Lesbian sex on vacation with my work colleague | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The Seiesealeal Tanja was on his way to the office this morning she began to curse the day even though the watch only showed shortly before 8 a.m. As is common in the town, it was an incredibly sultry and oppressive summer and already at this early time it was clearly felt that this day would not bring any relief but rather a new heat record. And now she was also in the middle of a non -ending traffic jam at the roundabout.

“Great….. There are two idiot in half asleep and I can now pay for it again. I never manage that on time in the office “. Tanja had opened the sunroof and the side windows to the stop but she already felt it was literally to stick to her seat as she started again. As was so often the case during the heat wave of the past few days, she once again freed herself that she had not separated from her convertible in the spring, which always brought her reliably anywhere but unfortunately did not have a air conditioning system.

Tanja wondered why she hadn’t attracted something airier than the long pants skirt and the rather thick high blouse. But the experiences she had had in the company in recent years had made them careful in this respect. Especially if you work in a department that consists of almost 150 % of women and also dresses the position of the assistant of the division manager. The prospect that the dear colleagues tore themselves off and rumored how to get the job was just too uncomfortable to treat themselves to the additional cooling of a short summer outfit.

Even if she was well aware that she could have beared such an outfit – without harvesting a sophisticated look.. On the contrary … thanks to regular visits to the gym and various games Squash, her body was in a state at 39 that many 22-year-old would have been pale with envy. Her slim and slightly muscular legs were her pride and her stomach was so flat and well -trained that even slight approaches to abdominal muscles were recognizable.

The overall impression was rounded off by two beautiful fixed breasts of the cup size C. While her thoughts were so silent, she had finally left the traffic jam and had finally arrived at the company car park a few minutes later. Despite the already noticeable heat, she did not succumb to the temptation but used the stairs for the two floors to her office. When she arrived in the office, she first noticed that her younger 24-year-old colleague and neighbor Tina was already sitting at the desk and had already positioned all available fans in order to make the day reasonably bearable.

The two welcomed themselves with a short hug before Tanja could be fallen into the office chair exhausted. Tanja and Tina have been working together for almost three years after Tina had been transferred to this department at the end of their previous activity. At first Tanja was quite skeptical and had wished for a somewhat more experienced colleague, but she soon had to find out that Tina was already ripe and reliable for her age at that time. Very soon the two gave off an almost unbeatable and well -coordinated team by being able to rely blindly to the other.

In addition, a very close and intimate friendship between the two developed and they spent at least three evenings together during the week when visiting together in the gym, in the sauna Or just with delicious drinks in your favorite cocktail bar. Tanja was amused that Tina had not taken back as noble when choosing her wardrobe as herself, because she was wearing a short skirt that just reached to the middle of her thighs – a thin white top under whichtheir bra drew and a few flip flops on their slim feet.

In contrast to Tanja, Tina was rather very concerned about what the loved ones and above all the older colleagues thought about their outfit and as long as the superiors had no objection, she had no desire to cook in her own sweat, just so that nobodyMaul torn down over them. In any case, the chance that one of their superiors would ever have to object to their outfit was more than low anyway, since the management positions as usual in so many companies were almost exclusively filled with men.

And that would not have come to the idea of spoiling the pleasure of this sight in a dream. At the age of 24, Tina stood in the bloom of her beauty and twisted his head with her slim, delicate legs, her slim waist and her little breasts, which are immediately caught. In addition, there were her blonde harre, which she used to be almost up to the powder, but she had shortened to the length of the shoulder for about a year.

Tanja looked at her young colleague and said with a laugh “Oh dear, oh dear … Well, at the sight we will have a lot of male running customers here again today. “” Oh.. If they all bring an ice cream, I don’t have anything against it. I don’t understand the guys anyway, here in the office your eyes come out when someone wears a slightly scarce top. You could do many of the girls Quitting time See in the swimming pool in bikini or even topless.

“” May his Tina, but after work, many of them have to guard the family, the dog and the local couch. There is nothing to go to the swimming pool and gather girls “” Yes, right again, but if the poor, poor men have no opportunity to see something crunchy, then I even do charitable services here. Then it would be strictly speaking to retire and bring us an ice cream with every visit “.

After this discussion, the two were delighted for the rest of the day that they indignantly pointed out to every male colleague who came near them that he had forgotten their ice cream and that some actually turned on sales and a little later with an ice creamstood in front of them again in hand. When the working day was slowly coming to an end and both were waiting longingly for the end of the day due to the almost unbearable heat, Tina’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Tina looked at the display with a frown because the number obviously said nothing, but still accepted the call. “Hm – yes, that’s exactly what I am – on the apparatus” heard Tanja Tina said, who looked over at Tanja with a surprised face, because she obviously still couldn’t classify the call. Tanja was now difficult to curious and listened to the entertainment. “Yes, that’s right.. I took part a few weeks ago …

what about it??… … I have something??? Are you serious??? You don’t want to watch me??? Yes but of course I accept the price .. And it starts next Sunday??? That’s amazing”. Tina had literally shouted the last words into the phone and started to jump up and down on her office chair, so that Tanja had now completely put her work to side and could hardly wait until Tina would finally explain what was going on here.

Finally Tina hung up and sat on her chair as if dazed. “Hee … little one was that??? Did something happen?”” I … I won … I have an Atlantic crossing for two people with the Queen Mary 2 from Hamburg to New York Incl. First class return flight – wwaaaaahhhh – I can’t believe it!!!!!”. “I’m sorry, what?? That’s great!! How did you do that???”” I took part in a competition from the daily newspaper about 3 weeks ago, I had long since replaced that in the meantime, but now they actually pulled me “.

In this second, Tina took all lethargy and surprise and danced out around her desk. Tanja was as flat as Tina at first, hugged her warmly and was delighted for her young colleague’s happiness. “I’ll call Ben immediately … the trip will go next Sunday he absolutely has to submit a vacation immediately”. Tina and Ben have been a couple for about 4 months and Tanja was happy that this relationship could finally prove to be something permanent.

Tina had not always had a happy hand with the selection of her partners and if a relationship broke up with her again, then it was not good for a few days with her otherwise happy young colleague for a few days. Tanja himself had actually got to know such an ups and downs in relationship issues, since she had married her husband Erik at the age of 22, but has now led a happy relationship to this day.

However, she sometimes wondered whether her life had not been too smooth so far. Apart from the fact that she had married early, she has been working in the same company since her training and had worked up constantly. There were moments when Tanja wondered whether she would not regret this life without a little more adventure and excitement if she had achieved an age in which it was too late to catch up with it too late.

But she usually wiped these thoughts very quickly and said that 90 % of the world’s population would probably chop off an arm in order to be able to live a life as it had and – that too little excitement was still the better alternativethan too much of it. But deep inside that there was always this certain longing and thirst for adventure and waited for the day she should break out.

While Tanja was going to go on to the phone and was just about to choose her friend’s number when she suddenly seemed to think differently and put the listener back on. “Nanu what is now? Do you not want to tell him the joyful message?“” Hmmm … he will come to my dinner this evening anyway, so I would rather bring him the joyful message personally with a nice glass of wine. I don’t want to miss his face when I put it.

“” Well – that’s nice that he is honoring you to eat with you tonight. He still has 60 hours weeks in the bank??””Yes.. I don’t see him as often as I would like to be, but he promised me to be very firm at the weekend that it will be better in the future and that he can then spend more time with me. “Tanja would have really wished for her young colleague that it would come like this, but since she was able to get to know Ben almost 3 weeks ago with her husband and Tina at the Mexican, she had her seriousDoubt whether the job or Tina would come first at Ben.

Within a few years he had worked as a deputy branch manager of a Hegauer Bank, which worked mainly in securities trading, and had received a very responsible position for his age of 27. However, he did not show an opportunity to mention which high professional plans he still had and that he would do everything he could to achieve them. Tanja had been quite irritated that evening that Tina’s friend was passionate about his professional plans for the future, but never once said how he planned his private future.

Since this evening Tanja had had a slightly queasy feeling in terms of the future relationship between the fun -loving Tina and Ben, but she hadn’t mentioned Tina anything about it and sincerely hoped that she might be wrong. Seen in this way, the cruise would be a real stroke of luck for the two, since they could finally spend enough time together on the ship. The only thing Tanja didn’t fit on the whole matter was the fact that Ms. Berger would take over her representation during Tina’s vacation and that she should sit opposite this shock from morning to evening.

Ms. Berger had been in the company for almost 30 years and had no opportunity to let Tanja feel that she was firmly opinion that the position as the right hand of the division manager was actually entitled to her and that Tanja had only got the job because of her breast,How she recently blasphemed behind Tanja’s back. Accordingly, the relationship between Tanja and Ms. Berger was “warm”. But this week would also pass and it was the main thing that Tina could enjoy her vacation.

The rest of the day both came to work, as the news had spoken around in the house and all kinds of colleagues wanted to have the rumor of Tina personally confirmed. When the end of the day was finally reached, they said goodbye to Tanja and Tina like almost every evening with a warm hug and went home. When Tanja reached the office the office the next morning after the inevitable traffic jam again, Tina was already sitting at her workplace again.

Since the two women had known each other for so long, Tanja immediately noticed that something was wrong with Tina. She gave the impression that she hadn’t slept half night and, despite the abundant layer of make -up, she was clearly looking at her eyes that she had cried. In Tanja, dark premonitions rose and when Tina did not go out with the language, Tanja asked her: “Hey.. My little one is going on??? Is … is something with Ben??”” Oh ben ..Just let me rest with this narrow-gauge yuppie that died for me.

“Oha does not sound good, what happened? He was not enthusiastic about the great news?”” Not enthusiastic … yes you could express it that way. The Lord’s values are unfortunately indispensable in his bank because his boss goes on a business trip exactly this week and he has to keep the position. “” Oh, that’s really unfortunate, but if he can’t get away, then you can hardly blame him “” Yes but that’s exactly the jumping point! He could already go, but he doesn’t want to be afraid that they could notice that it is going quite well without him and that someone is ranking.

When I told him about the trip to the joy of the trip, he was viewed directly how it started to rotate in his head and he weighed to profile himself between the chance in the bank and a great week with me. And then he chose the bank within a few seconds. After that we had a huge zoff and in the end I thrown it out of the apartment ….“Tanja could clearly see Tina that she could only hold her anger back and she hated herself that she had been right again.

“Oh man my arms! I do not know what to say. But if he wants to have it that way, then let him go in his bank until he makes a marriage proposal to the ATM “. “Yo.. But you shouldn’t suggest that – he is still considering it, ”replied Tina, who was able to surprise Tanja’s surprise and to relieve her again to sarcastic comments. In Tanja, the suspicion was that Tina might not have been as blindly with love as she had feared and might have already guessed that this moment would come one day.

“How about you would just come to the Queen Mary with me??“Tina suddenly asked. Tanja was still in thought that she didn’t really understand the question at first and she needed a few seconds to realize what Tina had said there. ” I??? But Tina I can’t accept that. Such an expensive gift and besides, your parents would be insulted if you invite a colleague instead of “. “So – first of all, you are not my colleague, but my best friend and second, I know my parents well enough to know that they are not interested in such a trip.

My mother is already seasick when she looks at a ship from the outside and my father would probably die of boredom. In addition, mom would never send him to the cruise with me. “Tanja registered with relief that Tina was already joking and of course the prospect of such a trip had a significant appeal for her. “Oh come on and say yes … Erik is not at home or at home for the next 3 weeks anyway?“Tina was also right with this point.

Tanja’s husband worked as an engineer at a large oil company and always spent 6 weeks on a platform near Norway and was then at home for 6 weeks as a balance. It was actually 3 weeks until the next shifting change and precisely these last weeks before his return always died like chewing gum because Tanja alone got boring at home. “Yes, that’s right – Erik is 3 weeks away that would not be a problem, but we can’t both go on vacation at the same time.

Our boss definitely doesn’t play with “” So ask nothing and that’s exactly what I will do now, “said Tina and rose from her chair. “If I love him very much and use my sharpest weapons, then he definitely doesn’t say no”. Just when Tanja wanted to ask what Tina meant with her sharpest weapons, she was already storming past her towards the boss room – but not without quickly opening the top two buttons of her already damn tight blouse, what the viewerenabled an incredible view of their delicate cleavage.

She winked Tanja again and before Tanja could protest in any form, she had already disappeared through the door. Tanja was enthusiastic about the casualness of her young colleague and could hardly expect the result of the small meeting. After a few minutes, Tina came back – but grief and anger had returned to her facial expression. Tina sat down at her desk again and only said “It’s a shame – really a shame..”” Hey – little one, now don’t let your head hang.

You will definitely find a great accompaniment for the trip – even if I really would have loved to be there. “” Hmm … I actually wanted to say – it’s really a shame for Ms. Berger that she will have to throw the shop here alone in the coming week – because we will both be pampered on Queen Mary 2 “. With these words, Tina dropped the mourning mask, stormed around the desk and the two women fell into their arms with a laugh.

“Oh my god … Oh my god … I don’t even know what to say. “” Well – thank you for the invitation and I would be happy to come with me, I would now find it very fitting. “” Madness – of course I’m there and I’m really happy. But I don’t even know how I should ever thank you for my sweetness “. “Oh, don’t worry – I’m not that demanding! You have to kiss my feet every morning at most and get me at least 2 ice cream every day for the rest of our working life, but that would be all … ”Tina’s bad mood seemed as if they were blown away and the two women spent the rest of the dayTo make plans and to remember how the trip would be.

