New love on Thailandur vacation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

My family doctor once again recommended that I would relax, otherwise he would see black for my retirement otherwise. I am a workaholic. Briefly to me. My name is Hans, I am 58 years old, 175 cm tall and of normal stature. I have been working as an independent garden builder in my one-man company for 27 years. My wife and 2 children died in an accident 18 years ago. A drunk driver rammed her fully from the side, the car rolled over and caught fire.

For my Family came to the brink of help. Since then I have crawled myself at work to process the pain. Nobody could help me, not even my best friends. So now I was with my doctor because my body did not want to continue to tolerate the predatory building that I ran on it and could blunt this bluntly with pain in the whole body. Since the so -called winter doldrums stood at the door in terms of work, I took a look at medical advice and booked vacation in the warm Thailand, which was my second home from my late wife.

She came from there. I booked a small holiday resort away from the tourist hype in the interior, where the majority of Thais spend their vacation,. I knew this place from the beautiful time when my wife was still alive. We were often there on vacation with our children. The last time shortly before the accident. Seven years have passed since then. Nevertheless, the resort’s operator family knew me again immediately. They asked me where my wife and the children were.

I told them with a heavy heart that they died shortly after our last visit, in an accident. They told me that they see them, and they would go to the temple for my wife and children to speak for a prayer for them. I thanked them with tears in my eyes because I was not prepared for such a reaction. After I had checked in, I could get my bungalow and freshen up.

Then I went to the bar a beer to rinse the dust out of my mouth and from my tongue. The resort only had 14 bungalows consisting of bedroom with toilet and shower. A second shower was built with houseplants and without a ceiling. In this way you had the feeling of showering in the jungle. In front of each bungalow there was a small terrace with two chairs and a table. In front of it ran a narrow stream that was provided with a small bridge.

The 14 bungalows were created around a pool. After about 15 meters you were out of the room by the pool. Since there was no holiday season in Thailand at the moment, only 5 bungalows were occupied. So the room staff and the rest of the employees didn’t have much work. For this reason they had more time and could sometimes change a few words together. Since I talk well Thai, I had no trouble to communicate.

So I was able to make contacts quickly. Since nobody fell out of line, I was also warmly welcomed as a foreigner, which everyone quickly noticed that they could talk to me in their mother tongue. So it didn’t take long for us to be a big family where you could have together and have fun. The operator couple was about 40 years old, the staff a little younger, so between 20 and 30 years. The majority were women and girls from the surrounding area.

Only the gardener and his assistant were men. On the first evening there was a buffet with native cuisine as a dinner, since there was no other farang (foreigner) in the resort apart from me. I enjoyed a wonderful green curry with pork and rice as well as a cool beer. There were wonderful fruits for dessert that do not taste as good anywhere as here, since they had the full sun to tire and are not harvested green. After the meal, they met at the pool bar to approve one or two beers and to operate Sanuk and Sabei.

(Sanuk and Sabei = fun, and pleasure, relaxation). Around 10 p.m. I went slowly towards my bungalow because I was tired of the trip. After all, I had traveled from Switzerland to Thailand the day before and since then on my feet. I was still showering in the jungle shower and then lay down naked because it was still 28 degrees warm. After a short time I fell asleep and heard nothing about the party by the pool.

I woke up early in the morning when the day in Thailand starts at 5 a.m. I set myself fresh for the day and went breakfast at 7 a.m. Usually the Thais in the region eat for breakfast what we Europeans eat for lunch, i.e. rice and meat, chicken or fish. For me, however, you have prepared an American breakfast with omelet, Ham and sausage as well as toast bread. After breakfast I strolled back to my room to make myself comfortable on the terrace for reading with a book.

When I came to my room, however, the maid was busy getting my bed and my room in order. The name of the maid was boom, she was 23 years old, about 165 cm tall, slim and had long black hair that she had bound to a ponytail. When she saw me, she greeted me with a shy ́sawatee Ka Kun Hans ́. She was able to greet me with my first name, since we had known each other for several years.

Nevertheless, she had never tried to talk to me. When she cleaned the room and had done all the work, she asked me if she could sit down with me because she had time and the other guests would still sleep. I showed her the space on the other chair and asked if she wanted to drink something. She likes to say a name (water) which of course I liked to get her to her.

