So I was brought up to the slave and Cuckold! | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Hello, my name is Martin, my wife Petra I met at the beginning of 2001 when dancing. she was
then 32 years old, I was already 38 years old. Today we are already 51 years old and I 57 years old. The years
have passed, but we both look younger and are really well preserved.

Do a lot of sport and
We also hold rules when eating, so that we always have a great figure.
My wife is blonde, has medium -length hair, is very well maintained and weighs 60 kg with a size of 1.70 m. She
Has a great figure, long legs, a tight ass with inviting asshole, beautiful full tits with
protruding nipples and a sweet smooth fuck column.
Simply a woman who you go according to the look “not alone”, which is later
Facks will.
I am dark blonde, have short hair, I am also very well maintained and always dressed well. My size is
Exactly 1.80 m and weigh 79 kg with my size
We both stand well professionally, both work in civil service and have no worries so far. We
actually lead a carefree life.

What I wish everyone else!
We have been married since June 2003, but have no children because unfortunately the career was more important to us.
I am sure how our relationship “sexually” developed it is better that way.
We have a normal marriage relationship, are on the road a lot, drive up twice a year Vacation and in
Winter always in the thermal baths for a week. Simply put we enjoy our life. Even today.
As far as sex is concerned, I couldn’t complain until a certain time, we had on average four times
The week sex together and that was enough for me too.
Already in 2011, but I noticed my wife, she was 41 at the time that her behavior was me
changed compared to drastically. She started to criticize me, nagged me around and often read the whole thing
Frustration that was thawed in her on me.
This behavior of her towards me has always been trouble over time.

She always invented new things that
You didn’t fit me. She threw me into the fact that I don’t do anything in the household and that she is not in this regard
The sex became less and less, often only once a week. Mostly a quick number so that you
just fulfilled her marital duties. But would like to express that my
Best piece is only 14 cm long and a diameter of 4 cm, so rather a mini hive too
other men who also worried me again and again.
So she kept going and I already noticed that she was slowly in her way
To humiliate began.

I would also like to admit that I was already in any kind at that time
and wisely was, what she later put on to me and exploit it and exploit it.
She knew how to take me quite well as she wanted it. I noticed that she always somehow in
Was stress, but could not quite understand why, which later clarifies in my story
becomes. She asked more and more from me, I had to dust everything off once a week, twice
Suck the week, make the laundry and temporarily iron because it was too tired.
All of this ordered me that I have to do it. If she wasn’t clean enough, she screamed me
correctly so that I was flinching.

Now I suddenly noticed that I somehow liked what she was
did with me, although it actually has nothing to do with sex.
It started to tingle between my legs and I got an erection more and more when they
Schrie, which of course also noticed she too.
If she gave me orders or tried to humiliate me, she was only with underwear, so
Panties and bra in front of me, so that she always attracted me fully and thereby despite her behavior
moved opposite himself, because she knew exactly that I would go fully on her. She knew exactly what she wanted,
and pulled that through.
She already had me so far that I did everything she asked for in the household.
She also stimulated me more and more with her body, almost only ran naked, or almost naked next to me
and presented my stimuli extremely skillfully. She screamed at me more and more because she was my submissive vein
had already recognized.

Somehow we lived in a way as far as certain areas affected. I knew about this
But also not what else will come to me? And in this regard, I have myself
Not deceived either, because there was still trouble.
From now on she started every weekend, Friday and Saturday, alone with friends, but mainly
With their three years older Sister go away.

