The night of dark love | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Dark lowered the night over the city. Only a few people left the streets. It was not certain to stay outdoors at night. Too many dangers lurked here.
He rose from his sleeping place like every night.

He only got up when the moon opened on the horizon.

The moonlight gave him an ominous shimmer. His tall figure threw a shadow when he stood by the window and greeted the night. He would roam the city alone today, always looking for.

But one night he would find that he had been looking for all the years. At some point the hunt would end, then he would have found his fulfillment.

Just yesterday he discovered the poster, whereupon it was read “The Night of Dark Love”. It seemed to be an announcement for an event in a danceable. Not in the most dilapidated quarter of the city, but also not in the so -called better area.

He laughed sarcastic internally. “Better, which is better? They are all the same. So the same that it is almost ridiculous again. The punk girl from last week, yes, she had moaned so beautifully and then screamed when the pain started and no longer wanted to end ..

And also the banker wife … her last scream no longer sounded as noble and arrogant. He sounded more like the cry of a dying animal ..

“At that moment it was certain to visit this festival when he saw the title. Nothing would have stopped going there, no distance would have been too far for him.

He took his cape and went out. His steps echoed in the emptiness of the street. The lighting was only sporadically present, sometimes it was unusual, partly destroyed. He took his way purposefully.

He reached the event around midnight. The bouncer, a muscle man decorated in a leather vest with rivets and metal leaves, tried to appear threatening and to radiate authority. Only a quick look from him and the rocker lowered his head and let him go by.

It was an old factory hall, everywhere neon claks, some seemed to be over ten years old. The air was stuffy and it was hot.

Browning music filled the abandoned factory. It smelled of sweat and body. His gaze wandered through the crowd. Most men were in leather Dressed, some with bare tattooed torso, a few transsexuals or transvestites also stood out of the crowd.

The female visitors also showed a lot of skin. He grazed through the crowd, sometimes he was rubbed and then most of them withdrew immediately when he grazed her with his cold and hard look. The urge for food grew stronger. Yes, here he would be able to get strengthening.

A young woman danced him and seemed to be rewritten.

She was pretty. Not a beauty, but pretty. He had her offered her offer into the crowd. His body seemed to be one with the rhythm of music and her two bodies almost merged into one.

Slowly he pulled her out of the crowd and towards the exit. They entered the free, so far no word had been spoken between them.

Deployingly he pulled her into his arms, caressed her lips, stroked her neck. They were outdoors alone. His gaze went up to the moon, the night was far from over.

And he lowered his head to a last kiss. Her cry went under in the noise that came out of the hall. How fleeting everything is. He picked up her lifeless body and carried it behind the building.

Keeping a playmate of the thought, he didn’t think much. He would not be controversial for his territory. In the morning the sun would take care of its body and do it that it would no longer awaken. He went back to this festival with firm steps.

His hunger was breastfed for the moment.

His gaze became a little gentler, he felt a bit strengthened, no longer quite as restless. He looked at the female bodies that weighed and danced in detail. He had long watched this young woman danced in one of the cages. She stood with her back to the crowd, he couldn’t see her face.

The longer he watched her, the better he liked the game of her muscles, her movements, the way she threw the head back. Wild and unambiguous. He went into her direction purposefully. The cages were attached somewhat increased and she was not the only girl dancing in it.

Others also moved to the music and tried to heat up and roll up the crowd. At the small staircase, which led up he stopped. He would wait for her, at some point she had to take a break. Then…..

The first thing he saw were two slim Legs, Those in high-heels.

Their movements were supple, similar to that of a cat. Slowly she came down the stairs. His gaze slid up from her legs to the tight leather brief, then further to her flat belly, higher to her breasts, which were also covered by a leather part, he also registered the light welding film that covered her skin. Then her look met.

In her eyes he saw the same restlessness, the unrest that kept driving him out, and he saw something – the search for fulfillment, for a sense. He gallantly offered her his arm and pointed to the counter to speak, was not possible for all this noise and he hated to have to scream. Therefore, he was limited to hand signals that he would invite her to a drink. She shook her head and pointed to a door that could be seen at the back of the room.

She took his arm and led him to this door.

It was the entrance to the changing rooms for the dancers. When the door closed behind them, she stopped and said: “My name is Jasmin”. Siffy, she let herself sink to one of the old leaning chairs and said, “for today it is enough. I have free now.

