Bike tour | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello my name is Nicole. I write this story because I have to tell you someone. My colleague Jürgen gave me the idea of my experiences from the last Vacation write down. But first to me so that you know something about me.

I am 25 years old. I am with my 1.55 quite small I could always assert me in my life I weigh 45kg have longer dark brown hair but you can also see that in my photo. Through my way that I can assert myself, I also chose my job and so I became an educator in the youth home near Stuttgart. This Summer I had finally decided to escape from the daily grind.It should be something very special.

Not such a package vacation where everything runs according to a firmly predetermined path. So it came about that I decided to go on a bike tour, but I didn’t know which way to take. Since I like Italy very much, it happened that I chose a route about Italy.

After some supervision, the route was also certain. Via Austria to Lake Garda, Milan, Verona, Venice, Florence, Pisa and then Rome.

Since it was not possible on my vacation, of course, everything could be done by bike, I also wanted to take the train to do larger distances every now and then. Of course, I did not know that everything should be completely different than planned. Now I don’t want to keep you going to the following and start with my actual story. Everything started exactly as planned.

I enjoyed my first parts of the trip. It all started to change when I took the train to Milan. I was in a single compartment and enjoyed the landscape of Italy that passed the window when the down door opened. I was amazed when I looked into a familiar face.

It was a boy from my youth home. I thought back what I knew about him … He was always a troublemaker in the home and he owed it to me that he was back in Italy. I had him from approx.

2 years at the home management displayed because he had stolen and I discovered thiefs in his room. I had to say against him in court and I still know his last words when he was led. “I’ll pay you that home” … I was torn from my thoughts when he spoke to me.

I looked into his brown eyes and wondered when he smiled at me. So you can see each other again. he said and greeted me with a handshake. Before I could only reply, he continued.

He said that he was doing really well now and that he no longer had an abomination against me.

He was happy to be back in Italy and probably also had a job. We talked all over the trip and I had to revise my judgment about him a little. He was really nice to me. After 3 hours we arrived in Milan.

Since I couldn’t have küm-ceiling for accommodation, he had invited me to his apartment. I accepted his offer and we only waited for the goods edition for my backpack and my bike. Then we drove to his apartment with a taxi. It was around 7 p.m. when we arrived he had a small apartment just a kitchen and a bedroom and a very small bathroom.

He saw my surprised look and said immediately that he would sleep in the living room that calmed me down a lot. I made myself fresh in his simply furnished bathroom. When I got back into the living room he was on the phone. When he saw me, he stopped the listener and asked me if I would like to still do with him today in the pub to drive a friend.

Since I love to get to know the country and people, I clearly come I come along.

We then drove out of the house and arrived in the pub at 8 p.m. When I got out of the car, I only got that we were in a very dilapidated area. The pub had to be described more of a slope. But what should I do so I had to go through now.

When we got into the door we had to put a heavy fabric curtain aside. Then we entered a dodgy dark. The room was only lightened by a few lamps it was stuffy and the smoke was almost cutting. With my panoramic view I recognized approx.

30 people who were quietly entered the room. It was approx. 25 men and 5 women present. When Pepe then said something in Italian what I did not understand the conversations and we were not considered.

We walked past a billiard table into a dark corner where 4 friends of Pepe were waiting. The 4 got up and greeted me in brittle German they said that it would be nice to get to know a good friend of Pepe from Germany.
We sat down again and I was taken in the middle on a corner bench. Only Pepe went with one of the men towards the counter and I could see from the corner of the eye how Pepe discussed excitedly with his friend. I only saw his friend from time to time he apparently said nothing else.

I could also not watch Pepe because the 3 other tangled me and further in conversations they asked me about my job and my life. Now Pepe came back with a smile on the face. He sat down with us and said his friend of the owner of the restaurant would have a little more to drink.

He said Chianti is definitely a good wine for this evening. And it would also be a lot more fun playing billiards with a little alcohol.

Now the owner also came back and brought each of us a carafe of wine. He filled our glasses and spoke a little drinking saying from what we all took a sip. That the wine had a somewhat bitter aftertaste didn’t matter to me because the others apparently didn’t notice anything. Now I also had some time to get my new friends a little more precisely.

