Seduced by your own sister | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The late bloomer

I have always been a late bloomer. I always needed to understand everything for a long time at school, so I stayed twice until I got my secondary school degree at some point.

Even with women, Andrew, I was quite “late” on it, only when I was 17 I had a friend if you could call a relationship of three days that. After that it took me 3 years to have one again. But even after the first sex (we were together for a month) she left me again.

I still lived at home, in my own apartment under the roof, but Mother Watch the laundry, cooked for me, for that I paid her 50 euros a month from my wages that I earned as a car mechatronics technician.

She actually didn’t want the money, she had enough. My Father was a politician in the state parliament before his death and put his money well. So my mother was mine Sister and I well cared for. My mother, Jolanda, I persuaded that I would feel better and so as not to hurt my feelings, she accepted the money.

My sister, Michelle, and I always got us very well.

Although she was three years older, studied and was a real ‘intelligence beast’, she never let me feel it, she treated me well, did not show me that I would never be as successful as she. She even defended me in front of her friends and so she found a friend in me who would never let her down. As it is said, she had, ‘a stone in my board’.

What made my sister admired me even more was that she looked really good. At the age of 25 (at the time of history) she measured 174cm, weighed 58 kg, her brown hair reached over her breasts.

These could not be overlooked, not big, but so they noticed it. Or to say it differently, two beautiful hands full. Her blue eyes, the full lips and a snap nose rounded off her beautiful face.

Not that I was in love with my sister, I loved her how to love a sister. We were siblings, friends and confidants.

She knew that I wasn’t that very successful in girls. She had also comforted me as my girlfriend had broken up with me after sex. As I said, we got on very well and had hardly any secrets in front of each other.

Michelle had studied mechanical engineering. Something that was not necessarily typical for young women.

But she had done her diploma in the regular period of study and completed with a 1.9. The best in her year. Still, she had it difficult. To find a job first and then to convince the men in their surroundings that she knew what she was doing and that it was right.

With her charm, the knowledge and of course with her appearance, she made it and won great reputation in her company.

Shortly after my 22. Birthday the company went bankrupt and I became unemployed. To make matters worse, my sister was not there, she had an order far away from home. My mother was not present either, she spent her annual Vacation (four weeks in winter) in Florida.

I sat there now and felt more than bad. the telephone rang.

“Hello?”I reported.

“Hi brothers, how are you? You sound sad, ”my sister noticed that it was about me.

“How should you feel when you don’t have a job?”

“Please? What happened then?”

I explained my suffering in her voice.

“I knew something was! I had such a feeling, that’s why I call. It didn’t cheat me. You know what? You come to me!”

“I should do something?“I don’t understand.

“You should come to me! Here.

I have a small house where I live. Just outside the city. It’s really nice here, a small lake, a beach that is little visited, forest and it’s just fantastic! Do you want?“She made her offer tasty for me.

“Yes indeed but .. How ..

I want .. Don’t be a burden on you! You work!”

“Yes, and no you don’t bother! And you don’t fall for the load either! You can cook for me! You can do that so well! I miss that right, mostly I eat out of the can or what the delivery service has to offer. So what is? Are you coming? Please!“She said that in a tone that made it impossible to cut her off her wish.

“Well, good! I’m coming!”

“Thank you,” she was happy.

Then she explained to me how to drive and in the evening I packed my things, invited her to my car and went to bed early. Finally I wanted to go very early the next morning, I was about to drive around eight hours and I wanted to be rested for that.

That I would see my sister again made me happy and with the thought of her I fell asleep.

Over ten from the eight hours, I was in the traffic jam for two hours. Completely done I arrived with Michelle. She hugged me and I. We beamed at each other, sat down in the living room and I told what had happened again.

She tenderly touched me on her knee, looked at me encouragingly.

“You will find something new! I believe in you brothers!”

“Do not call me that! I am 15cm taller and am grown up!”I poured out.

“You are cute with your pout!“Lovingly pinched me in the cheek,“ I’m glad you are here. The men in the factory only see me one doll.”

“They are stupid too! You put them all in your pocket!“I now comforted her.

“Thanks! Oh yes! I don’t know what I would do without you! You are real .. You do me well!”

“You me too!”

We hugged ourselves, I felt her breast on my chest and my heart beat faster without knowing why.

