Sexy photo shoot with my wife | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I am a confessed voyeur and have been doing the great desire for a while to have beautiful erotic pictures of my wife. It is now in his mid -thirties, but no model from the face but still extremely attractive, without orange skin and her big bosom does not hang. She is approx. 1.65 m tall with a narrow waist, womanly pelvis, flat stomach and a wonderfully round apple po. The men are still turning after her. I’ve already taken a lot of pictures of her myself, but I’m not a gifted photographer.

A few lucky snapshots are probably there, but on the whole the pictures are rather boring and without erotic tension. I would like to have professional pictures of her. By loose Contact There was the opportunity to do a very good hobby photographer. I asked him what a shoot he would take with my wife. He said that if he could keep the pictures of the shoot, he would make it free of charge. So I suggested it to my wife and what kind should be the pictures.

Despite her exhibitionist streak, she hesitated and after a long thinking and two introductory meetings she then agreed to stand for Michael Model. However, I should be there and should be romantic, playboy -like photos. He may keep a deduction, but it would definitely be excluded commercial use or setting into the network. We agreed that we wanted to open together on Friday. I saw my chance to live out my voyeuristic tendency. Not on any pictures or films from the Internet, but on my beloved trust.

Who, from my point of view. I made it out with Michael that I would come up with an excuse and that she would come alone. Secretly I would go to him beforehand and hide in his photo studio to watch the session. I was curious if my decent woman would be carried out to more than just pictures. With Michael I assumed that he should try everything as freely as possible to take pictures of her and also had permission to seduce her.

So I told my trust that morning that the representation of the bridge day assigned to me had been ill. And I have to work now. Michael and my wife were appointed at 11. Since my working day usually started at 9:00 a.m., I was at Mike at this time. I still got rolls and we had a lot of breakfast. We discussed what kind of pictures should be taken. Starting with simple portrait photos up to everything …… whatever she wanted to allow.

I inaugurated him how it could best seduce her. He has to take your time, preferably inzen small erotic role -playing games. Since, in keeping with my tendency, she is a little exhibitionist and which will definitely turn on to show you. However, it attaches great importance to her loyalty and it would not be easy to seduce her. When the doorbell finally rang, I quickly went to my hiding place. Mike had set the music a little louder, so she couldn’t hear when I had to move.

Mike greeted her with kisses and asked her in. For the time being, the two of them chatted a little. Mike showed a few pictures of his work so that she could prepare a little in the type of recordings. She found the pictures appealing and not repulsive. Then my breath caught when Mike asked if it were ok for her if a friend could still get from him, since he needed help with illuminating.

She said that that was ok. Secretly, she thought it would even prefer it, because then she was not alone with the stranger. After a short phone call, it only took a few minutes for the man to be added. There was talk again and my wife explained what Arno, the name of the “lighter” was supposed to do. Mike and Arno, both well built, with male charisma and around 25 years old, aligned the prepared equipment.

My sweetness was put in pose and the first portraits were made. It was very funny and the three obviously had fun at work. Then Mike confronted my wife that I actually wanted to have erotic pictures. Whether you could start taking something more freely. She had complied with Mike’s demand and had brought 2 large bags with various clothes, bikinis, lingerie and shoes. Of course Mike was equipped with all kinds of props, but of course he didn’t have clothes in size.

They started to put on a men’s blouse and work trousers. In addition she went into the kitchen so that Mike could come to me briefly and enough to drink. The blouse was tied far up and the too long trouser slide down a good bit, so that the upper part of her beautiful ass was seen. Already a good start. Various scenes were played through. With a helmet and work gloves as if it were on a construction site.

They went through different everyday situations. Then she played a secretary, a teacher and a nurse. The poses were sexy, but unfortunately only a little of their grenade body. However, I recognized an increasing excited tension at my wife’s facial expression. In the meantime my wife no longer went to the kitchen to move and walked directly in front of the boys. An unmistakable sign for me that it became looser. Michael suggested playing through a few beach scenes.