Let’s go somewhere else ”, and for the first time she looked at him directly. His face was pale and beautiful, she almost found feminine trains in it if there wasn’t this hardness in it. And the eyes that she thought they could sink into them. His view of her was firm and determined, his hair was long and dark, it formed a beautiful and yet scary contrast to his light skin.

He too is looking at it more closely now, the light was better here than in the hall.

“I’ve been working here for some time,” she explained to him, “the work is not bad. It is not particularly well paid, but it is enough to live, and so I don’t have to go to the street. So my body remains mine.“Understanding he nodded. She threw herself over and stood up.

“Come on, we’re going.“He let her take a few steps in front of him, she had its own elegance, not this artificial, rather natural kind. Their step also showed strength and determination. It confused him a little that he was a woman in her. This was a new thought, something unknown to him.

So far, women had always been objects for him, never more. But this had something that put him. That he wanted longer.

It would be some work, but it would probably be worth it.

But until then it would take some time and above all, he had to control himself. If he succeeded, he would be able to suppress his drive until she had survived the exams? It had to be if he didn’t even try, it would never end … this eternal loneliness that pulls alone through the streets. Everything around him disintegrates, time passes, and so far he had spent all this time alone.

Certainly there were women in his existence, but they were just never important. Slowly it became clear to him what he was looking for, a woman who was as strong as he would be at his side, and that was not so fleeting.

She turned to him, she also admired his appearance, like many before her. So far, this had been doomed for everyone, but she didn’t know all of these things. “You haven’t said anything yet? Why?“He stood in front of her, looked her straight into her eyes.

He liked what he saw in yours, some uncertainty, perhaps even fear and there was still this determination to “want this more” this “more”. “It was not necessary,” was his laconic answer. She flinched her shoulders and slightly shook her head, she would have expected any other answer, but not something like that. This man was interested.

She wanted to know more from him why he was walking alone through the streets, why he had been waiting for her on the stairs, what he wanted from her.

She feverishly considered how she could get to know him better, how she could get him out of his superiority. So far she had always had the threads in her hand, all men had waxed in her hands. But this did not seem to be shaped and this appealed to it. In short, she weighed the danger if she would take this stranger with her ..

It didn’t seem to be harmless, but she loved this game with the fire. She turned and continued along the street, he stayed next to her. He said nothing, she didn’t want to speak at the moment.

After a few minutes they reached the block of houses by being their apartment. She unlocked and stopped him.

No thanks came from him, the game started to enjoy her, she would make him melt. The lift was once again defective, they had to walk up the stairs. As so often, she was now glad that her apartment was on the third floor. She was out of breath when she had arrived at the top, she noticed no emotion with him.

He breathed at all? Determined to lure him out of the reserve, she locked her apartment up. She automatically reached for the light switch and operated it. Gently flooded the room.

Her apartment consisted of a very large room, he could see three doors that apparently led to other rooms. The room was visually divided into a sleeping area, a seating area and in a corner there were a lot of pillows scattered on the ground.

“Make yourself comfortable”, she offered him. She went into one of the doors and came back with two glasses and a bottle of wine. In the meantime he took an armchair and pulled it into the middle of the room and sat on it. Shaking his head he leaned the wine.

“Sit down,” he asked her. There was a gentleness in his voice, which he almost couldn’t have considered possible. For a long time he looked into her eyes until she knocked this down. He liked it that she had held up his gaze for so long.

Obedience she now sat down.

“Jasmin,” he started, “what do you want? You search. You are dissatisfied and restless. Why?“Confused through his question, she looked around nervously in the room, she didn’t know what to answer at first at the moment. She lifted her head hesitantly and looked at him directly, “you”, her answer was.

He nodded as if it were the most natural in the world. “You are beautiful. But it will come a time when your body will start to fall for expiry, it will blur like the flower in autumn. You will grow old and pass how everything, ”he said, pointing out to the window.

Slowly she got up, tears stood in her eyes, with so a few words, he had destroyed all her self-security, which she had worked so hard. She stood by the window and tried to regain her control. “Who are you? You who can speak about all the things how age and impermanence can speak about all the things, as if they didn’t exist for him.“She returned in a quiet voice.

He too rose from his armchair and stepped behind her, he put a hand on her shoulder and say: some things are important, but a lot is so unimportant. What do names say, I had many names.

