My vocational school teacher | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I think I am the only girl who wants to delay the ringing of the rings to the school. Just to be able to look further into these eyes.

For me, my teacher is the epitome of masculinity;No comparison to the late puberizing idiots of my age.

He is big and strong. Blonde hair frame his face with the sweet laughing folds and light brown eyes. He gets dressed differently than the rest


Today a white shirt plays around its muscles and a faded jeans presses closely on his butt.

Of course I reject every thought of more but in my imagination I am his lover;willing and passionate.

A loud “Lara!“Throws me out of my thoughts.

“Maybe you want to tell me the solution?“He asks and looks strictly at me.

I get red and hardly get any breath. How embarrassing! Did he see that I looked at him? Where I looked?!

At that moment the doorbell rings and I’m happy for the first time. How quickly you can change your opinion.

I have from the class, sprint down the aisle and only come to rest with my car. When I sit, I tie myself in

the thighs.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid!”

I am usually not shy or excited. I know that I’m pretty and that many guys run after me.

But except for the mandatory first time and clumsy attempts to make the sex “grown up” afterwards, I have not yet got any further.

But the thought of having sex with him makes me crazy!

After I fought myself through city traffic and parked my car, I boot the stairs to my apartment up. On the way

I notice boxes and boxes that stack up on the second floor. New neighbor, nothing special in a sought -after student area.

First I go showering, wash down the sweat of excitement and the “caught”.

I spend the rest of the day with learning and only notice when it is a stick darkness how tired I actually am.

It’s the middle of the night.

Why do I get awake? Oh it rang. Anyone who rings the hell at this time?

A look at the alarm clock. 2:15 p.m.

I get up fluctuating, pull a dressing gown over my bare body and go to my front door.

When I open my blow almost meets me. Light brown, bright eyes look at me.

Blonde, curly hair, cheeky grin.

“Wa ..?“, I try to ask but I am already pressed into my hallway.

“Schhht”, he does and puts his fingers on my lips. “I’m sorry to bother you so late but I couldn’t wait anymore.”

“Waiting for what?“, I whisper.

“You. To finally punish yourself.“, He whispers in my ear.

Panic captures me. He notices it and laughs softly.

“Don’t worry Dummerchenchen. You will like the punishment.”

“But why punishment? I don’t understand … “, I gasp.

“The punishment for making me so incredibly horny every hour that we have together. Your eyes and your behavior towards me

made me very impatient “. He looks deep into my eyes and strokes my index finger along my lips.

Warm, pleasant moisture spreads under my bathrobe.

I look at him in disbelief and try to think normally and so

act as one would expect from me. But the “no, that wouldn’t be right” gets stuck in my neck when he presses his lips on my.

His tongue slides slightly into my mouth and strokes gently and yet demanding against the surface of my tongue.

I can’t suppress a quiet moan and press my strong, warm body.

He now groans quietly and caresses my back, drives my fingers down my back and then take my left ass cheek with a firm grip

in his hand.

I gasp and violent. So nobody has touched me yet.

We slowly slide to the ground and it lies on me with all its weight. I feel through the coat how excited he is and let every reason drive.

I press myself closely at him and nibble on his neck.

With a quick movement he pulls my coat off my shoulders and looked at

me then.

“Wow, you are beautiful,” he whispers.

I sit up and pull the shirt over his head. His chest is flawless and tranented. His nipples are hard with excitement and

I lick them brave, irritate them with my mouth. Quiet growls let me freeze and I see a mixture in his gaze

out of madness and lust.

He gets up, opens his pants and I see that he doesn’t wear shorts.

Be tail Is already hard and just jump out of his pants. “Kiss him,” he demands.

I bend forward and kiss the tip shyly, lick his tongue with my tongue and petting his testicles.

“Take him in your mouth, go”, his huge tone makes me incredibly horny.

I take it deep in my mouth and suck and suck with all your strength. He winced “not so firmly baby, more feeling”. My right hand wanders to his shaft,

My lips enclose it gently and I rub and suck in time, faster and faster.

I notice how his back baking twitch and his member becomes more and more tougher.

Suddenly he pulls me up and presses me against my chest of drawers. He puts my legs apart and tells me I should look in the mirror.

I see myself in the mirror but I hardly recognize myself again. My skin is red and my hair falls wildly over my back and my breasts.

I look good, horny, like a woman who knows what she wants.

His voice on my ear “I want you to see yourself when I push him in.”

I just nod and look into the face of a woman who can hardly stand it.

With a push he pushes into me. I scream on and press myself more closely so that he sinks completely into me.

To continue looking in the mirror, I trees up my back and enjoy the previously unknown feeling.

He grabs me in my hair and pulls me over, encompasses my breasts and keeps coming into me;First slowly and then faster and faster

and wild.

