Horny fuck with a mature woman | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hannahanna is that Mother My first festival friend Susanne. She is already 56 years old, but sees her well -groomed exterior, and the sporty figure, at least. 18 years younger. She is approx. 180 cm tall, approx. 60 kg, long blonde hair, blue eyes and has a horny stem that I guess on 80c. Furthermore, she has a plump crunchy buttock that literally invites you to touch. Since I have to appreciate mature women from experience, Hanna fit exactly into my prey scheme.

She lives in a small town near Düsseldorf by grew up at the time, in the immediate vicinity of my parents. Although the relationship with her daughter has been over for more than 18 years, my visits come at home when we happen to meet, often to a small, innocent small talk. At the end of August 2008 we happened to met in Cologne city center. And since she was about to eat a little something, she asked me to accompany her.

It was a surprise to me, but since I was hungry, I would be happy to accept your invitation. She was wearing a skirt that highlighted her well -groomed legs and a blouse that harmoniously nestled around her full breasts. We talked about all possible topics and I imagine that their nipples were particularly horny under the thin fabric when I looked at them intensively. Then she smiled and looked away in relegation. I learned in the course of the conversation that she is slowly starting to enjoy life again 18 years after her husband’s death death.

I flattered her in which I praised her appearance and she wished that all of her hopes fulfilled. Unfortunately, this pleasant afternoon passed too quickly. When I adopted me very gently and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I replied the hug by stroking her over her arm and told her that I was very happy to watch her again. I managed to attach my business card to her before we left the restaurant.

I saw a great chance of seeing again, but I should be wrong. A few days later, Hanna called me and asked me if I wanted to accompany her for the Madonna concert in Düsseldorf. You have VIP cards and would like to invite me to do so. Sure I wanted. The music, from Madonna, doesn’t agree with me, but I didn’t care about getting to know Hanna closer and more intensely. We made up that I picked them up at home and then we drive to the concert together.

I went home earlier that day. Since I gave myself a little hope of landing in bed with Hanna, I prepared myself carefully. I lay down in the bathtub and shaved the stubble in the intimate area. I gently pushed my long foreskin back and let my index finger slightly circle over the plump glans. My thoughts, hung on Susanne, her daughter. I happened to meet Susanne a few weeks ago, on a trip to Dresden.

I was with my married lover/and colleague Iris, and Susanne with her husband there. I took the chance to take Susanne alone, to seduce her and to fuck her passionately with her. The horny memory made mine tail Keep it up so that I closed my eyes and in the memory of it with relish. (You can read this story under the title “Reunion with Susanne” here on the board) Now, if I don’t stupidly instead of getting the mother in front of the shotgun.

Just horny, I splashed. So relaxed, I drove to the old home to pick up Hanna there. She looked fantastically when she climbed into the car. Narrow 7/8 pants with high boots that emphasized the legs great, a belly -free top that was bound under the breasts with a loop. The light top had spaghetti straps, so it was easy to see that it was on the road without a bra. The breasts hung lightly.

But it looked horny, especially since the nipples appeared well in the fabric. She is not 56 I thought to myself, she is 36 and she wants it. You need it. She’s cool. She wants sex. She wants to be fucked. You you you..When she was sitting in the car and overturning to me to add a kiss on my cheek, I would have preferred to pull her to me, put the seat on and still fucked in the entrance 3x.

“Hello?“Asked and waved approx. 5 cm in front of my eyes, “Are you doing well?“I was unable to react. I was not prepared for this horny dress. I felt my little Peter, slowly upgraded. My mouth was dry, I was unable to react. ” What’s up? Do not you like me?“She asked me with a smile. “Yes, yes!”I stammered,” You make me totally nervous with your elevator, suit, ahm with your clothes.

” “And now?”She asked” should I take it off?”” Uh, yes, no no now “, I just stammered. I behaved like a teenager who was about his first time and has never seen a sexy woman before. It was embarrassing to me. With a red head, I tried to get my version back, breathed deep through the car and then drove towards Düsseldorf. Whenever I looked over at her, I saw Hanna slightly grinning.

