Pharma part 1 | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Lars Müller works as a pharmaceutical employee at a pharmaceutical company in Cologne. There he works on researching pharmaceuticals. Already during his studies he had worked at the company and discovered an abnormality on an Alzheimer medication. The drug apparently prevented the information from short -term memory into long -term memory.

He announced his discovery shortly before the end of his studies and was firmly employed after completing his studies. The combination was of no use as an Alzheimer means, but it should be developed further to serve other possible purposes. For example accident victims or victims of crimes. After 3 years the medication was finished.

In animal experiments it worked without errors. Now the test came to volunteers. The first tests were very promising. After taking it, the test subjects had memory gaps of up to 36 h.

Lars had been married for 2 years and was actually satisfied with his wife.

Unfortunately, she only allowed him simple sex games. He would have liked to have an anal or oral sex. By chance he learned one of the probants after taking the agent could no longer remember whether and with whom she had fucked the evening before. Only a few traces on her vagina suggested.

However, since she was only with the other subjects, only one of them came into question and this would not be able to remember either. This read a daring plan in Lars. He would finally use his wife the next Saturday as he wanted. Afterwards she would get the medication and forget everything.

He carefully prepared his plan. He bought handcuffs and a gag ball.

Saturday morning on Saturday morning Lars became awake in front of his wife. He took the prepared handcuffs out of the drawer and pulled his wife’s arms together with a jerk on his back. “Hey”, his wife screamed frightened.

But then she already had the gag ball between her teeth. Lars closed the tapes behind her head. Jana became awake as if someone felt her hands on her back tied together. But before she could say something, she had a ball in her mouth that she couldn’t spit out.

She looked at her husband without understanding and surprised. What should that. “Good morning Jana. As you can see, you are pretty defenseless at the moment.

It will stay that way for a while today. I will do all the things with you today that you never allowed me.“Jana tried to fight back and forbid him to do something like this, but only incomprehensible from her mouth.

The first thing Lars was on her nightgown. Since she didn’t wear a slip, it was practically naked. Just because she was helpless in front of him Lars was already awesome.

He now reached her breasts and pulled and pressed on them. Jana hurt and she tried to turn away. But Lars just sat on her and so she had no chance to escape. She didn’t understand what had driven in him.

He would experience something if he had freed her again. After showing her who had said, he was turning her on his stomach. Seconds later, Jana felt how he pushed his finger into her anus. That hurt and she tried to prevent him, but was not able to do so.

Now she knew what he wanted. She had never allowed him to take her anal. Now she would hardly be able to prevent it. However, she was mainly afraid that it would hurt to allow him to take it this way.

Lars felt that he hurt her.

But he didn’t care, she wouldn’t know it tomorrow. He now took some petroleum jelly and made her anus common with it. Then finally he put his tail and pushed him into her ass. Jana reared up shouting.

It hurt quite a bit. Her much too narrow anus was brutally stretched. Lars also felt the strong resistance of her sphincter. However, he was so horny that he continued immediately despite his own pain.

Jana started crying. She had never expected that he would brutally overlook her feelings. She was so angry that she thought about being shredded. The longer she lars in the anus fucked the pain more.

Apparently an anal fuck was possible without pain, Jana stated. On the contrary. Actually, she liked the feeling of warm cock in her ass. Nevertheless, she felt raped.

Lars, on the other hand, splashed his juice into the intestine.

“That was good. And you survived it too, ”he said. “If you are good now and don’t defend yourself, I’ll remove your gag ball now. Are you peaceful now and do what I say?“Jana shook his head vigorously.

That would fit him that way. “Well, then not. Now come to the bathroom.“Jana followed him. “Lay in the tub.“Jana obeyed and Lars stood next to the tub.

He took his cock in his hand and started piss. He steered the beam on her breasts and cunt. “Not”, Jana wanted to scream and tried to turn away. That was so humiliating.

When Lars was finished he said: “Have you now understood that you are my slave today.“Slowly Jana got to do with fear. So she had never experienced Lars. Lars looked at Jana’s gaze that she gave way to.

“Should I remove the gag ball now,” he asked again. Jana nodded.