“Yes baby, that’s how I always wanted you,” he moans behind me.

His rough men’s voice makes me hornier again and I push with him, always his cock

in contrast to.

He pauses and grabs me in my hair and pulls me on the floor, on all four. The hard wooden floor hurts but the positive feeling

predominated. He presses my head far down and my legs apart. While his big hand rests on my head, he pushes himself

slowly back into me, piece by piece.

He takes a lot of time, slowly encounters. What’s that supposed to mean ? Where is the passion?

“I want you to tell me what you want,” he says.

“I want you to keep going as well,” I give back.

“No, little one, I want you to say what you want to say,” he growls.

I swallow. Am I prudish or what ?

With a hard jerk he rams himself violently into me.

I shout on “Fuck myself so hard, get me right.”

“Well, I wanted to hear that,” he murmurs and grabs me on my hip.

With wild, annal movements we both find our rhythm, hard and untamed. I reach back into his curls and stick to them


Agrily he looks away my hand and bites my neck tightly, pumping on and faster.

I notice that I will come right away and wind under him. He moans loudly and uninhibited, penetrates as deep as he can and we both come with us

a loud cry. Exhausted he lies on my back and kisses my red, scratched neck.

He jumps up quickly and gets back on. How used I lie on the floor in front of him, the legs spread wide and lay.

But that

Feeling to have been used is satisfactory.

He smiles at me again and says “I want to have your second key. From now on you will shave every day and sleep naked. I’m coming

If it suits me and show you even more, my little one.”

“It is in the chest of drawers under the cookbook,” I score to him.

He reaches into the drawer and takes the key.

Once again he leans down and kisses me, gently and light.

“Until tomorrow at school, Lara.”

“See you in the morning.”

When I wake up I’m confused. But my painful knees and mine

Pocheneder abdomen tell me that it was not a dream.

He was here, at night;And we had sex.

Wild, uninhibited, hard sex.

That’s how I’m tired, I have to go to school.

At the thought of seeing him there, I get red. I stand giggling in front of my mirror and ashamed.

I can hardly look into my eyes myself. The last time I mean mine

I saw the reflection, he just rammed his cock into me.

Today I put on my tight hip jeans and a white baby doll top. In addition mine

Pumps, black and noble.

I want to look sexy for him.

I put the old jeans and shirts in a sack, from today there are none

shy, unsafe lara more.

I hurry my coffee and the roll down.

On the way to the front door I pull my lips with red color

after and make me a ponytail.

He now lives in the same house as me, the boxes have disappeared.

He’s probably already in school. And prepare the lessons,

which I will have with him right away.

In the car I realize what happened last night. My teacher and me.

Naked on my floor, loud and untamed. Again reduces Röte mine

Face and I run over a red traffic light.

“Rit yourself together, Lara,” hisses my reason.

I park, get out and solidify.

He is only 10 meters further

and talks to a student. He stands with his back to me.

I can see his crunchy ass and the muscles under the shirt.

Suddenly I get hot and I grab air.

Panically I sprint past the two and into the auditorium. On the smooth

I almost slide the marmos, base the idea with the

Pumps and vigorously opened the toilet door.

I stop standing in front of the mirror and try mine

to calm down trembling knees.

“Lara, get a grip on you again,” I press with bitten together

Teeth out.

“Did you say something?“Asks me a deep voice.

I turn around frightened and look into blue eyes that cheekily fix me.

“You already know that you are here on the men’s toilet, or?“Laughs the stranger.

Now I notice the biting smell of urine and Klostein.

Bright red I stutter “Yes, of course. I just wanted to have some rest ”and go forward my escape


What a stupid answer! “..

have some rest?!”

I bleed the way to my classroom and sit down.

Except for me, there are only 2 girls in the room who giggling videos

watch a cell phone.

Slowly the class fills up. As a laughing group guys the way

searches in the front row, I notice that the guy

the toilet is also among them.

Great, the day can only get better.

I didn’t really pay attention to my class before, my friends

Everyone is already studying and I’m not here to look for new ones.

Now the door opens and my personal Adonis strolls through the corridors

To his desk.

To see him in the knowledge of what happened yesterday makes me so horny that

I sigh and bite the lip.

As much as I was looking forward to this hour, so little he pays attention to me.

When I get my work back, he doesn’t even look me in the eye.

All his behavior in the double lesson is so repellent and cold that

it almost brings tears to my eyes.He doesn’t call me as usual or

Ask me about calculation examples, which he loves to me on me

Tafel is written.

When he jokes with the girl next to me, I’m about to,

drive home.

Defiantly like a small child, I was the first to storm out the bell

the class.