We made progress quickly and I avoided every conversation until we were in construction sites shortly before the LTU arena in the tunnel on the A44. It was not going ahead for a long time. I was still embarrassing my failure and I tried to distract myself with thoughts about the work. Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over and Hanna smiled at me. “What did you think of?“She asked me with a smile.

“Say it I want to know” she breathed in my ear. The blood shot my head into my head. “Uh I like you. Your outfit looks great?””That’s all?“She breathed back and continued with her hand into my lap. Her fingers were dangerously close to my little Peter, who was now back to set up. “You thought more. Tell me, ”she whispered. I felt her lips on my ear.

She bit slightly in my earlobe and her hand lay over the bump in my pants. I couldn’t answer me the air stayed away. “Add to you find me horny or?“I could only nod my head. I didn’t bring out a word. I’ve already had a lot of women, but that a woman makes me embarrassed was new and very uncomfortable for me. With her fingernails she now stroked my cock more firmly.

Despite the air conditioning, I felt like I was in a sauna. I now felt her lips on my neck. I went up my neck hair and a cold shower ran over my back. I enjoyed the feeling and nestled my face on her. I moved in her fragrance and suddenly felt a soothing tingling in my stomach. Our lips found each other and we merged into a horny violent kiss. I was so gone that I didn’t really notice that Hanna had opened my pants and my cock was now really good in her hand.

She only held him without wanking. A great feeling. Unfortunately only too short. I was brought back to reality when it was a animal behind us. We still stood in the single -lane tunnel construction site and the car in front of me could hardly be seen anymore. I quickly accelerated and concentrated on the street again. When the cause of the traffic jam, a truck remained, it happened quickly. My tail was still in the slim tender hand of my passenger.

I looked at Hanna and she smiled. Then she opened her seat belt and bend down to me into my lap. She took my cock tightly, pulled the foreskin back to the stop, and sank my long hard pin sucking between her lips. And at 120 km / h on the highway. This is so horny nobody believes that. I only had to be 38 years old to experience something like that.

If that weren’t that dangerous, I would do it every day and recommend it to everyone the same. The adrenaline kick is so huge that almost flies away your skull ceiling. I throttled the speed to well under 100 km/h, not only because of the radar speedsters shortly before the fair, but, I wanted to enjoy the sucking lips of this horny woman even further long. Slowly I felt my horny juice climbing, but I had to concentrate on the socket, and above all not to lose control of my vehicle.

Thank God the exit came. The parking spaces of the LTU Arena begin directly at the exit, so that I do approx. 100 meters found a place where I could keep safe. Hardly stopped, I put the engine off, took Hanna’s head with both hands, and led her lips to the final. I gently massaged her scalp and the neck and pressed her deeper on my 21 × 5 tail. In order not to overwhelm her, I pulled her head up gently and then press down again.

Then I couldn’t stand it anymore. I didn’t hold back anymore. I warned her briefly and then I poured myself in her sucking throat. As if I haven’t hose forever, I pumped endlessly. But she swallowed everything very well. I leaned back into the seat, closed my eyes and enjoyed the situation. I noticed how Hanna rose. For a short time I felt her lips on mine and we sank into an endlessly long kiss.

I tasted my own seed. After a while we loosened and she grinned at me. “Well, you like that?” she asked. I asked hypocritically “what?”. “Come on say, I know that you like it” I …, I like horny women like you, I answer without really answering your question. I pulled her over to me kissed her and took my hand with my hand. Your tits was good and firm in my hand.

With index finger and thumb I twisted the hard nipple. Hanna closed his eyes and groaned lustfully. I quickly pushed the top up, took the tits in my hand down and started sucking lightly. With the other hand I found the lever to fold the seat completely back?”Hey young man, what are you going to do? Waited, I replied and my lips hiked over the tight belly towards the shot.

