Fucking taboo women! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It’s in the morning, I woke up naked as always and I’m horny again. I still kneaded my breasts in bed and pushed two fingers into the already damp pussy. But I stopped breathing heavily. I went to take a shower for now, it is much more erotic in the morning when it is in bed. The hot water ran over my tits, I played around my nipples and grabbed my breasts as tight as I like it.

Before I knew myself, I already had my fingers on my plum. The other hand already fingered my ass and I started moaning. More and more fingers pushed themselves into my openings and I screamed my lust out loud. After a while I got my legs soft and I got loud to the highlight on the floor. While I dried myself at the window, I thought that I haven’t spent a day with toys in my holes.

I chose something suitable in my toy box rummaging. For my pussy I took the vibratorei and my ass got a big plug. That my two holes are now closed and whirring let me come for the second time today. So the day can start. After breakfast I lay down in the garden again and creamed myself. I can’t help but play on my breasts and nipples.

I just have to do that. I massaged her and groaned. Since the toys did their rest, the next one was orgasm no longer away. Too bad that Sylvia and Tom are still working. In order to be able to visit each other at any time without going long in front of the house, we have merged our gardens. We can surprise the others at any time and there was space for parties of all kinds. I lay there and worked at my third climax because my view of Sylvia’s terrace fell.

There was a young girl. She looked like fresh 21 years, 1.65m and slim. Had to be a niece or something. She had short hot pants and a yellow, abdominal -free top. She stretched out, lay down on a couch and pulled out the top. She had no bra and wonderfully tight tits. She creamed herself and lay down. I was so close to orgasm that I couldn’t stop.

I came loudly. Of course she heard that and looked over at me. Why did she have to be the only girl who doesn’t wear headphones, I thought. From her caught To become even more violent and my heart beat much stronger than usual. However, contrary to my concern, she looked interested and played around her nipples. Since it was probably excited to watch me, I waved her in. “From here you can see better, little one.

“Fried and shy, she came after a short hesitation. “You like it at me Jerk off to observe? You frightened me quite a bit. “I said without stopping around me. She nodded to my question. She still had her hand on her chest and grabbed firmly. “I’m Maria and too Visit to my aunt and her husband. I thought I could a little naked sunbathing when they were gone.

“” And you like to play around you?”I grinned. “Well, apparently you too!“She is brisk, I like that, I thought so with myself. “But for the naked sunbathing you still have too much love. Come on let’s change that. “She was startled when I suggested it, but since I was there naked in front of her and played around me, she was ready and let the panties fall.

She also made the tight tanga underneath, because the one who was not much hidden anyway. Her pussy was completely hairless, smooth and looked like a 16 year old. On the couch next to me she took a seat and watched me on. “Do you want to touch mine? Can also pack them firmly, the two like that. “” I have never done anything like that with another woman. I only slept with boys. I’m only 19 years old.

“Slowly and undecided whether she should do it, she knelt next to me and her nervous hands hiked over my hills. She stroked me and her soft hands were a bliss. I grabbed her and pressed her firmly on the breasts. “They are huge and taut”, she drove her tender hands over my trembling breasts. It felt good to feel her research fingers. “Please play around my nipples.

You’ll like it. You can also lick them, dare, nobody sees us here. “Slow but determined to do everything I told her, started licking and pinching her nipples. She did it really well for her first time. Her free hand wandered along my stomach, still undecided whether it can go on. I helped her and showed where it goes. “Huch what is that?“Surprised that there was already something in my plum, your hand stops.

“Pull it out on the cord and you will see it,” I laughed. Curiously and excited she pulled the still vibrating egg from my dripping wet column. I took it from her, turned it off and licked the delicious juice without leaving her eyes. She watched eagerly and her hand drove down to her step. “Better finger around mine and I take care of your little one while.

“She couldn’t be said twice. I had made it so horny. She carefully pushed a finger into my pussy, without difficulty. The egg has already done preparatory work. She soon had four fingers in me and started rummaging through me well. A woman knows what women want. At her age I had spent a lot of time with my pussy. Actually almost always when not tail In it stuck. Fascinates how many fingers she got into me, knelt in front of me.

Then I took her wrist and helped her to put the rest of her hand in. “What are you doing. That doesn’t work, I hurry you. “” Don’t be afraid I am not doing it for the first time and I was not fisted forever by your hands as delicate as yours “her hand was now entirely in me. “And now I push me and move my fingers as good as you can. I tolerate this and I need it even more.

“Without knowing what she is doing, she makes it really good. I felt her fingers twitch, turn my fist and punch. I groaned and winced violently with my hip, which was still intensifying the feeling. When I came to the absolute orgasm, I inject her in the face. Totally perplexed what I was doing, she looked at me. “What was that?“I leaned to her and kissed her tenderly and passionately.

Then I licked my juice from her face. Now lie down. As a reward you are now on. Visibly excited what she was expecting, she lay down and I took a seat between her legs. With my fingers I open their labia and started licking them. Leaving her head, she grabbed her perfect tits and massaged her while she started breathing more and more. Apparently she liked what I was doing.

I drilled my first finger and stimulated her G-spot. She started to moan for the first time. After a while I pushed two more fingers, which causes Maria to circle with her pelvis. Her breathing became an ongoing moan and she knack more and more and in her nipples. In order not to scream the whole neighborhood together, she now pushed her fingers into her mouth and bite on it.

Then I took the vibrator egg and licked it. Not that it would be necessary, as wet as Maria’s cunt was in front of me. I slowly pushed it into it. When it was in his intended place, I turned it on and Maria screamed out her most violent orgasm that she had in her young and inexperienced life. Breathing and exhausted she only came to rest when I pulled the egg out of her again.

“That was the hottest orgasm I’ve ever had. I can’t move anymore, I’m totally exhausted. “” And how did you like Sylvia?”I asked my neighbor. She stood there for a while with one hand under the mini skirt and the other under her shirt on the thick udder. “What are you doing here, did you watch me?“Maria, probably come back to strength, jumped up in panic and stood in front of her while trying to cover something.

“I thought you were working. “” I was too and now I’m at home and since you were not in the house, I went into the garden and I heard you both. What a horny show. With you it will never get bored Katja Schatz. ““ Don’t worry, your aunt and Tom do it regularly and have a lot of fun doing it. And now you also have fun, there is nothing bad about it. Your parents will not find out about it or Sylvia?”” No word of death treasure, promised.

We only have fun with each other here and Katja shows us new things like you are now too. If you want, we will do it together now. Mine Sister None of it will know about it. It is much too prude to understand that and you don’t want to be so. “Maria was now more relaxed and was calmer than just. Apparently she understood what we meant. “Okay, I understand and the experience was the most intense experience I’ve ever had and I want more of it.

And with you I would probably learn more than from the flap tails from my school. “We were happy to have a new play partner and also a young, inexperienced and called Maria. “Then we want to wait for Tom and surprise him with news?“Asked Sylvia. “We will definitely surprise him with it, it will definitely be funny” I already had a nice nasty idea for it. “As I know you, you think badly right now, or?“I grinned promising.

And we all laughed.

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