The chewing gum | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Her sight hit him like a vision!

She stood on the pedestrian traffic light and waited as it seemed a little impatient, for green.

A dark curly head framed a happy, fun -loving face with dark complexion. Her very scarce t-shirt formed two tight, not too big breasts and ended well above the navel. The waistband, in turn, was very deep, so that a wide strip of skin showed that its dark complexion was not limited to the pretty face.

The federal government belonged to a damn tight blue jeans, which was cut into a very short short.

She shifted her weight from one leg to the other out of sheer impatience. In addition, she chewed a chewing gum with great fervor. She looked like the flowering life itself on him.

He instinctively searched the small group of people who were waiting for him, as he was waiting for the traffic lights, for a companion. But she seemed to be alone, as he was interested in.

At the same time he sounded a fool.

What did it play for him, a 40-year-old man for a role, whether this girl was traveling alone or not.

In a few years, such girls would probably offer him their seat when he looked at them on the tram, he thought sarcastic. But still, he couldn’t solve his eyes from her.

Actually, he didn’t stand on such young girls at all. On the contrary, he was particularly appealing to women who knew what they wanted and that also radiated.

He liked it when the woman took over the initiative.

In recent years, his sexual fantasies had even gone more and more towards the dominant women.

Unfortunately, he was simply not a man to live out this vein and to search for such a partner.

So his sex life, since the separation was separated from his last firm relationship two years ago.

Probably with one reason why these brats were so busy.

He stared at her and forgot the traffic lights and everything else around him. She noticed his gaze and grinned at him outrageously knowingly. She came straight towards him and did not stop taking it on or even, he was not so sure about that.

All other people hurried past him, but she actually stopped in front of him.

“Do you want to go across the street?“, She laughed out loud. “Then you have to go green, otherwise it won’t work.”

Again she grinned at him and chewed on her giant jaw rubber.

She was almost two heads smaller than him, but looked at him cheekily from below.

He felt the blood shooting his face. Probably my face was competing with the red traffic light and was annoyed about himself because he had so little under control. “No i uh, now I wanted to uh,..“He stammered desperately for words searching.

“I can already imagine what you want,” she fell into him cheekily, “You can stare at me a little more.

You certainly like my butt.“She laughed again brightly and feded out of it.

As she said, he looked at her, completely speechless about so much self -confidence in such a young girl. She turned to him again, laughed and wobbled completely two or three times with her butt. Then she was already gone around a house corner.

Still completely perplexed, he looked back on the traffic lights in front of him. She just switched to green again.

“Then you have to go green, otherwise it won’t work.“, He heard her say again inside.

Slowly he found his version and began to laugh at himself.

My god, how can such an old donkey be so ridiculous, he asked himself grinning himself. He made his errands, but today he wasn’t really going on.

The little brat did not get out of his head.

Occasionally, when he was on the way home, he left the highway two descents earlier to shop here in this small town, which he knew from the past,. He liked the calm and the leisurely when shopping.

Today he ended his tour through the pedestrian zone at an early stage and sat down in the small street cafe on the market square. As always, he ordered a coffee and his favorite cake. The waitress Recognized him again and was very friendly.

He leaned back comfortably, put on his sunglasses and watched the people in their actions.

Suddenly he was startled like a school boy who vanished from his strict teacher at school caught becomes. There she was again. She also seemed to have recognized him, at least she came to a targeted manner.

“Oh, you’re back there.

Did you still make it over the traffic lights?“She just laughed and sat down at his table without waiting for an invitation.

“I want a large banana split with egg liqueur.”

He looked around nervously, but couldn’t notice any curious looks. Apparently nobody took note from them.

If their Mediterranean appearance hadn’t been, they would have been for Father and Daughter held.

“Listen, maybe you could ask if I would like to invite you at all?”

“Nope, maybe you asked me if you can starve me so horny, earlier at the traffic lights?”