When she then unpacked a Parero, a big cloth that she attracted to the beach and her bikinis from Wicked Weasel, Arno had to “help” her when I put on Mike’s instructions. At first the bikini did not sit and straightened it a little, then the string slipped (WW already have very nice but also extremely scarce things) and Arno also directed the string that he “unintentionally” drew and the bikini between her labiaslip.

The first somewhat more intimate touch. I was surprised that she put up with it and did not put on hand herself. But as she said later, she thought that the right seat of the bikinis was important for perfect pictures and that she could not see how it works in the picture. She had to take different poses. Initially very harmless and later more daring poses. She should stretch out her bottom or breasts, then she had to kneel on the cloth, bend forward and put the upper body on the cloth at the maximum.

Mike now used a strongly sexualized language. “Really stretch out your horny ass, now stand there, elbow backwards, yes I want your hard nipples to appear through the fabric. So – now on all four, hollow cross and the buttocks, like a bitch in a run “! I feared that she would stop the shoot because she hated to be addressed by strangers at this level. But on the contrary, she stretched out her ass and even spread a little bit.

The string was pulled deep into her slit and the shine on her swollen labia was obvious. Then it became more and more braver and so after a few tops without photos, complete naked shots came to the state. Mike then asked if she would also get involved in couple recordings. First she hesitated, then she said indignantly: “What do you mean that ? I don’t take any porn shots – I think I have to go now !!”” No, I didn’t mean that ! Jonny expressly wanted sexy but aesthetic recordings with a well -built man “” O.

K. If he said that, – but only artistic recordings “!! Arno had now undressed and enclosed it from behind. But he only took her belly and avoided touching her breasts. Mike joined it, put a hand from Arno on the Venus hill and the other on her shoulder. Again and again the poses were changed and a few pictures were taken. I was sitting in my hiding place and could watch the hustle and bustle quite well.

So I also saw that Arno got an erection. Of course, my wife was not hidden either. She laughed and said that it was a compliment to her if such a young guy were excited by her. But Arno shouldn’t come up with stupid thoughts. She laughed again. Mike Knipsten and Arno trouble not to touch too much. Then Mike Arno asked not to be so reserved and to take her breasts properly in hand.

“Traute is no longer a schoolgirl, many have already massaged these beautiful tits” my wife hung up a little. “… no, that’s not true, I’m a decent woman and since my wedding only Jonny has touched her!“My wife said angry. “… Oh what, we should take erotic photos at your request from your husband. How is that supposed to work without intimate touch. “Mike stepped on and showed him how to take care of. But not too firm. Their now tough big nipples emerged between his fingers.

Then sitting the same scene on a chair, her legs spread wide. If Mike didn’t jump around in my field of vision, I could see her pussy, who was gaped up, thick and gossip. Now Mike came to take a picture “Hands on Body” with the idea. My wife asked how to do what he would imagine. It should look that four men’s hands are on your body. He would hire the camera beforehand and switch on the self -resolution.

Again she stalled and considered a moment, she was seen the doubt, but she was still agreed on the condition that it should only be a very aesthetic picture. So Mike prepared the camera. Then they looked at what the best position was and where the hands should go. One grabs her breasts, a hand on your shoulder, one on your stomach and one should cover the shame from behind between her legs.

Said and done. The picture was taken. And when Mike let his hand slide back between my wife’s thighs, he grins at her and said that she would obviously enjoy the shoot. The inside of his forearm and his whole hand shone with moisture. “Apparently you are quite exhibitionally predisposed. You like it if you look at your excited nipples and your wet cunt “she became red like a tomato and apologized for the bathroom.

Mike came to me and asked if everything was ok. I answered in the affirmative and said that she was wet until the ass chips were wet. Then she came back. “So guys, I think we have made enough recordings for today!“Arno then told her that Mike and he were just considering taking porn art pictures. So artistic pictures during sex. Now she was adorned and blocked vigorously: “I don’t want sex with you … I am happily married.

