My new wife | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Christiane and I have been about. 25 years together, she is now 53 and I am two years younger. We are now married for 24 years. She has a sporty figure that keeps her in good shape with a lot of fitness and medium -length blonde hair. Your clothing style is appropriate to the sporty, which means she likes to wear wide things, jeans, sneakers and everything that is comfortable. In bed it has become a little tired with us, we both have a lot around our ears and Christiane is not very keen to experiment.

With me it is unfortunately very different. I am constantly curious about new things, dear frivolous outfits on her and like to try something else. This always leads to discussions that I have now become a little tired. She only blows very reluctantly and also makes sure that she does not get anything from the spraying sperm. Anal rejects them rigorously, so our sex life is essentially limited to a kind of flower sex. I also got her a lot of sexy outfits years ago, I love it when she wears high -heeled boots, a body -hugging dress, owner -free stockings and maybe no slip underneath.

Therefore, she has stored a few such outfits and two pairs of knee high boots in a special subject in her closet, with 12 cm or. 15 cm paragraph. Very rare when I speak it again, it reluctantly attracts it and we have hot sex in it, but sometimes it feels visibly uncomfortable and does not try to take a few steps on these boots. After sex she pulls it out again and stowed it in the closet.

It’s been really long ago that she was wearing this for the last time. She hates it when I smoke, but I can’t let it go, but for Jennifer it is unhealthy and stinking waste of money. For me it is still a little more blunt protest and part of my own freedom. She recently told me that she had a new girlfriend who moved into the city a few weeks ago. Natalie would be like that and they understand each other really well.

This Saturday she wanted to meet her and spend a fun evening at her home and stay overnight. Of course I agreed, I also like to meet with buddy and then stay away overnight … In the late afternoon she packed her bag together and is already on the go to her. I go to the bedroom to get new towels out of the closet and hang them up in the bathroom.

Towels are stored in your closet. When I just want to close it again, my view of the subject in which her frivolous outfits are otherwise stored. It is empty. I am surprised to bring the towels into the bathroom and consider talking to them. A little is jealousy in me, maybe she has an affair? I’m confused. I don’t decide to speak but do something that is not my way otherwise. I will trace her inconspicuously.

She says goodbye with a fleeting kiss, as she always does and I wish her a nice evening. My heart almost races with nervousness. As always, she wears jeans and a wide T-shirt, and suitable fashionable sneakers. Your bag is unusually large to stay away for one night. “Do you want to travel longer?“I ask her and she only waves. “I only have the bare essentials, women pack more and more than they need.

“Grins her back, she was prepared for this question. When she goes to the car I look through the window, take the car key and a garbage bag and follow her towards the car and the garbage cans. When she leaves, I wave to her, then get into the car and follow her as inconspicuously as I can. After about 10 minutes she stops in front of an apartment building. I park at a distance of about 50 meters and watch the situation.

She rings and it is opened. The light in the stairwell is on and it can be seen that it goes up a few floors. ‘What am I doing now?‘It really seems to be a girlfriend and maybe I just react a little, but the things from her closet disappeared. Maybe she only stored it somewhere else and didn’t tell me it. I wait for a smoking, 10 minutes, 20 minutes … I decide to go home again, open the car door and get in.

At that moment the staircase lighting goes back and 2 people go down. I wait for a short time, then two appear how it appears in the dark, extremely attractive women smoking out of the house. I grin into myself, I would not bump the two from the edge of the bed either, it can be seen that they wear high -heeled boots and very short clothes. They laugh, go to a pretty sports car. I start to stop. The outfit, laughing, the boots, all of the one seems so familiar to me, but the course irritates me.

The hairstyle doesn’t suit the laughter either. Then you pass a street lamp and it flows through me like a flash. This is Christiane!!! This is my wife Christiane in an outfit as she never wears it for me. As much as I wish it too! And … she smokes. What should that? am I dreaming? Once at the car, the two women give themselves a short kiss and get in with a laugh. You drive off and I tackle myself as much as possible … I follow you.

Stay close and don’t want to lose her under any circumstances. But after a short trip you stop in front of a free -standing house. I drive past the holding car and turn a little further away, stalk me as close as possible. The two climb out. Christiane can now be clearly recognized under the lantern. This is my wife Christiane who in a short dress, with owners in her high -heeled 12cm heel boots gets out of her friend’s car and … already has a cigarette in her mouth and greedily pulls on it again.

Natalie comes to her around the car, kiss again and go to the house arm in arm. My wife moves on the high heels as if she had never worn other shoes in her life than Highheels. They ring the bell, a man opens, welcomes them both with a kiss and they go in. The door closes. I get out and ignite a cigarette. What should I do? Ring the bell and get them out? That could give trouble, but it’s my wife? Another car stops at the door, three men get out and ring the bell.

The door is opened … by Christiane, who already lies in the top with exposed tits and greets them with one kiss. Now they are in the majority, so I shouldn’t burst in now. When I want to get in, another car stops, from which two men climb and enter the house. I do not decide to continue waiting, who knows how long it can take, drive home completely confused and drink a beer.

How should I react tomorrow when she comes home? When she comes home at all? The thought that she fucks with strangers makes me angry, at the same time it arouses me, the idea arouses me that I might also benefit from it too. Maybe she will be more open and start to become a frivolger and hotter towards me too. I decide to turn the skewer and play the ignorant, naive husband. The thought that a frivolous sex -horny vamp will be excited from my wallflower woman with every beer and I start to jerk off … soon I will come and put myself in front of my horny juice in her mouth, maybe sometimes in thatMouth of Natalie? Why not? I go to bed with great fantasies.

The next day Christiane comes home around 2 p.m. Again she wears her sneakers, jeans and a wide shirt. I greet you with a kiss that she replies fleetingly. The peppermint aroma is clear in your breath, but also a grade of cold tobacco smoke. I don’t show anything and go to the bathroom to give her the chance to stow the things back in the wardrobe. “How was it, Chrissy?”I ask you.

