Heike is fucked hard | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.


(c) Krystan

His hand grazed her neck, grabbed her dark hair and pulled it back. Heike groaned softly because she could feel the man’s desire that had approached her. Wild greed, a **** lust. Both combined at that moment.

He wanted to own her. She wanted to take it. Greedy beast. Demand and lust at the same time.

Heike replied his gaze. She looked at him slightly when his free hand groped after her, stroking her belly and raising the shirt.

“Beautiful girl,” he whispered to her. “Horny woman.”

His hot breath grazed her cheek. He was crazy to approach her here.

Your husband would come back soon. How long were you alone? Half an hour, one hour? Damn, he couldn’t just attack her? Your lover’s hand slid over her lush, beautiful breasts. He grabbed. She was in his hand and let it go.

Let him continue and push them back against the wall.

“You are crazy,” she breathless. “My husband …”

“You are beautiful,” he only answered her before his lips touched her neck. He kissed her and broke every resistance in her with this sinful touch. But he went on.

His hand grabbed her nipple and dragged on her. She cried out quietly. Sweet pain without a break. Damn Mistkerl, he knew exactly what he was doing.

“We shouldn’t …”, Heike tried one last time but he sealed her lips with a kiss.

He didn’t want to wait. Not now, not today. He wanted her and what he wanted, that was also used to getting it. Heike enjoyed this feeling of being desired by this man, but she was also afraid.

Fear that he could drop her. Fear that her husband came back and she caught. Nevertheless, she followed his game, gave himself to his desire, which Heike shared with him deeply in her.

His hand let go of her chest and hiked over her stomach. He pulled the covenant of her jogging pants aside and slid between her thighs.

Moist warmth received it. Yes, of course she was damp. She was crazy about him and he shamelessly took advantage of this. He grabbed her on the hair and turned her face to the wall.

She had to take her eyes off him as he conquered her wet column with his finger.

“Please …”, Heike floated with a quiet moan when his fingertip touched her clitoris and rubbed this. She stretched the pelvis towards him and asked for more. She wanted him to love her and spoiled her. Your body should be completely his.

“…keep going. Please.”

He did it. Stroked her pleasure center and kept wandering through her damp valley to the cave of her lust. Heike supported her hands on the wall of her bedroom.

Recked her round butt and felt his own hard lance. Lust and euphoria. Your heart beat faster. She panted like a bitch inherited.

He always managed to get her around the mind. Why did he only had this power over them?

Heike jogging pants slid to the ground and her slip also followed. Only her shirt covered her full body. But not for long.

The man who stroked and kissed her with a firm hand simply tore her off the fabric, so that nothing stood between him and her, which was a hindrance at that moment.

He was rough, but he could also be tender. Again his fingers reached their vulva. He stroked them with experienced fingers. Her labia were swollen.

Heike’s body longed for him, longed for it, from his Finger Loving, touched by his lips and from his tail to be conquered. Her desire for him increased with every heartbeat, every breath. She wanted to belong to him, no matter what it cost. Heike wanted him to take her.

Hard, firm, brutal, no matter. The main thing is that he did it with her.

“Take me, please,” she whispered quietly.

“As I want?“, He whispered in her and kissed her neck. He held Heike’s dark hair with a firm handle.

“Take me as you want it,” she whispered. “I want you.


The hand loosened from Heike’s dark hair. He reached for his belt and pulled it out of the loops of his pants. His pants slid to the ground without keeping the ground. Heike hardly noticed anything about it.

The rounded woman was too fixated on his game with her trembling vulva. Again and again his fingers circled around the gender of the woman and whipped her from one moment of pleasure to the next.

Suddenly he also took his hand out of her lust triangle and grabbed the belt with both hands. He caught it around Heike’s neck that only gave a short, disturbed protest. His hands attracted the form that was shaped and the woman felt the pressure on her throat, which literally took her breath away from her.

“Wa …”, Heike stammered when he dragged her to the bed with a firm grip.

The wide leather strap fixed her head and prevented any chance of resistance. She hardly got air, but she didn’t fight back. He had his determining way submissive to him. His lead was more important to her at that moment than being able to breathe freely.

She was willing in front of him on her back.

The belt was firmly wrapped around her throat. Her hands grazed over his chest unsafe as she roared quietly. He did not lace her off the whole breath of life, but gave her enough so as not to panic. At least not yet.

Heike had opened her thighs for him.

She felt his weight, which crowded between it. He was strong and thus had the power to control her body against her will. Something that she liked a man. She wanted him to take her as he liked it as long as she did not recognize any hesitation or doubts in his actions.

During sex there should be no doubt for you, no inhibitions, no hesitation. Heike wanted feelings and emotions. Pure and pure, spoiled and mean.

Her delicate hand grazed through his chest hair. It excited him to see her like this, helplessly delivered below him.