She thanked a ́kap kun ka ́ for that. I replied ́mai pen rai ́, which means nothing or like to happen ́ means ́ means. And so we got into conversation. She told me that she had heard that my wife and my two children had a fatal accident. It was very sorry for her because she would have loved to have all three because we would never have treated her as a maid, as others would do this.

We would always have considered them as equal and treated. I too and that’s why she dared to ask me if she could sit down with me. She also told me that her husband had a fatal accident two years ago at work and that she had been living alone since then. Fortunately, since she had married shortly beforehand, they would have had no children. But still she would no longer find a man in the village because she was a widow.

She was a second -class woman, she said sadly. A tear ran over her cheek. I was able to understand her pain because I went through something similar. I would have loved to hug her to comfort her. But it doesn’t work to do something like this in public, especially not among strangers. So I could only comfort her with words. I asked her when she was done with her work and Quitting time would have.

She said that if everyone got up, she would have to do until noon, then she would go home to do something with herself. I asked her if she would like to show me the surroundings. Since I had a car, we would be mobile. She looked into my eyes in question for a long time. Since I felt that, I assured her that it was without ulterior motives and expectations on my part. It was just more beautiful with someone you like to do something than alone.

Then her eyes started to shine and she said. She asked me how long I would actually stay in Thailand. I told her that I didn’t know that exactly yet, but about two to three months definitely. Then her eyes beamed even more and she said that we had a lot of time to explore the area. So we agreed to meet at the entrance to the resort at one o’clock and then eat something for lunch together on the go.

She was happy and said that ́Bis then ́. She would have seen that two rooms would have been free again and she would be cleaning so that she was finished at noon. We met at the agreed meeting point on time at one o’clock. I asked her what she would like to eat. She said in the Little Forest there would be good noodle dishes on it she would like. So I told her that she had to show me the way what she was doing.

Once at the destination, we studied the menu. I chose pasta with mushrooms, she took noodles with shrimps. I drank a beer and you have a cola. There was homemade ice cream for dessert. After dinner we continued through a beautiful idyllic area. We talked about this and that. Over time, we chatted about our lives and how lonely it is without a loved one. When I stopped her at the entrance to the resort in the evening after a wonderful day, she looked at my eyes for a long time before putting my arms around my neck and kissing me on my mouth.

Everything went very quickly and I had a feeling as if a flash of lightning was going on with me. However, before I could react correctly, what was going on, she had already gone at a distance and looked into the ground and ashamed to the ground. With a ́kap kun ka ́ and ́sawatee ka ́ she said goodbye and hurried home. With a happy feeling in my stomach I drove to the resort, parked my car and went to my bungalow.

Since I was not hungry, I was satisfied with a beer on my terrace and let the day pass the day again in my thoughts. When I got to the point where she kissed me, I became unsure of my feelings. I fell in love with her? I wasn’t sure yet. Why did she kiss me, for a Thai,? She likes or loves me? In terms of age I could do her Father be.

What does such a young woman want from me old man? I had a good income, but I wasn’t rich again either. I could live on it, also in pairs, but it is not enough for a luxury life. Then what is it? When I went to bed, she was still in my thoughts. The following night I dreamed of her. She was with me and we continued to talk about our life.

First she sat on my lap and kissed me intimately. Slowly she opened my shirt and gently stroked my bare chest. Legal with her hands, she got to my pants. Under intimate kisses she opened my belt and the button. When she opened her pants, she grabbed her hand behind the waistband of my underpants and grabbed my tight stem. She started to massage it easily. When I reached the climax, I injected mine sperm In my bed sheet.

I woke up from that. Since I was alone in bed, I realized that it was just a dream. But the effusion in my bed sheet was a reality. A little sad that it was just a dream, I’m grinding again. I only woke up in the morning when boom came into my room to clean it. When she noticed me in bed, she wanted to quickly remove from my room under a pretext. She said that yesterday I was already breakfast at this time.

I only answered her, ́mai pen rai ́, please stay here, I would like to talk to you. She said ok, but she would wait outside the door so that I could get up and get dressed. When I wred her back in, I asked her directly why she kissed me against the Tailand habits. Not that it would have bothered me, but it was rather unusual. Then she gave me ashamed that she would have fallen in love with me earlier when I was still in love with my family during the holidays during the holidays.