Completely speechless about such directness, he remained guilty of the answer.

“I get a banana split with egg liqueur!“, She called to the waitress.

This threw a significant look, first on him and then on the young girl who clearly showed her displeasure.

“You see,” she answered her question herself, “and that’s why you now pay me a banana split!”

She looked at him challenging and chewed on her apparently huge chewing gum with an open mouth. In doing so, they created two large bubbles and burst again.

“Okay, okay, you can have your ice cream, but please don’t be so loud.

“Is it embarrassed to you now that you almost got you down earlier when you saw me?“She asked loudly and looked at him cheekily.

“But now you get really cheeky, you hear, I didn’t get anyone down!”

He had become loud with trouble.

The waitress who just brought Banana Split for his new acquaintance had to have heard him. Her behavior was at least as icy as the ice cream when she cashed in.

He became bright red again and with his self -confidence it was not far away.

Oh what, he tried to calm down, nobody knows you here and what about inviting a girl to ice cream.

The little one didn’t seem to disturb the behavior of the waitress.

She took her chewing gum out of her mouth and put him on a beer lid on the table for later use.

“What do you actually mean?”, asked he.

She enjoyed the ice, only looked up for a short time and then said briefly: “Marina, why?”

“Well I would like to know who I am inviting to the ice.

By the way, my name is Robert.“, He sat down, but her need for conversation was breastfed at the moment.

With a large appetite, she shouted the ice cream without being disturbed. Fascinated he watched her.

She was really very nice and bloody, he stated.

The ice was quickly plastered and she looked up and licked her lips with relish.

“Wow, that was really good, Robert.”

She put her chewing gum back in her mouth and chewed something to him. She looked around as a job only now that she was sitting in a street cafe.

“And what are we doing now?”

Again she had this challenging look.

He got very warm, even though the sun had disappeared behind a cloud.

“You’re going home now and I’m going to my car,” he made a lame attempt to escape.

“Nothing there, you’re keen on me, everyone realizes that.“, She said loudly.

He looked around anxious whether someone was listening to the side tables.

She laughed her bright laugh again.

“Oh Robertchen, are you afraid of people.”

She straightened up and stretched out her small, round breasts.

“These are two good reasons to be brave or?”

“You should rather deal with the boys in your class, you hear and now please no longer be so loud.“, He said seriously.

“Oh, they are already injecting when you only touch them.

You also like me too, you are so nice and shy.”

Now he was completely shaken. So he spoke at most once when he was already plenty of alcohol had filled up. And he would have expected that from such a young brawl. But still her tone had an effect on him.

Slowly it got tight in his slip.

He slipped back and forth restlessly in the chair.

She looked at him knowingly and grinned her outrageous grin. Suddenly he felt her foot between his legs.

She had taken off her sneaker and massaged his little friend. In horror, he checked how deep the tablecloth hung. Well, she didn’t offer too much privacy protection.

“Marina, for heaven’s sake, stop!”

“But why, that is fun for you.

He’s already very firm, I feel that.”

Now her voice was no longer so loud, but gently and urgently.

It had happened completely about his self -control.

She skilfully horny him with her foot, she continued to chew loudly her chewing gum and looked at him closely.

“Come on, take off your stupid sunglasses,” she ordered him, I want to see how you get horny.”

He obeyed completely perplexed over himself.

He had long since given up to defend himself against his rising lust.

On the contrary, he began to stretch her foot. He was now completely in their violence. She could have asked him what she wanted, he would have done it.

Then the waitress came and cleared the table. She eyed the two suspiciously. For Marina there is no reason to interrupt her foot work. He also didn’t care.

“We could go to me Robertchen, I’m alone at home. What do you think? Do you want to fuck me? I have a very tight hole, you will like it.”She asked him.

He wasn’t worried about it, he would certainly like her young body.

But the thought of going into a foreign apartment with her already liked less.

