Sex work at the neighbor | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Mine Mother Had a joyful news for me. Since she knew that I was every mark for my driver’s license and a small one automobile Back, she said beaming, “Hanna, dear girl, you can earn a few marks for your driver’s license on the weekends with our neighbor. Since he has very little time and even less desire his Garden To maintain, he would like to mow the lawn, washed the car and made the paths around the house of you.”
“Oh great,” I said, “when can I start.”
“Immediately tomorrow morning at 10.00 a.m., I’ve already agreed, Mr. Schmitz awaits you on time, ”she said and went back to the kitchen to straighten the dinner.

The next morning I rang just before 10 just before 10.00 a.m. with Mr. Schmitz and was politely asked by him. We quickly agreed on the tasks to be destroyed and the expected remuneration.
I also started with my work and had done my work after four hours.
Mr. Schmitz bows me into Living room and said, “Please sit down, I am very satisfied with your work and would be happy if you would help me regularly in the future.”
“Yes, of course, of course,” I replied, “if you are satisfied with my work.”
“Yes, I am sure that,” he said, “my wife used to take care of everything in the past, but a lot has been neglected since her early death.”
Mr. Schmitz opened his wallet and pushed me two 10,- Mark notes over the table.
I asked a little pitying, “How do you get along with all the housework, because there is certainly a lot of other things that your wife has always looked after.”

“Yes, that,” said Mr. Schmitz, “but I always take care of everything else on weekends.”
I asked a little challenging, “and who takes care of her tail, You’re not that old at all.”
Mr. Schmitz looked at me a bit irritated and said with a smile, “Well, at the moment I am doing it myself too.”
“But they are a man in the best years,” I said kindly.”
“My wife and I were a well -coordinated team,” said Mr. Schmitz thoughtfully.
“Even in birds,” I asked in front of funny.
Mr. Schmitz looked at me penetrating and shook his head in disbelief.

He raved in his thoughts, “My wife was a gifted wind player, she liked it quickly with my mouth.

She was always in the mood for a little one Mouth fuck,”He said dreamily,” I miss that the most.”
“Oh, sorry, I might not have spoken to you like that,” said Mr. Schmitz.
“No problem,” I said with a smile, “I know where to speak of them, I like to bubble cocks myself.”
“Really true,” asked Mr. Schmitz irritated, “or do you want to let me off now.”
“Oh no, if you put another ten on it, I will prove how I love to bubble,” I said with a smile.
Mr. Schmitz looked at me incredulously and asked, “For a tens you would also and here and here the tail here blow.”
“Yes,” I said innocently, “and if you put another five on it, you can even inject me in my mouth.”
“Really true,” asked Mr. Schmitz, “for one more fifter you let yourself be injected into your mouth.”
“Yes,” I said.
“Have you done that before,” asked Mr. Schmitz incredulously.

“Yes, of course,” I said, “the boys from my clique always fuck me in my mouth.”
Mr. Schmitz stared at me in disbelief, cleared his throat and asked uncertainly, “For fifteen marks you would let me fuck yourself in my mouth and I should also inject you in.”
“Yes,” I said, “if you want, then I also swallow that the boys from my clique require me.”

Mr. Schmitz once again reached into his wallet and put a 20 mark on the kitchen table in front of me.
I grabbed the appearance, put it in my pocket to the others and licked my lips with anticipation.
“Ok,” I said, “with swallowing it costs 20, -mark.”
“Well,” said Mr. Schmitz, “then come here and earn the twenties.”
I nodded, came around the table and knelt down in front of the chair on which Mr. Schmitz was sitting.
Mr. Schmitz got up, opened his pants, pulled them down including underpants and threw them on the floor next to her. Shortly afterwards his sweater landed next to it and he stood naked with a mighty stand in front of me.
I took his cock in my hand, jerked it slowly and lovingly, then leaned me lightly and let him penetrate a few centimeters into my mouth for a few centimeters.

I slowly moved my head back and forth and played around his tail tip with my tongue.
I looked up innocently to him and asked “I do it a good thing.”
“Yes, you do it great, you don’t have a pig,” said Mr. Schmitz heavily breathing.
I let his cock penetrate into my mouth again and moved my head rhythmically back and forth. His tail tip got an extra treatment through my nimble tongue.
To make him even hornier, I looked up at him again and asked, “Do you want to inject me in my mouth now.”
Mr. Schmitz nodded and said, “Yes, I want to inject into your mouth.”
“Do you want to swallow it,” I asked.

Mr. Schmitz could no longer control himself, he put his hands behind my head again and pushed his spanking hard and deep into my mouth.
After a few bumps, he started to twitch uncontrollably and pressed my head firmly on his cock. He flinched a few times, pressed me even more firmly and flooded me with his horny juice.
He pumped me thrust around the thrust of his warm liquid in my mouth and let me swallow his lust mercilessly.
After a few minutes when his cock began to lash, he released my head and said, “You are a real little one Bitch.”
“Did you like Mr. Schmitz,” I asked innocently.

“Definitely,” he said, “if you want you can earn two ten tenses every weekend.”
“Yeah,” I said, “but now I have to go, my mother is already waiting for me with the food.”
I got up, wiped my lips on my lips, directed my T-shirt and said goodbye.

When I was sitting in the kitchen with my mother a few minutes later, she asked, “How was your first working day with Mr. Schmitz, he was satisfied with your services.”

“Yes, very,” I said in my mind, “I can do something every weekend now every weekend.

I can also earn a little extra by doing a few things for Mr. Schmitz, where men don’t get along so well alone.”
My mother lovingly striked me over my head and said, “are a nice girl, just like the mother, I always liked to help everyone.”

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