Longing for David | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

David and I knew each other for almost a year now, and it was shortly after New Year, I had Vacation, Since there was always a lull in our company at the beginning of the year. So what to do to beat the time somewhat dead?

David and I kept talking, sometimes almost every day, of course that wasn’t enough, but sometimes it is just that.

Then there was almost no phone call about the holidays, and so I was pretty fluttering when I finally called my lover again:

“Hello you! Well you got a lot of Christmas gifts?“I asked, slightly amused.

“Heyyyy.. Hey sweetie! As if you didn’t know that!”He laughed back.

“Well, I should have said:” Hello you! Do you want to fuck with me?“Would that be better?“I tried to provoke a reaction.

“Clear! I would have got a hard one right now! At least would have been honest than asking me about Christmas gifts!“He whispered to himself.

“Why would you have got a hard one? You don’t have a stand now?“I asked, played disappointed.

“Don’t be offended, I’m always hard when I hear or see you!“And laughed at the end of his sentence.

“I miss you!”I said very seriously.

“Come to me!“He replied to me, also very seriously.

“Honest?”I asked naively.

“I’ll pick you up at the train station, ok?“HE made plans.

“Just like that? Now? Today?“I asked, amazed at his reaction.

“Sure, you have vacation, or?“He added.

“Yes” break “I would like very much pleasure!”I took a deep breath.

“Then come to me, for a day or two I can also free!“He made it all tasty for me.

“Ok, I’ll call you again when the next train will arrive in Munich!”I planned.

“Well, until then, I’m happy!“He purred on the phone and we put on.

With my Mother I could quickly make out that this was okay, and so I packed a bag, called at the train station beforehand, and two hours later I was sitting on the train. I was happy and I was already received by Sylvie (David’s mother) and David at the train station.

I took both in my arms and kissed my sweetheart wildly, and also greeted Sylvie very warmly, like a small child before Christmas.

We made a detour to the Hofbräuhaus, where we went out to eat, and then drove home directly to David. Arrived in David’s bedroom, he immediately fell over me, raised me up, and threw both of us on the bed. In the bed we spoke back and forth, and scrubbed our shoes from the feet, and David peeled me out of my clothes, and I reciprocated so that we were both naked.

The sun looked at the bed through the skylight and warmed up our bodies. It was so pleasant that I would like to only dream of myself.

After we had turned around like the children, we both lay on our backs, I lay on the chest of David, he had hugged me with his left arm, his right hand was on my chest, and I had my left hand on his stomach. We both dreamed in front of us, enjoyed each other our presence, it was just beautiful.

I purred with satisfaction until something nudged me. I didn’t have to look because I knew it was David’s spanking that was just upset and pounded against my hand.

My little one also straightened up, so I turned lightly until my glans pressed against his thigh.

I gently stroked with my index finger over David’s acorn, gently stroked his foreskin band, and drove over his shaft to his tail root, where I put my fingers around his spanking, and a ring around his shaft, I slowly jerked myself up, until I arrived at the thick edge of his glans.

There I rubbed over his ribbon, and I saw the first clear drop out of his piss hole. Slowly I slid down with my head, licked a trace of saliva, starting with his left nipple, which I slowly licked, nibbled slightly and then, gradually, moved downwards. David groaned gently, stroked my hair and hummed it.

Shortly before his glans I stopped my leakage campaign, stretched out my tongue, and gently dabbed his glans tail twitched. Now I stroked, only with the fingertips of two of my fingers over his erectile tissue, slowly down, and up again until David begged:

“Please go on!”

I licked my lips, opened my mouth, and continued to slip down until I was able to enclose his pleasure tab with my lips. I took his plump balls in a hand, which I massaged, very gentle,. My tongue licked its acorn edge, and at the same time I closed my oral cavity just behind the sensitive rim.

I only had his glans in my mouth, pressed my lips together exactly on his acorn edge, and let my tongue dance around his plump head.

