New in the city | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was new in the city, but my wife was promoted but also 150 km away. Since we were very hung on our house, it was out of the question of a sale. So we rented a small apartment, which was very cheap. The kindergarten for our Daughter was exactly opposite on the other side of the street and my wife’s work was only 1 km away.

I worked on the computer at home anyway. Since we drove home every weekend, we hardly knew someone in the city – my wife only her work colleagues and I especially the other mothers that I crossed in the playground or in kindergarten. This situation started to get on my nerves, because my wife Anna worked a lot and so there wasn’t much to think of sex during the week. And at the weekend there were 4 hours of 4 hours of driving, which did not exactly contribute to a pronounced libido Anna’s.

So neglected I started to take off the women around me in my thoughts and to imagine how it would be with them … I don’t dare (first) because I didn’t want to put my relationship at risk.

That’s why I started to satisfy myself more and more often. I worked in front of the computer alone and took breaks more and more to pull in a few porn until it became so extreme that when my wife was like it, I was hardly able to satisfy her correctly.

I was in the best way to deteriorate to a poor wanker.

Fortunately, everything should come differently ..

I had just brought our daughter to kindergarten and made a jug of tea that I wanted to drink in front of my computer in the morning when I suddenly rang the door. I wondered who that could be because I didn’t expect anyone and opened the door a small gap. Two women stood in front of the door.

One was in the mid -30s in the mid -30s, which I recognized after a while and the other much younger. I opened the door: -Duten tomorrow!

– Good morning, said the older one, they recognize me, I am that Mother One of the children who go into the same kindergarten as her daughter. But that’s why I’m not here. I wondered a lot more whether there is someone about us who takes care of us ..

How should I behave? In her hand I recognized the “watchtower” and if your child hadn’t gone into the same kindergarten as mine, I would have probably closed the door without comment.

But so, and maybe also because I wanted to give my eyes more of the cleavage to their young companion, I asked the two in. I pulled the door wide so that they could occur in front of me so that I could also take a look at their well -shaped apple po. She was wearing a short mini skirt, which irritated me with a Jehovah witness.

-Would you like to drink something? I’ve just done some tea.

So we sat down in the living room and I explained to the two that I did not believe in force majeure and for me everything was just black for me after death.

– whether if you were sleeping, the younger said by a surprisingly deep voice, which did not fit her petite body at all. But you couldn’t expect your big breasts on this.

– Exactly, just without a dream

– Dreaming is so beautiful. I was sexually starved that I somehow believed she wanted to flirt with me and would just not dare.

Maybe also through the context – it was actually here to talk about religion.

Coincidence helped me find out this. Because suddenly the other’s cell phone rang. It was kindergarten.

Her Son Had fever and she should pick it up.

– should I go home quickly Sandra?

– No, I haven’t drunk my tea yet and I want to buy something beforehand.

– Shopping, so she calls it, I thought in my more and more lively imagination. But their empty tea cup seemed to confirm my guess.

I didn’t care about my relationship at once. It was Tuesday and on the extended weekend before nothing had run between me and Anna again. I wanted to have Sandra immediately. And as soon as her companion had said goodbye, I put everything on one card and asked her with a grin whether I should still pour something into her or could help her shopping immediately.

She laughs, leans over to me and supports her thick pots with her hands: – Maybe you can help me wear. – better when unpacking. And our lips meet. I open my mouth and put my tongue in the neck, which is greeted by your joy and open her bra with a clever grip.

Shortly afterwards I pull the t-shirt over her head. Wow, their fat things seem to defy gravity despite their impressive size and so their swollen buds protrude towards me. I can’t help but suck immediately smacking on one nipple while I let the other circle between two fingers. This causes Sandra to a cozy moan.

This is too much for my spanking, which has already reached its full length of over 20 centimeters and finally wants to go outside. But luckily Sandra is already buttocks my jeans. Your future joy dispenser immediately skims out.

– So it’s something about it, grins Sandra and shapes a L with thumb and index finger.

I need a while to understand it. But she is right, I’m really not very big.

(Is probably a saying that big men have a little and young men a long one.) But I quickly get into reality from my thoughts, into the fantastically beautiful reality. Because Sandra is already sucking powerfully on my strap and scratching me Egg.

-Slowly, always slow, you definitely want to get your money’s worth.

– that’s right, she says, scaly me on the sofa, pulls my jeans from my legs and the boxer after the other way around me. I open this as an invitation and pull her down the skirt and her tanga, or in my view upwards and bury my head between her legs. I notice that she has to be starved as much as I do, because already a pleasant smell pulls me into my nose. I move in with relish and approach with my tongue of his source.