I also got a lot of names, nicknames and also scolding names and it didn’t matter what they called me. It is also not important what I am. I am very old, I have experienced a lot. Wars, times of peace ..

But I have had one for a long time, yes, I have a constant companion who calls himself loneliness. I recently realized what I was looking for, I was looking for a companion to be by my side. Be with me.“The bitterness in his voice was a little scary.

Determined she turned, “take me. I’ll go with you.

I want to give you what you miss.“He turned away from her with a smile,“ child, you don’t know what you are talking about. You have no idea. You don’t understand what awaits you.“She felt the anger ascending, first he hit her sore point and now … What was he imagined.

No, she wouldn’t beg, she was too proud of that. “I won’t throw myself at your feet and beg for your favor. Perhaps other women may have done that, but I won’t do it.“, She replied angrily. Her wildness, her body, like that of a cat before the jump, excited him.

He had to suppress his instinct, he was not allowed to destroy her because she had shown her reaction that she was worthy of becoming his companion. “I’m tired, I may come back tomorrow?”He asked her. With a nod she affirmed his question … Out, just out, away from here.

He noticed how he could only master himself more difficult. He quickly left her apartment.

He chased through the street restlessly, he had to learn to keep under control. How should he help her with the exams if he could hardly master himself now. Oh how nice it was if she got angry.

How beautiful her neck was, so tender and fine, and the skin so soft. As she had stood in front of him, he had even been able to see her pulse. Slowly and regularly a small area on her neck had lifted and lowered, with every heartbeat.

There was a woman on a street corner, she now stepped out of the shade and positioned herself in front of him. She presented her goods, her body.

She too was still young and she didn’t look bad. “100”, she said. He nodded, gave her what they wanted, took her her arm and led her the way to him. She was exactly what he needed now.

He had to react himself, he had to calm down, tomorrow the urge would be too strong, he had to satisfy it tonight.

Tripping in her high heels, which were not exactly suitable for his quick pace, she followed him to his house. It was the only house that was not revealed to decay. She didn’t even know that such a house was in this district. His place of residence told her that he wasn’t exactly poor.

Certainly, it wasn’t necessarily cheap these days to get such a house. It looked like a country house from a book she had seen as a child with her grandmother. Even with a garden. He opened the door in silence.

He led her to a staircase that seemed to be led into a basement. Flicker light at the end showed her the way.

Slowly swinging, he went down the stairs in front of him, probably careful to bring her bottom to the fore in every step. Once at the bottom, he went out to a closet a bundle and pressed it into her hand. “Go and put it on!“He said in an commanding tone and pointed to a paragon that stood in a corner of the room.

Even now in her gear, she pulled back behind it. Well, we play the game, she thought. She opened her skirt and blouse and put it on the stool, which was also behind it. She was not doing anything.

The bundle also put them on it, first she opened the cords that were together. But there was no clothing, at least none that she usually had on. There were two smaller iron rings, then two more larger and a large ring in it. Small rings were attached to all, the large ring looked like a collar at all.

Somehow she enjoyed the game today, a customer with imagination. Inside laughing about himself and the whole farce of life “pulled”. Then she came out behind the paragon and went to him.

He was now near the closet and held a little in his hand. Slowly she stepped in front of him.

He now saw an object of his desire in her, that’s exactly what she was now for him, an object to satisfaction. He could only maintain his control over himself when he put on the blindfold and led her by the hand. After a few steps he stopped and zoghre arms upwards, she heard the snapping of a lock and when she pulled her arms, she could not lower them, she had to stop standing upright. She felt his hands, which feel cold, spread along her chest.

Through the cold, their Nipple together and straightened up. She had already had a customer who had tied her, but it was different back then. This stroked her, she felt a feeling of excitement and expectation. She had already considered these feelings to be lost and this man woke her back in her.

It easily started to moan, she let herself fall, immerse yourself in this forgotten world of feeling.

He stepped behind her and stroked her back, drove the line along her spine to the bottom, he let his hands slide over the arches. He stood behind her trembling, he wanted her now, his handle became firmer. He drilled his pointed fingernails into her meat. The resistance of her skin broke, slightly seeped the blood between his Finger out.

She screamed. Returning his hands from her buttocks began to kiss her neck. He bit gently in her shoulder, he felt his insane excitement. She kissed her further at the neck area, he went around her, he stimulated her nipples, which were steeply erected.

