Secret blowjob for the new tenant | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was in the middle of the night when Doris woke up. It was again, this sound that she had heard more often. It sounded like creaking a door or an ancient bed frame. Immediately next door was the room of the new subtenant, which her mother had taken out a couple of couples ago, and there seemed to be a bit to stir there. Lautendend Doris raised his head. Now she even thought she heard voices. It could be no different than that the young student had a visit to his room.

Female Allen, with whom he was amused. Middle of the night? it drove through it hot. She snapped at the light and looked at the clock. It was shortly after twelve. But that expressly prohibited mother! If that first, the devil was going on soon!Again, Doris creak and squeak. The mere thought that the hands -like student might have slept with a girl next door, let her run a shower over the back.

Of course she wasn’t interested in what her mother had said or forbidden, but suddenly she felt a kind of jealousy climbing up. The guy would have died too, and now he already owned a friend. It all made it appear in a completely different light. Nevertheless, she would have loved to play mouse and watched it once, why it drove. Although she became of legal age in a few weeks, her own sexual experiences were extremely sparse. She sat in bed light awake and listened.

Every little tiredness was suddenly evaporated. Without griding it, she slid her hand under the covers and felt her opened thighs between her opened. Touching with their naked gender electricates. While she shared her labia and re -drawn her gap, she introduced herself to her twenty -four-year-old sub -tenant and became more and more excited. Then she couldn’t take it out and rose. On quiet soles she sneaked to the door, opened it, and behaved.

The corridor was pitch dark, but a narrow luminous strip came out under the door of the adjoining room. Once she got on the creak and squeaking and pressing the thighs together. Her thin nightgown hardly went to her knees, but it didn’t bother her. Finally she gave herself a pressure and groped forward step by step forward. The keyhole! she thought with a violent heart. Something else had no place in her. If I am lucky, he forgot to put the key into the door lock and I can watch it.

What is it called? Hans or Heinz or something, but that is also completely unimportant. The main thing is that I can see how he fucks her, these strangers, diemitters in his room at night, and a rub off myself. She was lucky. When Doris bricked his knees before excitement and pressed an eye against this key hole in the neighboring room, her gaze fell exactly on the narrow bed of the subtenant, on which two intimately wrapped figures fell on.

The woman or girl lag on her back while her partner pushes into her again and again. Not able to recognize them much, no faces and otherwise only very little, but alone thoughts what happened in front of her eyes drove her blood into her head. Sniffing doris the air in one. If mother knew that! she thought trembling. A ticking couple in your house! But certainly she has already sleeped and has no idea.

She also needed it once after Papa has been dead for over three years now. Man is crazy when you always have to do everything alone. It was the first time that Doris was able to watch two people in her hugs, and in front of excessive excitement she bit her on your lips. Her right handan slid down all by itself, pushed himself under the nightgown, and pressed on her gender. You could clearly feel how moist she was already.

That increased her desire. How must it be when a man does it? she scored it through her sense. When it is another, dermich touches and strokes? But she still lacked this experience. She began to masturbate with the image of the intimately wrapped couple in mind. First and hesitantly as if she was being embarrassed, but soon she let yourself be driven. The woman at bed started to wind, and Doris tried to identify with her.

Certainly it was the same, she thought. After all, it has been going for a while. Dermann became more hectic, and she too increased her efforts. She still couldn’t recognize any details, but it was enough for her. Suddenly the man frozed, reared up, groaned behavior, and at the same time she felt pouring out. Now it is time! she thought trembling. Now it comes to him! In doing so, she held the air and clawed into her naked gender. When it was over, the man just dropped and rolled on his back.

Fasting Doris to hear the blow of her heart. She still had her hand in between, but all the senses were wide awake. For the first time she actually saw something, because the young man’s body, the bush of his hair, the shrinking link, and gave up more. Again her hand got in motion. The woman or the girl also see her. Her face, her eyes, what she felt after she was fucked. Until her wish came true.

Slowly the woman got up and looked down at her partner. In this moment of a world for Doris. It was her mother. She just couldn’t believe it. She drove back to death and closed her eyes for a moment. that is impossible! she thought. This is just unreal! But voted. When she stared through the keyhole again with a wildly sparkling heart, Siegeraden still saw her mother took her hand over her under tenant’s bodies and his merged member.