“Oh hurt – I don’t have enough elegant things to put on for the whole week,” Tina noticed at some point. “Don’t worry about that. I have already seen various reports on the ship on TV. Except for meals in the large dining room, you can walk around in the ship relatively casually. And if you don’t feel like the elegant dining room because there are still various restaurants with self -service in which you can move very casually.

“” That sounds really great!!! But from time to time I would like to throw myself in bowl and let me use and of course we don’t miss the captain’s dinner. I’ll take a few nice things with me. “The next few days went by and both women were fully busy making all the necessary errands and packing their things. Then finally the Saturday had come and both of them did not miss the opportunity to stand in the port of Hamburg very early in the morning and to admire how the huge ship attacked the harbor and took its position on the cruise terminal.

“I can’t even believe that tomorrow we will really go on board,” Tina said that with shiny eyes to the black – white colossus looked over. The two admired the ship for a while together with the many thousands of other onlookers before they made their way home to make the final preparations for the trip. The next morning, Tina stood in front of Tanja’s front door at 10 a.m., who could hardly sleep all night and felt an unpleasant oppressive headache with excitement and tiredness.

They loaded Tanja’s suitcase into the taxi and arrived on time on the cruise terminal of the Hamburg harbor. “So Tina, now there is no back – now the adventure starts,” said Tanja to Tina when she was closer to check with her suitcases. “Listen, I want to hope that too! I would no longer prevent 10 horses from being emptying this ship “. The handling of the check-in was surprisingly quick and soon both were ready for the big moment to enter the ship via the gangway.

Shortly before their destination, however, they were stopped by two reporters of the newspaper, who of course had to take comprehensive photographs of the winner of their competition and led a more or less irrelevant interview. Tanja could clearly see Tina that she could hardly wait until this mandatory date finally had behind her. But if you get a trip like this, then of course you also like to accept such a little something.

Ultimately, however, the two reporters were finally satisfied with everything and said goodbye to the two women on the ship. As the winner of the trip, both were welcomed by a good -looking representative of the crew with a glass of shampus who congratulated the two again and then led them onto their cabin. “Well, if the service goes on here, I will never want to leave this ship again,” Tina whispered when she followed the Stewart into the cabin.

In view of the dimensions and the great equipment of the ship, Tanja was totally off his socks and was only able to nod in agreement. When they arrived in the cabin, both expected the next surprise. The newspaper had really not let itself be ragged and rented a spacious cabin with King Size Bed and outdoor balcony. After the stewart had said goodbye, both looked around the cabin and enjoyed the view from her balcony in the harbor where there were already many thousands of onlookers who were waiting for the luxury steamer soon to be expired soon.

“Hey Tanja, have a look – here we even have a bathroom with shower and bathtub. We can even take a bathroom how beautiful. “” Yes, that’s really impressive here, I just hope that the newspaper doesn’t have to sell 50 cents more expensive because of us tomorrow “. Since it would take some time for the luggage to be brought to the cabin, both took the opportunity to look intensely on the ship and then went to the upper deck to track the ship from there.

Finally the time had come and with three powerful signal tones the queen put off the dock. “My parents now have to be down there somewhere, really a shame that visitors cannot get very close to the ship. “Although none of the onlookers were really identified at the distance, Tanja and Tina eagerly waved over to the left behind and stopped at the railing until the ship had left the port and stamped the Elbe towards the North Sea.

“Come Tina we go into the cabin and see if the luggage has now arrived. We also have to slow down for dinner. “After finding their cabin again with difficulty. Both unpacked their suitcases and then Tanja was the first to shower into the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up for the evening.

Since both had seen each other naked naked during countless visits to the gym and sauna, they moved completely casually in the cabin while wiping off their clothes and put on a few elegant clothes for the evening. “If you don’t mind, I will be the first to jump under the shower because I would like to search for the pharmacy quickly afterwards. Of course I forgot my headache tablets and now my skull is buzzing me.

“Said Tanja to Tina. “Why do you want to go to the pharmacy especially? I have my aspirin with me and can help you with a few tablets. ““ Be good, I always play my stomach crazy at Aspirin and I don’t want to risk that before our delicious dinner. “Full of anticipation for the beautiful evening Tanja showered extensively, made up and perfumed and then made himself chic for the evening. Tina was still in underwear in front of the TV because she had enthusiastically found that she didn’t even have to do without her daily soap here on board.

“Do not do my sweetness for as long, I’m afraid on the first evening you will all be very wild to see the large restaurant and that will be a nice crowd. “” No, don’t worry, that’s done here and then I’m immediately under the shower disappeared”. Tanja grabbed her handbag and was almost out of the door when she decided to pay a quick visit to the toilet. Then she said goodbye to Tina, who was just getting rid of her underwear and disappeared into the depths of the ship to look for the pharmacy.

After several times she had almost reached the pharmacy when she noticed that she had forgotten her handbag and wallet while visiting her toilet in the bathroom and that she had no choice but to make her way back to get her bag. “Oh girl – you are getting old,” she thought with her while she was looking for the fastest possible way back and found the same to her own surprise. When Tanja entered the cabin, she heard the patter of Tina’s shower water from the bathroom and since both had often showered together after her fitness and sauna session, she did not hesitate to enter the bathroom.

But as soon. Tina stood in the shower as expected but what Tanja hadn’t expected was the fact that Tina leaned on the wall of the shower cubicle with her eyes closed while she was massaging her breasts with her right hand and her left hand disappeared between her legs. If Tanja had closed the door immediately, then Tina would probably not have been noticed because it hadn’t heard the door through the pounding water.

The reasonable part in Tanja’s brain screamed that she should just crumble and forget what she saw here, but her eyes adhered to Tina, who slowly slid down a gush of shower foam between the breasts over her stomach until he reaches her handHad the movements to judge their pussy very intensely spoiled their pussy. Tanja wanted to turn around and go, but the fascination of this whole situation made her legs freeze to stone columns and she just couldn’t turn her eyes off the body of her young colleague.

With infinite willpower, Tanja just managed to move her legs again and was about to turn around when Tina opened her eyes. Tina held as if hit by lightning in the movement and Tanja could clearly see that two of Tina’s fingers were still in her pussy while the other hand was still stuck to her breasts. The two women looked into their eyes and none really knew how to dissolve the embarrassing situation until Tanja finally a croaked “Sorry .. I just wanted to get my bag “got out, stormed through the bathroom to her bag, grabbed it and the bathroom left flee -like.

On the way back to the pharmacy, Tanja was still totally confused by what had just happened. She did not irritate Tina’s fact in masturbation caught To have because Tina was a young woman with an active sex life and Tanja also liked to get it himself during the weekly absence of her husband. That alone would not have been worth talking about for Tanja, but what was really unsettled was her own response to acting.

In her life so far, she had not had any erotic contacts with women and has never looked at a woman in this way, but she couldn’t deny it that she had clearly excited the one just seen. She had not been able to turn her eyes of Tina’s hustle and bustle and even if she could have denied this fact in retrospect, the clearly noticeable moisture between her legs spoke a different language.

After Tanja finally got the tablets in the pharmacy and stood in front of her cabin again, to find her surprise that she had almost a little stage fright before entering the cabin and kicking Tina towards Tina. “Now don’t make yourself ridiculously old girl,” she said to herself before entering the cabin. Tina was near the bed and had just dressed her evening dress when Tanja came in.

“Well you got what you were looking for??“Asked Tina and grinned at Tanja Schelmisch. “You Tina I am extremely sorry for it – I shouldn’t have just stormed into the bathroom so easily. “Oh what do you don’t do your head because of that, I could have locked the door and finally we are two adult people”. It was almost a little embarrassed that her younger colleague treated the whole thing much more relaxed and “adult” than herself and she laughed at herself and her own nervousness that she had taken a few minutes ago.

“That you interrupted me shortly before the orgasm was not the fine way. So just don’t be wondering if I am totally jetty on my chair today at dinner “. “All right – let me know, if it gets too bad, then I loan my served you to infer so that nothing expires”. The two laughed warmly and Tanja was extremely happy that the situation had relaxed so quickly and that they were both jokes over what happened.

The two women left the cabin and walked hands in the direction of the large dining room. There had already gathered a large mass of elegantly dressed people, but the opening of the dining room was distributed quite quickly in the huge room. Tanja and Tina were amazed at the perfect organization of dinner, because hardly any places were occupied, when the waiter scurried through the room and began to serve the 5-course menu. As not to be expected, the food was excellent and the two feasted from gang to gang.

Tanja and Tina shared the table with an older couple from the United States who had a four -week Europe journey and now treated themselves to the journey home on the Queen Mary as a crowning glory. Tina always made fun of it, as announced, to slide back and forth on her chair, and sometimes excessively enjoy a bite of the food and with a slimming look into your mouth.

Tanja grinned again and again Schelmisch, but she started to be surprised again why these strange feelings came into her when Tina pushed her fork so exaggeratedly intensely intensely. She had always been so proud of her own discipline and simply couldn’t explain that the events of the day had got you out of the socket. After both enjoyed the great meal, they took a short drink at one of the countless bars and then decided to go to bed relatively early, since they had both pretty.

Once in the cabin, they stowed their elegant evening dresses again highly meticulously in the closet, since both did not have enough elegant clothes with them to wear something new every evening and so they had to deal with their dresses very carefully. Both then briefly broke out again when they found that they both had put on an almost identical neglige, gave themselves a short good night kiss and then fell to bed dead tired. Although Tanja really felt like she was shot, she just couldn’t fall asleep.

Whenever she closed her eyes then she had the pictures in mind again as she opened the door of the bathroom and Tina suddenly stood in front of her in this clear position. Although she usually did not exactly have a photographic memory, she could still remember every detail. Tina’s solid breasts, whose nipples stood out wide while they were massaged by Tina, her flat belly with the umbilical piercing over which the shower foam slowly slid down and tina hand between her legs that she moved up and down while she moved with one finger (Or were there two?? ) spoiled in her pussy.

“Damn what’s wrong with you” she asks herself again and again while she rolled back and forth in bed to finally find sleep. Since it was a starry night outside and the moon could only be away from the full moon for a day or two, a relatively large amount of light fell into the cabin through the door to the outer balcony and immersed everything in a mysterious light. Tanja could see Tina’s outline clearly on the other side of the bed, but she literally flinched when she suddenly heard her voice.

“Can’t you sleep tanja either?”” No, I’m dead tired but at the same time somehow bright awake. Probably too much happened today “. “Oh yes – you can say that … I hope you don’t always worry about the small incident earlier?“” Hmmmm – well – it is still infinitely uncomfortable for me that I just burst into the bathroom. I really didn’t want to put you in such an embarrassing situation “.

“Heeee – now listen to you to make a head about it was really not bad”, and after a short break, Tina suddenly added “If I should be honest, I even found it very tingling. “Now Tanja was suddenly really wide awake. “Sparkling? You – you mean it has excited you that I watched you?”” I don’t know if it’s good to tell you – but I hadn’t closed my eyes as firmly as it might look.

I noticed exactly how you opened the door, but I just couldn’t stop. And the longer you stand there and watch me, the sharper I became. “The thoughts whirled like a tornado in Tanja’s head and as has always been fought in Tanja’s life in her the adventurous against the reasonable side. So far the reasonable side had almost always won, but now Tanja almost heard to her own surprise: “If you are so honest, then I am too.

I also found it incredibly beautiful and exciting to see you like this. So I just couldn’t turn my eyes away. “After that, a moment of breathless silence and tension between the two occurred, as if neither of the two trusts were to say another word until Tina finally spoke. “Would you like to watch me again Tanja? I didn’t make a joke earlier when I said that I was totally jittery because I stopped right in the middle of it.

I would like to finish it now and would like it really nice if you were watching me. Tanja’s neck was as dry as if she had swallowed a shovel of sand. It was hardly possible for her to speak but finally she said: “I would very much like to watch you watch Tina. Just let yourself go and do it … ”Tanja turned on his side and looked towards her young colleague. This lay on his back turned his head to the side and looked at Tanja in the eyes.

Due to the thin sheet sheet, Tanja was able to follow the movement of Tina’s hands. First Tina led both hands on her breasts and began to stroke her nipples in a circular movements and then take her breasts into her hands and massage them. Slowly she closed her eyes and started breathing deeper and more violently. After a few minutes, Tanja noticed how Tina’s left hand began to hike from her breasts until she had finally arrived between her legs.

Tina’s breathing became more violent than she started moving her hand between her legs. Tanja also noticed how her breathing had changed unconsciously. This incredibly erotic and intimate moment that Tina shared with her let her pulses accelerate and she already felt a significantly increasing moisture between her legs. As she supports her head on her left hand to watch Tina better watched her right hand unconsciously to her own breasts and Tanja also began to stroke them.

Suddenly she heard Tina say: “If you like then you are welcome to pull my bed sheet away”. For a fractions of seconds, Tanja fought again with her own conscience but the greed and the desire to watch Tina’s naked bodies in ecstasy, decided this fight very quickly. With her hand who had just spoiled her own breasts, she grabbed Tina’s bed sheet trembling and slowly pulled it to side. Tina had pulled the fabric of her neglige under her breasts and Tanja had a fixed breasts at the sight of these young people, whose nipples were now excited only a few centimeters away from her face.