When he got back on her back, he got to his knees and drove his tongue over her tormented meat. He loved the copper taste of the blood, the taste of life. He licked every drop of her enjoyable.

Slowly he rose again, he had hardly under control. As he stepped back in front of her, he opened his pants and freed his highly excited limb from his captivity.

With strong hands he raised her and spread her legs and he penetrated into her. She screamed again, he filled her out, she felt so impregnated and delivered and yet so excited, she cursed her almost immobility. He began to edit her abdomen with firm bumps, he penetrated into her until the stop. She felt the pain and lust.

He pushed harder and faster, he felt his climax, he pulled her upper body closer to him, he kissed her neck. He pushed again and then he felt that he had achieved his fulfillment. At the same moment his teeth dug into her neck and he bit too. He opened her arbitrators.

While he poured himself out in her, he tied on her blood ..

He drank from her … and he gave her of herself … When his teeth dug into her meat, she experienced a wonderful climax, she hovered in never -guessed heights and while her waves of pleasure fled, her life also flowed there. The last thing she was still hearing was his cry, it was such a powerful cry that she wanted to be rebuilt again but it was too late.

Their limbs became limp. They just kept upright the chains on their arms and his hands. He pulled back from her and let her legs fall to the ground. She hung there completely lifelessly, he closed his pants and enjoyed the aftertaste of her blood and also the feeling of the abandoning excitement.

Only briefly compared to the long range of his existence was the time of pleasure.

After washing his hands, he looked at the dead body disgusted. He hated the sight of dead, so he took it off and carried them into the garden. With her, too, the sun should perform its task. And tomorrow…

Tomorrow there would be a new evening, a new night.
Jasmin couldn’t fall asleep, she had to think of her today’s visitor again and again. He had confused her and above all he had sparked her interest, the desire for an never breastfed desire. It was almost tomorrow when she finally found sleep.

As always, he rose from his lying stick when the moon rose, he greeted the night. Like last night he pulled his cape over and went out.

Only the light of the moon illuminated the lawn a bit. Where he had put the woman on last night, there was only a little pile ash ash today. The wind would fade and distribute them. At first he would fortify himself and then he wanted to see the woman from yesterday.

Jasmin, so her name was, he would speak to her, he would be able to enjoy her closeness. More and more she seemed to be the one he had been looking for all the time.

While he was roaming for the sacrifices, he thought what he wanted to say to her. He remembered the expression of determination in her eyes, but if she heard which exams she was imminent, she would not shy away ..

After he had only gone a few blocks, he saw a young man on a house wall backrest. He seemed to be waiting for someone because light burned in the staircase.

When he ran towards him the man lifted his head and looked at him to strike immediately, the walker should prove to be a danger. But the nod of the night converter seemed harmless, a serious mistake. He went to the house entrance and looked at the ringing. The young man turned his back and went up and down impatiently.

He had seemed to be waiting for a long time. Driven by his hunger, he sneaked from behind and put his hand over his mouth and pulled his head back. Then he hit his teeth in his neck and drank … the boy had drunk, his blood tasted after alcohol, He killed him immediately without playing a little game.

The taste of alcohol was contrary to him. The body leaning on the wall as if he were sitting, he heard the opening of the front door.

A girl came out of the block, maybe 18 or even younger. Searching she looked around, her gaze fell on the “sitting” young man and the others who still leaned over him. She wanted to go to him, while she scolded herself that he was already drunk again to be drunk to be right.

The man with the cape came up to her, deepened into her allegations, she only saw his hand when she lay around her neck. In this way he pushed her in front of him, she started screeching and screaming. But in this city there was no reason to scream at night that someone would feel alarmed. His second hand lay on her mouth.

With your back back he pressed the front door, he was angry, angry that he hadn’t smelled before whether the boy had drunk something, angry with the boy who delivered his obvious friend through his alcohol enjoyment.

He took his hand off her neck, “if you scream now, I’ll kill you,” he threatened her. “Will you scream?“With a firm grip on her upper arm, he let go of her neck and he also took his hand away from her mouth. She cried, “please, what do you want?“She asked in a trembling voice. His gaze slid around in the staircase, then he saw a single door.

This should lead to the basement or the heating system. He pushed the girl there. The door was not locked, he opened it and pushed it in. An iron staircase led a few steps into the depth there was a boiler.

