Orgasm folk | Erotic sex stories

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If my slave doesn’t finger from her again pussy If it is so horny that it loses any mastery and also begins to masturbate without my express permission, then at some point, as soon as I get the commes, a punishment that is one of the toughest that you can only imagine at allcan. And that is the orgasm torture … Now, of course, you wonder, since when a climax is supposed to be a ordeal? You think an orgasm is something wonderful, also for a slave? In principle, of course, you are absolutely right.

But every treatment, however pleasant in itself, can ultimately be used as torture. You just have to do it clever enough. Just think of the tickling torture once, the ticking. Tickling feels really nice, so pleasantly sparkling. As long as you don’t exaggerate it. And that is exactly what the decisive difference is. Only used in dimensions are pleasant things really pleasant. If this is excited, it becomes a ordeal.

And now she is about an approximate idea of what I do because of my slave when she was no horny enough to rub the pussy too often. But because it would be boring to just describe it, I will now just tell you in a small erotic story what was going on last weekend. We were at a party on Friday evening, and since we did not play dominant devotions in public, it was my girlfriend Ruth has been spared at the beginning of the weekend that we continued their slave education, which we have always started on Friday evening.

But instead of being happy about it and possibly even being grateful to me – I mean, after all, I could have refrained from going to this party with her, and either going there alone, or staying there with her and the sweetnessCan be spanking -she became cocky and struck the strands. Because Ruth is very pretty, she was asked to dance several times by the single men present.

I allowed her generously because I wanted to see how she behaves. Somehow I had the impression at the latest when she had drunk a glass of sparkling wine that she will behave like a rolling cat or a inherited bitch that evening. Which then also met how I was able to observe amused. I admit it, I had kept Ruth extremely short this week;So it was clear that she felt the irresistible urge to finally get her satisfaction.

From Monday morning to Friday afternoon, she had to wear her chastity belt, which made any masturbating impossible for her. This is a real chastity belt, as you know it from the Middle Ages, really made of metal, and it closes her pussy so densely that masturbation is out of the question. Nice that Piss Is heavy enough. I had lost this chastity belt several times for her for washing and “ventilating”, but I hadn’t touched her pussy and she didn’t finger.

I had only ordered her to shave;Because the pussy of a real slave always has to be shaved. I watched them at the intimate shaving and got one down. My Jerk off Of course she made it really sharp;The pussy juice really ran down her thighs. She begged, I should get it, but I stayed hard and refused to do any sexual satisfaction. No wonder that her pussy was really swollen on Friday evening before greed and permanent moisture.

So that she did not turn stains into the panties, I had insisted that Ruth did not put any slip under her sexy party dress out of a shiny fabric, half purple, half black, which nestled closely on her slim body. Under the skin -tight dress, every slip line would have been seen unattractive anyway;In this respect, it was necessary anyway that she did not use a panties. Even the stocking belt was a little to be seen, but that was not to be avoided.

Before we went, Ruth had to turn around again and bend forward. As I suspected this, she didn’t slip so high that I almost saw the round approach of her butt. Her suspenders, which she had to wear on my command, in purple to black nylons, i.e. to match the dress, could not hide it anyway. I took her between her legs and found that she was more than moist.

I could really imagine how much she had to itch her pussy after almost a week forced abstinence and was just looking forward to how long she would endure not to give in to this itching. In the car She had already taken the pussy after I closed her door and while I went around the car to the driver’s side. Of course I had noticed it. A second time she rubbed her thigh on the other, with her pussy in between, when she was standing next to the car while I finished it.

My little slave was awesome up to the stop. This also revealed her shiny eyes, in which a hungry expression was. Yes, and then she drank her first sparkling wine and everything was too late. Of course she tried to persuade me in all kinds of ways to touch her, but I was stubborn. I stood stiffly and didn’t move. (© by www. pivgermay. com) after I failed her most intimate wish, it was clear that she would rub herself on any other man who came close enough.

That’s why I allowed her to dance with other men-I wanted her lust level to rose and climbed and climbed. Which was the case. After every dance she was breathless;And that was not due to the physical exertion of dancing, because Ruth is very fit and well trained. However, she still had enough reluctance not to go to the smooth pussy in front of all other party guests.

And the men whom she drilled her pelvis in the crotch did not dare to do more in my presence than to accept it more or less excited. After a while, Ruth’s pussy tingled so much that she always stepped from one leg to the other when she had to stand still. It was only a matter of time before she would try to do something against the fact that her pussy shouted after satisfaction.

