My 1. Times as a cuckold! I watch my wife on stranger fuck | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The interview note: This story can be seen as an indirect continuation of a story “Die Die Hochungreise 2”. The pre -stories do not necessarily have to be known. A few years have passed since Kirsten and Martin’s wedding trip, in which a lot has happened. Kirsten was shortly before the Vacation Get pregnant and the small family got offspring. Kirsten has withdrawn from professional life to fully devote himself to the children. This has not harmed the sex life of the two, only encounters with other men have unfortunately not arisen since the trip to Greece.

Martin breastfeeding his request through letter and email traffic with like-minded people, which was more or less sufficient over the years. Kirsten gave up a few kilos after pregnancies, which did not harm her attractiveness- on the contrary, her curves have become even more feminine. The almost 1.60 m blonde has now got even thicker tits than at the tender age of 20 years and a hotter ass. The little fat -handed lights and a few pregnancy strips are not disturbing in the slightest.

Martin still makes the idea horny to share his wife with others, or. to leave them to other men and his wish grew this again in reality and grew over the years. During sex, he whispered Kirsten his fantasies in the ear and his little wife was particularly excited about it. Martin made the decision to take fate into his own hands and make nails with heads. He had met a man in a relevant portal in a relevant portal who was happy to support him in his project.

Basically, it is not no problem to find “helpful” people, but to find a reputable partner who is serious and “real” is not as easy as you might think. Since the children now wanted to attend the school, Kirsten slowly wanted to get back into their professional life and so Martin with Peter held the plan to organize a fictitious interview in which she was from Peter seduced should be. Martin had informed him extensively about Kirsten’s inclinations and predispositions so that he could prepare well.

Martin also described him in detail the past experiences during the honeymoon. Since Peter had a small construction company with suitable rooms, the project should take place during an interview for a job as a secretary. Martin told Kirsten that he had learned from a friend that his friend is doing a small company and, due to the currently good order situation. Working hours could be designed relatively flexibly, so that the offer was optimally tailored to Kirsten and it could reconcile job and children well.

Kirsten was enthusiastic about the proposal and so Martin organized an appointment for the “interview” for the next Friday at 8:00 p.m. Kirsten made the time a little puzzled, but Martin explained that the boss had so much to do during the day that it would only fit in the evening and that would also be very practical because the babysitter usually had time in the evening. On Friday, Kirsten prepared for the appointment. The choice of the wardrobe was not easy for her and Martin said that she could brew up a bit, the Peter Neitmann was finally a “man” and she should use the women’s weapons and show him what she is except for her professional skillsoffer “Damage will definitely not” said Martin and so Kirsten chose a sexy office look: short skirt, a white, slightly transparent blouse with a lace bra, so that the viewer offered a dreamlike decor.

Above it is a suitable blazer and beautiful pumps with a half -high heel, which largely uncover the toes, so that their toenails, which were painted with the fingers. She put on make -up a little, put on a subtle perfume and subtle jewelry and put her shoulder -length hair right. “You look for biting, would be laughed if you weren’t getting the job,” said Martin when you went to the car. He drove her to the company of Peter, which was located on the outskirts of the city in an industrial area and “waited” in the parking lot for his attractive woman.

When he got out, he opened the two top buttons in her blouse, so that the fold between the meat mountains was easy to see, which Kirsten had done under played outrage. He had previously agreed with Peter that the interview should only begin as normal and he should try later whether Kirsten let him seduce him. Martin should stay behind the building on the depot, from where he. Stuck could watch well through binoculars.

Since Peter’s employees have long been Quitting time Had, the “tensioner” was not noticed by anyone. Kirsten rang and entered the building after the request by the intercom. There Peter opened the door and introduced herself to her. A big, strong man in his mid -40s, quite attractive. He greeted Kirsten Hödell and compliments her. After a little Smalltalk, Peter asked her professional experience to keep the appearance.

Kirsten reported in detail about her professional career. Peter was very interested and impressed and flirts a little with her, which Kirsten liked to like and also replied. The chemistry fit … on the PC she showed him her knowledge in Excel, Word and Outlook. Peter praised her impressed. “Can you write blindly too?““ I think I will definitely do it, even if I am a little out of practice after the years. “Kirsten replied.

“Ok, I dictate you now and then we will see if you also pass this test,” said Peter and took a eye mask out of the desk drawer. “So that you don’t stop,” said Peter with a smile and put her in Kirsten, who could now see absolutely nothing more. Then the test began and Kirsten wrote what was dictated to her. Since many technical terms from the construction industry appeared, it had to concentrate very much. “It looks pretty good, you can do it if you are distracted?“Peter wanted to know.

