Lustful sex with a young woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It started on a normal day in the past Summer And as always early in the morning, I start to open all the letters, control the underground car park and to welcome the first tenants and visitors. Here in the house I’m something like ‘that girl for everything‘, In the past you would have called a better caretaker or concierge, today this means in new German facility managers and I’ve been doing this for several years now. It is even a lot of fun for me to get to know them with all these interpersonal contacts, to get to know them, to watch them, to be able to watch them in daily work, to chat with them and to find their ways and small secrets.

The people here trust me and I am very often there for you when you need something, or if something shouldn’t work as you want it, I am your husband of the hour. For a few weeks now I have also thrown a special eye on a very lovely young woman, she is always very elegant, almost provocative erotic – barely dressed as a business lady and usually comes into the exhibition room rented by her company twice a week, in the morning.

I think she is the junior boss of this fashion-assesoir company, since she usually comes irregularly and also at the most unusual times and goes, as she is popular and with everyone in the house and as far as I have to see, towards her colleagues orEmployees always polite but cool – distant, unapproachable. Nevertheless, or precisely because of her rather cold and repellent nature, this beauty immediately impressed me, it probably aroused my hunting instinct … despite my age, at least in his mid -fifty, or in the prime ..!, I am physically and sexual in terms of sex and always looking for erotic adventures.

Already when I saw her for the first time, it almost took my breath, so teasing, attractive, attractive, with plump, firm, swinging buttocks, large pushed tits and well -shaped long legs, which they also with high stilettos and mostly silk -free stockingshow to stage white, she hovers through the corridors. Her appearance and appearance are brimming with tingling wicked promise, female stimuli and of course she knows exactly its effect when she moves with skin -free mini skirt or slotted dress on stairs, in the elevator or in the corridors.

Almost all whether old or young, wife or man turn after her and at least stop the air when you meet her. But every time we meet two and I try to win her with my nicest smile, she is superficial, briefly connected and impersonal. Not really arrogant, but at least she does very disinterested, bored, polite. Not that she completely ignores me, but so that I have the feeling that she can’t do anything with an old ‘caretaker’.

Apparent. Because as I said, I know everything pretty well here, have access to the in -house monitoring and therefore have many eyes and ears to track down secrets. When this seductive but apparently unapproachable lady has moved in with her fashion team here, I watched her carefully, was on the spot again and again and as helpful as possible in the background – but currently, attentive. Not that I would be a stalker, but it was something special … So I was also able to observe that it is not always as unapproachable and disciplined business-like as it is mostly obvious.

In the presence of the senior boss, her father-in-law and other older visitors and customers, she is almost submissive, skillfully submissive, what I would go back to her somewhat oriental appearance, to her upbringing. So she learned respect and traditionally decency for more mature age, recorded with breast milk, internalized. How ‘woman’ is inconspicuous, disproportionate, but carefully devoted to his role within the generations. These properties, at least in Central Europe, are reinforced by never organizing a scandal, a public scene, regardless of how embarrassing or researching an elderly gentleman would counter or openly counter.

This had accidentally observed approaches and almost clearly erotic -based touch between her and her older boss and father -in -law? proven. I was also able to watch her in secret rare moments when she was not wearing her discipline and public, strict effect, this protective wall, as a mask. In these unobserved moments, it is completely different, it is sensual, demanding, opens up invisible admirers and increasingly lets, deliberately, deliberately, through its seductive dressing, touch and deep insights frivolous Requesting, lovely, lustful too.

I have had a moment for a few weeks now … or were it only days?… waited ..!My cell phone rings and it is at the other end, asks if I happened to be nearby and could stop by her in the studio?Very professional and suppressing my palpitations, I tell her that I could be with her in 5 to 10 minutes and what it would be about?She says she would best explain it to me if I was there and hang a.

So I immediately set off, because you don’t let beautiful women wait. When I enter your studio, I find her sitting alone on the couch, with good legs beaten with good, and a very light, pretty short and colored summer skirt, a white sleeveless, shoulder-free white blouse with a great deep V-neck, which your upper body and yoursPushed chest almost to the atrial stoves and seductively opened to the belly button. The indispensable black high heels and black stocking straps leave theirs Legs Long look infinitely long and I can see the holder of the stocking to the buttock, whereby the bare skin of your thighs is wonderfully white in between.

On her lap she balances her laptop, with which she has probably just worked and looks up a little frightened to me. She probably didn’t expect me that quickly – and I have now bothered her or surprised her with anything?!She says something to me, but now I am who has to come to him first, because this sight and the insight that my imagination immediately distracted me must displace me first – that I didn’t understand it right away.

