Perverse doctoral games | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Ms. Doctor ago I injured my foot, in the emergency room at that time they assured me that the foot was only sprained and more like a little voltaren and a week with a crutch was not necessary. That seemed strange to me back then, because I couldn’t run properly for almost 4 weeks, and afterwards there was always pain in his left foot. I went to the doctor at the time, he X -rayed and said that the midfoot bone had grown together.

At that point, a correction was out of the question for me, since it was not so round in the job and the doctor said that as long as I have permanent pain or impairments, the operation was not necessary either. And so I have never let it straighten so far. But since I have a few months ago to walk more to keep myself fit, the pain in the foot became my daily companion. But since they are now so bad that I can no longer continue my training, I have now decided to have the bone straightened.

I got the appointment for the operation very quickly so far, now a few days before the operation, I have to go to the hospital a few more days before the operation, because I have a final appointment with the anesthetist. So I’m knocking on the consulting room. “In” says a not unfriendly female voice. In front of me there is a rather attractive dark -haired, maybe in the middle or late thirties of typical hospital clothing blue top, blue pants. It almost looks as if she doesn’t wear anything under the shaped top – but no, in my single life I already imagine to see a much older woman Nipple under the top.

We talk about this pain in my foot and what I take “nothing” I say “I don’t like to take tablets”. The doctor’s nodes something and asks me further questions that I only answer mechanically because I stare at your breasts on your breasts. What is wrong with me? The woman is a doctor and at least 18 years older than me … Suddenly I am torn out of my thoughts when the door opens to the consulting room and a boy Sister Admission and the doctor waves to herself.

The Mrs. Doctor apologizes briefly and is up-precisely at this moment I get my suspicion confirmed, because through the V-neck of her top I can clearly see her bare breasts. Not bad, I think while the doctor talks to her subordinates. I have to do it completely with the fact that I keep my imagination in check that has just received new food. I feel very clearly that it brings little, because my cock press is increasingly against my jeans.

To distract, I try to concentrate on the conversation of the intermediate doctor and nurse, but unfortunately that is all specialist chinese. The sister may be in my early 20s, Mollig and still pretty … that unfortunately doesn’t help me either … “Please bring a mug for the Lord, for security we want to do a drug test, after all we want to experience no surprise at the operation. “”How? Drug test, I said that I don’t even take Ibus. “” Yes, but they feel a little unconcentrated and I just want to be safe.

Is this a problem?””No not at all. I just wondered. “In the meantime the sister was back and gives me a mug into my hand. “Just go through the door there, you can give the urine trial, then Sister Diana can bring him to the laboratory right away. “When I entered the bathroom, Mirschon seemed a bit strange. It didn’t look like strangers often here or. Patients go in.

Rather, it was only intended for the use of Ms. Doctor, because there were a few cosmetics and hygiene articles and in the corner there is a half full of clothes sac. But I couldn’t think about it for a long time because I had a problem. My tail Was stiff and so a urine sample was out of the question. All attempts to think of something uncomfortable were in vain, again and again the bare tits came to my mind under the doctor’s own.

Suddenly the door opens behind me, I turn down with your pants and the mug in my hand and see the Ms. Doctor with a grin on my lips stand in front of me. Her bright eyes switched between my cock and face … I could clearly see her pleasure in my eyes, apparently she enjoyed my miserable sight. “Sister Diana …” called the doctor “Yes, Mrs. Doctor?“It came from behind and immediately stood in the door.

There was also a mischievous shine in her eyes. “As you can see, it is possible for the patient to give a urine sample for the drug set. Would you be so friendly and do the alternative test?“Before I can ask what the alternative test should be, the young nurse kneels in front of me, takes my stiff cock into the mouth and starts to suck on it. At first I was so overwhelmed that my best piece was actually sleeping … “They don’t like my employee?“I looked at the doctor and found that she stood in her pants with her hand and watched the hustle and bustle between me and her subordinates closely.

That was it, my cock stood again and I enjoyed the treatment by sister Diana. Her wet tongue always drove tenderly over my tip and the look, in which there was a certain innocence and yet also infinite lust, which the young woman stuck to me from below, apparently enjoyed pampering it too. I took a look at the Ms. Doctor, who has now leaned against the sink, she also used her second hand to massage a breast under the top, while the other was still pampering her cunt.

I could see that more clearly because she had pulled her pants down a bit, which caused me a direct view of her shaved shame. It runs out … I thought to myself. In the meantime, the young woman granted her mouth a little break and began to get her hand on me. “Sister, how long should the rehearsal to be removed?“Now the doctor’s voice was heard, now much stricter than in our conversation.

“I’m trying, but the patient is not yet ready. “It came from the younger woman. “Then it is probably time that you put on your gloves. “Ordered Ms. Doctor, who continued to play around himself. I didn’t understand what the two women spoke of and I didn’t really care, I just enjoyed being spoiled and closed my eyes. Sister Diana suddenly let me go to a closet and put on white latex gloves.