“I think nothing can easily upset me,” Kirsten replied confidently and was ready to continue writing. “Ok, then we want to test that,” said Peter and started to dictate again. Kirsten continued and only twitched when Peter put her hands on her shoulders and massaged it pleasantly while he continued to dictate as if it were the most normal in the world. Little by little his hands wandered up and down on their arms, slightly roaming her breasts and down her back.

He stroked her neck and stroked her hair, Kirsten was not put off by it, but found the touch of the touch and was already excited about what was expressed by her nipples. Peter noticed this with a smile and knew he was on the right track. Now he became braver and tenderly grabbed her on the big breasts and tricked in Kirsten’s nipple and pulled it out slightly (Martin had of course told him that she made this particularly horny).

“I’ve passed the test now?”Asked Kirsten with a seductive tone that clearly showed that she liked the treatment” I think a half side, then it should be enough, “said Peter, while he was tighter massaging her thick tits. “So now you have written enough, but we still let the eyes covered,” he said to Kirsten, who was about to ask what this was necessary when Peter was already stiff tail pressed against her lips, which she willingly sucked after a tiny moment of hesitation.

After a few minutes, Peter Kirsten pulled up and kissed her intensely on his mouth with her skirt up, panting the panties aside and pouring her hand with his hand with her hand. He rubbed her clit and pushed her in two fingers only two, shortly afterwards and fucked her as deep as possible. Kirsten groaned and walled in his arms with lust. When she got horny he raised Kirsten on the desk, pulled out her panties and slowly pushed her stately cock into her hot pussy.

Kirsten groaned loudly and enjoyed being fucked by a stranger after a long time. During the test, she had already suspected that Martin had threaded something and at the latest when Peter gave her the blindfold, she realized that more than an interview would happen today, which was only right for her, because after all she loved sex and knewthat her husband Martin was on the side when she drove it with other men.

For far too long she had been denied to her … Peter fucked her persistently, let Kirsten suck the cock from time to time and also licked her column extensively, whereby his tongue also played with her little rosette. When he was lying on her again and she fucked with slow bumps, he whispered in her ear while he pushed her further. “You are already a horny fuck mare? I think you can tolerate another cock, or?“Kirsten moans loudly and prevailed the question more or less without comment, because she was too horny to take clear thoughts.

Peter took his cell phone while he continued to fuck Kirsten and typed something on it. Martin was able to watch quite well how Peter fucked his wife after stabbing and thread and horny to how Kirsten Wild lolled on the big desk while she was fucked by Peter when the office door suddenly opened and two other men opened theRoom entered. The two had not agreed that … Martin was surprised and a bit angry at first, so that they were passed over, but pushed the thoughts aside, since he had told Peter about his preference for men’s surplus and also that Kirsten and he already on holiday had enjoyed.

He decided to go into the building in order to be closer and hear what they would do with his wife. When he looked through the door into the office, the men had already undressed and carefully found his wife, who had still hidden his eyes and visibly enjoyed the touch, which was recognizable by her moan. The three men mixed age fucked Kirsten alternately in different positions, put her tails in her mouth, kneaded her thick tits, who liked everyone very well,.

Yes, Kirsten was really well worried. She groaned and sucked greedily the tails- one had already come in between and treated herself to a little break. Suddenly Martin was touched on the shoulder from behind and politely asked to step aside. Three other men came up the stairs to the office, which was now well filled. Martin just went behind and joined the horde. Peter came to him while the other Kirsten continued to fuck tirelessly and asked “Well, you like our little idea?”” Um, we had discussed that you were allowed to fuck my wife … “” Yes, and I did that to her fullest satisfaction, “said Peter Lachend, while he was friendly to the shoulder.

“You know, I thought that your wife, according to your descriptions, could be too little and I invited a few boys from our men’s round. “Peter revealed Martin that the men meet regularly to climb willing women together, have known each other for years and are a well -coordinated team. The men all very reliable and discreet. Martin was reassured and devoted his attention to his wife, who had now been removed from the blindfold.

It made him endlessly observed his Kirsten uninhibited among the men. She was completely out of her way and hardly registered what was going on around her. The boys also fucked them in cunt, mouth and in the ass. Her body shone from sweat and that sperm the men that was distributed all over her body. She had already swallowed a lot, several were moaning loudly in her mouth. Gradually the men who could no longer be able to say goodbye and thanked Martin for the beautiful evening.

When everyone was finished with Kirsten, Martin went to his wife, put the cock in her cunt and kissed her on her mouth while he hugged her intimately. He came quite quickly because he was already horny from being watched. Then he carried her to the sofa, on which Peter was unstoppable and had a smile drinking drinks for the two. Martin and he took Kirsten in the middle and the three told.

Then Kirsten said with a cheeky look at Peter. “I passed the hiring test?”.

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