What if suddenly a horde showed up brothers, or a fiery lover, he quickly considered.

“You don’t need to be afraid, I fuck at home more often. My parents come from work late and my sisters only come home at the weekend.”

He realized that she had not said anything about brothers. He let all concerns drive.

Only to fuck her was still in his head.

“Yes, it’s far to you?“He heard himself in a hoarse voice.

“We can run, there are just a few streets.“, She called cheerfully.

She had won, that was clear now.

She got up and started without convincing whether he was following her. She was sure of him.

He hastily looked for his things and followed her. He stared on her fantastic butt when she went in front of him. She went into it so that he had trouble following her with all his purchases.

He didn’t pay attention to the people around him, he didn’t see the way, he just followed this butt without will.

Finally she paused and turned after him. He sniffed next to her and cursed his bad condition. But she just laughed at him and said rubber -like: “We are there right away.

I go before and you will come behind in two minutes, understood?”

“Yes, all right …”, almost he would have mistress said to her.

His fantasies drove a frenzied carousel with him. She looked at him with a smile. “I leave the door open in the stairwell.

It’s the second floor.”

With that she turned and disappeared into the house entrance of a multi -storey old building.

He looked at the clock impatiently and followed her quickly. In fact, he found the door open on the second floor. He quickly slipped in and closed the door behind him.

He was in a normal bourgeois hallway. Opposite was a door to another room open. He went through the door and found himself in a normal living room. But now he had no eyes for the facility.

Searching he turned when he suddenly heard an unfriendly growl behind him. Then he saw her. She stood in the hallway through which he had just come, wide -legged and in her right hand on a very short leash a huge dog.

He was startled to death and became a corpse blass.

She just laughed: “Don’t worry Robert, that’s Perro, he is actually very nice if you don’t annoy him.“The dark growl that could be heard from the throat of this dog let him doubt her words.

“What’s the point, for heaven’s sake?“He asked anxiously.

His fear of dogs accompanied him through his whole life, but such a monster would have been respectful to anyone else in this situation. The eyes of this beast sparkled him badly.

“Place, Perro, that’s the Robert and it is definitely very good.”

In these words, the cattle actually sat down and stopped growling.

Well, at least she seems to have him under control. Nevertheless, he would have preferred to go very quickly now, but this animal was sitting between him and the door.

Once again he said: “What’s the point, marina, please do the dog away.”

“I have to be a little careful Robert, who knows, afterwards you are a very perverse.

But now take your off.“, She ordered him.

He didn’t even think about taking off in the presence of this dog. His lust was conjured up.

But she didn’t seem willing to take his sensitivities into account.

She pointed to him with the index finger of her free hand.

“Come on, the pants down.“, She once again ordered with a raised voice.

The dog seemed to feel the anger of his mistress and began to growl again.

“Marina, please please, let’s have fun, but finally do the rumbles away.“, He begged.

The dog got up and wanted to get closer to him, but she held him back.

“I already have fun, Robert,” she laughed, “but now take off and be good. Because if Perro gets really angry, I can no longer hold it, you know.”

He started nesting on his pants.

“You see Perro, the Robert is a good one.“, She calmed down the dog.

This then sat down again and gave calm.

“Well, look if you do what I want is Perro calm. And now finally let my pants down, I want to see what I caught myself.”

She patted her head to the Unier.

He dropped his pants and was now quite miserable in front of her.

She grinned her grin again. With her finger she also meant to do the slip.

With an fearful look at the dog, he pushed the slip down.

When he got up again, she took a look at him.

For a moment she even stopped chewing. Then she let go of the leash to his horror and went to him.

“Be nice and good, you hear.“It was not entirely clear who she meant by it, but both, Robert and the dog, did not move.

She took his soft tissues in her hand as if she wanted to weigh her.

His appendix reacted immediately and became firmer again.

“Well, that’s not that bad,” she said, “I think we will really have fun Robertchen.”