My feet hurt and my top is now so sweaty that you

the pointed bra can no longer only guess.

“How could you think that he was real interest? He is just a man who wanted to let off pressure

And you little bitch was the right victim, ”my reason blame me again.

Resinating I put my head between my legs and sling my arms around my knees.

“Is everything alright?”

The guy with the blue eyes stands in front of me, a hand in my pocket, the other on my shoulder.

“Fingers away”, I hiss him.

He lifts the two hands into the air and grins. “I’m sorry but you somehow look finished.”

When I didn’t answer, he sits next to me and looks at me very closely.

“My name is Jan, we go into the same class.”

Jan pinch his eyes together and put his head wrong. He has a striking nose and beautifully curved lips.

Brown curls reach his ears.

He has in his lower lip Piercing. A ring on which he nibbles very sexy right now.

I become aware of how I stare at him and lay down the eyes.

“Lara”, I snuggled.

Jan laughs his melodic laugh and patties my knee.

Somehow it doesn’t bother me so much and I look at it continued to look at it.

He clears his throat and stands up. “Nagut, I have to go to the boys again, maybe you can see each other outside of school.”

When he goes away, he looks back again and grins again.

I spend the remaining school hours with a mixture of grief and nervousness.

When the longed -for gong finally comes, I shuffle to my car and actually just want to die.

I feel late in my outfit, that was just totally unnecessary.

At home I prepare my work and shower for a long time. Blue spots are emblazoned on my butt.

Witnesses of the night I like to

would undo.

I’m on the phone with mine briefly Mother. Reports from school, lie about newly won friends and block their questions about a permanent friend.

Then I lie down.

I am currently dreaming of the sea, my parents and a broken camping car when I wake up. A warm hand caresses my shoulder, caress mine

Taillebone and hikes to my neglige. There she pauses and a rough voice whispers next to my ear “I didn’t tell you that you

Should sleep naked?”

Drank sleeping in sleep I “you didn’t pay attention to me today and I didn’t know how seriously I should take your words.

Maybe I’ll dream that

just here just here.”

His hand covers my chin and forces me to look at him.

His golden eyes flash in the dark. “Should I fuck you in front of the others or what do you want from me Lara?”

I don’t like his sound and I sit up. This conversation is too familiar to be new.After all, we are not a couple.

Before I can start a snappy answer, he growls “I want you now, now. So please don’t make a scene.”

His big hands migrate down my thigh and conjure goosebumps on my body.

I open my eyes quietly moaning quietly.

Not really seeing him makes me hot. I’m curious to see what he’s doing next.

Shortly after this thought my neglige and my blanket lie on the floor and I sit naked in front of him.

Today it is more embarrassing to me than yesterday.

He lights a candle and the light smell of vanilla blows my nose. Now I see that he only wears a jeans.

His naked upper body looks incredible in the warm light. The muscle around his chest as he pushes me back onto the sheet.

When he wants to push my legs apart, a slight resistance comes up in me.

He notices it and looks at me annoyed.

“Open your legs,” he whispers threatening.

I don’t know why it turns me on but his sound melt every resistance.

I willingly open my thighs and reveal my intimate.

He gives me a smile and I lie back, calm down.

Nothing happens for a long time. Then I feel his fingers as they stroke the inside of my thighs, and closer to circular movements

To my pearl.

Then he comes up and looks deep into my eyes. “Do you trust me?“He asks me seriously.

I blink him confused.

“Whether you trust me, Lara?!”

I don’t know where I get the courage or stupidity from but an insecure “yes” rumbles out of my mouth.

He grins confidently and ties my hands with a fabric cloth on my bed post. He connects my eyes with another cloth.

Wow, the feeling in my abdomen is indescribable.

I feel exposed and helpless. Is it sick that that turns me on?

His warm breath grazes my swollen bud and a finger touches my creamy moisture, indicates to penetrate me.

I am extremely excited and press my pelvis towards him.

Now I feel his tongue. She grazes gently through my moisture, nibbles on my labia and disappears into me.

I win and moan louder.

“Please, don’t stop now,” I whimper.

His finger penetrates me and he starts licking faster and nibbling.

Unable to move me, I keep punching my pelvis, screaming almost lust.

When it almost comes to me, I can’t stand it anymore and caller demanding “Fuck me, please. Do it”

Before I spoke the sentence at the end, he raises me, puts my legs on his shoulders

and press his glans against my pleasure grotto.

As wet I am, I feel that being thick tail is almost too big for me.

He encompasses my ass with his arms, clamps my legs between his and rams his cock in me with a jerk.

There he is again, the pain that makes me so horny.

First he would have lingered in this position before he started to get strong.

He pumps deeper and deeper into me, groans deep and male.

