Horny fuck with mom | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

“Oh that’s why you booked the room?”


Mom had me ice cold caught. A trip to Mother’s Day. I didn’t know her that way. Unusual for you.

Not that I didn’t love her. No question. But at the age I was in, of course you could imagine much better than spending Mother’s Day with his mum all day. Of course there would have been a gift, a little attention.

A bouquet of flowers or the like. Nothing fabulous. So far she has never actually made a big deal of it. At least so far.

But now she had really driven me into the confined, of course I had no choice but to agree. Smiling, but with crunching teeth.

I like my parents. And also like to spend time with them. Despite my 18 years.

As a professor at a university and as a librarian, you are probably not exactly the warmest people, but I still can’t complain. Love had never actually lacked it. Yes, you may have been a little strict. And on discipline they always gave the greatest value.

And even if I cannot deny that despite the love I felt, there was always this little trench that separated us from each other, even if he was only there, not 20 cm if you will, I have to andtake your upbringing. I believe that I became a reasonable, young man.

So how could I have said no? Mum had taken himself free and I too could get rid of it at short notice. A nice day between Mother So there was nothing in the way.

When asked where it would go, Mum only replied that one would already see. The countryside. Allegedly.

Unfortunately, father could not free himself from the university at short notice, unfortunately he had to fit.

Mum didn’t seem to be particularly surprised. You could almost have thought that she was very right and she had already expected it. I knew her well enough to see when she put something. But soon I didn’t think about it much about it anymore.

So it was just Mum and I who would make the area unsafe. ‘Well, for the sake …’ I thought to myself.

The next morning we made our way. Mum drove and I made it comfortable on the passenger side. I was surprised that it started so early.

Mum seemed to have a lot to do if she wanted to go so early. It had to be a pretty tight program, I suspected. I was excited to see what we would expect.

The hour drive went by in a flash. Mum accelerated that you could almost think that she was in a hurry.

As I would find out later, she was in a hurry in indeed too.

In the meantime we were so far away from home, so that the towns were no longer familiar with me. At some point we seemed to have reached our first goal. Mum Bog turned off the country road.

We reached a small remote economy via a poorly concrete road. She was really very nice and was picturesque in a small forest. I was not sure what would expect us to be great here, and pondered.

Mum had looked at me unusually long during the trip. Whenever I replied, she had given me a smile and then looked back on the street.

Somehow she seemed strange to me. The next few minutes should only confuse me even more.

Mum stopped the car and said that we were there. I looked around a little confused, but I thought nothing more.

,Sure, of course!‘I thought to myself when I got out: ‘Breakfast!’.

That made sense. We hadn’t had a princely at home. Mum had already pushed stress at half past two, so I could only quickly approve a jam bread. Probably she wanted to start the rest of the day with an extensive breakfast.

I should have been wrong.

When she got a smaller travel case out of the car of the car, confusion came up again in me. However, I followed her without saying anything.

Mum went straight to the reception, where she was already greeted by a friendly, older lady.

“Good day, what can I do for you?”

“Good day. We have booked.”

Again I was confused.

What was going on here in the world?

“In the name Müller. A room.”

It was completely confused. What did mum do there? She had booked?

“We drove through all night and are already looking forward to the bed. Could you please arrange for us not to be disturbed?”

“But of course.“The older lady confirmed my mother’s wish.

I did not understand the world anymore.

Driven through? Mrs. Muller? Booked a room? For what? Why is this secret crowl?

Mum thanked the receptionist and looked at me.

“Are you coming?”

Perplex as I was, I had no choice but to follow her in the hands.

Mum took her suitcase and we went up to the room, which was part of the number on the key.

I finally produced a few words:

“Mother, what’s going on here?”

Mum did not go into my question, but only opened the door and said:

“Well, don’t have to do it, or do you want to take root here?”

I went inside. Everything that happened was a single puzzle. Why had mum booked this room? How long should this excursion take? About several days? And especially things, why did the room only have a shit bed? Where should I sleep?

However, I should soon receive an answer to this. Mum asked me to give me through the reception that we would leave the room around 5 p.m.

Now I didn’t understand anything anymore, but I did what she applied to me and gave the desire to the reception.

On the way to our room I went through my head. Why did my mother behave so strangely? Why were we here? And why would we only leave the room around 5:00 p.m? What should we do in the room until then? We weren’t here to sleep!

Nothing made sense. Everything was strange.

We both, here in this descent, hidden on the ass of the world. So mysterious and disreputable.

As in one of these films. You could almost have my own … hm … a crazy idea spread in me, which I laughed with a shake of your head and an unbeliever but also skewed again.

That couldn’t be, I thought to myself. Probably everything had a logical, reasonable explanation.

