The K-Motel [1] | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Laura and Steve’s wedding day has always been something very special. So it should be this time too. This time Laura was allowed to decide how they wanted to spend their special day. One day before she gave her Steve the address of a motel called “K-Motel”, which was somewhere in the middle of the pampa and where he should go in advance.

Completely tired he arrived there late at night. He was even too tired to eat something else.

So he showered, drank some juice and went to bed. In the early morning he heard his alarm clock ringing.

He was about to switch him off when he found out that he couldn’t move at all! He had been defended naked with arms and legs against the head and foot of the head and foot.

Something like that … Laura knew exactly that he hated it that way tied up to become. Fortunately, the duvet was left to him. He vigorously pulled on the ropes with which he was tied up, but there was quickly up because he noticed that it was useless.

Finally the alarm clock stopped ringing and he could hear that someone was showering in the bathroom. Shortly afterwards the corresponding noises stopped and Laura came out. She had just wrapped a bath towel around her slim figure and dried her hair with a towel.

She smiled happily over him and called: “Hello, my darling! Did you have a pleasant night?””Hi Laura.

What are you doing with me? You know very well that I hate it, so defenselessly tied and completely delivered to be!”” Oh come … relax! I just want to have a little fun today. And I know that you also enjoy this passivity deep inside your interior. And also…

You know! Today it is my decision how we spend our wedding day!““ Oh Laura … How long will it take until you start to touch me again?”” As long as I feel like. Just relax!”” Please tell me … what are you going to do????““ No, I can’t tell you that yet.

Simply relax and enjoy … we have a lot of time … The day has only started!”

He sighed nervously and tried to relax as his wife advised him. However, it was hardly possible somehow.

A knock on the door … He gave hope and called: “Hiiilfeü! HELP ME!!!! BiiiiiTteteeeeeüüü!” “Be calm! It has no purpose!”Said Laura Kühl and went to the door. A waitress stood outside and said: “Her breakfast, Gnä wife!” “Thank you!”Said Laura, rolled the table into the room and gave the room waiter a tip. “Thank you very much if you need anything else, just ring the bell!”She said friendly and went back to her work.

Steve said a little shocked, shaking his head: “She didn’t even ask why I called for help …” “Of course not! After all, they are used to such things!“”… Great things like that ..????“” Yes, … and every room and every apartment is soundproof here in this motel. So it doesn’t matter if you scream and call. You won’t be heard outside.”

“Laura! You’re scaring me!” “Oh no!!! There is no reason to be afraid.

Always remember that I love you!”She said and kissed him on the cheek. “But…!““ Come on, let’s have breakfast!“She said and made herself comfortable next to him on the bed while preparing some bread and coffee to feed him. All the time he tried to argue that she should tie him off, but she was completely adamant. After breakfast she brought the table back to the door.

When she came back, she pulled his duvet away as a matter of course.

Naked, stretched, arms and Legs Prevected, he was helpless in front of her. He felt completely exposed and vulnerable. He got a slight goosebumps and trembled a little: “Please give me the duvet back! It is cold!““ Soon it won’t be too cold for you anymore. Relax yourself!”She said calmly.

“I can’t! WHAT YOU UP TO?“He asked in a trembling voice, worst fears. “Well, I think it’s time to tell you.“Oh yes, that’s it!”” Okay. Since I know you’re pretty tickled … “” Oh Neeiiiin!!!!!!!“His eyes widened with fear and he fidgeted in his bonds… tickling???? In this situation??? Oh God…

He would die ..!!!“… I’ve always dreamed of such a day that you are helplessly tied in front of me. Usually you don’t even let me tickle a little bit, even though I love tickling … especially people I love as you like you!““ No, no, Laura! My Laurie … D-you don’t understand ..

B-please, please n-not! I never let me tickle myself because … because I can’t even endure it for seconds … really … please! please don’t! Do not do it! I really don’t stop it!!! I think we both should have fun on our wedding day ..

But I don’t have that when I’m tickled, you understand? So please bind me and don’t be so cruel, okay ..?”

