The hiring discussion | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Dieter had passed his Abitur with good grades. Because he didn’t know exactly where to go professionally, he had completed a apprenticeship as a businessman. He was good, but his colleagues did not support him, so he was not taken over.

In private everything was actually ok.

He was now 20, almost 190 cm tall, not overly slim, but still quite well looked at with his blonde hair. He could have been a little more sporty, but that is primarily interested in him.

He had a friend who was a few years older, but her appearance was so hot that he loved to show himself with her. She was slim, just a few centimeters smaller than him, had dark long hair and a very even face. The sex with her was fun, even if she kept taking command again and again.

But the professional prospects were very lean at the moment, which also had an effect on his mood.

He applied over and over again, but it was milked to milk, he was not invited to an interview.

At the moment there were only two current applications and he fell out of all clouds when he held the invitation letter in his hands on a Monday morning. He was to be released at the company next Thursday at 3:00 p.m. His contact was a Mr. Lindemann.

He almost couldn’t sleep with excitement, as much as his girlfriend bought, even sex was out of the question.

Finally it was Thursday.

At 12:00 p.m. he went into the shower and shaved fresh. As always, the hair was well blowed up and he was now looking for the clothes carefully. He chose dark gray pants, a white shirt and a blue blazer. He waived the tie, at least 28 degrees outside.

Just like the bricklayers, he appeared in the registration.

A very attractive woman at the end of 40 stood in front of him and smiled at him.

“What can I do for you?” she asked.

“I have an appointment with Mr. Lindemann at 3:00 p.m.“Was his answer.

“I know that I will inform Mr. Lindemann that you are there, please take a seat there for so long.”

Dieter was actually too excited to sit down, but he was not allowed to show that. After almost five minutes a man stood in front of him. He was much older, gray -haired, quite slim and sporty. He wore a three -day beard and also had a combination without tie.

“Lindemann, Helmut Lindemann” he introduced himself to “Please follow me in my office?!”

According to his own idea, Dieter said: “Of course, very happy” and came after his conversation partner.

The office was on the first floor. It was quite large and had a visitor corner next to the desk with two office chairs leather, consisting of a couch and two armchairs. What noticed Dieter in particular was a huge colorful picture, but he couldn’t see any sense in it.

“Sit, I may offer you something cold to drink, cola, water?”

“I like to take a cola” replied Dieter.

Mr. Lindemann pressed a button on the desk.

“Ms. Maier, please be so nice and bring our applicant a cold cola and please me a water.”

Mr. Lindemann then began to edit his catalog of questions and Dieter answered as much and honestly as possible. Only after almost a quarter of an hour Ms. Maier came in and brought the drinks. Due to his nervousness and the permanent talk, Dieters thirst was so great that he drained his cola on a train. Mr. Lindemann had observed that closely.

“You don’t have to be nervous, but I think you should get a second drink.”

He pressed this button again and asked his employee for another drink.

He particularly emphasized the word applicant.

The conversation continued. Dieter was now much looser, but he couldn’t explain why. His answers were now quick and precise. Mr. Lindemann looked satisfied.

It had probably passed again for a long time when Ms. Maier came in again.

This time, Dieter looked at the woman.

A great person. Certainly already in his mid -forties and somewhat twist.

But with a great breast under the white blouse and with a mighty butt in the knee -length skirt. She put the glass in front of Dieter and at that moment he was able to smell the great smell that went out of her. He also caught a look at this dream decolté.

He definitely didn’t want it, but somehow it turned him on and his genitals started to rain. He was glad that he had taken the gray pants because it was cut a little further than the others.

You could only see something when you looked closely. Dieter also empty the second glass in one train out of sheer excitement.

Ms. Maier left the room and Mr. Lindemann asked further questions.

“We almost get through the important things for the job, but for us it is also important what our employees do in private life. Of course we know that you don’t have to answer the questions, but I don’t think I have to emphasize how much your answers affect the attitude!”

Dieter was surprised.

He hadn’t expected that. He also had the impression that the room was getting warmer and warmer. His head became Perterrot and he started to sweat softly.

“You don’t have to get red straight away, I haven’t asked anything yet. But well, then I’ll get rid of it.

Do you have a girlfriend?”

Some dumpling in the throat prevented Dieter from answering reasonably. He just nodded.

“So if she does it so much, we make it a little easier for you. We switch to the visitor corner. You can take off your jacket, please sit down the couch.”

Dieter was happy to get rid of his jacket.

