Fuck in the forest | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Another week was done, I was sitting on the train and was waiting for the departure. I just inspired me: nothing like home! Leave the city behind and enjoy the country, stroll through forests and really scream the frustration out of the chest, without being observed by any human soul.

But as usual, the train was delayed again, and since the journey home would take a few hours, it was not the best thing to do with my mood until the train door was suddenly torn open, and I felt that everyone present was afterGrabbed.

As my travelers could think of breathing at that moment, I was a mystery, because the most graceful creature that you could only wish entered the train compartment, and slowly went through the ranks, and was looking for a place. She was wearing a red, short skirt that hung to the Kien, her white, short -sleeved blouse with a cutout that is much too small, as well as her long black and fine -meshed tights emphasized her body on the most excellent.

A red pocket hung over the right shoulder, which the appearance perfect. I looked at every detail that revealed the movement of her body until I heard a voice that broke my thoughts far away and asked: “Is this place still free?“I was torn out of my dreams, and it took a reasonably long time to realize what gorgeous encounter I thought of fate.

“Uh, yes of course.“I heard myself stammered (which was more out of a reflex than that I had already come back.) Envious looks met me, my fellow travelers seemed to not treat me to success. However, the young woman sat down, and she leaned a little, and let me smell her beguiling and very feminine perfume, but that she had only applied very sparingly, so that it was more emphasized by her sweet body odor instead of himdetermine. Her black long and wavy hair emphasized her delicate pretty face, the skin of which was bright and flawless.

She was without make -up because she knew that every color would only have disturbed, and her red lips did not need any additional emphasis.
She had curves that could have brought even the stubborn mathematician to white glow. I started to look out of the window in an east -wise manner, because if I had taken a closer look at her, her appearance would have immediately captured me.

Now she used a strong weapon: her legs. She crossed her, but she did not compress her thighs completely, so that a gap remained open, which resulted in the short and now even a bit back. Suddenly she began to spread her thighs even further, and now I was able to push myself into her point of view in between.

Otherwise it is not my way of giving this way. But this insurmountable curiosity, whether this woman probably lets me go to her slip looks, defeated me without having her sprayed her. She began to bob slightly in the leg that was almost in horizontal horizontal on the other. At the same time, she grown a little in the uncomfortable tension armchair, which had her pelvis slid forward.

Now I practically saw her white slip without any problems.

I cursed my decision not to take my sunglasses with me, because they would have been a great help now to enjoy the sight. I looked up at her eyes and noticed that she was holding her locked. I quickly looked down between her legs. Your white, very thin panties were very narrow, and no hair came out on the sides.

However, it was not shaved, because the slip was very thin, and I saw the pubic hair underneath, which must also be arranged very narrowly. I looked there for a long time until I suddenly felt observed. I looked up again, and looked directly into her beautiful blue eyes, which looked at me in astonishment. However, her face did not appear that she would have been outraged.

She didn’t say a word and I looked away again, out of the window.

Unfortunately, her sight had excited me and if I had tackled jeans, this would have been noticeable in an unpleasant tightness. But since I was wearing shorts made of fine fabric, a suspicious bump began to record there. So I overturned my legs and tried to hide the embarrassment. I looked at her again very briefly, unnoticed a very slightly hinted smile.

This made me all the more embarrassed and I got up and went to the toilet to calm me down a little there. I opened the department and wanted to pull it behind me, but I noticed that the young woman had followed me.

She said: “I also have to and didn’t really know where the toilet is here. I rarely ride the train “I didn’t know what to think of it, because it is the easiest thing in the world to find a train toilet: always straight out.

What should be so difficult about it? I showed her the door and opened it: “Here, in this little chamber she is. If you want, I’ll show you a little.“I just wanted to make fun of her a little bit. I couldn’t buy it that she really couldn’t have found here without my help. And their reaction to my amusement showed me that I was right.

“Oh yes, good idea, come in right away.” she said. Provided before so much spontaneity, did not really know. I saw her going in and then she looked around me again before she disappeared completely in the toilet. I went after her and closed the door behind me.