She went around him and examined her catch. Once she graped firmly in his buttocks.

“Huh,..“, It was out loud.

Immediately the dog stood on the ears.

“Not so terribly Robertchen,” she laughed. Then she got serious again: “Now take off your shirt, you hear.“He did like him.

“Take care, Perro, you hear? Be careful of Robert.”

With these words she left the room.

He opened his mouth and wanted to stop her, but a look at the dog that sat in front of him with pricked ears in “Hab eight”.

She was heard in the next room as she was female.

He dared not to make a mucks. This terrible beast was sitting less than two meters before him and staring at him.

Then he heard her shower.

My God I stand here and do not dare to breathe out of sheer fear and these brats shower out there in calm.

He cursed himself and his lust that had put him in this situation. Maren had no hurry and took the time to take a shower.

Finally he heard how she put the water off.

She appeared in the door and terry her hair.

She had a short flower white bathrobe made of velvet. Smiling, she looked at him how he stood stiffly in front of her dog.

She was still chewing.

Apparently she did not take her chewing gum out when showering.

“Well, the Roberchen was nice and good, Perro?”

The dog ran to her with a tail wagging and let his neck handle.

“Marina, I hear …” he put on, but she interrupted him scoldingly: “Nobody allowed you to talk to you.

You are not to chat here, age, you hear?“Due to her angry tone, the motto became aware of him again. He came up with threatening growling.

“Quiet Perro, the Robert has now understood that he should hold the flap, not true, Robertchen?“, She said much more calmly again and looked at him questioningly. He hurried to nod with his head.

In view of her watchdog, it was not appropriate to discuss.

So nothing left him but to perform any of their commands without contradiction. What did this little beast have with him? In any case, it was fun to command him.

She stood in front of him and put her hands on her hips.

“Okay Robertchen, now we want to see if you have fully understood how the rabbit runs here,” she said, “get out of your pants, go.”

He realized that he still had his pants around his ankle. He quickly bent and grazed pants and panties.

“Good, Robertchen, now your hands behind the head.”

He followed.

“Good, right leg high.”

He put on his right knee.

“Great, you see, Robertchen has understood where it’s going long.“, She turned to her dog.

This watched him attentively and panting.

“Now the left leg.”

He tried to follow her command, but almost stumbled.

She laughed brightly.

She liked how he fought for the balance without breaking off the left foot.

“Now spread your legs a bit and with that tail wiggle.”

He imagined his legs and moved his hips back and forth. She particularly liked that and she let him go on for quite a while.

“Now make male!”

He looked at it questioningly.

“Come on, how does the good dog do it?”

He got into his knees slightly and let his hands hang down in front of his chest.

“Well, stay that way, this position suits you well.”

She laughed loudly and for a long time, then she went back into the next room.

She came back with a photo camera in her hand and put on to photograph him.

He wanted to protest and opened his mouth.

A threatening look from her and the raised index finger let him fall silent.

Then she took her photo. It was an instant camera and she took out the photo and swung it impatiently to accelerate the development process. Meanwhile she let him continue in this ridiculous position.

She examined the picture and then showed him.

He saw himself naked in this grotesque position, with a little intelligent facial expression.

“That got great. But now come, I’m already really wet in the cunt.”

She meant to go into the next room with his index finger.

He wanted to rise to follow her command.

“Well, what’s that?“, She called cutting, which Perro immediately became listed again. A dark rash escapes his huge throat.

“How when a dog has been going on two legs? Lot down on all fours!”

He parried immediately and sank on the knees and hands.

That brought his face to a height with the head of this beast, as he noticed. But he had no choice. He followed the movement and went past the room next door past this kill.

But not fast enough for your taste.

A stronger steps in its most valuable with the bale of the foot.

There was a large double bed in the room, probably that of her parents.

He remained undecided next to it on all fours.

She had followed him and went to a shower cub.