I love my husband and have never been a stranger and will not do that with you, two men I just got to know!“, That would be fraud against me and and and … But I had said Mike beforehand that she had never done it before and she would certainly protest, but that I would like it if he would fuck her in my presence. He should do everything to seduce you.

And that I definitely want to have pictures and a video of it. So Mike explained to my trust that I would have spoken of more daring recordings in the preliminary discussion. When we had sex together, I often talked about how I would like to see how she was pulled through a horde of men and she confirmed my imagination loudly and it always came particularly violently. But only in the imagination. She would never have come up with the idea of making these fantasies reality.

So she was very hesitant. “… but we just do – no hardcore pictures !!“Mike first shot pictures of how she played with a glass dildo. With wide open thighs, but without introducing the part. Mike then said “I will now take pictures of the side and above all from your face. Your facial expression looks much more authentic when you push the part into your wet cunt a little bit. I will also only photograph your face – promised!!!“She actually pushed the art curtain in.

He always photographed from the side, so that you could see that the dildo was in it, but the imagination was left enough freedom. Mike now said vulgar: “Shie the thing to the attack in your wet, horny hole and fuck yourself, your husband will be thrilled !!“She followed his command. Her lust -distorted face and an unwanted moan revealed her lust. Then they tied them onto a chair and snapped them in a helpless state.

To my astonishment, she allowed this without resistance. Now Arno stood next to my wife, took her head and conducted his stick tail in front of her mouth. Mike made the recordings at an angle from behind. It should look like she is blowing Arno. Then they loosened the bonds and Arno conducted them into a sofa. He put her behind the armchair and pressed her upper body over the backrest. Arno spread her legs quite far.

I could see her pussy for a moment. She was gossip. Her pussy juice slowly dripped out in a long thread and ran down on her thighs. I hadn’t experienced Traute that wet yet. Mike snips and snaps. And Arno put her suddenly two fingers in her bubbling cunt. She was so horny now and couldn’t help but cheat the fingers and groan loudly. Arno quickly grazed a condom and now put his spanking in her hot, ready fuck hole.

Jealousy but also irrepressible lust came over me. On the one hand, Arno had a very big cock, not longer than mine but very thick. On the other hand, to finally see how my wife was to the sake of another man. Mike stopped taking pictures and lay down on my wife on the sofa in front of my wife. Like in a classic porn he took her head and pushed it down so that she could blow him. My wife became more and more wild.

Before you orgasm Came the men from her let off. My wife protested, but knelt and began to alternate the tails to blow. I couldn’t believe what I saw there. My normally prudish and reserved woman blew two strange cocks and almost went out. Then Arno and Mike put on my wife the couch. Mike had a blow, kept her legs spread wide and Arno licked her open cunt.

Mike confessed to her: “Your husband asked me to seduce you !”” You don’t have a camera? If so, I want to hold it up for my husband. “I was very happy. Despite all the lust, she thought of me. Mike got a small compact camera and snapped on it. Mike then sat on an armchair and my sweet started to fuck him in riding position. Arno had taken over the snap and put a video camera on a tripod.

But when she sat around Mike the other way around, Arno put the camera away and licked her fuck. Unfortunately I couldn’t see that because Arno turned my back on my back. She started to moan louder and louder. Arno stopped licking and knelt in front of her on the sofa. I could now see Mike’s beautiful cock, who fucked my wife’s juicy column over and over again. I could only suspect that my wife Arno blew.

I didn’t hear her anymore. As well, with a mouth full of tail? Then Arno grunted, twitched, and twitched and I could see his cum ran over my wife’s breasts. Meanwhile, she groaned loudly again. Mike’s tail pounded deep into her. She screamed. Your face consumed in orgasm. Their buttocks twitched and vibrated. At the same time came Mike. He pressed his piston deep into her wet, horny twitching cunt. It took a while for him to withdraw.

His cock half wagded, he pulled some of his cums out of her pussy. I hadn’t seen that he hadn’t used a condom. My wife put back a bit, her legs laid over that of Mike. Presenting her cunt. Arno acted mentally and took a few pictures of her dripping wet and inseminated cunt. Then she got up and went to the bathroom. There she cleaned herself and was back very quickly.