Her fragrance got into my nose and I liked the fruity note. So I pulled the hug a bit in length to enjoy more of the fragrance.

“I’m really not nice to you!“Michelle solved the hug,“ would you like to eat something, drink? Or prefer to make you fresh? You are certainly tired from the trip or?”

“Yes, I’m pretty finished!”

“Then take a bath, I’ll do something to eat and then you lie down.”

“I think a shower is enough!”

“Your decision.”

“Yes, where is the bathroom?“I asked and we got up.

She showed it to me and left the bathroom, I took off and stood in the shower.

I turned the water open and made it getting warmer and warmer. The tension loose noticeably. Something else was tasted for that, my penis. To do something good, I started to do it myself.

I groaned quietly.

While I spoiled myself my sister came to the bathroom again. I didn’t get it right away. Only when it was cold from the door to the shower did I turn around my stiff tail still in hand.

“Michelle!“I gasped, covered my penis with both hands.

“Andrew,” she looked at me that her eyes were more directed towards my abdomen.

I could see how her budsed blossomed, showing their blouse in the fabric. She also wore a skirt, nylons and heels.

She had bound her hair into a ponytail.

When I saw her in front of me, I just sprayed, thrust around the thrust I injected my seed on the floor. I hadn’t rubbed myself anymore, I had only looked at my sister. Sure, I had already brought myself to the edge of an orgasm, but I had never come to do without any further. At first I wasn’t even aware that I had come, but then I felt my cock snapping.

For that the blood shot into my head and I became red like a mature tomato.

My sister said nothing, she just looked at me, her breath went faster. I quickly turned, looked at her over the shoulder.

“I .. I .. you ..

only .. the .. Bath towel, ”she stammered and pointed to the terry towel above the heating.

I could only nod. Slowly she left the bathroom and it took a while for me to control my tremor and I could take a shower.

Even after that I stayed in the bathroom for a while, I tried to organize my thoughts.

How could that happen? I found no answer and remained confused. After over an hour I got dressed and went into the living room. My sister sat there, deepened in my mind.

When Michelle saw me she looked at me with big eyes. “I’m sorry Andrew! I ..

I didn’t know .. I’m really sorry!”She lowered her gaze again,” can you forgive me?”

I hesitantly sat down with her, we looked into our eyes. I couldn’t say anything.

“You forgive me?“She was desperate.

I nods slightly.

“Thank you,” she raised her corners of the mouth and her mood rose noticeable.

And yet we didn’t talk much about that day. We both went to bed early.

The next day I was alone when I got up, my sister had written a note that she was at work and would not be at home before 7 p.m.

So I spent the day alone, I went to the lake and tried to get a clear head. I hadn’t slept well at night, and again and again things came in my head in the bathroom. I could only think of my sister, look at her, her stiffening nipples. And with these thoughts I got a stiff again.

Since I didn’t want to satisfy myself, he remained stiff. My sister also just looked too horny in her things.

The dark nylons, the skirt up to just over your knees, your blouse, which is bulged from the breasts, then the warts opened up. Even now I got a hard cock again. I looked around stealthy, there was no one to see.

Nevertheless, I strolled to a bush as inconspicuously and took out my penis, I rubbed it, moaned quietly and closed my eyes. I let my hand slide over my rod faster and faster, my breath was faster and faster. Not long and I was ready, again I saw my sister standing in the bathroom, in her hot outfit. I came, ejaculated on the leaves of the bush, from where my seed was slowly dripping down onto the floor.

One more last thrust and my member shrank again.

I collected myself, put my little friend back in. My breath calmed down, again I looked around, I was still alone. I breathed a deep breath. My sperm still dripped from the leaves and formed a small puddle on the floor.

“You should be ashamed of Andrew!”I said to myself and did so too.

Nevertheless, I felt a little freed and a touch of bliss spread out in me.

I went back to the house comfortably, looked around there and then looked away. I started cooking around 5 p.m. I wanted to surprise my sister with it. My sister was happy to eat something right again and we spent a nice evening together, with good music, candlelight and a bottle of wine.

“Thank you Andrew!“She pressed me when we wanted to go to our beds,“ I haven’t had such a nice evening forever! Thanks!”

“Please! It was my pleasure.”

She looked at me embarrassed, “Somehow I have a guilty conscience because of yesterday!”