Pepe seemed with his ca. 18 years to be the youngest that were the other around 25 years. Pepe now introduced me to me too. Frasco as I learned his brother sat right next to me.

At 180 he was the largest and very sporty. On the right of me Pete sat a stocky black and Olav a very inconspicuous hierer type. Frasco gave me my second glass of wine and I noticed how the alcohol showed some effect for me I had the feeling that my eyes were getting heavier. Frasco noticed that too and he choked me out at least to drink the second glass.

I took a big sip and said with a heavy tongue that the wine would get me in my head badly. Suddenly Frasco’s pitch changed noticeable.

He suddenly spoke to me much cooler … you even know what a trouble gave us the thing with Pepe at the time.. huh?? He roughly touched me on the upper arm.

I punched and wanted to reply something I didn’t have to be offered. Unfortunately my opposites only stayed in my head, I didn’t bring a word about my lips. I tried to wind my arm from his handle but my arm failed me. Slowly it became aware that whole should be revenge.

He had lured me into a trap. But if they have put something in the wine for me why for heaven’s sake, I didn’t fell asleep? I was tired but I was still with full consciousness. I saw how the innkeeper said something to the other people in the restaurant, some of them stood up shaking up and the restaurant left other mostly somewhat dilapidated types on their tables. The host went to the door last and hanged a sign into the window then he closed the door.

Only now did I get the Frasco further ..

You will hear for everything you can hear … my family had to pay over € 5000,- to the insurance because of Pepe’s burglaries. We will get the money back from you. And you will never whistle someone again when we’re done with you.

With the words he tore down my blouse. You shit he said he hardly has tits when we send them to the line we don’t get anything. Then we have to do it differently first of all see what you have. I was lifted up and brought to the billiard table then my remaining clothing cocks were torn from body.Cutting off when he tore had hardly any pain.

When I looked around, I realized that the remaining people remained in the locally approx. 12 men had now brought out their cocks and jerked themselves. Frasco said something I understand with my bad Italian. First she will ride pete then Pepe has the pleasure.

Take a look at the horny sow … it will be very damp. He was right that had to lie on the drugs my abdomen burned like in a fire and I couldn’t do anything. I was put on the stomach on the table that Pete could take me from behind, I noticed how his cock brutally penetrated my pussy.

I was fucked with hard bumps by a black one and couldn’t even fight back.

I always hoped that I finally lost my consciousness. On the contrary, I noticed how slowly the drug’s influence was decreasing. But I had no time to think because suddenly two guys stood in front of my face and held out with her cocks. Frasco noticed that I could move a little again and said to me blas she suns it will be bad to you.

I didn’t want to. When he noticed that he got a blanket she pulled over my back and struck with full force. The pain was Mörde-Risch I got tears in my eyes. And all of this while I was fucked by the Schwar-Zem.

Frasco looked at me badly and I opened my mouth. The cock in front of me was not clean but was full of white secretions what he didn’t bother because in broken German he said he cleaned and pressed it in my mouth. I almost had to hand over but he just continues.

Now I noticed how the black grew faster and faster and his seeds half on my back and half of me in me.
Now Frasco was back because he had to let off the cock in my mouth and he drizzle into his mouth with a few drops. I noticed the influence of the drug again, but this time a little different I realize now everything was even clearer, only I had no longer my own will anymore.

I noticed how I was always hornier and I enjoyed it but my mind screamed in the subconscious no, I didn’t want that but I couldn’t do anything. I now clearly noticed my lust and couldn’t explain what I was doing. I was pulled down from the table and then it happened. I got great, my abdomen burned I wanted to feel sperm and cocks.

I listened to call going to fucks me right her dog gets me ready. I saw Pepe filmed me in this campaign. I used almost every cock with my mouth and was kept fucking.

The tough sperm flowed down my legs and my hair stuck away. In the subconscious I continued to scream for help but I did the opposite.