I entered our room together. Mum was on the bed. She had put on a bathrobe.

for whatever reason?! I stood right in front of the bed and just wanted to discuss the problem with her that resulted from the fact that the room only had this one bed. However, before I was able to submit the proposal to her, take care of an extra room at the reception, Mum opened her bathrobe and what came to light underneath, I had never seen it before.

Now I stood how petrified. In front of me, like on the presentation plate, my naked mother. I couldn’t get out of the rigid.

Naked, wasn’t quite right. Only her thick breast was free. I realized that they were still wearing a pink slip between their legs beaten over each other. She eyed me.

Both we didn’t say a word. Mum had taught me to meet every situation with a clear head and not rush anything. Or at least try it. However, she had not prepared me for this situation.

I had never seen her before. And especially not with an exposed breast! Mum was not a woman who bragged with her stimuli or she showed her show. On the contrary. I had never perceived her as a sexual being before.

I haven’t been able to imagine it so far! And now she was lying here in front of me and showing me, her son, her naked breasts very openly.

I should have run away. You have to shout at whether she had lost the mind. But none of it happened. I had recently become 18 years old.

A naked chest like hers, had an effect on me. Whether I wanted it or not. I was a man. And even if it was about my mom, I couldn’t help but find that she had perfect breasts.

I really didn’t know what to do.

I felt like the mouse in front of the snake. In the trap. Unable to react. I couldn’t believe what was happening.

I wanted to ask her:

‘Oh that’s why you booked the room?‘But did not get the sentence out.

It was unnecessary too. Mum and I always had a wire anyway. We rarely had to talk to each other a lot so that one of the other was what the other wanted. What we lacked in physical closeness, we did well here again.

That now paid off very much.

I really missed the words. I was still looking into her big breasts incredulously. My god, were the big udder! Holy shit. I swallowed.

I was still unable to respond to the reaction.

However, my pants, on the other hand, spoke a clear language. Mum seemed to be enough for the sight. She opened her legs while I was still standing in front of the bed like a stone column. I neither ran from it, nor did I scream at her what could be shown to me like this.

It had to encourage them.

Unabashed, she threw a long string of condoms to me to the foot. There were four fresh, still welded pre -Servatives who were waiting to be used. I looked at the joy donors in disbelief, then I looked at my mother, who eat me almost with her eyes.

Like a wild predator. And I was her prey. Just like that, she had thrown me down. As if there was nothing ..

Condoms! ME! HER SON!

Now it was clear. Mum had chosen Mother’s Day to be banged by me in this hotel.

This day seemed to be ideal for it. This was where the condoms were and there was everything I had to do, it was to be a good son to overtake a condom and to fuck them.

I missed something? Was the Mother’s Day the day when the mothers of this world were allowed to enjoy their sons for a day? On this day there was a free ticket that the sons stuffed the holes of their mothers, so that the mothers could also enjoy their young, tight cocks?

I still couldn’t believe it. Mum wanted to sleep with me! Fuck with me!

She didn’t need to say it. Everything that had to be said was said. Now it was up to me.

And I had to swallow. Oh man, I really wanted to fuck. I was single for half a year after my first girlfriend had separated from me.

Yes, I wanted to fuck! But with her? My mum? I had been walking around with a permanent stand at home for months.

Next broken. So here she was, my opportunity to put a way after all the months.

I do not know what ultimately led to me, while Mum then also said goodbye to her panties, but there was certainly nothing more to explain here here.

So I actually started to undress a little shyly. And mum also seemed ready for sex.

Nazimly she grazed the panties from her vagina and pulled it off over her long legs.

And zack! There she was!

My tail I literally jumped out of my underpants at the sight and immediately aimed full pipe on mom. He bobbed up and down slightly as if he had started dancing with joy. I couldn’t help it, in the end I didn’t care from this point in time, I looked mum unashamedly between my legs, what came to light between them.

She had a beautiful insistent shame, as I had imagined in her age in mature women.

I really liked the sight. There was no back now and I couldn’t wait to pry her the field that appeared between her legs, if I am honest afterwards.

Mum seized the initiative a little. While I was still wiping off the socks, she was already opening the packaging of the first anti -Servative and getting it out. She really didn’t seem to lose time.

My god, she needed it necessary to be fucked again.

She handed it over to me and I can hardly describe how electrifying the short touch between us was when our hands touched when the condom was handed over.

It was the first touch of many. And compared to those who should follow, just a joke. I would still touch them in so many places for banned that it would put me into a frenzy.

I would grab her wonderfully shaped butt during the day and pull it to me, while my splendid limb would gradually disappear in her shared shame. I would still weigh her breasts in my palms and easily raise to my mouth to caress her. I would feel her pubic hair when attaching my cock. Our pools would unite countless times, with every new impact in which my long shaft would move in and out between its divided, pink vagina.

