The spatial pilot [3] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Slowly this feeling of painful pressure subsides. Despite her fear and discomfort, the pilot becomes tired and dawns into a wonderful dream. She sees green meadows with flowers, clear streams and dense forests. It can almost smell the smell of the flowers, taste the clear water and the wind that strips across the country almost feels on the skin.

She hovers over all of that.

She enjoys the rays of the suns and feels hunger. She floats gently down to the flowers, the bushes and the stream. The fruits in the bushes smell too temptingly as they could resist.

She eats, hovers and eats again when she is hungry. day after day.
One day it hovers down between rock cliffs. She feels the hard rock in the back as she puts on and falls clumsily. An animal immediately comes from a cave and grabs her legs, tugs them apart.

The pilot reacts at lightning speed and forces her legs together, pulls her around the animal’s body and presses her legs together with all your strength. She hears bone breaking and life leaves life suddenly leaves the animal. She struggles to free herself, push the animal away, then leave your strength ..

.. .When she opened her eyes again, she has to orientate herself first.

Not a rock on which it lies but a cage floor is among her. No suns just a few lamps on the ceiling of a hall. Slowly her memory of her crash, Mike, the wilderness and her capture come back. And also to the ses animal in her.

She tears her eyes open and looks down at herself. Your stomach is swollen, but what is even more frightening is the fact that one of these birds lies between her legs. It doesn’t move and is very quiet.

The pilot attracts her legs in horror. I killed it in a dream!, she goes through her head.

But how long did this dream take? What did they do with me?Then she sees the open cage door. The way to freedom!, shoot it through her head. She creeps past the dead tedious and in pain. She moves out of the cage as quietly as possible.

Only with difficulty she can suppress a scream of pain when she navigates between the cages. Every movement seems unusual and its stiff muscles protest painfully with every movement. Pull yourself together!, she exhorts herself.

You have to get out of here!The pilot sneaks between the cages towards the door.

Through a gap she can see that there is no light outside. “Today must be my lucky day!“, She murmurs quietly as she squeezes through the door outside. In the courtyard, some cloudy lamps donate a ghostly light. Examining the dark shadows, she sneaks around the building, away from this place of agony.

Around this farm, high plants grow close together in one field. The pilot runs this cover exploitation as quickly as she can from the buildings. She runs in the direction in which she last saw Mike. Maybe he left me a sign, or search for me!, she hopes.

She runs and runs.

She left the field at some point, but she continues to run. It was only when the morning slowly announces that she almost breaks down with exhaustion. With the last strength she hides in a bush near a stream, then it will pass out.
The suns are already high in the sky as the pilot wakes up in the neck with a stinging pain. She is cold and everything is wet around her.

Your body is covered with a slimy location, colorful leaves that she wants to rub from her body when she crawled out under the bush. But that of this wet leaves cannot be removed. She also finds surprised that her stomach is flat again.

“What … where is that thing?“Panically she turns in a circle and lets her look over the surroundings. Due to its rotation, the leaves dissolve.

To her surprise, she has to find that the leaves forms a kind of wet coat that hangs down from her back and flows up through the rotation. If she just felt smashed and infinitely tired, she has now grabbed a high feeling that does not seem to her if she consider her location. Again a hellish pain shoots through her back and forces it to her knees. You almost stay away from the air.

She wants to grab panting on her back, but the leaf coat is in the way of her. She grabs him and tugs it with it, but with horror she realizes that she feels the train as if she was pulling on her finger. Again a wave of pain is chasing through the body, closely followed by others.

She screams and throws herself on her back but she doesn’t use anything.

The pain only becomes stronger by it. Again it lies exhausted on the ground. She tangled up on her stomach to make the pain a little more bearable. So she stays for almost an hour.

Slowly the leaves dry on her body and she feels the warmth of the suns.
No pain anymore. She smiles when she reaches. Slowly she wants to get up, but suddenly it is as if someone lifts her up and she literally jumps high.

“What?“She calls surprised as she looks around her helper. But there is nobody there.

From the corners of the eye she saw the coat that was still hanging on her. Now she almost contorts her neck when she tries to stare on her back and to see the coat that lies in the middle of her back. The “coat” ranges high above her head to her ankles. She wants to turn again and spread her arms to grab it when the “coat” suddenly claps.

“Wa … what? NO! No this can not be!“She screams close to panic.

“That is not true. What did they do with me?“The left and right of her protrude wings. In the colors of the rainbow, they shimmers in the light of the sun. She feels the wind that catches the wings and plays with them.

When a gust comes and she almost blows, the wings fold together again. The pilot is startled that the wings are not folded in, but that she folded the wings together. It is as if I wanted to lift an arm!, Suddenly noticed she. In terms of experiment, she focuses on spreading the wings and is surprised at how easy it falls to her.

Open, close, open, close, close …, repeats in spirit. Her rhythm is getting faster and faster, then suddenly she makes a set and is four meters further from the place where she was standing on her stomach beforehand.