“Nice, Natalie did very well to talk to me, her mother died recently and we chatted all night. “” I’m sorry for you “I answer. We sit on the sofa, my cigarettes are on the table, unlike otherwise she does not make any institutions about getting upset about it. “I have to go out briefly again!“I and you don’t just say you. I also leave the cigarettes on the table, 14 pieces in the package.

Then I drive off and come back a little 1.5 hours later. Christiane is still sitting on the sofa, as I left it, I take the box and go to the balcony. No protest? I grin into myself and count 11 cigarettes in the box. ‘How long can I still play this game?’ I ask myself. “I’m absolutely tired. “Says Christiane when I get back in. “It was very late last night.

“I smile at her. “Then it’s good that you no longer drove. “I say to her. They not. “Next Saturday we want to meet again when that is ok?”” Sure, I think Natalie needs you now. “She pulls off and lays down. I crawl to her, take her in my arms and start to stroke her tits. “I would like to see you again in your hot outfit and the high horny boots.

“I smoke her in her ear. “Not today, I’m so tired. And you know that this is not my style at all. That doesn’t suit me, I don’t feel comfortable in it. And then you always look at me so greedily!“She answers. “Sure because I like it. “I nod. “Another time maybe again, yes?“And shortly afterwards her eyes come up. But my imagination is bubbling like a volcano. The week was like all the weeks before.

I was concerned with the question of what Natalie did with my wife, that she was suddenly so completely different, so freely, open and curious about new things. Something she has to conjure out that I tried in vain for years. Maybe it was exactly that, maybe it was that she could not or did not want to change her role in our relationship. Maybe she didn’t want to stand out in the circle of friends. Perhaps it was because she felt safer in the outfit with an like -minded one at her side who could wake her curiosity.

Maybe she was just bisexual and wanted to please her friend. Then Saturday approached and Christiane started when I wasn’t in the house. I checked her closet again at an unobserved moment and pleased that her frivolous things had disappeared again. How could I be happy about it? It was a crazy, a perverse situation, but she somehow excited me and soon, soon I will use it against her and return myself … I said goodbye to her again, gave her a kiss.

“Hopefully it won’t be too sad when you talk about her late father all evening again. “I said to her and grinned into me. “I hope that too, he died so suddenly, but she needs me now!“Replied Christiane and fell into my little allusion. I gave her a slap on the ass and she left the house. I grabbed the garbage bag and followed her again. Then I got into the car and ran on a different path to Natalie’s house.

As expected, your car was already at the door and the light in the stairwell was just running out. I got out and waited, this time it took longer, but I was sure that the wait is worth it. After almost an hour they came out, like last week, only Christiane wore a paint coat that I didn’t know at all and I almost remained the spit, which was wearing the boots with the 15 cm heel. In addition to Natalie, she went into a dancing and smoking and got back into the car.

My pulse raced. I could have jumped to her on the spot, but I was not sure if I would confront her or just wanted to fuck … she looked indescribably sexy, the hair had strictly back and the hair was just fell in the backgently on the shoulder. I choked the car, restarted and followed the two, this time to another house. When she got out Christiane carried the coat over her arm.

She only wore a very short skirt in which the skin strip between the skirt and the owner could be seen clearly. The two women were extremely good in a good mood, no trace of a mourning case. The house was a little offside and the ladies made the wall, which surrounded the house briefly. Both lit a cigarette. Under the lantern you could have been kept for hookers, my tail was hard in the pants.

Then Christiane leaned forward, supported himself with both hands on the wall and pressed out her ass. Natalie got something out of her handbag and gave her. It looked like a small dildo or vibrator and Christiane it was directly in the mouth. Natalie took out a second part, I could clearly see that it was an anal plug. She sucked it briefly and lifted Christianes Röckchen, who greeted this with a giggling argument.

Then Natalie Christiane pushed the plug between the ass cheeks, which Chrissy had briefly flashed. She wobbled again with her ass, then she took the plug out of her mouth to push him into the intestine in the same way. The spit remained with. At home I was not even allowed to share her rosette with my finger and here she was inserted on an open road an anal plug and then to pay any guys a visit … Sure, she will also be fucked in the ass there.

The two went to the front door. Christiane had to last briefly and breathe. The plug seemed to be obviously excited. They entered the house and the door was closed. I decided to take a closer look at the area, the hedges offered sufficient privacy screen. I sneaked around the house and came to a large, illuminated window, I could look into a room in which the two ladies stood in the middle of it, kissing, dancing … some men stood around them, but I couldn’t see how many, butThere were certainly more than 8 and watched the lesbian hustle and bustle with a glass of sparkling wine in his hand.

In my pants it became too tight. I started to jerk off, visible as my wife drove it with another woman in front of the eyes of strange men. How could something like that? But it excited me, it excited me to feel how she opened, I just had to get it that she would be so horny and open to me too. I quickly took a few photos into the room, made sure that the flash was switched off, the pictures will still use me.

Then a man stepped in front of the window and closed the blinds. At that moment I splashed my juice into the hedge. I pulled my pants up and went back to the car … confused, horny and full of fantasies in my head. I drove home and first needed a few beer to fall asleep. The next day she came home around 2 p.m. I forced her to have a long greeting kiss, which she reluctantly replied. I enjoyed the grade of the tobacco smell in her breath and my nose also perceived a foreign female perfume.

“Nice that you’re back. Have you talked again for so long?“She just nodded and looked visibly exhausted. I took her in my arm, stroked her ass and slowly let my finger slide over the Poritze, which she answered directly with a cramped tense of the ass. ‘Certainly badly strained’ I grinned into myself. “Should I help you with unpacking? I just wanted to wash anyway. “A touch of horror flashed over her face.