Train toilets have the well -known property of being particularly tight because they were designed for only one person.

And so the woman was very close to me and I felt her breath because she had turned her face to me. But I also felt her soft chest, the belly and her legs, which nestled against me. I held her waist with both hands and she put her hands on my school.

We looked deep into our eyes. She drove her tongue over her upper lip, which began to shine on it. I gave her a kiss and wanted to separate our lips right away. But she reached behind my head with her hands and kept us together.

I started driving under her blouse with my hands. I stroked her while her tongue did the same in my mouth. I continued to slide up with my hands and I already felt her breasts on the thumb when it started to hammer violently on the door.
“Please show travel cards!“An unpleasant voice came in from outside. “We’ll come right away!“I called back.

“WE?“It came back questioningly ..

After this embarrassing situation was over, we went back to our places where we out of our travel cards to finally get rid of the annoying conductor. Then we got into a conversation in which I learned her heavenly sounding name. It was called Judit. I immediately started to love him, although it was actually the wearer of this name that I requested.

Her travel destination was a small dreamy village that was located in the mountains and was at the foot of a large Föhrenwald. I knew this village and its surroundings very well, because it was my home village and at the same time my travel destination.

I love these coincidences. I offered her to show her the area what she accepted without hesitation. The further trip was very entertaining and we talked with each other constantly.

But although I wanted to lead the topic to the train toilet several times, it did not rise to what I actually found a shame because there would have been a few things to show there.
When we arrived, we carried our luggage to the far remote alpine hut, which she had rented for a few days to relax there. (To say superfluous that I decided to help her relax.))) The cottage was very primitive;It had an open fireplace that also asked for a cooking opportunity, a long table was further back on the wall, from which two -benches seemed to come from on both sides of the table. There was a large bear in the middle of the small room, but for luck we seemed to be lacking.

On the opposite side of the fireplace, a ladder went up where a dark hole spread.

The air was a bit musty, it smelled of hay, and I was immediately aware of what we would find on the upper floor. I have to say that this idea made me reasonably happy. I told her I would go home quickly to bring my luggage. But I didn’t told her that I was also thinking a few things to get.
When I came back hard, it had already become quite dark and Judit had turned on a fire.

The room had been filled out by this warm flickering light and Judit was sitting dressed in front of it with a yellow short-sleeved T-shirt on the bear fur and looked dreamily in the fire. She kept her bare bent legs with her hands and supported her head on her knees. She rocked back and forth slightly and her beautiful dark hair follows movements. In her eyes, the light of the fire flickered ..

I sat down next to her and held an arm over her shoulder.

She asked me what I would have brought with me. “Let yourself be surprised,” I said (of course without Rudi Carell Akzent) “. You will see.“We both looked back to the fire, which already burned a little less intensely. There were more and more matt glowing embers that exuded great heat.

I saw little drops of sweat on Judits forehead and I got a daring idea.

“It is hellishly warm here. Make something out when I take off my T-shirt?”” Oh, good idea. I’ll do that right away.“Judit replied while she drove her arm over her wet forehead.
Then she grabbed the neckline behind her head and slowly pulled out the T-shirt. More and more naked skin came to light until she was sitting next to me with just underpants and bra.

Her underwear was kept in white and she looked adorable in it. I looked at her thoroughly and did not notice that she looked at me as a demanding.

Finally she said: “I thought you were hot. Don’t you want to move out too?“How right she was. I was actually very hot.

But the fire had played a supporting role. So I also took off my T-shirt. Then I kept my arm over her shoulder again and pressed her tightly to me.
I said for fun: “You, it is still very hot..
Without saying another word, Judit turned her back and showed me a highly complicated closure system. I cracked it and soon the brae of the BH, who simply slipped downwards and released Judit’s pretty breasts.

They were shaped, medium -sized and their nipples showed forward and not to the sides. They want to be kissed. When I put the right nipple in my mouth, Judit pressed my head and rummaged tenderly in my hair. I considered her breasts with countless kisses and noticed that she appreciated this treatment.

