Evi and her horny aunt | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

As a reminder: Evi has already lived in my study for some time. In the meantime, her blond hair was shoulder length and I enjoyed her presence. For all those who have not read our earlier experiences: Evi is (still) 24 years old, now freshly divorced after 2 years of marriage, has a bra size 85, is 164 cm tall and has lived in my study since it separated. Evi is a horny bitch that I have been since her 16.

Knowing the year of life.

Since it moved in with me, my sex plants had changed totally. Evi just did everything and I have to admit, she also taught me a lot, although I am a few years older than her. On a weekend she asked me to come to her aunt. She had the 48.

Birthday and this meant that a family party was announced. I don’t really. Evi had crashed with her parents when she left Walter. That was also the reason why I should definitely come with me.

I knew her parents quite well. We both took ourselves free on Friday and drove in the morning. It was about 5 hours drive. In contrast to her other outfits, Evi had dressed very briefly for her terms.

Black long trousers, shoes with a high heel, white T-shirt with a push-up underneath that emphasized her plump tits even more. She looked horny. But she almost always does that.

We were the last ones who arrived. I only knew her parents from her family.

The door was opened by an approximately 23 year old boy. He was lean and long. Bald skulls and glasses.
“Hallk kusinchen, you can hear bad things from you!“That was a greeting!“Hello Holger, what does love do?””Good Good. And you are happy yourself?””Very happy!“She looked at me from the side.

“Else and Herbert have been pulling over you all the time!“Else and Herbert were Evi’s parents who deliberately overlooked me when we entered the living room.

I could do something for her daughter to divorce and had found warm recording with me? Evi’s aunt was great. 48 years old, but still a great figure. Almost a little too slim. Long dark hair with a reddish stitch.

And UN-GEUSUR NEW. She hugged Evi very extensively. Evi had told me that Verena was her favorite stable, who had brought her a lot. Verena has been widow for 4 years.

And Holger was her only son. She was dressed in a simple calf -length skirt and a very fashionable blouse. There were still several of the family, but somehow there were clear fronts. Evi’s parents led one front, Evi and I formed the other.

However, we received support from Holger. And Aunt Verena tried to settle again and again, but I clearly noticed that she was more about Evi than her Sister held. At some point in the evening Evi stealthy my hand pressed.

“I have to.“She said so loudly that everyone could hear it.
“Well, then you can show me where that is.“We both got up and went out. I wasn’t surprised when Evi climbed the stairs in the row house.

Usually the guest toilets are right next to the front door, but she just wanted to get out of the body. The bathroom was on the first floor. Evi put me in.
“I can no longer endure my parents’ gibberish. And I don’t understand that they treat you like a leper.

After all, they have known you for 8 years.”” I don’t care, but you never told them that Walter beat you up?““ Yes, but you think I would have been to blame myself. No matter. I absolutely need something to get rid of. Best your cock.“That was typical Evi.

At any time of the day and night she thought of cocks.
“Hard or gentle?””Hard. Fuck me hard!“She opened her pants and climbed out. With high shoes, T-shirt, bra and string she stood in front of me.

“Then come here you little cunt!“I didn’t bother my pants to take off my pants. Simply down the zipper and pulled out the tail, which was reasonably stiff.

So I pushed her while standing against the sink and pushing my hands between her legs, which I pushed far apart. With my fingers I just pushed your string aside. Evi’s cunt was already wet. I fingered something on her clit, then I put my stiff bolt on her cunt.

With a huge jerk that made Evi cry out, I pushed my cock as deep as I could inside her. Evi always screams during sex. She’s pretty loud.

“Shout, yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!““ You little bitch with your hot cunt!“Evi came after just 4 bumps. She pushed out a small pointed scream.

My hands clutched their ass cheeks and pulled them closer to me with every impact of my cock so that I could get into it quite deeply. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open. The tongue stroked her lips. I just fucked.

After her orgasm, she threw her pelvis on me with every push. With her arms behind her back she supported herself at the sink and she wanted me to come too.
I could see this from her movements when I noticed from the corner of the eye that the door opened and Aunt Verena entered. I immediately heard to fuck on Evi. Crap.

That had just been missing in the already tense mood. But Evi clawed her fingers in my ass and kept me in her.

“Make on, go, fuck me on!“Nice. If we already flew out, then at least satisfied. I started again and didn’t take care of the aunt, who stood uncomfortably behind me.

But somehow the attraction was gone. I had never had any problems when someone watched me fuck, but that was Evi’s aunt, and that was embarrassing to me.
“Sorry, I can’t concentrate. It doesn’t work “” is ok. I have already come.

Only you didn’t have any of it!“With that she slipped on me and took my half -tire cock in her mouth. She sucked on it and closed her hand at the bottom of the shaft. As she sucked, she jerked the shaft at the same time. Evi is a godly brass woman! I had experienced that several times.