This also has a cucki at home, which I
only learned later.
If she went away alone, of course, she always dressed extremely cool, mostly extremely short
Mini skirts, string, open bra at the front, so that their nipples were always nice to see, network stockings or
holdless stockings as we all know it.
She always appealed to me, had to shave her cunt super smooth and she also had her under her arms
Shave and always watch her closely when dressing. In between, she always asked me if you have her
Pussy and her tits and her horny ass would probably like to be skilfully turning in front of me.
I noticed how weak I became and my submissive vein came out more and more and I replied
You without hesitation that everything is beautiful on her and she looks great and horny.
When I tried to touch her she fought out vigorously and screamed me extremely so that I
fully flinched. She immediately ordered me to go on my knees in front of her and humiliate me with her
Excuse what I had done too.
In my extreme submissive location, I already noticed myself that I was a clever tail,
I am a failure and washcloth, although she had never told me that, but what came soon.
On a Saturday, in mid -July 2011, she continued alone with her older sister. The
Sister brought her at home around 20.30 off, both were right, I would almost say sluts
moderately dressed so that I could only imagine that they were on a foreign bird.
Due to our married sex we had every now and then when you just have a good day
had and with my little ones tail, Certainly she could no longer be sufficiently satisfied.
My sister -in -law, gave me a dominant repulsive look as if she wanted to tell me what kind of one
Failure and washcloths I am.

My wife gave me a fleeting kiss on my cheek and they were
Now I was at home alone with my thoughts and thought something else would happen that night
Becomes when she is traveling alone, but especially if she would come home.
I briefly put everything together in the apartment and then looked at some cuckold porn.
I wanked my little cock and brought in several times, always in the thought
My wife, who might be fucked, or what she would do right now.
But whenever I thought that she would get a cock in her column, I noticed
How cool I became and I immediately wanked my cock again.
But then I also looked at men in a gay portal so that I could see how well they were stocked, what
My submissive vein brought out again, and I always imagined it just that
Great XXL tail my wife and her sister would fuck.
Now I have also become aware that women are fully down on potent and large -scale men.
It doesn’t even have to look good, but it is enough if he has a large brille in his pants.
Around. I went to bed at 2 o’clock because I was tired, but I couldn’t fall asleep because I with the
Thoughts were always with my wife.
It was already 04.30 a.m. when I heard the key in our front door and my wife came home.
She immediately went to the toilet and let her pee leak out. She had to have an extreme beam and pressure
have that I heard loudly how it rippled while she was working, which was fully added to me.
Immediately afterwards she came into the bedroom, immediately undressed naked, just threw the robe on the floor and
came to bed. She lay down next to me with her legs spread and massaged her cunt and ordered her
To look at the column so that I can finally see what a freshly fucked and fully satisfied cunt looks like.
Of course I was a little shocked at first that she was looking at it so much
Pashed that she fucked with another, but on the other hand I immediately noticed that it was full of me
and my submissiveness immediately came up.
But I also noticed that she was a little drunk that the Prosecco will have flowed into quantities.

I was also naked next to her with my little cock and could no longer look from her fresh
Leave the fucked and filled cunt.

I immediately saw that she was fully wet and her cunt was still easy
swollen and red. I could see that sperm was still curdled out of her fucked hole.
Her nipples on the tits were still very hard and their tits really stiff.
Then she turned on her stomach so that I could see her ass and asshole. She ordered me
Immediately that I should take a close look at her beautiful ass, that I see how her asshole is right
was fucked through. Her asshole was visibly widened and I could see that it
Vaseline was treated.
Now she ordered her panties to lift off the ground and give it to her, which I immediately followed.

She took me
The panties out of the hand, it straightened out that exactly the place in which her cunt was in the foreground
Was and held it under my nose so that I could smell the sperm from her cunt and
Also felt. Now she ordered me to close both tilted windows.
Now she was really winding her body on all sides, so I was getting her cunt from all sides
could look at. Of course she did that again to irritate me and make it fully weak. Naturally
I tried to touch her, which I shouldn’t have done better.
At that moment she shouted at me and banged a proper slap in the face on the left and then also

