Geiler Christmas Fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Christmas was one day before Christmas Eve. She felt like it again, really desire and had come up with something special. Her husband was still on the road. , He had to play Santa Claus for his company and bring gifts to the customers in the costume. She knew that he would be at home on time at 7:00 p.m. If he was committed to a while, then he came on time.

Even during sex he could come precisely. That was his great strength. Of course he also had his weaknesses. He kept moving things. Even his front door or car key, sometimes his cell phone. That is why they had everything from the important things in multiple copies. During sex, he clearly lacked imagination. He stood his husband, no question, but she just wanted a little more Espri and spontaneity. So she had planned to lure him out of the reserve again tonight.

She was excited all day and full of anticipation. Now she had exactly 30 minutes until he would appear. She had showered extensively, finely trimmed her little, crausible bush and put on a light perfume. Her very handsome stimuli reinforced them with a new red straps belt with suitable nylons and a few new red high heels with rhinestones. Their round and full breasts were replaced by the red top bra Visually caused. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she snapped with her tongue.

She was already a damn seductive bitch. She dimmed the light in bedroom, Put the cell phone with the door opener app on the night cabinet and crouched on the bed. It went through a slight doubt when she laced her ankles with leather straps wide on the bed. Would he like that? At the same time, she excited the thought, would like to see his face if he found her so helplessly on the bed. But she would not be able to see the face because she pushed an blindfold over her eyes, immediately she was darkness.

As an additional gimmick, she pulled a red soft night man’s hat over her blonde crowd. She moved back and read two handcuffs to click her wrists. It was 6:50 p.m., she was fixed and ready for him. While she was waiting, her breath hardly calmed down. With each breath, their already raised rubbed Nipple On the light fabric of your bra. She felt pleasantly warm and damp between her legs and knew exactly that her labia were already open a little bit.

She jerked slightly on her Tie up and complied with the fact that she could hardly move. Just a few moments later the doorbell rang. As she thought it was, he was on time, but had laid his keys again. With great effort, she managed to press the door opener and she heard his deeply adjusted voice. “HO, HO, HO. “. She replied “Ho, Ho, Ho. “. It appeared to her like an eternity until she heard the bedroom door was pushed off.

She grinned, moved her hips back and forth as much as possible and pushed her breasts out further. It had to be a breathtaking sight because she heard the air sharply inserting the air. She heard the rustling of the Santa Claus costume when he put on a few steps to her. “Merry Christmas, my darling. “, She breathed. When he touched her calf with his fingers, the thin fabric crackled and she was flicked through slight flashes of pleasure. She felt his hand as she slowly and uncertainly slid over her knee.

The hand gained more and more security and was increasingly grazing her center. When she felt two fingers in her little bush, her uncertainty was evaporated and she knew that he liked this sight. She would have seen it, as his limb gave way to the sight of his whole size. She loved his phallus, she loved it with fingers and tongue and everything to grow. The more she thought of him, the more she longed for it.

But she was tied up and had to adapt to his speed. But he could hardly wait, because he pushed a finger between the slightly open labia. She groaned, that’s exactly the touch she was waiting for. Slightly rubbed the finger up and down and she tried hers Legs To continue open. She felt the finger slowly immersed in her grotto. Slowly but demanding.

He stroked her lips, added a second finger who elicited another sigh. He stroked her performed shame increasingly demanding and determined. When he touched her little pleasure point, she groaned loudly and pressed her breasts out a little further. She was so horny, she was already wax in his fingers. She finally wanted to feel it, wanted to feel it, his big tough one tail feel. But she still had to be patient.

You bite your lips. Then she felt his strong hand on her chest. Two fingers immediately pressed their steep nipple. Then she was massaged vigorously by his strong full hand. She pushed herself towards him, also with the pelvis, she tried to continue to push herself on the three fingers. She was so looking forward to redemption. At least his tail, which she finally wanted to feel. From his fingers the horny scent of her own shame crawled into her nose and almost knew her.

She threw her head back and forth, enjoyed his treatment and gave himself completely to him. The rustling of the Santa Claus costume and the falling of the fabric was taken with a cozy sigh. He undressed, let her off a little moment. But only until he was naked. She felt his weight on the bed when he climbed over her legs. He had to crouch between her legs, probably with the lance and she polished them a little more.