He fucks me faster and faster, finally puts me off and lays on me with my legs on his shoulders,

so that I feel it even deeper in me.

When I just cry out, he puts his thumb in my mouth. I suck well and get even hotter.

It growls and gasps over me, I notice that he will be ready soon. When it finally comes, he bites me in the left nipple.

I circle and come too. The orgasm trembles through my body for a long time.

When he has already withdrawn, I still twitch, moan quietly and


Without saying a word, he gets rid of me and gets up. When I want to pull the fabric off my eyes, he says softly “No, only when I’m gone.”

I am obedient and wait until my front door falls into the castle.

When I take the bandage, I see the rumpled sheet and a laugh that has formed between my legs. Warm sperm runs out of me

and leaves a feeling of deep satisfaction.

When I moved up the bed and got out of the candle, my eyes come to me.

This night I dream of golden eyes, brown curls and a room full of candles. It smells of vanilla.

It’s Friday and he was no longer with me for two days.

At school I don’t get any attention. Whereby that does me. The thought that the man, whom many women look after a bold look after,

Visited me at night and birded into the madness is somehow ego-promoting.

Hopefully he will visit me again today. Horny in bed every night without something happening, my sensitive nerves are strained.

I sit on my little balcony, drink a mochito and feel drunk and pretty lonely with a drunk and pretty lonely.

He could come tonight but maybe not and when I’m back early enough ..

I plan my evening well and finally decide,

to go to the “Maddox”, the ultimate trendy.

The selection of clothing is then difficult again, but choose a black, short dress, the same colored

High heels and a red pearl chain that dangles deep between my breasts.

“Why so sexy?“, My reason asks me amazed.

“Because I feel sexy,” I answer and make my eyes continue with a black eyeshadow.

After a second Mochito I take a critical look in the mirror.

I look really good not to recognize.

The black dress gently plays around my narrow tail, sits closely on my female hips and breasts, nestles on my flat stomach. Through the

High heels appear my legs longer and the gold powder makes them shimmer.

Big blue eyes shine extremely under the dramatic smoky eyes.

My full lips shimmer in a matt pink.

Long hair falls softly and slightly lured over my back.

Is that the first step towards vanity? I find myself desirable and sexy.

In the meantime, I get heavily drunk into my ordered taxi and tell the driver invented stories of my invented identity, which I always

Place when I drive with a taxi.

When I want to get out, I notice the view of the driver who linger on my legs, the redness that overturns his face, the lust in his

Eyes. I would normally disgust myself but in my current situation I enjoy and treat the man a quick look when getting out

My butt.

The bouncers admire with discrete and yet striking and my ego hovers at the peak when I enter the loud, full hall.

You come from a large platform to the dance floor over two stairs. An elaborate light show blows sweaty, rubbing bodies together

which move to deep bass.

There are two bars on the sides of the dance temple.

I steer the left and let me down elegantly on a bar stool.

Actually I rarely drink but today I feel like dropping all the inhibitions.

First I order a Capirinha, look at while I drink people around me.

A group of young, Mediterranean types makes you gestures and pulls away towards the dance floor when I continue to ignore them.

I watch for a long time and sip my drink. Slowly I’m really drunk.

Afterwards I order a sambucca and grinning the bartender, grinning too much too much tip. This thanks a hand kiss

and I get up to be giggling childishly.

I carefully mix myself with the dancing, slowly move to music. When the effect of the sambuccas shoots my head, I dance more violently,

move my hips quickly and sexy to music.

I enjoy with your eyes closed when someone suddenly presses on me from behind.

When I want to turn around, I feel strong

Hands on my hip that move me and just let me fall. I rub my butt gently on the unknown, surround his neck with mine

Arm and lean against him.

So we dance through two whole songs. Almost like a prelude we caress without seeing us and I realize that a little is pushing my back a little.

Suddenly he turns me over and I look in Jan’s beautiful eyes.

Drunk as I am, I only bring a smile and grab it into his brown, soft curls. I pull him to me, kiss him

slightly on his delicious lips.

“Come on,” he says, leading me through the crowd.

We pass the bar, through a long walk and finally stand in front of an emergency exit.

“What are we doing here?”, I ask.

Jan comes very close to me and whispers “I have to explain that you are so drunk Lara.

Otherwise you hardly talk to me.”

His hot breath on my neck turns me on animal.

He gently leans forward and kisses me. Gentle and loving. His hands wander down on my back and caress about my buttocks.

I open myself with a moan and stick to his strong shoulders.

He whirls me around and presses me against a wall, all his weight on me.

The kisses become more violent and more intense. His tongue skilfully plays with mine and the piercing on his lip becomes an anti -torning extra.

I feel his hand slides between my legs, almost imperceptibly cuts his finger over mine pussy.