I let his balls ball back and forth in his bag, then gently stroked upwards, and started massaging the plump artery bodies. I was already rewarded because David Winde and shot his pleasure juice into my oral cavity within a few seconds. I closed my eyes to imagine how his seeds injected into me, and continued to play gently on his acorn edge, my fingers also stayed on the erectile tissue, which were still pumping, and brought his exploded staff to rest.

I didn’t swallow, and so I used it sperm, To cool the glans, and slowly his breath and twitch also calmed down.

“Kiss Me!“He stuttered softly, and I sucked hard on the slowly slapping spanking, and turned up to him, slowly robbed his chest up, he smiled at me, stroked with a finger over my lips, and then wrapped my head, pulled me to his lips, he opened her, then drilled his hard -made tongue between my lips, and tasted his own juice, and gave me a deep kiss of tongue, and we shared his juice, which we then swallowed.

“I totally missed you!“David whispered towards me.

“Same to you! I even dreamed of you a few times!“I said, just as quietly while David hugged me with his feet, and put it together and I pushed my hands under his head to support myself and lick his neck, and gently nibble on his ear.

David summed up, stroked my back and our bodies rubbed together.

“You dream of me?“He asked after turning my head to his lips and we looked deep into our eyes.

“Yes, you are also a dream!“I smiled and we kissed again, turned back and forth in bed until David was on me and I could put him in my arms and legs.

“When I the first time I saw in the class, I knew that you were a great guy and also that you just want to live!“He whispered, stroked my head and kissed me gently on my nose.

“Stop doing that! Otherwise I’ll cry out right away!“I swallowed and David kissed me gently.

“You don’t have to, I just want to be with you!“He said gently.

“Me too with you!“I replied with a lump in my throat.

“Let’s have fun, ok?“He interrupted the unpleasant mood.

“Gladly! You already had a lot of fun!“Now I grinned at David and rocked with my hips.

“Yes, a minute with you, and I already come!“Grinned David back.

“I want too!“I crossed played and grinned easily.

“You little nimper!”Little kiss” don’t worry, we have a lot of time. You will soon be in charge of a break!“He added, this time smiling smiling.

“I want to see that!“I threatened confidently. I already felt how his abdomen gained life again, and he started rubbing his hard -becoming spanking against my dam. I threw my head back, crossed my feet over his butt, and pressed it onto me that his now tough strap pressed against my dam again that I could feel his pulse.

David used “throwing my head back”, and licked me over the Adam’s apple and nibbled on my neck, I just breathed:

“Fuck me! Please! Now!”

“So hungry?“David asked me whispering in my ear.

“I want to spoil you first, I may?“He breathed after.

I was so intoxicated by David that I only do a “do what you want with me!“Could groan.

David didn’t let it say that twice, and pushed my hands over my head, kissed me and said: “Leave the eyes and enjoy it!”

I dropped all four of myself, was stretched out and gave me David completely. Immediately he took advantage of this, started nibbling on my ear, licking himself in and then slowly sniffing down and licking.

With his nose, he pulled a trace of the ear along my neck, and then licked this track with his wide tongue, then pulling his nose through my armpit, and there too. Slowly he researched everything on me and I just felled and groaned.

David bit me slightly in my nipples, once left, once on the right, then to twist and massage my nipples with his fingers. It was connected to the connoisseur, I felt his feet on myself, his thighs that rubbed my thread, his spanking, which slowly rubbed further down.

Every centimeter of my skin was excited and expected any touch from him. I was never disappointed because I was not touched a second for a second.

When he started to flog my belly button, it hit me like a flash and my beating and juicy now. David used this and licked the puddle with the juice and then easily licked me over my glans, which elicited a jubilee cry.

David enjoyed this very much, he buzzed and licked down under my body undeterred undeterred. I was crazy because he deliberately left my pumping tail and my rest of my body. He now lay down completely on me, our spanking pumped together, we kissed very passionately and I whined:

“Take me, please, please, please, please!”