“Already OK! How should you know what I do?”

“Then you are really not angry with me?”

“No,” I smiled, “why?”

“Thanks! And I have to say you have a nice penis! Your testicles are really plump and how much you sprayed! WOW!“Solved the alcohol My sister’s tongue.

We had always talked openly, but then not that open.

“Thank you,” I became more than red.

“Please, I just don’t understand how your girlfriend could leave you there? You really have a nice cock.”

Now I was the laying, I also looked at her, “It didn’t even take a minute until I came!”I whispered.

“Oh, well that is actually no reason if the foreplay was ok.”


“Andrew? Did you just fuck her? Only that one minute? Was nothing more?”

Deeply sad I shook the.

“Well then I can understand it. You have never stroked a woman or?”

Again I shook my head. Slowly she stood in front of me, looked deep into my eyes. She put my hands on her buttocks.

“Knead, but tender!“Michelle demanded.

“But …


“No buts! Just do it!”

Since it went out of her, I followed her wish, kneaded her buttocks. This was nice, but also soft. Her breath went faster, I felt it on my skin. While I caressed her downside my penis swelled again.

As if out of a reflex, I pulled it closer to myself. Our bodies touched. I sucked her fragrance into my lungs with relish.

“Excite you to stroke me?“My sister whispered my ear.

I could only nod.

“I feel that, your cock presses against my stomach.”

Immediately I left some distance from her again, but she moved in and put her head on my shoulder. I held and kneaded her buttocks all the time.

She sighed and pulled her skirt up, put my hands on her bare buttocks.

“Care him,” she said quietly.

Lovingly my hands slid over her bottom, the skin was warm, soft, soft and I felt like my cock twitching, pulsing and my breath went faster.

“Hmm, that’s good! This is very nice Andrew! You’re doing fine! Come!“She pulled me with herself.

We went to their room, where a double bed was.

“Take off, except for your underpants!“She asked and began to open the buttons of the blouse.

She looked at me and finally put the good piece on a chair. A white bra came out, the upper edge of which was occupied by lace. Next she touched behind and opened the zipper of her skirt. Slowly he sank to the ground and she rose out.

My penis had been hard for a long time, pounding and I breathed faster and faster. My half -naked sister stood in front of me, her string hidden hardly anything;Even pulled slightly into her vagina and depicted the labia well. It even seemed to me that he was a little transparent, probably because he was a bit wet. Her legs stuck in nylons and she was still wearing her heels.

I became very different and my knees trembled.

“You do not want to?“Asked and came up to me.

I didn’t feel completely perplexed. And since I didn’t do anything, she pulled out my shirt to me and stroked her hands over my chest. Shower around shower chased over my back, my penis shrugged like crazy, I was almost black in front of me, I hyperventilated.

“Very quiet!“Michelle whispered and took me to bed.

I sat down and you next to me. She gently pushed my upper body back and she too lay down.

She lovingly stroked my chest again. Immediately my pulse raced again, my already stiff tail twitched again and it ran down my back hot and cold.

“Do you like it?“My sister wanted to know.

Due to my non -existing breath, I could only nod. The warm hands on my skin excited me more than anything I had experienced so far.

“We should free him from his prison! You don’t find? He is so restricted!“Slowly, only with the tips of her fingernails her right hand slid down over my stomach to my jeans. I swallowed, watched and she first opened the button, then the zipper and pushed the covenant apart.

My underpants had a damp spot. I closed and ashamed my eyes.

“It’s okay! I am also damp!“Confess Michelle.

Then she drove her hand over my stiff rod, which made me moan loudly.

“It can’t be convenient,” she said, and also pushed the underpants down a bit.

So my penis was freed from any substance and straightened up in full size.

“It is better not that was Andrew? So you are no longer so cramped, “she licked her lips and looked into my eyes.

I couldn’t believe all of this, what was my sister before? To be honest, I didn’t care, I was ready for everything she would do with me! I was wax in her hands. Although she stroked me again, my stomach and my chest, my breath calmed down, I didn’t tremble so much anymore.

“Do you see! All is well!“She moved closer to me,“ you may also stroke me? Like me you?”

I shrugged unsafe with my shoulders.

“If you want you can! I’ll tell you if you do something right or wrong! I am sure you will do it well! So you want? I would be happy if you do it!”