I opened her pants and put it in. Mhh horny, I didn’t feel any panties. A little lower and I had reached her lust head. I gently massaged the little knob. My lips wandered up again and custody with the breast when Hanna suddenly pressed his legs together and roared out loudly. When she opened her legs again I pulled back and looked at this horny mature woman. I had never experienced a woman who has a pace on the first date.

Heaven must be starved after sex. Hanna straightened up, put the seat upright again and then asked “And now what we are doing now?I replied: “Think we are here because of the Madonna concert?“She looked at me dearly and took me in my arms. “You, I have no cards for Madonna. I just said that to see you again. I hoped that I can convince you on the way to Düsseldorf, not to go to the concert.

“” Yes, you convinced me. Fuck Madonna. “I was happy. Why don’t you find them horny? She looks great and is almost 18 years younger than me, ”said Hanna. “Sure Madonna already makes a great show, but I don’t want to meet it without make -up,” I replied. “Besides, Madonna is too young for me I like older semester” “Old Schmeichler, let’s get to me. I’m horny and I want to be fucked.

Or do you have anything else today?Of course I didn’t have. The clothes were quickly packed again. We were back on the highway, on the fastest way to Hanna’s bed, a forbidden U-Turn and Zack. After approx. We stood in front of Hanna’s house for 20 minutes. We were quickly inside. As soon as I had closed the front door, Hanna pulled the top, came towards me, put my arms around my neck and kissed me that the air stayed away from me.

With both hands I massaged her plump ripe breasts. The nipples looked like small berries. Hanna’s hand was now on my pants. My cock was ready in full size. She opened her pants and my belt. I didn’t wore underpants that I was standing in front of her in full splendor. Without interrupting the hot horny kiss, Hanna pulled me in the tail towards the dining room. There was a table there. Her pants were quickly opened and moved out.

I grabbed Hanna on my hip, raised her and put her on the table. Only now did our lips dissolve. Hanna supported herself with one hand, with one hand, spread her legs far, and pulled my cock with the other hand, right in front of her bare cunt. “Come on me” she breathed. I didn’t let that tell me twice. I took my scepter in my hand and put the moist tail tip. Pulled the glans through the wet column once, and then chased my hot sword deep to the stop into her vagina.

Ohh did that well. I fucked Hanna hard and violent. Each punch let them groan out loud. Her pussy was very narrow, closer than expected. In the meantime, Hanna was completely on the dining table and massaged her plump breasts, who bobbed at every bump. Looked horny. I drove my staff into the wet horny cunt hole faster and harder. But I couldn’t keep the pace for a long time. I felt my juice climbing. I delayed the pace noticeably, so that Hanna could take a deep breath too.

Then I pulled myself out of her love throat, got to my knees and tried to complete what my cock has not yet done. With my fingers I spread my labia apart so that I could fuck them with my tongue. I pulled my rough tongue through her column like a whirlwind while massaging her hard clit with my index finger. Suddenly my mature lover joined up. Her moans grew louder the more intensely she overrun orgasm.

In doing so, she pressed her legs together, so that my head was trapped in her shame. I dipped completely in her lap. My whole face was wet from her delicious juice. Although the air was slow to breathe, I drove my tongue further into her twitching meat. A second orgasm caught her. And this time she pulled up on my hair. Aua that hurt. I immediately stopped the tongue fuck and was happy when her orgasm decreased and she released my head again.

Exhausted smiling, Hanna straightens up, pulled me up and we sank back into a hot intimate kiss. I put her in my arms pressed her pool firmly to me.. I already felt her heat on my cock. He was placed so that if I had raised Hanna slightly, it would have been possible for me to penetrate her deeply. But she seemed to guess my project. She fended off me and wavered towards the sofa.

“Please give me a break. I’m no longer the youngest, ”she sniffed. “But the best” I answered. “Come here to me,” she asked me to be hugged. I sat down on the sofa next to Hanna and hugged her. But Hanna turned me so that I had my head, with her face forward, in her lap to lie down. I smelled her lust and stroked her knee. She smelled my head and silent.