Yesterday when I tried to comfort her with my words and invited her to the wonderful trip, her feelings would have been going through with her and she should have kissed me. But she was sorry that she would not have been under control. Now it was up to me, hugging her and kissing passionately. I also confessed that I would have fell in love with her, but never dared to hope that such a young and extremely pretty woman could be interested in me and would reply my feelings.

Blushing and ashamed, she loosened from my hug and said she had to work again now. I asked her if we would see each other again after her work and do something again. With a shy yes, she said goodbye and went to clean the next room. Since she only had to clean three rooms because the others were free, she was quickly done with her work. I read a book on my terrace and waited for her.

When I saw her come, I got up to wait for her in my room. When she knocked on the door outside, I asked her to come in. She opened the door and when she saw me, she fell into my open arms and began to kiss me stormily. My tongue asked her sweet lips for admission to unite with her tongue. After a long and extremely intense kiss, we loosened from each other to come back to breath.

In doing so, she looked deep into my eyes and asked if she was just a vacation flirt or whether I felt more for her. I confessed that it was more, but I couldn’t say how much. It would also be a miracle that she could feel something old for me. With a smile on her face, she said that I wasn’t that old yet, only a man in the prime of old age. She kissed me again with passion.

Slowly we let ourselves sink on the bed. In doing so, she pulled my T-shirt over my head. When we lay on the bed, she started spoiling my nipples with her lips so that she hardened as with a woman. Slowly she slid towards the navel with her lips, played there with her tongue, which conjured up goosebumps on my entire body. In doing so, she opened my belt and the button on my pants.

Kneeling on the floor in front of the bed, pulling my shorts and underpants over my knees and put my tight stem into her hands. Slowly she caught my penis jerk off and with my tongue to caress my testicles and suck in her mouth. That triggered a shower of excitement and a horny groan. Now she licked my tight with her tongue tail Along, high to the dark purple glans.

This enclosed them with her lips after sucking the first drops of pleasure from the glans. With her tongue and lips, she played on the groove behind the glans and solved a shiver of unknown feelings in me. Since I had no woman for a long time, exactly the past seven years, since my wife had died, the Point of No Return soon emerged and I splashed my first load of sperm deep into her throat without warning.

I thought that she would remove my splashed tail disgusting. But far from it. Only when my last drop of sperm ended up in her throat and got the neck down into her stomach and she had steered my cock clean, with a stole on the face, she released my cock back into freedom. She said that my sperm would taste very good and she would like to have a lot of it. Now I took her in my arms and told her that it was now my turn to spoil her.

Now I started kissing her on her lips and opened the buttons of her work on her. When he was open, I let him slide over her shoulders to the ground. Now she only stood in front of me in her bra and panties. When I opened the bra, I started to massage your little breasts tender and twist the wide -up chest nipples. I elicited her a cozy sigh. Now I slowly drove my tongue to her right ear and nibbled it tenderly on it.

Kissing further down the neck, I approached her beautiful breasts with her little dark warts and her steep nipples. I am delicately able to suck on them and nibble tenderly. A woolly purring like a cat reached my ear and so I knew that she enjoyed my treatment. My way, with my many little kisses, over her sweet little belly button, which I also spoiled with my tongue, I went towards her middle of your body.

Since she was apparently very tickled, she had to laugh warmly. When I reached her pubic mound, she could calm down again and continue to enjoy my actions. Meanwhile, she joined me full of lust, probably in the hope that I will finally spoil her pleasure center. But I wanted to let her fidget a little longer and kissed the right thigh towards the knee and on to her sweet little feet. When I got there I went up from the foot of my left leg, towards her pleasure center.

Again she began to go against me. I wanted to keep her further in her request and increase it. That’s why I kissed the right inside of the thigh towards the knee again. I saw that a drop of pleasure loosened out of her vagina. She was running out. An honest fragrance flocked into my nose and almost brought my cock to the burst. Nevertheless, I dominated my desire and now kissed her left inside again.

