My dirty new neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

M and Smicha and Marvin are, you can say that with fug and right, two really big friends. Oh man, what have they not done! Regardless of whether you have laid out flat girls in common holidays, for example in Thailand, or have often almost completely dispensed with skiing on skiing holidays and have hunted the “ski bunnies” instead … Nothing is strange! But Marvin has been different for a few days.

Calmer, more thoughtful than usual. Before that, there was no skirt in front of him, he fucked everything that was not on three of the tree. And so Micha takes his Marvin before. “Hey, age.. what’s up? You are so … different … than usual. What’s wrong with you? Or did I somehow annoy you what was wrong?“Want to know from him on a beer in her family pub. Marvin thinks for a moment, then he moves out with it.

“No, everything is good. Is not up to you! Do you know what we have done in recent years … was really super cool. And I already know that I will miss it … but something happened to me that I would never have believed that this happens to me. Micha … I’m totally through the wind. Can no longer think clearly, I am fogged … I … I think I have … hopelessly fell in love with!! Phew … now it’s out!“Micha looks at him with big eyes.

“Au man … that’s … really awesome! You and hopelessly in love! Who is the one which?? Come on, say which being as a 26-year-old daredevil put you on the chain? Do I know you??” “Do not think so. Next door with me, on the same floor, an apartment has become free. A 42-year-old student council has moved in. Director of our old high school! I’m totally flashed! I happened to meet us in the laundry room. She had washed her things during my registered time and just hanging her up in the drying room.

No more space for my laundry! Everywhere, their things hung on almost every leash. Even your underwear! “Oh my godness! And now?”” Well, I asked her too!”…” Hey, Hello. I am the Marvin from the 1. OG on the right. And today … is my washing day. And who are you?“I asked. “Hey Marvin, I’m Susanne and I also went into 1 two days ago. OG moved in, only on the left, so directly opposite you. I was not aware that there were fixed washing days here, otherwise I would have come up with something else.

Sorry for that. But there were hardly any clean things in my boxes and boxes. So I urgently had to wash. Hmm.. what are we going to do now?“Is your answer. But it is not that that she says, but .. !! Marvin is unable to say something. This voice, this infinitely soft voice! Almost whispering! And this eye premium! He stops almost motionless for minutes. “Huhu … Earth to Marvin … please report …” then comes with an angelic smile from her in his direction where she waves to him with one hand.

“Sorry. Was somewhere else with my thoughts. But please … not you.. I feel so old there! And among neighbors we all duke ourselves here. Is that okay for you?“Then he brings out slightly hesitantly. “Okay, Marvin. I am the susanne. Actually, as an older one, I should have said that … “” Why older people? If at all, you can not be as much older as I do! I am 26 and you?”” Well, you are going to do it, Marvin.

And … thanks for the compliment! I am.. 42! Director of the Leibnitz Gymnasium ”she replies, whereby her cheeks are a little red. “I’m sorry, what??“It bubbles out of Marvin. “Like right now…. How please … my age or my job?“Susanne wants to know now. “Well both! I was on the Leibnitz myself! And because of age.. I think I would have lost every bet! 42!! Never!! Maximum… mid thirties!!”” Oh you little charm, thank you!“When she responds and turns aside in line.

“Well, I was probably good there, or?” “As a matter of fact! I would never have thought!”” Not quite your collar width. Almost a grandma!!“She smiles at him. “Not really! But what do we do here with our laundry?“Marvin wants to know. “Hmm … wait. I push all of this a little here, I can clear one of the three lines so safely. Would be enough for now? What do you think?”” I first put everything in the machine.

It takes a good 90 minutes until it is finished. In the meantime … what do you think of a cup of coffee? With me?” “Oh yes! That would be really great. My machine has not survived the move! Cable fire! I haven’t had any coffee for two days. So I say, very happy, Marvin “. Then she pushes her things together a little, and lo and behold, a whole and half a row is now free for Marvin.

“Well then come with us” he calls to her. All of Gentleman, he goes up the stairs up to the first floor one or two steps behind her. Of course, Marvin cannot let his eyes and her sweet buttocks! “Well, you like what you see there?“Asks her with a look over her shoulders and wobbles briefly with her buttocks. “Fallen? What I see … is awesome!“There was the old Marvin again! It is good in compliments! “Well, who has,” grins back Susanne.