My voice vibrated and I trembled with excitement and with his knees David pushed my legs apart and he turned his cock down so that I felt his wet glans in my column, and I only felled.

“Should I fuck you?“He groaned towards me and I only nodded loudly, so I kept my legs up and I felt how it got hot at my entrance. David rubbed my way back and forth until finally, his torpedo docked to me, and my sling muscle twitched.

I was so greedy that I just sucked his cock into myself. So David groaned, and exploited that I was so greedy and now planted his hammer deeply into me, with a single jerk.

I cried out loudly, howled and breathed very heavily, and so I felled:

“Fuck me!”

What David did immediately and withdrew from me to his edge of his glans, in order to then completely sink his pumping hard swing in me. David paused in me, and I could feel how full his thresholds pumped on my intestine and I nestled my inner most, as narrow as I could, to him. Then I started moving my hips back and forth, but David wasn’t enough, so he finally started taking me.

He went through with his hands under my armpits, clamped his hands on my shoulders, and so he had me under control, none of his movements could avoid, which I would never have done anyway. David fucked me gently and slowly, I could feel every milimeter of his spear how he penetrated how he pulled out.

This pace almost made me crazy, I clawed in his back, and begged to pop harder. David sweated a lot, I sucked on his neck and squeaked out of sheer lust.

And finally I felt my juice climbing up in me, David’s fucking shocks also became more uncontrolled, his breath harder and I just wanted to experience a common climax.

Then he pressed down to me deeper, bit his throat, licked up my ear again, which always causes me, and he whispered:

“Do you want my juice?”

“Yeahaaaaaaaa! Fill me!“I only screamed, and at the same time sprayed my juice between our bellies, while my fucker poured out in my intestine with several violent sparkles.

We squeezed our bodies even closer together and simply gave each other to each other. Slowly we arrived in reality again, we loosened from each other and David let himself be ploped next to me. We looked at each other, still sniffed, grinned at ourselves and we gently stroked our bellies.

“Wow … a nice amount of juice!“David commented on the load of me, which was on our bellies, nicely smeared.

“You are to blame!“I explained the amount of juice

“How nice!“He flatted back and we hugged again and rolled around in bed.

After we had exhausted each other, David lay on my chest, and we just talked about everything, and just talk something.

After a while we decided to take a shower and then go out in Munich.

Since I didn’t have a lot of luggage with me, why too?, we chose an outfit again in David’s giant cabinet and landed in a pub after a good meal in a very old restaurant, in a very old restaurant.

We talked to a beer, and then David said:

“I don’t know how you think about it, but I would like to show you again!”

I looked at him a little questioningly and replied proudly:

“Specify with me again? When did you give me?”

“Well, you already know!“David and me grinned a lot that he had presented to me more often to others.

“Actually I only had longing for you, but you know that I am happy to be observed!“I grinned now.

“What do you think of an entire group?“And looked at me lustful.

“Group sex?“I asked taciturn, with flashing eyes, after

“Can you also speak in whole sentences?“David laughed at me about my surprise.

“Yes … I can also blaspheme! I’m just a little shocked that you want to show me right away!“I grunted back, slightly angry.

“Nonsense! Do not show! Have sex together with a few guys, without spectators!“David clarified me.

“I would be irritated, who do you know everything?“And my eyes shone again.

“You are just a horny sow!“Grinned David, and gave me my foot in my shin.

“Aua! Thanks! You also! Who did I learn from all of this from?“I rubbed myself over the shin, and looked at him with big eyes.

“Haste now, or not?“David licked his lips.

“You know that very well!“I also licked my lips and greedily looked at him.

“Then let me call Danny, I ask him if he feels like!“And pulled out his cell phone.

“Hello.. Hello..

Hello … slowly with the young horses!”I did played shocked about his determination.

