First time as a DWT in the porn cinema | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Network find from Nikk ** WT

My first appearance in the porn cinema.

A few times the thought came to show me as a DWT in a porn cinema.

I started some attempts until I could get through it too.

With a sexy outfit in my pocket I set off. When I arrived in the cinema, I visited the premises hesitantly. Somehow relieved I realize that I am apparently alone at the moment. I decided to go to one of the cabins to move there.

A tight mini, 12cm high heels, bra With silicone inserts under the skin, top, holding, string …Then the long -haired wig … done! A quick look at the existing mirror …”Wow I have a good figure,” I thought.

I put all my courage together and opened the door.

A look through the door gap …I was still alone.

I left the cabin with showering knees. I sat on a sofa in the corridor. After a short time I heard steps. In dim light I saw how a very good -looking man came up to me.

I noticed how my pulse got faster and faster. When I got to me, he stopped …I looked …and then sat down with me. He told me that he liked him. I thanked for his compliment in a trembling voice.

Without asking he put his hand on my leg and stroked.

Wow….I really liked that.

Soon his hand disappeared under my mini.

Once at the crotch he stroked mine tail who was now stone hard. He asked me to stroke him, which I also did. I felt a big, firm cock through my pants.

With a trembling hand I made my pants open to “free” the horny part.

At that moment my shy was suddenly gone. Full of lust I massaged his cock with my hand.

He liked it.

He asked me politely if I was too blow would. I agreed to have a bat with a spur. But if we could withdraw into a cabin. He agreed.

In the cabin I knelt in front of him and put my mouth over the magnificent cock. Again and again my mouth rocked back and forth.

Suddenly his hands captured my head and his cock started to fuck my mouth with careful, firm bumps.

I was happy to let me go over …groaned with lust. After a few minutes the bumps were faster and faster. He breathed audibly heavy. Suddenly a shit from him.

Almost at the same time his cock shrugged in my mouth and pumped his sparrow charge in my mouth. I wanted to pull my head away but he still stated that I couldn’t go away. I resulted in the situation and swallowed the horny juice. Hmmmmm it tasted too.

After giving the last drop, he let go of my head.

I licked his cock well clean. When I had licked everything up, he packed his sagging cock back in, thanked him and went.

And now?

Irrated, I sat on the chair in the cabin. Only then did I notice the gloryhole in the cabin wall and a beautiful shaved cock that was offered.

I didn’t let myself be asked for long … the rod also massaged with my hand. My opposite

Already groaned lustfully.

Driven by his moan, I knelt in front of the hole in the wall to blow this tail too. He had me granted me. Again and again the horny part disappeared to the stop in my mouth.

Suddenly he pulled it out of my mouth. He now ordered my cock to stick through the hole.

I did that excitedly too. Now I felt his hand holding my shaft ..

his Tongue My acorn circled … his solid lips sucked.

After this small insert, he let me off again. I said “what now?”.

“Well” he said “Come over to me. I want to fuck you”.

I was happy to meet the request.

I quickly collected my things and went to the neighboring cabin.

When I entered I saw a couch in the corner. The one was a slightly older, naked man on her. He jerked his hard cock. The sight of his stand looked like a drug on me.

I immediately leaned over the horny part to blow it again.

I noticed how his hand stroked my hard cock and then disappeared between my legs. Arrived at my “pussy” he carefully put a finger in my hole. I told him that it makes me horny and asked him to put even more fingers in. So that he can penetrate better, I took a tube lubricant that he had provided and distributed something of the content on my rosette.

Immediately I felt how he pushed more fingers to stretch me.

He did it with so much skill that I was prepared for fucking relatively quickly.

Now he pulled me on the couch so that we could look into our faces. I quickly pulled him a rubber over the stand. I sat on his cock wide -legged. Thanks to the good lubrication, he also penetrated me without any problems until the stop.

I crouched and started riding. A rhythm was quickly found in which he kept entering deeply with firm bumps. We both moaned loudly with lust.

Another horny man came into our unlocked cabin unnoticed by me.

He stood out with calm pants and stiff cock next to the lounger and jerked himself off.

The two men got up without a word. What did you have?

My “fucker” briefly interrupted the action.

He asked me to get off. “What now?“I thought with me.

The resolution was then not long in coming.

The newly added man sat on the “bed edge”. His hard cock towered vertically. My fucker now ordered me to blow the strange tail.

I willingly leaned right away and started my “job”.

The engraver now stood behind me, spread mine Legs and penetrated into me again with his spanking to fuck on.

In the meantime I could hardly believe my luck. I had dreamed of spoiling two guys for a long time.

I enjoyed the firm bumps in my “pussy” …I lovingly looked after the tail in my mouth.

After some time of the bubble, the guy on the edge of the bed was already ready. I gave him to understand that he can come in my mouth or face. He immediately pulled his cock out of his mouth.

I jerked him to the climax with my hand. His warm hurled with firm batches sperm in my face. Hmmmm was a great feeling of how the juice spread on my face! The situation had not escaped my engraver. He too also wanted to get rid of his cream.

He made his joy donor from my pussy. I quickly knelt in front of him and presented my face. Wichtend he stood in front of me and sprayed his juice nicely distributed in my face.

Driven by my lust, I also jerked myself to the end and splashed my juice into the room. Completed and satisfied, I enjoyed the situation on the floor with your eyes closed.

With a finger I pushed the fresh sperm from the face into my mouth to swallow it.


When I was finished a few minutes I opened my eyes again.and….Was alone!

Both guys obviously quickly got out of the dust.

Somehow a shame. I would have loved to meet for further action.

Nevertheless, happy and satisfied I cleaned my face for a moment, put on my men’s outfit again to go home. When leaving the cinema, the admission ticket seller grinned me in a variety of ways with raised thumb. Had he noticed our action???

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