Judit lay on her back, the knees bent and pointed up. I lay down next to her and stroked belly and breasts. I felt the soft fur that seemed to caress me and knew that Judit also felt this, and all over the back.

I slid down again with my hand as we kissed, and then she disappeared under her panties where she felt soft hair and rummaged in it.

Judit slowly began to spread her legs. This simplified my ‘work’ considerably, and soon my fingertips felt a gap that had to be researched. I continued to penetrate them with the index and middle finger while I stayed with my thumb and massaged there. Judit began to breathe irregularly, and sometimes I heard the inserts moan.

I also felt her excitement in my hand, because the matter started to get a little wet there. Suddenly she pressed her legs together and closed her lap and held my hand in it.

Then she said: “Wait. Before we do it, I would like to ask you something.”” Just too, just ask.““ What do you have in your pockets?” “Nothing special. Something to eat, and a few more things … ”I gently pulled my hand out of her vagina.

Judit crawled one of the bags that stood very close and looked inside. I got afraid she would send me up because I wanted to teach her gently. Judit but smiled and came back to me. Then she asked: “Is it something else if I am tied up? These leather straps there are intended for it, or?”” I can’t explain it to you in words.

You just have to have experienced it. It is something completely different when one of the masters, and the other the oppressed, is the slave. We can swap the roles. Or let it be at all and just make sex ..

So what do you want?““ We could just try it. I like this idea of please you as my gentleman and do everything you want.”” Would you really do everything?“I asked doubtfully. “Naturally. I’m your slave and have no rights.”She said with a smile, and I continued to close her into my heart.

Then she started to stroke my chest and said: “So, let’s do it? You are my master and I your slave.

And later we exchange the roles. OK?””Wow!” I thought. Then I said: “Fine! So, I’ll be your master until tomorrow midnight. Until then you can whine and scream, you belong to me.

But we have to agree a very special word. If you say it, I’ll stop.”” What kind of word?” “That doesn’t matter. How about: frog?“She smiled and said she was not a frog, but that probably doesn’t matter, and of course she will be one if I ask for it.

“Well,” I said “and then I have a question before we get started. You will be ready to give all your three openings? You know: mouth, vagina and your wonderful butt.”” If you ask for it, of course.“I couldn’t avoid, again wow!’ to think.

Then I gave Judit a few important instructions: “So from now on I am your Lord, and that’s how you will call me me too. You are nothing more than my slave. Now kneel in front of me. Yes exactly.

Sit down. And now you hold both hands on your rear head, you pull the elbows back so that your breasts are tired. Now spread your thighs as far as possible so that I can see your vagina well.“She followed my instructions without a word. Her sight was very cute, but something was still wrong.

“Good thing,” I said, “but you have to present your breasts a little better.

Show them! Yes, good that. And with your tongue you wet your lips. Now open your mouth. Remember this position well, because every time I am ‘position!’Call, you have to stand in front of me.

Is that clear?””Yes Mr.“Said Judit and closed her mouth out of bad habit.

“Mouth on!“I was at her. She reacted immediately and immediately extended her chest to soothe me. “I am happy. Now lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest.

And so you spread your thighs now. I will fill in two of your openings so that you can’t do a scraping with it.“She did this and I went to one of the pockets and took a candle out of it. She had a diameter of about 2.5 centimeters. I went to her with that.

I had rounded off the candle at home at the top. I now wanted to insert her into her anus, very gently, but it didn’t work. Of course I still had to use lubricants, but I was too lazy to go to the bag again. (To be honest, I wasn’t too lazy, I just had a better idea.

I kissed her butt and then I licked the anus and salvaged it.

Judit estimated this by reaching her buttocks with both hands and pulling them apart so that I could ‘put on the tongue’. Again I put the candle on and introduced it a bit. But Ju-Dit groaned a little, because my saliva was not the right fund. Then I remembered that Mother Nature had equipped us with a wonderful lubricant that was even thought of it.