Tina seemed to know that Tanja could now look closely, because her breath became more and more difficult and the movement of her hand between her legs increasingly demanding. The sight of her totally uninhibited girlfriend also let Tanja’s excitement climb into unexpected dimensions and before Tanja was even aware of what she was doing, she had thrown her own bed sheet to the side and let her hand hike between her legs. Her fingers were welcomed by her dripping wet pussy and Tanja began to satisfy her clit with her thumb while introducing her middle finger into her pussy.

Tina had opened her eyes and now watched the body and the excitement of her colleague. Tanja dropped on her back and started spoiling her pussy more and more violently with her fingers. Tina’s hand was lying on the bed between the two and Tanja reached and pressed Tina’s hand very tightly. So both were on the bed and steered unstoppably towards their orgasm. Tanja felt her hand suddenly pressed her hand very tightly and saw from the corner of the eye how her young body reared up when she got to the climax and just a few seconds later it was also time with Tanja and an insane orgasm raced through her body like a giant wave.

The two women stayed sniffing and exhausted for a few minutes, but without loosening their hands without loosening their hands. Then both turned to the side and were only a few centimeters away from each other. “That was incredibly beautiful Tina. I don’t even know what to say “” I feel the same way … I never thought that it could be so exciting to experience something like this together. “” I never thought I would be able to do something like that, but when I saw how incredibly excited you were, I just couldn’t help but participate.

You really have an incredibly sexy charisma Tina “. “So I’m definitely not a German more sexy than you Tanja yourself. I don’t even dare to dream that in 15 years I will be as hot as you are now “. “Oh – thanks for the flowers my sweetness. “Your breasts are really great from Tanja”. Both were still opposite and Tanja only now registered that they were so close to each other that the breasts of the two women touched slightly.

It was more an idea than a really direct touch, but this easy contact alone made Tanja tremble internally. Again it was Tina who interrupted the silence between the two. “You can actually feel your heat?”” Oh yes – and how!”” I mean rather … – well … – if you touch them – you don’t feel that you are excited?““ So Erik said he would feel a big difference, although it is also difficult for him to hope that he will feel it.

But if you want then of course you can try it yourself if you feel something!“Tanja almost frightened her own words. She had really invited her young colleague to folle her? But was that really just a promise? If she was honest with herself, it was a very attractive thought to feel the delicate hands of her friend. Tanja noticed how a completely unknown side took possession of her own.

Slowly, she took control of her and she had no stopping it … While Tanja followed this thought, she suddenly felt Tina’s fingers who gently stroked her up the upper arm and over her shoulders. The gentle touch caused a cozy goosebumps with Tanja and at the latest now she was absolutely certain that she wanted to feel Tina’s hands in many places in her body. Tina slowly let her fingers go over Tanja’s shoulders and her collarbone slides and further reduced the distance to her breasts.

Following a spontaneous impulse, Tanja turned on the back to give Tina the best possible access to her breasts and Tina accepted this invitation thankfully and gently caressed her fingers over Tanja’s nipples that were still hidden under her thin neglige. Through Tina’s touch, Tanja’s nipples straightened up and soon could be seen clearly through the fabric and felt. Tina looked Tanja deep in the eyes then she rose from her lying position, swung her leg over Tanja and sat on her stomach.

In this position she now had both hands free and immediately began to massage Tanja’s breasts gently with both hands. Tanja began to breathe again and asked Tina quietly: “And?? You feel something??”Tina leaned down to Tanja without the grip to loosen her breasts and whispered in her ear:” In any case, it feels really great, but I can’t say that through the fabric so exactly “. Tanja was looking for eye contact with Tina again before pulling her negligent over her head and thus lying naked under Tina.

Tina continued her game on Tanja’s breasts and when Tanja felt her colleague’s tender hands on her bare breasts, she did not know the sensations that she didn’t know yet. Her husband Erik was a tender and sensitive lover, but none of his touch could only be compared with Tina’s delicate hands that stroked her breasts and these love costs. Tanja reached for Tina’s negligee and slowly pulled it up.

Tina willingly raised her arms so that Tanja could pull the thin piece of fabric over her head and then continued her work on Tanja’s breasts. After Tanja Tina’s shirt had thrown aside. Then she slowly let her hands hike up, because the burning desire to be able to feel the burning desire to feel under her hands.

She closed her hands around Tina’s breasts and was overwhelmed by the feeling of warm and full breasts in her hands. Both stayed in this position for several minutes and enjoyed the completely new feelings for both women. “Your breasts feel incredibly good at Tanja and I want to feel a lot more of your body”. With these words, Tina rose from her seated position, placed her knees and hands on the right and left of Tanja until she was directly over Tanja on all fours.

Then she slowly lowered her body until the breasts of the two touched and then began to move her upper body into a circular movements. The breasts of the two women stroked each other and they could feel the hard nipples of the other on the delicate skin of their breasts. Then Tina continued to lower her body until she came to Tanja to lie down. The two women looked deep into their eyes and stroked each other through the hair.

Tanja enjoyed the feeling of Tina’s delicate young skin on her and the warmth that she shone. She leaned up a bit to Tina and whispered in her ear: “Please kiss me”. Tina looked Tanja deep again and then slowly leaned down to Tanja. The lips of the two met and first they exchanged only shy kisses with slightly opened lips. But with each following kiss the lips of the two women opened a piece.

The kisses became more and more passionate until Tanja could no longer hold back and carefully penetrated into Tina’s mouth with her tongue. There she was already expected by Tina’s tongue who immediately started playing with Tanja’s tongue. After a gentle and careful beginning, the tongue game became more wilder and passionate and both tried to penetrate into the mouth of the others as deep as possible in order to cost their saliva. While the kisses developed into a wild and ecstatic knuckle, Tina suddenly felt Tanja’s hand who was looking for her way between the two bodies towards Tina’s pussy.

Tina saw almost stars when Tanja’s hand had arrived at her clit and began to spoil it with circular movements. Where a dark brown triangle had flashed in the last shower together and the sweet lunches had been rumbling, there was now smooth, rosy skin to see. Tina had shaved! “Wow, new look,” joked Tanja and looked at her friend cheekily. This term did not mean what was meant and only when it followed the look of the others did she think again of her freshly shaved pussy.

“Oh, you mean that,” she laughed, stroking the smooth skin. “Feels wonderfully and is easy to care for,” she explained to the girlfriend. “Really – it’s as smooth as it looks?“Tanja wanted to know and Tina took her hand. “Just feel herself,” she said, just pulling the girlfriend’s hand on her Venushügel. She hesitantly stroked her finger over it and was amazed at how smooth the skin felt. However, she was still astonished over the lustful twitching, which suddenly spread all over her abdomen and so she quickly pulled her hand back.

Tina also wanted to give Tanja this incredible feeling of pleasure and to make it a little easier for both of them, she turned to the side until the two women were located on the side directly opposite. “I will also shave,” she thought, and decided to implement it the same evening. implement. “Tina – I think I prefer to leave it – I’m too afraid that I will cut myself,” said the girlfriend. But she had made the bill without the other.

“Such nonsense,” grumbled Tina, “you know what, we have a lot of time. I’m shaving you now!” now!“Tanja stared at her girlfriend with opened eyes. She said it seriously? Yes, she was serious because she had already disappeared in the bathroom, had three towels, a bowl of water and the utensils for shaving. “Extend, lay down and spread your legs far,” said Tina and Tanja again. “You can’t mean me, mine …

“She stuttered, but the girlfriend just laughed. only. “You will see once it is smooth, you would like to stroke yourself all day,” she giggled. “Cute curls,” she grinned. Tanja didn’t know how she happened, her friend’s touch had excited her in one blow. But Tina tolerated no contradiction and so Tanja was there a short time later and let her best friend spread his thighs. “You are totally wet,” noticed the other when she looked at the girlfriend’s rosy shimmering meat.

Tanja was red again, she could not hide her excitement. “Nonsense, you just imagine that,” she stammered. As the razor the first time over the still hairy skin, the Tanja felt a firework of excitement going through her body. Tina understood her craft perfectly, she gently slid over all of Venus with the razor, removed every hair that is still hidden and checked it again and again, with a look, whether the girlfriend’s excitement increased.

“So – we’re done,” called Tina and rattled with the razor in the water bowl. “I now wash the rest of the shaving foam and then I see if I really caught every hair”. A wave of sadness shot through Tanja that she could have been so long for hours, her friend’s petting types of her friend on her pussy. However, she would not have guaranteed that she would not get orgasm, because whenever Tina’s fingers accidentally roamed her little pearl, her entire muscles contracted.

With a washcloth, Tina washed all the shaving foam from Tanja’s pussy and looked at the result. “Looks very inviting,” she murmured and then stroked her finger over the rosy lips. “Wonderfully smooth,” she said quietly and looked at the girlfriend to test her reaction. Tanja’s eyes were wide and for a moment she wanted to escape, but then she felt Tina’s fingers hiking straight to her pearl. She breathed in sharply when she felt the fingertips on this sensitive point and because she was excited and ashamed at the same time, she closed her eyes and simply had Tina granted.

She licked her lips greedily, but did not want to scare her friend and so she initially limited herself to stroke the soft skin tenderly with one finger. Just like Tina did it with her, Tanja Tina’s clit also began to stroke gently and to edit with circular movements. It excited her scary to feel the moisture of her young girlfriend on her fingers and she could clearly feel how this moisture increases every second.

Only when she realized that more and more moisture was created and Tina’s breath became more hectic that she began to send her hands on a hike all over the body. “You feel better with your tongue, I read once,” she whispered quietly before covering the girlfriend’s venus hill with shy kissing. Tanja gasped and her facial color was deep red. “We are not allowed to do that,” she thought, but nothing in the world would have wanted Tina to stop with her touch.

Even if she had often satisfied herself, this feeling was no comparison to what she was experiencing. Her skin was so sensitive when there was no hair on it, and her friend’s tongue was so warm and tender that she had goosebumps all over the body. Her tongues played tenderly, hands felt breasts, stroked nipples and the bodies of the two women rubbed each other. When Tanja felt her friend’s hard nipples on her own breast, she too began to moan quietly and pushed her fingers between the legs of the others.

The moisture had increased even more and now Tina finally wanted to know how her friend felt like her pearl looked and how excited she was already. A shower of lust grasped her as she let her narrow finger slide between her lips and slowly moved back and forth. It felt similar to herself and yet it excited her so much that she forgot almost everything around her.

She turned over and slid on Tanja’s body, her butt was in front of the girlfriend’s face and she looked directly at the bare pussy of the others. Both women spread their legs and looked at the intimate area of each other. The lust was too big and so suddenly her tongues slid out of their mouths and explored regions of the body that they have not yet known from each other. The scent of excited women was in the room, it was quiet and yet the noises of the excitement could not be ignored.

The two of them faster and faster, put their fingers in, but still relied on their oral skill mostly. Tina was so excited that she first reached the summit of the highlight. She groaned loudly and pressed her abdomen on the girlfriend’s face, but at the same time did not stop spoiling Tanja intensively. Her orgasm was also no longer distant and when Tina started caressing from the inside with two fingers she started and just screamed out the lust.

Breathless the two women were in bed a little later and suddenly were a little shy. Tina was the first to find her language back. “That was beautiful, but I would like to check again later whether I really didn’t miss a hair,” she said quietly. When she saw the lustful grin of the best friend, she knew that she would play a lot more that day. Tanja loosened the kiss for a short moment and whispered “please give me your finger, I want to feel you in me”.

Tina let her finger slide along Tanja’s labia and felt that Tanja’s moisture increased with every millimeter. Then she slowly let her finger slide into Tanja’s body where he was immediately enclosed like a prisoner by Tanja’s incredibly narrow pussy. In the meantime, Tanja had also put her middle finger in Tina’s pussy while continuing to massage her clit with her thumb. The two began to fuck each other with their fingers, where Tanja soon introduced a second finger in Tina’s Pussy.

Tina would have liked to do it the same way, but in view of the confines of Tanja’s Pussy, she was a little afraid to hurt her, which is why she had it with a finger and the massage of Tanja’s clit. While they kissed further and fucked each other with their fingers, the two women increased in an increasingly unrestrained ecstasy until they both reached the climax at the same time. During Tina’s orgasm, Tanja amazed an enormous surge of moisture on her hand.

Although she had already heard of women who sailed tremendous amounts of liquid and cumshot in orgasm, but she would never have dared to dream that her best friend injected her hand. After their orgasms, the two women kissed for a while and gently stroked their pussies and breasts until they finally fell asleep in a close hug. After the exciting events of the evening evening, Tanja and Tina fell into a long deep sleep and Tanja woke up when the sun was already shining in her face through the door of the outer balcony.

After her deep sleep, Tanja was still totally overslept and confused and took some time to organize her thoughts. At first she was not quite sure whether she had only dreamed her tender contacts with Tina, but when she perceived Tina’s tender buttocks who pressed against her but the buttocks came back to the past evening – the “accident” when she tinaunintentionally surprised when jerking off in the shower.

