Horny fuck on 1. Working day | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I needed a change of scenery, only the monotonous office job, that didn’t go on like this. Fortunately, my employer allowed that a Sabbath year could be inserted. My boss was not enthusiastic about my idea, but then agreed and so I was out for a year. Now I started thinking about what I wanted to do. Vacation and recovering was not that what the sense of me was. In any case, I wanted to get out at home for a while and thought about Hamburg as a goal.

I got out my tablet and looked at the job offers. One thing I fell directly to “service employee in a hostel on the Reeperbahn” and I thought that sounds perfect for doing something else. I taped the phone number on the cell phone and called there. On the phone I had the manager right away and we talked about his personnel requirements and my wish for temporary change. Then he came up with an idea and suggested that I would get a single room, had all the additional costs free and worked in his hostel 4 days a week.

I did not think about it, but said directly. As the start we have the next 1. taken and so I made my way to Hamburg. I left the ICE in Hamburg extremely excitedly and strolled through the city. I was already in Hamburg a few times and I found the city extremely great and pulsating. I stopped in front of the chic hostel, took a deep breath and went into it. Daniel, in mid -20s, received me with a slight African influence, great sporty figure and actually very cute.

It doesn’t make me any difficult to flirt immediately. I briefly told him my reason for visiting, he looked at the counter, found a big envelope and handed it over to me. With a wink, he wish me a lot of fun, if I wish I should contact him at any time. I took my luggage and went to the room. The hostel was very modern and more appealing than I remembered a hostel. My room was on the top floor, had a small balcony, a large bathroom and a very comfortable bed.

I quickly stowed my thing, first went into the shower and enjoyed the warm water on my body. I started kneading my breasts under the water jet, pirling my nipples and threw my head back. Making it myself is one of my trucks, but I love it. My hand slides down and my middle finger massages my clitoris. My moan gets louder and when I introduce my middle finger I introduce myself, I give a quiet cry of me.

I always move my fingers, massage my G-spot and are about the climax when it knocks on the door. I quickly get out of the shower, the small towel just covers me from the breasts to just below the bottom. I open the door and look into Daniel’s blue eyes. There are a few large towels on his arms and a bathrobe. “Oh” he said “I hope I haven’t bothered too much”.

I know that you can see on my red face what I did and only say “no and I would have come right away to get the things”. Here I grin, take the bathrobe off the stack and let the towel slide from my body. I stand in front of Daniel, thank you for the bathrobe and quickly slip in. I’ve always liked my well -trained body and showed my problem. I am proud of my handy solid breasts and the crunchy butt.

Above all, I like the effect of my body on men, for example in the sauna and I’m glad not to be able to get a stiff if I like something. The matter is different with Daniel, his mouth works and I felt his eyes on my whole body in the short moment of being naked. His tight shorts is considerable and with a wink I ask him if he may have seen something that he likes.

He needs a short moment to answer, but quickly finds his quick wit again. “You looked sexy with clothes, but without it, it robs me of the mind and a little the blood in my head,” he said with a smile. “Thank you” I said and just wanted to take the towels to go to my room. “I just have lunch break, May I take a shower?”Asked me Daniel. I looked at him in astonishment and was surprised at the open question, but not frightened 😉 I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my room.

The door was not really closed when his strong hands encompassed my head, he passionately kissed me and leaned against the wall. This is my “point of no return”, a man does something like that with passion with me, I just have to fuck him. During the kissing I pulled the polo over my head and enjoyed the sight of the muscular upper body. I had already seen the strong arms, the rest was also well trained.

I let my hands slide down on him, pyrbled his nipples and registered a soft groan. Slowly my hands continued, came to the waistband of the shorts and pulled them down with a short jerk. His erection was really impressive and shouted towards me after her liberation. I am bad in appreciation but that was at least 20 cm and the thickness was a dream. I detached myself from his lips and slowly slid his body down on him.

I circled his nipples with my tongue, bite tenderly until he groaned loudly. Arrived at his bar, I slowly licked myself towards the middle of the body. A shower went through him, I took his tail in my hand and started jerk off. In front of him on my knees I first looked at his cock and then to him. He had closed his blue eyes and leaned heavily on the wall. I kissed his glans and then continued all the shaft, each centimeter and there were damn many.