Then she pulled her white sister pants down, now I could see her pink panties that was already clear at the front. She also brushed this off, she freezed her slightly hairy and shiny cunt. Her brown thighs rubbed each other when Siewieder came to me, she knelt back and took up her work with her mouth. So while she was sucking on my cock again, a treated hand wandered between her legs. “It takes too long, you are not a pleasure here, and you still have to do paperwork outside!“The voice of the Ms. Doctor now came from right next to me.

She drained from herself and now had a tube of her hand. She took the free hand of the employee and gave a transparent gel on it. Immediately my hand wandered past my hip and I felt a cold slippery finger who was looking for his way between my ass cheeks. That was something new, I’ve never had a finger in my ass. The finger bored without any omnipotration, but the feeling was not uncomfortable, especially since the chubby girl continued to suck on my dick at the front … just great.

Apparently the situation aroused the older woman as well as me, because she had now completely undressed, because it was at least 18 years older than me, she really has a really horny body, hardly hung up lush tits, not too much and not too littleMeat on the ribs and theirs pussy Also shines fresh and moist. Somee she had a silver shiny vibrator, which she used with full enthusiasm between her wet lips.

The whole situation made me so horny that I felt how everything moved in, a few more tongue slogans nurse and I would come. I now held her head with both hands because I wanted her to get everything into her mouth. Furthermore, one of her fingers massaged my asshole and then I was so far, without warning I unloaded myself by sister Diana, whose head ran more and more red because I had pressed my cock deep in her mouth and which I still held.

“Do not swallow” came the strict instruction of the anesthetist, which caused me from the young woman who ran the tears over the face, but still sucked on my slowly shrinking dick to catch every drop. “So sister Diana, what does the taste test tell you?“Asked the older woman. “The rehearsal should be clean, I think” came Esvon of the younger ones, who slightly drooled, with a mixture of mine sperm and their spit from the corner of the mouth ran. “Believe?! We cannot rely on faith, come here and let me try!“Said the doctor, who now sat on the toilet, so that her helper could run my sperm and saliva directly into the mouth of the others.

Ms. Doctor kept everything in your mouth and pushed the body fluids back and forth, as you probably do with a good wine. Meanwhile, her vibrator cheered on between her legs. The sight was so cool that my cock started to rain again. Then she swallowed my juice and said to her nurse: “Thank you, you were right, drug test is negative. You can now dress again and back to your place.

Make sure that I am not disturbed, I still have to regulate the payment with the patient. “It flashed briefly in the young woman’s eyes. Whether she was angry because she was sent so simply outside or … Wait, what does she mean by payment? Immediately my best shrank and I thought about where I ended up … The Ms. Doctor must have recognized my eyes and said: “Yes, what do you think, of course, such a test is not covered by your insurance.

“” But I … what … I … “I was absolutely speechless, which otherwise didn’t actually happen to me. In the meantime we were both alone in the bathroom when the doctor continued: “Of course I can’t take money from you, after all, I don’t sell sister Diana, that would go too far. But I think with your stamina you should still be able to pay guilt today. “When I began to suspect what the Mrs. Doctor had in mind, my immediately stood like a pillar again, of course she did not escape that either.

“He has a break for now, after all he just had fun. First of all, I’ll show you how to give a urine sample properly, ”she said with a laugh. She looked around in the area around and then spoke much more strictly: “Lay on the floor!Since the cup is gone, you will be the cup!“I didn’t know how I was happening. This mature horny woman had something, I wanted to obey her, do everything she wants. Pee I always wanted to try it, but my partners were not enthusiastic about it.

I wanted to take off my T-shirt immediately, I haven’t wore pants for a long time. “That remains!“Ms. Doctor ordered. “The better you do your thing, the cleaner you will leave my practice. “I didn’t really care, I just wanted to obey in my lust and lay on the floor. She stood over my head and kneeled slightly. I had a wonderful view of her damp labia. “Maul on!“It came from above and shortly afterwards I met me with the warm rippling of her piss in the whole face.

I try to lift as far as possible so that the urine does not distribute itself so far and I get as much as possible with my mouth as much as possible, but most of them still got into my mouth. The taste was strange at the beginning, after all I had never tried piss. It tasted slightly bitter and also salty but at the same time so incredibly horny that I gave it even more to drink. Slowly the source dried up and a chuckle could be heard from above: “You do it well my little pig.

Apparently the cleaning lady forgot to fill the toilet paper, so now you have to lick me clean. “She sat down completely on my face, my nose was just free, my mouth completely covered by her wet nose. So I started licking, my tongue hiked between her lips, she slightly shifted her weight and suddenly there was a small gush of sparkling wine, which I eagerly swallowed. Then my tongue continued to research her pussy, I tasted the salty flavor of urine, but there was more, another spicy taste that also tasted sweet … that was her excitement that slowly got the upper hand.

While my mouth did his best to enjoy every shade of her juice and still attract more, my hands kneaded her ass cheeks. A look up told me that I couldn’t see anything from her face. My eyes rested on her belly, which was just so “greasy” that it is cozy and the underside of her heavy breasts. Her hands dig into my hair and made sure that I couldn’t move my head a millimeter. Over time, the doctor moved over me more and more hectic, her breath was more difficult and she groaned to herself.