This has not been in operation for a few years. He dragged it down the stairs. Below he looked at his catch more precisely. It was made of painting, a little too much and, above all, too much color.

Her clothing consisted of a short skirt and boots, the top was a tight -fitting sweater in a bright yellow.

The same shrill color also had the handbag she had with her. He took her off her shoulder. She ducked, she wanted to run away, knowing that she would not get far and yet, she wanted to try it. She tore away from him, but he was fast, he grabbed her with his hair and then turned her around.

“Don’t try again,” he drove her on. Earthie took straps from her pocket with the other hand and wrapped them around her wrists a few times.

“That’s how it is,” he said when she settled in front of him. He opened the buckles from his pocket and threw the contents onto the ground. He was not interested in how much money or anything else she had with herself.

He only searched for a handkerchief. With this he gently wiped her face, he dried her tears. “Don’t cry, my little one.“He tried to comfort her. He led them to the staircase railing, where he attached their handcuffs.

So now she couldn’t flee anymore.

She stood with her back to him. He stroked her on her hair, there wasn’t much left of her hairstyle left. She started crying again quietly. He gently pushed up her skirt, looked at the curve of her POS.

The sight of a woman who is half -bent and unconsciously gave her buttocks a wonderful posture fascinated again and again. Lightly and gently he began to stroke her, with safe hands, he tried to take the fear she felt. Sometimes he hated himself what he did to exist others. Life has not called it for a long time.

He pushed her panties aside with one hand and groped to her chest with the other. The only feeling of the girl has never felt so far. But the longer the hands stroked her body, the calmer it became. It was absurd, she felt a growing excitement.

Her tears dried up, her sobs became a moan. Her boyfriend had never touched her so much, he was always interested in reaching his satisfaction, he had never asked about her. And now this man, she was insane fear of him and she was confused, why was she excited about this situation. “Don’t think anymore, let yourself go,” he whispered in her ear.

She closed her eyes and gave up his hands.

His fingers played around their nipples and pinched slightly in. It was a sweet pain. The other hand pushed her panties off her hips. He pressed himself firmly to her, she could feel his excitement.

Still playing one hand with her breasts, the other began to explore her gender. Slowly he drove the outer labia with his fingers, then also the inside. She was damp, he was determining a finger into her. She groaned more and more and began to move her pelvis towards him.

He let go of her chest for a short time to open his pants, his limb was plump.

He pulled her pelvis to him, his penis tip cautiously penetrated her, gave her a moment to get used to it, but only briefly he held back, then he started to push slowly. With a gentle rhythm he moved, he enjoyed the confines of her lap, gentle circular movements with which on their clit they dropped into even stronger excitement. He felt that she would now indulge completely, he strengthened the intensity of his bumps, but continued to stroke them.

She began to emit short screams, he was still a bit back, she was supposed to experience a climax.

With one hand he comprised her chest and stroked her, the other played with her clitoris. He could feel her excitement more and more, so would it be so far. The violence of his bumps even further reinforced him orgasm Experience, she groaned loudly when she experienced this. For a long time he couldn’t wait for a long time, he got violently, he would also reach his climax.

Pulsation in his member increased. He also experienced his orgasm.

Slowly he withdrew from her, she had started to cry again, but she no longer cried out of fear. It was only the only way for them to deal with their current emotional chaos. After he Tie up Had loosened, he pulled her into his arms.

He stroked her with comforting her hair again, granted her some security. He cursed his hypocrisy, he would have to kill her to live and what did he do, he also comforted her.

He gently painted her hair aside and put her neck free. He kissed her cheek, the tears on it, his lips slid to her ear, kissed this and then slid down further down. He bit with a kiss, slowly and with relish he sucked her life into himself.

Her rearing up was in his strong arms. Your body was always bedding and heavier. She was dead. With the words “I’m sorry”, he raised her and wore the stairs up.

He carried her on the street and put her next to her boyfriend. Tomorrow the sun would open and its two existence would wipe out forever.

In my thoughts, he made his way to her apartment. If it really was that he needed a companion so that he found his fulfillment and all this, he did not know exactly, as he should call it, this food search would come to an end, then he could find his peace. Not the eternal calm, no, inner peace.