With these words she lay on her back and looked at me. I hesitantly turned on the side, my wet tail tip dripped and pulled threads to the ceiling.

My sister smiled at me gently, took my hand and put it on her stomach.

“Very gentle yes?”

I nodded and let my hand slide over her soft skin, my pulse raced again and my penis twitched.

“Yes, that’s nice, keep it! You’re doing fine!“Michelle praised me.

That made it easier for me, I relaxed and even became braver. I let my hand slide over her stomach, from the edge of her string to the edge of her bra.

“OH YEAH! That’s nice!”My sister purred,” just on! You do that really well!”

With every second I became safer and was happy that my sister liked it. I have always been happy when she was and when I made her so happy I felt incredibly good.

“Care my arms and my face!“Sighed.

I immediately came after and she smiled at me. How she had my fingernails sliding over her skin before and she immediately got goose bumps.

Her sigh became more and more pleasant. Until she finally took my hand and put on her breast.

“Kley her, as before my butt, gently, soulful, but definitely,” Michelle breathed clearly excited.

I started to put her wish into practice nodding. I lovingly kneaded her chest, stroked the breast approach that was not covered by the fabric. Her breath accelerated, she groaned and closed her eyes.

“Further! Oh, does it well! Do not stop!”

Your words continued to encourage me, let me do it more calmly.

Alternately kneaded and stroked her breasts, my sister groaned and visibly enjoyed what I was doing with her. Audibly sucked air through her lips and let her out with a loud groan. As I had to find out, she had pushed her right hand into her panties and stroked herself there. The sound that she gave itself became higher and more pleasant.

“Oh same! I will come right away! Next Andrew!”

My excitement grew again, she would really come? My breath went faster again, my penis pounded and my blood just rushed through my veins.

Then Michelle screamed and her pelvis shrugged violently. Her string was very wet and it was already dripping out of it.

“Thanks!“She whispered and smiled at me transfigured,“ that was very nice.”

She pulled her hand out of her panties, licked her fingers and looked at me.

“Don’t you want to do it too? Your penis certainly also demands for affection or should I?“She licked her lips.

I saw her big, didn’t say a word. And before I could say something, her hand included my cock, rubbed it, only slowly, then faster. I groaned and could hardly stop at myself.

Only seconds later I already ejaculated and my seed ran over her hand.

“You are really fast! But we still have to work on that, ”Michelle licked her hand again.

It was incredible, my sister licked my sperm from her fingers. And as if it is the most natural in the world. I watched panting to her, her words rang in my ears, ‘we still have to work on that’ what did she mean by that? She wanted to repeat the whole thing?

“Tastes sweet! How you do my sweet!“She smiled, leaned forward and gave me a kiss on my mouth.

I looked at her confused, she kissed me on my mouth! Not just like that, no, but right, with love and devotion! Even minutes after the kiss, my lips tingled, I felt her mouth on mine. An incredibly great feeling!


“Yes my big one?”She looked at me carefully.

“I ..

you .. we .. the ..”

“Very quiet Andrew,” she put her right index finger on my mouth, “that stays below us! Nobody knows here that you are my brother! And we won’t tell our parents or do you want that?”

I mechanically shook my head and looked at her with oversized eyes.

“Well, you are sure to be surprised that I don’t mind when we are siblings!”

I nodded.

“So .. how should I say? ..

So it is so when we were still children, I was in love with you! Not just like that! I liked you so much! I have from you .. dreamed by us! Yes Andrew, you have always been my great love! That’s why I always liked to be with you, yes I was looking for your closeness! My heart races when I think of you! I used to watch you in the shower, secretly so that you don’t notice anything. I saw how you did it, I caressed myself and I thought of you every evening in bed and did it to me! It was not always easy to hide it from you and our parents. I often wanted to confess my love, but I never dared.

But now .. When I saw you in the shower, you came, .. I didn’t stand it anymore. I love you Andrew!”

I looked in silence, I didn’t know what to say or do.

And my sister waited for me, that I decided, she said that I found her disgusted or that I felt like her. But what did I feel? disgust? No! It was .. I felt light like a feather, as if I could achieve everything I wanted. I felt great, my heart raced! I felt safe, safe, loved! I had never felt as good as now.