But that would come yet. Here and now this little tentative touch was sufficient. With shame we hardly managed to look into our eyes. Sexual tension.

Between mother and son. Unusual but wonderful.

She sat with her heavily hanging, thick breasts and watched me over my long rod. She also had no fear of looking at my member unabashedly. Interested she examined the tail that would soon blow her march.

Who would soon take control of her pussy. Who would push apart in the middle and let her spray the juice out of her pussy.

The scenery was of course a little embarrassed. When your own mother watches you how to put the condom over your penis, with which you intend to prevent them from sexual intercourse. I was probably not too clever, although I already had experience with it.

Then at some point I was so far. The condom was pulled over the painfully protruding tail and excessive by pulsating veins. I was ready to fuck her now. To do why she had taken me with me.

But how should it start? She was sitting naked on the bed and I stood in front of her with a standing tail and thick bell game.

We both seemed a little overwhelmed. Should there be a prelude? Would she try to put my penis in my mouth and now a blow to me? But then why the condom? Wouldn’t have been better to suck him?

Should I press him between your breasts? Should I lick them? (Oh, I would have liked to lick her). Her shame drove me crazy about asking. I would have loved to bury my face in the dark forest over her vagina and then split her vagina with her tongue.

I would have loved to look for the hole with the tip of my tongue in her slot and then fucked her with my tongue.

But something prevented us. We stood embarrassed embarrassed for a few seconds. Somehow this hesitation seemed to be revealed to both the absurdity of this situation and for a short moment I already thought that everything was a mistake and that it would have been the best if I had put the condom back on, we drove home, we drove homewould be and never talked about this day again.

At that moment we would have had the chance.

To silence everything in silence forever. To be just a mother and son again. To forget that we were facing a lover. Naked, as God created us and were about to have sexual intercourse with each other.

To this day I am glad that we didn’t do it. That I didn’t put myself. That we didn’t go.

I tore everyone together.

So far, Mum had risked everything and I would not have been naked in front of her if I hadn’t known that she wanted to sleep as much as I did with her. So I went towards her and took the first step myself. I kissed her. Directly on the mouth.

Straight. So we stayed here for a short time. But then, to my luck, the reply came. She opened her mouth and our tongues committed to enclosing.

Less than five minutes later I was already in the missionary position on her and fucked her through to stroke and thread while she walled below and under me and tried to get used to the young, energetic cock in her pussy hose.

There was only a short foreplay. The ecstasy had been too big. As with a volcanic eruption, the desire like Lava had laid over us and threatened to burn us.

We didn’t take long to realize that we both knew that the tail belonged in the pussy. That my cock belonged to her pussy.

We many on top of each other and at some point mum was after wild tongue under me, where she belonged. My stiff penis lay on her venus hill, bedded between her pubic hair.

Hurt and pound. Ready for his commitment. While I was still very crowded to take care of her thick, motherly breast.

Mum enjoyed the treatment of her nipples with my tongue audibly satisfied.

Alternately I put my mouth around one, then around the other, until a noticeable trace of saliva had laid out around both warts and both had hardened nipple. I pressed her chest tightly and thumbs both on the hard, red nipples, as if it were joysticks.

I would probably have sucked and licked for a while if Mum hadn’t brought me up to my chin so that I would have kissed and not to understand me that I should finally push him into her now. That she was ready to do it with me. That she finally wanted to feel me.

Now the last line was to be crossed.

Well, we had passionately kissed. Reprehensible. We were naked and I had tightened her breasts with my hands and explored almost every inch with my tongue. Immoral.

But I had neither licked her vagina, nor had she had my penis in her mouth. What came now went a bit lower. literally.

I had set it.

I had already shared her outer labia with the glans. The next electrifying blow that hit me. She looked me in the eye. I explained theirs.

Looking for a reaction. Looking for the answer whether I should continue. Should we really commit this sin? She would never be undone. We had arrived at the gate to the absolute sin.

My cock on her pussy. My glans embedded between her pussy meat. But we had now come to the point that I didn’t want to stop anymore.

I was nervous. I had already fucked, but what do you do when your mother suddenly lies below you and looks at you with her big, sparkling eyes? While your cock is just drilling into it? What do you do when you find that your mother also has a cunt? And the saying “All pussies, except mom” suddenly no longer applies to you.

Because she is even the hottest and has a very special copy between her legs!

Jaha! Surprise! She is actually not androgynous. She has tits! An ass! And a pussy between the legs! A cunt! The drips and jewies and in which you can put a tail! imagine that! A tail that rubs in her pussy hose. What did you believe how you were converted? And now it is suddenly your cock that is in your birth channel to the stop and rubs deep into your hole. You have to cope with that first, as a son.

That you are now lying on your mother and stuffing her cunt.