And she made it again this time. My cock became tough and harder. I just closed my eyes to no longer have to look at Verena in the mirror and focused on Evi’s brass skills. My stiffer swelled up to the height, when Evi also licked the tip of the glans with the tip of the tongue when sucking.
“Now, yes,” I moaned when my eggs contracted and the sperm rose into the tail.

And also when I had everything exploded in Evi’s mouth, the cheerfully swallowed. Only when nothing came, Evi let my cock out of her mouth.
“You seem to have learned a lot!“That was Aunt Verena that I had completely forgotten.
“I have a tanthy, I have!““ You shouldn’t say aunt!”” Verena goes clearly!“Evi sounded very happy.
“Sorry, but we have probably forgotten to lock away!“Finally I had packed my cock away again.
“You were also quite loud! I was just in the hallway and heard Evi screams!”” Uuuuups!“Evi found that strange.
“I’m really jealous of you, EM. You seem to have finally found what you were looking for so long!““ I can borrow it to you!”” I would already irritate me. It’s been a long time!”” Says, what are you talking about there?“I didn’t quite look through that.

“Aunt Verena wants to fuck you!“Evi laughed amused.

I was speechless.
“But not in the bathroom. You don’t want to spend the night with me? The rest will surely go around midnight at the latest. Provided Klaus wants at all.“She looked at me expectantly. Evi quickly opened two buttons to Verena’s blouse and put her hand under the tits that she raised and presented something.

Verena had normal -sized tits, but they looked ok as far as I could see. She put on her skirt and pulled it up to her stomach. Beautiful thighs and a snow -white panties. I put Verena between her legs, stroked the fabric of the brief.

Tantchen Verena was clits. And she groaned discreetly when I touched her. Evi hit my fingers slightly.
“Not now. Later!“Verena let the skirt down, closed the blouse and stroked slightly over my cock in my pants.
“I’m going down to the others.

Otherwise they are only surprised!“And outside she was.

Evi had to have seen my boring face. “Aunt Verena informed me. I used to be with her often. I was always allowed to bring my friends to her.

We always told everything and she taught how to do a man seduced!””Aha!““ She also shaved me for the first time.”” She has no friend? She still looks pretty good.““ Apparently she has none.“Evi put on again, brushed his teeth and restored the make -up with the help of Verena’s things. Then we went back to the others who looked at us stealth. Nobody made a remark. Only Holger, next to which I sat down at the table, pounded my forearm twice and beamed at me.

Tantchen act as if nothing had happened. She gave drinks. She put a long drink that looked disgusting and didn’t taste particularly good. alcohol Was hardly in it, but there was a raw egg.

Evi grinned one. So shortly after midnight everyone had said goodbye. Even Evi’s parents who wanted to get one of the older relatives and spend the night there. Only Holger, Verena’s son was still there.

“Come with me!“Evi pulled me into the middle of the living room.

There she made herself over my pants that quickly fell to the ground.
“What about Holger?“Evi began to laugh about laughing. Holger also laughed from my heart.
“Tell him!“Holger clarified me:“ I am gay and live with my friend. Nobody except mine Mother, Evi and now you know that.“Sometimes I am a horn hole. But it wasn’t on his forehead.

Evi pulled my underpants down. Mytail dangled between the legs. She put her hand under my sack, as to check the weight. Then Aunt Verena came in.

When she saw me naked in the middle of the living room, she sighed delighted.

Still while she came to me, she just tore up her blouse and shook the bra. She really had nice tits. Not as taut as that of Evi and not as big and plump, but huge nipples that were stiff.

The warts formed a clear contrast to their skin. She stood in front of me on tiptoe and pulled my head to herself. Her tongue tongued on my teeth and then asked for demanding into my mouth and finding the counterpart. She kissed me hard and demanding.

Her hand grabbed my cock, which was upgraded under her movement. Evi knelt behind her and pulled out her skirt and panties. Then she straightened up, pressed her tits on the back of Aunt Verena and grabbed her pussy of the groaning Verena from behind.

“Tantchen is already very wet!“Triumphed while Verena groaned and her tits pressed on my chest. The tits felt soft and warm.

She pulled on my cock and let herself sink to the ground. Her legs were spread wide and now I could see that she was shaved except for a small triangle above her cunt. Her pubic hill was a little more rounded and continued upwards than that of Evi. The labia were tall and swollen and were slightly open.
“Come on” and she spread her arms.

I let myself sink on her with one leg between her thighs. Immediately she pressed herself close to me and rolled around with me in wild movements until I was down and she could put on. Then she reached back to my cock and led the stiff strap onto her cunt. The tip easily touched the pubic hair to be immediately taken into this wet cave.