Now she repeats her question whether I can set something here on the ventilation, since it would be uncomfortably hot and humid that you couldn’t work properly?!The rooms here are only partially air -conditioned and this is exactly where there is hardly any cool air anymore. As a view, it gets up and goes close past me to the wall on which the ventilation slots are attached to the top below the ceiling. She stretches up and shows me that something can not work because it cannot feel a air stream or cool!I put myself close to her and do it as if I check this too.

But I can’t concentrate because her fragrance and closeness penetrate me so ecstatically as if someone hit me on my head with the hammer. I am no longer with myself, stand in the fog – take a dream like in a dream after her still slightly lifting skirt, which has moved up its thighs by itself, as in centimeters. Her hip and butt swing back slightly and I hold her to myself for a moment.

Back on buttocks, my growing excitement pressed directly on her butt … We remain a frightened second, then she turns away from me with a quick sideways movement and looks badly sparkling with these big dark, slightly slanted eyes. ‘What do you think of?‘Her eyes sparkle like black sapphires, and her hair flows around the shoulders and face like a veil of dark clouds, which I can’t do anything other than her head and lureing and curved with both hands and to impose a kiss on her.

First she frightens you in my clasp, then when I try to open your lips with gentle violence and you my strong erection feels right on her stomach, I have the feeling that she was only waiting for it and is sexually, physically more than ready for me. I could bet that she did anything but work on her laptop … The first kiss does not take very long and I am now pressing her firmly to me, finding all your curves and trembling movements on and around my breast, smell on her, take it, take itThis Aphrodisian fragrance on me and move my hands deeply, they are very binding to me, over her back from the hair, over the neck to the hip and her plump horny butt, which I lovingly challenging and pulling towards myself, almost lift them.

With one arm around her hip I press her even more firmly with all my strength to keep her and to prove my strength and strong swelling even more intensely, with the other I comprise her to the shoulder and back of the head so that it almost in minePoor caught floats. She bends her back tries to escape something and extends her face continued, not anxious, towards me. Enough for me enough to kiss them again and this time even more intensely.

My tongue split her lips, penetrates and demanding into her mouth, takes him in possession and fights for dominance with her tongue. Your initial hesitation and her repellent cold become weaker, I feel how she no longer just wants to avoid me and her lips softer, her mouth more open and her movements even become more demanding. Our body flow into each other and our wild – open almost predatory kiss takes my breath away. Still, I can’t leave her from her.

I therefore bend a little more down and no matter what happens now and where we are, I grab under your knees, lift her to my chest and wear her to the couch, where I almost lovingly, like a sleeping child,to then look at them admiringly. Our faces are only centimeters apart and my gaze sinks into the dark deep lakes of their wonderfully somewhat oval eyes.

I feel that I am not with myself, not accountable, almost magically, this young temptation attracts me and forces me to touch, kiss, stroke, to grab their partially presented nakedness and accomplished curvesto touch again and again. I try to read in their eyes, their facial expressions, look for the rejection of ‘the old’ who just takes out these cheek here, but finds a little that could stop me in addition to distant waiting and passive strictness.

She is so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful, so young and so rejecting, unapproachable, unapproachable, with every thought, movement and moment I want to take it and still protect it, protect it from me, from herself, her urge and our up -to -date feelings. I pull my clothes off my body and lie up to her the couch. She puts on her knees, tries to arrange her skirt and blouse and escape a little on the side and yet I see her wild desire, a starting desire in her dark eyes and I can perceive her fragrance, who like a wild hintBlows and wipes away all inhibitions.

I kiss them stormy, touch my hands and tongue everywhere … neck, open mouth, above the nipple, tender, light skin, which is open to the deep neckline of the blouse, the wonderfully mysterious ditch between her bouncingVibrate firmly and swinging in my searching hands. Shoulders, armpit everything is flooded by my hot kisses and taken over. Her fragrance, her trembling skin and her wafer -tender weld are food and ecstatic incentive to me.

My hands stroke of her breasts, which I had just clutched firmly, to her thighs, she moans and presses her knees together, shivered under my touches and still gives up my kisses and wandering touches at the same time. It’s like a game with the fire, I’m afraid to burn it with me, but the flame cannot escape me. With every recent advance, every researcher and she continues to be released on my part, she twitches back, holds up, deflects … before it finally comes towards me soft, compliant, offset.

Often, however, she keeps a protective wall upright, still another bastion and as soon as it is taken, she throws herself with passion and unsatisfied lust in the next whirlpool of the emerging ecstasy. I stroke the legs upside down over her nylons, feel the wafer -tender panties, spreader lightly and for a noticeable resistance, touch her legs, touch your venus hill and button as a butterfly under her wafer -tart panties, along her labia up to her clit.

