Fuck with grandma | Erotic sex stories

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Unknown author, found online, did not want to withhold it from you.

Vacation with Granny

My 69-year-old Grandma Anne, which has been widowed for two years, lives in Allgäu, where I am in Summer often spent part of my vacation to be able to climb in the Allgäu Alps. After a long time I wanted to visit Grandma again, informed about this year’s arrival by phone, she picked me up by her car at the train station. Already when I got out at the small train station, I saw her waving at the leveling end. In her simple summer dress, despite her abundance she was a stately, still impressive appearance.

She laughed and pressed me warmly at her big breasts, “nice, my boy, that you finally decided to spend the vacation with your old grandma”.

“I am now 36 years old and no boy,” I laughed, “you look chic again, grandma, … I started very early and are hungry …”.

She laughed warmly, “Thanks for the compliment, then we want to hurry up so that my grandson can strengthen itself, I have already prepared your favorite food”

“Great, grandma,” I laughed, subjugated we left the platform towards the car.

“After your grandpa is no longer there, you are my one and everything, Jürgen,” she said in a serious, sad voice.

“I hope that, Grandma,” I chose her up. Gratefully looked at me, she pushed herself to my side where I felt her big soft breast.

The table on the terrace of your small single -family house was already covered. “Take a cold bottle of beer out of the fridge, I’ll bring you the food right away,” she said, disappearing in the kitchen to appear again after a few minutes with a steaming bowl full of cheese sparrows.

“Bon appetite”, she wished me and took my plates.

“Thank you Grandma, that looks great,” I beamed at her and took her in my arms.

“Well, well my boy, don’t press your old grandma so tight,” she laughed, but nestled to me, “It’s nice to have a man in my old hut again”.

During the subsequent coffee I reported on the university and my students, Grandma told me the latest from her area, and joyfully reported her about her newly founded women’s group, in which older women met regularly with her.

“You will certainly be extremely happy to meet a young man with me,” she noticed and looked at me strange.

“Why grandma,” I asked, “you would certainly have a lot of fun and entertainment”.

“Of course my boy,” she replied lively, “but a man in the house is something different and now a bit unusual for many of my friends”. She looked at me up again for a long time, “Jürgen, you look really good, I think you want to make yourself fresh and rest a little. I also have to get away briefly, we can continue to talk to a glass of wine in the evening, ”she stretched a little, with her full figure with the big breasts impressively came into play. In my eyes she seemed to have changed a lot – after the death of grandpa Gerd – she looked so chic.

Leaving the terrace, she looked at my eyes deep in the eye with a strange look and read me a little confused and thoughtfully back.

In the evening, Grandma had prepared a small snack with a bottle of wine in the living room. She had put on a slight house dress that underlined her womanly appearance, with a somewhat daring, deep neckline open the approach of her great beautiful breast. So far I hadn’t seen Grandma like that, her full figure and her tight rear part, her still beautiful face, framed by her silver -white hair, brought me to look at her with different eyes. Suddenly she no longer seemed to me to be the grandma of my childhood, in my thoughts she became a stately, beautiful mature woman, this idea excited me very much.

Grandma seemed to notice that she leaned out again and again during the conversation to present her big breasts, whereby she sometimes freed her full tight thigh. I slowly got hot in the room and my “little one” started to rain outrageously. Grandma probably noticed my excitement and kept looking at the bump in my pants that I tried to hide under the table.

The room sinking at dusk conjured up a strange romantic mood, with the transformation of my grandma, which was realized in my imagination, made me a bit nervous into a beautiful lady. Increasingly, my eyes always went secretly to their big heavy breasts.

“Do you have something, my boy,” said Grandma, “you are suddenly so restless”.

“No grandma, what do you mean,” I asked me, together again.

“Well, you sometimes look at me so strange,” she said in a somewhat documented voice, “…

Can it be that you look at the breasts of your old grandma “.

I got a little red on my face, “Grandma, no I ….“I stuttered.

“N/a..n/a .. I have eyes in my head and notice where you always stare at, ”she smiled,

“When you were still small, you always liked to nestle on my breasts”.

“But Grandma, I was still a little boy at the time,” I said, “and didn’t know …… well today I’m an adult man …”.

“Your grandpa liked to do that too,” she murmured, and unconsciously stroked her breasts.

“But grandma, grandpa Gerd was your husband …. I was a child back then, now I’m 36 ..

It’s a little different today, ”I replied.