He was now incredibly warm. The only thing that caused him was that being tail a life developed. He became increasingly harder. He had almost no way to hide it on the couch.

So he sat down and lends himself a little.

Mr. Lindemann had now ordered coffee from Ms. Maier, who even came very quickly. Ms. Maier covered for three and sat on the second armchair.

Dieter was completely surprised.

What should that. And then the woman also beat her Legs Above each other, so that Dieter could almost look at the approach. The condition in his pants got worse and worse.

“Ms. Maier will now take part in the conversation, we call it the four-eye principle. What does one miss out on the other.

By the way, Ms. Maier, our candidate seems a bit shy, even on the first question about his private life he got a red head and started to sweat.”

Ms. Maier looked at Dieter. He had the impression that the woman already knew how it was, but she just nodded.

Now drank the coffee, Dieter as always with two times sugar and some milk. After this procedure ended, Dieter no longer knew how to do it.

It got hotter and he was getting hotter. The bump in his pants could no longer be overlooked.

Mr. Lindemann has now also been concrete. “Say, you also have sex with your girlfriend? You can’t believe it like you are sitting in front of us here. Believe that helps you with your conversation with us?”

Dieter was helpless.

He shook his head, he couldn’t change the situation. His gaze kept going on the woman’s legs. The skirt had slipped a little higher and now released the stockings. He tried to concentrate, but he did not succeed.

“My employee has good legs, I know, but you can also look at me when I talk to you!”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what drove into me, that’s not my way at all,” stuttered Dieter.

“So Ms. Maier, what do you suggest how to relax the situation?“Asked the HR manager his employee. “In any case, it can’t go on like this!”

Ms. Maier thought briefly. “I suggest that I take care of the applicant a little. Maybe they want to support me?!”

“Can you do that a little more precisely, I can’t imagine what you want to do!”

Dieter observed completely irritated the conversation between the two.

Suddenly the woman got up and sit next to him. That was almost too much for Dieter. The blood not only shot into his head, but also into his tail. The pants were absolutely unmistakable.

“In the next few minutes you can call me Doris and the Lord over there Helmut. What we do with you now is an important part of any long -term cooperation! We put a little relaxing into the drink for you and are surprised how well it works. In any case, the bump in your pants can be expected a lot!”

As soon as she expressed the sentence, she had already handed her hand in his crotch and now checked whether everything was as she suspected.

“Take off now, complete and immediately.

If you only hesitate for a moment, this “conversation” is over!”

Dieter did not hesitate. This woman had it all and he wanted to know how it goes on. He pulled out his shirt, then pants, underpants and socks. With a stiff -standing genital part, he was now in front of the two.

But it turned a little differently than he expected.

Helmut had also undressed and put it back into his armchair. His limb was also stiff and he looked at his applicant from top to bottom.

“Turn around yourself.”

Dieter didn’t know what that was going on, but he came after the order. On the second shoot he had to stop with his back to Helmut.

“It doesn’t look bad at all,” said Helmut. “Doris, please check whether the young man also showered before he came to us.”

Doris came up to Dieter, knelt in front of him, took his stiff in his hand. “He’s circumcised, I think that’s good.“Then she took a smell test and last but not least, she took the cock into her mouth. She licked twice and Dieter groaned.

“Now don’t imagine too much. It was just about knowing how the part tastes. Helmut, I can tell you: very good!”

She picked up Dieter to the hip and turns it around. When his butt was right on her eye level, she stopped.

“Wang a little forward, I want to know whether you are washed properly here too.“Dieter was just cool. He didn’t care, so he did what she wanted from him. He leaned forward and felt the first a finger that stroked through his column. A completely unknown feeling and yet: it was good.

It went on. The finger was replaced by her tongue. She drove up the column and down completely and then behaved on the hole. He felt his tongue slowly pushed into his buttock and then disappeared again.

“He prepared himself excellently. Not only clean, but it also smells good. Helmut, I think you’re on now.”

“So Dieter, then come over to me. Has your girlfriend blown you before?”

“Nee” it was relocated by Dieter.

“Then you now have the chance to be faster than you.

Knee in front of me and take my cock in your mouth.”

Dieter hadn’t expected that now. Should he really do that? On the other hand, he hadn’t gone too far anyway. And then there was also the chance of this classroom. Long speech short sense, he knelt down.

However, he lacked any experience.

He had never been blown before, how should he know what to do. He didn’t have to ask himself this question for long, because as soon as it was on the ground, he had helmut’s stiff in front of his lips.