“No I do that, get the machine ready. “She answered quickly. I went into the basement, after half a minute I turned and entered the apartment again. “I forgot the basement key. ” I called. I saw in the bedroom as she was startled in front of her closet and stuffed it a little quickly. Then I went down again and came back a few minutes later. I went into the bedroom and saw her frivolous outfits messed up in her closet.

I put my cigarettes on the kitchen table and left the house again to do something. When I came home, two cigarettes were missing in the box and their boots stood in series of sparkling clean in series of the other outfits in the closet. I almost laughed out loud. Then I sat down with her, she sucked on a peppermint candy and looked away. I kissed her, gently, breathed in deeply, demonstratively deeply and she looked at me frightened and turned away.

Then she went to bed and the week went like that before. On Saturday she informed me that she would of course go to Natalie again, she did not ask at all, but it was already fixed in itself. I nodded and lay down on the bed to read before she had grabbed her bag. She ran through the apartment nervously. I amuse myself, she was nervous because she needed a cigarette or because she couldn’t pack her things? I continued to leaf through my magazine, it was already 6 p.m.

“Don’t you want to pack?”I asked her. And she just nodded briefly. Then she went into the kitchen, came back and started putting things in her pocket. Suddenly I heard to steam and whistle in the kitchen, started to cook over. I jumped up to look after Christiane still packed her things. I quickly turned out the stove and came back to the bedroom where I could only see how she closed her big bag and opened the closet door.

Then she gave me a kiss and was gone. I waited for a few minutes, then I got into the car, a baseball cap on my head, who knows, not that I am discovered or even recognized somewhere. Then I drove to Natalie’s house and again Christianes car was at the door. My heart made a jump, with joy that she is here and with excitement of what will probably happen. I took a few photos of your car in front of the house, knowing that you are meaningless, but who knows.

Then I waited again, pulled the cap deep into the forehead until the light in the stairwell was back and the two wicked women stepped onto the street. It flinched like a flash, Christiane looked breathtaking again and Natalie was able to see for the first time really well for the first time. She had a horny body that was only accompanied by the outfit. Both wore knee -high boots, both about 15cm heels, they could be considered sisters, two horny wicked sisters.

In front of the car they smoked in peace, in the pale light of the lantern, two hot ladies in a knee -length paint coat, which could be found underneath today?Frivolous they stepped out their cigarettes, climb into the car and roar. Still fascinated by the sight, my wife, so sexy … almost gruttig, I hesitated almost too long to follow them. But I also managed to take a few pictures of this scene. This time it went in a different direction of the city.

At the train station they turned into a side street and stopped in front of a porn cinema. My heart raced. You won’t be? you will be!The two got out, gently and smoking to the entrance and disappeared into the cinema. I got hot and cold. Should I wait for you this time? I smoked one after the other. I could also go in, even at the risk that they discovered me? I pulled the cap deeper into my forehead and entered the cinema.

An older gentleman at the cash register collected and let me in the cinema area. There were 6 cinema rooms. No one drove around in the corridors between the rooms. I looked into the first cinema, empty … the second, empty. It was only in fourth that I found what I was looking for, Christiane and Natalie sat in the middle of the room, the coats had put them down, naked on a couch and exchanged hot lesbian kisses. Men around them, men everywhere, certainly 15 or more.

Looked horny and greedy, some grabbed the tits of the girls who enjoyed it benevolently. Some just watched and openly jerked their cocks. Then Natalie took over the initiative and grabbed the first tail to suck him deep. Christiane did it without hesitation. She reached indiscriminately after the first cock near her and sucked him harder and harder. My pulse raced, my heart exploded and my cock became rock hard.

Christiane sucked on the strange cock, I don’t even know when she had my last in her mouth, but with Natalie next to her she was probably ready for every mess. On the right and left, in every hand she jerked another cock, very close to her head. I got crazy. The horny sluts for the heads of the men had no look, they didn’t care whose cocks were held in their hands, they just wanted cocks.

Blowing, sucking, jerking off … The first in Christianes started to twitch and sprayed his horny juice to her cheek and neck, he stepped back and the next took his place. Like sperm addicted hookers, the two went to the cocks and also in Natalie’s mouth the first one was unloaded his horny sperm. Then Christiane asked the one in her mouth. Immediately she climbed to him and began to ride him wildly, another cock in the mouth and a third in his hand.

It was always bizarre, my sperm has never touched her face, now she started to juic her tail in her mouth. It was clearly recognizable how he came and his sperm in her throat was absent. Christiane already looked horny for the next spanking while she was clearly visibly swallowing the juice. Then she leaned forward, pulled his cheeks apart with her hands and asked the tail in her hand to fuck on her ass, just as vulgar she said it to him, which I was about to spray.

My wife, my wall, my bourgeois partner could be fucked by strangers, she was fired with all the body openings that I only knew from a distance. Without hesitation, the cock pushed into her ass and began to fuck her wildly, no, he didn’t fuck her, he rammed her asshole through while another cock was in her cunt. After a few minutes he also sprayed, deep into her intestine and pulled it out, and white sperm ran out of her rosette.

I quickly took the opportunity to get my hard beating out and pushed. I was like my senses, I didn’t care if I was discovered, why, I didn’t have to be embarrassed. I wanted to fuck my horny woman in the ass and did it. Without resistance I penetrated hard and hit hard because I was so horny, hard because I wanted to show her, hard because I wanted to punish her, but she only acknowledged it with a loud, groaned moan.

I pulled out my cam briefly. Paid briefly and took a photo of her how my cock stuck in her ass. I made sure that I had their two birthmarks above the couch clearly in the picture. After a short time I could no longer master myself and spit my horny juice into the rosette. I didn’t have to master myself too loudly, I didn’t want her to notice anything. Then I pulled back and finally left the cinema confused.