“You think in front” I carefully asked “I enjoy the moment. It was so beautiful, much nicer than I imagined it. Hornier than in my imagination. ” “Real?“” Yes I’ve been dreaming of having sex with you for years. “She revealed herself. I was speechless. “Since when?“I asked after a little break. “Since you were together with Susanne at the time and went in and out of us all the time.

I accidentally watched you in the morning when Susanne was in the church with her father. There you were in the bathroom and secretly wanked into my slip. I stood behind the door and could see everything exactly. Your cock was so young, plump and hard. And much larger than that of my husband. After the experience, I was always totally flush when you came to us. I always thought of your cock when I slept with my husband.

When I knew that you could come to come, I was really nice to do it. I wanted to like. But unfortunately you didn’t notice me “” but I have “I replied. “But I did not dare. It excited me when I saw you in a short skirt or in a tight dress. You often didn’t wear a bra and then I could see your horny nipple. If you have bent down and I could see your tits, I almost left me.

Or your laundry in the bathroom. It smelled so horny after your fragrance. I did not want to poppen when Susanne had no desire, secretly took my slips out of my clothes and told me to fuck you. I left the door in the hope that you come in and you do it with me. I didn’t dare any more. Was afraid, if I put your tits to you, you will be a scrape or scream for me.

“” No, I wouldn’t have done that. I loved you with me. You often came to us, although you knew that Susanne is not at home. I then imagined you come because of me. Could feel your eyes when we were alone. Then I was always so wet that I hardly endured it. “” Yes, I often only came to you because of you. I was looking for your closeness, but I didn’t dare to tell you something.

It was enough for me to look at you to smell you or even to be in one room with you. And when I fucked with your daughter, I often thought of you. “I have often observed you. The balcony on Susi’s room can also be reached from the hallway. I went crazy when you fucked her in your room horny. Often have on the balcony Standed and watched like you driven your hard cock into her little cunt, and then licked her horny after cumshot.

Through the mirror on your closet, I could see everything exactly. But you couldn’t see me. Most of the time I was so horny that I caressed myself on the balcony myself. It couldn’t wait until my husband finally came home and I could let off steam on him. Even if you were here at night and you fucked, we could hear that throughout the house. Susanne’s pointed screams and your horny moaning, if you inseminated it, almost drove me crazy about lust.

My husband usually slept so deeply that he often didn’t notice. Then I often went down into the living room and secretly satisfied myself with a dildo. Then I imagined that you got me and then fuck me with your horny hard cock. Exactly here where we are sitting now I was often when you were up and banged my daughter. And now my wish and my imagination to fuck with you is true.

I spread her legs and hiked with my lips from the knee to the thigh in the middle of her center of lust. I ring in another round with my tongue. This time I wanted to fulfill the wish that was 20 years old. I checked her lust with my tongue by slightly massaging the clit. Then I straightened up and put it in such a way that her wet cunt was easily accessible in front of my tail.

I took my cock in my hand and pulled it through her wet column. “Close your eyes. Imagine we both 20 years ago. I just got you caught, How to get it with your dildo. You are very wet and ask me to fuck you. “” Yes Peter, come me fuck me. I want to feel you, ”she whispered quietly. Slowly my plump acorn shaped her shame. As in slow motion, I penetrated you up to the stop.

Stayed for a moment and then pulled me back almost completely. Your mature melons were firmly in my hands. I rolled the sweet fruits slightly and felt their pleasure nipples that slowly updated again. Hanna had closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. I repeated my slow gentle deep bumps approx. 10 x until I then leaned on the sofa without warning and my hammer deep and brutally into the horny meat driving.

Hanna opened his eyes and screamed. Initially with pain, three bumps later with lust. I fucked her for a while and looked at this horny mature sow that winds around my cock. “Imagine at the time that I would have caught you masturbating at the time, fucked you and made a child to you. “I tried to bring my pregnancy fantasies into play. Hanna hit his eyes frightened and I thought I had said something wrong.