“Don’t do it, you are already naked in your thoughts and lift your ass up!“He was amused by how well he already knew me.

“Somehow!“I breathed back.

“So?“He looked deep into my eyes.

“Yes, come on, let’s do a session!“I sniffed, breathing heavily and rattling.

“You pig!“He grabbed his legs and kneaded his bump and called Danny.

“Hi Danny-Boy! I sit with Chris with a beer and my little one wants a group! Can still organize something today?“He immediately got to the point.

I only watched him, saw his eyes shone more and more, and his bump in my pants was stirring.

“Clear! Even today! My darling has to go back tomorrow!“He put it in and just nodded.

“OK! Excellent! Then we come to you! Good bye!“He was thrilled and looked at me greedily while he was laying on.

“And? Who is Danny?“I asked and wanted to know the conversation.

“You are curious!“Grinned David.

“Well, after all, it’s about me, or?”I bitched around.

“It’s good, I tell you yes, I would have done it anyway!“David calmed me down.

“Thank you, your gaze was so horny when you chatted with him!“I told him my bitchy.

“So, Danny drums a few more friends together, and then we will still have a lot of fun today, ok?“Briefly and painlessly explained.

“Otherwise you are not so reluctant with information, now back out, who is Danny?“I cross.

“Danny is a friend of mine with whom I have had sex several times, but I couldn’t do more with him, because he is a bitch!“He introduced Danny to me.

“A bitch?”I asked.

“Yes, he fucked everything that is not on the trees at 3!“He confirmed my fears.

“Oh God! And of all people he organizes this today?“Slightly frightened.

“Yes, he can do that really well, and you are not a child of sadness or?“He attacked me.

“Man, I’m 18, and I’m not a bitch either!“I crossed my arms and looked at him badly.

“Don’t be offended immediately, I didn’t mean that, Danny is 25 years old, a horny mare, and incredibly insatiable!“He further clarified me.

I calmed down again, we drank our beer and drove directly to Danny.

He lived in a slightly larger house, so in terms of old town, actually a bit bourgeois, but I liked it.

We rang the bell, and a straw -blade guy made the door open, almost cheering.

“Servus you two!“And David fell around his neck and kissed him directly on his mouth. I stood a bit strange, felt a little superfluous, which immediately disappeared when Danny loosened from David, fell around my neck, and greeted me just as euphorically.

We quickly entered the apartment, he slammed the door a little, and I was amazed at the facility. The walls were huge everywhere, the doors were also higher than normal, and overlocks, all of which were kept in white.

We walked through the aisle, which was kept in a bronze. Anyone who would come in here would think that here is a stink -abnormal Family would live, according to Bänker, or something. Danny offered us a sparkling wine, we sat on the sofa, which was cream colored, and the living room was also light. When toast, Danny said:

“On a great evening!“And grin.

We came along, and then I asked: “What did you plan today?”

“Oh, I called a few buddies and everyone was thrilled that we are now two!“He grinned.

“You all have to answer in puzzles?”I asked annoyed. Immediately Danny put our glasses on the table, pressed me onto the sofa, and sat on my lap, stroked my hair and then said:

“My Sweet! Your David has told us a lot about you, and we both blondes are the only mares today! I called a few guys and we will have a lot of fun today!”

“Wow! Now I know!“And my heart knocked with excitement and lust. As soon as I had the sparkle, Danny pressed his lips on mine, and researched with his tongue in me. I pressed my tongue against his, and we fought it while he was rubbing on my rubbish.

“You taste very cool!“Danny praised me and licked his lips when he interrupted our smooching.

“Thank you, you go!“I was now looking forward to this experience.

“And he’s really 18?“Danny turned to David questioningly around.

“Still!“Grinned David, wide -legged in the armchair, observing.

“When can David officially attack you?“He asked me, very horny.

“Almost half a year!“I clarified him.

“Hmm it is delicious! This will be horny today!“He raved and got up, grabbed between his legs and sat on the table in front of me.