Grandma looked at me for a long time, “I know Jürgen, unfortunately it is …”. Sweeping in front of himself, she murmured, “I miss him and his tenderness very … GERD was a strong and vital man until his sudden death ”, and sank something together.

I took her in my arms and said comforting, “I know Grandma … but look, you’ve found back to life in the past two years.

You have a lot of friends, your women’s group, about whom you tell so enthusiastically.”

Grandma snuggled against me, her head lay on my neck and her heavier breast was resting on my chest. “Yes already .. “, It sounded a little despondent,” … but these are all women “, and quietly, hardly audible” unfortunately no men ..

Even if we occasionally …. my girlfriend Maria and Agnes. “”

“Grandma …” I comforted her and pulled her closer to me, with my hand randomly and unintentionally roaming her heavy breasts.

Grandma trembled and nestled even closer to me. “It’s nice if you can cuddle …” she whispered softly, “that’s different than with my friends.“She pushed herself even more to me, rubbing her breast on my arm.

I felt grandma trembled slightly when I accidentally brushed her breast again with my hand. When she then pressed even more firmly to me, I saw the desire in her eyes and began to stroke her breasts.

I heard a slight moan, “Ahhhh my boy, that’s nice, I haven’t been caressed by a man for a long time,” she murmured. I felt the switch of her heavy breast as my hand slid under her dress, stroked her full chest, my fingers massaged her harden long, lace nipples.

Grandma leaned back into a groan, her dress slide up, her tight thighs, freely the pantied approach “Jürgen, what do you do with me …

I want ….. Please stroke me … Please a little firmer, my boy “.

I leaned over her and roamed her summer dress down. She was trembling in front of me, her breast quoll out of the bra and under her panties there was a large grey -dark stain.

The bra opened fell on the side of its big breasts down on their round pretty belly, two heavy pears from which their long hard nipples stood steeply up. I took her in my hands, massaged her, my fingers twin -fought slightly on her nipples, which I worked on with my tongue. Grandma began to start up, “Yahhh, oh Jahh massage my tittis .. Please firm …

Pull my grandma’s breast for a long time …. pull down.”

Amazed about Grandma’s expressions and her behavior, I understood, Grandma wanted it a little harder. I therefore pulled more firmly on her breasts and sucked, nibbled on her horny long nipples. “Grandma you have great trailers, so nice and heavy …

Real udder …. I didn’t know that you were so horny … Come here …..“I said in a firm voice and pulled her udders down to the nipple. Grandma shook herself, a tremor ran through her whole body, her hands weated wildly between her legs, “Jaaahhhh Jürgen, please …

Again please.”

She tore down her panties when I pulled her tits down again heavily.

“Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Jürgen, you make me very confused … I’ve been waiting for it for a long time, please Jürgen …… Pull my tittis long … My horny grandma nipples …

Yahhhhh.“She groaned loudly and stroked her wild pussy.

I leaned over her and began to caress her round body, kissed her neck, kneaded her breasts, sucked on her nipple. My tongue hiked to her belly, her thigh, what Grandma prompted her legs to continue to open. I was completely gone, a nice full mature juice pussy was in front of me. The lush pussy mound under her stomach was covered with a somewhat cleared gray -wiped Fotzenurwald.

Moist brown -red labia framed her grandma’s cleft, at the end of the old furrow a nice thick clit protruded. Her cunt, not dry despite her age, was already covered with shiny moisture and tasted wonderful, a strict erotic fragrance exuding.

“Grandma,” I whispered, “you have a beautiful horny old cunt ……“, My tongue circled her labia, her clit, who was increasingly greater and firmer. Almost small finger -sized he screamed through my tongue and fingers after further treatment. Grandma trembled in my words, shook himself and plunged towards me, “Boy, what do you do with me ..

What words … Nobody has said that yet … I licked my vagina … Aahhh “.

“Grandma, what ..

Licked, as that means, ”I asked teasing.

She actually got a little red on her face, hesitantly she said “Sheath … pussy”.

I gave her an encouraging pat on the buttocks, “How are the right words, you want to hear that”.

“What, which you mean,” she stammered, her eyes hung on my lips.

“You know exactly what I mean,” I now prevailed, combined with a new encouraging pat.

Look at me with happy eyes, it broke out of her, “pussy … Snail … cunt ..

F .. Fotze “She tried to capture my tongue with her clit,” Yahhhhh, please lick me, lick my old clit … Use my hot dirty snail “.