Then she turned the water open, but so that it did not shot out of the shower head, but from the rooster at half height.

She turned to him and drove him on: “Now wash yourself, but you hear thoroughly, soap lies there,” she points to the cabin with her finger, “I will watch exactly whether you are thorough enough. If not we play: get the stick, understood?”

He quickly showered into the shower.

Immediately he felt on his feet and legs that this beast had only turned the cold water open.

She smiled when she noticed his fright.

“Of course the door remains open, I want to see something, but woe when you spray water. You then wipe without a rag. Now put the shower on.”

With these words she sat on the bed and hit the bathrobe back after opening it.

Then she meant her dog by knocking on the square next to her to make yourself comfortable too. He started jumping waving and put his enormous head on her bare thigh. When she started to crawl tenderly, he almost purred like a cat and was apparently in the seventh dog sky.

Robert felt very different.

The idea alone not only felt the ice -cold water on the feet, but also felt it shivered all over the body.

He looked over to his tormentor in the hope that she would finally have a look with him.

It was a fantastic sight how they sat on the bedside with slightly spread legs, knocked down the bathrobe and presented the breasts.

She sat upright, looked at him with interest and waited for the show.

As in the circus, shortly before the start of the performance he thought.

Only this dog at her side did not match the wonderful sight she offered him.

“You will now put on this damn lever, or you will regret waiting.“, She said very quietly as if she only wanted to give him the chance to avoid a mistake.

He quickly put on the lever that led the water flow from the tap on the shower head above it to.

Suddenly the ice -cold water poured over it.

He rubbed his chest with the palms and instinctively climbed from one foot to the other. “Brrrr, shit is cold!“, He whined.

She laughed out loudly about his reaction.

Then she said: “Now don’t be like this, you’ve sweated in the cafe like a pig earlier, because of sheer lust. The cold shower is doing very well. And now wash you, especially the tail and the asshole. Go off, and so that I see everything exactly, understood?”

He nodded with his head and began to be shivering in front of the cold.

She watched chewing gum chewing and her right hand wandered into her crotch.

She began to play around while the other hand scratched the dog and he washed in front of her eyes.

He was ashamed when he pulled the foreskin back to soap his glans.

Nobody had ever watched him in such intimate activities.

When he washed his butt, she ordered him to turn around so that she had a better view.

He hurried to get the embarrassing situation behind as quickly as possible. He also frozen terrible.

When he was finished, he asked to be allowed to turn off the water.

She still left him, as he seemed to him, an eternity under the cold beam.

Then she got up and went to him.

A head nod means that he can now turn off.

Suddenly it was very quiet.

He stood in front of her and in the background you heard the dog panting.

She leaned forward and grabbed his most important part.

Then she pulled the foreskin back and inspected exactly his glans.

Due to the cold, his good piece was completely grumbled together and he was terribly ashamed of this young thing.

She saw something like that for the first time, as routine as she examined him. Then she took the foreskin and pressed it together with two fingers and pulled his cock up. With her left she lifted the eggs and looked very closely from below.

Then he had to turn around and the inspection of his downside followed.

“Legs Wider.“, She said calmly.“Pull your baked baking apart, you hear and bend your way, you little horny sow.”

Their sound was calm, almost factual.

He felt a finger penetrated slightly and play around. Immediately his cock had an effect and rose something.

“The tail is okay, but with your asshole we will improve a little more, okay?”

Of course she did not expect an answer.

She took the shower head and turned the cold water back.

A small turn on the shower and the beam focused. He still kept his ass cheeks apart with both hands. Then he felt the ice -cold beam as he met his butt vigorously.

She went very close and beamed in his afterloch.

He started to whine.

Finally she was satisfied and parked the water.

“A little look because I had to tell you twice that you turn the lever.“, She clarified him.

She stepped back and shit the dog off the bed.

Then she put a pillow in the middle of the bed.

She pointed to the bed with an outstretched arm.