That is the moment when you notice that the saying “hole is hole” suddenly is a story for you and from now on you will look at it very differently. ,Oh no!‘You will even answer ‘… Mom has the best!’

Due to sheer chaos that threatened me to overcome, I almost didn’t even notice how my glans was slightly sunk into her. The thick mushroom had started and pressed into her slippery, pink hole. He had pressed the pink meat apart and had easily penetrated it into it.

I dawned what had happened. I looked down and lightly realized that my glans had already been surrounded by her fucking lips.

Mum still hadn’t made any institutions to push me away from her. On the contrary, she looked at me.

A little with a blush on the face, but I realized that she wanted me to put it in deeper. ,What the hell?!‘I thought ‘… now I’m already in the hole … I can push him in right away’.

What I did too.

Slowly and gently I pushed her pussy apart while entering and worked in the centimeter in the damp hole, as if I was just drilling the hole in the first place. Mum had hardened their nipples again while pressing and apart. Maybe she had felt it as if I was boring her cunt for the first time. who knows.

I had observed every facet of her very curiously while entering. She had soon experienced the plug with closed eyes and opened mouth with a relaxed eyes and opened, with a slight moan. Only when I came across resistance in her pussy did she painfully pull my eyes together and showed me my teeth. It probably couldn’t go anymore.

Now the trench had disappeared between us. This ditch who had always separated us. Who never made us physically intimately. This ditch.

This 20 cm. They now stuck deep in her and emphasized their cervix with emphasis on their cervix.

Surprisingly, we soon drove it very a ****. Mum had no inhibitions.

I took advantage of it very soon and looked forward to being able to fuck her hard. I soon threw my inhibitions to hurt her and have gently having sex with her. She got into everything. I pretended the clock and she swallowed the cock with her cunt.

Under increasingly violent and wild moans. We worked on one position after the other. Mum went there and just enjoyed it and driving out my cock. I felt like in the seventh heaven.

My mother’s cunt around my cock and get it deep and firmly, there is no expression for it. No description of which bliss to an growing man through the body when he is deeply with his acorn with his cock in his mother and penetrates her pussy hose, the pussy hose, comes from the man himself. To prove your own masculinity in the hole, from which you were pressed out yourself, while at the same time you have the tits in your mouth that breastfed you, as a baby, just incredible. Mama made everything available to me, her cunt, her breasts, I just had to go into the ripe, borne hole with my long cock and could fully use her fertility and rampant lust.

What I did too. Whether lying on it, lying below me, I kneeling behind her. I enjoyed every centimeter cunt that my cock put back in her.

At around 2 p.m., however, after about five hours, the rubbers went out. No broken leg.

Exhausted mum sank from me. My cock slipped out of her and still stood like a one. She had come. For how many times I didn’t know.

I stopped counting. It didn’t matter to me that she didn’t finish me. It was just about her.

But I was wrong.

Mum also thought of me. With one hand she started to jerk me one. So she hadn’t forgotten me. The other had buried her between her legs.

Apparently she still enjoyed the aftershock in her pussy to the fullest. A light giggle lay on her lips and she breathed out deeply. I had more than worried about her. She looked at me with joy before we both started laughing.

I pulled the moist condom off and threw it from the bed towards the garbage can, in which the remaining pre -servants were already filled with sperm.

I was completely empty and my glans already hurt a little. No wonder when you consider how long I had put in her and had split her cunt until I finally pulled him out of her. We had fucked hysterically. I looked down at her and saw that her slit now looked very fucked.

He looked as much as my member.

So we were ready. Each of the five hours looked like that we fucked for a good 30 minutes in three or four different positions and then rested again. Cuddled together. Until Mum itched the pussy again.

Then it went on. I pushed him back between her labia and down to the cervix. Fuck. Relax.

Fuck. Relax. We were exhausted to death. It was now time to recover.

The alarm clock rang at 4 p.m.

It was time to get fine for dinner. I got under the shower with mum. What a sight. Mum like her under the shower stood while the water flocked to her horny body and watch her how to wash the holes.

Followed by their tits. The swelling of her cunt had gone back. In the meantime she closed again.

A short time later we were already at dinner. I didn’t think it was possible, but to my astonishment, after the three-hour sleep we had lodged after our fuck marathon and the fantastic dinner that we consumed in a wonderfully erotic ambience, was still awesome.

And to be honest, I wasn’t different either. To see her again and now know what was under her dress, what her cunt looked like, how long and hard her nipples could be in my mouth made me horny again. Their thick breast, which without a bra in their neckline, swung up and down, all of these impressions made me infinitely pointed again.

When I came back into the room after I paid, Mum was already naked on the bed again. In all fours, she remained in favor of a lion that was impatiently waiting for her prey.