With my tongue I slowly drove through her whole gap, my hands stroked her thighs, her stomach and tits. Grandma snapped after air when I sucked her clit between my teeth, some droplets of horny juice quollen out of her cunt and a stringent smell went out of her cunt, which I now closed my mouth.

Grandma flinched and turned under my fingers and my tongue, moaning she bocked towards me, her old cunt pressed tightly on my face.

“Yahhh … Oh god that is nice …… Yahhhh … Cool …..

Lick my boy … I already feel it … “, she begged,” Please keep going … Give it your old grandma “.

Nibbling, I sucked wildly on her clit, my fingers played on her hole and slowly penetrated. Grandma groaned loudly, “Yahhhh oh god jaahhh”, fuck me with your fingers …….

Biiiiittttteeeeeeeeeeee Tiiieeefer ……. Biittenteeeeee … firmly”

I pushed my fingers, only one then two and three deep into her cunt, while I nibbled on her clit, “Come on you old sow”, I whispered, “I come up with you right,

… into the horny fuck tube “.

Grandma was shaken by a continuous tremor, her veiled eyes on my lips, “Yahhhhh is beautiful, tell me, please do it …..

Please Jürgen ……. Fuck the old worn out omafotze … do it to your grandma … it comes soon, ”she moaned and a hollow cross made her pussy more closely on my face.

My fingers worked hard their fuck hole, their teeth nibbled on their hard big clit.

“Do you like that,” I asked quietly, “if your grandson uses you so”.

Grandma gasped under my fingers, “Jahhhh use me, please do deeper, stronger … oohhh … I haven’t felt it for a long time … fuck your omafotze”.

Winding with lust, she begged

“Oh god Jahhh, T i e f e r ..

f e s t e r,

e s .. comes .. L a n g s a m … b i t t e e e e!”

Grandma suddenly pressed down onto the sofa, I pulled my fingers out of her fuck hole.

“Neeiiiiiiiin … Please not … no, what do you do there .. Not upset, ”gasped grandma and defended himself against my pressure.

I tore her legs apart and put a light slap on the clit with my flat hand. Grandma screamed and fell back with twisted eyes, another pat in the middle of the hard clit.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh J ü r g e n … Jaaahhhh, give it to my hot cunt …“She was winding – another pat – under my hands winding, began to twitch,“ Jü r g e n… i c h…

K o m m e … “

Again a firm slap on the old clit – a rustic outcry – Grandma reared up – and a huge gush of horny juice shot out of her cunt

“A a a H H H H H H – Oh God – e s .. is

.. there .., I run from Aahhhhhhhhhh “.

Schwall on the gush shot out of her twitching cunt and ran down her thighs.

Licked on her gossip wet cunt … licked ..

I the horny juice from her full juice cunt.

Inserted, trembling all over the body, she lay below me “O god Jürgen … What did you do with me … Beautiful … I haven’t felt it for a long time, ”she whispered overjoyed, pulled my head up and licked her horny juice from my lips.

Terred her breath, sat up, ashamed but happily smiling she whispered “That was the most beautiful gesture that you have ever brought me, Jürgen, I hope you are not angry with your grandma that she was so unless”.

“Anne,” I said, for the first time using her first name and hugged her, “You are not an old grandma, but a nice mature woman, we both wanted that, it was beautiful and incredibly cool”

She looked at me but beaming,

“cool …

I have never used such words, I would very much like to … Not once … fuck more often, ”she murmured ashamed and barely understandable on my chest. But then got up, her body, she remarked, “now I have to make myself fresh, after this much too hot dinner, I’m back right away”.

She disappeared like a young girl wobbling towards the bathroom.

I cleaned up the table thoughtfully and provided a bottle of sparkling wine.

Grandma’s sex wishes, her wild devotion, had awakened and reinforced my previously repressed feelings for mature women.

After a few minutes, Grandma appeared in a short little black black, emphasizing her figure,

“Oh that’s nice, Jürgen, a glass of sparkling wine will surely do me and refresh me,” she laughed and sat down next to me.

“Anne, what did you say earlier when you went to the bathroom,” I asked, “I didn’t understand that anymore”.

“What do you mean,” she replied slightly red.

“Well … from gladly, often … I think I was talking,” I smiled.

Grandma lowered her head and whispered ashamed, “yes you know Jürgen, it was so nicely exciting and I missed this for so long, so that’s why ..”.

