dirty white bash slave horny! I want that dirty white bitch slave!“, I answered him as he asked me and this time my words came to me without thinking about my lips – I got used to my new self -designation!”Very good! And now knees down.“I sank on my knees in front of him and Leroy grabbed my arms and pulled her behind my back.

“Stay the way you are.“He said, then he leaned over the bed and took one of the rough knits with which I had been tied to bed. So that he tied my wrists together behind my back, not so tight that they hurt, but firm enough that I couldn’t free my hands. He checked the knot with a short look, then he straightened up and went to the door he opened wide.“Now come, the breakfast is ready!“, He called and I followed his knees sliding down to his knees. It wasn’t that easy and after a few meters they hurt me.

But what was that compared to the humiliation, which it meant for me in my own apartment with bound arms behind a black drug dealer on my knees? I felt my excitement grow!My apartment has never appeared so big! The path from the bedroom to my kitchen seemed like an eternity. But finally we reached it and Leroy sat on one the armchair, who stood in front of the kitchen table. I also wanted to sit on an armchair, but my feet were still quite deaf, although the condition was slowly improved. But I couldn’t get up with tied hands and the extremely high pencils.

I kept falling back. I looked up at Leroy. He made me in gyraw.“Probably not what? Then you will have to kneel!“He said, before lying over the table and taking a piece of bread into which he bits hungry. Only now did I realize how hungry I was myself! But Leroy didn’t care about me.

Again and again he bites heartily into a piece of bread that he chewed out loudly. After a while he looked down at me.”Hunger?“He asked me and when I answered his question, he said as he lit up his fingers:“ Ocise your mouth wide, bitch open! And head back!“Then he took a new slice of bread and gave down the sausage that was on it. He bit a big piece and started chewing for a long time and thoroughly. In the meantime I had put my head back and opened my mouth wide.

Leroy looked at me, then he leaned and let the mushy mud swell out of his mouth into my mouth. All the time we stared into our eyes and I felt how my nipples became stiff and upgraded. Then Leroy nodded me and I swallowed it down with his saliva into a porridge smuggled bread. Leroy bit a new piece and again chewed it around before he let it fall into my mouth as before.

Again I swallowed, again he chewed a new bite and salvaged it thoroughly before spitting it into my mouth.“You are so dirty, you … so dirty, so abnormal! That makes you horny, what, you piece of dirt?“Leroy asked me when he saw my stiff pierced nipples through my top sources.I nodded: “Yes, Leroy, my owner, that makes me dirty white bash slave insanely horny!“I had told it, because this new Erniedigung drove me into madness with lust. I noticed how mine … became always wetter and started tingling.

I nervously slipped back and forth on my knees. My legs opened and closed and a slight tremor went through my body. I finally wanted to be fucked by Leroy!But he just grinned and spat a new load of chewed bread in my mouth. I swallowed again.“So, you sow, you have eaten enough now!“, Leroy finally said.

Then he took a short break before he asked me lurking: “You eat, or should I say food?“I groaned, so much his question excited me! What I liked about Leroy was his way of not only reducing me, but constantly causing me to humiliate myself! So I replied to him with a tremendous voice: “No, Leroy, my owner, I face dirty white bash slave!“Leroy laughed at. Then he reacted to my nervous jerking, which I listed on my knees in front of him: “And now you want to be fucked by me, what?”” Yes, Leroy, my owner! My black god! … your dirty white bash slave! Please!“I gasped and leaned back my upper body and spread my legs as far as I could.“First you will be my black tail Sometimes bubbles, you abnormal dirt, then we continue to see!“With these words he got something from his seat and pulled his sweatpants down on which a huge bulge had already formed. His black cock jumped towards me and steeply erected.

I leaned forward and took his glans into my mouth. Since my hands were tied up, I couldn’t take them to help. I let his strap slide deeper and deeper into my mouth before he penetrated further and bored into my throat, which was still painful from the previous day. So I behaved for a few seconds before I slowly sliding him out of my mouth again.“Faster, you horny piece of negro whore! ..

Your mouth with my cock! You are a pretty young woman and make yourself the last dirty shear for black men! You pig! You horny sow!“Leroy groaned and leaned back a little. I did my best. I snapped briefly for air, then I pushed his cock back into my throat until I felt his pubic hair on my chin and my nose to pull my head back immediately until I only had his glans in my mouth. On and down my head now drove on his cock, which was incredibly hard.“Yeah, Jaaaa, you horny sow! ..

you with my cock! … your dirty mules, Jessica, you dirty shear!“Leroy called and only did more on me. His upper body turned back, then he flinched together. He groaned.

I concentrated on it myself with his cock in my mouth … mucus ran out of my mouth and dripped onto my kitchen floor and glued his frizzy pub. My movements were getting faster and faster when my whole mouth was a single slippery cavity and his cock in my throat and slid in my throat. Then he suddenly pushed me away from his cock and took me on my shoulders.

He threw me back with a strong push so that I fell on my back. In doing so, my head hit the ground quite roughly. Leroy jumped up. I tore my legs apart, as far as I could.

Finally he would … I already felt his cock tip against my pierced … press. He fled in effortlessly and with a single jerk he drilled his entire cock to my gossip wet until the stop ..

His upper body sank to my own and his face approached mine. I tore up my mouth and immediately leroy drilled his tongue in. His big lips pressed themselves on the mine, our tongues are excited – hard, demanding and full of horny excitement. With violent, hard bumps, Leroy hammered his cock deep into my starved ..

I wrapped my legs around him and strengthened his bumps with strong, jerky movements. Every time his cock tip bumped into my uterus, but I loved this stinging pain – he showed me how deeply he entered me, how much he filled me! I gasped, I groaned, I screamed: … me! … me! ..