The events here in bed when they both felt infinite desire to watch the others how they were concerned with herself, The intimate shaving And finally their intimate kisses and touches when they got each other with their fingers. Now that Tanja was no longer dominated by her lust and she was a few hours away from the events, when her reasonable side suddenly took over the upper hand again. Tanja felt like someone who had drunk too much at a party and then really told his boss’s opinion in the full frenzy.

How could it happen that she had lost control of herself in this way??Tina was not just any person who could simply leave after a slip like this the following morning and whom she would never see again. Tina was her colleague, who was sitting over eight hours almost every day, and also her best friend with whom she spent a large part of her free time. How should you ever have such a casual relationship to each other after what had happened in the intoxication of the feelings last night.

“My God ..I am an adult woman in late 30 and I get involved in a few lesbian games here. I have to be totally crazy. “Tanja slowly withdrew from Tina and swung her legs out of bed. Next to the bed, the two negligees were carelessly thrown away during their lovemaking and at this sight Tanja remembered the moment when Tina was sitting on her and pulling the negligee over her head.

She clearly remembered how sharply she had made Tina’s small and firm breasts and how she could hardly wait to spoil these breasts with her hands. But before these thoughts were able to do further mischief, Tanja quickly pushed her aside and went into the bathroom around the first right day of vacation on the ship. When Tanja came out of the bathroom a while later, Tina was already awakening, she had overturned a bathrobe and stood on the balcony Where she enjoyed the morning sun and the fresh sea air.

When she noticed Tanja, she came to Tanja with joy, hugged her warmly and gave her a big smack on her cheek. Tanja was pretty sure that Tina would have put the kiss on her mouth if she hadn’t turned her head to the side slightly. “Hmmm – I slept wonderfully. I’m just not sure whether it was due to the good sea air or something else, ”said Tina and winking Tanja.

“That must have been the sea air,” replied Tanja, who was not trusted Tina in the eye. “Hey Tanja, I saw here that a spinning course will be offered in the gym this morning. I will process the calories from breakfast right away. How about you?? Do you take part??““ Oh, let’s do it at the time of the time. I will probably grab a lounger and browse a little in my book.

“During this entertainment, Tanja continued to ride around in her clothes more than cumbersome and continued to avoid looking Tina directly in the eye. Tina also noticed the repellent attitude of Tanja and after Tina had also freshened up in the bathroom, both of them stuck to each other more or less in silence. Tina packed a small backpack so that she could go directly to the gym after breakfast. Tanja put on her short summer dress, packed a bath towel, sun oil and her book in her backpack.

They decided to take their breakfast in a small casual self -service restaurant and after both had filled their tray properly, they took a seat at a small, slightly remote 2’er table and enjoyed the delicious breakfast. During the whole time there was a clearly noticeable tension between the two that mainly came out of Tanja, which was visibly uncomfortable in her skin and just didn’t know how to deal with the situation. “May I please find out what is going on with you suddenly??“Tina suddenly asked when she couldn’t and wanted to endure this unpleasant tension anymore.

“What’s going on with me??? Can’t you think of that tina??““ It is already clear to me that your strange behavior has something to do with last night. But please explain to me exactly where your problem is. I am sorry if you regret what we did afterwards and I would like to apologize to you for what happened, but I don’t stand it if you don’t want to talk to talk now “.

Tanja noticed that Tina was about to break out in tears in these words and only now did she realize how hurtful her behavior had to have been for Tina. Tina to see Tanja gave a stab in the heart and she moved over to her young friend with her chair and put her arm around her shoulder. “Heeee – my sweetness – that’s not what it was meant. Firstly, you have to apologize for nothing, because after all I voluntarily participated and secondly I do not regret anything of what we did.

On the contrary, it was a great experience and I enjoyed it every second. “” But then I don’t understand where your problem is!““ My problem is that I am not like you like a free bird that can fly from tree to tree and can snack on all fruits without regrets. It was the first time until yesterday that I had sex with a woman and it was incredibly fun and excited me.

I don’t know this page from myself and I just don’t know how to deal with my feelings. “” Oh Tanja – what we did together also enjoyed me and I would very much like to use this week to try out many horny things with you. But that has nothing to do with our normal life in which we will return after this week. Do you know what your problem is, Tanja? That you can’t just let yourself go and take things as they come without thinking about how the consequences might look like at some point – one day you will regret what you missed, I say to you asyour best friend.

“With these words, Tina grabbed her tray, put it in the ready serving car and disappeared towards the gym. Tanja remained puzzled and confused at the table. What her Tina had just thrown at her head were exactly the thoughts that herself kept going through your head, but heard these words so clearly from Tina. Finally Tanja also cleared her tray, grabbed her backpack and strolled towards Sonnendeck.

Tanja had no problems finding a free couch, since there was not much operation on the sundeck at this time. She got rid of her clothes and then made herself comfortable with her book on one of the loungers. But she soon noticed that it was impossible to concentrate on the book. Again and again Tina’s words went through her head “… One day you will regret what you missed …” She tried again and again that Tina had talked easily and the situation for Tina would be much easier than for her, but it wasReally the truth or just a welcome excuse?? She couldn’t just take a vacation from her normal life and just let things happen? And while her thoughts were floating through her head and she was more and more urged to focus on the situation that was thought of the situation: “…

I would very much like to use this week to try out many horny things with you … “If this sentence went through her head again, Tanja got a slight goosebumps and she felt this pleasant feeling of an onset of excitement between her legs. She started to stroke her stomach unconsciously and if she hadn’t been surrounded by various people, then she could hardly have resisted her hand between her legs.

Suddenly Tanja’s decision had been made how this vacation should go on. She got back on, grabbed her things and made her way back into the cabin. Once in the cabin, she found Tina’s sports clothes lying on the bed, so Tina had to be in the bathroom. She opened the door to the bathroom and met Tina when she just came out of the shower cubicle. “Hello Tanja I haven’t expected you yet.

But slowly it will be a habit to surprise me in the bathroom, ”said Tina with a laugh. When Tina just wanted to grab a towel, Tanja grabbed her hand and pulled Tina very close to her. “You don’t need my sweetness – I would like to lick the drops of water from your skin as if it were nectar from a flower. “Tina opened his eyes with a surprise, but didn’t even need to drop the towel for two seconds.

Tina grinned at Tanja and whispered: “A good decision my love …” Then she slowly kept her knees in front of Tina and bent away until her face was at Tina’s knee. Slowly and gently, Tanja began licking the shower water remaining on Tina’s skin and moved down with her tongue on Tina’s leg until she had reached Tina’s ankles. She took Tina’s slim foot in her hands and lifted him slightly.

“Didn’t you say I would have to kiss your feet every day out of gratitude for the trip for the trip?? Well I hope this will be about your ideas about this. “With these words, Tanja first licked the back of Tina and then began to let her tongue play with Tina’s toes. She licked the tips of her toe playfully and let her tongue slide between Tina’s sweet toes again and again. Then she let Tina’s foot sink back on the floor and repeated this procedure with Tina’s second foot.

Tina had long since put her astonishment in the meantime and just enjoyed Tanja’s treatment with growing excitement. Meanwhile, Tanja started to suck on Tina’s big toe and gradually expanded this treatment on the other toes until Tanja finally sucked more and more intensely on them. Tina moved her foot back and forth slightly and Tanja pushed her tender foot deeper and deeper into her mouth. After a few minutes, Tanja Tina’s foot slowly pulled out of her mouth, licked her back sole again and then slowly let her tongue hike up along Tina’s thigh.

Tanja slowly licked her way over Tina’s thighs and took every drop of water she could discover on Tina’s skin greedily. She let her tongue hike over Tina’s pelvis to her belly, played around her belly button with her tongue and moved her way between Tina’s breasts. When she had her tongue hiked to Tina’s neck exactly between Tina’s breasts, Tanja was able to resist the temptation to make her breasts right now over Tina’s breasts and spoil them with her mouth, but she wanted Tina and herself a bitTorture.

When Tanja’s tongue had passed Tina’s breasts, she wandered to the side along the collarbone, raised Tina’s arm up and then slowly and reluctantly let Tina’s blank shaved armpit hikes hike. Tina had never been spoiled by another person at this point and was surprised by the intensity of the feelings that caused the Tanja’s tender tongue in her armpit. Tanja licked Tina’s arm until she had arrived at her hand, started licking every finger individually there.

Again Tina was too happy to play this game, pressed her hand piece by piece further into Tanja’s mouth and only let go of it as if the Tanja felt shortly before a light strangling heater and Tanja’s mouth had filled with a real lake of saliva. Tanja slowly pulled Tina’s hand out of her mouth and wandered the way along Tina’s arm back to her neck. Tina looked at her fascinated her fingers that shone from Tanja’s saliva and while Tanja was looking for her way along Tina’s neck to her ear, Tina licked every single drop of Tanja’s saliva from her fingers.

Tanja let her tongue hike along Tina’s neck to her left ear, slowly and tenderly licked her over her auricle and then hiked the same way back to Tina’s right ear. Once there, she first played with Tina with Tina, licked along the contours of her auricle, bit her slightly in the earlobe and then whispered in her ear: “You were absolutely right and if you want it, I would like to do everything this weekTry out with you what comes to mind.

“Tina turned her head to the side and looked at Tanja in the eye, but before she could answer she came over the total desire to feel Tanja’s lips on her and soon the two women were deepened in a wild and intimate kiss. “Tina I’m really hot between my legs. Your sight alone brings me to the cooking treasure, ”sighed Tanja. She took a step towards Tina and took her in her arms.

Finally Tina solved the kiss and replied Tanja: “Hmmm – so I come to mind a lot that I want to do with you, I hope you know what you are getting into – you are going to go crazy,” she breathed, “she breathedTo her as she looked her deeply into her eyes. “I will just be surprised what your cute head is so brooding, but now I want to taste you ….“Tanja pulled Tina very close to herself.

Her two hands had now arrived at Tina’s ass. arrived. “You are completely naked under your dress. You haven’t even put on a slip, you hot woman. That makes me even hornier than I am already, ”Tina groaned into Tanja’s ear and bit her very tenderly in her earlobe. The two women kissed again wildly and intensely before Tanja began to kiss her way along Tina’s body this time.

Once at Tina’s breasts, Tanja took a few seconds to admire her young friend’s breasts up close. Tina had quite petite nipples for the size of her breasts, the Tanja now stood in clear excitement like two small spearheads. Tanja stroked fascinated over Tina’s breast until she could no longer suppress her desire and began licking her nipples and sucking on it. A few hours ago it would have thought Tanja would have been absolutely unthinkable what she was doing here and now it prepared such a desire to play with Tina’s breasts that she would like to suck both breasts in full at the same time in her mouth.

Tina encouraged her by pressing Tanja’s head against her breasts. For Tina, too, it was the first time that her body was spoiled by a woman in this form and she was totally fascinated by the way Tanja played tenderly and at the same time wildly and demanding with her body. A man would never even get this combination of wild desire and tender touch. After Tanja had intensively spoiled her friend’s breasts, she was finally ready to cross the last threshold, but Tina came before.

“Come on my love and pull yourself out of it – please – and then do it to me. I already have totally soft knees. “” Yes honey, I’m so hot for you – I can hardly wait to spoil you, “replied Tanja,” Please sit down in the armchair and lean back in it. “Tina did as if desired by Tanja and took a seat in the armchair half -lying down.

Tanja knelt in front of her, opened with gentle pressure Tina’s thigh and began to gently stroke the sensitive inside. Then she put Tina’s legs on the left and right over the armrests of the armchair, so that her sweet thighs Tanja presented her wide spread out. Immediately Tanja put her horny game on Tina. Tanja continued to show this sight. She slowly got on her knees until she was at the level of Tina’s Pussy, who was shaved bleed and looked as tender and seductive as Tina’s rest of the body.

Carefully and with slightly trembling fingers, Tanja pulled the labia apart and briefly admired the delicate pink and the moisture of Tina. Even if she was a little afraid of the fact that she would cost this moment, she literally gathered the water in her mouth when you look at Tina’s moisture and so her face approached Tina’s pussy until her lips finally contactHad Tina’s labia. With your thumb and index finger she released Tina’s clit and began to spoil him with her tongue.

Tanja would never forget the moment when she was allowed to taste the taste of Tina’s Pussy on her tongue for the first time. When she introduced her tongue in Tina’s young Pussy, a tingling sensation rolled from her tip of her tongue through her entire tongue and your palate and then explode in her head like a fireworks display. Tanja wanted to taste more of this sweet juice and so she soon began spoiling Tina’s clit with her thumb so that she could use her tongue to penetrate deeply into Tina’s body to taste as much as possible from Tina’s juices.

Tina could not suppress a loud groaning and sharpened the air between her teeth when she first felt her friend’s warm, moist tongue on her bare, small pussy. In her head, a real firework exploded as Tanja began to slowly push her tongue deeper into her body. In increasing excitement, Tina began to rub her pelvis in circular movements over Tanja’s face, which alternately led Tanja’s tongue into every corner of Tina’s Pussy.

Overwhelmed by the force of all the new feelings, Tina felt how she approached her orgasm unstoppably. She would have loved to delay the climax for a while but she was absolutely clear that nothing and nobody in the world could stop this huge orgasm who was just building up in her body. With the last clear thoughts she could still grasp, she tried to push Tanja’s head away from her pussy because she suspected that this orgasm would lead to a huge outbreak with her.