Shortly afterwards she had tears in her eyes. I listened to fuck her, but kept staying in her warm tight cunt. “I always wanted a second child, but Klaus my husband did not want to be sterilized at the time. Whenever I was hot and you were here in the house, I walked through the house completely rolled. Always with the idea that you fuck me unprotected and I get pregnant by you.

I even put on the briefs that you secretly insisted in the bathroom. And I put the towels that were in Susanne’s room with which she wiped off your sperm after fucking. When my hot days were over, I always ashamed of my behavior and was happy every time your sperm did not fertilize me.

And now that where I can no longer get children, it goes my dream Fucking with you and then you want to make me another child. “Hannaich sobbed my cock out of her cunt, straightened me up, put me on the sofa and took her comfortingly in her arm. “Hey don’t cry. Imagine what would have happened if I really had you pregnant. What that would have meant to all of us.

Sure I would have liked to be with you, loved you and fucked you. But a child? I was 17 at the time and you were 36, more than twice as old. Believe me that wouldn’t have been a good idea. “I pushed Hanna to me gave her a kiss and wiped her tears out of her face. “Yes you are right. I was stupid and naive back then. But at the time I wanted a second child that I would have accepted that I would have accepted it.

“Said Hanna. “Come on let’s go to the kitchen I am hungry. “On the way there, she went briefly into the bathroom and came back with two bathrobes. We put them on and went over to the kitchen. With quick handles she made us eat something. I was sitting on the chair in the kitchen and watching Hanna at work. “What have you driven so in the past 20 years? Do you have wife and children?”She asked me.

I briefly considered what to say, but decided to commit the truth. “I have 3 children with 3 different women” I started telling. Hanna turned horrified and looked at me with big eyes. “What ? Three children, with three women? How could that happen?”She asked” you know the story with the bees and the flowers? I asked her back with a smile. Hanna grinned and said “Ha ha I can do myself.

“” But have none Contact more about women, let alone the children. “I continued” but now everything would take too long, “I put it over. (I wrote down the experiences for you, in the three stories “Summer with Claudia, Patricia, and Tanja. To be found somewhere here in the board/forum) I told about my grandpa. He once said to me: “Boy, why buy a cow if you only want a glass of milk?“He was right and made this saying, in relation to women, the goal of life.

“Interesting attitude to life you don’t live in a fixed partnership?“Hanna asked carefully. “No I am single and enjoy my life. “I replied” Hey there we both have something together. Come on let’s eat now I have a bear hunger, ”she ended the topic and sat down opposite me. The little snack was really good. I ate with pleasure and looked at Hanna deep in the eyes. Despite her age, she looked really very attractive.

Sensual eyes with small wrinkles that made their face really sexy. She took my hands and pulled her to herself and kissed my fingertips. “What is ? You look at me so strange. ? She asked unsafe. “I’m not looking strange. You’re a beautiful woman. A woman to fall in love with, ”I replied. “Am I not too old for you? she asked quietly. “No for love you are never too old,” I whispered quietly back.

“Oh, you’re so cute. Come on let’s go into the bedroom and enjoy the dessert together. “She asked me to. Then she stood on my hand and led me up into the bedroom. Your path led directly to the bed. She opened my bathrobe with a quick grip and went on her knees to make my little friend a big friend. She blew well and was able to take my cock deep into her sucking throat.

It looked horny. She had put her hands on her back and stimulated me with your eyes closed. When my cock was ready for action when she was ready to fight, she lay on the bed, pulled me on my tail so that I came to lie right in front of her cunt. She pushed her pelvis forward so that I enter her with the tip. “Come on my horny man” she breathed quietly. “Fuck me again as violently as.

“I didn’t let me say that twice. I put on and drove my spear, back into the nimperer cunt. After just a few bumps, I felt that her cunt contracts. I slowed down the fucking pace a little and took my fingers to massage your clit. After a few minutes her quake announced. As in extase, she winds under my cock. She clawed in the pillow and roars her lust out.