Under the touch of her fingers, the penis grew up and straightened up. In Dorisherrchen, a chaos at a thousand mixed feelings, but she just couldn’t come loose. Now her mother said something and the young man laughed. “Splendid!”He said loudly and understandable. “You were great again! I could fuck you for hours!” “Not so loud!“It was startled. “You can do that too, but just not so loud about God’s will! Think of my daughter!“The young man laughed again.

“But it has been sleeping long ago!”He said calming. “What Dunur always have. And even if she realizes something, it’s far from a broken leg. She is no longer a child. She can imagine that you don’t yet stand out of good and bad. “” That already. She is definitely not stupid. She certainly wouldn’t mind if I add me a friend. But not exactly you. A boy who could be my son. “”And why not?” it came.

“We fit together quite well. Do you mean maybe your daughter doesn’t bang every now and then? Do you actually believe that she is still a virgin?”” No idea, “said the woman. “We never talked about it, but actually already. Doris is still a real child’s head. Maybe that she makes petting every now and then, but certainly not more. She still has time. “” I would already, “laughed the subtenant. “Of course only if you don’t mind.

Somehow she turns me on. It would be great if the mother and daughter had the same man who satisfied her. So it stays in the family. “Doris couldn’t understand the answer, but it was enough too. If possible, your heartbeat became even louder. She was almost afraid that she was heard. Not only that her otherwise proud and reserved mother drove a female guy with a comprehensive twenty-year-old boy, she also allowed her name in the same context.

And not only that. It didn’t seem to disturb her that the same man with whom she shared the bed was also sharp on her own daughter. Sieproteste did not take it, took it tacitly, and continued to play with his member. The short exchange discussion was almost a revelation for Doris. If all the mother, she considered that they were the same as their daughters as themselves? In principle, she doesn’t mind if I would do it every now and then with a man.

After all, she thinks it is very natural that at least I was already fiddling. Doris excited the thought that the young, good -looking student also requested her. It was the first time that she had learned so bluntly what was going on in a man. Von Allein, her hand slid down on her again and pressed on her gender. Observed how her mother massaged her partner’s steep shaft faster and faster. It didn’t take long and Doris was gone again.

Faster, and faster she stroked her shame, but now it was different. She tried very consciously with her mother and introduced herself to being able to exchange with her. She would have loved to have a man of a man, stroked it, wanked, as it was said in the street jargon. Almost all of her acquaintances of the same age had long since had a friend with whom they drove it, just had always been reserved. Suddenly she saw her mother bowed even further over the shaft of her stiff, which was swollen up to the burst, and suddenly she was wide awake again.

She won’t ..? she thought feverish. That she also heard that some women put the limb lover in their mouths, and then saw it. Without the slightest sign of disgusting, her mother out of her tongue and also licked swollen glans. Doris felt a shower over her back. She hadn’t thought that! Not of her beloved and worshiped mother! Gave nothing at all that she didn’t do? So it was true that oral sex like everything else was a very natural matter!You ran the water in your mouth.

She couldn’t help it and closed her eyes for a moment. What was that for one night in which all of their illusions broke? When she looked through the keyhole, her mother had put the young student ganz’s limb in her mouth and seemed to suck. The young man groaned softly and reared up, but he seemed to like it. So you don’t do that for the first time. Suddenly Doris felt the desire to taste the limb man.

“Not so firm!“She heard while she was also the other hand between the thighs. “My god, you are greedy! Leave your time!“The woman chuckled happily. For a moment she raised her head. “Are you ready?” she asked. “It already comes to you?””Even!“The subtenant japs. “Not much is missing anymore! No wonder with your lust!I also have to, and you can feel it very much!“Doris saw her mother smiled. “Well, then do it!“She heard.

“Spray”! Give it to me! You don’t get to the toilet rather than you sprayed into my mouth!“The student also tried a laugh. “I think that,” he said. “What you do not let go of what you Malhast. You like that, not true? To suck and suck, bises shoots out? Actually more than when I fuck you?“The woman was frankly too. “Clear!“She confirmed. “Why not? You like it too.