“Oops!“, She laughs. “Can I really fly with the things?“Again she flows through a feeling of feeling, a kind of pride and confidence. However, these feelings are not their more like a distant thought.

She shakes her head, but this strange feeling remains. Suddenly she has the pictures of her dream in mind during captivity. The flowers, the meadows and the beautiful landscapes. Then the pictures change and she sees itself.

The whole picture is blurred and the colors are not right, but she knows that it is. Or at least your legs. She groans when she understands what she sees there. That is what the caterpillar saw in me when she left me., Will it be clear to her.

Slowly the animal pushes between its thighs, over her bottom onto her back. There it hangs on her back just below the neck and stays there. And as with a butterfly from the earth, the caterpillar converts into a butterfly. Only time as a doll is much shorter and the animal is a symbiot., becomes clear to her what has happened.

The pain earlier was the connections to my spinal cord nerves. But what does the animal have if I carry it through the area or. Now have wings?As if slowly, she feels as slowly, starting from the middle of her back, spread tentacle over her body. The tentacles gently push themselves over their bare skin.

They press under their arms pressed to the body and shape the ribs. They nestle under their breasts, on the nipples of which the rings are still hanging and connect at the end of the chest. Fascinated, the pilot looks at how the tentacles slide up between her breasts and share again to lie down to the left and right around her solid breasts. Other tentacles slide over their back and come forward over and under their shoulders to connect to them on their chest.

Others slide down their backs, step around their hips.

The pilot gets near a panic when the tentacles winds through her legs to glide up the back as a stroke. But a calming feeling spreads out again in her head. Almost amused, she now observes how the strand divides between her legs and winds along the left and right of the labia.

“Hm, almost looks like my bikini panties, only scarce!“, She says loudly. From the strands around your hip, offshoots slide the front and back of your legs to the ankles. Smaller offshoots then connect the front with the rear strands. The same thing happens on her arms, only the strands start from a collar that runs around her neck.
As if I had an outer skeleton!, the pilot thinks while looking at the black strands on her body.

Then the growth of the tentacles ends.

“What’s next?“She asks loudly as if she means the animal on her back. “I grow additional arms or legs. Maybe a few sensors?“But nothing like that happens. She only feels how the strands that slowly harden her body so closely harden.

Your breasts are raised a little and pushed apart. She is now there as if she actively push out her breasts and want to show. The strands between her legs remain softer, but she realizes how other small strands have spread over her labia. She goes to the shore of the stream and in the quiet water she looks at herself.

It spreads the wings and realizes that they resemble that of a dragonfly.

Four individual wings that are transparent but break the light in all colors of the spectrum. Your body is surrounded by the strands, but the pilot finds that you don’t look bad. Hm, how should I be able to put on clothes there?, She asks herself.

Then she crouched to look at the web on her labia. She sees small soft strands that lie on her labia and adhere to them with small suction cups. She drives her hand between her legs and strokes it. Oh, that feels good!, she goes through her head.

Slowly she rubs over her labia, feels the fine strands and plucks on them.

Every touch lets you groan into a bliss. Your movements become stronger and you don’t resist a finger to want to shed into your hotter sheath. It gently presses against the labia when they are pulled to the side by the small strands.

Now your pleasure gaps up and she can play with her pleasure pearl.

“This is crazy!“, She groans. “Why only that? Oh, I’m so wet and it feels so good … Oh yes …Yes…!“The pulling is getting stronger in her hot column until its tension is discharged with loud groans. Surprised about the intensity of her feelings, she crouches on the shore of the stream for a moment. Then she slowly straightens up.

Your vagina is still kept open by the small tentacles. The pilot tries to concentrate on the tentacles to relax, but she has no success. Suddenly she feels how her PoSpotes pushes a little down. She crouches back and watches.

Slowly a small trunk slides through its step and starts dabbing over the damp labia. Every touch is accompanied by a small smack and triggers wonderful feelings with the pilot.

Not a millimeter is left out, the trunk even penetrates something into her vagina. Then it withdraws a bit and the pilot is surprised when a little flexible tongue comes out of the trunk.

This is looking for her way to the outcome of the urethra and irritates the pilot there. It will soon no longer be able to control and let the beam run. The small trunk folds up like a folded umbrella and lies firmly over the opening from which the beam breaks out. The pilot can feel how the trunk sucks on her, demands more and more and the Fei-ne tongue continues to irritate her.

When the beam ends, the trunk dissolves, dabs everything off and withdraws. The tentacles on their labia also relax and close the entrance to their lust channel again.
Actually practical!, she thinks. Now I no longer have to look for a toilet! A rich and happy feelings penetrates it. Aha, so that’s my part in this symbiosis.

I get wings and you have a source of food. Okay, well I agree.

When upgrading it, she realizes that the former black strands over her body have now accepted a green-blue coloring. They are now shimmering like the wings, but they are not transparent. The pilot is still completely in the sight of her new “outfit”, so that the attack You completely surprised.
Suddenly a rope wraps around her neck and strong claws enclose your wrists.