She wanted to be able to talk to him. Lars removed the gag ball and Jana took a deep breath. “Why are you doing this to me,” she asked strangely calmly. “I’ve always wanted to use you without taking into account.

Now I have the opportunity to do so.”” And how long do you want to use me “, it found it difficult to pronounce the word. “Maximum until tonight. Then you get a medication and you will not remember anything anymore.“So Lars was so different. He could erase her memory and she would not know what happened.

That was totally perverted. On the other hand, it would be easier for her to obey him. “May I shower myself?”” No I’ll do that, “said Lars. He cleaned his wife thoroughly.

Then he helped her out of the tub and dried her off. Then he led her to the kitchen. He put her on a chair and made breakfast.

After he had set his place, he said: “You will now crawl under the table and while I break my cock breakfast. If you do it well, you will also get something to eat and drink.” “I can not do that.

I’m disgusted with it, ”said Jana. “Would you prefer to be back into the tub and to be pissed off,” asked Lars? Jana saw that this would be even worse. So she overcondles herself and knelt under the table. She hesitantly put his stiff cock in her mouth.

She was surprised that he had so little taste. With her tongue she now worked on his glans. Lars was getting hotter. He soon forgot to have breakfast and gave himself his lust.

He now took her head between his hands and pushed his cock as deep as it went into her mouth. Jana had trouble having to hand over. He moved her head back in front of us and started fucking her in his mouth. Jana felt totally used.

She just hoped that it would come soon. That happened soon. She suddenly felt his hot seed in her throat. She tried to turn a sywish path, but Lars captured her head relentlessly.

“Snuck everything nicely,” he ordered.

Jana forced to do so. The seed tasted slightly salty but not really bad. Lars let her go and gave her something to eat and drink.

However, she was not allowed to get up. Lars was satisfied enough for the moment.
After breakfast they went back to the bedroom. Jana had to lie down on the bed and Lars Band spread her feet with leather straps spread to the bed post. Then he opened her handcuffs and tied her hands on the upper bed post.

Jana didn’t try to defend herself when he opened her handcuffs. Lars was much stronger and she had no chance with tied legs anyway. “Please Lars you can’t stop. You had your fun.

You love me.”” Sure I love you. So I make sure that you don’t know anything tomorrow and I can still live out my wishes.“Jana overcame herself to a extensive offer. “If I now promise you that you can also take me anal and orally later, you will then bind me?“Lars considered a moment. That was a great offer.

But he would be reluctant to stop now. However, he would only be able to use it until evening and an offer would last longer.

“I suggest a compromise. I will play a little with your cunt now and let yourself be free afterwards. Then you can decide whether you want the medication.“Jana nodded in agreement.

That was a fair offer. Lars took now vibrator and switched it on. With him he now stroked Jana’s column. Now that Jana knew nothing bad would happen to her.

She felt the vibrator excited her. Lars saw how his wife’s cunt became damp. So he could soon penetrate her cunt with the vibrator and irritate her clit. “Oh that’s nice,” moaned Jana.

It didn’t bother her that she was tied. On the contrary, it was exciting not being able to move. Soon Lars began to fuck her with the vibrator. “Oh that’s cool,” moaned Jana.

She was about to pull out the vibrator just before an orgasm as Lars and lay down on her. “Yes come me fuck,” moaned Jana. Lars started fucking her with hard bumps. “Oh yes, I come,” moaned Jana.

She had never experienced such a violent orgasm. Lars had such an endurance that she even got a 2, Orgamus before Lars finally splashed. Shortly afterwards he tied Jana and kissed her. “That was great,” purred Jana.

In the meantime, she didn’t care that he had abused her. “So you don’t want the medication,” Lars asked for security. “No. Apparently my previously inhibitions had been drawn and only your deeds made me aware of what was possible during sex, ”said Jana.

This attitude should be confirmed in the next few weeks. Your sex life was more great than ever before.

The cousinjana had a 16-year-old cousin. Kirsten lived near Munich in a village and asked her whether she could visit for a weekend. Lars and Jana had approved immediately and so Kamkirsten on a Friday Afternoon.

Jana and Lars looked in astonishment. Kirsten had developed great since her last meeting of 5 years ago. She now had a very big breast. “Hello Kirsten.

