Dirty fuck in the country | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

This story takes place in Lower Saxony. The House of the Lindler family is in rural areas. A nice house with a lot of wood that the self -employed master carpenter Tom largely built himself. He is 45 years old, with 170 cm quite small and very strongly built. Not fat, completely and not at all! Due to the difficult work and strength sport since the youth, it is very muscular and looks absolutely fit physically. His wife Maria, 40 years old, is optically the opposite.

She drives him up by more than half a head and is thick. Not super fat but clearly overweight. She is the good soul in the village. Everyone knows them and almost all they love them. Both are very active in the community! Maria takes care of girls and women who have psychological problems in the old villa, which is community property. Tom looks after two groups with alcoholics and drug addicts! In addition, he does all the work on the old building and in the large garden.

Like every summer they were visited by Johanna, a friend of Maria, childhood. She is also 40 years old, relatively normal built. Except on her butt, which looks huge for their size of 155cm. Most of the time she stayed for two to three weeks and then drove back to Munich. She always enjoys the time with the Lindlers very much. A lot of nature and calm around the remote house are like vacation for you. But in no way can she be operated.

It integrates perfectly into the household. She laughs a lot with Maria, and also has a great connection to Tom. Since the two daughters of the Lindlers have already moved out, Johanna has their own apartment. But they almost always eat together, and even in the evening everyone is often sitting together. When Johanna said goodbye early one evening to read something else, she suddenly hears Maria!They are strange noises that it cannot classify!She immediately runs on the hallway.

Now it’s a lot louder. A mix of whining and moaning comes from the living room. The thought that the two could have sex down there makes them extremely curious. She goes along the hallway to the stairs. She would have preferred to go down to get a look. However, the wooden staircase scars when entering. A short time later it is quiet again and Johanna sneaks back into her bedroom. She is confused that the situation has made it so curious.

Only now did she notice how damp it is between her legs. To get clear thoughts again, she devotes herself to her book and falls asleep shortly later. The next morning she goes down. Tom is already to be repaired an old roof structure for the construction site. Maria gives in two cups of coffee directly when she hears her friend down the stairs. She immediately notices that Johanna deals with something and asks straight away. Johanna does not talk around it and describes what she experienced last night.

Maria is puzzled at first that she was probably so loud, then says to Johanna that it is quite normal to get curious about such noises and that she would have been just as excited. Johanna tells her that she has had no sex for 10 years and yesterday was totally in mind. Maria looks at her friend shocked. “Like no sex for 10 years?“Johanna also has an adult daughter, but has been divorced for 11 years.

“I’ve only had sex once since the separation, and that was terrible!“Maria pauses for a while before she reacts. “But you have needs! I don’t know what happened to you but not every man is shit!“Johanna looked at her. “Tom certainly not! Just as you left last night!“Maria smiles at her friend and realizes that she has never been so satisfied beforehand. Tom is something very special. “What is your problem?“Johanna looks to the ground and has tears in his eyes when she looks up again.

“I’ve been insulted! Because of my breasts! That hit me deeply! I have had very ugly breast. They are almost empty and my warts are very large!As if it is not enough that I have such a huge ass!“Maria sees her friend’s eyes filled with tears. “You’re a beautiful woman! And if you don’t see it that way, you don’t deserve you either! Now don’t finish yourself, life is too beautiful for that!““ You also talked well.

You have neither my breast nor my big box!“Grinning, Maria looked over. “Exactly … I’m just fat! Johanna laughed!“But you have Tom. And he loves you as you are!””Yes he does!“At that moment he enters the room and looks at the two women. “What’s going on here? And why are you crying Johanna?”” Oh Tom, everything is fine! Do not worry!”” I just want to drink a coffee quickly and still need wood out of the dandruff!In the afternoon the women then go to the village to make a few errands!The evening runs like mostly on Saturdays.

After eating together, Maria and Johanna drink a glass of wine. Tom makes a tea and stuffs his pipe mandatory. Johanna goes up a little later, and Tom and Maria also go to bed!Tom asked again whether everything is really okay with Johanna. “How do you actually find them?“Asked Maria. “She is great and has been visiting us for 15 years. You can be happy to have such a friend!””Thats not what I meant! You find them exciting?““ Johanna is a beautiful woman! But what’s that about now? I never looked at her like that!”” Oh stop! I see how you look at her when her sweatpants run between the huge buttocks!””What?“Come on gifs! When thinking about her fat ass, your cock will be hard!“Maria pulls the duvet away and grabs Tom on the already half -hard penis.

Before he can say something, she pulls the foreskin back and gives a good amount of lubricant on Toms Eichel. She massages the little brains with her fingers and distributes the lubricant. His tail (14 × 4) is now very hard and the glans plump. Maria with her left hand now pulls the foreskin back a little tighter and drives off the back glans with the forefinger of the right very tenderly. After a while it strengthens the pressure of the finger.