And what was even more important, it felt right! It should be like that! My sister and I! WE! As it was always, we were a heart and a soul!

“Do you hate me now?“Asked Michelle with fear in the voice and the appropriate look.

In response, she got a passionate kiss from me. At first she was scared, surprised, but then she took part and we rolled back and forth on the bed without interrupting the kiss.

Then we laughed and were out of breath.

“Oh Andrew! I love you! I love you so much!“In love she looked at me, stroked my face and looked very happy.

“I also love you Michelle!”

We kissed again. She was lying on me and my penis stiffened.

“We want?”I asked her.

“You don’t get me bad Andrew, it’s late, I have to get out tomorrow morning. But be sure we will love each other! And more than once! But ..

I hope that you don’t feel that bad now, but you still have a lot to learn!”

“I know,” I was already kinked and also disappointed.

“We will have sex darling! Right sex! But I want it to be nice for both of us! I promise you that we will practice every day, we will prepare you and soon you can fuck me! You also want it to be nice for both of us or?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“Thanks! And now we’re getting ready for the bed, of course you sleep here! Or do you prefer to ..?”

“No!“I interrupted them quickly.

“Nice,” she kissed me, “should I jerk you again before we sleep?”

“Would you?“I was excited and immediately had a stiff.

“But yes! lay down! .. No wait, we’ll do it differently, we only get ready and when we are back in bed, I’ll do it to you! OK?”

I nodded slightly disappointed.

“You will not regret it!“She whispered to me and kissed my cheek.

Then she got up, stretched her hand and wait until I was with her. We went to the bathroom hand in hand, brushed our teeth and did a walk to the toilet. While I hurried my sister took my time, she already sent me and I should move out completely.

I sneaked out of the bathroom slightly.

A little later she came after, still in underwear, nylon and heels. She stood next to the bed on the side in which I was lay. First she leaned forward, kissed me, then she straightened up, took her hands back and opened her bra. However, she did not take it off right away.

But it was enough so that I got a stiff and the duvet raised. With a movement she released him and threw off her bra. I fell down the lower jaw and stayed there. I stared at my sister’s breasts with a wide mouth.

Beautiful hemispheres, with dark warts and farms, their nipples stood off.

She skilfully put a foot on the edge of the bed, without a shoe and rolled the stocking from her leg. But didn’t take it off, she kept her foot down.

“Pull it out with my mouth!“She breathed.

Without hesitation I came after and the whole thing was repeated at the other stocking. Now she only wore her string, which was significantly wet in the crotch and a very special scent of him also went out of him. My sister turns around, wobbled with her crunchy ass and slowly pushed her panties over her hips, with a slightly opened legs she stood there so that I could see her red labia from behind.

“Michelle!”I groaned,” You are so cool! Really a hammer!”

“Thanks!“She turned and stood naked in front of me.

“WOW! I have never seen anything better!”

She lay down with me and kissed me, then she grabbed my cock tenderly, rubbed it and I groaned loudly.

We looked at each other, then we both watched as she jerked me. Before I knew I leaned over me, took my glans and then my whole cock in my mouth, let him slide between her lips. That was too much for me I sprayed her in her mouth.

For a moment she kept my penis in her mouth, then she left it free, licked the tip and lay down next to me again.

“You are really fast! It excited you so much?”

“Yes, I’m sorry!“I was very embarrassed.

“Already OK! I said we’ll be working on it. But I have to say your sperm tastes good! Not so tart! I think that I will now take this into my menu! Or do you have something against it?“Played shyly she looked at me.

“No I haven’t!“Because I often wanted to feel her soft lips on my hard cock.

“Thanks!“She kissed me and covered both of us,“ good night my darling! I am glad that you are here and we ..

are a couple!”

“I’m happy about that too! It is nice with you! Good night my darling!”

We gave ourselves another kiss and then deleted the light. My sister fell asleep on me, but I stayed a bit awake, listened to her breaths and could hardly believe what happened here. Not that I found disgusting or repulsive. No, it was so nice to feel her, to know that she was there for me! Now more than ever.

That was something very calming. So I soon found the way into the realm of dreams.


When I woke up on Thursday morning I was alone. There was a note on the pillow next to me:

Hello my sweeter,

Unfortunately I had to go. I kiss you very much!