She told me that I shouldn’t attack her again, otherwise it will hit again.
I noticed, the harder she treated me, the more I fell and became devoted and always devoted and
Soned your counterpart.
She had more courage than usual because she was drunk and now went out fully and somehow her
true character came to light and she revealed her dominance.
Now I saw it myself that I am nothing more than a failure and washcloth.
She lay flat again and stroked her fuck grotto again, she looked at me and started me
tell that, the whole thing was already a laid down and talked about it was going away and she was already
Exactly knew that it would only be a fuck evening, because she had long since discussed with her sister.
They were only briefly in a restaurant in which they already met with two steamers, a bar drinking drinks
And then everyone drove together to an apartment of a fucker where they fuck after a short time
started because it was already agreed.
They drove it to the four of them Partner exchange And both of them were really hard from two as they said to me
Large cocks pulled through. So both were three hole mares, so to speak, and let the two
Stallions, which I will get to know at a later date. The
The whole lasted approx. 4 hours as she told me.
I always became a submissive in her stories and was in one, would almost say trans me to her
Submit and humbly accept it.
She now massaged her tits and the nipples swelled again.

She started me
humiliate by making it clear to me that I was nothing more than a small -tailed failure and
I am a washing slap that has never learned to properly satisfy a woman. Only today did she notify how great
Horny sex with men is who have a big gag and who is also for hours.
She has never experienced such orgasms that she had experienced that night.
From now on she will only birds and never have sex with me again. I should just be my little one
Lush tail wanking, because he is not good for anywhere else anyway. Now she immediately pointed out that she from now on
Often she wants to go alone and I have to accept it and she is only dominant from now on
be treated.
Now she shouted at me extremely hard whether I understood all of this and I should go on my knees in front of her
to give her a clear answer.

Should I not accept that, she will leave me Wixer immediately. I
fell straight onto her knees when she shouted at me and gave her humbly to understand that I accept everything she
demanded from me and agree with everyone. I also asked her for everything I wrong
I did to forgive and bend it to me not to leave me.

From this point in time, she had me under control, only treated me dominant and I was just still
Your Luser and Cuckold. I was not allowed to determine anything myself, she did what she wanted with me.
She now also confessed to me that her sister has had instructions and advice for her for a long time
gave how she raised me to become a cuckold.

Her sister always told her
Again not notice that I am a total washcloth and failure. My wife told me that she
her then fully confirmed what kind of a Luser I am in terms of sex. Both then fully funny
made about me.
Now my wife had reached what she wanted and I’m curious to see what
will expect, because that was only the beginning. She has certainly observed me for a long time and my submissive
Ader recognized earlier than I myself.

Now she just put me in front of the fact and her true face
I am now also ready to see that a beautiful woman is fucked by other men
Must and beautiful potent men with big cocks deserve beautiful women in their holes
Plug. A Luser can not satisfy a woman and it is better if he wanked and from others
Which I have already noticed myself how much I humiliation, humiliation and every now and then also
A slap in the face need if I earn it.
In the next two weeks my wife turned me away, often came home from work later, or
went away in the evening. Of course she always went to fuck, now she’s on the taste
Come and the bull will have insisted that he will be through powder as often as possible. Because she
Now it just needs that her sweet grote gets what she never got from me, what I fully
And quite a marriage.

She always told me that she was fucked and enjoyed it like the big one
Tail she had fucked in all openings.
But she did not forget to keep fully irritating so that I stay fully listened to her.
She told me that her engraver was a bus driver and 28 years old. He has a great well -trained figure
and a great body. Its fuck piston is 23 cm long and 6 cm thick, which I follow the following Saturday
Also got on. If that was true I thought to myself, I can understand why she is going on him like this.
But she also told me that it would certainly not stay with one tail.
She would like to be made fuck by this tail and then just fuck more cocks.
On Thursday she came home from work later, pulled out, threw the robe on
the floor and ordered me to take her panties and rub myself in the face so I notice how good
The sperm tastes of other men, because this time it has been fucked by both men again
with whom she was traveling with her sister.
I looked briefly at her cunt and saw how red she was and her cunt was slightly swollen again.
Most of the sperm has already become panties, which I should lick so that I know how good
Sperm from other stitchers tastes good.
I knelt in front of her, with my panties in my hand, but still stared at her cunt what she was
immediately noticed.