“I’m getting nervous!”I said with a slight tremor in the voice.

“I rather think you’ll be horny just!“Danny grinned, and took me unerringly between my legs and kneaded my bump, where my little one was already fully extended.

“David, may I kidnap Chris?“He asked my lover, who had made it really comfortable in the armchair.

“If I get my chris again, then already!“He laughed and Danny took my hand and kidnapped me, one stick higher. After showing me his house, we went into the game room, as he called it himself. It was a somewhat narrower room, but almost like a living room, very bright, you had access through some doors, I think there were three.

“It will go off here right away!“Danny grinned

“I’m getting rattled!“I was already groaning.

“Today we will be the toy of our stallions!“He smacked with anticipation in my face and pressed me up a kiss.

Then the doorbell rang and Danny called down, David should open, and if everyone were there, get up naked. But not before, he emphasized. I was amazed, looked at Danny, and he said:

“We are now making ourselves naked and have fun until the others come up, what do you think?”

“You are really horny, gladly!“I still emphasize, and as soon as I had spoken it, he pushed me into an adjoining room, and all of our clothes fell to a flight. Naked we stood opposite each other, Danny came close to me, grabbed my stand, jerked it off lightly, and we kissed deep.

“The others will come soon. I said that they should watch something first and take off beforehand, that’s ok for you?“He panted me while we kissed. I affirmed it and we went back into the previous room, step by step, without Danny taking his hand off my hard, and I also grabbed his, and so we smooch until we stood in the middle of the room.

Danny took my butt with his other hand and turned me to one side of the room so that I could see our “audience”.

All five, including David, sat naked in the chairs that were distributed in the room and played on their pleasure bars while we were amused. We closed our eyes and smooched loudly, licked over our noses, and crossed our cocks that we had rubbed together. We jerked each other, turned our cocks to our stallions, and then I got to my knees and opened my mouth loudly and started to do Danny suck.

I completely took up his spanking and he grabbed my back and fucked me in the mouth.

I was a little surprised because he said yes he was just a mare. But I totally enjoyed blowing his juicing cock. I took his hammer deeper and deeper in my mouth, I linen to the others, some of which were open with the mouth open, and watched me how deeply I picked Danny’s cock and felt his impact filled on my chin. Danny groaned, I tasted his pension as he dripped in my throat and so I couldn’t help it, jerked myself, and slowly also roped on me for the juice drops.

Danny took his foot and held it between my legs, lifted his toes, and thus rocked my eggs back and forth that my juice landed on his back of his foot, and he smeared it into my eggs.

I sat down deeper so that Danny could play better on my Klod.

“Our” stallions already wanked for the bet, and you, but we too, enjoyed our show. I smacked and slipped on his spanking, spat out, chewed on the thresholds, hit my face in my throat, and then let him disappear again in my throat. Danny howled, grabbed my head and pulled me up.

I took a break on his nipple and chewed on every single wart while holding his arms up with my hands. So I licked from every nipple with a wide tongue and licked his armpit, what Danny with

“Oh yes. lick me!“Commented. I washed both armpits thoroughly with my tongue and in my corner of my eyes I saw how everyone got up and came to us.

They surrounded us, and David and another knelt in front of us and took our cocks into their mouths and blew us hard. They pulled on our beating that we stood side by side and changed our cocks while sucking. David chewed on my acorn edge, and licked on my foreskin ribbon with his tip of the tongue.

Again and again the two changed, and the other three walked around us, clapped on our butt, gave comments such as “horny ass” “Hot baking” “Let the grotto see” etc.

Danny and I looked at each other and we saw in our eyes how greedy we were. I felt like all three pounded their hammers against my butt, and this also did so at Danny. After a while I felt my hands on my shoulders, and I was pressed down, my beating, and Danny’s cock were pulled out of our blass mouths that it was popping when we knelt, our heads were shot, and so we had three in pairsCocks in front of our mouths. I immediately took the tail on the far right of my right to his mouth and chewed on it while Danny sucked the very left spanking, and we both shared the tail in the middle.