After her instructions, he followed the bed and laid his back on the bed so that the pillow was exactly under his butt.

“Now I’m going to tie you better so that our Robertchen does not come up with stupid thoughts.”

She tied him both arms across the cross at the head of the bed.

This gave his head up a bit because he was now on his own upper arms.

Then she let him spread her legs and tied them on the bed. Then she looked at her work with satisfaction.

The pillow under his butt was very firm so that its soft parts were beautifully exposed.

“So I like horny old men who staring at me,” she said happily, “I can do what I want with you now, you can see that?”

He nodded with his head but she didn’t pay attention to it at all.

The dog had put the front paws on the foot of the bed and looked at him panting.

“Yes, Perro, now he can’t do anything anymore. I’ll take you out now, your mistress wants to fuck now, I can’t need you there.”

She brought the animal out into the living room and closed the door. Relief was spread in him.

She came back and put him a pre -reservative over his half -tire cock.

Her sight alone made him firm immediately.

She sat on his stomach and said: “Okay, Robertchen, there is still something you need to know. I now sat down on your cock and will horny myself.

But woe, you dare and sprays off. I really don’t like that if a male cannot master himself. If I enjoy it and you were good, maybe I’ll let you come afterwards. Did you understand that?”

“Yes Marina, I’m trying to take care.”, he answered.

Pitsch, Patsch, he had got a slap in the face on the left and right.

He stared at her.

“Firstly, this means” yes, mistress “and secondly you will not try to master yourself, but you will do damn what I tell you, this is clear?”

“Yes mistress!“, He said quickly.

she smiled.

“You see, it works. But since I will ride you right away and that I am not a inhuman, I give you a few help so that you will learn to obey. What do you call help at riding sports, Robertchen you know that, hmm?”

He had about as much idea about riding as from Suaheli and shook his head.

You grin.

“I explain it to you: So help the little short blows with the riding crop that you give so that the poor Gaul also knows when he did something wrong?”

He nodded with his head.

“Or you give the pace or direction.“In added and leaned over to dessert.

Suddenly she had a shoe spoon in her hand.

A very long silver -making shoe venue made of metal, as you can find in the shoe stores.

What does she want with a shoe open now, he asked himself desperately.

She slipped back onto his cock over his cock and began to set up his cock.

Then she finally led him to her pleasure grotto.

“I don’t have a riding crop,” she said a little more breathed, “and we don’t take our thighs like the horse, you hear?”

She started to circle her pelvis.

With her left hand she played on her breasts, in the right hand the shoe venue.

Slowly he also got on tours.

He began to move as far as his bondage allowed.

Patsch, Patsch, Patsch.

Three short, precisely dosed blows with the spoon hit his eggs openly hanging through the spread legs.

A terribly pulling pain spread in him.

Immediately let his lust after the pain captured him.

“Who told you that you should move?“, She hissed him,“ whenever you get too horny, you get a few help.“, She sniffed.

She uses me like one Dildo he thought.

No, he immediately improved: You can’t beat a dildo.

Despite his predicament, he became sharp again by her movements and her moans.

Despite her lust, she still had him under control.

Patsch, Patsch, Patsch, again his eggs hit three short violent strokes.

He groaned desperately.

She calmed down a bit again.

“Wow, Robertchen, that is fun, not true? I’ll get it now.”

She moved more and more violently while he was fighting not to get horny.

A hopeless undertaking.

Then he got a few “help”.

Tears got his eyes into his eyes as she reached her climax.

She roared with such a deep throat as one would never have expected with such a small person.

Finally she became calmer.

She dropped forward and clawed into his breasts. Her hair grazed his face. Her breath slowed down and at some point she looked at him.

Still this damn chewing gum in the mouth.

“That was okay, not, Robertchen? Well now not howl, who knows, maybe I’ll let you come afterwards.”

She got down from him and also took off the preervative.