Tina had learned to deal with her physical peculiarity over the years, but with her new lover she was still a bit anxious as she would react to her effusion. Tanja felt on Tina’s wilder movements and on her moaning that Tina had to be about to be high. She let her tongue circle even wilder in Tina’s pussy to get them to the climax when she suddenly felt Tina tried to push her head away from her.

Tanja was initially irritated by this action until she remembered tina yesterday’s effusion that she had clearly felt on her hand. Tanja loosened her mouth briefly from Tina Pussy looked up to her friend and said: “Let yourself go tina – I want to taste your excitement on my tongue”. Then she pushed her mouth back on Tina’s pussy and could hardly wait until she should finally cost her friend’s love juices.

A few seconds later, a showed Tina’s body went through, she screamed and almost instantly poured a surge fluid from Tina’s pussy over Tanja’s face. Tanja opened his mouth and greedily tried to get every drop of it in her mouth. After Tina’s orgasm was over, a good amount of Tina’s love juices had accumulated in Tanja’s mouth. Tanja winked Tina briefly then she slowly closed her mouth and swallowed Tina’s juices down with relish.

Tina had always suspected that a wild side in Tanja was slumbering that was just waiting to be awakened, but the transformation that Tanja had experienced since the beginning of the trip would not have thought that Tina would not have thought possible either. After Tanja once made her decision and crossed a border for her, she was mutated into a passionate lover by a self -controlled and disciplined woman. Tina came up very well, since a wild one was slumbering in it too, which was slowly coming to the surface.

In this second she was absolutely certain that she would be able to express all her wishes and fantasies and the two still had a very exciting week ahead of them. After Tanja had licked the last drops of Tina’s juices from her thighs, she slowly got up and the two women united their tongues to form a passionate kiss. Tina’s juices had spread over Tanja’s complete face and for Tina it was a deep satisfaction to lick it from her friend’s face.

“So I think it’s somehow unfair that I stand around naked all the time while you are still wearing your clothes. We have to change that immediately my dear Tanja. How else should I return with you???“She had the burning desire to get the tall, slim, slim and 18-year-old girlfriend. Still breathing hard, she got up from the armchair and asked Tanja with the words: “Now you can enjoy” to take a seat on the armchair.

On Tanja’s thigh the juice now ran almost to her knees, so horny it was. “Oh yes Tina – I, I long for you,” she stammered. Immediately she sank into the armchair and put her infinitely long legs over her armrests. Tina knelt between Tanja’s legs and had the bare, already completely wet pussy in front of her eyes. This sight inspired her so that she immediately started licking Tanja’s love juice with her tongue.

Tanja winced by the touches of Tina’s tongue as if they had hit her with a whip. As she started licking Tanja’s clit, Tina penetrated into her dripping wet cunt with a finger. Tanja replied this stimulation with a small, throaty outcry. “More – oh god more,” she whispered. Tina pulled her finger back from the lust grotto Tanja and took a second one to get into her gently. “Oh yes – Jaaaa,” Wimmered Tanja, “Keep it up – come on,” she gasped her friend with a throaty, almost roasting voice.

Again Tina pulled her fingers out of her friend’s open lust channel. “Heaven – why do you stop – come on – go off,” whispered Tanja Tina. Slowly she began to push her two fingers into the tanja grotto. Tina asked moaning: “Do you need more – should I give you more?”Ohaaa, Jaaaa”, Tanja, “Fuck me,” she ordered, she ordered Tina. Tina began to perform slight fucking movements. Tanja was already flinching and Tina’s movements became more intense and faster.

When she touched Tanja’s clit with her tongue, she literally exploded in a huge orgasm. For almost a little eternity, she remained the air away and she was just wheezing. Her body shrugged uncontrollably and she threw her head back and forth. Her trembling, wet abdomen twitched over again and again. Tanja saged together. She lay panting with your eyes closed and half opened in the armchair.

A lot of time passed until she came back halfway and had collected a little. Tina started kissing Tanja again and pushed her in front of her in the direction of the big bed. Finally arrived at the bed, Tina pushed her on the bed next to Tanja on the bed and stroked her hands over Tanja’s whole body. This touch of Tina’s delicate hands alone was enough to fully flame Tanja’s passion again.

She closed her eyes to concentrate entirely on Tina’s touch. “My body belongs to you Tina and of course you can play every game with him that comes to mind”. Tina smiled satisfied because that was of course the answer that wanted to hear. She stroked more and more intensively over Tanja’s body and finally pulled her up the top of her bikini. Tina immediately started massaging Tanja’s breasts and keeping her nipples between thumb and index finger and pinching a little bit.

It slowly increased the intensity and registered that this treatment had the desired effect on Tanja, who breathed more and more heavily and continued to go through her back when Tina worked on her nipple. Then Tina’s Tanja’s legs spread and started kissing Tanja’s thighs slowly towards Tanja’s step. Tina lowered his head and licked very slowly and with relish over the open lips of her older friend. She wanted to taste Tanja’s juices on her tongue.

Tanja lifted her pelvis slightly to ensure the best possible access to her pussy, which she thanked her by driving her tongue deeply through Tanja’s column and greedy to record the juice accumulated there with her tongue. Tina began spoiling Tanja’s clit with her tongue and sucking on it while slowly introducing her middle finger into her pussy. Always alternately she licked over Tanja’s clit and then fucked her again with her finger that she soon also followed the show finger.

Tanja fully revealed himself Tina’s treatment and felt her tongue continued to play her tongue with her clit. Tina came deeper and deeper into Tanja’s pussy with her fingers. But then Tina slowly pulled his hand back. Tanja was startled by a little, sat up and looked at Tina. “Tina what are you going to do with me??”” Stay completely relaxed and relax, I bet you will like “Tanja decided to give up Tina as promised without if and buts.

In order to increase the desire for Tanja, Tina now went over to fuck Tanja at the same time as his fingers and spoil the clit with his tongue. She felt very clearly how Tanja’s Pussy pressed her hand. She pushed her fingers back and back several times. Tanja felt how it excited her to be filled up while she was also able to feel Tina tongue, who continued to lick her clit and sucked intensely on him.

Tina kept her arm silent while Tanja began to move her pelvis more and more intensely in front of and back in order to fuck herself. The feelings that Tanja felt almost drove her insane and since Tina also did not subsume to continue working with her mouth, it did not take long for her climax to be unstoppable. Tina felt on Tanja’s movements and her now uncontrolled breathing that her girlfriend was now about to redemption.

Tanja reared up while the orgasm raced through her body and she felt as if her entire body was exploding in a few moments. Tina felt that the tension slowly from Tanja’s body and Tanja sank exhausted onto the bed sheet. She lay down next to Tanja and the two women began to replace tender kisses again. Tina led her hand between the faces of the two women and both began to lick Tanja’s juices from Tina’s hand slowly and with relish.

After they were sure to really get the last drop of the delicious nectar, both were still closely wrapped on the bed for a while. “Oh tina – you little bitch – you really manage to bring me so far that I totally lose control of me. I think the next few days can still be very exciting. “But Tanja why only the next few days?“Tanja looked in the eye and knew exactly in this second that her young girlfriend did not make her empty promises.

After the exciting events of the morning, Tina and Tanja decided to spend the rest of the day relaxed and relaxed. After their exciting adventure, both stayed in bed for a while and Tanja had to be surprised again and again during this time, because even during the most harmless chatting, she simply couldn’t leave her body from Tina’s body. Again and again she stroked her fingertips over Tina’s delicate skin that felt incredibly gently under her fingers or she let her fingers playfully circle around Tina’s breasts.

The doubts that Tanja had before had now been blown and had placed space for a deep curiosity. Tina was totally surprised by Tanja’s rampant behavior but Tanja was no less surprised at herself. After Tanja had made the decision to engage in this adventure, it appeared to her that an ego unknown to her himself had stepped into the surface and would have totally displaced the otherwise controlled and self -controlled Tanja. She had given up the fight against this second I long ago and instead it was infinitely excited to find out which areas of sexual lust she would lead this second I still lead.

Against the lunchtime, the two managed to leave the bed with a lot of effort and to freshen up for lunch. They took their lunch in the same self -service restaurant in which they had already had breakfast and then decided to enjoy the sun on the huge sun deck a little bit. When she arrived there was already much more going on than in the morning when Tanja had made it comfortable here for some time.

Finally the two found a corner in which there were still various loungers. “Come on Tina We push them a little here, otherwise someone will come up with the idea and squeeze between us”. “Oh, that might not be that bad. “The two laughed warmly though. After they had put their loungers in position, they spread their towels on them and especially when Tanja wanted to make herself comfortable on the couch, her Tina held a bottle of sunscreen in front of her nose.

“Come on Tanja, we already have to apply cream. Here at the sea you don’t notice the sun through the cool wind, but it burns quite a bit. I don’t want to spend the rest of the week with a red cancer at my side “. Tina wagged with sunscreen in front of Tanja’s nose in these words and after Tanja grabbed the bottle she turns her back and blinked seductively over her shoulder, which was equated with an unspoken request that Tanja should apply her back to her back.

Tanja winked back, distributed a decent dollop of sunscreen on her palms and just wanted to start spreading the cream on Tina’s back when she obviously had an idea and lying on her bed. “So you can rub my legs and arms straight away, I find that much more pleasant than if I would do it myself”. Tanja smiled briefly, then she sat around Tina’s pool next to her on the couch and then slowly began to spread the sunscreen on Tina’s back.

She immediately caught her eye, Tina’s fine neck hair, who immediately touched up as Tanja’s hands touched Tina’s back. Tanja distributed the cream over Tina’s back and could not resist the temptation to open the closure of Tina’s top when he was in the way when he was creamed. “Hmmm.. I hope nothing happens to me now that suddenly forces me to jump up. “” Oh yes Tina, this ship is not as conservative as I feared, but the top-open on the public sun deck would definitely be a small scandal and you would point to us for the rest of the week “.

Tina obviously expected Tanja that she would continue her treatment. Since Tanja did not want to disappoint her young girlfriend, she immediately started to let her hands hike over Tina’s back immediately. While she was creamed Tina, she let her eyes hike over Tina’s complete back and once again noticed the Tina’s delicate body from the slim ankles over her round and crispy buttocks to her delicate neck was simply perfect.

She had seen Tina naked so often during her visits to the sauna and in the gym, but now it almost seemed to her for the first time to see Tina’s back. The difference this body now from the perspective as Tina’s lover and not only to see a amazed manure as a Tina’s girlfriend and excited Tanja immensely. As she looked at Tina’s back, her eyes kept hanging in this incredible buttocks. The already economical fabric of Tina’s Bikinihöschens had largely slipped into their poreates, so that both buttocks were almost completely exposed to Tanja.

If she had seen such a butt in an underwear advertising, she would have had a monthly salary that was subsequently manipulated in the photo, because such perfect curves would have thought it was impossible in nature. But now these two crunchy buttocks were right in front of her and Tanja felt the unrestricted to take it into her hands and caress and to caress about the thought of stroking Tina’s Poritis, goose bumps spread out on Tanja’s body.

Although she made the presence of the many people totally nervous, she couldn’t resist on the waistband of Tina’s bikini panties when she creamed Tina’s lower back. Through this action, the fabric of Tina’s panties was now completely pulled into her Poritze and Tanja could have sweared from Tina towards a quiet “Schhh ….” listen. When Tanja was finished with Tina’s back, she let a little sunscreen sliding on her palms, she looked around nervously and noticed that almost all of them were occupied in her area in the meantime, but nevertheless she couldn’t resist her inner urge.

She slowly slides her hands from Tina’s back and then spread the sunscreen on Tina’s butt. What would someone think that she would watch her massaging her friend’s buttocks here in the middle of the sun deck in the middle of the sundeck? But the feeling of the delicate and yet incredibly plump buttocks under her hands was so exciting that Tanja stroked her hands over Tina’s butt for much longer than she intended and could only come loose from Tina again with a heavy heart.

Tanja distributed some sunscreen between her palms and then began to apply Tina’s legs from the ankles upwards. She enjoyed every centimeter of Tina’s well -trained legs and again she wondered why she had never noticed what sexual attraction was out of her young colleague. She stroked Tina’s calves and her thighs slowly upwards and when she had reached Tina’s Po again, she couldn’t avoid how to let her creamy finger glide now if she were alone with tina.

In a lightning -fast movement, she briefly sliding her thumb between Tina’s legs and stripped over the fabric of her panties what Tina reduced a hissing sound again. Tina closed the top of her bra behind her back and then sat next to Tanja. “Hmmm that was nice! I would like to turn my back now and let you continue on the front, but I think we’ll stand that up for later. Now it’s your turn first … “Tanja wanted to lie down like Tina, but she sat down on the couch directly on Tanja’s back and turned Tanja so that she was looking towards the railing.

Tina and Tanja had chosen the last two loungers in the row, so that Tanja was now turning the rest of the guests back. Tina began to spread the sunscreen on Tanja’s back and gently massaged her over her spine and school. Suddenly she noticed how Tina’s left hand wandered forward at her stomach and slowly hiked up on the front. “Tina what are you doing there?? The people – you have gotten crazy?”” Pssst, my darling, they all only see us from behind.