“Stop with the hand, you can’t persuade me!”” Oh Laurie!!! D-DU V-not consumed!!! I steeerrbeeü!”” Oh no, Steve! Come on! I won’t let you die … I already take care of it!“She said cool and went to the closet, which she opened and took out a small fabric bandage. He was desperately in the Tie up: “W-what you plan to do with it???““ I will now connect the Au genes!““ Neeeeeeeeiiiiiiin!!! B-BiiiiiTteeeee niiiiiiertütü! No, come, please, if you have to tickle me, at least give me a chance to see what you are doing!!!” “No!”She said cool. “You shouldn’t have the chance.

To be able to prepare you for the coming feeling beforehand.““ Oh Goooottt … you will kill me!!!”

Incessive and merciless, she connected his eyes to him and went back to the closet. She smiled at her meeting with her friend Dawna, where she had told her about this special motel. This motel was a place for people who wanted to undergo mutual tickling torture.

This was the meaning of the letter “K” in the name “K-Motel”. It was a motel that had very special materials for tickling for his guests in every room and apartment. Yes … it seemed to be a very nice day ..

Laura smiled, took two long soft ostrich springs and went back to Steve.

When she knelt next to the bed, she saw him stiffen his body in anxious expectation. He had long since given up begging for mercy. He knew well enough that he didn’t have the slightest chance of convincing her. He was only left to pray that she would not go too far and recognize his limits ..

Oh man … he already felt at his limits … she hadn’t even started seriously.

He expected her tickling fingers restlessly, but who did not come … so he asked tentatively: “L-laurie?” “Yes I’m still here! Just relax ..!”” Oh Laurie, please! Think about it again!”” I said you should relax and stay calm!”She said perch.

He tried as well as he could, but when he felt an extremely easy touch of a spring that she put on his chest horizontally, so that some hairs of the tip and some of the end of the spring easily touched his sides, he literally cried out andTelled himself again immediately. OH GOD!! NO!!! That was too much!!!..

Laura delighted his sensitivity, which he showed to her by shouting at a helpless almost hysterical laughter and rearing up as far as his bondage allowed it when she was so easy for him with the pen so easy down over his ribs, his stomach,His hips, his penis, his thighs up to the knees. The tips of the feather hairs hardly touched his skin, which drove him to madness. Whenever she had reached his penis with one pen, she put the second pen on his chest to get it in the same way.

So it went on and on and on ..

Five minutes later, she noticed that he apparently got used to the constant feeling of tickling. Although he laughed, fidgeted and reared up like insanely, he seemed to have calmed down a bit. As she continued to tickle it, she sat on his thighs to prevent him from rearing up a little more and keep him a little more defenseless. So she only started string up and down on his sides with her feathers, which resulted in again wild laughter and renewed energy in his fidgeting and rearing.

His hysterical, desperate laugh took his air out of his lungs.

Very soon he felt the lack of oxygen that spread in his brain. The world around him seemed to be turning, but he just couldn’t stop laughing … He was unable to breathe a little ..

He was panicking and tried to rear up more intensively, he wanted to call her up and not let him die … But the devilish Laura suddenly used her toes to scratch with it in his armpits, which in turn again in hisrising laughter thwarted. Suddenly everything was grayed around him and he sagged under her tickling toes and feathers.

Completely surprised by the sudden calm, she stopped with tickling. She put her feathers aside and stared at him stunned.

She would not have expected that now. To his words regarding. “Die” reminded, she was afraid of really killing him. Her heart always raced faster than she leaned over him, patted his cheeks and desperately called his name, but ..

no reaction! Oh no! What had she done????She jumped desperately from the bed, grabbed her bathrobe while walking past and pulled it out on the way out of the room. She ran to the reception to help for her to death (?) to get tortured husband. “HELP!!! HIIILFE! WE NEED HELP!!!“She screamed under tears. “What happened?“Asked DiereChsptionist concerned.

“I agreed to have killed my husband!“Laura sobbed. “What did you do?“She continued to ask. “I only used ostrich springs for a few minutes … really only a few minutes!..