“You have to open your mouth, Lords, that is almost a young man, mouth open!!!”

Dieter opened his mouth, but the tail was bigger. Helmut no longer felt like talking, but pushed his part in Dieter’s mouth adamant. He had trouble to open his mouth far enough, but over time it went.

Helmut also noticed that, because he was now starting to fuck his applicant in his mouth with short bumps. Dieter started to please because he now tried to use his tongue. A short grunt showed him that he didn’t go wrong. He relaxed more and more, so that Helmut came deeper and deeper into his throat.

Dieter had to choke, but Helmut didn’t bother that.

“Relax your throat, you also get air through your nose. I’ll take you a little more now.”

He was not finished with his words yet, when Helmut Dieter’s head captured and pushed his cock completely into the virgin mouth cunt. He stayed for a moment to pull back briefly and then the procedure was repeated.

Dieter thought he should hand over, but the huge foreign body in his mouth would not have allowed it anyway. So he tried to relax and breathed through his nose. It was out to end, no better, it started to be right fun. Actually he was here to get a job that it was like that what he should do, he would not have thought in his wildest dreams.

Helmut used the looseness and now fucked me long bumps, every time he pushed deep into Dieter’s throat.

Several minutes had passed when Helmut breathed much faster, he roared Dieter: “I come, I am coming. Woe a curd goes wrong!“One load after the other poured into Dieter’s neck. He swallowed as well as he could, but these quantities were just too much for him.

It wasn’t just drops that ran out of his corners of the mouth. The stuff even tasted, it was a bit sweet. The whole powder was finally shot and Helmut sighed back sigh. He sat on his armchair again and looked at the job aspirant.

“That was good, my young friend! But shouldn’t you swallow everything? What then depends on your mouth angles? Please take care of Doris, you know that I don’t like that!”

Doris, Dieter, had almost forgotten her at his first bladder experience. She came up to him, took his head into her hands and licked him clean. She licked him clean, Dieter was stunned. He hoped for a kiss, but there was nothing to be done.

When she was finished, she stood back and Dieter could now see that she too had much less on.

What he got to see made him speechless again. A magnificent breast that was still hidden in a bodice, but you absolutely have to last, lick, or just had to watch. The whole figure was splendid, there was no other word for it. She wasn’t slim, but everything fit her.

The blond half -length hair to the sun -tanned pretty face. The strong butt with the no less strong legs, which are only in tight calves and then exceptionally slim Tie up end.

“It’s nice that I can now have something of the young guy,” she said and sit on the free armchair. “Come to me over Dieter, you can continue with me!”

He couldn’t let that say twice. He went to her kneeling in front of her and she presented his wonderful cunt, which was surrounded by very few blonde -curled hair.

“I hope you learn to me as quickly as just as. Get off, lick me!”

Dieter had been allowed to do that once or twice. He knew that you couldn’t just take care of her hole, but that there was a clit with whom you had to deal with. So far he had always done it so well that afterwards there wasn’t much to jump out for him.

And now he did that too. He let his tongue slide through the crack, pushed a little into her hole and then dealt with the clit. Doris sighed out loud.

“Helmut he does it well, note a plus point.“And Dieter continued.

She pushed himself towards him in such a way that he also considered the dam region and could lick her hole for a short time. Then it went back to the clit. This time he sucked tight. She groaned, twitched, twitched and then it shot out of her.

Dieter got everything in the face. Again something from which he hadn’t heard a word so far. At first he thought she would pee him, but it was completely different. She had come and hosed down very much.

She was completely ready on the armchair and stroked Dieter’s hair. Helmut had watched everything closely and was hard again.

“You stand really well to Dieter! But now it starts again, we are now coming to the supreme discipline. Doris, if you have recovered a little, please prepare the young man for me?”

“Of course, it only takes a minute. Dieter please lie on the sofa.

But you are not allowed to touch your cock. Did you understand?”

Dieter had heard the words, but he didn’t want to understand it. He had worried about the two, but he was not allowed to help himself. What should it, he lay down on the leather couch.

It was a pleasant feeling because the material was cool and directed it a little from his lust.

Hardly a minute later Doris came over to him. “Put on your legs, I want to see your hole.”

Now he got flowered, what else should come. “Do you now or do you want to go?“Dieter obeyed again.

He put on his legs and held her in his back of his back. He was aware that he was completely released his ass.

Again, she stroked his column with a finger, which excited him so that he immediately forgot the previous scruples. Then she stayed with her finger at his back entrance and pressed it very easily. An unknown lust overtook him.