Nice that you are there, ”she greeted Jana. After greeting each other extensively, they drank coffee together. Kirsten wanted to come back to a skirt concert in the arena in the evening and only at night. So Lars and Jana had little inhibitions to go to bed in the evening and to fuck.
While Lars just fucked her violently, Jana discovered the Kirsten in the door and watched her.

At first she didn’t say and acted as if she hadn’t seen Kirsten. Kirsten her watched her horny. She whispered Lars what she saw and asked him to stay calm. Lars also enjoyed the feeling of being observed.

Kirsten had a key and came home immediately after the end of the moderate concert. When she saw that the bedroom door was not too. It was so cool because she pushed a hand into her jeans and massaged her cunt. “Do you want to fuck her,” Jana Lars whispered in the ear.

Lars thought at first he had interrogated, but at Jana’s questioning look he saw that she was serious. The thought to fuck Kirsten was awesome. “Yes gladly. But how should we do that, ”he whispered back.

“Lake me do me.“The thought of the following read Lies and Jana soon.

Before Kirsten could disappear, Jana now looked at her openly and said: “Kirst come here.“Kirsten frightened when Jana spoke to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to watch you, ”she stammered. “Come here,” said Jana.

Kirsten pulled her hand out of her pants and now entered the bedroom. “It wasn’t really that you were excited. You misused our hospitality, ”said Jana. “Please forgive me.

And please don’t say mom, ”asked Kirsten Kleinlaut. She would have preferred to be sunk in the ground with shame. “Okay we forgive you and say nothing aunt Susi, if you are ready to take you off immediately and come to bed with us, ”said Jana. She always wanted to go to bed with another woman and saw her chance now.

“But that doesn’t work,” stammered Kirsten nervously.

She was still Virgo and had no sexual experiences. “Equal rights for all. You saw us naked and more and now we want to see you, ”said Jana. Kirsten shouldn’t come to think about it at all.

Kirsten began to undress hesitantly. Lars pointed a wall spot on Kirsten. She pulled out her bra and slip. Lars was immediately horny when the naked girl was seeing.

“Now continue where you stopped in the door,” ordered Jana. “I should satisfy myself in front of your eyes,” asked Kirsten horrified? “Yes you watched us during sex.“Kirstens slid to her pussy hesitantly. Actually, she didn’t want to do that, but Jana and Lars had a right to compensation. She began to caress her clitoris carefully.

Two pairs of eyes watched her curiously.

“Come here,” ordered Jana and made her place. Kirsten lay down next to Jana. Immediately began to stroke Jana chests of breasts. Kirsten Weg wailed first, but then she liked it to be caressed.

To her surprise she even became horny. Jana felt that Kirsten liked it. Slowly her fingers slid to Kirtsten pussy. She was totally wet.

As they licked their nipples, their fingers played their fingers with their clit. “Oh that’s nice,” Kirsten groaned. She had never liked it so well while stroking it herself. She didn’t bother the Lars at all.

“Oh me come,” she groaned a short time later.
“You didn’t like that. How about if you return with me, ”asked Jana? Kirsten Janas left the left nipple hesitantly. She had never thought that she would go to bed with a woman, “Leck now my pussy,” ordered Jana. “No, I don’t want that,” said Kirsten.

It was too dirty for her. Jana was pretty horny now and really wanted to be licked by Kirsten. She remembered how Lars she Anal sex “Persuaded”. “Lars can later have something of the medication for Kirsten?“Lars was surprised by his wife, Kirsten apparently wanted to force her to lick her.

“Yes, if I can do it for it*, said Lars. Kirsten wondered what the two of them were talking about. Jana now got the leather straps out of the dessert drawer. She threw Lars to one and then grabbed Kirsten’s left arm.

She tied it to the headrel of the bed with the leather strap. Lars did the same with her right arm.

“Hey what’s that supposed. I get rid of me immediately, ”Kirsten complained. But instead, their feet are also spread out on the foot part.

Kirsten tried to prevent that, but Jana and Lars were much stronger. Kirsten wondered what the two had to do with her. The two wanted to rape them? Jana crouched over Kirsten’s mouth and pressed her cunt on her mouth. “You will lick my cunt now,” she ordered.

“No. Starts me immediately. I say all of this to my parents, ”said Kirsten. Jana now got angry with Kirsten.