Her big breasts hung lush and down on the bed to bite down. Your gaze spoke volumes. Round two.

We only had a problem. No condoms.

Mum threw her keys to me and I was gone. I grabbed her car and drove to the next petrol station like a crazy. Only driven by one thought: mums wet cunt.

My cock hurt and I could hardly hide him from the seller.

Every minute that my stand does not feel wrong and unforgivable in the warm, damp cunt from Mum.

We had the room all day and we would have been home to our father with open arms, but how would we have explained an overnight stay to my father? ‘You, unfortunately we had to stay overnight, mum could not separate from my cock, you understand that, or?’. Definitely not.

So the time ran against me. The longer I needed, the less time I had to fuck Mum.

What if she had already started without me? What if my cock should be rubbed in there, there was already something else? If she may have already got it herself? So I raced back to the hotel like a crazy person, almost running past the amazed receptionist and straight into the room.

I took the door completely out of breath and presented Mum joyfully excited two whole packs of condoms. In my lust I might have exaggerated it a little, the seller had also looked at me incredulously. Mum also looked a little puzzled.

However, her facial expression changed very soon.

I tore my clothes off my body to her to bed, where I let Mum pull the condom over my tail, and was already ready for use. So round two was finally heralded. Soon Mums flawed flawless legs back into the air and my eggs clapped back on their rosette in the missionary position.

She dropped again, crossed her arms behind my head and enjoyed my deeply boring and only so bristling, young cock bristling man. Train by train to the fullest.

Three hours later, Mum parked her horny butt again in the driver’s seat. With shaky legs and a more than well fucked cunt, she had left the hotel. With me in tow.

Grining with a grin and staring on your butt.

If it had to be, I would have even got it somewhere on the Waldessrand in the back seat, provided that I would have had the strength in addition to the will.

Mind you, without panties she had left the hotel. That was a souvenir in my pocket. I had completely put it in her pussy to capture her beautiful smell in it. I wouldn’t have given it back to her.

Mum paid bar at the reception and I was still wondering whether women felt it or somehow saw it when there was a well -bound bitch in front of them. Whether they could smell the smell of sex in the air? Or that of a fot that split extensively?

Hm. Conceivable. My ex-girlfriend had an extremely good nose for sperm.

I don’t know how she had done it, but often when she asked me about it, I had actually waxed in advance. Dubious. Whether the old man may actually have been aware of the smell of my tail between my mother’s legs? Hard to say.

In any case, the nice lady at the reception seemed to know exactly that we were only birds in this room almost all day long in this room. I looked at her.

Maybe guests had complained? We were too loud? Maybe she had heard at the door and noticed live how it sounded at Mum when a thick cock pressed constantly against her cervix? At the latest the countless used condoms in the trash can still be rewarded, I thought to be amused. Maybe the old cunt was a little jealous? 🙂

Mum was not put off by it. She looked really relaxed for the first time. Not as tense as usual.

Sometimes, as a woman you just have to be fucked through well. It seemed: satisfied pussy = satisfied woman. The first really important lesson in my life.

Full of vigor, really female and provocative, she wiggled her butt from the door towards the car. I still couldn’t believe it.

So I actually fucked her. You cleaned the pussy hose. Spring cleaning made in the small pussy. Exactly as she seemed to be necessary.

She seemed visibly satisfied with my performance. I, in my role as a tail, was also happy. What a cunt. I was really proud to get it out of her.

We didn’t speak the way home.

In general, we had hardly spoken a word all day long. Mattratzen-Sport does not need many words. Might be. Well, it had worked so well too.

Body language. Good thing. Talking makes some things unnecessarily complicated. Fucking with his own son was certainly such a thing.

I was still wondering what the whole thing was.

But hey, a dazzling -looking late thirty year old with thick tits had spread my legs for me. It couldn’t have hit me better. So I really hadn’t imagined this Mother’s Day with her.

I just didn’t know how to look my father in the eye.

I was grateful that Mum did not show anything when we arrived at home. Her impartial nature had quickly spread to me. As if nothing had happened, we went back to the agenda.

Nevertheless, it was a strange feeling for a while when there was Dad nearby.

Only understandable. Mum had cheated him. With me! We had shared one and the same woman. I had stuck my cock in the same hole, in which he hose years ago to witness myself.

Now I had been in bed with her and had fucked in this hole. Hooked up in it. If only in a condom, but at least. It was I who had given the tone in mom for a whole day.

It was strange.

As if you had banged the friend of the best buddy. On the one hand, fantastic because it was unreachable until then, and, as in my case, you had never played with the thought. But on the other hand it was somehow …

Hm … strange. But now it had happened.

Whether I felt bad? Not in the slightest.

I just said it was a strange feeling. I didn’t feel bad because of that. Even the opposite was the case. In the weeks I had started a little attempts to get to find out to find out about it, if Mum might be fucking with me every now and then at home if there was no dad.