I tremble with lust, notice how it goes warm into the panties.

I’m ready!

“Please Jan, fuck me,” I whisper in his ear and bite into his neck slightly.

He groans and breathes a kiss on the tip of my nose. “You are so incredibly sexy lara,” he says quietly.

I look at him impatiently and are overwhelmed by my lust.

I quickly go to my knees and open his pants. His cock jumps towards me, big and hard. At the top a drop that I quickly


I hear him hiss over me.

I tenderly massage his pants, play with my tongue on his glans, nibble easily.

“Take it in your mouth, please,” he begs.

I grin, enjoy the feeling of having control.

Something different than with him.

Slowly I push his cock into my mouth, until the stop. I form my oral cavity into a narrow channel and move my lips

Quickly before and back.

Jan moans loudly and uninhibited, grab my head and keep pressing me back and forth.

I let off his tail and stand wide on the wall, with my face to Jan.

He understands and goes down, pulls out my panties and throws it into the dark somewhere. His fingers split my labia and free my pearl,

who are already waiting hard and red for his tongue.

“Lick me,” I command him.

With a hard jerk he grabs me on my ass cheeks and sinks into me with his face. His tongue plays quickly and skillfully

about me.

It feels like 100 fingers are massaging every milimeter of my wet pussy and I scream surprised.

I wasn’t even licked that well so well!

I claw in Jan’s hair and keep pressing my pearl in his mouth with a riding movement, fucking his face. His tongue

Remains fast and agile, disappears into me and licks continuously.

I feel that I come and upholste shrill.

Shortly before I’m ready, he lets me off and turns me around quickly. Before I can protest, his tongue licks on my asshole. His thumb plays

Still on my pearl, makes me tremble.

The feeling of the tongue at the point is unusual but cool.

I relax completely, even when he pushes a finger into my tight hole.

I’ve never had Anal sex. But I’m not afraid of it either.

Shortly before the climax, I feel his cock slowly pushing his cock into my ass. piece by piece. His thumb rubs further

and irritates me to the most out.

When he pushes himself completely into me, I come. When I reared up, he starts to get stuck, fucks me

hard and deep in my ass. I can hardly believe it but feel again how the wave of excitement builds up.

With his hand in my hair, Jan keeps pulling me firmly on his incredible cock.

I gasp and win, pain lust, pain lust … This combination is amazing!

The feeling of having a cock in the ass at first is strange, you think you have to.

Growling, Jan moves his muscolous body behind me, becomes faster and deeper, presses on me.

Getting closer

I come to my climax, the damp juice of the lust drips between my feet and I can hardly have one left

Take clear thoughts.

I scream, I tire myself, crawl into Jan’s hair and let myself continue on the wave of excitement. When I was still trembling and Winsel,

He gently caresses my back and kisses my damp neck.

He withdraws, very tender and hugs me once. His blue eyes drill into mine for a short moment and then he goes.

Sweating and still outside of breath I stand on the cold stone wall, grin.

Somehow I still can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past few days. I have become a completely different person,

I pull men who don’t even look at me and I had a lot of good, wild sex.

With a smile on my lips I pull my dress down.

I don’t make the effort to look for the slip. Maybe someone is happy,

to find him.

Slowly I walk through the crowd and sit outside in a taxi.

When I arrive on my doorstep, I think: “Whether he is still coming?”

I sneak quietly through the staircase. The old floorboards creak exactly in front of his door and I stop standing out.

I have to be at the top before he realizes that I was gone. And wash me.

After a few seconds I climb quietly and only breathe out when I open my apartment door.

The long, hot shower flushes my (unjustified) guilty conscience and other traces away.

Long soap and I scratch until my skin cancer red

Protested against raw treatment.

I drain my hair and wrap my hair and wrap myself in a cozy, large towel.

On the way to the bedroom I smell it.

Invisible, his irresistible fragrance runs through the hallway into my dark bedroom. My heart races so quickly that the blood rush through my ears


I rely on the soft carpet and feel like two strong arms quickly cover me. His hot breath grazes my forehead and kiss soft lips

My tip of my nose.

“Um..“I put on but he quickly closes my mouth with his hand.

“Not a word. I know that you were gone tonight.

And I know you fucked. I could smell sex when you came home earlier.”

He laughs quietly.

“I don’t care who you fuck with but I want you to be here if I want to fuck you, we got on?”

I nod.

“Today I don’t want you anymore. You are drunk and tired. I also had to wait too long.”

A fleeting kiss and I hear him go.

The conversation made me angry.

What does he think?! It always has to go to his nose?

The next morning greets me with bright sun and loud twittering birds. And a hangover. I quickly fall into the bathroom and hand over violently.