I let my shorts and underpants down. After all, this situation had also excited me, and so slimy vörtuste had formed on my acorn, which were an excellent lubricant. I applied everything to the candle and introduced them to Judits Anus. This time it ran like lubricated.

(After all it was that too.) Suddenly Judit said that it would hurt hell, and asked me (of course subjugated) to not push the thing further in there.

It was clear to me what had to be done. I went to the bag again and took another candle out. However, this was much thinner (about 1cm). I went back to her, treated this candle with my lubricant and led her next to the other candle (which was still in her).

I continued to push her in until I heard the sound that I was expecting: Judit farted. Immediately the first candle was loosened, which could be pushed further again. Judits ass grabbed in the soft fur of the bear. I marked the spot on the candle until I had sunk it.

Then I pulled it out and called: “Position!“And went over to the table. I put a small bowl on the table and began to melt the candle with a lighter until it had the length that was anus in Judits. Finally I put the candle in the liquid wax and let the boiling site cool down. The point of the matter was that on one side of the candle a lump should form so that the whole candle could not disappear in Judit.

I looked over at Judit, which was in the beautifully to be seen.

I would have loved to take her right away. But I held back. I took out a penis -shaped vibrator out of my pocket and said to Judit that she should lie back on her back, my legs stretched and spread out. I slowly introduced the vibrator into her vagina, which was quite effortless because it was already quite moist.

I continued and continued to push them away until it was no longer possible. I also marked this place on the vibrator (with a pen) and went back to the table, not without having called ‘position’ beforehand. At the marking of the vibrator, I attached a rubber ring to be thought of chopping in the vagina. At the end of the vibrator there was a wire that would serve me as a leash in the future, and at the same time also deliver electricity for the vibrator if Judit had to be ‘punished’.

However, the candle had already been cooled enough, and so I took it back to Judit, who followed the action without a word and with curious looks. I asked her if she should have for little girls, but she said no.

Once again I was called Judit on my back, this time again with the knees drawn up so that I could insert the candle. I pushed it into it until the wax lump stopped me. Then I pulled to Ju-Dits calves and put them next to me.

Hers were in front of me pussy, which after fulfillment. I sink into it until the rubber ring ’. I checked the seat of the vibrator by pulling a bit on the wire and it was satisfied.

“So I’m hungry now. Now we want to eat something.

Go to the table and take a position there.“I tabled the freestalia between her legs … butter, jam, Nutella and a tube of condensed milk. I put the condensed milk close to the open fire so that it would get nice and warm. However, I had forgotten the bread, on purpose, of course.
“Current I forgot the bread,” I said with a bad trouble, “but that’s not that bad, then we’ll be our bread.”” As I think, you, Lord? I don’t understand.“I took some butter in my hands and rubbed her breasts with it.

“Now you understand, slave?”I said in a huge tone.
Judit seemed to like this idea and put her back on the table as she left her legs in a kneeling position.

She was very agile. I applied some jam on her nipples and licked them extensively. Then I took the vibrator out of her vagina and smeared her pubic hair with butter. There I also applied a thick layer of jam and licked it away, I penetrated several times into her vagina.

After my tongue didn’t taste any sweetness, I got the condensed milk that was now warmed, and opened the tube. I held the opening in her vagina and pressed almost the whole tube into her. Her legs cramped, she kept her eyes closed and breathed very violently. I penetrated my tongue back into her vagina and licked and sucked and brought out more and more of the sweet viscous milk.

It was a culinary treat. The warm mass that filled her vagina and then the sucking and licking had to have excited Judit. She groaned and I stopped with my meal, because she should be so easy orgasm not have. I stopped licking and saw her longing eyes.

But Judit term quickly.

“I am also hungry, my Lord.”She said in a seductive voice.
Of course I would usually have punished this lack of discipline, but it was already clear to me what to feed mine slaves would bring with it. And so I said graciously: “Granted!“I got on the table to her while she was sitting in a seated position. Then she grabbed my penis at the root and pulled it on it so that the hands slide up on the shaft. As soon as there was enough space for the other hand, it filled it out again.