It was a great firm tail, with protruding veins and luckily without any hair. Arrived at his testicles, I noticed the size of this. Unfortunately I didn’t get both of them in my mouth at the same time, but one by one is also ok. Again and again I sucked a testicle, let it out, sucked the next one. Meanwhile, I very conscientiously jerked the tail. Daniel’s moan grew louder and I got the impression that he won’t be able to hold it back long.

I let off his testicles and kissed up to his glans again. I licked the first drops from the top, opened my mouth and slowly picked up his cock in me. Little by little I swallowed his gorgeous tail, which was always in my blood and sucking cocks my royal discipline was since I was 16. My wet lips slide up and down, my tongue performed a sensual dance and when I had it completely in my throat, he began to twitch and sprayed the first load directly in my throat.

I almost swallowed myself up, let it slip out and picked up thrust 2 and 3 with my mouth. His sperm ran out of my mouth and I looked up. This time his eyes were open and had something satisfied in view. I quickly licked the cock clean and kissed it again before I got up. “Can it be that you needed something?“I asked Daniel and licked my lips when I looked him deep into his eyes.

“Oh yes” he said, but I think I’m not finished with my lunch break yet. When he said this, he opened my bathrobe and dropped it onto the carpet. His strong arms raised me and while we kissed again he carried me into the shower. I felt his cock between my legs and I got driped again directly. We put the water on and stood wildly under the “downpour”. It was almost a little clichéd, but crazy beautiful and amazingly familiar.

I pressed myself to him and rubbed his cock with the inside of my thighs. Actually only his shaft, because the tip of the tail protruded behind me. Daniel lifted my right leg and his hand slid along my thigh. She found what she was looking for and I bit on his tongue when he led me two fingers into the vagina. The fingers were very knowledgeable and the massage of my G-spot in connection with the kisses and the water left me directly the first time Come.

He enjoyed mine orgasm And continued to massage me, added the thumb and played with my clitoris. I started to tremble and was flooded with a next violent orgasm. What does the guy do with me, why can he do it so well through my head. I detached myself from his mouth and just whispered him a “Fuck me right through!” into the ear. Then his fingers disappeared and before I could protest, the cock made the way into me.

My loud screams duked Daniel with a violent kiss on the tongue when he penetrated deep into me. The tail was probably longer than 20 cm, at least it felt that way. A feeling of grief came over me when he retired entirely from me, which immediately evaporated when he bumped violently and deeply into me. He did it again and again and I was glad that his strong arms held me. A few bumps later I came across such a violent orgasm that I started to spray, as I had never experienced before.

“What do you do with me?”I groaned and only got the answer” Fuck you how it is your wish “. He escaped me and turned me around. A blow on my bottom let me cry and just when I wanted to complain, I felt a tongue on my hole. It won’t be, I thought to myself, when his tongue had already disappeared in my buttocks. I groaned loudly and he fucked me with his tongue more and more violently.

That only the beginning was immediately clear to me. But at no point I had the feeling that I wanted to hurt, on the contrary. So I trusted him and allowed him relaxed what would happen now. Daniel distributed the shower foam of his hand and massaged the butt and all other entrances to me. I felt several fingers in both holes or was it the whole hand? I almost stepped away when I felt the tail on my buttocks.

He whispered “relax yourself” in my ear and slowly buttfully pressed it into my buttocks. It felt very tight than at the beginning, but with every careful push it was easier and better slipped. I also liked it and so I pressed my butt against each of his bumps. Again and again we clapped against each other, our fuck was getting wilder and at some point I felt his rearing down. Daniel became faster and faster.

A mega orgasm built up in me. A few bumps later he injected me a huge load of sperm in my buttocks and I came to my most violent orgasm at the same time. We could hardly hold ourselves on our feet and let ourselves cool down by the falling water. I felt in my butt how his cock lost something in force. He slowly slipped out and I turned around. We looked deep into our eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck so tightly while we kissed intensely.

“Thank you” I whispered in his ear, “that was quite good for the debut” he replied grinningly grinning. “Now I have to go back to work,” said Daniel, “but we absolutely continue that. “” Absolutely “I said smiled with a smile and gave him a pat on my butt when I pushed him naked and with his things on my arms on the hallway. I leaned against the closed room door, breathed deeply and didn’t try to grin so stupid anymore.

The first day was very promising and I was excited to see if that would go on like this. I would definitely get at my expense, that much was certain ……

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