And then it came – she asked me if she could briefly go to the toilet. Her fingers were already wiping. It was clear that she might really wanted to piss, but in any case she wanted to rub her pussy quickly until the worst pressure was gone. Of course I would generously allow her to go to the toilet;However, I accompanied them so that it was nothing with the masturbation. I could see the disappointment.

The rest of the evening their efforts became more and more feverish to stimulate themselves. Once I caught her how she leaned against a bar stool while standing, and always went back and forth with my hips so that the leather seat massaged her pussy. Another time she sat on a sofa, she had both hands under her, and I didn’t need a lot of imagination to know that she was both lying around under her skirt on her labia.

But cruel cathedral, which I am now, I interrupted her little masturbation games every time vigorously. When we opened, Ruth was already in a mood that could be described as totally overwhelmed. The long abstinence, flirting with other men and their multiple attempts to rub the pussy had put them into a state in which she could hardly endure her excitement. And that’s exactly what I wanted to have in this state.

Now I just had to wait for her to break all the dams and masturbate her openly, then I was able to start with my punishment. Of course, while I could watch her, she would of course not dare;As a slave, she has too much discipline after a really hard but very effective slave education. That’s why I pretended that I was terribly tired and insisted that we are going to bed right away.

I had expected that she would nestle with me and try to seduce me for sex, and that is exactly what she did too. But vigorously I pointed her in her barriers, turned my back to her and acted as if I wanted to sleep. After a while I made my breaths deep and even as if I had already succeeded in falling asleep. Next to me I heard Ruth heavily breathe.

Her hot, wet, swollen pussy tormented her worse than a most efficient butt could have done. She held through a surprisingly long one, then I heard her whisper my name quietly. Of course I did not react, but acted as if I were already sleeping deeply. And then it began. She moved next to me, groaned. Her groaning quickly became deeper, more passionate. I had to be quick if I wanted to catch her masturbating, otherwise it had already happened.

With hasty movements I snapped my bedside lamp (© by www. pivgermay. com) and straightened me up, hit her ceiling back. Ruth had taken the thighs apart, and with one hand she played around her pussy, wet in the light, while her other knead her breasts. As always, she had gone to bed naked, as it belongs to a slave, so it was good to see both.

She looked up at me. I got up without saying anything, only with an extremely strict, grim facial expression so that she knew, now she got her punishment, because her punishment went to her side and dragged her out of bed into the living room. There she had to take a seat on a large armchair. I got mine Bondage Ropes, and their bondage began. I put her arms back around the back of the armchair and then tied her wrists.

Then she had to take both legs up and spread the thighs. With an open pussy, I fixed her on the armchair by led the bondage parts through her knee flours and around her ankles and ultimately led again under the armchair, so that she could not run away from me. Finally, I combined the bondage on their wrists and their knees together. Now she was banned on the chair and couldn’t move anymore.

She was helplessly at the mercy. And her pussy was free. Because she had to spread her thighs, the outer labia had pulled apart and gave a view of the moist interior. I once knew about it rather indifferently -my hand got totally wet -and her entire body shrugged. She gasped tortured. It was clear – if she was not allowed to be a climax soon, then she would go crazy.

But she shouldn’t have been afraid – I had nothing else than to get her to come. Albeit in a way that she would soon have no fun at all. I went back to the bedroom again and got it Dildo, with which I like to play from time to time. With the dildo in my hand, I knelt on the floor in front of the armchair;Of course on a pillow so that I was also soft.

I put on the dildo and led it through her step a few times without touching it. She could only hear the hum, maybe feel a slight draft. She threw her head back, groaned desperately. “Would you like a climax?“I asked her with false kindness. “Yes, Oh yes, please, my Lord!“, She replied with an incredible fervor. I put the vibrator on the side of her clit, she cried out because she could hardly endure the intensity of the lust caused by it, it moved for a short time in tiny circles – and it had already happened.

Ruth resisted her Tie up, screamed out of their redemption and then slapped back in the armchair. So far to number 1. Instead of taking away the vibrator right away, I was looking for the area again where it was so terribly sensitive and held it against it. At that moment, so shortly after an orgasm, it was uncomfortable for her, it was even a little painful;that was clear to me. And that’s exactly what I put on it.

She snorted unwillingly and tried to escape the vibration. But with my hand firmly on her stomach I held her that she could no longer stir and just continued. After a short time, this happened, with which I had calculated after a long experience with Ruth’s erotic reactions;Their excitement overcame the low point and started climbing again. She groaned very quickly, her pelvis moved with lust.

This time it took a little longer than the first time, but not too long – it came a second time. And a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time, a sixth time … and so on. And now I come back with the objection that an orgasm cannot be torture! The fact that this constantly repeated come for Ruth was a pain and no longer desire, you could hear very clearly in the third orgasm!.

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