“That’s why you want to go from me now often …” I asked, and stroked her heavy hanging eter.

Grandma purred like a kitten and pushed her chest into my hand. “Jürgen, if you want, I need that ..

very, a real determining man in my life … ”, she whispered timidly, hardly audible.

“A man who fulfills your wishes and takes you as often as he wants …” I asked her and raised her lowered head.

Anne looked at me a little submissive and ashamed, “Oh yes, I would like to have it very much …. But do you want that at all, Jürgen … I’m an old woman .. your granny”.

I looked at her firmly, “You are not old, Anne, you are a mature woman who knows what she wants, I like that, ..

I will fuck you as long as I am here whenever I want to “.

Anne’s eyes hang on my lips, she smiled happily and pressed me tightly “Ohhh Jaahh Jürgen, I am there for you as often as you want”. Her tongue drove slightly over her open lips when she noticed my still pronounced bump in my pants. She stretched out hesitantly, started mine tail to massage and looked at me and at the same time. I asked her firmly in her eyes, “Do you want to see him, feel it …” and took off my pants.

Bearded, she stared on my twitching, hard -to -have spears and whispered,

“Oh god, it is hard and big, much larger than that of grandpa, a beautiful …”.

“What more beautiful …” I asked her, “don’t adorn yourself so grandma”.

Anne looked happily at “A beautiful penis ..

Oh god, Jürgen, what do you do with me … ”With her head down, she started licking it and easily massaging it,

“… tail … spear … what a horny spanking ..

Do you have, Jürgen ”she stammered.

“Get it off in your mouth cunt and blow me one, massage my eggs …” I ordered. Anne shook her mouth over my glans and she started sucking wildly and pulling on my eggs.

“Mhhhh horny … is hard … it tastes good …

Mhhhhh ”, she drooled between sucking and sucking. When I pulled her nipples firmly, she suddenly tore down my foreskin to the stop and nibbled out of my glans from which a lot of praise was already going out. The pleasure pain brought me to moan and my hand went between her legs, flew her gossip wet omafotze again.

“Take out Anne and show me your hanger and your horny cunt,” I determined. Anne tore the dress from the body and hurled her heavy boobs in my face.

Pull her over my cock again on her teats, I ordered “… “Blow further”.

Anne knelt over my lance, which she worked wildly, riding on my fingers in her cunt, she stretched out her tight ass.

When I put a strong slap on her omah inside her with the other hand, she flinched briefly, groaned up, tore down my foreskin again to the attack and took up my spanking deep in her throat.

“Yahhhhhh Jürgen …… Oh god you drive me crazy”, she whined and covered my cock with her kisses.

Another hard blow on her tight ass and Anne rammed her finger deep in her cunt “Yahhh, please again, you know what an old horny woman needs”.

Continued wild on my fingers, she howled loudly when I sank my finger deep into her rosette. “Yahhhhhhhh you piglet, put your finger in my asshole …

Jaaahhhhhhhh … Please …. Use all my holes “.

I kneaded her boobs, pulled on her hard pointed nipple, on her long big clit, fucked her asshole with my finger, Grandma Winsel with lust.

“Do you want that now often, Anne,” I asked her quietly.

“Yahhhhhhhhhh” howled after a new pat. “Please Jürgen ..

Yahhhh you have to fuck me every day … Please as often as you want “.

I pulled vigorously to her udders again, “so you want mine whore be”

“Jahhhhhhhhh …Oh yeah your omafotze, ”she begged.

“You will do everything I ask,” I asked on her clit.

“Yeahhhh ohhh jaahhh, everything Jürgen, everything that makes you happy, fuck me, pull the udders long, sole my ass ……. Everything you want …… my dear piglets, ”she whispered horny.

“Nice, you will always walk around without underwear from now on, always ready for me, you old Ficksau,” I was at me.

Grandma’s eyes were happily hanging on my lips, “Yahhhhhhh Jürgen, as you want, my dearest”

“I will use you as a fuck meat, take when and where I want,” I determined.

“Ohh Jahhh my horny little stallion,” she choked in a dark voice, “I want to be your mare, use all my holes ..

how often you want ……. Yes please”.

Grandma had put everything ladies like and was just awesome. She jerked off my cock wildly. “I will milk you as often as you want, dearest, I just want to be your whore”.

On my eggs, sheets licked, she begged, “Please fuck me now, pour your spanking into my fuck hole … Please fuck me now “.