Just that you imagine that it is my daughter who injects you in the mouth. Like yesterday, when you really wanted us to do it in the dark. “The young man jerked up confused. “That is not true!“He protested. “You can’t say something like that! Of course I’m keen on the little one, but that has nothing to do with you! I like you the same way! If you do it to me, I definitely don’t think of you!”” Whoever believes it!“Laughed the woman.

“You can say it, it doesn’t matter to me. Maybe I’ll think as well if I was a man. The main thing is that you stay with me. “With this she jerked and once again closed her lips around the steeply requesting link. Now there was nothing left that she was still holding. Doris was able to clearly observe what an energy her mother was using to do with the hard shaft. At the same time, they too began to stroke them again. It was incredible, but suddenly she could hardly wait for the sub -tenant to succeed.

He had sinked back and groaned. Everything in her was excited until tearing. With almost perverted excitement, she imagined how the young student’s seed came into the mouth of her mother, and licked himself over diocese. Sure it was a lot. She had no idea, but she wished nothing more than being able to see every detail exactly. The only thought of swallowing something, the body of a man came out, she brought her mind.

It whipped her up, let her wishes to try it too. And there was time. “Now!“Doris heard. “Watch out!“She pressed herself against the keyhole. And at the same moment her mother began to swallow. It was more than Doris. Again she closed her eyes, but only for a few seconds. Like an insane, she rubbed her shame and thought to die. Disgust rose in her, horny desire. She didn’t know what she felt.

She thought she hovered, only to pass out of pleasure. She choked on her saliva and imagined that it. Until she couldn’t stand it anymore and stared through the keyhole again. It was over. She had missed the best. The mother was still swallowing, but it was only pure reflex. She hesitantly lifted her head and said something. Now the member was small. Suddenly the man rose, ran to the door, and Doriszrück ran down to death.

No! she thought. Not! But it was too late. Already as the door opened immediately in front of her, she knew that she was discovered. It behaved stiffly and closed the eyes, but the man was also amazed. He ran into her. Audible he sucked in the air and fought for his version. Then the door closed and leaned down on it. “Beast!”He hissed. “Such a bitch!“But when Doris moved, he quickly held her mouth.

“Quiet!” it came. “Not a word! She didn’t notice anything!“Finally he pulled her up and pressed her itself. Doris slowly came back. Everything was still frozen. She believed to dream. Unable to think or even grasp a single mind idea, she carefully opened her eyes. It was impossible for her to recognize something. It was absolutely dark, only the wheezing Desmann reminded her of her misfortune. He was still holding on to her and seemed to fight with him.

Suddenly she felt how he felt her body, and suddenly the excitement came back. A shower drove through it. Suddenly she was wide awake again. Not! She wanted to scream. I can’t do that! I can not stand it! But instead of freeing herself, she crowded even more against the man. The hand on her body slid down and pushed under her nightgown. Esdoris made trembling. Now it is time! she thought. Now I’m due! Another hand ride along and stroked her over her butt.

In silent consent, Doris spread his legs. Suddenly she wanted Dermann to touch her. Encouraged to stroke her over his shame and played with her clit. Aberer did not say a word, only felt off. Suddenly he pushed her away and slipped down on her. Before his hands came again, Doris already suspected what was happening now. She knew it, had never experienced it before, but also that was part of it. Then she felt how she pulled her over, and she also lost her last reluctance.

Everything went so quickly that she didn’t really grasp it properly. Again she felt her hands, greed fingers who spread her labia. Panting breath was among her. Something drilled, stroked by her gap, touched the clit. He licks me! it drove through it hot. Meingott, he licks me! He didn’t even do that with a mother! But he can’t do it … that’s impossible! And the orgasm already tore them away. Craving sucked man her wetness.

Like a small penis, his tongue drilled into her body and reinforced her feelings. Again said Doris said that it was only out of pleasure. It took forever, didn’t stop. She had never felt it so strongly. Incredible she groaned, reared up, rubbed himself over the stomach. Hardly with senses wishes that the time should stand still. They always flooded new waves. Until Dermann loosened under her and uprising again.

He pulled her again and stroked her body, but now he let his passion -free run. Almost painfully he pressed his hand on her gender and drilled her one -finger into the soaking wet while he rank japs. “Man, was that class!“He groaned. “I have dreamed of that since I lived here!Feeling you, to cost you, lick your cunt … “Doris was still gone, said to hover. “I …” she just stammered.