Will be at home around 6 p.m. would be nice if you cook us something nice again.

I love you my sweetheart! I am very happy and I’m looking forward to tonight!

Your sister michelle you loving you

My heart pounded, I thought last night as she had moved out in front of me, how she had blown me one.

I had heard of it a lot, but for the first time experienced it myself. It had been so incredibly horny and the only thought of that I had to do it. While I rubbed my sister’s panties, he was still on the floor, I quickly picked him up and wrapped it around my cock. Seconds later I ejaculated into it and wiped my penis clean.

A really great feeling to have the soft fabric on the skin.

Only in the bathroom did I take it off, put myself in the shower and washed me. After breakfast I didn’t know what to do alone all day. To distract myself, I decided to explore the area. So I set off and found that there were no other houses here in the surrounding area.

There was a lot of forest for that, the lake and nothing was going on here either. Only on the other bank were a few people.

I went back and I missed my sister on the way! I lacked her closeness, her soft lips, her warm skin. But even so my heart raced, I couldn’t get my thoughts out of my head and didn’t want it either. I loved her and you me! I didn’t care that it was forbidden! For me it was just that we loved each other, that I would learn a lot from her.

And she would be patient with me. I knew that our relationship would be something unique. I would never love a woman again as she. I also didn’t want to love any other woman! There was only Michelle and me!

Booking at home again and gave me a lot of effort.

But only at 7 p.m. my sister also came home.

“I’m sorry!”She said and fell around my neck.

We kissed, held up to each other.

“Already OK! I love you Michelle!”

“I you too Andrew!”

We kissed again, then I led her into the small dining room and we ate. She praised my meal and then we sat in the living room and smooched. She was sitting so that her feet were on the sofa next to her.

After a while she took off her blouse, her bra.

“Today you can lick it,” she said and sat on my lap.

She pushed her skirt up so that she could sit. I was still wearing my jeans, even if it became very tight in it.

“Circle the tips with your tongue, you can kiss them and put them in your mouth,” said my sister.

At first I hesitated, but then I did what she had said, played around her hard nipples with her tongue, sucked her in her mouth and kissed her breasts, not just the tips.

Her meat was soft and yet firm, warm and it felt good to kiss her. My sister groaned softly and praised me again and again, said that I should go on.

“Take your hands,” she demanded.

“Yes,” I breathed nervous and excited.

So I kneaded one chest and spoiled the other with my mouth, I kept changing my breasts.

“Uh yes! Further! Andrew you do that great! I’m so wet!”

I looked at her big. To prove it, she led my hand into her crotch, on her wet panties and let my fingers slide over it.

“Yes, really wet,” I said.

“Lick your finger,” said Michelle.

I did it and it was delicious! An incomparably good taste, tart, but also sweet, a bit like honey.

“WOW!”I looked her in the eye,” you taste really cool!”

“Thanks! You will be able to cost more often in the future!”

“That is nice! I love you!”

“I love you too!“She kissed me.

Then she got up, put the skirt off and let me get up. She pulled out the shirt and pants to me, then she was called to put me back and she let herself down on my lap again.

We both still had our underpants, they were their stockings. It felt great on the nylons on my legs. My penis bulged my underpants. Her light blue slip had turned darkly over her gender.

The wet also seeped into my panties and let me feel how hot her juice was. I looked into her blue eyes totally excited.

“I want you Michelle!”

“I you too, but don’t be angry with me, you’re not that far yet! You just get too quickly. We want to enjoy it or not?”

“Well,” I was disappointed.

“Andrew! I love you! And I would like to have you in me where you have such a nice tail! Only .. You know yourself how quickly you always spray! But I want to have you in me for a long time, for a very long time.

Or do you just want to come in briefly, and that’s it?”

I looked at her helplessly.

“Don’t be sad my darling, we will practice! You will see in a few days you can keep it longer. Then you can penetrate me too!”


“If you manage to keep it for more than two minutes!”

I looked at her excitedly, two minutes, that should be done. I nodded and she kissed myself.

“Then I’ll jerk you now, let’s see how long you can do it,” she rose from me.

At first she released my penis, stroked it tenderly and I groaned lustfully. After a while she comprised my best piece with thumb and index finger, rubbed it over my staff and my moans grew louder.