Verena was gossip and groaned loudly when my latte drove into her cunt. I pressed my stand deep into Verena’s cunt. Verena then withdrew her pelvis so far that only the tip of my cock remained very minimally in her cunt.

Already at the second time Verena moaned Lauter and winced her hands into my chest, sitting on me. She pressed her pelvis firmly to me and let myself fall towards me, bit me in the ear and groaned loudly.

My cock literally sponge in her juice. After a very short break, she moved again. Her pelvis slipped back and forth with my cock in it. She rode on me like on a bull.

She put her fingers next to her clitoris and played with the upper end of her labia. This woman was just sharp. I stretched out my hands to get to their tits, the contours of which I drove up with the palms until they pressed their chest firmly against my hands. Then I took her nipples between my thumb and gently rubbed and gently rubbed.

Verena gasped on me and I reinforced the pressure on her nipples, while at the same time I pulled my fingers until her tits accepted an unnaturally pointed shape.

When she came again, I pressed your thumb and index finger together until she screamed. And again this time she literally ran out and almost broke my cock out when she pressed hard against it. I haven’t come yet. Tantchen stretched the bottom back and wanted to slide down on me to end with her mouth what she had started.

But Evi stopped her halfway. Evi took her to her shoulders. “Turn around” Verena turned immediately. You Saj3 now ride on my thighs.

Evi pushed her forward. Verena supports her arms on my feet and kissed my lower legs. I could now see exactly what Evi was doing. Evi led to Verena’s column, which shone and moistened two fingers with her juice.

Then she carefully pushed a finger in Verena’s asshole. Verena bumped up even further. Her head was now between my lower legs. I saw Evi’s finger gliding through the rosette.

Then came the second finger.

My cock stiff stiff in the air. Evi pulled his fingers back and forth in Verena’s asshole and expanded them for my cock. When she was satisfied with her work, she pulled Verena on her shoulder briefly. Verena immediately straightened up and slipped up on my thigh legs.

Evi captured my cock until Verena was lying down on it. I knew the feeling of my ass fuck with Evi, but Verena was even narrower. She had to try it several times until she finally had my cock as far as she wanted. I hadn’t moved at all, but had everything Evi and Verena done.

Then she leaned back until her face was right next to mine. As a result, I could now get back to her tits. I stroked her boobs and watched fascinated how Evi now lay on my stomach between my and Verena’s legs. Then I saw her pink tongue below Verena’s pubic hair.

And from time to time I felt her tongue on the piece of tail that was not in Verena’s ass. Verena shrugged like crazy. And she groaned me in my ear.

Then I saw Holger too. The stand next to Evi, looked at how I fucked his mother in the ass and Evi licked us both, and he jerked himself his bare cock.

His eyes met mine and he smiled at me. I had no more time for more. The tight ass and Evi’s blasserei as well as the moaning of Aunt Verena fulfilled her duty. My eggs got tough, my sack contracted and I exploded.

Full load in Aunt Verena’s asshole in it. As soon as I was finished, Evi pulled out my cock and licked the sperm that now ran out of the pulsating asshole from Verena, which still opened her thighs and closed until Evi finally stopped licking. Verena stayed on me very quietly, and Holger sprayed over Evi’s hair on Verena’s gaping cunt, from which it ran down on my cock.

I was a little exhausted and just stayed lying. Verena rolled down from me and took my head into her hands.

She covered my whole face with wet kisses. Evi scratched my chest. Then I felt a mouth on my cock. Someone sucked it.

But that was definitely not Evi. It was a stricter sucking, somehow harder. I wanted to lift my head to look, but Aunt Verena kept my head down and covered my face with her hair. It wasn’t Evi, the technology I knew.

Verena’s face was on mine, so that could only be the gay son.
Although everything in me tugged, it was a very pleasant feeling. I decided to let him continue. He hadn’t made the impression of the dominant part on me, so wait. Holger actually got my cock to a stop quickly.

His tongue was somehow rough than Evi’s. When my belt was back up, Evi pulled me into a crouching position on my hands. Holger turned around. His tail also stiff.
“Fuck him” ordered me Evi.

Verena had been based on one arm and watched.

Evi took my cock again and rubbed it in with spit. Then she rubbed some spit on Holger’s asshole, who knelt in front of me and pulled his cheek apart. I put my strap on his rosette. Slowly I pressed forward.

My cock opened his rosette, who willingly gave in. Evi grabbed his cock, the horny distance. She started to jerk him. Holger gasped.

My belt penetrated very slowly into his ass. It was a strange feeling. Actually it is no different from taking a woman anal, but I think the head plays a big role there. And I don’t bend the other way around.

In any case, it was strange to feel hair where women have at most a little fluff. And his ass wasn’t as tight as that of Verena or that of Evi.

But it doesn’t matter, I thought to myself. Fickloch is a fuck hole and besides I was horny and Evi wanted me to do it. Verena also had no objections.