I want to feel your breasts now, but of course you are welcome to stop me if that doesn’t want to “. Tanja knew that Tina was right and migrated under her bikini top as Tina’s hand under the second and she felt her delicate hand on her chest, so she would have no matter. Tina began to massage Tanja’s chest with her still creamy hand and pamper Tanja’s nipple with her fingers. Suddenly Tina’s right hand hiked around her stomach and then slowly down from the navel towards Tanja’s panties.

Tanja began to breathe hard and was only able to whisper with difficulty: “Oh tina please – please do not do that – if you grab me now, then I have to scream so hot I’m so hot. I don’t take it… ”Tina did not answer Tanja’s pleading at first, but she now let her hand hike down much more slowly. When she arrived at Tanja’s panties, she slowly let her finger hike from right to the left along the edge of the panties.

Tanja was almost certain that Tina would not listen to her and she would feel her delicate fingers on her pussy in the next second. Actually, she even wished that Tina would do it the same way when she whispered in her ear: “Well – well – if you don’t want it, then I just don’t put you in your panties”. Although Tina only fulfilled Tanja’s wish in it, a huge disappointment was broad when Tina suddenly grabbed Tanja’s panties and pulled up with a jerk towards her navel.

Through this movement, the thin fabric between Tanja’s labia was pulled and tightly pressed against her clit. Tanja stopped the air and could only suppress a scream with the greatest effort. Tina began moving the panties from left to right, which caused the fabric to pull deeper and deeper between her labia and stimulate her clit. Tanja closed her eyes and had to bite on the lower lip to suppress a moan that wanted to get out of her throat with all his might, while Tina whispered in her ear: “Well what’s going on Tanja? I didn’t put you in the panties as promised “.

As if she wanted to make fun of her own words, Tina pulled a little more on the panties in these words, which was now under such excitement that Tanja was afraid the fabric could tear at any moment. “Oh tina you damn little bitch – that’s so mean – you can’t get me to the climax here”. “Oh, I think I can do that – and if you are honest, it will make you, or??“Tanja hadn’t become so aware of it himself, but the attraction of the situation actually increased her excitement even further.

She never thought that she actually didn’t really surprise this knowledge. “Maybe you’re right Tina – maybe it really turns me on …” “Oh yes – I think it even makes you very sure and because it will get you up so that everyone can see how deep your panties between yoursLabia is located “. Tanja didn’t think she was trusting her ears that Tina couldn’t ask for her.

Since she was sitting with her back to the rest of the guests, it would not be so striking, but everyone who looked at her a little more precisely on her butt could see that her panties were deep between the labia. But as crazy as the situation was, something in her could not refuse her young friend, no matter what Tina would have asked for from her. Tanja slowly got off the couch with trembling knees, because Tina right behind her sitting she was still covered by Tina’s back when she had already got up completely.

Tanja slowly raised her leg and was just taking the step aside who would have given every guest a clear view of her butt when she suddenly felt Tina’s hands on her hips that slowly put her back on the couch. Tanja sat down on the couch directly in front of Tina and breathed out relieved. But it was really relief that she felt there? Somehow there was even a certain portion of disappointment in her that she didn’t have to take this last step, but somehow she also suspected that this opportunity would return soon.

Tanja actually expected Tina to continue her work on her pussy and breasts, but this only distributed the rest of the sunscreen on Tanja’s back and then made it comfortable on her lying on her lounger as if nothing had happened. Tanja slowly pulled out the fabric of her panties between the labia and then also lay on her couch and began to browse in her book. But as in the morning, too, she could not concentrate on the letters this time.

In the morning it was still her conflict of conscience that did not let her come to read, her eyes now kept walking to the left to her young friend who was very relaxed on her stomach and pottered to do it. Tanja’s eyes kept walking from Tina’s slim thighs over her round and crisp butt and over the delicate skin of her back. She looked at Tina with such a fascination as if she was seeing her young girlfriend for the first time.

Once again, Tanja wished nothing more than now being alone with Tina and instead of being allowed to hike her fingers and tongue over Tina’s back instead of her eyes. Finally Tanja finally gave up her book to read, put the book aside and closed her eyes for a few minutes to relax. The deep hum of the ship’s engines and the light sea greens made Tanja totally relaxed and a few minutes later it fell asleep.

Tanja fell into a deep sleep and only woke up when she was shaken woken up by Tina just two hours later. “Hey you sleeping cap, you don’t want to sleep or sleep our first complete day at sea or? I would like to go shopping a little, what about you?““ Well, I never say no to a little shopping tour. I’m just not so sure whether we as a normal earner on this luxury steamer get so terribly far, but watching doesn’t cost anything.

“Both pulled their casual clothes over the bikinis and disappeared inside the cruise ship. They were totally enthusiastic about the countless shops that were offered on the ship, but unfortunately their travel fund very often said no to the lavish prices that were largely requested. Finally the two came past a shop the beautiful underwear in the shop window and Tina stay as suddenly standing in front of this shop window as suddenly. “Well my sweetness, you saw something you like?”” Wow Tanja, take a look at this black part there.

“Tina points with his finger on a beautiful black bra made of wafer -like fabric that was pulled onto a manure doll together with the right string. Due to the wafer -tarte fabric, the body contours of the doll could be clearly seen and Tanja was sure that this piece of fabric would no longer hide from a real body. Tanja wanted to say something about Tina when she noticed that she had already disappeared in business and talked to a seller.

Tanja strolled after Tina and when she reached it, the seller Tina had already looked out this black bra and string and pressed in her hand. “Hm, he’s sure to look great from Tina,” Tina looked at Tanja and winked in her inimitably sweet and yet seductive way. “So I honestly got the part in your size Tanja. Immediately when I discovered the part in the shop window, I knew that I absolutely had to see the part on your body ”with these words Tina pressed the two parts in the hand and gently pushed it towards the changing room.

Since Tanja also found the laundry beautiful, she didn’t have to be persuaded long and disappeared into the cabin where she peeled out of her clothes and bikini and put the black underwear. She examined the result in the mirror of the locker room and even had to proudly admit that the laundry on her body came into its own even better than on the doll. Her breasts were held perfectly in shape by the delicate fabric and the string also nestled around her hips as if it had been cut to her.

As was already expected, the wafer -tender fabric hidden almost nothing of their breasts and even the contours of their labia could be clearly seen by the thin fabric of the string. “Well what does it look?? “She heard Tina from outside the cabin whisper. “Oh Tina – it just sits perfectly. Throw a look here and convince yourself … “” I believe that it has to look stunning on your body, but I would like to pick up the sight for later.

Do you want to take it??”” But of course I will take it … “Tanja just wanted to answer when her view fell on the price tag for the first time,” Wow – $ 150 for the bra and 30 for the string – they got crazy Tina “. “Oh – well that’s really a hammer. Too bad – but that would be a bit exaggerated, ”heard Tanja Tina’s answer through the curtain of the cabin and she also clearly heard the huge disappointment with Tina’s voice with.

Tanja briefly tore the two price tags from the BH and the string in her pocket after her wallet and handed Tina the wallet and price tags through the curtain outside. “I am here on holiday and I’ll treat me something now! Be so nice and pay the parts for me, I keep them right away “. Only a short “Juppi” came from Tina and then it disappeared towards the cash register, while Tanja was still moving her jeans and blouse over.

When Tanja came out of the cabin again, Tina was already waiting for joy at the exit where she pressed her wallet and the receipt in her hand. “By the way, I thought about it differently” “Uhh.. What did you think about Tina differently?”” I would love to see the laundry on your body before tonight “. Tanja smiled seductively on “but like. Come on us quickly go to the cabin “. Tanja wanted to go when she was captured by Tina on her arm.

“So I didn’t mean Tanja. I would like to see the laundry now. “Tanja took a few seconds to understand what Tina said there. “You – you mean here ….But I can’t … “” But you can – go off to the changing room – and please pull your blouse from Tanja “. In the changing room, Tanja Tina turned to which she stared at her. Tanja looked into her eyes and when she saw this burning desire in them, she gave up every resistance.

She slowly started pulling her blouse out of her jeans and opening this button by button from bottom to top. When all the buttons were open, she pulled the fabric of the blouse to the side with both hands as if in slow motion and let them slide over her shoulders. Tina’s eyes fixed Tanja’s breasts and she slowly slides her fingers over the thin fabric of the bra. Tanja closed her eyes with lust and enjoyed the touch of Tina’s fingers, which she felt almost like on bare skin thanks to the thin fabric.

“Oh god – when someone sees us …” she whispered Tina in the ear, who was still playing the tanja with her breasts. In the meantime, Tina had pushed the fabric of Tanja’s BH to the side and took care of Tanja’s breasts intensively. She kept taking Tanja’s nipple between her teeth and had her tongue tipped out in fast right-left movements about the sensitive nipples. While Tanja enjoyed this treatment, she slowly felt Tina’s hand wandering down on her stomach and finally struggled with the button of Tanja’s jeans.

When the button was open, Tina slowly let her hand hike into Tanja’s jeans and under her panties and began to stroke her clit. The pleasure and the desire had now completely taken control of Tanja, she stroked her hands through Tina’s hair and pressed her head firmly against her breasts again and again. Suddenly she heard Tina whisper: “Now pull your jeans from Tanja”. One last time in Tanja tried something like the last spark of reason to get control of the situation.

But Tina only entered her hand a little further into Tanja’s jeans and slowly let her middle finger slide into Tanja’s pussy and with this touch the last spark resistance was broken in Tanja. She dropped out of Tina’s hair and her hands slowly hiked to her zipper she opened slowly. Tina who kneeled all the time right away from Tanja rose something and now turned lightly next to Tanja, started to take care of Tanja’s breasts again from this new position.

She rose something, reached with her hands on the left and right into the waistband and then slowly began to push her jeans down. She almost expected that Tina would stop her in the last second, as on the sundeck, but this time Tina’s reaction only insisted his finger out and in her pussy even faster and to suck on Tanja’s nipples even more violently. “Hmmm – you are a good girl” whispered Tina while slowly from Tanja’s breasts until she kissed up to her mouth where she was already awaiting Tanja’s open mouth to exchange a passionate kiss with Tina.

While the two women kissed Tina pulled her finger from Tanja’s Pussy and led him between the two mouths where he was immediately licked clean by the two tongues. Tina repeated this procedure several times and Tanja enjoyed tasting her own juice in connection with Tina’s saliva. This whole crazy situation excited Tanja so much that she had the feeling that she would literally flow from her pussy. “Oh Tanja you want to compete with me? You literally run out.

I think I have to do something so that you don’t put this ship completely under water here. Come on, turn around and lean on the stool with the elbows. “Without hesitation for a second, Tanja did what Tina asked from her. Since the stool was quite deep, her rear part was stretched far back and to the height. Tina immediately started licking her tongue down to Tanja’s spine.

She crouched behind Tanja and slowly pulled the string down her thighs. Although Tina was very happy to play games, the sight of Tanja’s damp and wide -open pussy was now much too tempting to continue torturing himself and Tanja. Tina pressed her face tightly between Tanja’s legs and immediately started licking her pussy intensely and her tongue deeply pushed into Tanja’s wet pussy what was particularly good at this position.

When Tina’s tongue entered her, Tanja could only avoid screaming loudly. When Tanja already thought there could be no increase, so Tina started hiking up with her tongue and licking intensively through Tanja’s poreates. Tanja twitched like a flash every time Tina licked her tender tongue over her asshole and licked over this sensitive point again as Tina, when she reached back and pressed Tina’s head tightly between her buttocks.

“Oh Tina Leck my ass,” was everything she could produce. Then she had to bite back on her lower lip so that she did not cry out loudly when she felt Tina let her tongue slide over her asshole in ever faster movements. When Tina started rubbing her thumb over Tanja’s clit, it was finally about Tanja and she came to an exhilarating climax. Although Tanja Tina’s head had let go again, she stayed behind Tanja for a few seconds and continued to lick through Tanja’s Poritze.

Then she kissed her way slowly up Tanja’s back until the lips of the two women united again into a long and intense kiss. “You just taste sugar -sweet Tanja everywhere. Remember that I want to try more from you when I occasionally!““ Hmm – nothing better than that, but I am a lot of wetter than I can no longer be my sweetness. “” Oh, let that be my worry, but now we should slowly faith.

“When the two had left the shop behind a few meters, they looked briefly into their eyes and broke out in loud laughter. Tanja hooked up in Tina’s arm and the two were in a hurry towards the cabin to slowly get ready for dinner. Tanja was still totally turned on from the last few minutes, but she had the feeling that the highlight of the day was even ahead of them.

After the adventure in the shop, Tina and Tanja strolled through the ship for a short time and rummaged in the expenses of the shop windows. If someone had told her yesterday that she would ever let herself let herself go like this and would get involved in sex games with a woman, then she would have declared the crazy one out of conviction. And now she had just let her young colleague spoil her in the middle of the shop’s changing room on a cruise ship.

Tanja wondered how it could be that her 18-year-old girlfriend suddenly had such an impact on her and how she managed to know that Tanja no longer knew inhibitions and was ready to respond to almost all of Tinas. It was just because she was so keen on the perfect curves of her young colleague, or has always slumbered this unknown side into her and Tina was only the trigger that brought this page out now? Ultimately, Tanja didn’t care, because she decided to finish this game and could hardly wait in which unknown corners she would still lead this game, because she was sure that Tina was still spontaneous in her youthful spontaneitywould have.