The pilot screams frightened, then she tries to pull herself away from an attacker. The two birds are surprised at the violence of their resistance, because it actually manages to free herself out of the claw handles. She tears off with a jerk and jumps back a sentence. Your wings beat violently and create a deep loud humming sound.

Again the two birds attack, but the pilot gives way out at lightning speed and suddenly stands behind the two beings. Without thinking about it.

she jumps and steps in the back with your feet one of the beings. The kick is so strong that the being stumbles and clumsily goes down. Without putting a foot on the floor, the PI-Lotin turns in the air and looks at the second attacker.

Before the being can react, the pilot also pushes this being to the ground with a pedal before she brings a few meters between herself and the attacker and lands on the floor again. I can fly!, Fires her inside as she challenges the attackers. “Well, you come two ugly critters. Now you get it paid home.

Although I should be almost grateful to you. But the species wasn’t nice, no, no.“The beings clatter excitedly with the beaks, then separate and try to bypass the pilot and attack them from both sides at the same time. When both fall on them, they jump up and gave them away. She is at lightning speed behind one and grabs it on his skinny neck.

The blow of her wings reinforces with an angry hum and it lifts the helplessly pounding being into the air. She wants to hurl her victim to the other attacker.

But surprised by her own speed, she misjudges herself and all three vertebrae in a ball of wings, arms and legs mess. It takes something for the pilot to collect.

However, these few moments are enough for birds who have got up faster. Together they fall on the pilot and hit her. Her sharp claw hands always hit the strands that surround the pilot’s body like a tank. The pilot’s angry with her fist.

Her armored finger ankles hit the chest of the bird ceremony and she feels how a few bones of the being break. With a shrill cry, the nature of her lets up. The other attacker is distracted by his friend’s scream of pain and only reacts when it is too late. With a loud hiss, a wing cuts through the air and hits the being on one arm.

The swing of the hit whirls the being around its own axis while it shouts out loud. His arm hangs out at an impossible angle. The pilot hovers like a revenge angel in front of the two in the air. Your wings hum and carry them back and forth hectically.

“Well, you want a round?“, She asks Höhnisch.

Then she suddenly floats as if she wanted to attack again. The two shapes that are taken dodge dodge back. But the pilot just wants to scare them. With loud roaring, she repeats the game a few times until the frightened birds take flight.

The pilot swings in the evening sky with a laugh. She flies overheated, turns in a circle or makes a looping.

Every time I do extreme maneuvers or get very fast, the outer skeleton stiffens., she determines. It is as if I wanted to protect me so that I do not take any damage due to the sudden change of direction. Interesting!After a while she gets tired and she is looking for a place to sleep.

She is surprised when she realizes that her flight exercises continued to carry her in the direction where she was separated by Mike. She is still flying around, then she found the bird’s rest area at that time. About clumsily she ends up with the rock and in the light of the setting suns she sees that Mike must have chiseled an inscription in the rock. Who else should master our writing here?, she thinks herself.

Unsilent is there: I waited 6 weeks.

Met men/people. I am north with you = £ sunrise. Village in the mountains. follow us!“Six weeks? I had stepped away for so long?“It escapes her.

“But well, I’ll follow Mike. I should find them quickly.“For her safety, she hovered on the highest rocks, where she rolls together to a rock shawl. She warmed her wings around her and soon she fell asleep.

The first warm rays of the sun awaken the pilot. It stretches and hovers down from the boulder onto the floor.

She searches the floor and the cave for further hints, but finds nothing. With a small hop she swings into the morning sky. Your path leads directly to the north. When she sees a lake under herself, she gently lands on the green bank.

Nearby she discovers a bush with berries. Now she only feels how hungry she is. She ends up gently next to the bush. When she stretches her hand to the berries to pick and eat some, she is very uncomfortable with the thought.

She tries to ignore her feelings, but this feeling increases. Then she understands. Her symbiTT warns you to eat these berries. Practically such a poison detector!, she means.

Thanks! A wave of pleasant sensations rinses through your mind. She smiles and turns to the lake. The dirt tracks of their escape and struggle can still be seen on their skin.

Whether I can swim with these wings?, She asks herself.
She listens to herself, but she doesn’t get an answer to her question. She goes back to the lake shore.

At some distance from the bank she sees a few fish jumping out of the water.
I would have to have a fishing rod or a network, then there would be an opulent breakfast today., she thinks sadly. Slowly she goes into the water. It is cold. Goosebumps spreads on her body, but it continues into it.

She holds her arms in the water, draws some of the cold liquid and rubs her body off. When the cold water pearls over her breasts, her nipples arise steeply.

Plumpily she plays around the rings and massages her breasts, which are supported by the outer skeleton and are full and full. Your gentle massage, The cold water and play on the stiff nipple, let them feel a pleasant pulling between their legs.

