Breakfast once different | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s tomorrow again, I’m already sitting at the breakfast table. You come out of the bathroom, the hair is still damp, and with nothing more than with the little coat, which I already know from gym. You give me a gentle kiss on the cheek. You smell bewitchingly fresh.

You sit down opposite me, reset the chair some off the table so that you have yours Legs can hit one above the other, immediately reach close to the newspaper and start deepening yourself, you order a cheese roll with me and grab the coffee pot.

Your scarce coat does not have enough fabric to cover your plump thighs.

This sight makes me sweat immediately, when I cut your bun open I almost cut my fingers instead of cheese, I reach for the salami, but I still notice my mistake in real time.

In between, you always read a little loud to me when you think it could interest me.

But in the moment my eyes fixed on your great legs, naked, brown, just beautiful.

I get up, come up to you, kneel me in front of you, reach for your thighs to spread them apart. Without first putting the newspaper aside, you let it happen to you.

Again I see your perfectly shaved cunt, I can’t help it, I just have to lick.

When I start, put the newspaper down to the ground and push your pelvis towards me. I start licking you gently. You start yours Tits Massify with the stiff nipples. Your clit is already at 180.

Mine Tongue Just slips in and out from your pleasure grotto. My tongue greedily licks for your horny cunt juice as if it were a drug. To sweeten the whole thing even more, give me some strawberry jam on your clit, my tongue licks it greedily. “More,” I moan, you put again after now with chocolate cream, a really cool mixture.

“Please the same again,” I moan again. So it works for some time. Your pelvis moves totally excited back and forth in the chair. You hold my head with one hand and press it between your spread legs.

When you finally come, your abdomen movements become so violent that even the chair slips violently, my head still keep my head cramped in your lap.

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