Suddenly she banged a violent slap in the face and told me that because I just without
Your permission to see her cunt.
Now I enjoyed the sperm from the panties. I needed the slap in the face again, with it
I know that I only have to do what to me My mistress says.
I still knelt in front of her and thanked her humiliated with her for the slap and the sperm that I out of hers
Was it was allowed to lick the panties. Now she fell asleep with satisfaction, because she was right again on her Luser
Suffled, but especially when fucking with her engraver, which she needed more and more from now on.
I was just an object for her that she fully exploited and used as it was for her purposes
liked. She just treated me like a piece of dirt.
Now it went on in a blow.

Already on the first Saturday in August she told me that we today
Together with her sister and her husband Gerhard will go dancing.
The dance restaurant was very close to us. Were often dancing there before everything started.

Around 20.00 o’clock I had to shave my cunt again and also her feet and armpits.
Then she stiled herself extremely smart again and put on super horny. The string she put on was so small that
The futures on the left and right were extremely out. The bra was open again at the front, so her nipples
stood out properly and were beautifully visible under their blouse.

The blouse was white, so you could
Your nipples see how they were already hard.
To do this, she put on a narrow, very short leather mini skirt, which had a decorated rice closure at the front
She could open as far as she wanted to make her thighs were nicely visible.
Her medium -length blond hair was long and lightly curly blowed.
Also put me on how I always did it when we went away. Because if I already
Was a small -tailed Luser, at least I wanted to look smart.
When we were finished it was already 21.3 p.m. and we drove to the dance restaurant. Her sister and her husband,
were already on site and have already kept a table.
Even my sister -in -law was really cool, as always dressed. I have to honestly say they were two
Attractive sluts, the eyes of the men’s world attracted.
They then ordered a bottle of Prosecco to drink slightly so that they were in the mood.
They talked a lot together, but they hardly noticed them.
I and my sister -in -law’s husband were not allowed to drink alcohol, because we both had to go by car
The music already played, especially German hits, which were very inviting for dancing.
The restaurant was already quite full at that time.

Our women wanted to go dancing with us, which we too
deeds or just had to do because they wanted it that way. They danced exactly two dances with us so that they
could show the audience.
Once at the table, you drank a glass of Prosecco, then the bottle was already empty.
Now both got up and went together to the toilet. When walking to the toilet, they had to do pretty much that
Get through the whole place. They did it that way so that the guys become aware of them.
During this time, I looked at the sparkling wine bar, which was already quite well attended, especially of men.
But I also watched the entrance to see who came in.
Just when our women came back from the toilet, two really smart guys are in

Super divided, great dressed, both skin-tight jeans and great T-shirt. Both so approx. 1.80 m tall,
Short dark hair. Everything actually fit them, they were surely excess types, which I have so far yes
had not known, which would change.
The bumps in their tight pants were also not to be overlooked.
Both immediately went to the champagne bar.

When our women saw that, they also got up and went to the bar.
At that point it was already 22.30. They both left us, the Gerhard and me, just alone
sit without saying anything else.
Arrived at the champagne bar there was an extreme greeting, so I already noticed that they are sure
probably would probably already know, at least I thought it was, which was a little later
will confirm.
As I could see, they drank Prosecco there again and probably other drinks.
There were many guests at the champagne bar, so that everyone was pretty tight together and the two types
could easily allow one or the other erotic undergrowing.
The two men held their arm around our women, they talked, laughed and I realized that they
have taken some look at us at the table. Probably our women told them that
we are your Lusers and who knows what they had told them about us.
They talked really well at the counter, as we could see. We watched them all the time.
They were closer and closer together, the men pulled the two women further and further and how should
It was probably different to kiss.

Now I noticed the tingling in my cock again because
It was the full humiliation for me again, what I got to see.