Nevertheless, I fucked him harder when I had fucked Evi or Verena. I pushed my cock into his ass that the eggs clapped against his hairy baking every button. The harder I look at the louder he gasped. Verena now knelt behind me and had put his arm over my shoulder on my chest.

She now returned to her nipples for the twirled by doing the same with me. Evi jerked the stiff stiff from Holger, who came to orgasm. Evi held his cock, who twitched in her hand and let him spray his sperm on the carpet. Immediately when he was finished, I pulled my cock out of him.

And immediately Aunt Verena lay on her back between my legs.

Her legs were spread and her mouth was slightly open. She brought her face exactly under my still stiff cock and reached up. Her hollow hand closed around my crossbar. With gentle pressure it pulled the skin back so far that the glans was completely bare.

Then again until the glans was covered with skin again. And back again. In doing so, she exerted slight pressure with her hand. I let her jerk off my cock.

She did the professio-nell. Now it was also clear to me where Evi had learned that.

It didn’t take long either, so I felt it came. Verena also noticed it. She now jerked faster, but still as firm.

When I wanted to cum, she pressed even harder. My cock was like in a vice in her hand, and my sperm wanted out and couldn’t as it wanted. Only a small beam came out at the front, which met Verena’s upper lip. She opened her mouth and suddenly she loosened the vice -like handle of her hand around my cock with the result that the thawed sperm thundered on her face with a huge pressure.

That was monastery. Somehow all of this reminded me of Sabine and Niki. But now there was absolutely nothing more. And I couldn’t anymore.

Despite this potency drink from Aunt Verena in the evening.

We opened a bottle of Pommerny champagne and chatted something. Aunt Verena looked awesome with her 48 years. She sat directly opposite me with her nice tits. The wart courts were now larger and the transition was no longer so sharp.

But her cunt looked horny. The sticky remains of my sperm still shimmered on her chin.

“You are a horny woman. And still look great!””Thanks. It’s just a shame that you can’t do it again.

I’m still horny and could tolerate a fuck.““ Sorry, but then Evi would have had to leave me alone this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow morning you swell before departure?“Evi just laughed and exchanged a look with her aunt.
It was quite late when we went to bed. Evi and I slept in the guest room on a double pull-out coach. I immediately fell asleep with Evi’s head on my stomach.

I couldn’t have slept long. Evi’s head rumbling under the ceiling on my cock. My stiffer was in a damp warm food. One mouth sucked on him and a hand crawled my sack.

I got a latte and easily moved my hips, pressed my belt deeper into the sucking mouth.

Pub hair pressed against my mouth. Evi had turned around and wanted it French. Well, if she had already brought my belt to scratch, then she should also have some of it.

I opened my mouth and let my tongue drive over my pubic hair until I touched my labia. It was stick darkness. With my tongue I felt the clitoris and licked this wet cunt. My sack has now been worked on more.

That was not Evi!”Verena?””Yes?””What are you doing here?”” I’ll blow you one!”” I notice. I also said where is Evi?”” Sleeps in my bed. We exchanged! Now be quiet!“I was quiet. And licked the clitoris again.

Verena’s cunt twitched every time I licked the little survey. And she groaned. It makes me insanely horny when women moan. My cock was getting tougher.

And Verena’s pressure on my eggs increased. I brought out my hands under the ceiling and spread Verena’s cunt with it.

I tried to get into her vagina with my tongue. Then I took my left hand’s thumb and pressed it into Verena’s asshole.

The thanks were to groan and an increased pressure on my eggs. And teeth on my glans. The beast actually used their teeth in my most sensitive place. But she was gently with it.

My thumb was now fully in her asshole, the index finger of the other hand in her wet cunt, my tongue played on her clit. Verena moaned. Her thighs put my head together and since my nose put my pubic hair, I hardly got any air. For that, Verena blew my tail.

I also groaned when Verena’s cunt got wet and I could taste her juice on my tongue.

Verena had a long -lasting orgasm while I continued to. When she realized that my eggs got tough and I was shortly before my own orgasm, she closed her lips even more firmly around my cock and tried to get down to the root. I could feel the lobes at the beginning of their throat when my eggs also release the sperm. It didn’t shout out, it just quoll, but it quires deep into Verena’s mouth.

Like Evi, Verena swallow everything. Then she digged out under the ceiling and kissed me on the mouth, whereby she let parts of my sperm flow into my own mouth. It tasted strange. A little salty with a sharp taste.

It was the first time that I cost my own sperm.
Then she put one leg over me, snuggled up to my chest and fell asleep. Which I did shortly afterwards, even though it was difficult for me. I held her thigh and had the other hand on her breast. She felt extremely soft.

Evi woke us in the morning.