I feel better during the day and I am learning for my presentation for a long time.

When I just want to go to bed, I hear how my doorstep is open -minded.

The tingling in my abdomen reinforces when it comes into my bedroom and looks at me for a long time. I can feel its dominance.

“Take the dress from yesterday and come along.

I’m waiting in my car, below, for you.”

I hurriedly meet his wish and also make my eyes.

I know his car. BMW, black and sleek.

I get in, smell the fragrance tree and fresh, clean leather.

During the trip we hear Debussy. The classical music booms loudly through the boxes. We don’t talk.

After the second country road I lose the Orientation.

But don’t dare to contradict. Somehow I have the scary feeling,

that a contradiction makes him very angry.

After a while he slowly drives onto a dirt road. A little later I recognize a forest parking lot. Five cars park at irregular intervals,

Inside the warm light of the small ambulance lamp lights up.

He parks a little apart.

As soon as the engine is parked, he says “Steigs out.

And pee pee. Whether you have to or not. Right in front of the car.”

I get out of hesitation and are initially undecided on the wet asphalt. He Klopt against his window and shows vigorously in front of him.

I follow with a sigh and sit down in front of the car directly.

I actually have to pee and when the warm ray shoots out of me, he switches

The headlights on.

“Shit,” I curse quietly. Now everyone can see me at the small business here. I also freeze a lot.

As if he had heard it, he switches off the headlights and gets out of the car.

“Lean against the bonnet,” he demands.

I do as I was told and avoid looking in his face. Rolling the shame overzers my cheeks.

He caresses my legs tenderly when he gets on his knees in front of me.

His breath strokes the inside of my thighs and the goose bumps strengthens.

He gently licks his tongue over my pearl and moans “I can still taste your sparkling wine.”

Now his tongue roams my pussy faster and faster, disappears between my wet labia and he really sips my lust.

Panting, I put myself on the bonnet and spread my legs as far as I can.

He quickly comes up and frees his strong, throbbing cock.

I hear how steps approach and see men from the corner of the eye who stop at a distance of two meters.


He grabs my ass and lifts me slightly. His cock penetrates hard into me without tenderness.

I circle and try to put on but he gently presses me down again.

His bumps are gentle and deep, slowly I relax and bite me with lust for my lower lip.

I know what I have to say now ..

“Please fuck me,” I whisper only for him audibly.

He growls quietly and pushes deeper, harder. Next to me I hear pants that rise. I turn my head to the left and see a man who

Gently gets a down.

“Look at me,” he says and rams firmly into me.

Oh god, I enjoy this situation.

I look up.

His hand hikes to my throat and he presses slightly with every shock.

That makes me crazy!

“Can you no longer?“, I whine.

He pauses for a moment. Then he touches me hard, turn me over and press my upper body onto the bonnet.

He extends my legs vigorously and presses his hand on my back so that I stay like that.

His glans is challenging against my ass.

I did not mean it like that! ;I think.

But there is no way back.

The huge cock pushes into my ass unstoppably. The pain blinds me with lust.

After all, he puts deep in me and fills me completely. I can feel how he insists in me and twitches.

One hand in my hair and the other on my hip he fucks mercilessly hard and quickly.

His moan becomes deeper and I hear that he can’t do it long anymore.

Even the men who watch them breathe faster and more violently.

There are dirty words in my head that I would like to cry out.

Instead, I enjoy the feeling of clapping eggs on my pussy and the pressure that builds up in my butt.

His movements come further and further and I know that he wants to cum straight away. I quickly turn under him and take his

Cock in the mouth. He shocks and pushes wildly into my mouth.

The warm, salty sperm comes in four batches and I swallow everything down. When he’s done, I still lick his cock clean and kiss his

tense testicles.

Also the foreign syringes, I see sperm threads flying on the asphalt and hear the oppressed moan.

He pulls his pants up and shows me with a hand movement that I should put myself in the car again.

We both take a seat and he starts the engine.

We don’t talk much on the way back either. The music also fails.

Arrived on the doorstep, he takes my face in both hands and says “Take anything on Wednesday, understood?”

Again I just nod.

Then he kisses me for a long time. From the kiss I get dizzy and when I get out, I have to hold on to the car door briefly.

With my thoughts I am on Wednesday. What does he have before?

When I was lying in bed, anticipation tingled in my abdomen.


Make -up and dressed I am sitting on my bed. The familiar sound of his steps makes me nervous and butterflies turn somersault in mine


He takes my hand firmly and leads me through the stairwell without a word to take a seat and gets in.

I breathe deeply in the smell of the leather. I love the strong, dominant aroma.

He says nothing, the music stays off too. I can almost taste the tension in the air.

In the meantime I have learned to be silent.