It felt like pulling my penis out of an infinitely long vagina. When he was big and tough, Judit took some Nutella in her hands and kneaded until it had almost become liquid due to the warmth.

Then she applied the mass on my penis and distributed it there at the same time. It was an interesting sight.

Then she leaned and picked up my cock in her mouth and enclosed it as far as possible. The chocolate mass had already been a nice warm shell, but it was not a comparison to Judit’s mouth. She sucked the chocolate away and I felt her tongue more and more frozen through the chocolate jacket until everything was sucked away. I felt that Judit was now thirsty, because why otherwise she would have sucked on my penis so much? I inject a load of sperm into her mouth, which she eagerly swallowed.

After licking me cleanly, she straightened up again.

“That was good!“She said and my slave made me a much satisfied impression. I had to change that, because after all she was there for my pleasure. And not the other way around.
“So, eaten! position!“I introduced the vibrator into the vagina. Then I took her on the leash and led her to the ladder.

I took a large, about 4cm wide leather straps and tied her hands together. However, a large part of the Riemens was still free, and I threw it over the top shoots of the ladder. I pulled on it and raised Judit until she could only stand on her balls. I tied her feet on the side bar of the ladder.

Judit moved a little and checked the strength of the Tie up.

I brought out some clamps that I wanted to moor at Judits’s chest. But she said: “Wait! That hurts like hell. I dont want that!””You have no choice! The clamps have to go! And where is your respect? I’ll punish you for it, just wait!“I was a little afraid that she would say ‘frog’, but she did nothing like that.

I wondered if she still knew the keyword. Finally I clamped her right nipple. I saw her bit on her teeth. I also consider her left nipple with a clamp.

I attached a cord to both clamps, where I had a small piece of wooden wooden. Then I put more leather skins on her body, one around her belly, two around her thighs and one above her chest. And then I climbed up until my penis was with her mouth.

From above I said to her: “And now hear the punishment! You suck on my penis now until I come and you don’t swallow the sperm! You keep it in your mouth and you can only swallow it when I tell you.

Understood?””Yes Mr!”Said Judit in an expectant voice. That calmed me down very much, because it was the proof that she was fully accepting me as a master. I approached my penis to her mouth and she willingly opened it. She sucked and sucked out that Nutella was still on it.

I had a large load injected sperm. Then I got down again, sat on the bear and looked at her. She kept her mouth closed and made movements as if she chewed a chewing gum. Further down the pieces of wood that pulled on the nipples were still dangerous.

I looked closely at her and I saw that she was very obedient because I would have recognized every swallowing movement immediately.

But she did nothing like that and kept my seed in her mouth. She made a satisfied impression, it even seemed as if she also had fun with this punishment. I didn’t want to like that, because after all, she should be given for her up and not rewarded.

I took the remote control, which was at the end of the leash, in my hand and pressed a button. Judit’s body got in motion right away, the thighs cramped, the feet lifted off the ground and my beautiful arrangement began to rock. But the leather straps began to hell on the wrists in a hell, so she was looking for the Contact to the ground. She threw her head back and forth violently, as if she wanted to get relief from it, as a balance that she could not spread her legs at will.

Through all of these movements, the woods that were attached to the cords to the chest terminals.

So the excited breasts of my slave began to move, and the matter was slowly beginning to look interesting. After ten minutes I went over to her. To check whether she really followed my command, I gave her a deep kiss and felt my own seed. On the inside of her thighs a slimy juice dripped down.

It seemed as if Judit had liked the punishment despite my efforts.

“Well, you can now.”I said, and Judit swallowed the sperm right away. I wasn’t angry with her that she had had an orgasm. On the contrary. It was a wonderful feeling to see how she was slowly but surely enjoying the new feelings.

Maybe I will later explain myself to train them and to adjust them to a real slave ..
The nipples of her breasts had already become quite blue, she had to have really great pain, and so I took her off her. She said: “Thank you, Lord!”” Thanks not to me too early, I’m not finished with you yet!“I loosened all of her bonds.