I was like a wheel. Aunt Verena, on the other hand, was in a good mood.
“Come to the bathtub!“Actually, I wanted to sleep a little further. But Evi pulled me out of bed by the hand that I was clumsy on the floor. I reluctantly went into the bathroom.

Verena had now let water run into the tub. It smelled of a cream bath. Verena was already sitting in the tub, the tits hidden under bathing foam.
“Come on, Klaus.“I quickly brushed my teeth and put a foot in the bathtub. The other was still outside.

Aunt Verena reached for my cock dangling in the air and gently stroked it until he was half stood. I couldn’t stay that way forever. So I sat down in the water at the foot of the tub. Verena took my half -tire cock between her feet and rubbed it with it.

I bent a little forward and stroked her labia under water. Evi came in with a tray and two steaming cups of coffee. She smiled at me and whispered through my hair.
“You can sleep afterwards in the car!“Then she gave her aunt a kiss and disappeared again.

“Because of yesterday with Holger you don’t need to have any concerns. He recently did an AIDS test.

And with me you don’t have to worry either. I haven’t been serving since my husband’s death, but you’re the first man since then.“She looked for biting. The hair was wet at the ends and glued to her. Her face was so soft.
“Evi and I often make calls together.

She has told me a lot of you. So I was really curious about you. Since she lived with you she has been much more balanced. You have a good influence on them.“What should I say.
“Evi is incredibly good in bed.

She fulfills all wishes to me. And I like to have her around me!“Aunt Verena nodded.

“I saw that yesterday. In contrast to me, Evi really lives out her sexual fantasies. And with you she seems to have the ideal partner!““ But you don’t seem to me to be prudish either.”” Not prude.

No. But my husband was too jealous.“We drank our coffee in the bathtub afterwards. Then Verena dived and washed her hair. To do this, she had to slip even closer to me.

She put her legs on the right and left of me on the sausage edge. Her cunt was now in front of me. I just couldn’t resist. I stroked her clit with my index finger and noticed how her column opened.

Then I got my thumb into her wet cunt and fucked her slightly with my finger. My cock straightened up and touched her skin. Aunt Verena closed her eyes and moistened her lips with her tongue. Then she got up abruptly.

“Come out and fuck me!“I too got up and sat on the sausage edge.

Verena sat on me. She led my cock into her steaming cunt with one hand. Her skin was incredibly creamy and she clung to me. My latte stuck in her cunt, her legs had put her over my thighs.

This time she was no longer so wild and greedy. Slowly she moved on my stiff cock. We both clutched. I sucked on her neck, she had wrapped a hand around my back head.

It was a very tender fuck. She moved infinitely slowly. Her pussy muscle played with my stand. Again and again she pulled him together to release my belt so that I could penetrate deeply again.

Her soft tits pressed against my chest and I started nibbling on her earlobe, where a golden earring was hung in my mouth.

The door opened and Evi came in. We didn’t let ourselves be disturbed, even when Evi moved out. Verena moaned to herself. It seemed to me an eternity, so slowly and enjoyable we fucked.

Her pubic hair rubbed my. Until her moaning became more persistent and she moved faster. And then she cramped and pressed herself against me when she had her orgasm. I also stopped a second, afterwards to push my cock powerfully, which gave Verena additional loud groaning.

Then she got down from me.

My hard cock protruded in front of me like an arrow. Verena assumed and Evi took her place. She didn’t even have to introduce my cock. My latte was hard and Evi’s cunt wet.

As a result, my belt slipped directly into Evi. Evi was not as creamy as Verena, her skin felt cooler, but her cunt was as hot as that of Verena. After just a few moments I fucked her, Evi screamed and her liquid in her cunt increased extremely. My cock got so hard that it was almost painful and I could feel my own orgasm.

I pressed my cock as deep as possible in Evi’s cunt and it was already shot out. Evi leaned far back around the cock deep into her cunt when I hunted my hot sperm in her. She stayed until nothing came and my bed -up tail slipped out of her.
We later talked to Verena and Hol-Ger before we went to the return trip. I let Evi drive and slept almost all the time in the passenger seat.


Birthday of my favorite staning Verena I asked Klaus. Tantchen was curious about him because I had already told her a lot on the phone. Vaglechen is my confessor. I can also tell her a lot of intimate, and she keeps it all of this to herself.

Unfortunately my aunt lives in the Ruhr area and I in Swabia. Another reason was that my parents would also be there with whom I had nois since I left Walter. I would not have held out a meeting without mental support from Klaus. My cousin Holger opened us.

I’ve always got on well with him, even if he is sticking. However, only aunt and me know that. In front of the rest of the family we keep the strict secret. My dad and my MAM were as expected at confrontation.

But strangely enough, I was the snort. My Brother Wasn’t there, otherwise they might have me. But finished together. And should my parents and the rest of the family tear up the mouth.

They had no idea how I felt with Walter, whom I had married more despite.