I look carefully at him. His large hands are safely on the steering wheel, he looks at the street.

When I see him like that, I think of Angel, Blonde curls, the fine face contours;But I know that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Our trip takes a long time. We quickly leave the city behind and and fly over the highway. The speed pushes me into the seat and conjures up goose bumps

my skin.

I am under absolute tension.

He drives off and bends onto a federal road. After an estimated five minutes we bend into a small avenue. Gravel crunches under the tires as we through a goal

go to an inn. In front of me there is majestically a big, old house.

Warm light burns behind heavy curtains.

He gets out, goes around the car and opens the door to me. Again he shakes his hand and I put my vetrauen in it.

In addition, he bends to me and kisses me. I taste its delicious lips and something else, bitter . He deliberately pushes the Extacy into my mouth and forces me


I have to choke what he comments on a slight slap in the face. I suppress the gag reflex and force the drug through my dry


He nods satisfied and kisses me again. Gently this time and passionate. Immediately the sweet warmth spreads again between my legs.

Damn, how does he do that?

I stumbled besides him to the entrance.

He knocks and shortly afterwards a man appears behind the heavy wooden door. He looks at us and then waves into us.

He still has me on the hand and goes through the reception hall in a targeted manner. We enter a short hallway and then step into a small room. He quickly closes the door and looks at me

Headingly slowly from top to bottom.

I look at the floor in front of his shiny leather shoes uncertainly.

“Take off,” he demands.

I’m confused. “What?”

He quickly stands with me, grabs me in the neck and growls. “Take off, I don’t ask again. And it would be a shame about your dress, not?!”

Tears of anger get into my eyes but I like to meet his wish.

I love to obey him. It’s like an inner compulsion.

When I stand naked in front of him, he smiles openly at me. “You are beautiful!”

Again he takes my hand and we go back to the single -go through the small hallway. The door opener is still there, but does not recognize me.

Again we enter a hallway, this time it is longer.

I listen to quiet music and laughter. When he opens the heavy wooden door at the end of the hallway, I’m shocked first.

My eyes first have to get used to the flickering, bright candlelight. There are candlesticks everywhere, it smells of wax. A woman sits in the middle of the room;She is like me naked.

Her hands are tied up and she is bent forward.

Like a beaten dog. Submissive, submissive.

The scenery excites me.

An impatient pull on my hand quickly makes me think clearly again and I follow him the big, stone stairs down. Once at the bottom, he leaves

my hand and turn my back on my back. Something in me tells me that I should stand still and look at the floor.

A couple is added to his shoes and I hear how fast, whispered words can be changed.

The other couple goes around me and stops right in front of me.

“Look at me,” demands a dark voice.

I shyly raise my eyes and look into a face that is half covered by a mask.

Spontaneously I have to think of the phantom of the opera, too

If this type of mask adorns the eyes and part of the nose, not half of the face.

I discover dark, almost black eyes under the white -colored fabric. My counterpart has olive -colored skin, a large, long nose and narrow lips.

He looks at me for a long time. His eyes wander over my chest, the excited nipples, my stomach and my legs.

“I’m Marcus,” he says.

“My name is L..“, I put it on but he interrupts me. “I didn’t ask you what you are called,” he almost whispers and smiles mildly.

Laying and ashamed I lower my gaze again.

His hand encompasses my chin and forces me to look directly into his eyes.

“Are you following me?”, he asks.

I can only nod and smile shyly.

Marcus takes my hand and leads me through a group of black -dressed, masked men.

We cross the whole room until we stop at a glass door.

I find a sauna. It smells of lemon and mint.

Without a word he opens the door to me and lets me come in.

He grabs my hand and closes the door again. I stand in confused alone in the dark, dim room. Marcus stands with his back to the door and neither sees me

on, he still gives me signs.

Now I notice how much I need this commands.

It’s almost like I couldn’t breathe without it being told me.

So I stop standing. The heat rises to my head and I feel the first sweat pearls down on my back.

I read a lot about the effect of Extacy and heard when the intoxication is used for a moment I am unable to think of a thought for a moment.

A pleasant warmth shoots into my feet and climbs through my whole body until my tips.

The drug caresses my nerves and caress my senses like a gentle orgasm.

I open softly and at that moment the door opens. Marcus takes me on your strong arms and wears me.

I let my eyes closed and enjoy the incredible feeling that it spreads in me. It’s so nice that

it almost hurts.

Marcus puts me on a big bed and captivates my hands and legs.

I lie there like a crooked cross, naked and from your senses.

His fingertips strip the soft fluff on my stomach;I feel so intensely that I can’t suppress a loud groan.

A whisper close to my ear “Let yourself fall and close your eyes.”