They also stroked the women over their thighs and I could see that the zipper of mine
Woman was much further open than before, where she was still with us. They kissed further unabashedly
And you could immediately notice how her tongues disappeared deep in the other mouth.
Gerhard, my sister -in -law’s husband, saw it and I couldn’t help but ask him if that
would not make up anything.
Now he moved out with the truth and admitted to me that he had been the slave and cuckold for 9 years
Luser is his wife. Now we just told each other how everything started. It was actually completely
Exactly the same as with me, because my sister -in -law gave my wife the advice on how to do me to slave
has to educate and how she has to make me a Cuckold.
So, we had the same suffering to do.

He also confessed to me that he just like me just one
Having little cock and not able to really satisfy his wife.
But a separation is therefore out of the question for them, because he too is totally healthy and everything
tolerates and does what she wants. Now I also knew about Gerhard and I was able to
Slave and cuckold at least replace with someone.
Now he also confessed that he already knew the two engravers and both already his wife and also
My fucked several times. But what I already knew about my wife.
Now I knew that the guy who hung on my wife probably had to be the bus driver from which they always me
told, who should only fuck them addicted, after that she would also move in other big cocks.
Gerhard also told me that both men are very dominant and there are sagging cocks and
Luser extremely humiliating, which I also felt like it myself.
Of course we kept watching our women who were currently so busy
Probably didn’t even think that we were still here too.
It was around 23.30, when I had to go to the toilet to empty myself. My wife watched that and gave
a jerk their guys.

Just when I took my little cock out of my pants, the guy also came up
Toilet, turned next to me and also took out his cock. He continued to open the jeans because he
Didn’t have a zipper but buttons on the trouser slit. But I am sure that he intentionally
had done so that I could see his big fuck piston exactly. I almost felt like he wanted
Bushing his big cock, which he didn’t need, because it was really a geriac he he was

He also looked at my mini hive and started laughing. He asked me if
This dwarf is at least suitable for Prunzen. I said quietly yes, so he screamed me in the
subtle tone that I should put in a clear, loud answer.
He was still pissing and had a huge beam on it. I then answered loudly and clearly
With a yes to his question.
When he was finished, he kept letting the cock hang out of his pants and dragging me into a free toilet that he
Cordly locked me down to humble.

It’s good that I get to know you you wixer and Lusser he tubular
me and told me right away that he is the guy who will stuff my wife into the holes as often as possible.
He noticed that I was totally submissive and submissive and used it to be used immediately. I stared at his
Great hammer horny cock, which was longer and thicker in the limp state than mine in the standing
Condition. His sack was extremely large and poured, just a feast for the eyes of his fucking device. He saw
Also on my little tail and laughed at me.
He only called me failure, clever tail and constantly impotent Lunser.

The more he me
Dilated, the devoter I became what he had certainly noticed as an experienced Bull.
He briefly wanked his piston so that I saw that he got even bigger.
He has now ordered me to kneel down in the down and to lick his cock from the piss. I
Couldn’t resist this beautiful cock and took it in his mouth to lick in clean like
he had ordered it to me.
Now he warned me that I should never attack my wife again, otherwise I will experience the blue
Miracles, because I will still experience some things today.
Well, there will certainly be a lot to come today when we left the toilet together
had. At least I have now seen what my wife has for a stallion who birds her.
He went back to the counter and immediately dealt with my wife and that very intensely again.

I went back to the table Gerhard told what I had experienced and we continued to watch ours
Women on the champagne bar. Since Gerhard already knew the two guys pretty well, it had no one for him today
Experienced that I had experienced at the toilet with my wife’s bull.
The two types have already dealt intensively with our women and prepared them through theirs
increasingly intensive strokes already on the plug of their wet holes.
Completely surprisingly, our women came to our table with their stitchers.