When she realized how he relaxed she pushed her finger completely into his asshole.

“Helmut, I think you will be the first. The boy is definitely still Virgo, so incredibly tight. I’ll take care of it.“She pulled her finger out what Dieter accompanied with a growl. Then she lowered her head and started licking him there.

First a little more delicate, then more demanding and then she tried to widen the sphincter with her tongue. This was always softer through the treatment, because Dieter groaned loudly when she was deep in the muscle.

“I think you can leave him to me now” came from Helmut, who sounded very impatient.

“I would like to exchange with you, but you are the boss” was your answer.

She let off from Dieter and retired. Helmut took her place and started licking him too.

He was by no means so tender, it was much clearer to feel what he was up to, but the feeling was still awesome for Dieter. The tongue was rougher and also longer, he almost got through the muscle.

“Doris you are right. The guy is made for me. But don’t worry, I’ll leave you something.“At that moment he knelt between Dieter’s legs, put his cock on and pressed him completely into the virgin boys without any consideration with a firm shock.

Dieter was lucky. It didn’t even hurt very much, the previous leak treatment was too good. But he couldn’t avoid a painful tone.

“Stay very quiet, I’ll wait a moment now, you relax again and then I’ll fuck you very tenderly. You will have fun doing it, promised!”

And already he pulled out his part a little, waited for a short moment and pushed him back in.

So he did it for five minutes. Dieter was like high. The pain was still a little there, but with each of these short bumps, his lust grew. Helmut seemed to notice that, because he now extended his bumps, and they were no longer quite as tender, but much more demanding.

When he realized that Dieter returned the bumps, it was about his reluctance. He really fucked. Long solid bumps let Dieter groan into pleasure. They were getting longer and longer until Helmut was completely out and then fixed again.

Suddenly he drove his spanking into Dieters ass and remained.

“I think we can all have some of it now.“He withdrew with a jerk before Dieter could express his disappointment came the order:

“Knie in front of me, doris you lie down under him. He will fuck you and I fuck him. But I determine the rhythm “

Doris was finally happy to be able to participate and went under Dieter on the couch. Helmut conducted his cock into the dripping wet cunt and he put his part back on the rosette at.

Then he started to fuck Dieter again and Dieter’s cock was driven in Doris column at the same pace. It only took two or three bumps then it was about Dieter. Without any warning, he roared briefly and shot everything he had in Doris. He had never come so huge in his life.

He pumped and pumped such quantities into the woman that her sauce ran down on her thighs.

Helmut didn’t bother all of this, he continued, on the contrary, he took the young man that almost one of one rape could have spoken. He grunted and growled, which could be afraid and worried. He rarely fucked beforehand.

Fixed, short and hard, then long -lived bumps again. Back and back in, the butt was now well ridied.

Surprisingly, Dieter’s tail was not limp. Obviously that was the effect of the wild actions in his fuck hole. Doris liked to take it, because he had very disappointed his early departure.

It was just a shame that the young guy couldn’t do his own thing. However, this should change soon, because Helmut once again increased the pace, really hit his tail into Dieter and came for the second time. Dieter got his butt for the first time. It must have been a large amount again, because Dieter felt how the cum ran down his ass.

Helmut withdrew.

Now Dieter could actually set the pace himself. He just took an example of his fucker and did it the same. He literally challenged Doris. On the other hand, she held as best I could.

But Dieter wanted to know now. He fucked what the stuff thought.

But he also knew that his condition was no longer taking part in. So he retired and meant Doris that she should go up.

She sat on him and he enjoyed how she rode him. She moved back completely so that he could clearly see her clit. Then it happened again. She groaned and shot several loads on Dieters breast.

It had happened for Dieter now. He couldn’t hold it anymore and gave all its remaining seeds in the wonderful pleasure grotto. Completely finished she dropped to him. After several minutes the senses came back and she got down from him.

The room looked as if several flashes had taken.

Helmut sat naked at his desk and signed any document.

“I think Ms. Maier we agree that we should give this boy a chance to this boy, quite flexible, man, or?”

“Yes, I also believe that it fits our plans well. Please point out that he basically has to appear here on the first Friday of the month at 2:00 p.m.”

Dieter couldn’t believe it. The best sex he ever had and now also a job.

“Thank you very much Mr. Lindemann and Ms. Maier.

I will not disappoint them, ”he said.

He signed his contract and attracted himself. After a brief farewell that was not noted the incidents, he drove home overjoyed.

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