Source is indeed the right word. After a short time my whole face is snappy wet. My arms comprise her legs and I gently stroke her back of the back of the knees towards the ass cheeks. She seems to like that because she gets a real goosebumps.

I press a little more firmly and rub your skin warm again. Then I knead your incredibly firm butt and press your smooth -shaped column of my tongue. It tastes so cool. I concentrate on how she reacts to my caresses, that I hardly perceive how she processes my stem in time.

Fortunately, because otherwise I would have been long ago.

And with my constant wanking, I only managed to get two, a maximum of three times in a row.

Suddenly she lets off my hammer and says: – Lay about it, and points to a lying armchair. It totally turns me on that she apparently knows what she wants, because my wife is always so passive and always only likes the missionary position.

Then she climbs over my legs with her back to me and first leads to my lance in a standing in her pussy, and then bend forward. After all, she lies on me with her belly, her feet next to my head. Now I take her arms and whenever I pull on them, my snap traps deeper into her grotto. And I also have the best lodge place.

After a while we let go and she sticks to the backrests. As a result, I have my hands free to take care of their back entrance. I put a finger next to my best piece in her cunt and then so well lubricated in your ass. Oh man, I can feel my thing through her ass.

Now Sandra wants to change position, because although the angle really likes her, the whole thing is not very comfortable. I help her down and she turns around and takes mine tail back into the mouth. In doing so, she kneels on the edge of the lying down. Suddenly she grabs my legs and lies over her shoulders.

– Now I can, she says, and I already feel a finger in my ass while sucking on my glans and jerking me. It goes so quickly that I can’t protest at all. I never believed that I would like something like that. But then she also wants to take a second finger.

– sorry, that’s too much for the beginning.

– ok, then you fuck me in the ass now.

I don’t let that say twice, run into the bathroom and come back with a bottle of baby oil.

She is now crouching on all fours on the sofa and stretches hers Gorgeous in contrast to. I inject a large load on it and first massage your ass cheeks, whereby a wet finger gets lost in your hole every now and then. She wobbles with her butt impatiently.

– Finally fuck me now, I can’t expect it anymore.

– I want to really smear everything.

It’s fun to keep me up like that. But soon I can no longer expect it and put my acorn on her back entrance. My preparatory work turns out to be extremely effective, because I can penetrate without much effort. Your rectum hugs my shaft closely.

She moans loudly, but if she was afraid, I could therefore stop, she calls: – Make it on, it doesn’t hurt at all. I want to feel it deeper.

That makes me wild. My strokes are getting faster and faster while a hand caresses its clit.

She rears up, moves more and more uncontrollably, so I have to clasp her so as not to slip out of her. I assume she has just come.

I feel like her body juices running down on my shaft to my sack. The hand that your clitoris loves is dripping is dripping.

That’s why I would like to put him back in her cunt. A completely different, but just as cool, because I almost feel no resistance. Whether if I fucked into a liquid. Strangely, this excites my cock all the more and I feel that I can no longer hold my juice back for long.

So I decide to change the hole again quickly. I always fuck them alternately in both holes. Always one bump, then the other is on it again. Sandra seems to go crazy.

She screams her lust with every punch. Fortunately, all neighbors are at work, I think. But then I just can’t do it anymore.

– I feel like it right away.

Sandra turns around at lightning speed.

– yes spray me into my mouth.

What a horny bitch. The first load in her mouth is already injecting, the second ends up on her face and the third – I was surprised that came so much – on her wonderful tits.

– Oh, by the way, my name is Marc.

Because I noticed that I hadn’t imagined yet. I looked at the clock because I thought it was an eternity and was afraid that I was late to pick up my daughter. How to be wrong.

It had only been half an hour since the ringing of the doorstep.

Exhausted we were sitting on the sofa and I suddenly had remorse and painted the worst horror scenarios. Sandra, who blackmailed me and wanted to tell my wife, neighbors who were at home and had heard everything, ..

But Sandra told me that the other woman hers aunt be and she was only there. In a week she would fly abroad to work as an au pair girl for a year.

And if she liked it there, she would probably stay longer.

I fell a stone from the heart. On the other hand, I was already looking forward to a fuck relationship. Sandra seemed to notice this and so we drove it all morning until I had to go to pick up my daughter.

Sandra still told me how she saw me the day before in the playground where I had played with my daughter.

According to her, loving fathers have a certain effect on the female gender.

Since I had already cheated on my wife, all inhibitions had fallen. In addition, Sandra’s words always echoed me in my ear. So in the coming days I took a closer look at the playground.

But this is a new chapter …

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