My head didn’t want to admit what had just happened there. I was never allowed to come in her mouth, strangers are allowed to. I was never allowed to fuck her ass. Today everyone was allowed and because she thought I was a stranger I was allowed to do it too … I drove home like a drunk, my cock was still hard and I stopped briefly to smoke one. Should I drive back again and fuck her again? Or maybe Natalie? For a short time I wanted it, then I left it and drove home to watch me horny again at the sight of the pictures … However, I needed more than just a few beer to get down … On Sundays Christiane only came home around 4 p.m.It was probably very long and she was incredibly exhausted, which was clearly to be seen.

Good thing I knew why. She said Natalie and they celebrated a little more exuberant for the first time and watched funny films. I didn’t ask what kind of films that were, I think she didn’t see much of it. Natalie had now been well over the death of her grandmother and had been released for the first time. I tried to touch her in every second second, but she always turned straight away and said she was not in the mood.

I was able to imagine that their fuck holes, and I would now describe them, were well affected, after the gang bang fuck in the porn cinema. Again her breath smelled of tobacco, after cold smoke, a little more than usual and she slipped back and forth all evening, but I did not give her a way to use my cigarettes. Again I reached her ass, pressed the middle finger in the direction of Poritze and again she avoided me.

I liked it more and more to provoke them. “What did you do with your hair?”I asked her. “Are they glued a little on the side?“She jumped up immediately and rushed to the bathroom, I could hardly help myself a laugh. Of course there was nothing there, she came back and said it would have been too much gel. Then we went to sleep early. The next weekend she stayed at home, Natalie had no time, but it was clear to me that she had her days.

So two weeks passed until she was appointed again with Natalie. It was like the last few weeks, but this weekend I also wanted to put an end to the hustle and bustle. If she should go back again, then I would turn the spit around. In the afternoon she grabbed her bag again, again she cleared the whole compartment with the frivolous outfits and left the house after a short kiss. Again I drove directly to Natalie and found her car at the door.

Again after a short waiting time the light started in the stairwell and … Christiane came out alone, frivolous styled as before, but Natalie did not follow her. She quickly smashed her car, got in and drove off. I followed her, with a little more distance, because this time she was not distracted by the horny natalie at her side. She stopped in a parking garage in the inner stand, got out and went out smoking. I followed her, the cap deep in the forehead and the cam on the stop.

In front of the parking garage she met a man. They kissed on their cheeks as a greeting and he handed over an envelope to her that she put in a wordless. He got something out of his pocket, a medium -wide leather neck band that he carefully put on her. Christiane lowered the look and received the erotic piece of clothing. Then he lifted her chin with a finger and gave her a passionate kiss. I took photos of all of this, nervous, excited, angry. Then they went hand in hand to the shopping zone, turned into a side street and stood in front of a large shop for fetish articles of all kinds.

I wanted to go to this shop so often but she kept blocking it down. They stood in front of the shop window and inspected the exciting clothing, the high heels and the high sexy boots. Then they went in. I followed them to the shop and could see how Christiane tried out a few high boots after the other with an open coat and she was visibly happy. She was happy, relaxed, horny by all the hot things around her at the center of which she was.

Then the stranger came to her with a couple of high lacquer overknes and gave her to try it out. It was plateau overknees with a breathtakingly high heel, certainly over 20cm. She put on her and got up, flipped through the shop, always up and down in front of him and the seller. It looked like she was the happiest woman all over the world, and that with things that she always rejected with me. Then he paid the pair of boots and she kept her right away, I hid behind a corner of the house and shot the next series of photos.

Then they entered a hotel, just a few meters away and withdraw my eyes. Waiting makes no sense, the two will surely enjoy all night. The thought like my wife with the stranger, who paid her for it, fucking around in her now late outfit let me fell into the conflict again that it made me almost angry on the one hand, but on the other hand it somehow also excited. How can that be? Why does she do things with foreign men that she always denies me? How I would have liked to do it frivolously in such or a little more subtle outfits, led them to horny places, proudly showed my erotic woman to others in order to enjoy her mouth and cunt and ass … or depending on the situationLet other men fuck in front of my eyes, see how she is satisfied in a way that a single man simply cannot do it.

To see them in the arms of a hot woman to see how they kiss and spoil lesbian. How I would love to watch her and at some point I would simply be involved in the game … and why did she smoke? She hates it! She really hates it? How long has it been like? that she led a horny double life?I caught that I had reached into my steps from time to time in my thoughts, I looked around, but nobody was to be seen.

Was lucky! I hiked a little through the alleys until I was completely lost on the street. Everything was really to be seen here, old, young hookers, thick, thin, discreetly dressed and also extremely frivolous tusses. I particularly liked a young thing in high boots, somehow she saw Christiane similar, the outfit, the cigarette and the hairstyle were very comparable. She looked sharp, for a moment I was talking to Christiane.

She said me, I thought, I should also treat myself to a little hot fun? “Do you also anal?”I asked her. She looked at me, lasciviously sew her on her cigarette. “I do a lot cute, but not anal, otherwise you can have everything, everything you feel like …” I hesitated. The idea of my cock in Christianes ass was still too intense when I wanted to do without it. My wife, my wife offers more than experienced horny hookers on the line.

I’ll end the game tomorrow, I decided. Morning? Who knows how long the guy has booked her. “Thank you, then maybe another time, baby, I’m in the mood for a hot anal fuck today!“The lady stroked my hand with my hand, my neck. “As you mean cute, you miss something and I see how horny you are …” Her hand hiked over my arm to my impact pants, a testing handle on my thick bump.

“Come on, I suck you out to the last drop, I do blow without and I love to swallow your horny sperm. “Again she sucked on the cigarette, blew the smoke in my face and looked even more lically more than before. I turned without a word and went back to the car. I don’t want to fuck anyone, I want to pull my Christiane really horny like a horny hooker. I hesitated. Why like a horny hooker? Just as she behaved with the guy is a horny hooker.

