Kinky shopping tour | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I was very excited when I met Mandy in a cafe the next morning. She just looked irresistible. She was wearing a super short mini, heels and a short top, just biting. We greeted ourselves like two old friends and then drank a coffee and talked about the events of the last night.

Mandy confessed to me that it totally turned on me to see me with Heiko. How greedy I on his tail I have been inspiring her imagination, as she said. Of course I wanted to know what she would mess around in your head. So she widen me into her plans for today.

She became the same cooler in the tone and strict.

It’s my love very simple, she said. Since you had the pleasure yesterday to fuck my husband, and I don’t, I expect you today that you are useful to me. And that means, I asked. Mandy answered smugly smiling.

You my dear Heidi will do everything I ask you today. There will be unexpected situations that will also cost you overcoming, but you will do everything I want. I didn’t need to think long, I agreed. Ok said Mandy then let’s go shopping.

We paid and started. At first everything was quite normal, two friends enjoy the shop window stroll. When we passed a shop with irresistible shoes we stopped our first stop. We really raged because it was very early, there was little going on and a nice young seller served us patiently.

After a while we had both chosen each two couples. I wanted to pay mine because Mandy took the initiative. She pulled me back and leaned over the counter. The seller stared at her immediately on the plump tits.

Say we can’t do anything about the price, she asked. The seller denied this kindly. I would have an offer for you, said Mandy. The seller wanted to reject again when Mandy pulled my mini up and thus released the view of my shaved pussy.

The breath punched the seller. Hear that is my girlfriend Heidi, she said and played with her index finger on my pussy. And my girlfriend Heidi fucked with my husband last night, and because she is very sorry she will give me this shoes. But she won’t just buy her, she will work out at you.

The seller slowly came back. He said, but not here in the shop, he took me by the hand and pulled me into the back of the shop. Once in a storage room, he opened his pants and a half -stiff tail came to light. I knelt in front of him and started blowing him.

It seemed very much to like it. It took less than five minutes because he started moaning violently and grabbed my head with both hands. He was already shot sperm in my neck. I swallowed the whole load and thanked it for it, after that Mandy and I continue on our shopping tour.

In a small boutique we tried various things, minis, tops, Lingerie What the shop offered. Since we were served here by a seller, I was sure that there would be no other sexual episodes, but far from it.

When I was in the cabin to put on a corset, the curtain opens and Mandy stood in front of me. She smiled at me and said you are really a sperm horny sow, that was so horny I’m very wet. Then she pushed herself to me and kissed me passionately, I only loved to return the kiss. But we forgot the seller because suddenly the lady raged what should that be no brothel here and we should disappear.

We quickly got dressed and left the shop as quickly as possible. On the rhinestone we both laughed at half death. But already here Mandy gave me a long passionate kiss again and said she wanted me now on the spot. So we quickly went to a bistro and here on the toilet.

Quickly in a cabin and closed. Mandy a lot like a lioness over me. She kissed me and dragged my clothes off my body. I read everything without will.

At some point I knelt naked in front of Mandy She leaned against the cabin wall, pulled her mini up and I licked her wonderful pussy. Mandy knew no stopping, she groaned her lust fully. You just have to have heard us. When we were finished, the incredulous looks of the other visitors confirmed this my theory.

We finally ended up in my sex shop, you already know the one where I met Tobie. We looked around like two silly schoolgirls, laughed and squeaked at the sight of the vibrators and the cover of the films. We were completely turned up and wanted to go before we got trouble here too. In the front area of the shop there is video cabins, Mandy pulled me up and pressed me into one of the cabins then kissed me again.

I was still pure lust, I started to put my clothes off. Only dressed with my heels I stood in front of Mandy when I heard a very pleasant gentle women voice. Close you two sweeties. Mandy turned and gave a look at a woman, I guess her free at my age.

She was wearing a very tight mini and only one bra Under a jeansjake. It was immediately clear to me that the lady was doing her business here and found us annoying us. I wanted to get dressed again because Mandy only said I should stay that way. She pulled the whore Something aside and both talked so quietly that I didn’t notice anything.

After a while they came back to me the whore came to me in the cabin, Mandy stood in the door and smiled happily. The whore sat on the seats looked at me at me and grabbed me between the Legs. Well you horny bitch, she drove me on. You fuck with your girlfriend’s husband? Swallow the sperm of wild strangers, you are a real Derecksau! Yes, I was whimpered.

The whore put her index finger in my pussy. Oh man the horny sow you are totally wet, she found. I looked at Mandy but enjoyed the horny game. The whore got up and sucked on my nipples.

You have horny tits, with you I could do a lot of coal here. I looked again at Mandy. What should that here? The whore opens its bra and sat down again, let’s go hooker leak my tits, she ordered. I crouched in front of her and licked the nipples, her breasts were stone hard, obviously a doctor had helped, you could really feel the implants.

But she liked it. Hey the little hooker has really fun, she fired at me. Her nipples were steeply headed to her tightly on her silicone tits, come suck on you make you nice hard you little bitch, continued to cheer me on. After a while I should get up.

So there I was completely naked and the whore was grinning in front of me. She reached between my legs and said what the horny hooker is very damp, she drips right. Let’s go around you bitch, then she drove me on. Again I obey without re -words.

Now I stood with my back to the whore on the wall of the cabin, Mandy only smiled and enjoyed the horny game that offered her there. The whore pulled my ass cheeks apart and licked me rosette, She sips my ass on my ass and asked me if I would like that. I only answered yes. I thought it was, she just said.

Then she got up and whispered in my ear and how do you like that? What, I asked ignorant. That, said the whore determining and I felt brutally pressed into my ass like a cock. Mandy laughed out loud, the horny hooker is fucked by a tranny and doesn’t even notice it. I tried to solve myself.

I really didn’t want the whore to fuck me brutally, she pressed my hands onto the cabin wall and me too due to the weight of her body. Don’t defend you you little hooker, otherwise I’ll let you fuck here who comes here. And I keep the coal, she drove me on. Let’s get your ass on you horny sow always echoed in my ears.

After a time that I can hardly assess, it happened to me for hours, the whore pressed me on my hair on my head on the wall and whispered in my ear, here only for you. Then I felt how she sprayed into my ass under moaning. I sang to the ground and was totally finished, I just wanted to go but I couldn’t. Mandy helped me on my feet, I straightened my clothes and then we are home to me.

I’m completely finished in bed, I had to be clear about what was just happening there. After a few days of thinking, I made a decision that completely changed my life. But more about that

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