Slowly her cold hands slide over her warm skin, over her tight belly and to her hot labia. With a quiet sigh, she feels how her labia get up again. Gently massage your fingers over your warm pink inside. She plays with her fingers on her little pleasure pearl and rubs her labia.

As if by itself, a finger slides deeper and presses into her hot -humid pleasure channel. Surprisingly, she realizes how moist it is in her and begins to satisfy herself with slow rhythmic movements. Your movements are becoming more and more violent after a short time and your breath comes to an interface. She pulls her wet finger out of her hot hole and strokes the warmth over her stiff nipples.

She clearly feels the contrast between the cool morning air, the cold water and the warm juice from her vagina. Every touch enjoys her as if it weren’t her fingers who play with her nipples. She has to think of Mike again and how she woke up next to him in the morning.

The thought of Mike is kind of nice.

She imagines that he would be here now and would stroke her. His strong hands would massage her breasts, pull his skillful fingers on her nipples. With these dreams, the pilot begins to massage and stroke itself more and more violently. Her wet vagina almost runs out and suddenly she feels how something forces herself through her Poispotte and penetrates it from behind.

Your fingers are gently pushed away by your lust pearl and the little trunk of her symbiodes begins to take over the work of her fingers. He penetrates deeply into her, deeper than her fingers could have done it. This feeling is indescribably beautiful for the pilot.

The movable trunk pushes into her, withdraws, diluted and widened, so that it is filled out, just feels how something slides into it.

In the meantime she massages her breasts. Her thoughts wander far in her dreams, imagines that Mike is now with her and would spoil her so much. With each impact, their tension increases. The pulling in it becomes increasingly violent.

Only a few bumps and she groans out of her peak into the morning. The trunk then gently lays over her vagina and she feels how the thin tongue stains it. This feeling lets her come again. Again the climax breaks out of her.

From sheer lust she lets herself fall back into the cold water.

Shocked and protting, the pilot rattles again. But the cold is not that uncomfortable. Your body still glows with lust. It runs a little into the deeper water and with an elegant head jump she dives into the cool floods.

With strong trains she dives a few meters, then it comes back to the surface. She carefully hits the wings and is surprised that this works. After all, she had expected the wings, like a fly on the domestic earth, to stick heavily and unusable on her body. But here too the wings shine in the water and no drop can stick to them.

Water resenting she presses far enough out of the refreshing water and then lifts out completely. She whizzes over the lake to the middle in a zigzag. Then she climbs a few meters and lets herself fall back into the water.

When she opens her eyes, she can see a few big fish swimming among herself. Diepilotin tries to dive deeper and grab one of the fish, but they get out of their reach with a quick blow of their fins.

Disappointed, the pilot reappears to fetch the air. She turns on her back and looks at the clouds in the sky. It is almost without effort on the water. The wings form a cross below it and automatically it rows something with them to move in the water.

Hey, whether that works under water?, She asks herself.

She quickly rolls on the stomach and dipped off. Under water, she tries to make the same movements as when flying, but she quickly realizes that it does not go forward well. She makes a few swimming trains and tries to support them with her wings. The result exceeds your expectations.

It is as if she was pushed through the water. Your body is so stiffened that your legs and feet work like a tail fin work. With her arms she relocates the pressure point and thus supports control. The stronger your wings beat, the faster it becomes.

Puts it over to a few fishing before she comes to mind that she may also be able to catch a few at this speed. It controls up to the air and with its swing it breaks through the surface. She wears her own swing for several meters and at the highest point she spreads out the wings and hovers over the lake.

“Jahhuuuu, wow!“Sounds your enthusiastic cry over the lake. This game with the elements puts you in a real intoxication.

Again she shoots over the lake in the zigzag, diving here and time, just to cover a distance under water and then break through the surface and to repeat the game.
Then she discovers a medium to large fish swarm in the somewhat flatter water and hovers over them for a moment before falling onto the crush. She grabs the fish, but they skillfully give away her skill. Determined to catch a fish, she gradually puts it on the animals, she finally has a big one caught.

“Breakfast!“Enthusiastically calls and flies to the bank. She quickly kills the fish and then looks for firewood together.

With some effort, she succeeds in sparking a small smoking fire. A flat stone serves as a knife and the pilot begins to take out the fish. Then she spits on it on a stick and holds it over the fire. Her patience is put to a hard trial until she can finally bite into the hot fish.

But it tastes wonderful. With pleasure it bites into the meat and the warm fat drips on your breasts and runs down her body. She wants to wipe herself and annoys herself about her awkwardness, then laughs inside.

Hahaha, I’m naked. Let it run, then I’ll just jump into the lake again!Without continuing to take care of the juice, she ends her meal until there are only bones left.

She looks at the remains thoughtfully. The backbone of the fish is only slightly curved and looks very stable.
“Hm, a great knife can give that when I get the bone sharpened.“, She murmurs in front of her in. With some effort, she breaks off the side bones until it only holds a long piece of bone in her hand, at the end of which there are two strong bone corner. With two stones she edits the bone so that it is flattened on two sides and the pilot receives a blade.