Except for a few tiny drops of sperm, there was nothing to be seen.

She smiled at him satisfied.

“Well, what a few aids make up for. Without he would be quite limp now. I’m going to drink something and you take care of it for it.”

With these words she glued the chewing gum onto the tip of the nose and went out of the room.

She came back with a can of cola.

Again she sat on his stomach and began to empty the can.

When the can was emptied, she blunted it full of pleasure. In disgust he moved the face.

“You disgust yourself in front of me, you horny old pig ?“, She scolded,“ Wait!”

After the shoe venon she fished between his legs.

“Please not, please please, I do what you want.”

She looked at him evil.

“You make sure that, don’t worry. But I don’t let something like that, I’m sorry. Three short fixed blows are the least you get.

But this time you will ask for each individual. Come on, otherwise there will be a few more quickly.”

“Please hit me.“, He said softly.

“How, I can’t hear you?”

“Please hit me.“, He said Lauter.

“One of them for every mistake.

Then we are now at four. Where should I hit you?”

“Please hit my eggs.“, He said loudly.

“That would be five. What should I hit you ?”

He shouted desperately: “Please, hit my eggs with the shoe venue.”

You grin.

“But if you offer so kind to it, please very much.”


He dragged his footstells of pain.

She looked at him on the basis of.

“Please hit my eggs again with the shoe opener.”


He needed a moment to process the pain. A moment too much.


“I voted myself or not missing four more.

The last one does not count because my Robertchen is not nice, please, please did.”

He quickly said:

“Please hit my eggs again with the shoe opener.”


Despite the pain, he immediately asked for the next blow.


“Please hit my eggs again with the shoe opener.”


He pressed his eyes together and asked: “Please hit my eggs again with the shoe venue.”

Nothing. He was waiting for a few seconds. Then he carefully opened his eyes. At that moment the blow came.


“You are still disgusted with me?“She asked lurking.

He shook his secret face, so that the chewing gum had fallen from the tip of the nose.

“That’s good, because now you will lick my cunt.

You like lick cunt?“, F protruded with false kindness.

“Yes, please let me lick your cunt.”

Everything would have preferred him now than more blows with this terrible spoon.

“I have you with your eggs while you are licking me. You will feel very quickly whether you do it right and if I like it.“, She warned him.

She took the chewing gum back into her mouth and turned around.

On the left and right he felt her thighs when she was setting up.

He immediately started with his task.

She sat down in such a way that her cheeks pinched his nose.

It was not easy to get enough air under these circumstances.

But then she leaned a little and grabbed his eggs.

At first she massaged it tenderly, so that his cock grew to full size.

Then she pressed tightly once.

“More quickly.”, called her.

He licked more violently.

She kneaded his eggs while her excitement rose.

She moved more and more violently, and she worked more and more violently his soft tissues.

But this time he couldn’t control himself anymore.

He sprayed heavily licking.

They came together.

She stayed on his face for a while while he continued very slowly and smacking.

Then she got off and sat next to him.

“Actually, I should punish you for your unauthorized cumshot, but your leak job was good. You have probably done that a few times.”. she stated.

“I have to get out with the dog now.

You bit better.“, She said little ladylike.

She opened the door to the living room and let the dog in. Only then did she solve his bonds.

“Take your way together, look for your things and disappear, otherwise I’ll think about a few more games.“, She threatened.

Rarely was he in his pants so quickly.

He hastily searched everything and went to the door. But the dog stood in the way of threatening him.

“It’s okay, Perro, let him through.

Oh so Robert, “she called him back again,” next Saturday at two you are back in our cafe, you hear?”

If she let him go for it, he would have promised everything.

“Yes, mistress, I’ll be there.”

“I am sure about that.“, She grinned without chewing gum.

He ran down the stairwell quickly.

Something itched him between his legs.

Damn, he thought, the beast had lubricated her chewing gum into his sack hair.

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