My wife’s sister has
sat down at the table with her guys, my wife gave me a sign I should with her and her bull
Go outside in the parking lot. We went together to a back corner of the parking lot, which
Very hidden was not so easy for us to see us.
Once there, my wife immediately humiliated me by a slave pig and one
Cuckoldsau called and asked me if I watched everything properly as she was at the champagne bar of
her fucker was treated and whether it was also educational for me, what I observed.
Of course I noticed that both of them were already pretty drunk, which means that they were still in my humiliations
strengthened to do this even more intensely on me. Now she started me about the action what
I had experienced with her lover at the toilet and threw myself in front of me that I have his cock after which he
Pissed hadn’t been licked properly. They probably looked for a reason to get me too

He will have told her of this campaign at the toilet for sure.
She shouted at me, I should look at her when she speaks to me and a clear answer to her when asked by her question
give. Because I was too slow while answering, she gave me two slaps that it just popped so much.
I was back in a fully submissive trans and knelt in front of them immediately. I had to
both humbly humiliated for my mistake that I supposedly celebrated and me for that
Both thank my mistress on both slaps in the face.
While these humiliations that I had to endure, had The horny goat continuously
His hand under the skirt on the ass and the hot cunt of my wife and grabbed her properly and
she fingered, which she was probably even more about to humiliate me to humiliate and humiliate.
Now he asked me that I should watch exactly what he will do with my horny marriage lamp
To learn from it. He still noticed that it would not use anything anyway, because my little one
Mini hewing, is only good for Prunzen.
Now he took his hand from my wife’s ass, pushed her mini skirt completely, pulled her string her
out and put his tongue deep into her mouth cunt, so he kissed her intensely and grabbed her from the front
skilfully and fingered them.

I watched exactly how he had commanded me what he did with her. She
groaned from asking as if she was going to beg that he will soon put his cock into her rapid column
When he fingered her intensely, I noticed how wet her clever fuck grotto was already because it smacked
huge when he skillfully edited her with two fingers in her column.
My wife was fully in the trans, she probably no longer registered that I was here, she had her
Thoughts and her eyes only with her engraver and enjoyed everything he did about her.
He now fingered her faster and more intensely and she threw her pelvis violently against his fingers to
to feel them even more intensely. The moaning of her got louder and faster and faster until she
Got on howe like a beaten bitch and a totally intense orgasm. You certainly inject one
enormous amount and wind with lust and desire.

Now he pulled his fingers out of the wet column
And the juice of her cunt ran fully over his hand and from her column it ran out properly
with lusty.
I still knelt in front of them and he gave me his fingers, which he always briefly in their column
stuck so that it remains cool to lick, because the act of external fucking was not yet over.
I stared at my wife on the cunt widened through his fingers and saw her futile rags still fully stiff
were because they were still fully soaked with lust.
He kissed her on, but did not let his hand from her cunt for a moment so that she stays nice and horny
Now her big tits from the bra and began to suck on her nipples, which she was fully excited again.
The whole thing made me completely horny and my submissive vein came out more and more. I could hardly do it
expect to be humiliated and humiliated again.

I have to admit that he was a really attractive man who fully understood a woman right too
to satisfy.
She rubbed her cunt on his hand and kissed all over the face and alluded to her tongue
His ears and neck. She was already completely horny again and longs for the next orgasm.
Finally he took out his big fat divine cock, which was extremely hard, because he wanted to
Also cumshot which was understandable. When I saw his hammer fuck piston, I became totally weak and
just thought, what kind of little stick I have.
His eggs were filled with his cum, which he would soon go into the cocky fuck grotto of mine
Marriage hooker is cumshot.
My wife now knelt in front of him and started his piston, who was already hard like steel
Come out to suck, sucked his plump glans and pulled the tail extremely deep into her throat.
In her in fucking movement he always pushed deep into her throat, which she fully liked.

He pulled her with her
Hair always jerky on his cock and talked extremely ordinary how you bitch you hooker,
Schwanzgentige dash cat. I noticed that they were increasingly addressing these words.
Now she licked his eggs before he put her on the bonnet of his car and his piston
Stied from the front into her grotto. He pushed his piston full of her, regardless of her fully wet cunt, what her her
fully assumed. When he pulled out the tail from time to time, I saw her hole extended from the
Mighty cock was already.