Your dirty white coil slave!“Leroy couldn’t stand it for a long time. Me neither! We came at the same time. With a last extremely hard push, he penetrated me up to the eggs, then he chased me sperm In my uterus. I felt how Leroy’s body became more and more difficult.

He stayed inside me briefly, then he pulled back panting. I stayed lying and didn’t move.Leroy got up and looked at his work. From my … I felt part of his huge load swell out and about my ..

channels before the sticky liquid landed on the ground.*************** about the rest of this day there is actually not much to tell. Leroy took me mine Tie up off and started to get his things. Without we had taught it big, it was clear to us that he would move in with me. When Leroy had gone, I put a joint and drank a few glasses of vodka.

That was good! Then I took off my boots. When I put my feet extremely stretched out for hours, my ligaments stabbed me. But after a few minutes I had stretched her again so that I could occur normally. Then I went to the bathroom to make myself away and thoroughly to have a shower.

My whole body was still dirty by the dirty mattress, I stank of sweat and sperm stuck on me everywhere. Finally I felt clean again and like new born! Again I started to put on make -up and again I did more than extensive. Then I put on my high -heeled boots from the previous day, otherwise I stayed naked, as I had ordered Leroy before he had left. Since Leroy was still not back, I started cleaning up something.A few hours later he came and I was amazed at how little he had just.

He had come with a taxi and only brought four large boxes and two suitcases with a robe. Already in the door he told me that the taxi driver was a blacker and I should pay him – in my way. Well, I paid for his journey. First I blew the tail hard, then I was fucked in my living room and also this black one, which was probably around fifty, because he already had gray temples, sprayed his sperm into my ..

At first he had asked for a rubber, but Leroy told him that I was a perverse dirt sow that could be injected. The unknown asked me incredulously whether that was true and I replied: “Yes, I was dirty white bash slave a dirt sow that you can still tip!“At the moment his cock had erected!We spent the rest of the day in front of the television. That means Leroy looked away while I kept bringing drinks, massaging his feet and blewing his cock. Leroy insisted that I had to do everything on my knees.

In between, Leroy allowed me to take a break so that I could smoke a few joints and drink a few glasses of vodka. Somehow he seemed to like the thought of making me a permanent and alcohol -dependent slut whore. It also excited me when I imagined that, if I continued, I would not go to an alcoholic in too much further.We took dinner like the breakfast: Leroy ate first, then he chewed my food and spat it into my mouth while I knelt on his feet. Then he turned me some joints that I had to smoke in front of him.

He gave me three glasses of Vodka in a row and I had to drink them on ex. Then Leroy brought me so fogged and high in my bed, where he captivated me as it was last night, but this time with his face down on my stomach. When I lay on the bed so defenseless in front of him, he spat on my ass several times, only drilled one or two, then three fingers before he fucked me in my intestine that I could only squeak, he took so brutallyme. When he pumped his cum into my ass, he got up, got dressed and let me be used as I was.

Then he told me that he would have to get rid of his fabric, but he would be back in time to free me from my bonds tomorrow. He asked me about the apartment keys and I told him where he could find them. Shortly afterwards I heard the entrance door falling into the castle. I was alone.It took a long time to finally fall asleep.

My thoughts came and went, I went through the day again in the spirit. A deep inner satisfaction grew in me and took possession of me. I finally found what I was looking for and asked so much without knowing exactly. But now I had finally recognized my true destination thanks to Leroy and could live it too! Thanks Leroy, thanks, my big, black owner!*********** the next morning Leroy woke me up as promised.

He was in a good mood! Apparently he had brought quite a lot of fabric to the man or to the woman.He tied me and we fell like the day before, I on my knees while leroy fed me by spitting my meal into my mouth. He told me that we would go shopping because he wanted to buy some things for me. Therefore I shouldn’t forget my credit card.Then after I blown his cock, I was allowed to go to the bathroom and get ready. Today was Monday and like most hairdressers, so I also had free today.

I showered myself, then I put on make -up again as brightly and smettily as the last few days. I put on a great mini skirt again, a belly -navel -free top that hardly covered my tits and my ultra -high boots with the pencils that I laced back and tightly. Of course I left out any underwear! Leroy grunted when he saw me. Then we started.The first way led us to a sex shop where Leroy bought butt plugs in different sizes for my money.

To do this, he took several tubes of anal sliding gel. He also bought new latex minis and tops, like a few ballet heels, that I hadn’t known before. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw what he got to me to try on! They weren’t any more throat shoes!The heel was probably at least 18cm high and the foot part had no surface on which you could stand with your toes, but went down without making a kink! They were probably intended as “punitive shoes” because they could be locked with small padlocks. When I tried out these extreme shoes, I stood on my tips of the toe and fluctuated helplessly, so that Leroy had to hold me so that I didn’t tip over.


“We take them!“, Said Leroy satisfied and when he saw my horrified look, he explained to me:“ From now on you will always wear them at home! This is just a matter of practice!“We bought a few more hand and foot clamps, as well as metal cuffs for hands and feet that were lockable with a lock and welded a metal ring each, which was thick enough to attach large rope and ropes to it.

A similar metal collar was added, as was a strong coarse -broken chain with a carabiner hook and several whips that Leroy whistled through the air several times. My excitement grew constantly when I saw what he was interested in! And all of this would soon be tried out on me! I could hardly expect it anymore!Next we went to an animal action where Leroy acquired a big dog teacpf. Finally, we made a jump in the supermarket on the way home, where Leroy bought a number of doses of dog food. When I saw that, I thought I was hearing my heart lawn.

My pierced nipples pressed against the tight top and I felt mine … wet and slippery! Was it possible that I could let myself be humiliated so much? But everything in me shouted “Yes, yes, yes”!

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