She rubbed me very slowly, it didn’t cost me a lot of strength to come right away. With the thoughts I was in my earlier job, but it didn’t help, just over a minute and I splashed my sperm from my sister over my hand. She licked it off and grabbed my member with the other hand, rubbed it on. For a moment it sagged, but it became hard again almost instantly.

Michelle kneaded my eggs gently, looked at my eyes. I gasped and would like to have my eyes closed, but she was so beautiful and I wanted to see her. Again it took a little more than 60 seconds before it sprayed out of my glans.

“You have to leave one thing, twice in such a short time! This is really not bad, but it would be better if you would let everything out at once and after over two minutes! But you will still do that!”

“If you help me,” I breathed heavily.

“But yes! Why do you have a big sister, ”she laughed and kissed me,“ Would you like to lick me?”

“If I may.”

“Why do I ask? We’re a couple or not?”

“YES!“I breathed.

“Nice, because we go into the bedroom and you pull out my slip and lick me.”

“Speaking of panties,” I mashed my mouth, “me .. I ..

I have .. So yours .. this morning .. I ..

I just couldn’t help it, ”I stammered.

“I don’t understand what you want, very quiet Andrew, I’m not angry with you, what did you do?“Michelle looked at me kindly.

“Wanked in your slip,” I said quickly.

She laughed, “if there is nothing more! That’s OK!”

I breathed through relief, then we went into the bedroom. My sister built up in front of me and I pulled her, with shaky fingers the panties from the hips. Her wet, shaved cunt spread a pleasant fragrance that I sucked deep into my lungs.

“Come!“She breathed and pulled me to bed.

She let her stockings and we lay down.

“I will spread my legs, you put yourself in between and lick your tongue over my labia, you can also open them slightly with your hands, then you can go deeper in. And don’t worry, just do it, I say if something is not right, which I prefer.


I looked at her nodding, my penis had been stiff for a long time and pounded. As she said, she opened her legs, I put myself in between and lowered my head over her vagina. This shone wet and I licked over her column. It was so delicious! I always let my tongue slide over it and got more of her sweet honey every time.

I licked below and my sister groaned above.

“Yes, further Darling, you do that well! Next, lick your sister! Pull her apart and lick me!”

I hesitantly took my fingers to help, pulled her vagina apart and looked at her delicate trosan meat. How wet it was, how it shone. I immediately let my tongue slide over it and was as inserted by her fragrance, her taste. I wanted more of it and eagerly licked her juice.

“Here, lick me there!“Michelle showed me her clitoris,“ nuckel on it!”

At first I didn’t want to, but if she asked for it ..

I complied with her wish and immediately my sister pushed out a high scream. My tongue danced over her clit, which grew something and her honey quoll even more. I greedily sucked him up. Now that I knew how I got her delicious wet, I repeated it, licked her on the pearl and also put her in my mouth.

But only briefly to be able to lick your juice.

“Slide my tongue into the hole!“My sister cried.

I looked up at her questioningly. She pulled her labia apart even further and there was a little hole. The entrance to your sanctuary! Now I knew what she wanted and tried to fulfill her wish, but somehow I didn’t bring my tongue in.

“Take your fingers!“She gasped.

Again I wasn’t sure what she wanted.

“SO!”She groaned and fucked with her own fingers,” Keep on Andrew! Fast! I’m ready right away!”

As she had done, I now let two fingers slide into her, rubbed her in her. It was very wet and warm in her.

“MORE QUICKLY!“Was Michelle back and forth back and forth.

Since I obviously did it right, I moved my fingers faster, she groaned louder.

Again and again her pelvis twitched slightly, then stronger and more often.

“Andrew!“She screamed out of physical strength.

She reared up, her pussy rose right in front of my face and she was already injecting, her juice ran across my face. I was so perplexed that I forgot to open my mouth to drink her honey. As suddenly as it started it was over again. Her juice dripped from my face.

Slowly I straightened up and looked at her, her chest raised and rapidly sinked, her skin was shiny in sweat and her hair was completely disassembled.

And yet, she beamed, her smile was from another world.

“Thanks!”She whispered, pulled me on me and gave me a kiss,” that was great Andrew!”

Then she licked me off and my penis swelled again. Since I was lying on her, he had only one way, he stiffened and penetrated into her vagina. I involuntarily started to make fucking movements, groaned and felt my sister’s hot meat, as it was close to my plump penis.