The bone now looks like a bright dagger with a parameters above the handle. She looks for a branch and turns the wood a simple grip in which she shares the branch and places the halves around the bone end and attached with plant fibers.

“Looks very useful!“, She says proudly. “Only how should I carry the thing with me all the time?“She takes other plant fibers and ties in a belt from it that she puts her knife into. But the knife rubs on her leg and she almost cuts itself.
“That will not do.

I need a knife sheath, or at least a suitable pad for the blade to protect my leg.“It separates the bark from a young tree and punches a few holes into the upper end of the piece of bark with the knife. When she attaches it to her belt, she has to find that the pad remains on the spot, but the knife is constantly shifting.

Frusted frustrated, she sits down in the gravel and thinks how it can improve the construction. With plant fibers I cannot keep the blade in place, for it the blade too sharp. A metal bracket would be correct for this., circle your thoughts.

Suddenly she knows how the problem solves. With shaky fingers, she grabs the ring on her nipple and turns it a little. Relieved she recognizes that he can be opened up. Flight she solved the rings from her nipples.

She cleverly bends the rings and bends so that she can create a bracket from it.

“So far so good! Now I’m still cleaning and then on to the north.“The day has already progressed through her work on the dagger. With a strong jump, the pilot throws herself into the air and flies over the lake again, appears briefly to clean up and then breaks further north, towards the distant mountains.
After three days of unsuccessful searches, the pilot has still not found any signs of Mike and the village mentioned. Now she hovers over a wild path again and tries to recognize whether people could have walked here. But she can’t find any trace.

The path winds through rocky gorges and ends on a cave. She ends up curiously and approaches with the cave with pulled dagger.

She would actually be a great shelter!, she thinks with herself. Hopefully she is uninhabited!As soon as she brought her thoughts at the end, with a loud hissing, a huge lizard is shooting out of the shadow in the cave. Her six legs let loose rock stone spray aside when she attacks the pilot.

The pilot wants to get to safety with a frightened outcry and a hasty wing strike, but the lizard jump up and catches the pilot on the lower leg. The pine of the lizard folds crashing and only the hard outer skeleton saves the pilot from losing her leg. The teeth of the lizard dug into their muscle when the two hit the base of the rock. The impact drives the pilot out of the lungs and dazed at how the monster lets her go, just to take another attack on her unprotected neck.

The pilot turns to the side more through instinct and sheer the will to survive and comes up with her dagger after the lizard. The bone blade hits the shed of the lizard hard.

Surprised about the resistance and the pain leaves the animal from its attack. The pilot rattles and lags something out of the range of the animal.

The two opponents are suspicious of suspiciously. Blood seeps out of the wound that the pilot has inflicted on the lizard. In contrast, she feels her own injury far more violently bleeding. I can’t fly away, then the beast snaps me out of the air again!, Rass your thoughts.

This must quickly find a positive ending for me, otherwise I would like to death!With the courage of despair, she attacks the lizard. The dagger stretched out and with all the might that she can raise, the pilot shoots on the lizard worn by her wings. This attack is completely surprising for the animal. It still wants to tear your head to the side, but it’s too late for that.

Dendy drills deeply into an eye of the lizard.

The pilot pushes her arm into the eye of the lizard until the dagger reaches the animal’s brain and disgusted. Suddenly the animal is very rigid. The pilot pulls her arm back and hovers over the battlefield.
A tremor runs through the body of the animal, then the front pair of legs breaks in.

Another twitch and the animal falls on the side. In the last twitches the legs strike, then the animal is still under the pilot. Carefully she floats closer to flee immediately, the being should attack despite the injury. But the animal is dead.

The pilot ends up next to the animal, but her leg gives up and she falls to the ground.

“Argh! Shit, that hurts!“, She screams loudly before she loses reflection.
The pilot wakes out the tangle of voices out of her unconsciousness. Slowly comes to mind what has happened and she tears her eyes open and wants to straighten up. But she holds something on the base on which she lies and a throbbing pain drives through her leg.
“Stay, pilot or who or what you are too!“, She hears a well -known voice behind her.
The pilot turns her head and sees Mike in the door of the hut that lies in.
“Mike! Finally found you!“, She tries to straighten up again, but again you can’t. Now she also recognizes the reason for this.

It is tied up with knitting on a bed.

“Pilot, are they really you?“Mike asks us unsafe when he approaches the bound woman.
“Yes, damn! Mike, I’ll tell you everything, just please, bind me!“Mike shakes his head sadly. “I am not allowed to do that. I have to bow to the rules of chief as long as I’m a guest here. But I will examine your wounds.

I was just left me to them.!“The pilot nods. To have found excitement Mike gives way to being safe for now to be safe. She relaxes again and sags together in the warehouse. Mike loosens the associations to examine her leg.

He hums satisfied, then he puts on the associations.