How he then unlocks his apartment door he says “Please want to step in, Young Lady! Always in my robber cave! Right here right here into the living room. It’s a good thing that I tidy up for once!!”Oh, thanks for the Young Lady! For me it doesn’t look so tidy at the moment! There are still boxes and boxes everywhere! It will take a while before all of this has found its place! You are nice here … exactly mirrored to my apartment.

Cool!”” Please take space. Then I throw the machine on “. In the kitchen, the espresso machine quickly brews two fresh coffee, which Marvin serves on a small tray together with a few cookies. “Hmmm … how that smells!! Fresh coffee!! Splendid!!“Marvin takes his cup in his hand. “Well then, Susanne, on good neighborhood!”Very much like Marvin, really very happy” she answers quietly. As soon as they have dropped their cups again, Marvin gets up. “Wait …” he says and disappears into the small storage room next to the kitchen.

Susanne makes big eyes as he comes back. Marvin wears in his hands … a coffee machine! “Here if you like? Is my previous machine, I only bought the machine a few weeks ago. Just stands around with me. If you want them.. Just take them with you afterwards. I give that to you as a gift!” “Really now? You are soo cute! Thank you!!“She puts the machine on the table and approaches Marvin very close to Marvin.

And before he knows it, she kisses him slightly on the cheek. “Thank you neighbor … he wasn’t just for the coffee machine now! But also because you really seem to be a nice guy “. “Quo ProBare Eset” replies Marvin. “Ohhh … Latin he can do …” Susanne breathes towards him. Seconds later … he holds them in his arms and kisses them passionately! She leaves it without resistance! After the long -lasting kiss, the two look in the eyes for a while.

It is Susanne who breaks the silence afterwards. “Today my lucky day seems to be! New apartment, washed laundry without a washing day … and then also a nice neighbor!!“Both laugh warmly afterwards. “Duu, Marvin … I can still have a look?“She breathes too. “Still coffee?”“ Dummerchen… ”Another, at least as long and intense further kiss, during which she nestles very closely at him and all too too likes to feel his hands on her buttocks.

“Yes.. does the good ”she groans quietly before kissing rounds begin three. “So, and now still coffee” she smiles at him afterwards. Marvin looks briefly at his clock. “Half five, my laundry is not yet finished. Otherwise I don’t have anything in today’s. What do you think, should I help you a little over there?” “Really now? What would you do? Very happy, Marvin ”she answers a little embarrassed. A little later the two Susanne’s apartment enter his.

“Well then into my rumpel chamber! Caution, do not stumble!”“ Don’t worry, I’ll be careful, Susanne. So what should I do?”“ Hmm.. There are still three boxes with clothes from me, the content should be on the upper shelves in the wardrobe. If you give me the things, then I have it easier to clear it and don’t have to go down from the ladder for every part. OK?”“ As you think Susanne ”replies Marvin and both go into bedroom, Where the three boxes are on the bed.

Susanne fetches a ladder and climbs on it. “First the things from cardboard 1 please” she calls down and Marvin takes the clothes out of the box and passes it up. It is almost essential that his eyes hike up on her legs. The moment she stretches a little to put things in the back row, her skirt hem of her short skirt rises a little further up.

Marvin is totally flattened by what he sees there and he stutters. “Tell me, Susanne … You don’t wear any … Slip!!”“ Oops… Sorry. Everything hangs down in the drying room. I was totally empty! And? Terrible?“Breathes it down to him. Marvin can’t say anything at that moment. He lets his hands speak for himself, who are now slowly sliding upwards from the calves over their nylon tights. Until you reach Susanne’s plot backery.

Immediately she groans quietly. “What.. What do you do with me … uhhh … that’s … Schööööön “she whispers while Marvin knead her buttocks slightly. “Come down down …” he breathes and shakes Susanne’s hand. She gently climbs step by step and then remains in front of him with his back to him. “And now?”Breathes it audibly excitedly. “Now … I have to take a closer look,” replies Marvin and has already opened the zipper of her mini.

Your skirt falls to the ground. He crouches behind her and strokes her again with his hands from the bottom Legs along to your buttocks. Then he encompasses her hips and turns them around to him. His eyes are now right in front of Susanne’s most intimate place. “Wow … you are very smooth there” he whisper while his hands go unabashedly between her thighs. “I’m always … everything is removed permanently! I like being there so smoothly ”comes quietly from her.