I threw her on the sofa and sank my spear in her cunt. Grandma happily howled when my lance entered her lush pleasure grotto, “Ohhhhhhhhh is big, he completely fills me out, he pulls my cunt apart”.

Anne’s hole was less worn than I thought, she was soft and cuddly and her cunt massaged my cock. Pressing myself, the legs crossed over my back, grandma sucked my spanking in her hole.

Your arms laid around my neck, her eyes lived in the mine

“Yahhhhhh dearest fuck me …. deeper … firmer …. I massage you ……

Do you feel like my cunt you like my horny stallion, ”she whispered with a veiled look.

An answering with a deep bump, I rammed her my spanking into the cunt to the stop.

Grandma snapped after air, kissed me wildly, “Yes, ohh jaahh, b i t t e n o c h m a l”, she whispered, “please pushing too hard”.

In her wide -opened eyes I saw every punch that she was trembling under me trembling. “Yahhh” she gasped, “Ohhh Jaahh give me your big cock completely, dearest, yes fuck me firmly … please spray me fully with your juice …… Fill my old cunt “.

I deeply rammed my cock into her juice cunt, “Yes, come here you old fuck bitch, I’ll get you right,” I stammered horny, “Spray my hot load in your dirty fuck tube”.

Grandma’s eyes shone happily, her cunt twitched, “yes my dearest, ohh yahh,

Spray into me ….

Please, spray with me … I’ll be right there, …”.

I threw her around, my hands on her butt, circling her rosette, tightened her, she pulled over my cock with her cunt … my loins shook and my cock hardened even more.

Grandma feels my upcoming fuck juice, screamed when I pushed my finger into the asshole, “Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, please spray, b i t t e .. now


S p r i t z… e n d l i c h.

Her eyes darkened, sank into mine, “Yahhhhhhhhhhh Jürgen Oh yes

My God .. I’m coming …

,.. e s… k o m m t… ahhiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

With a last violent impact, I rammed her spear into the overflowing cunt and exploded.

My hot load shooting into her fuck tube, I collapsed over her, “Here you take old fuck bitch”, I gasped, “take everything …… my full juice load”.

The whole room smelled of sweat, fuck juice, everything stuck around us, Anne’s fuck juice ran over my stomach – fluently from her cunt – over her thigh.

Grandma pulled me happily, kissed me wildly all over my face, “Oh god Jürgen, it was nice, so I have never been fucked, my loved one”.

Her hands stroked me, us, “my god Jürgen, we did everything wet, our juice is everywhere ……. Your horny hot juice my dearest, I will not give it “anymore”. She straightened up to raise her horny butt and began to lick her, our horny juice under constant kisses.

I couldn’t help it, a slap on the butt and my fingers put in her little sweet asshole again.

Grandma froze and reared down on “Jürgen not …

Not … Neiiin … I’m still so horny … I have to ..

can’t stop it, ”she cried out loudly.

My finger fucked her slightly and tenderly in her ass gross, grandma kept silent and I saw, felt her cunt began to twitch.

Loudly groaned “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh my god

.. aaaaaaaahhhhhh … Oh god, I’ll come again, ”she was again from one orgasm shaken. A smaller surge of fuck juice shot out of her cunt, immediately afterwards into a warm beam Pee About, who wasted me fully.

Grandma, almost stepped away, groaned and let the beam run warm from her completely sucked cunt, “ohhhhhhhhh god …..

What a horny sow I am … Ahhhh ”, whining, you horny“ Jürgen … My sweet piglet .. my dearest ….

what are you doing with me …… “.

“Yeah Anne, come on again,” I whispered tenderly, “My little fuck bitch … give me your sparkling wine … let it run out of your old horny snail ….

yeah come piss me full “.

When the ray dried up, my lust forced me, the last, wet traces from her cunt, sucking her horny omaloch. Grandma is still stunning, trembling over me, pushing stems, groaning and pressing her wet cunt firmly towards me. Finally she fell exhausted next to me, I hugged her and tenderly caressed her head, her breasts. She pushed herself to me and our lips found themselves a long tender kiss.

“Jürgen, what do you do with me, I’ve never done anything like that, but I love you,” whispered Grandma, “not as my grandson, but as a strong, young man”, although she was even more firm to me,Your heavy full pugs pressing to me.

“Anne, it was really nice, I haven’t experienced such a fuck for a long time,” I whispered tenderly and grandma looked at me happily with a smile.

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