I gave her for a short time to breathe and then fucked. Slowly I increased the pace again, leaning forward to spoil her horny nipples at the fuck. “Oh yes, you do that well,” she groaned. “How many times have I dreamed of fucking with you here in my marriage bed. Dreamed as you insisted me and a child fucks me. How you put on my husband, the horns and make me your fuck mare.

“Horny this woman. I hadn’t expected such dirty talk. I pulled my cock back and pointed to Hanna to her kneel. “Come here you horny mare” I ordered her. ” Kneel down. Mares are inseminated from behind. “The position was quickly changed and Hanna offered me her horny back. My cock was quickly sunk in the gear tube. I held on to her pelvis and pushed my 21 cm deep and hard to the stop.

“Yes, make me the stallion” she groaned loudly. I gave everything, I put my last strength into the hard fucking blinds. “So you horny mare. Now I inseminate you. Now I’ll make you a child. “I roared. Hardly pronounced was almost black in my eyes. I chased my sperm into her open cunt. Several sperm collapsed on their cervix. My knees became soft and I couldn’t hold myself anymore. I sagged aside.

I was ready and no more movement ready. Hanna laid down next to me and said “Thank you, you gave me the feeling of being a desirable woman again. “I loved her in my arms, cuddled with her plump breasts and fell asleep together. The next morning I woke up because I felt Hanna’s hands on my gender. She looked at me dearly, breathed a good morning and pushed my limp penis into my mouth.

There she let her tongue circle around the glans so that it doesn’t take long for me to be horny and ready for use. Hanna crouched over my hard pin with a quick movement and slowly sat on it. It looked awesome how the labia shared and 21 × 5 in their lap to the attack disappeared. Then bend it so that I was able to cuddle with her ripe breasts. She rode me like a wild one while I tried to get the tire berries in the mouth and suck on it.

She quickly came to the Point of No Return. Hanna sagged on my chest with a loud moan. I loved her and felt her exhausting orgasm. While I crawled her neck, I find my pelvis easy to move. After a short time, Hanna groaned, so that I moved my pelvis more violently and faster. Then I clutched Hanna and turned her on the back so that I was now lying above her.

Then a few bumps and I felt my hot seed climbing. “Ohh I inject” I called. Then it was too late. With a violent orgasm I exuded my lust deep in her stomach. I stayed on Hanna for a while and enjoyed the moment. I gently stroked her breasts and hoped the morning would never end. Slowly it was time to get up and go to the office. I straightened up and my sleeping cock slipped out of the soaked cunt.

My seed ran out of the tire hole in a narrow trickle. I leaned down and pulled my tongue through the horny nectar of our lust. Then Hanna took my head and pushed it down. I understood immediately and licked Hanna the horny love honey almost completely out of the ripe fruit. In doing so, she groaned louder until a violent tremor and twitching announced her orgasm. My face was fully smeared with our juice when Hanna pulled me up and kissed me.

“We both taste good. “, She smiled. “I wish that our friendship never stops” with a reference to the time and that I have been for min. 30 minutes in Cologne in the office I got up, I got up and left the bedroom towards the bathroom to freshen me. Her last words scared me. What does this woman want from me? Just fuck or a firm friendship with all the trimmings? Actually, I didn’t feel like a permanent relationship with this mature woman.

What do my parents think that only a few houses live further. What will Susanne say when she learns that I will fuck with her mother? All of these thoughts went through my head when I put on, Hanna took the tits again in the kitchen and then thanked me with a short kiss for the horny night. “Let’s see each other tonight or call me?”She asked slightly anxiously” Yes, I call you.

“With these words, I said goodbye to Hanna and left the apartment and drove home instead of to work, and reported sick to recover from this horny date. That was almost 2 months ago. Since then I have not reported to Hanna and have not accepted her phone calls. Thanks Hanna. You were a very valuable experience.

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