The pilot feels how his hands spread over the outer skeleton, touches her skin next to it. His fingers keep walking over their legs. He stays with the thighs for a moment, then she feels how he strokes the labia sealed by the tentacles fleetingly. The pilot escapes a light sigh.

Mike’s fingers continue to migrate over her body, stroke her stomach, hike up to her breasts. He carefully taps on her nipples, who have lighted up slightly. Again the pilot sighs with your eyes closed. Mike has become braver, Mike begins to knead her breasts.

The pilot irritates every touch, but unsettled it at the same time. She beats her eye and looks at Mike. But he does not look at her, but looks directly between her legs while he continues to massage her chest with one hand.

“Oh, Mike, don’t look at me like that!“, The pilot is pleading.
But Mike just shakes his head. “The chief said I should examine them and then say whether they are they reported or if they are another.

So I will examine them!“Suddenly the pilot feels how Mike’s finger plays on her labia.
“No, Mike!“, She calls. “Please leave that. I am, believe me! Just please leave that!“But Mike doesn’t stop. His fingers still play around the pilot’s labia.

She tugs on her Tie up, tries to free herself, but she is at the mercy of the finger game Mikes. Again and again she begs him to stop, but Mike cannot be softened. His touches are becoming more and more intense. The pilot’s resistance is also getting half -hearted because she begins to enjoy the game of the fingers.

Suddenly Mike emits a surprised sound.

The pilot tries to close her legs or bring a hand over her vagina, but she is tied up too firmly. She knows why Mike is so surprised. Her labia has been pulled aside by the symbiont and now Mike can look at her damp pink meat. After he recovered from his surprise, Mike carefully taps her pleasure pearl.

The pilot has to groan against her will.
Again, Mike taps on her sensitive point and the pilot moans on. Mike gently lets Mike circle around her pleasure center. With every touch, the pilot rears up with pleasure and pushes Mike to her pelvis, as far as it allows her bondage.

Then she feels how Mike presses a finger in her vagina. Slowly his finger slides deeper until his remaining fingers bump into her pleasure pearl.

He pulls his finger out just as slowly.
“No, Mike, put him back in, please!“She begs him and looks up at him. In the dim light of the hut, she can clearly see how his limb is from the body. While he plays on her warm, warm pleasure column with one hand, he caresses his strong shaft with his other hand. In the same rhythm as he strokes his shaft, he pushes his finger into the pilot’s tapping vagina.

The sight of how Mike strokes and she feels his fingers in her sheath. Your breath is getting more and more violent and your moan is getting louder and louder.

Then Mike pulls his fingers back and climbs onto her camp. He carefully lies down on her and before she can ask unsettled what he was up to, he pushes his stiff shaft into the hot and wet channel between her legs. First she wants to cry out and protest, but then she moans loudly.

Mike moves in her with powerful bumps. The feeling exceeds everything so far that the pilot has experienced. She wants to push Mike oppressed, but the bonds prevent them from doing so. Mike supports itself with the arms and pelvic pelvis again and again rhythmically.

His violent breathing gives way to a groan and becomes a strained gas. It gets faster and faster in his movements. The pilot feels how her hot muscle presses around Mike’s shaft, feels how something splashes into her vagina. Mike’s warm breath on the welded skin hunt her showers over the skin.

In her ecstasy, she wants to push Mike to herself, feel him even deeper. The ropes tear with a loud bang when the pilot spreads her wings when she gets the shaft of its climax. With her hands she presses Mike on her pelvis, pushes him even deeper into herself. After a few other bumps, Mike breaks down on her.

“Oh, Mike!“, She groans.

“What was that?“Mike rolls down from her and looks at her. “If I am honest, the death penalty is on earth on earth. It is the animal form of reproduction that is prohibited on earth. The big taboo! You have certainly heard of one or the other behind the hand, I accept.

Well, you used to say sex too!“Explains Mike Tiefrot and evades the pilot’s eyes.

“This is the big taboo?“It escapes her. “Mike, you know what you did to me? I could or should kill you here and on the spot immediately!“Tears are in her eyes and she turns away from Mike. Tail her shoulders when she is shaken by a wine cramp. Slowly Mikeund approaches with all the courage he can raise, he takes the pilot in his arms.

He talks to her soothingly. After a while the pilot has caught up again.

“Explain to me why you did it to me!“, She demands him quietly,” this is how a man claims a woman here!”He explains gently. “The men look for a woman, kidnap her from her village and then carry out this mating ritual. Sometimes this happens voluntarily, that is, the woman can be kidnapped, but sometimes it is also a violent act.

If another man wants to assert his claim to the woman, then he has to defeat the other in combat and then prove that he is the better one for the woman. She then decides whether she wants him or wants to stay with the previous one, ““ That means, you are now considering claiming for me?“Asks the pilot.

“Yes!“, Says Mike Kleinlaut. “I had to do it. Sorry, pilot, but the men expect that from me.