I became more and more confused and finally decided to end the game tomorrow. I had finally seen enough and everything in my hand to talk to her. Would she separate from me then? Would she end it so shortly before the destination I wanted to have it? Or would it be insightful? Would offer me to style herself so horny for me and to fuck so horny? How would she react?I realized that I had just smoked my last tilt, I headed to a kiosk to pull new ones, I took 2 cold bottles of beer and drove home.

I quickly drank the two bottles, then an ouzo, one more, so slowly I calmed down. I leaned back and looked at the photos of her, wanking, enjoying, as if she was another woman, a photo from the Internet or a porn actress, she looked really stunning. Then it was clear to me how I would do it the next day, full risk, with the hope of full success. When I think Christiane would really change, I sprayed horny and put myself on the bed satisfied.

The next day she came back at 12, I grinned in, certainly the hotel room had to be cleared at 11 a.m. I heard the door opened and it shook it, I stayed on the PC in the living room. She disappeared into the bedroom and I heard her rummage, the hot outfits were stowed away in the closet. Then she entered the living room with a quiet greeting, I refused a kiss. “What’s up? What are you doing right now?”She asked irritated.

“I’m just looking at a few pictures that I have taken in the past few weeks. “I answered with a monotonous voice. “What kind of pictures are they?“She got a little nervous. “You can look with. “After a few landscape shots, the picture of her car came on the front door of Natalie. She looked at me nervously and surprised. “You spy on me about?” she asked. “Is there an occasion for this?” I answered.

Her voice became shaky. She trembled. She knew what was coming now. I continued to click and the next picture showed Christiane and Natalie how they went to go to the car in the hot outfits. I watched Christiane. I realized every emotion. Her eyelids flickered, she swallowed. I didn’t say a word, I wanted it to get hard for her. The next picture. Christiane and Natalie in front of the remote house as they push the plug into their ass.

Christiane wanted to jump up, but I held her back. The next picture, Natalie and her in the foreign house, kissing, smooching, stroking, strange men around them. Tears shot her eyes. The next pictures, the meeting with the strange man yesterday, the stormy kisses as a greeting, the handover handover, looking at the shop window of the fetish shop and finally how she leaves the shop with the man in the plateau tokne and entering the hotel. She starts to say something, but with a gesture I suggest this.

The last photos, Christiane and Natalie in the knee -high boots with 15cm heel in the paint coat in front of the porn cinema. Christiane looks nervous, churned on the cigarette box, longingly, she needs that now, but I’m not saying a word. Then the last picture. Christiane in the porn cinema, surrounded by strangers, bladdering, wanking, spermed with sperm and a tail in the ass, photographed directly from above. “W-Wo have D-DU that h-h-her?“She stammered. I look at her with a very strict look.

I take a cigarette, light it, in the middle of the living room, and pull it 2-3 times. Then I lean back. “The tail in your ass, that’s me!“At that moment she collapsed. She cried miserably, bitter. I let her cry a little, then I pressed out the cigarette and took it in my arms. “What do you want to tell me, Christiane? Why did you do that? And why did you always refuse to do that?“I pulled her up and hugged her in my arms.

“I love you, Christiane, I love you more than anything, but I don’t understand it …” She sobbed, her voice trembled, I pressed her even more firmly, took her very tightly in her arms. Slowly they seemed to calm down a little. “I want to answer!”I said to her decisively to her. Then I gave her a cigarette that lit her with trembling hands and gratefully looked at me. “It looks very sexy when you smoke. “I tried to calm her further.

Then all of this did a little effect and she started telling. “Do you know how should I start, I want, I want nothing other than that you love me. The way I am and that you are keen on me, as I am and not sharply on what I am wearing. Then I feel so interchangeable. That is the reason why I never liked to put it on, I always had the feeling that I would dress up for you, be another person so that you get horny for me and I don’t want that.

“I give her a kiss on the cheek. “I love you as you are and I love it when you play with me and my desire. ” I answered. “And why did you never say anything about it? That you may like it to style you like this too?”” I was afraid that you mean something would be different, I couldn’t go back, I had taken the role and couldn’t change it because I couldn’t have explained it to you.

And the longer this was so the less I had the feeling that I could change something. “” Feel these outfits, Christiane?”I asked her. And again she started sobbing. “Yes, I like it deep inside me. I just always have the feeling of being a horny bitch when I wear it, even if I like this feeling somehow, but I always wanted you to respect me and when I feel like a bitch, how should you respect me thenhave?”” You are my beloved wife, whom I honor and respect.

You know that, why did you never say anything about it?”” There is still something. Something that was long ago. As a teen, I was visiting a friend when her parents were gone over the weekend. We had a lot of fun, drunk sparkling wine and were totally silly. Then my girlfriend got cigarettes from the parents’ bedroom and we smoked. It was so forbidden and so exciting. My pussy began to tingle the first train on the forbidden cigarette.

And then my girlfriend turned on a porn. Horny girls in lacquer outfits and high boots could be pulled through all the holes to line and thread and it was so infinitely horny that I masturbated next to my girlfriend. And then we kissed and spent a hot night together. The pictures of the styled horny sluts in the film did not go out of my head, all women in similar boots I always referred to as sluts, for myself, despised them to admire them at the same time in my deepest interior for their courage, for what they didAnd what they experienced.

Horny uninhibited sex. I connected all of this to this evening. I’m home the next day and never met with my girlfriend again. And I vowed to never smoke and never let myself go like that, and to become like this, and become a bitch myself. And when you got on with these outfits, I was constantly reminded of this so embarrassing situation for me. I couldn’t, I also knew as soon as I allowed something to style myself or smoke, then everything would break out of me, I would indulge in the desire and want to have everything like the sluts in the horny film.