Now I drove my tongue tender on the right side of her labia up and down on the left. I heard an impatient grumbling. Suddenly I sucked her far above lust pearl in my mouth and triggered the long -awaited high punk with her. With a pleasure creep that could be heard throughout the resort, she gave her first highlight of this afternoon. With twisted eyes she tried to get air again and calm down.

When she had calmed down to some extent, I put my cock out of her lust channel and with a questioning look I looked into her eyes. When she noticed this, she gave me her permission to finally dive into her vagina. Millimeter by millimeter we enjoyed the penetration into your cave. When I was completely in her, I lingered for a moment so that she could get used to the intruder. It came to my mind that we did not prevent.

I quickly asked if she was controlled. She said she should take the pill and I should come into it. Now there was no stopping and I started to fuck her in slow but long bumps. Slowly we both went towards a climax. Since she was already very excited from the last one, she came to her second in a short time orgasm. I had enough reserve and since I was able to hold back, I was able to continue driving her orgasm so that she had several small highlights until I also poured myself into it with a deep push.

Exhausted I let myself sink on her and tried to get to breathe. After a short time I rolled down from her and narrowly fell asleep we were exhausted. When I woke up it started to darken. Boom slept next to me. A short time later she also woke up with a smile on her face, she kissed me and said ́ pom rakun ́. Her luck beamed from her eyes. I said to her that we should get up to eat something.

In a small street restaurant we ate a wonderful Thai curry. After dinner it was time to go back to the accommodation. Suddenly Boom said that she would like to sleep with me because she felt lonely at home. I was happy and I said that she was always welcome in my bungalow. She said that she would like to take me home, but that would not be good, because I would notice as a Farang in her village and we would become a negative topic of conversation in the village.

That would not be an advantage for you if I went home again. When we came back to the resort, we went to the pool bar a beer and water drinking water. Then we went into the room. When I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go for little boys, I looked out the window on the pool. The pool was romantic in the light of the full moon. I suddenly grabbed me the desire to jump into the pool naked with boom naked.

Since we were the only guests and everything was asleep, nobody would bother us. So I woke boom with gentle kisses and when she was awake, I took her hand and went out to the pool. Since we both slept naked, we no longer had to undress and jumped into the warm water as we were. When we swum a few laps, I took her in my arms and started kissing them passionately.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my hip. In doing so, she rubbed her pleasure center on my cock, which straightened up and taut from me. My trunk pushed to the entrance of her column. When she noticed that, she let herself slide down and paused on my cock. I pushed into her so deeply that I docked her cervix, which elicited her a lustful groan, which disappeared into the warm tropical night.

Now I started to fuck her with long bumps. Her lustful moan grew louder and pointer until she roared her first orgasm that night with a primal scream. Since I hadn’t come myself yet, I was able to encourage her to encourage her, which gave her a multiple orgasm. Now I noticed that the final was not far with me either. When I inject my seed in her through her joyful cervix deep into her uterus, I also escaped a broken scream into the night.

We climbed out of the pool a while later and went back to our room. Boom said that that would have been the hottest one she had ever experienced. She would like to experience more about that. So time went far too quickly into the country, and the first month was history. One evening, I asked Boom if she would trust me. She looked at me for a long time, then she said, yes, but why I would ask her that.

Then I said I was tie up want so that she would be fully at the mercy of her lust. She beamed at me and kissed me with passion. Now I ordered her to undress and lie on her back on the bed. In the meantime I went to the bathroom to get the belts out of our bathrobes. I went back to the room with them, where boom was waiting on the bed with impatience.

I went to her, tied an end around her wrist and fixed her at the bed post. I did that with both arms. Then I took an end and tied it around her ankles, which I pulled up to my hands. Now she was folded like a pocket knife and presented me with her two lower entrances. Now I took a silk scarf and connected her eyes with it. Finally, I put on her headphones and let her play soothing music.

Now she was completely delivered to me. She couldn’t hear anything anymore and see nothing more. I already noticed her impatience, and she was already running out. Now I started gently painting over her thighs with my hands, which produced goosebumps all over the body with her. When I came close to her pleasure center, she tried to jam towards me, which was not so good because of the bondage. The longer I played with her, the more she started purring like a cat.