However, she had warded off all rigoros.

Months passed. We continued to live our lives as if nothing had happened. I let go of mum.

My fingers no longer let hike around her.

Once I had been brave. Had put me behind her and unabashed from behind, through her legs, pushed my hand into the crotch. She had given me a bake pipe and ran out of it.

I did not understand the world anymore. Shame came up in me.

How could she be so? At home she was again the bourgeois, chasted wife. A completely different than those I had in bed. All the wild and spite of.

Your fantastic curves were well stowed away again. Gray and staid.

I wanted to touch her. Caress your breasts. They carry them into the bedroom on my arms and share their pussy again for hours.

I would have sacrificed myself for you. Selfless. Would have done what she would have asked me. It would have been enough for me.

I would have made me happy, fuck her desire again. Lust for me. Lust for sex. Lust for tail.

After depth. After that, to try all positions except for the last one.

How could she do that to me? Set myself on ice. I was 18 years old and had the best sex of my young life, with a mature, damp and hard -wearing vagina.

It bordered on torture what this horny bitch was doing with me.

I tried to become clever as to why she took me to this hotel.

Of course, I quickly guessed my head that DAD had to be a failure in bed. Why had she fucked with me otherwise? However, why she had just chosen me to get it, but was still unclear to me. With her great body she could have had any affair after which she had stood her head.

It was up to me? What made me special? My cock? Yes, he was not to be despised.

He came well and deep, even to the stop, into her. And the tube is also thick. My look? Certainly also played a role. I puzzled.

It was probably just my age. Young and impetuous. Horny to the toenails.

She had always been a very calculating person.

If the beautiful long cock was added together with the passable look and the young age, the bottom line was that only one thing came out for her: a long and wild fuck.

I shouldn’t be so wrong with my guess. At some point I couldn’t stand it anymore. Of course I had to know what was going on.

I was very beneficial that Mum has always been one of the people who liked to write diary.

Reprehensible to read it? ,What the hell?!’ I thought to myself. It is also reprehensible to fuck with the son.

The diary had informed a lot:

Fact 1: Father is impotent. It seemed as if his man’s force went out of the dust shortly after my birth.

However, Mum loved him so much that she was standing by him, even if it was said that she had to put her needs back. I noticed that I came closer to the solution to the matter with big steps.

Fact 2: Mum was a small dirty bitch against my expectation, which probably thought of the dear long day almost only of cocks. I only flowned out the few weeks before Mother’s Day. But if it continued to the back, then Mum regularly had indecent thoughts a day.

Which was certainly largely due to the fact that it has not been laid really flat for almost eighteen years.

Fact 3: He affected my preference for big breasts and my soft spot for mature women. Apparently she had discovered my small stock of porn poets. So she knew that I also liked the older generation. This had certainly encouraged her to assume that I would not be averse if she would offer me her mature cunt for plug.

How right she was.

Fact 4: He concerned ours, well, very special Mother’s Day. Mum raved about hard sex and how much she had needed it. That I got her well and she was very happy with what I would have in my pants. She praised the length and the width (I knew it!))).

Thought how much she missed it had such a magnificent cock in her “garage”. This horny, dirty bitch!

Reading my mother’s dirty thoughts, of course, had my cock swell again immediately on full mast. And when I read that the last time she had got it so well, the night I was conceived, I really believed that my stand would blow up my pants. The only thought of how my cock stuck between her vagina and diligently sprayed sperm into her.

That my cock would have been the next one who would have pregnant if this darn condom hadn’t been … I went to the ceiling.

Fact 5: He revealed that this chapter, forbidden sex with the son, was not yet complete to my delight. Because she concluded the last entry with the question of whether this day does not scream after a repetition.

Smalls passed again.

I held back. I was looking for a new girlfriend. Practiced. Improved me in a lot.

Lick. Yes, even in the perseverance, although I really didn’t lack it now. Mum should only benefit all of this. I tried to get Natalie as often as possible.

Wanted to provoke. Wanted to hear the mum what was blooming if she went back under me.

However, I still didn’t know how she would decide. I came to the conclusion that it was wrong to read her diary.

I failed to do it again. I only knew that she was certainly not fucked for almost a year now.

Mother’s Day moved closer. The tension rose.

I became restless. Mum also. Her pussy certainly had to tingle and drove her crazy. She wasn’t made of stone.

Our little excursion last year had proven it. She needed it like all other women too.

The day before Mother’s Day. If at all, then she had to announce it at the latest today. The morning passed without mum signing whether the little fuck festival would repeat itself.

My nervousness rose.

Lunch passed. Lunch. Not a word. Just silence.