“” And what does Natalie have to do with it?” I asked. “With Natalie it was all so normal. It was like another life, she showed me how nice it is, no how horny it is to style and make the men hot, how cool it is to be so desired. How good it feels to just let his desire run free, how nice it is when two women spoil themselves.

I could just be with her. Without history, without commitments. “”And what are we going to do now?” I ask. “Will you break the end?“Answers and I shake my head. “But I want you without your inhibitions. I want you as your true I is. I want you to style yourself just as frivolous for me and let yourself be fucked as you have done it with Natalie in the past few weeks!“She looks at me frightened.

“Or do you want to fall back into your old life, full of fears that your other I will win the upper hand? It will slowly destroy you from the inside, Christiane, believe me, it would not be healthy for you, and I think you have long since decided. “She looks at me confusing me. “Or why do you think you are already smoking the third cigarette?““ I could style myself every now and then so much for you. “I grin it.

“You won’t be enough, Christiane, believe me, half -pregnant. I always want you as a breathtaking frivolous wife, my frivolous wife. And I want to fuck with you as you fucked with the strangers, I want to fuck you now and here in the ass!“My pulse raced but I tried not to show anything, now the crucial moment came. I had to proceed so aggressively, but how will she react? She hesitated, looked at the wall with an empty look.

“How vulgar are you talking to me?“I look at her strictly. “Don’t tell me that you have been addressed on your fuck evenings: May I please penetrate your POPO? Or: May I invite you to an anal beige?“She lowered her gaze. And shook the head. “I can’t, not now, not in this situation …” “But you can!“I reached back and took out a 50 euro note and stuffed it into her bra.

She looked at me. First confused, then with a stinging sharp look. “Give me 5 minutes. “She got up, kissed me passionately, I enjoyed the cold smoke in her breath. Then she disappeared into the bedroom. However, it took significantly longer than 5 minutes, I could hardly wait, then she finally came. The hair is styled, made up, made up, in the paint coat from the cinema evening, clearly visible in hold -free black stockings and knee -high paint boots with 15cm paragraph.

Like a lascivious model, she safely entered the room, opened the coat and showed me open her hot blank -shaved cunt. She came to me, sat next to me and kissed me again, my cock was already hard in her pants, she let him bump out to put her hot dark red mouth over him and suck greedily into it. So she had never done it before. It was amazing. She licked my eggs, the glans, then kneaded her eggs and sank her tail almost to the attack in her throat.

“Look at me!“I asked her and she raised her eyes, looked at me from below with half -opened eyes and tried to get the tail even deeper into her mouth. I was almost insanely about excitement. A short custer of her, because the cock stuck a little too deep in the throat almost let me come, she just disenchanted it a smile on her face, to see how this huster almost cumshot me just caused her to repeat the tail repeatedlydeeply sucked in order to acknowledge this with chucking cough and stranger.

I almost turned through, she really pulled all the stops. Was this the Christiane, which I recently had to persuade to flee every mouth to every mouth?Christiane looked back into my eyes, then let it off from the tail and turn around on the sofa. Natalie really taught her everything. She put the upper body on the seat and reached back with both hands, reached firmly into her ass cheeks and pulled her far apart to offer her horny tight asshole.

I put my cock on the rosette and pushed it into her asshole without resistance. Oh my God. I am losing my mind. Slowly I started to fuck her, but I already felt that I couldn’t be able to master long today. Christiane turned her head to me, now she finally wanted to provoke me, licked her lips and groaned: “Now I remember which fuck you were in the porn cinema!” that was too much. With a hard push I started pumping my juice into it.

Christiane shot up, turned over and put her mouth over my twitching, splashed cock. She greedily sucked the sperm out of the spanking, smacking, licking, I was close to the fainting, no orgasm was so intense before. Then she looked up at me, opened the sperm -filled mouth, grinned and swallowed my horny cream. Then she nestled tightly at me, we kissed for a long time and intensely, longer and more intense than at the beginning of our relationship, how freshly fell in love, like new ones … my head was empty and yet flooded with wild thoughts, but somehow I only felt oneExtremely intense excitement and extremely intense love for Christiane.

She put her head on my chest, very narrow, lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. For a long time she was just there, naked only in the holding stockings and high boots. It seemed to me as if I looked at the scene from the outside and still be deep inside both of us. In the past, she would have pulled out the boots for a long time, today she just kept it and I loved it and she too loved it.

After a felt eternity, she took her cell phone. Chose a number. “Hi Natalie, Christiane here. Something crazy happened, you can come over tonight? Please also bring my new plateau overknees with you? Yes 5 p.m. fits, I’m already looking forward to. “Then she made a kiss in the listener. “What you up to?” I asked. “I think you should get to know Natalie personally and thank her, you don’t mean?”” But I don’t have a gift.

“I put on. “You can do that … my sweet … my beloved man!“We stayed that way for a long time, the time passed in flight, I always had to look at my horny Christiane, how she lay there, next to me, on me and she did not make your horny boots out at all. At some point she got up, stuck to the toilet and came back unchanged. Layed back to me and smoked a cigarette. I was infinitely happy.

So much had happened, so humiliating for me, for them and yet so infinitely enriching. “I will never become a cuckold!“I say to her. “I don’t want that either, I love you too much and … well fuck too much with you. “She breathed. “Say everything as you think it can’t be dirty enough!“I asked her. My cock was already stirring in the sentence, but it was shortly before 5 p.m.

I only noticed this by the way, jumped up quickly and plunged into a tight shirt and a shorts when the doorbell was already ringing. Natalie stood in front of the door on time, she was wearing a black short dress and knee -high boot with 15 cm heel, whether she was not yet able to see persistent. I eyed her from top to bottom, just as she did and asked her in. She kissed me on her cheeks and I greeted her with a “hello”.