While she is now working quite firmly the glul of the glul. Tom is already louder and groans in between. “Think of her thick ass! Imagine you lean down naked in front of you! While her left hand continues to hold the foreskin tightly, she becomes faster with her finger and a little firmer. “Well my darling, would you fuck her if I had nothing against it?“At that moment it sprinkles violently from Tom’s little cock. Maria continues to process the edge of the glans.

It sprayed out of her husband ten times. He groans and winds because his wife is still maltreating the acorn edge. In the meantime it has slower and the pressure of the finger has also subsided. “Wow…. The last time you came so quickly, I can hardly remember!“And gives him a passionate kiss. “Yes, that was very violent! Do you now explain to me what that should be talking about Johanna’s butt?“Maria told him the story her friend tells her and why she cried!“Can you imagine having sex with her? I’m really sorry for her! And I have no problems with it! On the contrary, the thought to see you with her makes me extremely cool!““ You know that I love big asses and hanging tits.

Of course I would! Did you talk to her about anything in the direction?““ No, she doesn’t know anything! But I am sure that she would need it and enjoy it! Now please fuck me! Your little one is already hard again and I run out!“After a good hour of sex, both sleep satisfied!The next morning Maria left the bathroom door and calls to Johanna when she wants to pass. “Sweetness! Can you please get me a towel out of the bedroom cabinet? I thought here would be one more!”” Sure, I’ll get you! Where are they?”” Left door, bottom subject.

“Maria grins because she knows what her friend will see immediately when she will open the closet door. Johanna opens the closet door and her breath punches. There is a box in which several dildos are located directly in the compartment over the towels. One in “normal” size. All others are very large to huge. She pulls one of the towels from the lower compartment and showered to the bathroom door. “I hang it on the door handle!”” Please bring it in! Then I don’t have to over the tiles “.

Johanna enters the bathroom. Maria is right in front of her. Splinteracked and dripping wet from the water. Johanna looks at it from top to bottom. Your legs are stocky, the belly hangs over her intimate area, her breasts (cup size is hardly defiable. Was probably a good C-cup) hang down, they look very soft and empty. The nipples are finger -thick and point to the floor. The complete skin of the breasts is covered with stretch marks!Johanna stares at her breasts as petrified.

“Oh…. Excuse me please! I didn’t think about it that my toy is in the closet. I’m sorry!“Johanna has almost forgotten the dildos. She cannot leave her eyes from the hint of Mary!“Are you not nice? I love my trailers! Johanna didn’t trust her ears. She meant that seriously? Apart from her own, she had never seen such terrible granny tits live. She hands her the towel and goes to the kitchen without a word.

A few minutes later, Maria also comes into the kitchen with a slightly longer T-shirt. When she takes two cups out of the closet, Johanna can look at her on her bare butt. Your butt is big, looks very soft and has a lot of cellulite. When Maria also sits at the table, she asks: “What’s my love? What shocked you? My toy? My tits? I saw exactly how you stared at her!”” I’m sorry, I didn’t want that! When you spoke of beautifully, it was too much for me!““ But they are nice!”” This is really serious, or?““ Yes, of course, I’m proud of my trailers! I love kneading them and pulling them on the nipples! When did you play with your tits for the last time?“Johanna said nothing!”Please show me” “Your Ernst?””Yes, please!””But not here! I want to take a shower anyway.

Then come to the bathroom!“The two start. Arrived in the bathroom, Johanna hesitates!“Well, do sweetness! Or are you afraid I could look away from you?“She took off her sweater. The belly is relatively flat, only something protrudes over the waistband. Her bra cups (B) still covered what she was so ashamed of. But it can be seen clearly that your breasts are anything but firm. Above the basket, the skin is wrinkled in the wrinkle.

When she takes off her bra, the two literally fall down. Very narrow from the approach to the bottom. At the top they are completely empty. The skin is located directly on your chest. Below it looks like there is still something in their tits. Like tennis balls in socks, only much less below than a tennis ball. Temporaries can also be seen, but significantly less than with Maria. The warts are dark brown and cover the lower third of the trailers.

The nipples also point to the ground!”Oh my God! These are the most beautiful tits I’ve ever seen!“Johanna looks surprised, but still smiles a little because she believes that Maria is really serious. Maria pulls out her T-shirt and says: “From the tits, we could be sisters!“And grins Johanna. “May I touch her?“At exactly the moment when Johanna wants to say something, the front door falls into the castle. Johanna shrinks and hurries over her sweater.

Maria also throws her T-shirt over and greets her husband in the kitchen with an intimate kiss!When the two sit at the table, Johanna also comes from the bathroom. Tom looks in her direction and immediately sees that she doesn’t wear a bra. Your tits dangle visibly visibly below the rather tight sweater from side to side. Smiling Tom looks from Maria to Johanna. “You were both in the bathroom and looked at your great bodies?”Sequel follows…….

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