It has never been aware that he was so sensitive … \ ohbitte- \\\ tunsiwieder calms down nodded Laura and gratefully grasped the little vial. “Thanks!”She said and ran back to her Steve into the room. A groan told her after a while he woke up again. Happy fell on the bed next to him, hugged him and kissed him as best I could and said: “Thank God you are still alive!”

Quite weakened he replied: “You almost killed me, Laura ..

B-Bitte! Come! Bind me! You had your fun! Tind me and read me, yes?“But Steve … I just want to play a little more … Now I know the degree of your sensitivity and know how to deal with it.““ Lauraaaüü no!!!! I HOLD…

That … not … more ..!!!!!“He literally cried and started useless in his Bondage fidget.

However, Laura began to pull small circles on his chest very easily and slowly with her fingernails, which, as it were, slowly moved at his side at the ribs and back up to the chest.

She enjoyed his twitching skin and muscles observe and to hear him in a breathless laughter. When she tingling her fingers down to the stomach and again and again at his waist on one side and the up around his belly button and moving the other side back down at the waist, she grazed on the shrill tones of his helplessscreeching laughter. She had never experienced him as hysterically laughing ..

“You can’t imagine how much I love to spoil this twitching skin and feel it under my hand … I could go on like this for years ..!“” Oh Ohaaahahahahahahahoott! Naaa-Hahahahahahaaaaiin! Stop Stoahahahahopü!“He managed to call in his laughter, which increased when she also used her second hand.

Everywhere her nimble fingers were confused faster and faster over his twitching belly, which he repeatedly moved in. She kept the easy touch, but took his twitching muscles under her Finger pleasant. It did a lot. Often, her fingers sometimes slid over his skin at the level of his ribs, where she felt that he seemed to be a little more to be tense into expectations.

At some point she led this to a suddenly bilateral to her fingers deep between his ribs.

He cried out a lot louder, fidgeted and called desperately: “iiiiihihiiiü! Naahahahahahain!!! L-lauriiiiihih n-niehihihihihich d-daahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Niehi-hihihich dihihihiiese Maahahahahahahagian Sch-Sch-Stellhaaa hahahaha!“However, she continued for a few minutes until she noticed that he was about to get going again. Before that happened, she heard au and put her hands on his chest silently. He literally worked together under her after air japs. His blindfold had slipped throughout all of his fidgeting.

So he could now look down on her hand nervously and immediately started to beg again. “B-please, Laurie, please promise me not to go back to my ribs. There seem to be magical places where tickling is really cruel torture. Come on, please, be nice and stop with the whole thing!” “Oh well…

But you still seem to like it, although you say it is torture … you don’t notice your stiffness?”” W-WAS???““ You know well enough what I’m talking about!“She said by gripping the ostrich spring again.

He winced when he felt the feather -light touch below his abdomen. When she put the pen very lightly and normally barely noticeably and had it vibrated against his skin and then moved the feather down over his penis, he cried out: “Oh, Oh, Ohaaha-Haü! L-lauriiiiihihihie!!! Naaahahahahahahahaiiiin!!! Stoaaahahahahopü. “For a short time she continued to vibrate the pen vibrating to his belly button and down over his hips to move his penis to his thighs, but soon heard again to his relief.

Then she got up and went back to the “tool cabinet”. He begged and pleaded her to tie him away but she only briefly ordered him to be quiet if he didn’t want to make the whole thing worse for himself. Desperately he fell silent while his heart was going to panic like wild.

When she rummaged through the objects, she suddenly came over a smile. She found a whole lot of different prepared gloves.

Prepared means that various on the fingertips. Things were attached. A couple had springs, a few ca. 1.5 cm Q tips on each finger, another couple had approx.

1 cm of toothpicks on the fingertips, some gloves had various small brushes and brushes and one last couple that they found under many others, had strange small metal bolts on the tips.

She found a description on the palm. She read: “Boil us deep between tickle ribs and passing on what happens! Have fun!“Remembering Steve’s hypersensitivity between his ribs, she came across a wide smile and put these gloves next to her. When they continued to dig through the objects, she found a wig with very long black hair, where even small feather was attached to some tips of the hair.