Then she came in, pulled a little trolley behind her and a plastic bag in the other hand. Her eyes started to shine in the living room. She kissed Christiane passionately and grabbed her bravely on her bare ass. I sat in the two and Christiane started telling the whole story. She concluded with the words: “As a thank you, we both want to give you something. “She looked over at me and I was unsure what she meant.

She took my hand and put it on Natalie’s thighs, at the top, so that I could feel that she was wearing holders. Then Christiane sat on the armchair and asked me to kiss on Natalie, spoil them, spoiling them. I briefly hesitated that this benefit Natalie to heat the situation a little more. She gave Christiane the plateauo toknees from the bag, which attracted them immediately and without hesitation. I couldn’t get enough of the sight, my Christiane boots in this devilish frivolous frivolous.

I didn’t even know who I should fall away and yet I was paralyzed due to the tension in the air. “We will increase it a little more. “Grinned Natalie, got up and got a few handcuffs and a vibroei out of the suitcase. With the handcuffs she fixed Christiane on the armchair, wide -legged and then pushed the vibroei into her cunt, which she answered with a cozy breath. “You will now watch how I fuck with your husband and you won’t be able to do anything to get your lust a relaxation.

“She sat down with me, looked into my eyes and began to kiss stormy, stormy. My eyes fell on Christiane, who watched it enjoyingly, excited by the vibroei and excited that her friend kisses her husband so intensely. Natalie began to lick my nipples, her view of Christiane all the time, I also enjoyed Natalie’s lips and tongue without taking my eyes from Christiane. Then she started blowing.

I have never been blown twice in one day in my life and certainly not from two different hot women and especially not by another woman in front of my Christiane. My thoughts just bubbled through my head, like short intense flashes, but which did not stop me for a second of it. Natalie sucked deep and wet on my cock, sucked it deep inside, briefly looked up at me, then again to Christiane, the one with excitement already began to wind in her sofa as best she could.

Natalie’s tongue slid up and down on my eggs, to the tip of the tail and back to the eggs, slowly she hiked even deeper. I was surprised what would come now, I felt her tongue slid over my rosette. Fireworks exploded in my head. What a devil’s this horny natalie is, she licked my rosette in a circular way, played with her. I was almost insane, my look at the excitement of distorted eyes fell back to Christiane, who gave way slightly in the hip to watch the hustle and bustle.

I lifted my legs and held them with my hands so that Christiane could see exactly what Natalie horny did with me. Oh god, she doesn’t do that, Ohhh, she does it, the horny bitch, I feel my tongue gently shares my rosette and slowly penetrates her, she jerks horny my club -hard cock. Your tongue slides up again, along the sack to my tail to suck it deep again.

Her tongue slides up on my body, the belly, the nipples, over the neck to my lips where our tongues expire into a greedy horny game, both of them fixed the view of Christiane. She sits on my cock and begins to ride it. First slowly, then wilder, hotter, she fucks me, fires at me, vulgar, ordinary, just horny. Your face is distorted, glowing with excitement, her eyes demand only one of me, ‘Fuck me with your hot cock’.

She doesn’t have to say her eyes, her whole body says, no demands it. She pushes out a pointed scream and stumbles into a wild, orgasm, which creates her body, which thunder through her body like a sparking freight train. Her movements become slower, her tongue moves back down my body and her lips put themselves over my dripping tail. Then the train comes back and I start cramped, so much to cramp that I think my sperm would shoot down to the blanket if not natalies horny mouth would prevent this.

Pumping pumped me my juice in the throat, tenderly she licks everything clean. She gets up, goes over to Christiane and breathes quietly as much as it is possible with the full mouth. “That belongs to you, sweet …” She leans over Christianes mouth and lets my horny sperm slowly drip on her greedy tongue. I catch myself that I am open to wank while doing it, but it is too exciting and my cock enjoys my hand in the abandoning excitement.

“Watch out!“Says Natalie to me while she is in front of Christiane, which is more and more winding in her sofa, with a horny orgasm with the lust for excitement, too. She is so short, she wants, but she can’t. Natalie leans down, very close to her wet vibrating hole, pushes out the tongue and licks over the hard clit. So shortly before it is that the short lick also tears it into a mighty orgasm.

As best they allow the handcuffs, they wind up, tears run their eyes uninhibitedly. Then she comes to rest and sags happily together. Natalie loosens her handcuffs and takes them by the hand, leads them over and lets them slide into my arm. Natalie sits on the other side and also snuggles closely to me. I get insane, that’s exactly what I’m going through. No, I enjoy, two beautiful, hot, frivolous women cuddling with me, naked, excited, sweat on their skin who mixes with mine.

A feeling of ultimate happiness and the infinite warmth, dark warmth, warm dark … We smoke a cigarette together, cuddling closely and then sinks into a comfortable wonderful sleep. When I was awake, the two dream women were still in my arm, it was already late and dark and tomorrow the working week started again, at least with Christiane and me, which Natalie did professionally, I still didn’t know, but it was important? With a gentle kiss I woke Christiane, who slapped her eyes sleepily happily.

Then I turned to Natalie, a quick look at my wife and we both gave her a gentle kiss, rather a licking together over her lips to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes, looked at us and pushed herself more firmly to me. Then she got up. “Unfortunately I have to go two. Have a pleasant night. “She got dressed, first gave Christiane and then a long kiss to say goodbye and turned to the door.

She hesitated, came back and also gave my cock a kiss to say goodbye. I was almost crazy again. I loted Christiane into the bedroom, I could have fuck her again, but it was already after midnight and so we decided to go to sleep. We fell closely into a deep dreamless sleep. I have never felt such a pleasant dark warmth as that night. I felt like newborn. The next morning I woke up before my alarm clock rang.

I noticed the reason for this in the first second. Christiane had approached my morning latte and started licking, blowing, sucking, sucking, sucking with relish. How I would have fucked it but there was no time for that. What a thought, it shot through my head, I dreamed of being woken up like that for years, now I actually want to fuck her, whatever I had, but I wanted to feel her, also her horny feelings,Prepare horny orgasms.

