Taboo night duty | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

So my dear friends, here is the horny Sven again and today you will experience what I was able to experience last week. As is already known, I have been working in a doctor’s office for some time and because my boss also has emergency services at night, he now wanted to have a night shift taken over. I had pushed him on it, because there was more money at night and that much wasn’t going on there either.

So I was allowed to do my first night shift, so to speak as an emergency service. People can come to us in the practice that I then have to treat, but it may also be that someone calls and then with the automobile drive to the patient. My boss had instructed me, my girlfriend knew and so I made myself a quiet evening at first. Only 2 patients came to my practice until 10:00 p.m.

Around 00:50 in the morning it had become so quiet that I could lie down a little, the emergency phone was right next to my couch. So I get out of my clothes and into the warm bed. I couldn’t sleep anyway, because on this couch I was never too naked in front of the naked and never before naked alone in practice. I then got a stand, sat up and started to plan one slowly and enjoyable.

And as I was so beautiful about it, the ringing of the emergency phone tore me out of bed. I went straight away and a lady came up at the other end, who seemed totally dissolved. Her husband had severe complaints, he was sacked together and she didn’t know what to do. First of all, I calmed this woman, very naked with a listener in my hand and a pipe between my legs, hooked and asked about all kinds of symptoms.

Then I let the name, the phone number and the address give myself and stated that it was right away, because it wasn’t that far away. I was able to calm the woman a little and I asked her to do the man Legs To put up and talk to him well. Then I put on, jumped up, still jumped up with stands, squeezed me into my tight pants and in my shirt, into my shoes, the phone to a colleague in the next practice, I took the key and my bag and ran outthe practice to the car.

The journey was short and rapid and only when I had arrived at the address, a lot to me. I had completely forgotten to put on my underpants in the hurry, was naked in tight work trousers. But since my spanking had calmed down, it shouldn’t be annoying, even if you could see the shape of my limb a little. I parked directly on the sidewalk, put the “drug in action” on the windshield, grabbed my bag and ran to the entrance to the house.

After the ringing, I was opened, I was high for 2 floors and into a very chic 4-room apartment. Nice that the woman left the door open to me and so I was already in Living room and saw the man who had his legs up, as it was before and then his wife. The man was probably around 60 years old, the woman rather around the mid -40s.

Then I introduced myself and took over the medical action. The wife got up and watched standing, later she sat on the side of her husband. While I was supplying the Lord, it wasn’t that bad, I also looked at the woman closer and I have to say, a great woman, a really hot sweeper. A lot of my pretty clothes, her skirt and when it had slipped a little higher, I even saw holy stockings.

That turned me on and I really had to try not to get a stand right away. At such a hot sight, of course, I was hoping at some point, but believed that I can experience something like that, I doubted something like that. So I treated her husband, first gave him a drip and later, after measuring blood pressure again and struck him, a calming and sleeping pills. Then I brought him into the bedroom After next door and he immediately slumbered and unnecessary.

His wife and I then went back into the living room, where I was still allowed to sit down to pack my things together and I explained to her that everything was not so bad and she should just go to the family doctor the next day. Until then, her husband would be okay again. Then she sat there very relieved and looked at me so incredibly dearly. Yes, she was really pretty, these beautiful long legs and I saw again the approach of her owner -free stockings, which now led to a stand in my pants, even though I tried to defend myself against it.

We then sat there for a good 10 minutes and chatted with each other, I couldn’t let my eyes from her sweet face and this long legs, while more and more often staring directly at the clear bump in my pants. Then it happened and she absolutely wanted to thank me for the quick, nightly use. Just how, she didn’t know that. So I thought to myself, I was going to it now, after all, she had bothered me in practice.

So I looked at her very nicely and said to her: “You know, Ms. Tischler when you called me earlier, I was just naked Jerk off. Of course I had to interrupt this and now, thanks to their great, long legs and the keeper stockings, I have another latte. Would you might think of any kind of “gratitude” ?“At first it was quiet, she ran a little red on her face, then smiled over to me and said:“ So far I was always loyal to my husband, but somehow I would also like to do it now and here, here, with them.

It is something special if we would do it now because it would be my first time And besides, my husband would even be at home, even if he didn’t notice anything. “I asked her to think about it in peace and quiet and maybe get a glass of water for myself. She got up and flushed me up really hotly. And now I also saw this crispy ass, in which narrow, knee -length skirt afterwards.

When she came back, I had already opened my pants and released my lout. At first she remained motionless in the door and stared at me and my spanking, which I left so horny out of my pants. Then she came closer without saying anything and handed me the glass. At first nothing happened, she just stood there and looked at my latte until she decided and said: “But please be very careful, I hadn’t had sex for a long time !“Now things really got down to business and always thought that her husband slept next door.

I was allowed to pull my pants completely and she immediately got over my stand. She touched and stroked the hard latte very carefully before it got more violent and the dams broke with her. Then she started to work on my device passionately. It was quite possible that she hadn’t for a long time tail Holded more, but she had practice in it. She stroked and wanked my noodle, licked on my plump glans and then started to blow one really cool.

In the meantime, I started opening her skirt and roaming her from the ass and thighs. Horny, she was wearing really keeper stockings and a tiny string tanga. What a hot crack butcher I would not have thought. Shortly afterwards the panties flutes and I started to stroke her cunt and finger her. The game ran until she wanted it and said to me: “But Doctor, that really has to stay among two, my husband must not know that.

“I gave her my word and she then sat on me and my crossbar, which really horny into her tight column a urge. Then she was treated by me, in the truest sense of the word. And she also got a lot going on, with this wonderful fuck. She was not afraid of inhibitions, let me be controlled, the thighs and ass fuses and began to moan really cool and violently.

With each of my jerk -like bumps, a loud juchzer came from her and her horny cracked butt crashed against my pelvis. My God, had it necessary and somehow I too. It was fucked, whispered and moaned that the walls wobbled and that one or the other neighbor was wondering how the old one can still do it so violently with his wife, because that the woman was just fucked was unmistakable. Then we also changed the position because she wanted it even more violent, I should penetrate it even deeper into her.

As is well known, this works best and it was immediately fire and flame for this treatment method. And in this position I have it in the 7. or even 8. Heaven fucked. I didn’t care that she had not pulled out her top and kept her breasts covered, but the fuck itself, he had really paid off, because it could have gone very differently. I could have flyed out right away after I told her to bother me.

So I have Ms. Tischler between 01:30 and 02:00 that day, or. Night really fucked through and that, even though the door to the bedroom was open to the bedroom and her husband slumbered in it. After several minutes incredibly violent fuck it came to me and she really wanted to experience what I could offer. Spraying was out of the question for me anyway, I wanted to chase it in her face anyway and then she went into position.

I planed my hard rod right in front of her face and then I shot off. She got a lot of my cream in the face. Nevertheless, afterwards she was ready to lick my noodle clean and to suck the rest of the seeds. After that she even took a photo as a small piece of evidence. But you can only see Ms. Tischler’s face that is so beautifully waxed and my stiff cock that she holds onto.

Now it was time for me to go again, I got dressed and left Ms. Tischler with her husband. She was still accompanied by, below without, to the apartment door and waved me back brightly. The next day she called us again in practice and thanked for my commitment. Her husband is doing really well again and that was happy to do my boss too. I’m curious to see if she reports again at night when I have an emergency service.

I would do it again. I would like to really fuck her, right next to her sleeping husband.

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