I jerked him while Danny snapped his eggs. We exchanged ourselves at jerk off, And spat out our cocks to wag the middle spanking together. Slowly you could only groan and groan, the air filled with sweat and tail fragrance, which Danny and me made it even hornier. So all five made a circle around us and we grabbed every single tail, one by one.

I sucked the first, Danny next to me, and when I went on, Danny snapped the one I had just sucked. One of the guys was a real big tail carrier that was already struggling with both of us because he was around 25cm (I guess??), and at least 6cm thick.

When fucking into the mouth, his eggs swung in a sack that let the balls hang very deep. He was also oversized there.

Another highlight was a guy who was also well stocked, but had no 20cm, and this one on 1.Third made a kink to the right.

I had never seen anything like that, but that was more excited to me, because the part was horizontal, with twitching movements up there, there. His hammer was steeply up to the kink, and horizontally from the body from the kink. That was a sight, I imagined how it entered me.

We made some “rounds” between the tails that enthusiastically cheered us and encouraged us to continue sucking further and more. The guys also spoiled each other by wanking the “unscovered”, playing on the nipples, the tongues were in the throat, or massaged each other.

Slowly I started to sweat and my sweat ran down my armpits and over my face. Everyone liked that, because I was always hit the face with their tails by the pleasure and grabbed my shoulder, massaged my back, and spoiled us together.

Then our stallions loved the circle, pressed Danny and me down onto the floor that I was supporting my elbow and stretched my ass up. Danny was the same, only that he knelt the other way around and I had his butt next to my face. He knelt in front of me, lifted my head, and put his cock in the mouth, while kneeling behind Danny David, smiling at me and burial his snout in his butt.

Almost at the same time I felt a gossip on my ass, and I also buried a guy with his tongue in me, who excluded me and licked my grotto smoothly.

I didn’t see it, but I’m sure Danny also had a beating in her mouth. The guy who remained left knelt behind my lover and brought his cock back, which he jerked and licked it.

What kind of meat mountain it was now!

Everywhere cocks, asses and shiny muscles have been seen, smelled and tasted.

I almost lost my perception because I was allowed to suck a hammer, could watch three men next to me in their game while another guy was behind me, sucked me, jerked, kneaded my eggs and then started a finger next to his tongueTo put my grotto.

As in the drug rush, I enjoyed everything, hoped that it would never end, and blew my stallion in front of me as best I could.

Then the crooked dagger grabbed me, pressed my head on the floor, put my ass, pulled the cheeks apart, and encouraged everyone to lick me. He clawed right on the ass attachment and on his thighs, and my cheeks spread so that my column was open and all guys stained me. My handle was loosened and the guy got up now, so I could also, deeply bent down and slightly crouched in my knees, and let my ass stretch out, and all tongues pamper me.

The guy lay on my back, I could feel his hard nipples on me, he grabbed my cock and jerked me hard while everyone teased my ass and licked me through the grotto and fingered me too.

Then I was grabbed and my ass lifted up so that I was supporting my hands on the floor and making a handstand. Then two arms surrounded me at the hip height and I was raised even higher, which the guy who kept me deeply licked me and another also sucked in my column. I felt the hard spanking of my wearer between my chest, and so I was able to pack the huge cock of the one behind my wearer, and took it into my mouth, and sucked it deep. I heard how the one who held me to the loving said he should sip on my cunt, and then give him a kiss.

My intoxication became even more powerful by this statement when it was already, because when I heard the two kissed, and the “recipient” smacked loudly and praised my taste, I was only the toy of this guy.