It became clear to me how selfish our sex was before, everyone wanted sex as he or she wished it for herself, for himself and not for the other. Now it was the case that everyone wanted to give the other what they wanted, what they needed. How much closer were Christiane and I have come in the past few days. She kneaded my eggs and sucked my cock like a vampire, she was my sperm vampire.

In this thought I felt how it cooked in me and I injected her horny juice in her mouth. She swallowed it with relish, gave me a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom. I first smoked a cigarette, I have a little more time in the morning than my wife. She came back, naked, freshly shaved and began to dress. First the bra, then a lace brief out of her closet, she put on a tight shirt and a jeans.

I watched this with a skeptical look, then she reached to the sneakers. “Christiane?“I spoke to her with a very specific tone. “What you up to?“She looked at me a little irritated. “Should your double life go on like this? Do you still want to live two lives? Two who live more different and that would destroy you in the long run?“She lowered her gaze. “But I can’t … in the office …” she stammered. “What you can not?““ I can’t walk around in my frivolous outfits in the office.

“I shook my head. “You shouldn’t do that either, not frivolous and not slutty, but elegant and sexy! Do you feel comfortable in the sneakers or feel better in sexy boots?“She just nodded silently. “And what should I do to do with it?““ First of all you are wearing, you have nothing else but we will go shopping for you, put on the boots with 12 cm heels, about the jeans, this is very sexy, degree where your jeans is very tight on your perfectBody.

“I saw the words flattered her, she enjoyed it, she smiled. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she put on the boots, over the skin -tight jeans and got up, in front of me, incredible. A completely different person, my wife, my Christiane, simply sexy, her whole body was stretched through the high heels and her attitude had something sublime and only because we had exchanged the sneakers for boots. I would have pulled the pants open on the spot and they could just fuck them there.

“How do you like it? How do you feel?”I asked her. “Good, just good, chic, sexy, happy, you are so right, I don’t care what the others think, I am me and I want to be. Never adjust me again. Thank you, my beloved man. “She kissed me to say goodbye and left the apartment arkwot. I stayed a little more, smoked a cigarette and reviewed the past weekend. It was simply the madness and my love for my Christiane potentiated into the infinite.

I was lying in thought, I was always flashed through my head. Oh crap, I have to go to work, quickly shower and put on and go. However, I could hardly believe a clear thoughts all day, the memories were too fresh and the idea of what else could happen, now with my new Christiane made me appear permanently absent. Finally it was time to work and I drove home.

When I wanted to open the apartment door, I heard an unmistakable moaning through the door. It will probably not fuck again?I opened the door quietly. The moaning of several men struck me loudly. I quickly closed the door again and slowly sneaked towards the living room. I could not believe my eyes. What I saw there, I would never have expected that. My Christiane, what is she doing again? It lies on the sofa wide -legged, only in her new overknees, plays with one of the previously dusty vibrators on her clit and looks out of our closet one of the porn.

Her eyes are only half open with excitement, but she still perceives me at the door and waves me to herself. I throw the bag into the corner and go to her, my pants already show a clear bump, bend me to her, kiss her, taste her smoky breath and kiss her as if there is no morning. A grip on her cunt shows me how wet she is already. “Finally you’re there. I couldn’t wait, take you off and sit down with me.

“In less than 30 seconds I had torn my clothes off the body and sat down to her naked, her clitoris petting my tongue penetrated deep into her. The vibrator had long since been put to the side, even if I briefly played with the thought to get her further with the hot thing, but we were both too horny, too stormy, too greedy. Already when kissing she jerked my cock directly with her hot, deep -red lips to plunge on it and to blow to maximum hardness.

She turns around, sat on me and begins to fuck me. It was amazing. She supported her feet on my thighs so that I could feel her horny boots on my skin. She looks deep into my eyes. “Take them in, stroke the boots, I know how horny you do that. “How different it was than before, she enjoyed that I was not only healed on her but also on the horny boots.

She enjoyed me with her body and outfit, how much hot it is, I love her body and I love it when she turns me on so consciously. It’s almost like yesterday, everyone is not fixed in themselves, but wishes nothing more than making the other happy to satisfy him as best as possible. And how happy you are when you succeed exactly. It is somehow a not far higher happiness than just satisfying his personal desire to see how the partner is completely happy and satisfied, that’s the ultimate happiness.

After all, I can also prepare the purely personal satisfaction myself or get a hooker, the bitch from the street was briefly shot into my head, but the highest happiness is the satisfied, satisfied, happy partner. So I enjoyed her ride. My hands slid over the smooth paint of your boots to the heel, which was just hellishly high, the thick high plateau at the sole of the boots, madness. “Yes, stroke my boots, loved one.

“She breathed. “It turns me on when you are so excited about them and me. ““ Such boots are only horny if you proudly wear them and make me happy with the wish, and you make me infinitely happy!“Christiane nodded highly. “You also make me happy, thank you for being so understanding, I hurt you very much, I never want to do that again. “The last words came very chopped and a short time later she reared up in a wild orgasm, sniffing, moaning, screaming.

I too was just before the spray, she felt it and climbed from me, jerked my cock, licked the glans, my mouth wide open. “Spray me in the face, I know that you always wanted it, let’s go out in my face your horny sperm!“I came, I had the feeling that my ass cheeks were cramped, I pumped my sperm out of my tail and it clapped on her sweet face in thick drops. She licked the cock clean with her tongue until there was no more sticky drop, then she sat next to me, cuddled with me and lit a cigarette.

“Don’t you want to wipe that?”I asked her. “You like it when my face is so fully stimulated, or?”” Yes, of course, but … “” No but, I like how you can’t let my look away. “Grins her.

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