My 1. Once as a cuckold | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was once again one of these boring days, I was sitting on the PC and surfing around the sex sites, looking for horny pictures and also found some. A picture looked sharp in an animal, a horny blonde was made by a guy with a huge one tail Fucked from behind while another guy was below and his Egg licked! Although I actually had no homosexual tendencies so far, the scene excited me very much and I started playing with my cock.

I was so deepened into the photo that I only noticed that my wife came home when she said;“Well, I’m just disturbing you at the jerk off? Is very interesting what you do when I’m not there!“I turned shocked and she was now in front of me in her tight skirt. With a red head I just wanted to stammer an apology when it happened: excited by this situation I sprayed mine in the high arc sperm on their legs and feet.

She looked at me with a grin and said; “If you are already spraying wildly in the area here, clean it again ”. I now wanted to take the Zewa cloth ready to clean her legs, she grabbed my hair, turned my head back slightly and said with a laugh; ”No, my friend, not with the towel ……… leak it, punishment must be. First your smeared hand and then my legs and my shoes.

”With a lowered look I knelt, licked the sticky sperm slowly from my hand, covered her legs, licked the stuck the stream of her legs and also cleaned her pumps with my tongue. The worst thing was that I was so excited, I immediately got a stiff and now knelt with a blinden link in front of my still laughing woman. “Well, what’s so cool? That it drives a woman with two more or that one licks the other to the other? No matter – both open up unexpected opportunities for the future.

“At that point I had no idea how seriously she said, but later I should find out later. Our sex life has changed since this day, she now asked me more and more from me that I got down in front of her eyes and sprayed her feet in order to then lick my juice back. One evening she asked me if I would like another man to lick the eggs, since I would have masturbated with such pictures and she would like to see it live.

Now her surprise came ……… about Internet She had secretly given up an ad to find a bi-house friend and was also successful. She showed me a letter (with a picture) that was very nicely written, from a 35-year-old man with BI experience and slightly dominant tendency. The picture showed a slim, good -looking man with a circumcised penis that was significantly larger than mine. She had already met in a restaurant with him and said that he was very personable and she could well imagine that we both had sex with him.

The following Saturday was time, he wanted to come by in the evening …. The nervousness and anticipation could be noted all day long. She pulled black stockings over her smooth-shaved legs, a black tight skirt and an almost transparent chiffon blouse and looked so cool that my cock immediately upset what she watched with a smile, briefly with her soft lips my glansenclosed and said that I would now be horny enough for the upcoming event.

When I wanted to dress myself, she asked me to do it, I should stay naked. Oh man, what did I get involved??So when it rang the doorbell, I was sitting naked, with a half -torn tail, in the living room and enjoyed my wife’s sight how she went to the door with a smile on her face and bobbing breasts to open. She came back hand in hand with a man about 1.90m tall, whom she introduced me to me as Henry.

This is my husband, who can no longer expect it to watch us and spoil us, ”she said. With a red head I rose to greet him, he took my half -tire cock, pressed it a little and said: “I am happy, and congratulations on your hot wife” He just left me and sat up with my wife the couch. She asked me to get sparkling wine to loosen up the mood a little.

I went into the kitchen with a bobbing tail, fetched sparkling wine and glasses and I was a little ashamed that I ran around naked here to operate my wife and a strange guy, but also the scenery also excited me on S. When I came back, the two talked and Henry had lying on my wife’s thigh, which she obviously enjoyed. “Thank you, please give us something, sit on the floor and massage my feet” she said.

I sat on the floor, tenderly took my wife’s nylon feet, caressed her calves, massaged her feet, licked her soles of your feet and looked at how Henry my wife stroked my thighs and now my breasts while kissing intimately. She spread a little her legs and his hands wandered up between her legs while watching and licking wildly on her feet. My cock was getting harder – and she played with her foot on my eggs.

It was incredible, …… my wife kissed a different man with a high -pushed skirt and open blouse on the couch while I knelt before. “Come,…..Get his cock out, ……..I want you to blow his cock and lick his eggs ……. ”In doing so, she pushed her abdomen forward, pulled her tight rock lasciviously so that I could see her horny shaved cunt … It was horny, in front of my wife’s eyes I got his cock out of the panties, pulled it out and ………el took his cock in his hand, lightly jerked him, licked his wet acorn, wrapped it with my lips, …And for the first time in my life I blown a man.

“Come here and put his cock in me!“She ordered me. I knelt between his thighs and held his cock as she slowly sat down so that I could insert the penis into her. She looked me deep in the eyes while she was now keeping ride his cock and moaned. “Yes, yes, it is wonderful … make you horny to watch us fuck?”” Yes, it’s crazy to watch “” I replied and jerked my cock.

Listen to rub on your tail and leak Henry’s eggs ”ordered them moaning. “Yes, I wanted to see that …….How to lick the eggs to a guy while he fucks me. “They changed position. Her thighs spread wide and she lay down and he knelt in between and fucked her with powerful bumps, and faster, faster, violent. She demanded her pelvis, caught her legs around his hips and begged: “Yes, go …. Show my husband what a horny piece I am ……..Show him how I need it ………….

Jaaaaaaaaaa ”I was standing with a slumped cock and had to watch the guy to see her orgasm fucked ……….. She clutched his sweaty body loudly and collapsing under him when the time came. Her pussy Formally ran over her lust when he grinned out his cock, jerked off over her and unloaded his sperm with an outcry. He sprayed her fed up from top to bottom, in the face, on her breasts, the belly and finally on her wet hole and her thighs.

She lay there wheezing and with a satisfied sigh, she rubbed the huge sperms on her body. Grinning she came to me with sperm -smeared face, gave me a kiss and said “Well … You like it when another man sprayed me?“She kissed me and my cock was immediately hard ……..”N/a…. That seems to you like that lick his juice from me … ”I reluctantly went to her, licked her from sweat and sperm wet face, kissed her sperm glued breasts, licked his sperm from her stomach and also the mixtureher and his pleasure juice from her wet pussy.

“But don’t forget his cock” Oh no, now I should also lick his completely sperm -smeared cock …. She captured my head as he laughed his wet cock into my mouth and I slipped it. His cock slowly swelled back in my mouth. “Oooohhhh, … you seem to do that … Come on, lie down on the couch, ”said my wife. I lay down, she sat on my face, I had to lift my legs, spread it and hold her so.

I lay helplessly with a stiff tail and stretched out my assent. She smeared a little petroleum jelly on my hole and while my wife now jerked my cock, Henry put his cock in and grinning me with long, strong bumps. My wife was enthusiastic about how he pushed his cock deeper and deeper in my butt, she pressed her still wet pussy in the face and I greedily licked her. She rubbed her wet cunt on my face and more wildly and I licked more and more until she finally pressed her thighs tightly and got her next orgasm with a deep sigh.

Through her moans, her wanking hand on my cock and Henry’s cock in my butt I became so horny that it also came violently to me. I sprayed out loudly, the white sperm ran over my wife’s hand and spread over my eggs while I felt like Henry embarked in my butt. Smiling she said: “So now you are deflowered, not true?“Without a doubt, I had been used and humiliated by him, ………..But it was just cool and I enjoyed it.

My wife nestled her bare body to Henry while she brought him out.

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