If they ride on his thighs again and leaning a little in front of and down, the hair of the wig could reach it anywhere on the stomach and sides. Grinning she also put the wig to the side. She loved it when he reared up under her in despair and knew exactly that he couldn’t escape. Somehow it made her hot and she actually wished nothing more than riding him while she would tickle him crazy.

Ultimately, she grabbed her gloves with the bolts, the wig, adhesive tape, and two pencil-narrow vibrators, one of whom was at the tip with tickle and the other with fringes with fringes. She considered how well his reaction would be if she put it in his navel. A place where even she would go crazy.

Happy she jumped onto the bed and sat down on his thighs, as she had planned and put the selected objects next to him. When she felt the hair of the wig on her calf, she came over a shudder, but she burned to see how he would react if he felt her on his bare upper body.

“Laurie!“He started to beg again. “Laurie, my favorite Laurie, please, come … please stop with it. I do everything for you! Really everything you want, but please stop with this torture!”” Hm ..

You really want to do everything for me?”” Yeah “” Okay, then be quiet and let me have fun!“She said, quickly grabbed the small vibrator with the tickling matters and tenderly began to caress his skin around his belly button, so that he immediately stiffened his body and began giggling, even though she had not yet activated the vibrations. She just drew small circles around his navel. He giggled softly: “Hihihi-hihi… Nahahahahahain..

Aaahahahahaha ..!”

Suddenly, however, she stuck the vibrator deep in his belly button and let it vibrate deep inside, so that he shouted again while he was trying to rebel and fell into helpless uncontrollable laughter.
In between he managed to stammer: “Lauriiiiiihihihihihiee!!!!! Stoaaaahahahahahahahahahahah-hop, I can be niaaaahahahahha nihihiihiiicht!!!! Haaahahahahahaha, if you aaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahihihihihihihihihiüü if you hahaha, me wihihihihihihihihihihihihst, Höhähör dahahahahahahahahahahaufff!!!!! Sofohohohohohort! Stoaaahahahahahahahahahop Bitteehehehehehehe!!!”

In common as she was, she kept the vibrator there for a while until she moved it up and down in his navel, which almost made him crazy. With her other hand, she finally felt after the wig and put it on her. Then she moved her head down a little, so that absolutely only the tips of the hair, the sides, the sides and the chest, were easy, but almost not even touched. Every slightest movement she made with her head, he felt through his hair on his skin, which more and more drove him to madness and his uncontrollable laughter increased to an intensity of hysteria.

Mobile to the fact that the vibrator stayed in his navel, she put on her gloves as she shaken her head a little to let him feel the long hair, which was very unbearable for him, so that he continued to sound his loud laughter.
She didn’t think it was possible to enlarge his hysteria, but when she started, the bolts on the gloves she had put on to drill into his ribs, he cried out how she had never heard him screaming.

This even increased again as the small bolts through a confined pressure that Laura found very quickly, began to vibrate deep between the ribs. Steve literally exploded laughter in breathless hysterically screaming laughter, which robbed him of the whole air from his lungs. He couldn’t understand why she tortured him so badly.

It seemed to him that he would die when nobody came to save him. He prayed desperately for any relief where he was torn out when he had to feel horrified that she also started gently with the tip of his tongue around his belly button lick.

His whole body trembled and flinched under the torture she added to him. He fidgeted and fought against the bonds, but it was still useless. Lack of oxygen caused a feeling of dizziness again and he was helpless to do something against his laughter to finally be able to breathe again.

She had promised him to be careful not to die, but she seemed to be in another world … In her own world while she tickled him to death.

Suddenly she found a place between his ribs, where it was the worst for him and he absolutely couldn’t stand it. He screamed and reared up so hard that he put on her nose, since she was still licking around his navel. Again she would never have thought that it was possible to intensify his laughter, but when she had her fingers directly on these oversensible nerves, increased the pressure so that the little bolts started to vibrate, she felt how his whole body felt like itselfThe agony of cramped and his hysterical cry in his laughter reached such an unusual pitch that she decided to stop at these points soon. Thinking how long he would endure this, he has already been redeemed by his impotence.
Only the vibrator, which was still in his navel, buzzed in silence.

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