I let myself be fucked by the last bums and enjoyed it. The whole thing lasted up to approx. 11 p.m. then I fell asleep in one fell swoop – the aftermath of the drug. The next day I woke up with a huge headache around 12 noon.

I Dach-Te it was all a dream but when I looked around I was Franco and Pepe because they watched the video from last night. I couldn’t help it … I didn’t say a word ran to the toilet and handed myself over. I went into the shower and first washed myself properly.

Since I didn’t find anything to put on, I took a towel and wrapped it around me. What should I do? Run away but all the papers had the two and then? So I decided to go back to the living room and ask you to let me go. I thought that would be the most reasonable. When I came in the living room, the two laughed.

Well you liked it yesterday you hooker? We just counted we only got € 200 from the guys yesterday.

Please let me go I get the money. No said Pepe you have done me so often then I will pay you home. We just found your travel route because we came up with the idea of accompanying you a little or rather we’ll have a few friends in Rome. We will take the train.

But you will ride the ride to the train station. First with the things we put out but then as soon as you go through the slums you pull out. We have printed a few business cards with your picture of your address you have to distribute you we watch you and wait for you at the train station.
I didn’t know what to do I was in her hand. So I did as ordered.

To the train station it was about 15 km of it 5 km through the slum area I saw a car slowly followed me and took it to Pepe and his brother.

So I was able to reject my plan to tear the cards and throw them away. The first route was normally not going up but I kept seeing the car and also noticed that I was filmed. When the streets were getting dirty, the car was supposed to be briefly my sign. I got off the bike and brought my things to Pepe.

He didn’t miss it when I stood next to the car to push his finger into my cunt. I wanted to defend myself at first but a strict look told me that it has no sense. He let go of me and I got back on my bike to go on. It’s good that the two had only printed 20 cards that I would get rid of it.

I was only driven for a few hundred meters because I met 2 guys who looked at me stupid and I each handed them a card with a bird showing and disappearing me. Another 18 cards. When I turned around the next curve I met a group of 8 men and 2 women who stood and smoked on their cars.

Immediately, however, calls were made according to which I did not understand. I distribute my cards and just wanted to continue again when 2 of the guys took heart and grabbed my ass.

They gave me the equivalent of DM 20 and as far as I understand they wanted me to knelt in front of them. I was annoyed again how bad my Italie nich was because they were already annoying. So I knelt down and the two got their cocks out. I didn’t know what should happen now but then one of the two of them took my jaw and pressed my mouth.

He helps my nose with the other hand. That should mean that I should swallow.

I just wanted to start blowing them when both of them started piss And in the middle of my mouth. I was so shocked that I was swallowing. It was so much that the warm piss ran down my body.

When the two were finished, they pushed me away and went back to their gear that laughed loudly. 8 more cards. I distributed the next 7 cards to individual men of whom nobody wanted anything. The last card brought me no luck. It was an old fat for fish stinking man.

He rummaged in his pockets and looked for the equivalent of DM 10 with small change. Then he came to me and tore my nipples. It hurt hell, but he continued right away I had to bend over a trash can and he put his index finger in his mouth to push him into my ass. It was the first time For me that someone did something like that with me.

He turned his finger to expand my anus. Then he put his cock on and fucked me in the ass. I noticed how my anus got crack because he was too tight, but he didn’t care. After a few violent bumps, I noticed how it got warm and moist in my ass.

I had done my job. He turned away and went without saying a word.

I continued and was picked up by my two observers. I gave them the money and we continued to drive without a word. I had to in the car Tighten and we got on the train without saying a word.

The two had a single compartment and we were undisturbed. When the train was on the roll, Frasco disappeared. When he was gone, Pepe spoke to me. I’m sorry so far I didn’t want it now my brother has it in my hand.

And it’s angry that you brought so little. I’ll try to buy a train card to Germany in Rome. Then I never want to see you again. Only in Rome you still have to play along, I can’t get the card.

I just wanted to reply when the door was raised Frasco came back with the conductor. He told me good and we can drive for free. I just nodded. I went to the official and opened his pants because he said something in Italian to Franco.