“Andrew!“Was she a little surprised.

Only now did I notice what had happened, “Oh .. the ..

you .. I .. it .. does ..

me .. sorrow!”

When I wanted to pull him out, she quickly closed her legs around my hip and held me.

“If you are already in it, keep going, but very slowly yes?”

I nodded and rubbed myself slowly into her. We both moaned, looked into our eyes.

“You do that well! Next Andrew, ”my sister gasped,“ take your time.”

She reared up slightly, clung to the head end and groaned.

“If you have to come, stop, take a break and then continue,” she asked.

I could only nod and took a break. We kissed and she kneaded her breasts.

Slowly I started to fuck her again, groaned and had no trouble coming immediately. So another break and this time I kissed her breasts, gently sucked on it. My sister groaned and called my name. Again and again.

I couldn’t stand it for a long time, I continued with my hip movements.

“I can’t do it long anymore!“I groaned when I pushed my penis deep and stayed there.

“Not me either,” smiled Michelle.

I looked at her with a fibrant face. Stopped something and then really fucked, very quickly I let my cock slide back and forth, it smacked and we both groaned in the beat of my bumps.

“I’m coming!“My girlfriend cried.

I already felt her vagina closed even more closely around my penis, massaging him. In addition, there was her honey who got hot for my cock. Now I could and did not want to hold myself and poured myself into her, sprayed my seeds into her pussy and my eggs pumped more and more seeds in her.

“Michellllleeee!”I shouted.

“Andrewww!“She replied just as loudly.

Exhausted I sank on her, looked at her, my penis was now small again and slipped out of her.

On him and my eggs I felt her hot juice as he ran out of her vagina. I carefully rolled from her. We both breathed heavily, turned our heads together. Both we smile, are happy, our hands find us and interlock each other.

“That was great my big one! I am proud of you, you stayed through for a long time!“My sister praised me.

“Thank you, it was so incredibly beautiful in you, so warm, soft, wet! Just beautiful!”

We kiss and she hugs me.

I put an arm around her and so we fall asleep.

On Friday morning we woke up together and also showered together, we wash each other and of course I had a stiff. Again and again we kissed and my penis rubbed her skin.

“Let’s do it!”” She said and looked down at my cock, “You can come quickly!”


“Just do it! You deserved it yesterday! I got more than once! Let’s go! Fuck your sister!”

“Gladly!“I beamed.

She turned around, opened her legs slightly and leaned forward. Being behind her I put my glans to her pussy, slowly penetrated and passed her damp gate. I pushed myself deeper and deeper into her.

We groaned, she turned and looked at me.

“Your cock fits perfectly into me!“Sighed and started kneading her breasts.

“Yes! You are so nice and I feel so intensely!“I gasped and now began to fuck her.

I held her pelvis, slowly pushed me deeper into her, pulled my penis out to the acorn. I rubbed myself as reserved as possible. I wanted to delay it as long as I could without taking a break. It was not just to suppress the instinct and to fuck it at normal pace.

“Uh yes! Next Darling!“My sister groaned.

She had now led a hand into her crotch and massaged her clit.

With the other she supported herself on the wall. I saw down how my staff disappeared into her, but I immediately looked up my look again, because to see how I fucked it only excited me more. So I counted the tiles and tried to distract myself. I kept saying myself: No, I don’t want to come! I can still wait! I can do it!

In fact, I managed to delay my orgasm.

I heard my sister out of nowhere that she would come right away. Her voice brought me back to reality. I already felt her pussy as she narrowed, vibrated and massaged my sword. Now I was really there and rubbed myself into her faster, fucked her harder and sent my sperm deep into her abdomen.

We both moaned loudly and Michelle turned to me.

“WOW! That was cool! And so long! I am proud of you brothers! So you can fuck me more often!”

Her words rang in my ears, more often fuck! Yes, I wanted that to fuck her often. My cock slipped out of her and she turned around. We kissed, hugged each other and looked at each other in love.

“My big stallion! I love you! You are the best that could happen to me!”Said my sister.

“I also love you my sweet mare, you are beautiful, nice and really cool! I love to fuck you!”

She smiled, kissed me and then we washed ourselves again. Afterwards she didn’t have much time, she had to go to work and I had a long day without her.

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