Looking that rested on me. Looking that met. Stairs. Looking at her chest, which she registered one or the other time.

oh God. I would have nailed her on the table in front of my father at that moment, so horny I was. Even if his face had not been 10 cm from my cock and he could have followed the flooding and plug between her pussy lobe with the best view.

At that moment I even hated him a little.

Because he was allowed to, but couldn’t. And I, I could (and how I could!), but was not allowed. It made me crazy that I hardly got a bit down. Again hours dragged on how elongated chewing gum.

The evening.

I had already given up. A little disappointed, I stiffened in my meal listlessly. There was nothing to do with me almost all day. I was grumpy.

Hardly talked and ate my anger into me. Until mum suddenly addressed me:

“Tomorrow again at 8.00 a.m. departure?“She smiled at me questioningly.

I almost swallowed myself. I had to pull myself together. But inside I danced with joy.

Mami’s hole would belong to me for a whole day again.

However, I couldn’t help but a little grin and promptly it was replied by Mum.

“Yes … yes … 8.00 o’clock sounds good!“I gave a hasty of myself.

Mum did not sit opposite me, but the ditch that separated us seemed to me forever. I would like to be grateful to her around her neck. And would have loved to thank her for being able to tear her up her cunt again the next day.

Of course it was she who had to be grateful to me.

After all, she wanted something from me primarily. My cock. But it would have been insincere to say that this little tacit agreement between us, which would experience its repetition tomorrow, I didn’t need as it.

“Another excursion on Mother’s Day?“Asked Dad. Who was obviously happy that Mum and I were doing something together that day.

If he had known that we would spend the whole day in bed, his joy would certainly have given way in no time. But as the saying goes: ignorance is a blessing.

Mum looked at me with a smile: “Yes, could even become a tradition, what do you think?”

I could only nod happily.

“Will be very special this time!“Winked me too.

From now on my mood could no longer be topped. I wanted to bring the evening as inconspicuously as possible so that I had no reason to question the whole thing. Later in the kitchen it came across me.

In an unobserved moment, I pressed myself from behind to let her feel my hard stand, reached under her breasts and lifted him supporting before I started kneading lightly. She did not give me slaps and had me granted me.

To say goodbye, I whispered in her ear that if she didn’t swing her ass in the car in time, I would not have inhibition to nail her up in her marriage bed until it would come home in the evening so that he could still noticehow it looks when another man slowly pulls his potent, wet cock smacking out of her damp, fucked cunt. A clear announcement.

But it didn’t have to come so far. Mum, who already looked much fucking, got into the car all too willingly, and we made our way to the next mother son Fickfest.

I drove. With one hand on the steering wheel and the other between her legs, your little pussy already edited.

She turned and groaned. Licked his lips. I struggled to escape my eyes and concentrate on the street.

A different direction.

Another hotel. The excitement was hardly to endure. We checked an impatiently. As soon as the door closed behind us, we were already undressing.

The clothes fell opposite. When mum stripped the bra and her big bells came to light, it felt like Christmas.

When her panties slowly fell to the ground between her legs and I saw her mature playground again after a year, Easter, birthday and every more gift day were even added.

Then came the surprise.

The special thing that she had spoken at the table. We actually managed the sin we committed to even top. How naughty. I fucked my mother, screaming with lust, unprotected in the ass.

Not even Natalie let me in this hole. Mum did it. She liked to get it in the ass. I literally skewer her with my cock.

But it also had a pragmatic aspect, the whole ass fucking. As already said, what mum did was always thought out.

We hadn’t been in the room for half an hour, so I was about to spray my first load in the first of many condoms that were stacked on top of each other next to the bed on the bedside table. I had them with the hips and pushed them out as she liked it. But then Mum stopped me:

“Pull him out” she had breathed.

I started pulling him out of her wet slot until the glans popped out between her reddened fuck lips.

“Take it off” was the next instruction.

I was about to explode, I wondered what she wanted. My erection already subsided a little and I was in a good way to get upset that I was not allowed to rub my cock in her pussy hose until the end. However, the anger quickly evaporated when mum looked at me lust and spoke the beautiful sentence:

“Put him in my ass …”

I looked down at her into her sweaty face incredulously.

“… and then spray …”

She winked at me with an insolent smile.

,OH MY GOD!‘I thought, ‘if you want to cunt!’

I didn’t let it tell me again.

I emphasized my acorn through her sphincter, which soon gave me and gave me access to her brown asshole. I started to catch up again, which I had lost out of her cunt when I pulled out, and soon I had caught up. I could not believe it. I was allowed to fuck my mother in my ass and then come into her!!!

It was the most wonderful gift she could give me.

Thank God, I thought in retrospect, too, it had seemed like a mistake last time that my whole sperm found a dreary end in the condoms that I had to dispose of in the trash can.