Otherwise another claim to you would have raised you. When I met the trunk, I tried to explain to them who I am and what I want. You understood it in such a way that I came across the sea with a ship, from a distant country where I kidnapped it. This is how the locals also explain our other skin color.

Then we were attacked and I tried to free them. When we found her in the mountains next to the dead, I said that they were my companion. I fell to them and picked them up.“Mike smiles embarrassed.

“Just continue, Mike! I am excited to see how that goes!“, The pilot calls him.
“So,” Mike starts again. “With that I had claimed them before even another man could.

Now, of course, all tribal brothers expected that I will bring it to an end. Oh yes, I mentioned that I was recorded here in the trunk? Well, since then I have fought and won with five men since then. It was the strongest men in the village. Many are afraid or at least great respect for them, pilot.

You have only killed a zipper with a simple knife.

This is one of the most severe tests of courage in the people here. Many men die in this rehearsal and a woman has never made it. They also look so strange that the men believe.

You would not be a human being. I defended them as best I could. Only this morning I lost. Now I stuck in the dilemma that I had to mate with them first, and then it will have to be clarified this evening who of us both give you your favor!“The pilot looks at Mike incredulously.

Confused she shakes her head. “Moment! You have defended me against others until this morning?“, She asks Mike. The not. “Then you lost and now I have to decide who of you both I want to see as a companion?“Mike nods again.
“It’s so simple.

I say. You should be my companion and you’re done!“, Says the pilot.

“Uh, pilot, you didn’t understand properly. Tonight you will have to make a decision in front of the whole gathered trunk. The judgment you then give is final.””Where is the problem?“She still asks confused.
“Pilot, you have to make a decision after both candidates have paired with them.“, Says Mike Leise.
“What?“, The pilot escapes it.

“I should break the big taboo again and that before witnesses?

Never!””Pilot!“Mike takes her shoulders vigorously and turns her around. “Listen to me. I don’t know what you have experienced in the past few weeks, but it will have been a lot when I look at them. But it wasn’t easy for me either.

We are stranded on this planet. The earth is far away from here, wherever it may be here. The trunk took me. I had no idea about the rites and laws or the way of life of this people.

Now I know, thanks to a man who took care of mine here. The trunk is also ready to accept them, a woman in the ranks of the men. And only because they killed a zipper and I reported true heroic deeds about them. I admit that I enjoy it.

I also enjoyed breaking the big taboo every now and then.“The pilot ruses him angry.

Mike continues calmly and quieter. “But imagine how I got there at the beginning. I had no idea about anything. My skin color is different, my language and my culture.

You still accepted me as one of yours. Until the day I the first time The big taboo should break. I knew nothing.“Mike takes air and sits on a stool on the wall while the pilot falls on the bed.

“One day a man came to the camp with a woman. She scolded and cursed on him and he wasn’t exactly gently to her.

I hurried to her to help her. The man pushed me over, let go of the woman and fell on me. We struggled together until I gave him a chin hook. He collapsed and I had won.

My difficulties only started.“Mike laughs again. “In the evening I was suddenly dragged out of my hut and had to undress. Then I was led to the village square, where all men had gathered in a circle. In the middle my opponent stood from the morning and the woman.

I was pushed into the circle and the woman stretched her hand towards me.

She held two straws. I pulled and caught the longer one. The man next to me took a step back and the woman laid her back on a mat in front of us.

Then she started spreading her legs and rubbed her labia. I turn in a circle and saw how all men played on their limbs. The man next to me already had a stiff. I didn’t know what was expected from me.

Nothing moved with me. The woman in front of me began to moan and rubbed her labia more and more violently, yes, she even stuck the vagina two fingers. Then at some point she gasped loudly and I had no idea what was going on. The men laughed at me and my opponent pushed me aside.

Then he knelt down next to the woman, turned her on her stomach and raised her pelvis. She was now on all fours in front of him.

He picked up his stiff member, looked at me triumphantly and pushed it into the vagina of the woman. With hard bumps he brought the woman to a climax.

Of course she decided for him, ”Mike shakes his head. A grin spreads on his face..
“Later I had to explain to the chief how I could fail. At first he didn’t want to believe me, but then he understood my problem. He made me the task of controversial for the next women to make the men’s claim.

Believe me, a pilot, I have put some skills on, but five times I was also in circles in the evening. And every time I knew better what was to be done.

This morning I had to defend my own claim to a woman, just defending her, or. Tonight I have to get you better than my opponent.

So is the law of this people!“The pilot looks at Mike doubtingly. “But how is it decided who better worried me?““ Well, on the one hand, of course there is her word, on the other hand, the chief has one way to control it. It has something to do with telepathy. Remember the being that … “” Yes, Mike, I remember well! Save that and tell them further!“, She interrupts him perch.
“Well, the chief masters that too and will integrate into her emotional world.