“I’ve had fantasies from one several times three, But because of the love for my husband, not even thinking about it reality. It made me extremely horny and that’s why I want to fully enjoy this one day, but this will be the first and last time. The two men had a big grin on their face. You don’t get such an offer every day, also from such a beautiful and well -built lady.

“…… And should we take out everything ?””In any case ! – My darling wanted it and he should also have some of it !“She stood in front of the two and started a show of dance and masturbation. That would have revived an old man. It took less than 10 minutes and the two were fully excited again. Now kneeling dared to get between the two again and alternately sucked their stiff cocks. I saw her from behind and how it dripped down between her ass cheeks.

The remains of Arnos cum and the new extremely wet lust of my wife followed the laws of gravity. A little puddle had already formed among her. What a sight. I was so horny now and it was no longer in my hiding place that I took off and stepped down with the bursting hard cock. Mike reacted immediately and asked my wife: “Are you a horny fuck piece ?“My wife replied with a cock in his mouth:“ Yeah that am iiich !!”” Can you tolerate another cock ?”” At the moment I could fuck a whole football team “moaned Traute.

“Then don’t start to -… and don’t look around -… You will be pulled through a stiff belt !! Do you want that, no matter who ?”” Yeah, I fuck me – I am your horny whore – I fuck with everyone who has one stiff today !!! Fucks me … until I can no longer sit on my thick butt !!!““ That means we should fuck you in your sweet ass too ?””It was not meant like that !! No !!I’ve never been fucked in the ass !! —— we tried it – too hurt “” At that moment.

He didn’t push, he moved his finger back and forth quickly. Traute began to moan. Mike asked: “Well – it hurts ?”” No, I’ll come right away “now he pulled his finger out of her ass and nodded me. Due to the back and forth movement, her anus had relaxed and was open in front of me. I put my cock on and effortlessly pressed my glans into my wife’s ass. She was incredible and clamped my cock with her anus like a vice.

At the moment I injected my load in her ass, which was flinched with lust,. My wife also came to orgasm immediately, because on the one hand she was not very excited not to know who deflowered her ass and on the other hand Mike had done a good preparatory work. She now fucked my cock in full length. “Boaah … is the guuut ! … if I knew that ..!”” … you little spoiled asshole..!!” I said. My wife recognized my voice and turned to guilty and said, still twitching on my cock: “… where do you come from ???”” “..I didn’t stand it anymore ……… you horny bitch.

“” … that means you were here all the time ?“” Yes I was … and I never thought that it would make you so horny to fuck with several men at the same time!”” I wouldn’t have thought that either … I think … I think I am a hooker “” … how do you get there … “” …… at the moment I would let everyone get. No matter how old or how ugly the guy is. “Now Mike spoke out:“ Yes you are a naturally horny whore !!“And lifted her to his steeply rising tail.

Which elicited her an elongated groan. Arno asked: “Do you want a sandwich ?“Without a answer to wait, his spanking was already in my wife’s well -prepared ass. It didn’t take long and trust seemed to have a permanent orgasm. It was a mixture of moans, screaming and verbal cheering: “Yeah … do it for me! Fucks me in both holes … And my husband looks at … Yes …. Is that horny – come here I want to suck your cock !“Her whole body shrugged and vibrated with every impact of the two young men.

When the two then sprayed with injected sounds, she let herself fall on the sofa exhausted and with uncontrolled movements of her pelvis. Mike said: “From now on you are a horny three -hole mare … Which you get to know, first thinks about how it fucks and what the tail looks like … !“Trusted nodded ashamedly and it was clear to me that I had to share it from now on. On the other hand, this happened to my inclination very much! We have the agreement that I will definitely be there and take part if you take someone else.

Not as a submissive cuckold but as a horny voyeur, master and fucker. Our relationship has become even more intimate since then. We are not only in love, but also sexually allies that we live out what has always slumbered in us.

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