It wasn’t that long ago that he had moved into his house, only there he had read about it, in an old forgotten book on the memory that there was something like calm. He had never heard of this fulfillment before. But everything sounded so easy, he only needed a woman who would meet everyone and would endure the exams … so easy …

When climbing up the stairs to their apartment, he shook all the thinking of himself.

As a matter of course, he opened the door and entered. She looked at him in surprise, but actually she had expected such an appearance from him. No knocking, no ringing, nothing at all, at some point he would just be in the room, so she had imagined her reunion.

She was wearing a long black dress with a high slot and again high shoes. With a hand movement she asked him to place a place on the pillow field.

Smiling she settled on it, accepting that he would follow her. He too sat down. “Did you decide?”She asked him. “Yes,” he replies to her, “but it won’t be easy for you.

You will suffer, you will lose yourself and then find yourself at my side. You will have to endure pain that you never guessed. Do you really want that?“She only nodded her approval. “Then come,” he said, offering her to get up.

He would lead her to his house around the ritual to start.

“Tell me afterwards”, she asked him on the way. “It is wonderful, you are sublime about time and space, the age, the disease everything doesn’t matter anymore. And we will go through time together. We will be forever.

We will experience the desire and much more and if the book is right, killing will also come to an end. We will then exist in another dimension where there is no longer death. And there will be no search there anymore. We will always be there.“, He enthused her.

She believed his words that the thought of the ritual was terrified, but she didn’t want to stay here anymore, here in this world where everything has ended. Everything is so fleeting. No question about the way the ritual was completed came over her lips when he wanted to tell her about it, she put his hand on his lips and asked him to silence.

When she entered his house she was silent, he offered her a room on the upper floor of the house, the night was already half over, the ritual would take too much time, the sun would open until then. “Rest down, I’ll get you tomorrow evening.

Everything you could need will find you in the surrounding rooms. I will also lie down now, ”according to him, he breathed a kiss on her forehead and closed the door behind him. He went into the basement, where he had his sleeping place. If it has been done, the ritual, then the sunlight would no longer mind.

He would even be able to enjoy it again. Solids had already experienced Erimmer. But it was so long ago that he had seen the last one. He fell asleep with these thoughts and Jasmin also fell asleep with the dreams of changing their existence.

When it got night he rose and went to her.

She was sitting on the bed and was waiting for him. “Are you ready?“, Was his question. Again she nodded. “Then come”, he asked her.

“Your first exam will be to combine the four elements in you,” he said on the way down. When he arrived in the basement, he pulled it out and put her clothes aside. He looked at the evenness of her body, her light skin, the beauty of her breasts, admiringly. With an inviting gesture, he gave her to understand that she should lie on the large stone table, which had a strong resemblance to an altar.

“Please, don’t tell me what to expect. Say as little as possible with me about it. I want it, I want it for myself and I want it for you, but I’m very scared.“, She said in a quiet voice when she lay down.

She offered a wonderful picture, stretched out on the table, naked, only the quick lifting and lowering of her chest revealed her unrest. He lifted her legs and put them on the table, then he pressed her apart.

Her shame was now completely free, he could see the black triangle of her hair, the little reddish column guess. With one hand he followed the contours of her muscles, she was beautiful, he had to get together, otherwise his control was over and everything was lost. He still had his hunger under control, but he knew that it would not take a long time for it to be overwhelming.

He quickly stepped into a table, got a wash bowl, a razor and foam. He put the bowl on a stool next to the table, then he went to her upper body, he took a hand and raised her over her head.

Her armpits were shaved, but she hadn’t thought this for about a day, he could see the offspring. First he moistened her skin, which he then covered with the foam. He began to shave carefully, she only felt the sliding of the blade. When he was finished, he wiped the superfluous foam and stepped onto the other side of the table with the stool and all utensils.

With a smile she lifted the other hand so that he could repeat the procedure here.

Then he stood at the end of the table, he had a clear view of her gender again. This was the last time he would see this hairy. He almost dared to distribute the foam and started his work. Careful so that he did not cut her because he was no longer sure whether he had the power to suppress his urge to put his urge at the sight of blood, he shaved it completely.

Again and again he drove his fingers over his skin, whether all hair was away, after a while he was also satisfied. He dried them off and stealed the shaved areas with a tincture that initially caused a slight burning sensation, which then passed into a warmth.

He carried all parts into another room and came back with a huge of candles. He distributed one in the room in an inflammatory manner. Then he extinguished the other light.