Then he can also decide.!“The pilot is considering a while. Slowly she goes back and forth in the hut. If I think about everything, I have certainly broken the big taboo here a few times since we arrived. According to the rumors, sex is said to have not only served for reproduction, but also for partner binding.

Besides, it’s crazy beautiful. Maybe … no, I can’t … but if Mike ..

Ahh, what’s all about? Mike is right … but if we are saved ..

Mike watches the pilot on her hike. Sometimes she jumps nervously and then her silver wings beat and carry them a bit in the air. This sight is very irritating for Mike.

At some point the pilot stops in the air, even bends her legs and sits in the air in the air seat. Mike hardly trusts his eyes and stares at the pilot, who doesn’t seem to notice anything. Her copilot’s view walks over her body, over her breasts and ends between her legs, where Mike sees a hose between the pilot’s labia disappears.

“Uh, pilot, I uh, what do you have between your legs?“He asks horrified.
The pilot is torn from her considerations. “What’s going on, Mike?“She asks annoyed.

Then she realizes that Mike stares at her in horror. Your view follows his and her understand. “Oh right! Mike, these wings are not my body, but part of a symbiosis. The being feeds on body juices and excretion products.

In principle it cleans me.“Mike nods still doubtfully. Then his head jerked up. “Pilot, we can’t go back to earth. Take a look at yourself.

The symbiT is part of your body.

What would become of them on earth? A test animal? And me? I can’t go back because I broke the taboo. I now know what it is and above all how nice it is. No, we will have to adapt here!““ You are right, Mike.“, She agrees with him.

“I also came to this conclusion. But I don’t know if I therefore have to take on this culture and its ritual or participate.“The pilot goes to the door. Mike quickly jumps in her way. “No, pilot.

they may the cottage do not leave!“He warns her.

“Why?““ You are a woman and the women have to stay in the huts until the decision.”” Mike, I should be part of this tribe, a relative, so I will also move like one!“, She determines. She pushes it aside and opens the door. In front of the door there are two men with spears and long machetes on their hips as guards. When you see that the pilot wants to leave the hut, align your spear on the woman and want to push her back.

With the subtle sub -arms protected by the outer skeleton, the pilot strikes the weapons to the side and steps next to the men. Two short wings later they lie on the floor dazed.
She goes proud and upright between the huts to the center of the village. Men try to stop them twice, but both times the men remain depressed by her. Mike, still naked, steps by her side.

The pilot hesitates for a moment, then nods and together they step out to the village square.
Your sight immediately causes hectic activity. A horn is blown and only minutes later the village square is surrounded by men.

The pilot now gets a picture of the men. If the green -skinned women were tender and small, these men are true günen. Your muscle mountains are clearly under her green -dazed skin and there is none that is not at least one head larger than Mike.
“And you conquered them?“She asks her copilot in disbelief.

“Yes!”, he says.

“One is still in his hut, but it is better for him again. I had cut out his knee. He told me a lot about the culture while I took care of him.“The pilot Mike looks at astonished. “You took care of him and he allowed it, even though you hit him and his wife ..?“She shakes her head in amazement.
“Why not? It is their kind.

They do nothing to each other. In addition, he didn’t get his wife because of me, but his Brother has she. It stays in the family!“With completely different eyes, the pilot is now pushing her partner. His kind has changed.

He is no longer so submissive. He also set more muscles, not much, but so that she notices it. His face is even more angular, but he makes an even healthier impression than from the earth before the start. Despite his lower height, he stands pride and upright.

Again her gaze wanders over the gathered men.

Some men wear a kind of belt or a lumbar apron, but many are naked. They stand in impressive poses and look at the pilot undisguised. She becomes a bit strange when she interprets her eyes and notes that very few have her face as a goal, but she remains upright.

Another minute later, a man steps out of the large hut on the edge of the village square. None of the men dared to stand in front of the entrance.

On the head, the man wears a headdress, the essential part of which is the skull of a zipper. When he enters the place, all men sink to his knees, including Mike. The pilot still stops, which triggers a general murmur of the assembled.
“This is the chief!“Mike whispers. “Normally you kneel in front of him to show him that you recognize his rank, because he has conquered a zip lix alone.““ Then I talk to him from the same time!“, The pilot answers just as quietly.

The chief is proudly moving towards them.

He stops one step in front of her and sparkles her badly. Then he speaks to her in quick words.
“What did he say?, Asks the pilot Mike.
“He says they were a guest, but they would violate the rules. You are a weak woman and don’t have the right to stand here!”” Tell him I am a woman, but not weak!“, She asks Mike to translate. “Oh, and how do people greet each other?“Mike translates first, then he explains the welcome ritual to her.

“Essentials who face each other peacefully present their limb.

Then the guest grabs his host’s limb and strokes it until it is stiff. Then the host does the same with his guest!“The chief snaps Mike. The twitches together.

Then he explains to the chief what he said about the greeting to the pilot. Before the chief can even react, the pilot put on their legs wide, pushed her pelvis and presented, pulling the labia to the side, her vagina of the chief.

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