Her breath becomes much faster, as Marvin now simply the tights in the area of her pussy tear -up. “You little lust, you …” croaks Susanne. This then seamlessly goes into a long, sigh over how she feels Marvin’s tongue between her thighs. “Uhhh … Jaaaaa … Geiiiillll ”. Marvin grabs her and just throws her on the bed, where he then tears her tights in scraps with a few strong griffens and then pulls out the rest completely.

She is now naked in front of him and willingly spreads her legs. Marvin is only happy to accept this invitation. He pulls her to the edge of the bed and then kneels down. With his fingers, he pulls Susanne’s labia a little bit of Ausenander until her love pearl excited and slightly swollen. And that’s exactly where he spoils her with his tongue. Sometimes she struggles over it with only slight pressure, then he puts her tighter and lets his tongue dance.

“That … is so … indescribably beautiful … please keep going, dearest” chasting Susanne under this tender treatment. Your pelvic area moves slightly in a circle, lifts and reduces again and again. The moment Marvin takes her pleasure pearl tightly between his lips and a little, very careful, gets on, nibbles on it … It happened to Susanne. Wild sniffing she presses Marvin’s head tightly between her thighs and groans strongly! Your body trembles, one wave after the other collapses over her and gives her a gigantic climax!“Please go out now, dearest.

I want to give you completely. You can still get your reward ”while she is setting up and getting up. Marvin also goes up and begins to button her blouse. How she is completely open and he roams her over her shoulders, he sees that she has nothing under there either up there! “It’s just good that it all hangs down in the drying room” he smiles. Then he just turns the naked woman in front of him and puts his hands on the two wonderful balls.

And while he kneads them and plays nipple with the two cheeky and stone -hard nipples, Susanne’s butt rubs his pants. “Oh oh oh … yes what do we have there??? But now I want to see that too ”she smiles at him over his shoulder to the back of him. Immediately afterwards she loosens from him, turns around and crouches in front of him wide -legged. With rather nervous fingers she opens Marvin’s belt, the button of his jeans, the zipper.

As soon as she is very open to her, Marvins jumps tail in contrast to! “Wow … washing machine?”Asks her with a smile. “Nope … closet! I never wear underwear … bad?”Answers Marvin. “On the contrary! Ingenious! I will probably do without it in the future … ”He will still hear before Susanne begins to pamper his splendid specimen!First she caresses me down on her hands on the left and right, plays on his balls with her fingers. The same way then takes her tongue, down on the right, over his Egg to the other side, and back up there.

Your look always turned up to Marvin’s face. He has long since closed his eyes. “And now …” he hears her to say. Then there is no more word from her for two or three minutes. Like! Because now Marvin’s strammer Max dives into men’s paradise between her soft lips again and again! Very deep into Susanne’s throat. She has no problem taking its 23 cm fully and even pressing her head against his lap! Immediately afterwards she releases it again and lets her tongue slide again and again, yes, she even sucks his balls between her lips! What a awesome feeling!! After the perfect deepthroat up to the stop, Susanne comes up, kneels on the bed and begging “Fuck me … Fuck me … I need your cock deep in me now! Don’t worry, healthy and … totally operated.. So nothing can happen.

Just fuck me now … do it to me, get ready!!“At that moment the Marvin wouldn’t have been matter. He doesn’t have any rubbers in his pocket anyway! So he presses his latte on her dripping wet cunt, rubs into one or twice through the furrow and then puts his pipe in a grunch. Two or three slow movements, then he rammes off like the devil personally. And the woman in front of him is so steep! “Uhhh …

Jaaaaa … fuck me my horny stallion … Fuck my soul out of my body..“Marvin pulls out his cock for a short moment. Just as long as he needs to push him into her hole! Geez! Susanne is now totally blown away! “You are so wonderfully tight …” Marvin moans while he is slowly but steadily pressing his pipe into her ass. Susanne groans and groans huge! But as he now starts to hit her with her flat hand on her butt … everything increases even further! “Jaaaaaa … is that awesome …

Uhhhhhh … Jaaaaa … hit my ass … Jaaaaaa … and fuck me dizzy “. Time to return to her cunt, think Marvin. As soon as his linkage is there again, Susanne gets a mega orgasm! “Further more…. harder…. “She groans. Well but certainly! Only a few strong bumps later follows another climax! As Marvin realizes that his juices are also increasing with him, he also groans powerfully. Now he pulls out his cock again, moves Susanne and climbs over her, the tail directly in front of her mouth.