When I turned away from her, an impatient grumbling came from her. I waited a moment until she couldn’t stand her impatience anymore and she started to beg that I should give her orgasm. But I was still miles away from that. Now I started painting my tongue over her thighs. It turned back and forth, as far as its bondage permits. Now I started to remove the outer labia with my tongue.

Her purr went into a voluptuous moan, from which you could listen to her horny desire. Now I drove my tongue over her pleasure column and penetrated it into her too. I could sip her nectar, which I tasted very. When I realized that I could no longer increase their lust, so I could get their clitoris in my mouth. That was the point where I pushed her over the cliff and she screamed her orgasm into the night.

It was like an eruption of a volcano. In doing so, she splashed into my mouth. She had a wet finish. Now I read you recover for a short moment. When her breathing became calmer again, I put my plump penis on her column and slowly penetrated her cervix into her. Then she reached her second orgasm of the evening. Now I started to fuck her in long and slow bumps. Every time I docked her cervix, she escaped a voluptuous moan.

When the final registered with me, I made two more bumps deep into her, whereby I took my inside my seeds deep inside. She came to her final for the third time. After a short relaxation I rolled from her. Only with great effort, I was able to free them from their bonds and remove the blindfold like you headphones. When she recovered, she asked: “What do you do with me, you bird to death.

I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life. I would like to experience that often. “One morning at breakfast, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I asked, “What’s my tirak? (Tirak = honey) She said that my time was soon over and then she was alone again. She would like to be with me and my wife forever. I just said: “I know my darling, but enjoy the month we still have before us.

“In me, an idea that I wanted to enable with the owner couple without their knowledge. I could do that without risk because she had neither relatives nor family here. I wanted to get her a visa with later wedding. If I had it, I would surprise you with it. I called the Swiss embassy in Bangkok and asked what I would need. When I had the list, I went to the owner couple and asked them if they could get the required papers from Boom inconspicuously.

You could say yes that you need it for your employment contract. They wanted to do that with the condition that I would make boom happy. She would have gone through so much that she deserved it. When I had the papers and the visa for boom, my vacation was soon around. Three days before my departure, I said Boom that I would go to Bangkok from tomorrow because I would have to get a lot. When we lay in bed together in the evening and boom snuggled up, she started crying.

I asked her very amazed, although I knew the reason why she was crying. She said that it was our last night and she did not know for how long. I kissed her tears away. I straightened up, said to her with a handle to the bedside table, she would have really had that that was our last night here for an uncertain time. But if she wanted, many nights could follow us in their new and soon common home.

In doing so, I pushed her a big envelope into her hand. She asked: “What is that?“I told her that it was our future together when she wants to become my wife. At first she looked at me without understanding, then incredulously until she understood what I meant by that. She asked: “You want me to travel to Switzerland as your beloved wife?“I said:“ Yes, if you want it. Here is the visa, with subsequent clarification for marriage.

“With tears in her eyes she kissed me and said yes I want ́tirak ́. Then I told her that she should pack the most important thing tomorrow what she wants to take with her. You don’t need to pack your clothes, we would have to buy them in Switzerland. You can leave yours here in the house. I would also like to leave my clothes here, so that she could also use my suitcase for herself. I also told her that her current bosses would look at her house if we were not there.

They agreed without their knowledge and would have helped me with the surprise. Late at night, Boom pressed me passionately kissing my pillows. Now she started kissing my neck towards the chest. From there she came over the navel to my middle of the body, where my cock straightened up to see who approached him so much. Full of impatience, he filled himself with even more blood and stood tightly to welcome the sweet lips and the hot mouth.

Full of impatience, he let himself be sucked in the hot throat and pampered. That was the start of a wonderful erotic night. To put this into words is almost impossible and would extend the story into infinite. Dear readers, I prefer to leave that to your head cinema. When the time of the journey came home, we were adopted by tears by the owner couple and Boom bosses. We had to promise to come back soon. We were able to give this promise with a clear conscience.

Now have moved into the country since then several years. Soon after our journey home we got married. Boom took off the contraception because we both wanted to have children. Today we are proud parents of a boy and a girl aged 19 and 17. Every year we fly to our second home in Thailand. In a few years we want to move entirely to Thailand to spend our home in Boom’s home.

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