First he took one leg from her and strapped it to the table, she hadn’t noticed the device for it while lying down. After that, the whole thing was repeated on the other leg and also on every arm. Your body now formed an X. The preparations were now made.

He started singing in a quiet monotonous voice and put himself in a kind of trance, during all the time he held a big, thick candle in his hands. He had to go into it, otherwise he would not hold out the ceremony and, above all, she would not survive it.
In the meantime, Jasmin also closed his eyes and tried to relax, the stone pressed coldly on her back.

Without stopping his singing, he stepped on the broad side of the table and held the candle over her. Slowly he tipped it and let a drop of wax fall on her stomach.

The current heat elicited her a scream. At regular intervals he let the hot liquid drop on her body. Then he turned away from her and stepped to the side where he put the candle in a holder. His hands touched her legs, stroked the inside of the thighs and sensitized her body more and more.

He never touched her just at the gender just a hint of a touch, a stimulus. Slowly he drove up to her breasts over his stomach, gently stroking her nipples, which were strongly upgraded under his touch. The only noises apart from his monotonous vocals were quiet groans.

Again he turned away from her and got the candle, he stood at the upper end of the table when he dropped drops on the soft inside of her arms for drops. She strongly felt the difference between the temperatures, the cold of the stone, the heat of the wax and the rising heat of her body.

He repeated the same game on her other arm. Then he put the candle aside. Again and again he stimulated her breasts, stroked the warts, sometimes practiced more pressure on them and then back into gentleness. Their excitement grew constantly, her desire increased, she tried to oppose him.

Again he took the candle, this time he tilted her over her breasts, the heat on her overexcepted warts, kept turning it out and yet moaning again.

Her feeling for him, the initial affection and yes the curiosity about him, became more and more sensed, and more and more went into a different feeling. She realized that she loved him, she wanted to do everything for him, she wanted to indulge himself entirely, even if it would mean her death. He massaged her breasts between the individual drops so that they can immediately expose them to the heat of the wax.

He kept the candle closer and closer to her body, he let her get closer to her gender, drops for drops fell onto her breasts, then on her stomach, he reached the hips, all the curves decorating with the wax, he reached the center of her femininity.

There he straightened the candle again, he waited until a lot had collected, then he tipped it and she screamed. The liquid ran hot over her labia, a drop fell onto her clit. They tried to wind and escape, but the bonds mercilessly held them. Her whole shame was covered with the solidifying wax, her breasts too.

Singing he carried the candle to the side and enjoyed the sight of her body.

He waited until she had calmed down again until he began to stroke her body, only the parts that were still uncovered. With every little movement she felt the pull that the wax caused her skin. For the first time he kissed her, he looked her straight in his eyes and he recognized her love. His sensations for her had also changed, now he knew that he had found the woman he had always been looking for.

His fingers stroked her face, “the first part, the element of the fire is over.

I thank you, ”he said. She looked at him gently smiling, and thanked him in her own way. The wax slowly moves off her body and she was always stroking in between, he increased her desire again. Her groans showed her willingness for him.

With a cloth he removed the last remnants.

He opened her bonds and pulled her up from the table. She stood in front of him fluctuating. He led her out of the basement on one hand, his path led into the garden. It was a full moon night, proud and sublime it was in the sky.

The clouds that surrounded him hed rain, rain that he would need for his ritual. Wind had already appeared, he whispered through the leaves. He left it standing in front of a group of trees and went away. Immediately after that he turned back, he held a rope in his hand.

He tied her around her waist, he led it up on the back, crossed down on the front over her breasts again after he had wrapped it over the waist and also wrapped it through the crossed breaststroke, he wrapped a breast,Until it stood out strongly from the body, he repeated the same with her other breast. Between his legs he led the rest of the rope and pulled it back to the waist, he attracted it, she felt the train and the restriction that her new bondage taught her.

A second rope he tied around her feet, connected it to the waist and then wrapped it around her hands, her hands were so tightly excited about her back. She had to stand straight and not faith so as not to lose the balance through the laced legs. He spanned several ropes from her body away to the trees, even if she had fallen now that she had not reached the ground, each rope held it on one side.

She could feel the wind on her body more and more, it was cold.

Again he started his monotonous singing in the unknown language. He circled her with a thin branch and leafing on it, he stroked her body. The minutes passed, she felt her limbs slowly getting cold. She got cold all over the body.