Only for you. He let himself fall forward, she felt him on her, but in her excitement she took his weight hardly. She felt how he pulled her hat down over his eyes and over his mouth. Always it was completely dark around them. She would have loved to kiss him, but that was part of the game. Breathe fell more, but it also excited her. Then she felt his big cock, who rubbed herself on her shame.

She felt his cup pulled down her strong hands and her breasts were discarded. Immediately his lips were there and sucked vigorously on their buds. She groaned again horny. How long did she have to wait. He tied on her horny body. But his harder seemed to be able to wait either. She felt his male strength and she seemed bigger and firmer than usual. He felt her impatience. She was ready for him.

A little awkward, the head knocked on her gate again and again. She moved slightly and the tip penetrated into her with a hard push. He was a gentle one before, but she wrote it to her two lust. Finally he penetrated her. Horny she groaned loudly, read her lust wildly now. Slowly he penetrated deeper and deeper. She felt every centimeter of his hard masculinity. She didn’t seem to want to take an end.

She had never felt him so big. He pushed himself into her, pushed in the wrong direction and hurt her, which elicited her a pointed scream. He took it as a request, pulled back slightly and pushed something back in the wrong direction. Something hurt, at the same time they flinched a thousand horny showers. He quickly got down to business, he retired and pushed back. It became more uncomfortable, so he had only taken her the first time when he was still totally excited and inexperienced.

She pulled on her bonds, rightly moved and suddenly he slipped in better. She heard his moan. Now he had found the right position. Every thrust of him gave her lustful guns, each push pushed her one step higher on the stairs of endless lust. He was so strong and so big, he filled it completely, was so deep in her. So she had never felt him. Kept rubbing over their most sensitive place.

Panting and sweating, he worked in her, she only groaned with lust, she felt how he drove his climax. She felt his overwhelming strength, his a **** rage. She wanted to stop him, wanted to enjoy it even longer, but was no longer able. Everything about her dragged her in the direction of little death. She would like to have her legs closed to feel even closer to how he can get into her.

When she felt his first hot splash, she couldn’t keep her dams anymore. He pushed harder and more strengther than she had ever experienced. With every bump she felt his hot seeds flow into her and she screamed. She came, reared up, threw herself back and forth. Finally she was carried away by the wave of the climax. She had trembled all day long and she enjoyed him. To the fullest, with your eyes closed and your mouth wide open.

Everything was just hot and moist between them. Her horny juices had mixed. They were heavy on each other for a few minutes. Slowly she perceived the stuffy air. She returned to reality very slowly and visibly. She felt the limb graduated in her little by little and said goodbye to her with a loud damp flood. He climbed off the bed, she heard how he put on and disappeared from the room.

A little later she heard the front door. She was alone again. That was probably part of his game. She lay alone on the bed, felt like the cold of the other room between her thighs and climbed over her excited breasts. At first she didn’t care because she felt totally exhausted and completely satisfied. She moved slowly. Fortunately, the handcuffs had an emergency button and so she could free herself. She pulled the hat and the blindfold off the head.

She looked down at her, saw the rumpled bed, her danged sparse clothing and giggled. Your idea had turned out to be a 100 % success. However, she was surprised why her husband was no longer there. Maybe he quickly got something to eat, because often he was hungry after sex. She freed herself from the bonds, threw hers Lingerie On the bed and just wanted to take a shower when it rang at the front door. She threw herself over the bathrobe and went to the door.

When she opened, her husband stood in front of it in a completely dirty Santa Claus costume and the smell of oil hit her. He grinned and embarrassed. “Hello honey, please excuse me that I was so late, I had a car breakdown. When I fiddled around, I lost my cell phone and my door key. “. She didn’t get a sound out. But he didn’t seem to notice. “You know who I just met? Tony the Son from the neighbor.

He studies in New York. You know, the shy boy, where as always said, he will never get a woman off. He is in the country again and distributes Christmas presents to the neighbors. “. She swallowed and had a dry mouth in a flash. At that moment she felt the damp seeds run out of her grotto and had the urgent need to take a drink.

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