“Open your mouth, here your dessert comes” he pours. After two bumps pushed deep into the throat, he then discharges in front of her mouth. His cream not only splashes in there, but also on her whole face and her eyes. Everything is carefully absorbed there with her hands and then the fingers, just like his twitching tail, flash thoroughly! Then it gets quiet in the room. Marvin falls aside and pulls Susanne closely close to him.

Both of them will remain cuddled together for a quarter of an hour! Again and again they stroke each other over the chest and stomach and again and again they kiss passionately! “Well, my horny girl? It’s all ok?“Then he asks softly. “No, not good … perfect !!!! That … that has been the hottest fuck I had for eternal times! Marvin … I thank you from the bottom of my heart! And … as the English say so aptly … to be contuned!! Then she straightens up to immediately approach Marvin’s comment donor.

“Hello My Friend” she speaks to his cock that is so limp. It doesn’t take long for this little slip to become a powerful part again. Susanne’s arts in this love discipline are awesome! In the shortest possible time, she manages to conjure up a pulsating love rod, which she then spoils with relish. Marvin is now pulling her knee next to his head. And while she spoils him with her mouth, Marvin’s tongue will soon get her a new climax! And after a few minutes he also gives her an extra portion of men’s cream! Immediately afterwards Susanne lies on his stomach and can be carelessly stroked her sweet buttocks.

Certainly for 10 minutes she remains on him. A look at the clock reveals Marvin the time. “Oops … already after seven! I think … my machine should be ready now. Do you come down, angels?“Both laugh out loud and pull something over it. “Man, that dries really well here! Feel, my briefs and my bras are already dry!! Hmm.. They come to the chest of drawers now! For you … I won’t put on something like that, dearest.

Unless you want it … “” From time to time … but know that you are naked under what you see … is just so infinitely cool! So never be too safe for you … I will definitely “check” it every now and then … “” Only too … use yourself calmly! I love doing all of this for you!“Immediately afterwards, Marvin’s laundry now hangs, he presses her upper body onto the washing machine and just works up her skirt! And without wiring he rams Susanne his already neatly grown tube deep into her fuck column! After a few violent bumps, he pulls him out again and turns his girl around, lifts her legs and then immediately penetrates her continuous moisture.

“Open your blouse … I want to see your tits dancing,” he asks Susanne now. “But sure, my cool goat. Here, look.. How excited my nipples are … please knead my tits through vigorously while you fuck me..“A few minutes later both experience their next climax at the same time. Only this time Marvin lets his latte stuck deep in her pussy and pumps all of his ammunition into it under violent twitching! You remain in this position for a few minutes.

Susanne’s body in particular twitches together, her nipples remain rock hard. At some point Marvin lifts his girl down from the washing machine and pulls his pants up again while Susanne pushes her blouse. Crooked as she realizes at the last button! “Leave them that way, the others should think what they want … Come on, we’ll go with me have a shower!”” Okay, dearest … should I open a button? So that my balls can be seen better? I do that … if you want it that way!” “No! If so … then open it entirely! And lift your skirt up on the stairs … okay?”” Of course my horny stallion! I just don’t care with you!!!“And so they slowly trot up the stairs and disappear into Marvin’s apartment.

“Actually a shame that nobody was on the stairs … or?“He asks her. “Yes, somehow! I wouldn’t have covered myself! Would have remained so blank. For you, my dearest. Only for you!“An extensive shower and thirty minutes later Marvin is enough for his Susanne. “This is how you go over to your apartment now … We should let it go for today. I need a break … or rather … he needs a break!“He points his finger down to his sloping lance.

“Well then, my little one … rest! So that you will be fit again tomorrow … for the next round!“Susanne speaks to him while crouching in front of him and pressing on a last tender kiss. Shortly afterwards the apartment door closes and the two are again alone in their respective rooms. “Well, Micha. Now you know the reason that I am so different in the past few days, ”Marvin ends his stories towards his best friend.

“Everything is fine, my dear, everything is good! You really deserved it! You should be heard from the heart! Will surely introduce me to me soon, or?” “Sure, of course. But: fingers from the things!!!“Laughs Marvin back. You still drink your beer, then your paths separate for this evening. On the way home, Micha has to think about Marvin’s report again and again and can no longer get the grin out of his face!E n d EP.

S. Incidentally! Marvin and Susanne … although … but maybe that another time!.

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