But I too was getting more and more excited. To the extent in which its movements increase, her juices also flowed, not only her pleasure juice, but also began to sweat, which the aroma changed in my nose and taste in my mouth. I now started to bite her labia easily, to nibble on what seemed to you like it. Suddenly she cramped and reared up as a violent orgasm drove through your body.

She tipped over and buried me under her trembling body, which caused me hardly any breath. However, this did not prevent me from continuing to edit her cunt together with my hand and mouth. Two of my fingers wandered deep into their grotto without resistance, which was incredibly slippery and warm inside. “Oh, hmmm …” was the only thing that sounded about me. For a while I continued until the doctor straightened up and said: “Not bad for the beginning, but you made me sweat quite a bit.

“She now lay over me in a 69 position and kept her ass directly in front of my face. “Lick clean!“That was too much for me now, oral games on the butt never irritated me. Nothing happened for a moment, but when I continued to refuse, I suddenly felt like her mine Egg In the mouth and slightly but still painfully bite. I understood that. I immediately approached with my face of her rosette. First I sucked the smell into my nose.

It didn’t smell a bit of a shit, or what else you would expect. It was a mixture of her sweat, there was plenty of this between her plump cheeks, her pleasure glue and also her piss. In addition, what should I say, what should I say, the natural lubricant of her back door … all of this resulted in a cocktail that I could not resist. I greedily licked between her ass cheeks. Now I could feel how the Mrs. Doctor jerked my rock -hard cock, every now and then her tongue licked over my glans, then again she licked my testicles while her hand worked on my shaft.

I started to push a finger in her ass in addition to licking and sucking. Obviously she liked that, because her efforts at the other end became much eager. When I had sunk a finger to the stop, the next turn came, the feeling of how her intestine wrapped my two fingers tight was just cool. I noticed how it was always wetter in her back. But my lust also became more intense, I wanted more.

I finally wanted to feel my cock in her, in this older woman who drove me from whom I could only dream of so far. I lifted her slightly to wind out under her and she let it happen. “But we’re not finished yet!”she said. Then she got up and got the tube lubricant and two stainless steel objects out of a drawer under the sink again. There were two rather large butt plugs, so far I had only seen such in films and erotic shops.

“Do you want to test what fits into your ass?“Asked her while she was already starting to get one of the plugs more and more into her ass. I could only nod out of sheer lust while I rubbed my tail when I saw myself. When the pleasure donor had disappeared in her butt until the stop, she ordered me to go to all fours. I immediately obeyed like a good dog. Shortly afterwards I felt the cold butt plug on my rosette.

When the Ms. Doctor put it, it was immediately clear to me that this was something completely different from Sister Diana’s finger. It hurt, but the doctor had no mercy with me, piece by piece she drilled the steel thorn in my ass. Still it was infinitely cool. When I was about to cancel the whole thing, Ms. Doktor said: “Completed, how does it feel?“I straightened up and felt that the pressure was increasing, but it was endured.

She came to me, ordered me to lie down again. I also obey this time, of course, even if the pressure in my intestine threatened to tear me down. “Since we are now filled at the back, we want to take care of the front, the doctor said cheerfully and sat on my stiff cock with a slip. The feeling was simply indescribable. I was finally allowed to do what I wanted to do all afternoon. My anesthesist fuck. And yet it was different than I could ever have imagined.

Both we had a plug in our ass, which made it a lot narrower and for me for slight pain, every time she settled on me. This pain was the reason why I didn’t spray after a few bumps. My hands that kneaded their plump breasts, our sweaty bodies, the smell of sex, piss and disinfectant in the bathroom, merged all of the horny experience. At some point I noticed how the woman was cramped over me again and still clearly groaned and still tried to continue riding on my cock.

I felt like I was in a milking machine and there was no stopping, despite the pain in my butt, I reared up, held the older woman on her trembling hip and came into her, as I never came before. Die Härztin was now at the top of her climax and screamed with lust. A while later she was still lying on me and breathed heavily. I also gasped. But now something else was excited to me.

I slowly pushed the doctor down from myself, then I straightened up on all fours and pulled the plug out of me. No longer damped by my lust, the pain was a lot stronger when pulling out, but it was quickly over. Then I went to the doctor who was half confused after her orgasm and helped her to kneel. Then I stood in front of her and said: “So Ms. Doctor, now you can have her urine sample!“As soon as I was talking to the end, a warm beam was already shot out of my cock.

The woman reacted quickly, but the amount that had accumulated in me were too much for her greedy mouth. My piss ran all over the body and she seemed to like it. After I was finished, she sucked my cock clean without being asked, which had spent it so that he didn’t get stiff again. Then we stood together together, I still had my T-shirt on, no matter, then it gets wet … better than having to go through the city fragrant after our juices.

When I got dressed again, I said: “So then until the operation!“The doctor laughed and said:“ You don’t really believe that your guilt is already paid? I see you here again here. And bring a funnel with … “.

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