Whereupon franko to me said you pull out of you useless whore stand naked to the window he wants it and let yourself be fucked from behind. The conductor pulled over a Parisian and fucked me from behind in my cunt.

A few minutes later I notice how it comes to him. I let it endure. The conductor said something again.

Franco translated and once again put her video camera. You should blow cleanly and also slip the Parisian he might want to use it again. I got sick with the thought but what should I do? I got on my knees in front of him and carefully pulled the Parisian from his cock. Then I took his cock in my mouth and sucked him cleanly I also pushed my tongue under his vanguard and let her circle not to get trouble.

When I was satisfied with my work, I took the Parisian my head on my neck the tip of the pariser and let the juice run in my mouth to swallow it. Then I also stroked the remains with my fingers from the Parisian, last but not least. So I gave him back. Franko nodded satisfied and the conductor disappeared.

I was allowed to get dressed again and sleep something. The next few hours I have a deep restless sleep. I was shaken up by Franco when the train drove to the train station. We climbed out of the train and were received by a few dark men.

The men gave franko a few notes about € 1500,- when Pepe saw that widely saw his eyes he spoke to his brother and disappeared and disappeared. We went to a big van where we all got in.

Pepe also came started and secretly pressed me something while getting in the hand. After a few meters, Pepe and his brother were left out of the car. I continue for 2 hours with my new owners.

Then the van’s door was torn open and I was dragged out. I was torn up and my pantyhose torn. The first one came into me. The others stood next to me with prepared cocks.

I had to use my mouth alternately while I was fucked floating. I had to experience again how my cunt was filled with sperm again and again. I haven’t thought of AIDS for a long time. After a while I was simply left behind and the leader came to me he spoke good German.

So I heard you are one of these bitchy German whores. We want to drive that out for you first.

He called 2 negroes to him who had enormously big cocks. Fucks her properly in all the holes does not know any mercy times see if we can buy them tomorrow. I had it now that should be my future.

A curb swallow in Rome. I didn’t want to end like that and so I took my plan. I wanted to weigh the leader to safety. So my show started.

The two blacks came up to me. At first I defended myself a little but then I started. I went to my knees to blow the first cock but not only that I took this monster tail deep into my mouth and he drove it even deeper into me. I ignored all the pain took him to the eggs with one hand and massaged her a finger in his ass.He was getting wilder and I realized that he would soon inject.

The other had now put his long cock on my cunt and began to fuck me with deep bumps. With every push I noticed his glans on my uterus and yet I pushed my ass towards him. I hear the leader whistling looked at him from the corner of the eye so that he probably hadn’t expected. But I had to go on now.

At that moment the cock exploded in my mouth, I swallowed every drop of the hot mucus that syringes into my throat.

The negro in front of me was sinked back but I did not let him off, while the other now painfully fucked my ass I took the other’s eggs in my mouth. When I noticed that his cock did not grow again, I pressed his legs and licked slowly but as deep as I could clean his asshole. At that moment the other rammed his cock deep into my ass that I had to scream. He injected deep into me.

I pulled his cock out of my ass and turned to lick him immediately. I remained in a matted man, the leader pulled off his two negroes and left me alone.
Now I finally had time to look at the things from Pepe. He had held a word- a ticket and I couldn’t believe it too € 1000,- were in the envelope. I waited a little and then sneaked out of the house.

I made my clothes to make a hard time and were lucky enough to find a taxi. I drove to the train station. In the train and go home. When I thought of the last few days I hardly believed it was when my cunt was damp.

Nevertheless, I switched off and closed my eyes.

An hour later there was a conductor in the compartment. He smiled at me and asked about my ticket I showed her and he nodded. When he just wanted to go out of the compartment, he turned again and asked if I would like to blow him one. When I looked at him, he showed me the following.

I couldn’t believe it I just looked at the serial number and swallowed. I nodded and went to his knees in front of him after 5 minutes I was richer by 5 euros. When I arrived in Stuttgart I had € 100 in my pocket and at home on my answering machine almost 100 calls were waiting for me. Apparently I had a new part -time job.

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