I grabbed her horny butt and pressed it firmly on my hips. My acorn was deep in her ass. I had never sprayed into a woman unprotected.

It was the crowning glory. My horny juice in your body. A deep, lustful moan escaped her. I pulled her up on her breasts and kissed her as we both felt how I came in her intestine and my warm cum spread out in it.

For the first time she had male seeds for the first time. Now not only was she an entire woman again, but I also passed the last matriculation examination in which I had inseminated. Only her ass, but I was still proud like Harry.

My glans popped out of her. The asshole moved back slightly.

Then pressure began to exert pressure. Slowly but she began to press the cum from her asshole. The sight fascinated me. Like a proud mare, she still knelt on all fours in front of me, while I had my cock circle in the cum that bubbled out of her.

Which is a satisfaction, see how my sperm floated from my mother’s ass. Then, however, I started to collect the cum with the glans in the center, just to push it back into her asshole with the glans shortly afterwards.

I pulled a few lanes again, it slipped even better until Mum turned around to put my mighty with cum -smeared stand in the mouth to suck it clean. Another premiere. My cock that exploited my mother’s cheeks.

With a lot of dedication she devoted herself to my sloping. Full of maternal care, she sucked the seed and her own juices from my rod. With a loud smack noise, the tail released from her mouth a little later. He was completely clean.

She swallowed what she had sucked out of him.

Fucking, sucking and licking, that was the program of the day. That’s why we were here. So that I could get my mother.

Which it needed after a year without sex again. So it should go. For a year she was my mum. But on this special day, well, she was still my mum, only with the difference that I fought her the mind out of her skull that day.

On this day, from now on, I would push my cock into her every year to the almonds.

Every year his surprise should have ready. So in this second year we had the first time Anal traffic. And of course there was still oral traffic. She sucked my cock extensively and I enjoyed licking her cunt for the first time.

Always nicely with your tongue along the whole pink gap. How honey I licked her out of her cunt that separated her. I was able to fuck her this year as I wanted. In every hole.

Only the cunt was taboo without rubber.

So at some point I had enough of fucking her stretched asshole and then fancy a little pussy, so unfortunately I had to put God on it.

I was only allowed to cum in her ass. She also swallowed when I jerked her in her mouth, but I quickly realized that she liked it more if her whole step was smeared with cum.

So so I preferred to fuck myself in her cunt almost to the climax, but to spend my orgasm unprotected in her ass.

The year badly was the third year. Mum had started to take my pill again for love months before Mother’s Day. Without not having noticed it.

I still see myself in the mirror today how I lie behind her and tremendously press my cock between her labia, knowing that I would finally spray her in the pussy hose.

Even today I see this very special aura that surrounded us at that moment.

Of course it was a risk. Even if it was minimal. But mum knew what I wanted.

I wanted to inject into her pussy. Be a real man. Do not stop shortly before the finish line. But run the full route.

And if that was called for her to take the pill again so that I could spray with my long cock in her otherwise borny vagina, it had to be.

No comparison. Cunt without rubber. I plowed her cunt slit so impetuously that Mum couldn’t even get out of screaming. I hammered the tail into her abdomen.

I drove him full tube. I smashed the glans against her cervix with full force. Comparable with a boxing glove that continues to hit a sandbag.

Then the time came. Mum had milked my cock so well with her cunt that it happened to me for the first time that I was lowering the five minutes of border.

I clawed into her breasts, who had jumped around wildly and pressed every drop of wanking into her.

I sprayed and sprayed and sprayed and sprayed … and would have preferred to never stop spraying again at that moment and never pulled out my cock out of her again.

But of course that didn’t work. We both knew that.

At some point I had to let go of her again. Towards the end of each mother’s day, I had to let my tight beating between her red -flowered labia and waiting for a whole year.

So it became a tradition. year for year.

Always on Mother’s Day, my mother turned into a sex hungry furie. All year round, she was this inconspicuous, gray and easily unapproachable, shy woman who only gave the bare essentials of herself. But that day. Then she ventilated her skirt.

Then she freed her breasts out of the bra, pulled her panties over the cunt and went to my knees so that I could make my cock disappear in her greasy hole.

Every year we drove again for two in some hotel, where I had to take care of her holes and got it as my father could no longer.

Even after I had married and had children with my wife Natalie, this day remained sacred to her. Every year I took care of it, visited my parents and drove away with mom to fully and relentlessly fully fully fully fully born her and all the hoses with sperm piss.

Only when she lay naked on the bed, exhausted and panting, from top to bottom full of sperm and my seed fucked hole, my job was done.

My little sperm nixes. My cunt. My mother.

Mother’s Day should be one of your favorite days a year for many years.

And since I never had a hotter and more uninhibited woman in bed in my life, into which I had sprayed more sperm, mine too.

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