She jumped up. Opened her closet and took out a belt. Without hesitation, she pulled the strap over Kirsten’s breasts. “Auah”, Kirsten shocked up frightened.

That hurt pretty much. Lars saw that a red strip on Kirsten’s breasts emerged. “Remember that you could see that later. Better your cunt, ”he said excitedly.

“No Please not.

I also lick your cunt, ”said Kirsten immediately. Under no circumstances did she want to be hit on her pussy. Satisfied Jana now pressed her cunt on Kirsten’s mouth again.

Kirsten immediately started using her tongue and licking Jana’s labia.
Lars watched them enthusiastically. He had never thought that Jana could be so dominant. Kirsten noticed that Jana’s cunt didn’t taste that bad. She started licking her clit in a targeted manner.

“Yes, you do that well,” moaned Jana. Shortly before she came, she took the belt and hit Kirsten between the labia. “Auah”, Kirsten howl, the stroke was terribly hurt. .

“Yes, I come,” Jana shouted out her orgasm at the same moment. Exhausted she was now falling next to Kirsten. Jana was surprised. She had never thought that it would be so much fun to torture a woman.

“Now you get rid of me again,” asked Kirsten Kleinlaut. “No. First Lars wants to have fun. Come Lars take what you want.

From me you can fuck her too.” “No Please not. I’m still a virgin, ”Kirsten wailed. Lars was totally horny and was just about to rape it. But one defloration would you see later.

He would also have to use a condom.

“Nice. If you want to stay a virgin, I’ll just fuck you in the ass, ”he said. “But that doesn’t work at all. No penis fits in there, ”said Kirsten.

She had never heard of anal sex. “Sure it’s possible. Lars has fucked me anal several times, ”said Jana. While Lars, Kirsten Los Band, Jana captured her.

They turned them over and captivated their hands back to the head end of the bed. They pushed a thick pillow under Kirsten’s ass and then they tied their feet back to the bed. “Do not do that,” Kirsten wailed when she felt Lars lubricated her anus with a petroleum jelly. Shortly afterwards Lars put his cock on her anus and penetrated her with a firm bump.

“Auah”, Kirsten screamed up in panic. Kirstens After was even narrower than that of Jana. Lars hurt the penetration, but Kirstens an outlaw compensated him immediately. He wanted to hurt her and started to push her hard.

Kirsten had the feeling that her anus would tore torn.

She was constantly screaming and moaning. “Please stop. You take me down.“Jana knew the Lars, Kirsten woe and supported him in-which she reached to Kirstens tits and began to pull her nipples. “Auah, please don’t please that too,” complained Kirsten.

She had already been happy that the pain in her anus was a little after Jana picked up her breasts. Jana’s actions made Lars so that he Kirsten he pulled his cock out of Kirsten After and shot his juice onto her body. That was the climax in Kirsten’s humiliation. They now bang Kirsten and Jana led her to the shower.
There was all traces there.

Lars got the medication in time and filled it in a glass of water. He brought it to Kirsten and said: “You will drink that now. After that you will forget everything that has happened.“Kirsten hesitated just before she emptied the gals on a train. It couldn’t be worse.

A second later she felt how she got tired. Jana led her to her bed where she immediately fell asleep.

Jana and Lars went to their bed and talked.
“That was a great number ever. I never thought that you would be so dominant, ”said Lars. “I didn’t know that before.

If that works with Kirsten, we can do this more often. I think it’s horny to torture a woman and you also enjoy it. Then you no longer need to get it with me, ”said Jana. “You’re right.

From time to time I would also like to dominate you too. Otherwise we will choose the victims who satisfy both of us.“Satisfied they now fell asleep.

The next morning Kirsten woke up with a Brummschad. Strangely, she couldn’t remember what had happened yesterday. Strangely enough, their anus and their breasts hurt a little.

Apparently she had swallowed an ex-Tasy pill too much. She got dressed and went to Lars and Jana. “Good morning Kirsten. Well, your concert was a success, ”asked Jana? “I think so.

I can’t remember that exactly, ”she replied. She was bad that she was high. She sat down at the table and had breakfast with the two. Jana and Lars were satisfied.

The drug had passed the first test.

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