Klaus was polite as always but I got really angry because my parents and Klaus used to do a lot together. And now they treated him like the last dirt. But he finally received me when I came to him howling. Not my parents.

And now they blamed him and me because of this. At some point I had enough. I noticed that Klaus was not particularly comfortable either. But he had already earned a reward.

I pressed his hand and apologized to those present, but I would have to go to the toilet. Klaus also came along immediately. I went up to Tantchen’s private bathroom and pulled Klaus with me.

“I have to react myself. I now need a hard cock.”” Hard or gentle?“So was Klaus.

He even asked me. Everyone else would probably have fallen directly over me.
“Hard. Fuck me really hard!“I just quickly pulled out my pants.
“Then come here you little cunt!“I leaned my back on the sink and got wet when Klaus said. He only pulled the zipper and took out his hard stand, which I loved so much.

I could just spread my legs when he just pushed the string to the side and rammed his cock deep into my pussy with a brutal push, which made me cry.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!“That’s exactly what I needed now. To be easily taken on the brutal way.Used like a bitch by a hard men’s tail.
“You bitch with your cunt!“Yes, humiliate me. His latte drove brutally in me and I came after just a few moments. Klaus pulled me closely when I fucked, so I felt his cock in me far inside me.

In this position he never encounters God. That is the only one that can cause me pain. An orgasm shook me and I wanted him to come too. So I pressed myself close to him.

I almost had it so far. But then Tantchen came to the bathroom and Klaus stopped, even though I clutched his ass and asked him to continue. But he couldn’t. It was embarrassed that tooth had been added.

Klaus is just cute. Then he fucks everything that does not come on the trees in time, but that toked us was embarrassed.

But I couldn’t let him stand that way. I slid down and took the sloping cock into my mouth. I put my hand around his shaft and began to jerk off while I sucked his limb with full strength and licked the damp drops.

That always helps with Klaus. His cock became hard and firm again. I could feel the lining veins on the tail root. His belt started to pound in my mouth.

He was about to. I sucked with hollow cheeks and rubbed the shaft by hand when he unloaded his hot sperm in my mouth. I have now swallowed so much sperm that it doesn’t matter to me the slightest. And I know that all men want this.

I swallowed everything that came.

“You learned a lot,“ Tantchen had watched us. She looked at Lusters on Klaus’s tail, who quickly packed him away. It was so cute, but completely unnecessary.
“I have, I have a tanth,” “you shouldn’t say aunt!””That’s okay!“Klaus apologized that we would not have closed the door.

“And you were quite loud. I heard Evi scream.”” Uuuups!“I just cry out when it comes to me.

Hopefully the only thing had heard. And not one of the others. But Tantchen had a really lustful look on the face.
“I’m really jealous of you!“Rightly so. I would do anything to stay with Klaus forever.

If he wanted it I would even go on the grain for him.
“I can borrow it from you!”” I would already irritate me. It was a long time ago “” What do you talk about there?“‘ Tantchen Verena wants to fuck you. That sees a blind!“Verena was really sharp on him. Sexual has been running since she widow not much with her.

She just hadn’t found the right man for the bed again.

“But not here. If I stay with me. The others will disappear around midnight anyway. Provided Klaus wants me at all.“Now I had to intervene quickly before Klaus said something.

Without further ado, I opened two buttons on Tantchen’s blouse and raised the breasts together with the narrow bra so that Klaus got an idea of what was waiting for him there. Finally I was able to give a little bit back. She had already done so much for me. And tooth quickly raised her skirt up.

Below she wore a white narrow panties. So I want to look at your age too. Klaus jumped on it. He stroked Tantchen’s pussy through the panties until I jokingly pushed him on his fingers.

Tantchen had groaned quietly and would have loved to be eaten in the bathroom. But I wanted Klaus to be ready again for that. Aunt deserved that.
“Later!“I calmed Klaus.

Verena went down again and I restored myself. The others shouldn’t notice anything.

When we were grinned by Holger wide. He looked at me that I had just been fucked. I cut him a grimace. And had to not master me loudly when Tantchen made my Klaus her special drink with a raw egg in it.
Only after midnight everyone had disappeared.

The stupid chatter from my parents and the others had no longer turned me on.
When Verena said goodbye to the front door, I pulled Klaus in the middle of the living room. There I went to his pants and pulled him off. Klaus was committed.

“What about Holger!“I had to laugh out loud. That’s right, Klaus knew nothing about him.

Holger clarified him. Meanwhile I put my hand under his eggs and played it easily until his cock straightened up. I alone became moist of that and would have liked to fuck with him myself. But I tore myself together.

Tantchen came in and saw Klaus standing in the middle of the living room, naked, with an almost stiff member where I played around. I will never forget the sigh that she is out. She literally tore her clothes off the body while she rushed to Klaus. Man, Tantchen really needed it.