Unable to open my eyes, I float in a state between guards and sleep;I’m totally high.

Marcus kneels next to the bed, gently caress my skin, caress my fingers my breasts. Gentle like a feather, tender;Nevertheless, I feel every touch intensely and violently, I have never felt comparable.

I smile on the soft sheet, enjoy the moment.


I smoke startled and open my eyes. Marcus is grinning in front of me, a glass carafe in the hand in which a lonely ice cube rattles.

Before I can let go of an unqualified comment (which I don’t plan but you never know, but you never know), Marcus binds my lips with a soft- very stable cloth to. Torely he binds the fabric into a firm knot on my neck, stroking my ears and my neck.

With a slight slap on my chest, he rises and boots out of the room with long steps.

Not completely high anymore but still not quite master of my senses, I feel like two hours alone.

I hardly notice that someone comes in. Only when I feel the cold draft on my pearl, I notice the change.

The door closes and I don’t hear anything out of my breath. The greater is the fright when a soft, small hand strokes my hair. Light, quiet laughter sounds behind me when I twitch together.

The little hands get troubled by my handcuffs and loosen them quickly and skillfully.

I will also get rid of my ankle cuffs soon and rub the sewing joints slightly.

Only now do I take a look at my liberator. she is beautiful. Small and dainty but still surrounded by an incredibly strong and dominant aura. Dark, strong eyes flash in a fine, flawless face.

Black, long hair lures up to the hip. She wears a short, red dress. Your legs and feet are naked. She wears a fine, silver chain around her left ankle;sexy.

“Just don’t starve me that way!“She whispers in a dark, threatening tone and my heart slips into my pants.

I quickly turn my eyes off. “Go to your knees like a dog,” she says with a slightly Spanish accent.

When I crouch on the bed on all fours, she ties my legs again. My arms are free but that doesn’t help me much. I am delivered again, the lust of everyone who wants to and may take me.

At that moment I think of him, he has become part of my life, my master – because of him I am here.

The Spaniard (that’s how I will call her) climbs onto the bed in front of me. It sits on the soft sheet and looks at me in detail.

I hear the door open and come in, but don’t dare to look. I notice how it will be difficult behind me how someone sits behind me. Swiss with anxiety is on my forehead but I can’t prevent the juice between my legs.

The Spaniard quickly pushes herself under me, exposes her shaved pussy right in front of my face.

It is clear what task I have, so I bend down and take a deep breath. Your fragrance is overwhelming and I can feel the moisture unashamed to walk down my leg. I take her labia gently between my teeth, sucking, sucking lightly and tender.

As if that was too gentle, she grabs my head and presses it against her shame. At the same moment I feel something hard, thick and warm on my still unpainted, sensitive hole.

I gasped softly, suits together. The Spaniard laughs softly and presses my head even more violently her fragrant cave. If I suck on her swollen clit, let my tongue rapid over it and gently stroke your wet grotto with my finger.

The tail behind me gives itself vigorously, presses and presses against me violently. The pain comes awaited and moaning I press myself towards him.

Only when he is completely in me, I relax. For a brief moment I let off my actions what the Spaniards commented on with a jamble sentence

“As long as I have fun, you have yours. Understood?!”

I am almost passed on with lust and push two fingers into her. Moaning loudly, almost screeching, it drops back and rides my fingers, pushes her pelvis against my hand.

The hard, massive cock in me encounters violently and rabid, presses through the narrow channel, causes me lustful pain.

Unable to think clearly, I develop a **** drives, will be used as a berserker than my teeth on their pearl. She winds itself, literally suffers and begging after more. Without a wake I bite her into my labia, now four fingers hammering in her, tickling every conceivable feeling of pleasure.

Her breath gets faster, she clings into my hair, screams her suffering out loud. “Don’t stop you,” she moans, she groans.

I also notice how it is slow to me, trembling all over the body.

I notice that she was finished faster than me and let off her briefly, lick over the inside of her thighs, enjoy the hard fuck from behind for a moment.

When the wave of excitement threatens to spill over me, I lick your clit violently as if from your senses, take it between my lips.

While you are already rearing up, I feel the contractions in me, lift off. The orgasm I have now is incomparable. I feel like I was fucked in flying, lift off completely.

The Spaniard is calm below me when I still twitch and beg. Strong men’s hands hold me when I bend myself.

I can only moan in the last one before I fall exhausted on the bed.

When I really get to myself again, I’m alone. Only the heavy scent of lust is still in the air.

When I think about the experience, I get wet again. Even if I was dominated, I had control over the game. Give and take.

I am intoxicated.

In my mind, I don’t notice that I am being observed. Behind the heavy curtain, a metal clock flashes briefly and then disappeared into the sleeve of the voyeur …

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