His hard lance aimed at her damp labia, who had already widened for him. With a single push he penetrated her deep into her and elicited Heike a loud cake. The leather belt on her throat alone prevented this gas on a loud scream of wool lust.

Your eyes were fixed. He began to move in her.

Hard, firm bumps. Her lavish breasts wobbled in time. Neckisch stretched him hard hard Nipple opposite that thronts on their large atrial stoves. Unfortunately he had no hand to play with them, because his hands held the two ends of the belt, which she choked more and more.

“N/a? My horny bitch, you like it when I use you like this, ”he whispered to her drunk.

Heike looked at him with eyes and mouth wide open and nodded slightly in agreement. She couldn’t do more. Her head started red because her body had been put into an exceptional situation by the lack of oxygen. Her senses played crazy and under his strong ram movements she seemed to float it several times in a hurricane out of lust.

Heike Schlag hers Legs To press his body, he tried to press him so that he fueled her lust even more.

Wild clapped his pelvis against hers. Her female body was flooded with hormones that put them into a drug that was the same in drugs. The arms rowed around, uncontrolled, hectic. Sparks flickered in front of their eyes.

They rank after air while losing more and more strength.

The dominant lover, but still intensified his control by collecting her hands. He held her, pressed her wrists on the sheet of her marriage bed. Heike looked into his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. For a moment, the pressure on her throat loosened a little and the fresh air almost put it in euphoric intoxication.

She looked at him panting. Their view of the bitch who was completely rewarded, which was completely revealed to the Lord.

“Horny fuck piece,” he growled lust. A smile scurried over his expression. He was still deep in her damp grotto, which was closely around his strap.

He stayed in her, gave her time to get breath back, but not so much to recover. On the contrary. You should only prepare for the final ride.

Suddenly he pulled the noose around her throat. At the same time he started to push her hard and firm.

If he hadn’t captured her hands, Heike would now have granted himself instinctively. But he had taken care of. She had no chance. She reared up under him, but he pressed her with his weight on the pelvis and wrists to the ground, while the belt was closer than ever before.

Heike fought, she whistled and trembled.

Panic spread in her mind. She didn’t know where there was up or down. She experienced his bumps with brutal intensity. His cock in her felt like one whip on, which tortured her overwhelmed nerves.

Hopelessly and full of lust at the same time, she coveted the suffocation. She threw himself wildly towards him and used the precious oxygen. Her lungs burned like fire and her heart beating throbbing. The juice shot out of its column and soaked the sheet.

She couldn’t hold it anymore. Your body just let it run.

“Well you horny bitch? Breathless? You wanted that. Yes, let it come from your dirty cunt Run, ”he caught.

Heike couldn’t answer him. What should she have said? Yes, no, everything together? She didn’t know because her mind no longer worked.

The madness between suffocation and ecstasy drove through her body like a tornado.

He fucked her faster and now. Merciless and wild. She wanted to beg him that he finally came. She wanted him to unlock himself in her and fill her with his seed.

Everything just to finally find satisfaction. To finally get what she longed for everyone. Air and lust.

Removes his increasingly violent, louder groaning on your ear. The loud clapping of his hips against her leaking pelvis.

His sweat dripped on her breasts and face. He too had fucked himself into absolute ecstasy. Suddenly he remained deep in her, maintaining the pressure around her throat. His thick strap began to twitch.

Under a loud gas, he unlocked himself in her and filled her ready hole with his seed.

The suffocating Heike continued to fight in lust and pleasure waves. She felt the strange yet familiar twitching in her crackling abdomen. Her eyes turned.

She could no longer see clearly, could no longer think clearly. Only this burning pain and this euphoric lust remained in her body and combined to form an indescribable climax. Then her body slackened and she lost consciousness.


Her husband opened the door to bedroom. His gaze fell on the disorder in the room before he saw the dark hair that looked out under the covers.

He could clearly see the contours of his strongly built wife underneath.

“You fouls are probably just lying around all day,” said her husband, who gave his wife no further attention. “You should really do more.”

Heike was crushed together in bed. She felt how the other of the other ran out of her grotto. Her head was still high red from her body’s brutal abuse.

A abuse because she had enjoyed as much as hardly anything else in her otherwise everyday life. She still felt the seed that he had planted while her abdomen was in a soiled lake of her own juices.

“Better fucked by a devil than from one Angel disregarded, ”she thought, and refrained from answering him.

He wasn’t interested anyway. He had his work and hobbies. She did not appear in it.

She had to take care of the children and do the household. So Heike only stayed the few moments of happiness with another. Moments when she too could live out her secret dreams and imagination. When would he visit her again? Loss of thought she stroked herself and wished he took her with him.


Who is Lisa and in what relationship she actually stands to the old man, now I’ll leave your head cinema again.

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