Then Danny was put under me and I was slowly released so that I was, a little shaky, then stood there and didn’t know exactly what to do. When the big cock then said I should let him suck him, I sat on Danny’s face and he drilled into my grotto, and now licked me off. But when I wanted to bend down to him, wanted to suck his cock, one grabbed me from behind, put on my nipples under my armpits, lifted me up slightly, another grabs me on the right thigh and on the right upper arm, while a third cardid the same on the other hand.

So I hung in the air completely, and the guys swung me back and forth, always park me briefly on the mouth of Danny, who quickly licked me. I groaned into my ass with every Schlecker, I felt the handles of the naked guys around me, and enjoyed the rocking of the guys with me.

Danny jerked himself off violently, his tongue always hit my grotto, while a hand was still looking for his way into my column, massage his fingers, and found the way into my greedy cunt, and hooked into me,What I liked that I only cheered and cheered. I turned my head to the left and right, everywhere tongues were stuffed into my mouth, a hand grabbed my eggs, kneaded it, and was then waxed. Then I was pulled over Danny’s body with my ass, his cock hooked on my eggs, and then rubbed through my column.

On my feet, I was immediately pushed against a chair again, I bent down, and I already felt the guy stuck into me with the crooked spanking and immediately fucked me hard.

Whenever the kink penetrated into my intestine, the front part of the spanking pressed so against my intestinal wall that I could only scream with lust. The feeling was so indescribable, his crooked spanking bored deep into me and managed to massage my prostate enormously. Then I was pulled down by crooked dagger and had to kneel in the middle of the room.

Then he stood in front of me with the giant spanking and hammered his hard spanking in my head with a single push. I choked my saliva ran out of my mouth, but then I managed to make it in my throat and suck him.

He then pulled himself out of me to the glans, looked at me laughing, closed his eyes, and then held my head, and fucked me deep into my skull. I always had to choke on every bump, but it became easier with every shock and I felt how I spent myself on the chin myself.

He liked that so much that he pulled himself out of me, licked me over my chin, praised me and immediately made a seat back in my throat. In between I was able to observe that Danny was just being worked on by two types of which one was David.

Alternately they fucked him, only a few bumps, and then changed again. I groaned and summed up, took his spanking as best I could, and slowly all stallions gathered around us again.

Danny was then pushed back to me, he also knelt on the floor, only in the other direction, and unlike earlier, the stallions went around us, and alternately stuffed her cocks into our mouths. Danny and I took each other to our spanking, and we jerked off, and juiced each other’s hands, we were so greedy that we were now handing over our lucky juice without end. After just one round, each of us could have sucked every cock again, I was packed again by a guy under my armpits, two others grabbed my thighs again and the monster stallion laid out on the floor.

“Home with the cunt!“He roared, and I was already rocked again, and slowly we approached the mast, which stretched into the height of wet.

Shortly before his cock, the guys lifted me up again, two hands dragged my ass cheeks apart, the two that captured my thighs bent down to look at my column, and a hand was briefly fingered between my legs, briefly, and then his hand drove over my eggs, pulled it up to my cock so that everyone had a clear view between me. A few times I was just put on the acorn of the guy, he could almost have docked, but the boys kept lifting me.

But then, I hadn’t expected it anymore, they sit on this rocket on it, the glans penetrated my input, the fucker on the ground attached his cock firm. I howled and screamed at every centimeter, the guy liked it very much, and they cheered when I had the monster tail completely in me.

I was raised again, up to half, in order to be drained again. The guys were really good, the fuck rhythm was awesome. For a long time, my fucker was not long in coming and, like an intermediate time, pushed into me by fucking from below. I whined and screamed and groaned, I left everything to the guys, I was just the fucking of the guys.

Then they only held me up so that my fucker had free rail and hammered me from below.

Everywhere I felt hands that spoiled me, jerked, knacking in the nipples while I was fucked hard. The sayings heated me even more, “Yes, let yourself be fucked” “Boah, he is torn up” “Bang him through!”” Horny mare “” Man, but you enjoy that!“Came from the mouths of the guys.