The two finally reached the cabin and after the door fell behind them into the castle, Tanja couldn’t do any other way than Tina and give her a passionate kiss. The two women stood in the middle of the room, pressing their bodies closely while they let them play their tongues together. Tanja kept stroking Tina’s back to the firm curves of her buttocks, which she had already fascinated on the sun deck and started kneading her.

Tanja wanted to slowly push Tina on the bed to return to Tina’s treatment, but Tina stood out to her handle and smiled at Tanja Schelisch. “Well, well – what do you have before Tanja? If we both get on this bed together now, then we are guaranteed to miss dinner and after two meals with self -service I would actually like to be spoiled in the restaurant again tonight. “” Well then – come to my bed, I could not imagine anything better at the moment than spoil you a little, you don’t have to run especially into the dining room.

“In order to emphasize her words, Tanja, who was now sitting on the bed right in front of Tina, let her hand hike up from Tina’s knee until she had reached Tina’s thighs between her legs and began to stroke Tina’s pussy through the fabric of her pants. Tina closed her eyes and enjoyed this touch for a few seconds. Tanja could literally feel how she fought her temptation to lie down on Tanja, but just when Tanja thought she had won, Tina opened her eyes and took a step back.

“Hmmm – a darn good attempt my love! You almost got me around, but now I’m going to disappear quickly in the shower and then we’re going to eat delicious. We’ll have enough opportunity to deal with each other tonight. “Tina leaned down again briefly to Tanja and pressed a short kiss on her lips before she disappeared into the bathroom. Tanja sighed disappointed before she started slowing out.

She took the opportunity to look extensively in her new underwear in the mirror and found with satisfaction that at 39 she could easily put many younger women in the shade. Especially when their curves were emphasized by such beautiful laundry as the one at the moment. As a few hours ago in the shop, Tanja admired how the delicate black fabric of the bra nangled on her breasts and how the black tanga emphasized the hills of her pussy more than hide them.

Tanja could not resist the temptation to let her hand hike in her panties and immediately felt the moisture between her legs that was still from Tina’s caresses. Tanja let her fingers slide over her pussy a few times and when she finally pulled her hand out of her panties, she looked at her own juices on her fingers. She slowly put this finger in her mouth and wished nothing more than that she was finally allowed to cost Tina’s juices again.

Since she had literally fallen over Tina in the morning and she had greedily absorbed her love juices and even Tina’s effusion, only a few hours had passed, but Tanja still didn’t know how to raise further patience. At that moment when Tanja just enjoyed her fingers, Tina stepped out of the bathroom and smiled seductively. Tina slowly went towards Tanja and stopped about a meter of her.

For the first time, she had the opportunity to look at the new laundry extensively and Tanja noticed Tina’s eyes how much liked what she saw while she looked at Tanja from top to bottom. “Well, I chose that for you or?? You see really stunning from Tanja but if I’m honest then I find you even more excited without panties. “With these words, Tina went to her knees in front of Tanja and slowly began to roam her panties over her thighs.

She pulled out the delicate piece of fabric, got up again and looked at Tanja extensively again. Then she came closer to Tanja and whispered in her ear: “It would make me incredibly sharp if you would put on a skirt without panties tonight. Do you like this little one??”” But for you already – Tina. It is a shame that the sinfully expensive tanga remains in the closet, but for you I like to do that “.

“Oh Tanja, he doesn’t have to stay in the closet. There is definitely a different use for the beautiful piece. “Tina slowly went to Tanja again and stroked the fabric of the black panties along Tanja’s body. Tanja felt her touches on her neck, then on her breasts, her stomach and finally she slowly felt like Tina with her panties over Tanja’s pussy rubbed. Already this delicate touch made Tanja shivered again and she instinctively presented herself a little more wide in front of Tina.

She would have loved to pack Tina on her head and pressed Tina’s face between her legs, but instead she crossed her hands behind her back and had her young friend granted. Tina began to rub with the fabric of panties over Tanja’s clit and along her column. “Oh Tanja, you are so wet that you would hopelessly take every armchair on which you would take a seat today, we urgently need to provide for it”. Tanja looked down questioningly to Tina when she suddenly felt Tina started pushing the fabric of the panties into her pussy.

Since Tanja was still standing in front of the big mirror, she was able to watch the black fabric disappeared into her body bit by bit until only a very small piece could be seen between her labia. Tina let her fingers hike to Tanja’s clit and looked at her work fascinated while slowly stroking Tanja’s clit. Then her fingers wandered back between Tanja’s labia. She looked at Tanja again challenging in the eye and then began to push the fabric with a show and middle finger as deep as possible in Tanja’s pussy until nothing could be seen from him anymore.

Tanja threw her head back and began to breathe when she felt Tina’s fingers penetrated her deeper and deeper and pushed the fabric of panties in front of her. “So my sweetness, the part can now suck in peace with your lust. I can’t wait until I can suck it out tonight. “The two women looked deep into their eyes and kissed tenderly.

Tanja still had the deep desire to spoil Tina immediately, but she had realized that she would actually have to wait until after the meal. With a heavy heart she loosened the kiss and turned towards the bathroom to also take a short shower. But even after the first steps towards the bathroom, she stopped and pulled the air through her lips sharply. She felt the rubbing touches of the panties in her body at every step, which every time she chased a cozy shower over her back.

Tanja had to stop again on the bathroom door to get a little down from these feelings. “Hey tina you can’t do that to me, I can’t take it for 10 minutes, then I collapse with a mega orgasm, no matter where we are right now. “But Tina just smiled at Tanja for a short time and then turned her closet to get chic for the evening. Tanja murmured a short one: “You Luder..“Before she disappeared into the shower.

The more Tanja moved, the more she got used to the feeling and when she got out of the shower she no longer had the feeling of exploding, even though she continued to feel the fabric with every movement. When she came out of the bath a little later, Tina had already dressed because the door to the balcony was open and Tanja could see the thin cloud of smoke from a cigarette that passed the door.

She first rummaged through the wardrobe in search of an outfit that would live up to her erotic game with Tina. If she had even guessed in the slightest before the start of the trip, then she would have put together her wardrobe a little differently, but now she had to see how to put together the most attractive combination from the clothes availablecould. She finally decided on a few cream -colored owner -free stockings, a gray skirt that she mainly selected because he was by far the shortest that she had available and a white blouse.

She still gave an unsuccessful look at her laundry but Tina had asked her to let the panties leave out anyway and she would definitely not have any objection if she didn’t wear a bra under her thin blouse. When she stood in front of the mirror and the blouse was slowly being buttoned up, she shot the question again for a short moment: “What do you actually do here??“Through the head. She would sit more than sparsely dressed in a dining room populated with over 1000 people and anyone who caught a cheap angle could probably see that her breasts enjoyed all the freedom under her blouse.

But at the same moment when this thought went through her head, she also felt the excitement that this thought prepared for her at the same time. With a smile on her face, she buttoned up the blouse and then looked at her work in the mirror again quite satisfied. “Hey Tina, enough of me we can go!”I heard Tanja briefly:” I’m already coming “from the balcony and a few moments later Tina stepped through the balcony door into the cabin.

Tanja almost rubbed his eyes and had to look twice to realize that it was really Tina who came through the balcony door. Her young girlfriend, who was otherwise more sporty and casually dressed at every opportunity. Like Tanja, she wore a bright and wonderfully sitting blouse and black fabric trousers that emphasized her slim legs so elegantly that these pants could only have been tailored for Tina.

The whole thing was completed by two black pumps with extremely high metal heels. “Well – I like you Tanja?”” I like you?? This is absolutely breathtaking – I don’t even know what to say!“Tina grinned visibly delighted:“ Well, if you are speechless anyway, then we can break up. I die with hunger – no idea whether this is due to the sea air or physical activity. “With a wink, Tina pushed herself past Tanja and stuck towards the cabin door.

Although Tanja had never seen her with such shoes before, she moved as safe as being wearing sneakers in the high heels and Tanja immediately noticed that this sight was a strange fascination that she could not quite interpret. When Tina turned her back and went towards the door, Tanja saw that she hadn’t even noticed the actual highlight of Tina’s outfit yet. Because the tight -fitting fabric trousers flawed so wonderfully closely around Tina’s round and crisp buttocks as if it were a second skin that is inseparably merged with its butt.

Either Tina wore a tanga or she had also dispensed with the underwear, because the contours of a brief under this pants would have been noticed immediately. She wanted to say something else about Tina’s outfit, but she was really speechless and so she hurried to run behind Tina because she was already going outside through the cabin door. The two set out on the approx. 10 minute path to the dining room and now that the two were traveling with a brisk step, Tanja was able to clearly feel the panties in her pussy that she had almost forgotten when Tina’s sight was seen.

Her excitement increased from minute to minute and she wondered whether Tina with her guess that she would be soaked every chair tonight might still be right this evening. While the two ran through the aisles of the ship, Tanja simply couldn’t walk a short piece behind Tina to miss a second from Tina’s back view. Her eyes kept walking from her buttocks along the slim legs to their paragraphs that caused a clattering sound with every step.

Then her eyes wandered up again until they arrived at these insanely hot buttocks, whose movements were clearly recognizable through the pants every step. Tanja really struggled to control herself so as not to fall on her knees behind Tina and tear her pants from the butt. Almost in the desire to stroke this butt, massage it and let her tongue hike over her buttocks.

Especially when Tanja really thought she could no longer resist her desire, the two reached the large dining room of which must have been opened just a few moments ago, because the guests were just crowded into the hall. The two joined the mass and Tanja took the opportunity of the general crowd to stand very close behind Tina and briefly take their two buttocks into their hands and press.

Tina looked over her shoulder in astonishment and gave Tanja again this mischievous wink that Tanja loved her before both finally entered the dining room. Tina who went away from the front kept out for a table and finally even found a free two table that was not as popular due to its location near the women’s toilets as the tables with a view of the sea. “Not the most beautiful location but at least we are here among us” “Well Tina, among us is relative.

A few other people are still here. So about 1000 to be precise “. “I wouldn’t care if it was 10. 000 would be, I only have eyes for you anyway and I also find the decoration of the table extremely practical. “Tanja looked down the table and quickly noticed what Tina said. That evening the tables were covered with elegant white tablecloths that were almost on the floor and thus offered perfect privacy screen for all activities under the table.

As soon as all guests had taken a seat because this perfectly organized machinery of the service staff, who served the starters’ soup to all guests at all guests. Tina and Tanja enjoyed the cream soup and when she was waiting for the soup for the next course, Tina Tanja suddenly looked deep into her eyes and asked: “It actually had a certain reason that you stuck on my ass on my way here??“Tanja had to smile, but at the same time became a little red and she felt her nipples updated at this sight under her blouse and pressed against the thin fabric while pure thoughts.

“Oh, it was so striking yes?? Ok – Ok – I have to admit that your butt is extremely turned into this tight trousers!!”” Hmm – and talk about it doesn’t seem to let you cold, or your nipples may just freeze straight away?”” Oh no – on the contrary, the more I think of your horny back view, the warmer I get me. “In the meantime, the two women had moved very close to the edge of the table and leaned forward over the table, so that their faces were only a few centimeters apart.

They looked deeply and in the eyes and their conversation became more and more a passionate whisper. “Is it just my ass or make you even more on me??“Without greeting Tanja, she immediately got the answer to her to her own surprise:“ I also find your shoes extremely sharp. I can’t say why, but I had to stare at these high heels all the time “. A smile scurried over Tina’s lips. She almost imperceptibly changed her position on her chair, moved very close to the edge of the table and suddenly meant.

“Do you mean these shoes??“Tanja felt Tina put a leg on the chair between Tanja’s legs and now tried to penetrate with the pump in Tanja’s rock. Tanja carefully pushed the tablecloth over her lap to avoid unwanted looks and then opened her legs as far as her tight rock allowed. She felt how the pointed metal heel pushed along her thigh, but the forward urge was soon slowed down, since Tanja could not open her legs through the tight skirt very wide.

Tina changed her position a little and tried to get a better angle than suddenly two waitresses on her table to clear the empty soup plates and serve the main course. Tina and Tanja remained like frozen in their current position and tried to make a face that was as uninvolved as possible, which was very difficult due to their increasing excitement. The first waiter cleared the soup plates and the second waiter served the plates with the fish first at Tina and then at Tanja.

Tina and Tanja smiled before Tina tried to penetrate her foot between Tanja’s legs. But soon she found that she could not penetrate her goal in this way and limited herself to Tanja’s thighs up and down with the pointed paragraph, whereby she soon ruined the fine nylon of Tanja’s stockings and Tanja the coolnessMetal felt on the skin of her thighs. Tanja would have preferred to push the skirt up to the top to make Tina more space, but that would not have been possible with the tablecloth.

So she tried to concentrate on the delicious fish, but every time she drove Tina’s heel along her thigh she had to turn her eyes and couldn’t swallow with excitement. “You are welcome to retire my darling – but rather let’s go to the cabin quickly. I still have a nice surprise “at the idea of Tina’s sweet juices, Tanja’s stomach literally cramped and nodded Tina briefly.

The two brought their wardrobe in order as soon as possible and wanted to leave the dining room. The fish had already been cleared and a selection of various types of cheese was on their table instead. However, the two did not pay attention to the food but stormed towards the exit as quickly as possible. On the way back to the cabin, Tanja could not turn her eyes from Tina’s Poberack. Only the just a few meters to the cabin separated Tanja from finally being able to pamper this splendor, but the actually short path seemed to be infinite.