She winded under his bumps and clearly enjoyed it because she was shooting
Almost her eyes over when she had her peeled again and fully hose. That was the second orgasm that she was
Had in a short time.
He now left his dominance back on me and ordered her column and her asshole properly to me
Licking so that it is nice and wet, which of course I really enjoyed doing. Her cunt was already
swollen and fully red. But also through her lust it was very bloodless.
Now he baked me on my hair, pulled me away from her cunt and turned her so that she is now hers
Had stretched too.

Now I saw her cunt from behind, which looked totally awesome because she was from his
Processing looked very well received. Extremely wide hole, her rags stood extremely wide
apart, just horny to look.
She was already wiggling nervously with her ass because she knew that she was right into hers
Asshole is given. He didn’t hesitate long, fingered her briefly into her rosette with two fingers
Easy to expand her and then slowly pushed his fucking apparatus into the intestine. She winced only briefly
Together before he started to push more and more violently.

For me it was a feast for the eyes as a submissive Luser
To see this act. And I noticed that it was entirely delighted as I keep on his piston
rigid. He fucked her about. 10 minutes in her asshole and continuously massaged her column at the front of your hand
Further to probably bring them to an orgasm.

He now fucked her more and more violently,
She stroked her cunt in the same clock, began to moan loudly and breathe violently, which I too about her
noticed, because she also moved her ass and more violently because she too was shortly before the next orgasm
and noticed that he will be injected straight away. Two minutes later he flinched all over the body, screaming slightly
Counced violently to spray the entire load of his sweet juice into my wife’s asshole.
She pressed her ass tightly on his piston while still massaging her on her cunt,
she shouted on howle again and sprayed again. He only slowly pulled the stalliontail out of her
Arschfotze out so that the whole juice stayed nice in her tube and slowly wandered afterwards.
He now turned her over, pressed her on his knees and let her lick his divine cock,
So that I could see how to do that.
Then he leaned back onto the bonnet, so that she had to stretch again in her ass
And he now ordered me to get my dwarf out to wank him and I should be my cream
Spray on your ass too. I did that immediately, because I was horny enough.

I only needed a minute
And already I sprayed vigorously and poured my juice fully on the ass of my marriage whore.
Now he ordered me to lick her her asshole and ass extremely clean. I could not
Resist licking a delicious juice from my wife’s asshole. He has such a large amount
Sprayed that it took me a good 10 minutes to lick everything. But I tasted good and I
could lick my wife’s holes again and look closely at.

It was in between 03.30 p.m.

My wife, but he too was very exhausted and tired what
I also understand the performance you both accomplished. They then did it for the next day
In the evening a meeting at and in the apartment to fuck again. He didn’t let up now and hit her that way
Often as possible to make them fuck and tail addicted, which she wanted to do it and afterwards
to move other big cocks into their fuck grotto.
When I came home with my wife after this adventure, she immediately went out naked, whatever
I also did. She ordered me to put myself in the bathtub, which I did immediately.

Now she said
I get me the reward for tonight. She stood over me with spread legs
and prepared me with a huge ray, at least three minutes full, until they are the last drop
Had handed over. Still out of her asshole, which I also got. Well
We were still showering together and went to bed.

Tomorrow in the evening you will experience the next action.
It was very exciting for me to experience that. He’s just a nice great potent man you have his
Woman had to make available without any ifs and but. He fucked my wife for a good six months.
He has already mastered both of us. He made my wife totally addicted to cocks.
We experienced many sexual hours together.

After she had done in the end, came until
Many other engines today and treated their holes. This continues to this day, it is only 51
Years and the cunt has to glow she says. With me alone she doesn’t make sex, only in the presence of others
I can lick her or the tail of the other man. But she shows me extensively the cunt,
so that I stay totally listened to her.

Otherwise I just have to wank how it is for a clever tail, Luser and
Washy washed.

That was the first time, that I had to watch my wife be fucked. But they were already
A well -coordinated team about fucking because she had already fucked with him beforehand when I was still in the
Construction phase for the slave and cuckold was located.
So I was brought up to the slave and Cuckold!

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