Then I was lifted off my fucker, and I was placed on it so that my feet stood exactly on his ass cheeks, my butt was parked between the belly and nipples, and my head was pressed back and filled with the eggs of a guy. I chewed him through, and hands already hiked between my legs, fingers penetrated into me again and again, fucked me quickly and then disappeared from me.

Everywhere there were hands, I felt the hot butt of my fucker, his tongue licked on my back as I murmured with my eggs in my mouth.

Then I felt like one of the giant’s tail on my hole again, my legs were lifted up and pulled on it so that the spanking penetrated into me again. The hands hiked to my thighs that were firmly packed, two hands back under my armpits clawed, and highly helped me up. Only through the movements on my thighs I was pushed back and forth, my fucker remained calm.

I was stretched so that every boost triggered a jubilee cry that made the tails of everyone twitch. Then I was lifted up again and the monster fucked myself violently and quickly. I couldn’t slowly, I was ready. But that didn’t stop the guys from it, and so I was still fucked, held and grabbed everywhere.

Only now did I notice that the stallions changed again and again in Danny and fucked it just as I “only” from the one.

My fucker now stopped, I was lifted down, and Danny and I knelt again between all our stallions. Only this time we were told that we should kiss, jerk off, and we did so too. The five stood around our heads, jerked off violently, and the wanking noises became smacking and we felt that soon everyone would inject.

In fact, it only took a few seconds to the first stallion, it was that with the crooked dagger, a huge load of men’s juice between our faces. He only jerked himself in the first third of his cock, which looked incredibly cool, and so his spermed fleds fled through the area.

He aimed in Danny’s face and once in my face. So he hit with every shot, either Danny in the face, or me, or the seed flap flap on the upper body of one of us. As soon as he had worn up, the next two jerked between our faces, where this time the huge cock was there.

The two came almost simultaneously, and the giant only injected into my face, while the other was only blown into Danny’s face.

We looked into the eyes of lust, grinned at each other, and enjoyed the reward that we finally got. When the two had splashed their juice, the last two stood between us, David looked at me horny, winked at me, licked my lips, and his loin juice shot into our faces. Just a second later, the last stallion also shot his load between us. As soon as the last guy had calmed down, Danny and I couldn’t hold back either, and we shot our juices against the chest and belly of the other with huge prints.

A mega orgasm that let me cry out and jauchzen.

Danny howling too, and when we had arrived something in reality again, we both stroked ourselves at the same time, from our eggs, about our slimming cocks, our bellies, high above our chest, our hands over the baking of thestroked others and gathered the sperm what we felt on the way. We smeared on our faces, put our fingers into our mouths, and licked each individual finger from each other.

In the end we both hugged each other, kissed, and licked over our lips.

When I looked around the group, our stallions sat, heavily sniffing, in the chairs, still played something around, and looked at us how we collected and enjoyed their juices. We stayed kneel for a few minutes, our pulse calmed down, and Danny got up and helped me up too. We now looked around with a smile and collected a applause from everyone.

“Super cool!, Horny mares!, David has not exaggerated!“Such and similar were the praise for us.

Danny then invited us to freshen up in the bathroom, what we did, joke each other, look around, and at some point we gathered in the living room, where Danny was still enough for drinks, and we were prolonged.

David made the suggestion that we all went to dinner on his bill, and so we drove, it was already in the evening, to a pretty noble dandruff, where David was well known, and we got a table even though we were not registeredwere. We enjoyed a great menu, and at some point everyone went home.

Danny said goodbye, he took me in his arms for a long time, pressed me, gave me a long farewell kiss, and so David and I drove home to him.

David then explained to me that Danny never tolerated another mare at his side. Until now! I would be the first one he not only accepted, but would also like to see again.

Arrived at David at home, we immediately disappeared into his bedroom, we only got rid of our clothes, and fell asleep together. I dreamed of this experience, and woke up in the morning, horny without end.

But another time …


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