“Mother …” oh something!“The man grabbed even more firmly. “She doesn’t notice anything! Not anymore! Determined her to satisfy yourself. And you watched us before, see everything?”” Yes, “breathed Doris. “Almost everything. I’m sorry, but I … ”The body trembled in the dark. “Why then?“It came excited. “You don’t need to apologize. I was only so surprised when I came out … and now? Do you don’t want to try diving? Did you see your mother sucked me out?“Doris automatically nodded until she understood that the other saw nothing either.

“Yes,” she gave. The memory alone drove her blood into her head. “But I think you want … you have to go to the toilet …” “Not now!“The man snorted. “I am stupid? – So you also understood everything, you little beast! – not now, it is particularly cool! We can’t be here forever, just a moment. I have to go back. But if you want, if you want … ”Suddenly he took his hand from her shame and pushed her down.

“Oh yeah!“Purefeer. “Do’! Touch me! Take it in your mouth!“Without being able to defend himself, Doris let himself be pressed to the ground. She fell on her knees and button. Suddenly she felt sorry that she saw nothing. Her hand pushed against a leg, pushed higher. She felt hair, the plump sack, a limp member … she reached for it, played with it, tugged on it … that’s it! it drove through it hot. That is the opportunity! He wants me to do it! That I put sitting in my mouth and suck on how the mother did it! It turns on, horny! But when it comes to him? When he suddenly starts injecting while I suck?Your emotional world became chaos.

“Come on!“She heard again. “Don’t put yourself so, I know that you want it! He is yours! Once you have it in your mouth, again again!“And then she let herself drift. well then! she thought. Why not if even the mother likes it! They all do it, only I don’t know it! I want to do it, go for it! What can pass on? Again she was suffering that she saw nothing.

With contempt for death, she jerked her mouth in advance and tore her mouth. Now only hesitate! she was feverish. She first tracked her hair, fiddled, searched, and then she had it. Immediately began to suck them. The man reared up and pressed and pressed, but now there was more that Doris was still holding. At first the limb was still small and soft, but from second to second it got bigger. She could clearly feel how it grew into her and filled her oral cavity.

It got thicker, pressed her against the palate, threatened to suffocate … panic rose in her, sudden fear, but Doris just couldn’t come loose. She grew, choked, fought with herself and her feelings. She still increased her efforts, moving tie, touched, felt, felt. “Oh yeah!“She heard without understanding it. The man also existed only out of pleasure. “So it is good, wonderful! You can, you are almost a natural talent! The eggs, take my eggs!I am now ready!“But it was only a backdrop, nothing but an insignificant margin.

Something splashed against the palate and forced her to swallow her. It didn’t taste like anything, but she whipped her up. Whether that’s already seed? she thought. But so little? With both hands she held the testicles, played with them kneaded with them. Again it shot into them. Now it was more and let them freeze. And then it happened. As with a spring flood, it shot out and sprayed her throat. The dams break in one fell swoop and let them gargle.

More came, more and more. Try cramped to swallow everything, Doris began to whimper, but she couldn’t make it. The man groaned too, pressed her on himself. It ran out of her again, on her nightgown, she sparkled. And yet she was infinitely happy. Gradually the flood passed, and Doris got air again. She had survived. Even surprised, she continued to suck. It was succeeded! Now she knew! She almost lovingly played with the shrinking link.

Until she pushed the man off herself and over seven. “My angel!“He breathed quietly. “My little darling!“He tenderly stroked her over the heated face. “That was a dream, the dream of my life!You have done it! You don’t believe how nice it was and how happy I am!” “Me too!“Doris stammered. “Me too!“And she meant it that way. He stepped back. One last paint he was over her hair. She couldn’t see anything, but she felt how he removed from her.

“Now I have to go,” she heard his voice, already one or two meters away from her. “We are not alone, your mother is also waiting for me. But you’ll come back, not true? Take a look at us and keep you ready? Tomorrow, maybe every night?””But yes!“Doris breathed. “Certainly!“Then he was gone. Slowly she rose and went back to her room. Happy and proud, like never before in your life …

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