She immediately pushed herself against Klaus and had her hand on his cock faster when I could think. I quickly got behind her and pulled out her skirt and panties.

Then I pressed myself against my aunt’s back and reached between her legs on the vagina. Verena was wet. I too had become moist.

But tooth had priority. She pulled Klaus on his cock and dropped onto the carpet with the legs spread out. Klaus immediately afterwards, with one leg between Verena’s thigh. Then they rolled briefly on the floor until Klaus was down and battles put up.

And then everything went rapidly. Aunt took Klaus Steifen penis in his hand and simply pushed the thing into her pussy. A delighted outcry, fucked two- three times and anxious orgasm tubes. She fell forward to Klaus and groaned.

I think I was a clitative myself in the meantime.

But Holger was gay, he wouldn’t fuck me, even if I needed it so much. Now after this first orgasm it made a little bit more calm. She sat up again and also stimulated the labia. Tantchen may prefer it at the top of the labia.

I prefer the clit. I took off. And watched Klaus as he had his common grip on the tantchen. Klaus plays with the nipples when they are hard, she takes slightly between two fingers, twirledly on it and then presses tighter.

At the same time, he pulls the nipples to the front so far that the whole breast goes along and is really pointed. This usually goes down to the pain threshold. But only if you are not horny. I love it myself when he does it with me just before I come.

I don’t feel any pain.

On the contrary, it only accelerates my orgasm. That’s why I call this his common grip. He drives me to the climax. And he now turned it on at Tantchen, who promptly shouted.

Her mouth opened wide and I saw the ecstasy on her face. It couldn’t take a long time until Klaus would inject. Vantchen slid down on him and wanted to blow him fully. Aunt does not take any contraceptives.

But I knew something better and stopped tooth.

“Turn around!“She suspected what I was going to do with her. But she turned around and leaned deep down. She stretched out her buttocks upwards. Now Holger came over.

He had taken his cock out of his pants and just watched while he was lightly jerked. Too bad, I really had taken everything myself, so horny I was. I pulled fingers over the wet column of Tantchen until they were covered with their juice. I then carefully pressed a finger and then the second in Tantchen’s back door, which opened quickly.

That was not the first time For Aunt Verena. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been so easy. I pushed my fingers back and forth, something to the side until I had expanded the hole enough. Then Tantchen slipped up where the tail of Klaus Mother’s Sea alleen stuck into the air.

I just had to take the gem in my hand. I held my tail and aimed at the tip on Tantchen’s Po, who took the spanking into her hole very accurately. Verena leaned back and now lay on Klaus Brust with her back. I quickly slipped around the two, between the legs of Klaus and Verena.

Because Verena was almost horizontal on Klaus and whose straps were in her ass, the pussy of Verena was open in front of my eyes. The labia were swollen and always moved like a mouth when Klaus pushed into her buttocks with his lance.
I couldn’t help myself but it was extremely horny up. With my tongue I licked the wet labia of Verena, the flinched and groaned.

And every now and then I also licked my tongue around the filled hole so that I at least a little thing from Klaushatten. I could feel right like Klaus exploded in Verena’s Po.

At first the root of the cock became even harder, then he pulsed like wild, and then it became a little softer than the sperm flowed out. As soon as he was finished, I just pulled his cock out of tooths’ ass. The hole was wide open and shone like polished. And it closed and opened twitching.

Each time when closing, thick slimy sperm from Klaus flowed out, which I just had to lick. And suddenly there was another sperm that clapped from diagonally to the back of the cunt’s cunt, hair -sharp in front of my nose. The sperm then ran down and dripped onto the tail of Klaus.

Later I saw that some things stuck in my hair. Holger had weaned when watching.

Verena rolled off his face next to Klaus and kissed his face. Meanwhile I chose my chest to my Klaus. Holger now knelt between Klaus legs. I watched him to put Klaus’s limp cock in his mouth.

Well there you can work for a while until you have it, I thought to myself. Klaus was also relatively quiet. I have never fucked with men, at most a woman together. Klaus also briefly tightened his belly to get up, but Aunt Verena did not allow it to.

And Holger sucked on Klaus Schwanz with a fallen cheek, who actually gradually looked up. Well want to see if he will fuck him. I pulled Klaus up on my hands.

“Fuck him in the ass!“Holger had turned expectantly. And Klausfickt actually.

I watched spellbound when his thicker penetrated into the hair of Holger’s hairy ass, who grown quietly and immediately got a stiffness himself. Really miserable and pure wasteland of manpower with him. I just had to take his cock in my hand. Whether his friend probably jerked him so much? With the full hand I jerked his cock that hung freely in the air through his kneeling position.

I pushed him down a little until he showed almost perpendicular to the ground and accelerated my wanking movements. He was almost as hard and tall as that of Klaus.