After a time that Tanja felt like an eternity, the cabin was finally reached and Tanja hardly managed to get the card into the slot of the electronic door opening before excitement. When they were finally in the cabin it was finally done about Tanja’s self -control. She pushed Tina so quickly towards the bed that she had to support herself on hands and knees. Tina looked at Tanja over her shoulder.

She wobbled briefly with her butt and breathed in: “Everything for you my darling” before putting her head on the bed and went entirely in Tanja’s hands. Tanja knelt on the bed behind Tina and first let her hands hike over the fabric of Tina’s pants and over their butt before she reached around Tina’s hips and opened Tina’s pants. She pulled her pants in one go over Tina’s butt and now realized that it had actually also not used a panties.

She pulled Tina’s pants over her legs and then carelessly threw her into the corner. Free from this obstacle, Tina spread her legs a lot further apart and stretched out her raised rear part as far as possible. Tanja had her hands hiked over Tina’s buttocks and was now blown away in view of the perfection of these two curves that she had in front of her again. She kept stroking Tina’s butt almost devotedly until she reached with both hands between the buttocks and pulled it apart.

Tina’s pink labia that glittered with moisture and her tender round buttock seemed to smile at Tanja. She gave Tina with one hand a tender slap on the back what she answered with a enjoyable “hmmmmm”. As tender compensation, she leaned down and covered the area extensively with kisses and spoiled her with her delicate tongue. Tanja then moved closer to Tina and rubbed her finger over Tina’s labia and then let her hike through her poreates.

Then slide a little forward to Tina’s face and let her lick her own juices from her finger. Tina took the opportunity and sucked intensely on Tanja’s nipples until it finally started to kiss her way along Tina’s back. Once at the destination, she pulled Tina’s buttocks apart with both hands and approached Tina’s juicy pussy with her face very slowly from behind. She had had to wait for many hours for many hours and almost couldn’t believe that she was finally able to taste Tina’s sweet juice on her tongue again.

As careful as if Tina’s pussy was made of sugar and could break if she was a careless movement, she kept sliding her tongue along Tina’s labia, where she had already entered her pussy with every movement where there was already a huge amount of moistureWaiting seemed to be licked with relish by Tanja. Tanja pressed her face very tightly from behind between Tina’s buttocks and was able to penetrate with her tongue unexpectedly deep into Tina where she could feel her heat on her tongue and enjoy her juice.

After her tongue had explored every millimeter of Tina’s Pussy, she slowly let her tongue hike up and then slowly and easily licked through Tina’s poreates. Again and again she licked the poreates up and off where her tongue literally had to work out through Tina’s plump and muscular buttocks. She pulled the buttocks apart as far as possible with her hands and also opened Tina’s poloch a little until the pink inside of Tina’s rosette could be seen.

Tanja pushed her face back between Tina’s butcher her tongue hiked around the rosette and tried to penetrate her tongue in Tina’s asshole again and again with her tongue. Then she moistened her index finger, rubbed in a circular movements over Tina’s rosette and then slowly penetrated her finger into her hole. But when she just penetrated her fingernail in Tina. “Wait my darling, I have something better”.

Tina crawled a bit forward until she could reach the small bedside table next to her bed, she rummaged in the drawer briefly and finally pulled a string of about twenty centimeters long on the five balls from the drawer. The size of the balls was ascending from the bottom up, whereby the first ball in the row was about the largest of a marble and the last ball was about the size of a golf ball. “I promised you that I still have a little surprise,” said Tina before she put her head back and made the balls disappear in her mouth after another.

When she pulled the chain out again, the balls of Tina’s saliva shone and she handed the chain. “Come on my darling – push her in”. Tanja took the chain with a smile while Tina put her head back on the bed and seductively stretched out her butt Tanja. Tanja took the first small ball between the thumb and index finger and first massaged briefly over Tina’s rosette before finally pushed the ball slowly with the index finger in Tina’s asshole.

Again she got this procedure with the next three balls, with the rising size of the balls, the resistance of Tina’s Rosette grew and Tanja had to press a little more tightly every time the ball disappeared into Tina’s ass. Tina groaned loudly every time and turned her back when her rosette was stretched through a ball and gave a relieved cheering of herself when the resistance was overcome and a ball disappeared into her intestine again.

Between every ball, Tanja took a short break to lick Tina’s pussy extensively and whose juices, which are now literally greedy, greedily licking it out of her. After all, only the last and largest ball was left and Tanja massaged over Tina’s rosette for a while with this for a while. But she was not sure whether she could really put Tina this big thing. But Tina got rid of all doubts by grabbing Tanja’s hand and pressing her back, which was a clear sign that she absolutely wanted to feel this ball.

Tanja increased the pressure on Tina’s rosette and when the big ball began to stretch her rosette, Tina clawed at the head of the bed, threw her head back and gave a loud “aaaaarggh” until the ball finally disappeared completely in her asswas. Tina began to circle with her pelvis and visibly enjoyed the feelings that the balls gave her in her intestine, while Tanja stroked her buttocks and fascinated the thin cord that disappeared into Tina’s rosette as if it had been swallowed up by the infinity.

“Oh Tanja that’s such an insane feeling. I can no longer take all of this – please take my pussy until I come – please, ”begged Tina. Tanja was only happy to comply with this request, because she could imagine that Tina’s expected climax had to be much more powerful due to the lengthy excitement than in the morning and she could hardly wait to be able to taste the juices from Tina’s body again.

She knelt deep behind Tina and let her tongue play with her labia while she started massaging her clit with her thumb. From this position behind Tina, she was able to watch Tina reached for the cord from a few centimeters away and started pulling on it. Tina’s rosette curved outwards as the thick ball pressed against Tina’s asshole from the inside and Tina winced noticeably when the ball suddenly came out of her ass.

Tina continued to circle with the pelvis and screamed with every ball that went out her way outside, until she suddenly reached for Tanja’s head and pressed it firmly on her pussy. Tanja suspected what would come now, she opened her mouth as far as she could and pressed him firmly against Tina’s pussy when this suddenly reared up “Oh God, Tanja – Oh God – Jeeeeet!!!“At her climax, a huge amount of liquid from Tina’s Pussy in Tanja’s mouth and although she could press her face as firmly she could press Tina’s cunt, as part of it ran over her chin and her lips.

After Tina’s orgasm was abbot, Tanja cried around Tina and gave her a passionate kiss, while slowly let the juices collected in her mouth flow into Tina’s greedy mouth. The two kissed for several minutes, although Tina’s juices kept letting their mouths hike from mouth until both finally swallowed their part with pleasure. They both stayed on the bed side by side for a short time without talking a word, because both of them needed a moment to process the experiences and feelings of the past few hours when Tina suddenly began to stroke Tanja’s breasts and then with their handslowly hike down her stomach.

“Hmmm … that was better than any main course that could have been served in the restaurant, but I think now I would like to have my dessert!!“Tanja looked at Tina briefly until suddenly came back to her mind that she was still still carrying her panties that Tina had hidden in her pussy before dinner and that in the meantime certainly had to have soaked up her juices in the meantime. Tina crawled between Tanja’s legs and first gently stroked her labia before entering the point of view and then with the middle finger in Tanja and slowly working deeper into her friend’s pussy with her fingers.

Tina played with her fingers in Tanja’s Pussy for quite a while and Tanja was slowly scared that the fabric would have hiked too deeply into her body due to her movements and she was already wondering how she should explain it to a doctor when Tina suddenly smiled triumphantly andshe finally got the fabric to catch and slowly pulled it out of Tanja’s body. When the first piece of the black fabric between Tanja’s labia could be seen, Tina grabbed this piece with her teeth and promoted every piece of fabric that came to light directly in her mouth.

After all, the complete panties from Tanja’s Pussy had hiked in Tina’s mouth and enjoyed it with closed eyes of Tanja’s body juices to suck out of the fabric. When the fabric had finally handed over its precious freight, Tina pulled the fabric out of his mouth, emphasized and lasciviously, and threw the panties next to the bed. “That was very tasty my darling. You really like honey everywhere “. “I would like to give you my juice tina, but unfortunately I don’t have the same predisposition as you and can’t develop as much fluid as you – no matter how cool I am and how intense my orgasm is”.

The two women stayed for a while before they showered briefly and then finally enjoy a nice hot full bath together. The next morning the two woke up almost simultaneously and went to the bathroom one after the other to shower. Then they directed for breakfast and went back to the self -service restaurant that they had already visited the day before. Tina had taken a fruit plate from the buffet for her breakfast and nibbled away every now and then.

“I’ll take it into the cabin – I have an idea”. Said it and got up. She gave Tanja a sign to follow her. As soon as they were in the cabin, she wrapped her arms around Tanja’s neck and pressed her body to Tanja’s. She immediately comprised Tina and pressed her girlfriend’s abdomen towards her. Tina banged Tanja under a wild brawling towards the bed and pulled her clothes off her in flashes and pushed her onto the double bed.

“Make it comfortable – I’m also ready”. She had slipped out of her own clothes just as quickly and scurried into bed with Tanja. She had previously deposited her fruit plate on the bedside table. Then Tina distributed the fruit pieces all over the body of Tanja. On the nipples, she put half a strawberry and an opened cherry on her already slightly opened labia. Then she started to nibble the fruit pieces from her body.

The strawberry and cherry saved her for the end. In doing so, she carefully paid attention to licking the fruit juice from the body of Tanja again. Tanja’s breath accelerated – especially when Tina nibbled the strawberry halves of Tanja’s nipples and spoiled the nipples with her tongue and nibbled on. When Tina was the cherry, that is, Tanja’s labia and her clit to be precisely devoted to Tanja was torn into a whirlpool of pleasure.

She groaned and gasped and pulled Tina over her pelvis. Her tongues circled the clit of the other and drove through the open column over the entire length – they also did not miss the anus. The cabin was fulfilled by smacking noises, moaning and gasping. The cunts of the two were already dripping wet. First they let one, then two fingers in the wet column of the others disappear and pushed them into their lucks.

Also at the back entrance they did not have their index fingers stopped. “Wait, Tina – let’s try something,” Tanja interrupted her hustle and bustle. “Sit down and support yourself with your hands. Yes, the same – and now put your legs on and move back to me. “Tanja put one leg over Tina and also moved up to Tina – until she sat on Pussy to Pussy opposite Pussy.

Tanja changed her position so that her clit touched. When this happened, both passed an electrifying twitch. “Oh God, that’s madness!“Tina instinctively let her pelvis circle and whenever her clit touched, the bodies of the two winced and chased their pleasure level like a rocket upwards. They inevitably drove to the climax when Tina interrupted this time. “Wait – I also have an idea,” gasped Tina Tanja.

She moved back a bit and rummaged in the drawer of her bedside table. When she turned the curiosity again, but with a disappointed face, she held a long double dildo in her hand. “So, Tanja and now we also try the same with the toy. “When they were close enough, Tina wanted to start the dildo and asked with a wink. “At the front or back, Tanja??”” Hmm – I don’t know, I’ve never had ….”” So in the back “, Tina decided without further ado and gently pressed the moistened dildo through Tanja’s anus.

Tanja sparkled the air audibly and soon the pain had given way to a feeling of pleasure that was unknown in her abdomen. Then Tina pressed the other dildo end with the glans tip into the ass. “Lot Tanja and now move back to me again as before. So we have the double pleasure. “Pleasure. “The dildo was almost completely disappeared in the two when their clit touched.

touched. “Ohh god, tina – what are you going to do with me? Do you want to kill me by driving my lust into unbearable??“It came from Tanja this time. Instead of an answer, Tina began to have her pelvis circle and pushed Tanja towards. The additional pressure that their clitoris exercised on each other had both groaned loudly. Soon both had found their rhythm by circulating their pelvis and repeating their clit together again and again.

Her loud moaning and gasping was certainly heard to the corridor, which the two didn’t care about. Tanja stood shortly before the climax, clawed her fingernails in Tina’s back and pushed her pelvis even further towards her. “Please come with me, Tina”, Tanja gasped her in her ear, “I’m going to be there” right away “. “Oh god – yes – yes – yes – me …” Tina could only stammer, session her arms around Tanja and pressed her sweaty bodies so tightly that they hardly got any breath.

“Right, Tanja, right – now, now, please come with – yes, yes, yes, jaaaaaaahhhhh ….”” Tina – Jjeeeetztzt !!!“A wild wave flooded the sweaty bodies of the two women with endless twitches. The breath of the two women started to calm down very slowly. And when she tilted on the side of exhaustion, the dildo said goodbye with a smacking out of her asses. When they were both opposite each other and looked into their eyes, Tina noticed that Tanja had tears in his eyes.

However, these were lucky tears – at least the delighted facial expression of Tanja Bände spoke. “What is, Tanja??”” Tina, you made me great pleasure with the invitation to this trip. And what has developed here is the bright madness for me. You let me discover pages on me that were completely unknown to me so far. And I would like to thank you for that!!! This trip will remain burned in my memory forever “.

“”..And I am pleased that we will have a greater connection with each other in the future than before “. “But we should make sure that our experiences should stay part of our trip here – the cabin is the cabin and office is an office. “Tina nodded and sealed her consent with a deep and long -lasting tongue kiss.

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