Then she realized that this was the second element, air. It seemed like a little eternity that she stood like that. The thin branch still stroked her body, again and again over the nipples, which were steeply erected by the cold and the thawed blood. The wind torn from the trees that slowly sank down, landed on their shoulders and then folding the floor completely.

She looked around him, the noises told her that he had to stand behind her.

Then she felt a drastic pain. The first blow landed clapping on her buttocks, followed a second one. Again and again he hit her, once with the flat hand, then again with the thin branch. She didn’t count the blows, she screamed, cried and begged.

Between her sobs she could hear his singing again and again. Burning on her downside was increasingly. After a while she noticed that the blows had stopped. Only now she cried quietly to herself, the wind gave her tormented meat cooling relief.

Now she was grateful for the strength of the wind, and the cold was no longer uncomfortable. He stepped in front of her and kissed her tears from her cheeks, gently stroking her over his shoulders, over her breasts.

She groaned unconsciously while playing with her nipples. His hands also gave their relief in the pain. Then the rain started to fall, first in small drops and then more and more.

He cooled her skin. He took a step away from her with a smile. He raised his hands and seemed to thank heaven for this wonderful timing. With the same smile he distributed the raindrops on her body.

He never forgot to irritate her breasts again and again. They reacted highly to the slightest touch. His hands became increasingly demanding.
He took a box out of his pocket, he opened it and showed her the content. Golden needles lay there on a red velvet.

All arranged for a circle, to the sun symbol. He took out the first in a devout.

He stroked her chest again, then pulled on her nipple and stabbed the first needle into it. She screamed, she turned, the ropes kept her.

Again he reached into the box and took the next needle, which he put in another place of the chest. Again and again she screamed, small drops of her blood mixed with the falling rain, slowly ran down over her stomach. Bit by bit he adorned her chest with the gold. Endlessly slowly betrayed the time.

When she thought he passed out, he had completed his work.
She looked down her body uncertainly. The symbol of the sun and light was beautifully emblazoned on her left chest. Belonged by this beauty and the pain, she started crying again. He kissed the small rivulet of her blood from her body.

His desire increased, he was laboriously ranked for his mastery, only now not failed, do not become impatient. If everything were completed, he would be full forever and nobody would have to leave his life for it. Slowly he got his control over his drive under control again.

Fire, air and water were completed. Now came the last part, earth.

He loosened the ropes from the trees and supported them when they threatened to tip over. He lighted her slightly and wore her. He put it on the lawn, gently stroked her body and loosened the ropes. Sieschrie again as the blood flowed into her chest.

She was beautiful, lovingly he looked at his work of art. In his poor he weighed her until she had recovered her version and calmer. He spoke to her soothingly. “Earth, fertile earth, you will connect with it.

You will be like you, fertile. You will carry the fruit of our bodies in you and it will then multiply.“, He explained to her.

His hands grabbed their gender demanding. She was damp, excited by the pain, from love. Now he couldn’t wait anymore, he quickly opened his pants and penetrated into her.

His shocks were hard and firm, her legs wrapped his hips and held him. Their excitement, already thawed all evening, grew stronger. His bumps caused her pain and yet she loved him, she loved the pain he added to her, the future he had offered her. With one hand he enclosed her chest and pinched it gently and then harder again.

The needles kept pressing their meat. But a part still had to be accomplished, he paused in his movement. With his fingernails he opened the skin on his chest, he scratched the same symbol on his chest. There was no blood, slowly he lowered his head, kissed her neck and bit gently.

Slowly and gently his teeth penetrated through her skin and opened her carotid artery. He drank the blood enjoyingly. His wound began to turn bloody now. Your blood in his body.

He paused, pressed her head on his chest and let her drink from him. Copper was the taste of the blood. So full of life. She could no longer solve her lips from him.

The pain in his body was overpowering, he stood out and in pain he reached his climax. He tore her head away from him and tortured himself in orgasm from her blood. At that moment the ritual completed ..

For a long time afterwards they stood and looked at the start of the sun. It wasn’t the same sun that they had seen on Earth, but it was as bright and beautiful as this.

And they could both look at them. There would never be death for them to fulfill life again. On his chest you could see a scar that had the shapes of a sun and the symbol was also found on her body. She was wearing a chest jewelry that had the same shape.

Happy smiling they wound themselves to give themselves all their love again.

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