I heard how Klaus’s tail against the ass cheeks from Holger clapped. Klaus got really hard, and every time Holger was turned a little forward.

And suddenly Holger’s tail twitched in my hand. I can’t really describe the feeling, but sometimes I think I can feel the seeds that climbed up in this pipeline. Holger sprayed everything on the floor because I held his cock on the shaft and had straightened down. And as soon as Holger had hosed down, Klaus had already withdrawn and Aunt Verena lay on her back between his legs.

And did that with his cock what I had just done with Holger.

She clutched the shaft. I saw Klaus’s shiny cock, on which some watery drops hung. A little thread from sperm hung down. And Verena pressed the tail with all his might when Klaus finally came.

His stiff member looked like it was squeezed. The tail was really thick about Verena’s hand. At first only a thin little splash came, but then Verena let go of the tail and it was really thick out. And Verena got it in the face.

She only closed her eyes, but did not move her head, although the sperm sprayed on her nose and lip. She even licked the cream from the upper lip with her tongue.

Then we drank champagne. Tantchen would have loved to fuck again right away. But Klaus couldn’t.

But he said that in the morning they could go through a quicky. I came up with such an idea.
We slept on the wide pulling bed. I snuggled up close to Klaus belly and had to control myself not to take his cock in my mouth. I behaved very quietly until I was sure that Klaus slept.

Then I sneak into Tantchen’s bedroom. Verena was still awake.

“Man Evi, you really fished something great.”” I know Verena.”” So I was no longer satisfied.“I crawled to her under the covers and stroked her breasts and stomach. She took my head and kissed me.
“Thank you Evi!““ This is just a fraction of what you gave me! Listen, Klaus is just sleeping. But in a quarter of an hour or something we can exchange the places.

You go to bed to him and I sleep alone today.””That sounds good. I could already. My god, I am horny. I really needed it.

What should Klaus think of your aunt?““ Well that you are a horny piece!“We giggled for a while and tooth reminded me of several of my youth sins and so -called friends, which I often brought to her in tender age from 13. And I giggled about the awkward first attempts at the time. But at some point I shook her up.

“Go over to him. I am tired and want to sleep.“Tantchen started naked with an ordinary hip swing.

At the door she turned over again. She made a few fucking movements like men else, licked her lips and stroked her breasts. Then she threw me a bussy too.
The next morning as I woke up I went down. Holger had slept on the sofa and was already awake.
“Mutti was very happy yesterday.

She still sleeps?””I do not know. She slept with Klaus.““ Oho, one number in the morning sells grief and worries! Are not you jealous?”

“No. Not on antenna.”” I would be incredibly jealous “” That doesn’t help. I prefer to fulfill his sexual wishes and make sure that he is always satisfied.

That has proven itself in the past.““ Well Kusinchen, also a possibility!““ I’m going up now and wake the two. Do you make coffee?“I went into the room. Tantchen was closely cuddled up. One of her long legs lay across his stomach.

I woke Verena quietly. She opened her eyes and looked at me sleepy, but very lovingly.
“And?”I whispered.

“Great! He brought me to orgasm with his tongue and I blown his cock. 69 he “” to the end?””Yes. Until the end.

You told me that he says if you swallow his sperm! But I kept some of it in my mouth and then let him swallow myself.””Good idea. He liked it.”She nodded. “Yes. I already had the impression “” Then I’ll wake him up now “” And I let water in the tub.

I want to swim with him and then eat it one last time!“I struggled to wake Klaus awake. He just wanted to sleep on, so I just pulled him out of bed by hand.
“Off to the tub!“He actually stumbled into the bathroom. I went down and got coffee. I gave it 5 minutes.

Then I brought the coffee into the bathroom. The two were in the tub. It smelled of cream bathroom. Klaus Saj3 bent over and fumbled around on Tantchen’s pussy.

He looked a little tired. I put the coffee off and told him that he could sleep in the car afterwards. I went down and gave them another quarter of an hour.

Then I sneaked up and listened briefly to the door. I heard how to groan.

So I opened the door and went inside. Klaus was sitting on the tub edge, tooth on him. The two fucked very tenderly, very gently. I quickly took off.

Tantchen does not take any contraception and Klaus hate condoms. I was already wet by watching the tail of Klaus in Tantchen’s pussy. It seemed an eternity to me. I stroked myself when Verena finally got off him and I was able to take her place.

My pussy was like a fire and I recorded the hard strap by Klaus in a quick movement in me, which was not particularly difficult.

I was gossip and great horny. I came after just a few moments. My lust, watching and then his hard hot cock in me brought me to the climax very quickly. I leaned back a bit to really feel Klaus Schwanz in me and there he came into me too.

My cunt flowed over and his sperm mingled with my own liquid. Only when he slipped out of me did I get up.
On the way back, Klaus fell asleep the whole route.

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