I feel, it is filled with pleasure juice and her flower unfolds with the warmth of my touch like a ripe fruit. I undress to her nylons, lingerie and high heels, everything falls out of her like in a autumn storm and then I bend over her and she welcomes me with both hands and a willing, hot sexy beaming body. Hardly can be distinguished whether they first give me the tail Suction, licking fluttering, hard and harder demanding, blows, whether I lick her on her cunt, drink, succumb and finger her, whether I comprise her from behind, your ass, which she firmly stretches out of my wet cunt from my monsterthick stallion tail is tied or whether we are put on, she rides me by pushing itself.

We forget where we are, who we are, are only body – want – unrestricted lust. Are captured in our love frenzy and nobody is able to think about what is correct, what is wrong or allowed, decent, appropriate. We are now completely we ourselves. Without any conscience, differences, pure bodies, arms, legs, legs, heads, the tongues are knotted in wild, passionate kissing our caresses and stroking hands automatically find the erogenous zones and places of the other, where I/she touches, stuffs andwants to be satisfied.

My penis is hard and stiff, often fills it out completely, dives into it, soaked up, soaked up, sucked in by this wonderfully wet, firm, tight, fragrant cunt. If it splits, stretches it and moves faster and faster and in circular movements, into it and then slowly out again, just to stretch it again, to split and fill it. She groans, indulges in it, receives every thrust and rhythmic dive with a cozy trembling and demanding hands and lips.

Jaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, come on very deep … come to me … fill me with your heat … aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We unite, turn around each other, move on the tight couch snake -shaped and sometimes have to look for mutual hands over and on the edge of the couch along the couch, look for mutual hands to cling and support, or kneel in front of the couch, to stabilize the other,to reach, to drink, open and then penetrate on or over it again. I sit on the couch, reach for her buttocks and conduct her backwards, my stand insists, press on her moist and yet so tight lust hole, she pushes her pelvis against me and I slide very slowly with my glans,Then with the whole length into them.

She enjoys getting it in this position itself, always introducing my cock as quickly and as deeply as it just needs and how he stretches it and she can absorb it. After a few other bumps and riding movements, we are in time, adapt hammer and anvil, to a form and unit, fill out and massage, suck, stimulate in a quick and glib -extinguishing repetition. I feel your plump lips on my testicles, vibratingly damp clapping, pressing, so that after a trembling moment, turning up to a new stroke.

I notice how she is shivering, groaning her orgasms ride and I too can feel my juice from the maltreated eggs, feel increasing, can feel close to the climax and lose mastery and control. Everything whirls, revolves around me, I’m just a tail, sacrificing muscles and willless sex machine. Then a sudden thought or it was a suppressed, blurred sound?It shouldn’t be, not here, not with her and not so unprotected, openly ani*lisch. I try to withdraw, mean orgasm To control, but she feels my movement, instinctively and with increased pressure on my stake, wants to absorb it deep and deeper and then we come together.

Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, Jaaaaaaaaaaaa, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … is horny … she filled up with my stake to the stop, enclosing her vaginal muscles, kneading, yes rolling over my twitching glans. Sucking, massaging, drinking every thrust of my sperm greedily from the nille of my shaft. Absorb every sliding-sliding drops and distribute it deep in your love grotto. Yes, I really felt that I pierced her, I got a lot deeper than it was ever possible and twitches wildly and uncontrollably in my sparrow.

I feel how the pleasure juices mix, her vagina fills up sticky, runs down my shaft and she is still wild and rapidly spreading the love drink in her plum, as if it is the only thing your body and your body and yoursLibido for survival now needs. Shortly afterwards we look for breath in our eyes, consciously that it has happened, that we united and mixed our horny juices and turned into a wonderful, fragrant sliding love wave.

The smacking connects our love caves and limbs and completely filled out. Our gaze is no longer greed, uncontrolled lust, but knowledge, affection, tenderly connected and so we are now more likely to move in the slow rhythm of a waltz, a floating, gliding dream for which there is hopefully never awakening …Stroke, caress the skin of the other feel its warmth, welding and his abandoning passion. Oh how would I like to take it on my arms now and take it through an invisible goal, this real, repellent, so complicated, sometimes messed up forever snatch forever.

But that remains a dream that we scare together when we hear a noise behind us!…What was that? It was there all the time?Has anyone been unnoticed or intentionally overheard us or even observe?… we wake up from our intoxication, flee with the rapidly collected bundles of clothes behind vision and changing room stands and put on to feverish rush. When I have more or less starred my clothes, I look for your eyes, but can only perceive your silhouette that is emerging behind a wall and disappearing through the open door.

One of the voices that are getting quietly behind me To her, she sounds smoky, erotic, seductively strange …

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