“Position!”I said, and slowly I started to love this word.
Judit did, as her mentia, put her arms behind her head, pulled Ellbogen back and proudly presented her breasts, and spread her thighs. A little too much proud she showed the day, I thought, and I thought of me: I chased electricity through my leash and read the vibrator work hard. Judits thighs again cramped.

She had trouble keeping the balance. She circled with her pelvis and her breasts stuck to falter. Then I switched off again and heard Judit’s insulted look. I ignored this, because after all I couldn’t care what she wanted.

I was the gentleman, not her.

Then I took the ladder and put them across the fire. The fire was only very sparse, one -sized area of embers was created, which developed a cozy warmth.
“Come here, slave!“Judit got up and came closer. “Sit down!“She did, and I took a foot and tied it on a rung that was a bit next to the fireplace. I did the same with the other foot, so that they were finally lying in front of the fireplace with very far apart from each other.

Then I took some binds out of a pocket with which I cover Judits feet and legs to protect them from the heat. About 20 centimeters above the knees I left the bare meat free, so that the heat could be received everywhere from there.

I was really sweating because I had been very close to the embers for some time. So I retired, held my hand before Judits cunt and checked whether enough heat arrived.

After a while she started to get very warm, and it almost started pain. I pulled my hand away and left Judits sheathed her fate. I crouched behind Judit’s head and took her head between my thighs. I felt her gentle hair on my penis and I had to fight for a new erection.

She seized my thighs with both hands and began to stroke her. So we stayed for some time until I felt that I got very hot.

Many small drops of sweat formed on Judit’s body. I grabbed her thighs with my hands and found an extreme heat. Judit had already started to breathe hard.

So she was preheated enough, and so I took her with my hands and pulled her away a bit from the fire. Then I lay down on her and we kissed stormy. I took the vibrator out of her vagina and then penetrated it into her. I felt how hot she was, at any point in her body.

The bandages on their legs were also very warm. But her body was also very moist from the sweat. We wrapped up and kissed and began to move rhythmically. The heat and the movements drove us further and further into the Excess, and Judit began to scream loudly, every time when I pressed my penis firmly into it.

Our hustle and bustle became more violent until we both had an orgasm that lasted very long. After the orgasm I just stayed in her, too exhausted I was to straighten myself up, and so we remained closely wrapped and breathed for a while.

Most of the stories have the property of having a certain reference to the title. Even if the reader has an opposite impression of this story so far, I would like to point out that it will also be no exception. Imagine living in a small, far away alpine hut, which is in a small clearing.

Around this clearing, a more and sometimes fewer dense pine and fir forest spreads (i.e. a typical Alpine forest), the floor is obtained with small grasses, pine suppositories, moss, branches and brown soft soil. Here and there comes from naked rocks, which is framed by alpine roses, braids spread on wide areas, the leaves of which are gently weighing. A significant forest scent is in the air ..

“So now we’ll sleep, because tomorrow we will have a big program ahead of us.“I said to Judit when we had calmed down a little.
“Maybe you’ll tell me what you have to do, Lord?“Asked Judit as she put her arm on my shoulder.
“Wait only. We will go for a little walk in the forest.

But I don’t say more.“Then I took the ladder and put them under the hatch, which led up to the mugall. I sent Judit up first, but stopped her in half paths and also pulled the candle out of her butt. She had been angled at one point because the warmth in Judit had made it flexible and thus adapted it to the shape of the back exit.

“Oh no, leave her in it, I got used to it so much.“Judit begged in a pressing voice.
But I stayed hard and said to her: “Nothing there!“, Gave her a slap on her butt and drove it to climbing. At the top we made ourselves comfortable in the hay, but it took a while for us to get used to it, because as you know, hay is not too soft if you lay on it with bare skin.

Sticks dried up everywhere stiffened stiffeners on our skin. But Judit and I hugged ourselves and the soft skin we felt from each other was a sufficient compensation for the ‘hardships’. I started to remove the next day, because a lonely further forest offers a rich selection of possibilities, and I decided to start selection now ..

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