My 1.Once as a cuckold | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Visit from the ex -boyfriend – a Cuckold Fantasye Wochen Wide it went between Saskia and me again extremely slowly in sexual terms. A lot of stress, professionally and privately, longer cold phases and some weak ideas on my part on the last attempts at sleeping had to have their desire freezing for a minimum. Already in the last spring we had reached the point, and in search of why and how to improve it, the thought of new partners was awakened for you.

She rejected it in a clarifying conversation, and from then on there was again some fresh wind back into our sheets. Well, a year later, it had once again become a mild breeze. In the meantime, our Contact On a fleeting kiss to greet you when I came home, everything else was blocked by her. In general, there was a motzy atmosphere between us, and we both knew the reason, but did not do anything about it. In such phases, my imagination always became particularly lively and pressing how she experienced another man and experienced insanely good sex.

It was always important to me, and she also knew that she did not exclude me, but let me share her sexuality, even if I shouldn’t play the leading role. One evening, she was in the night shift, I surfed again on the net for suggestion, satisfied myself and partly out of lust, partly out of frustration, I left an erotic story about a cuckold couple in the browser. Should she read it, maybe it would start something, and if it was a dispute.

The next day she always had the opportunity to read it undisturbed. When I came home in the evening, she was in a good mood, but did not speak to the story with any syllable. The following days were also nothing to hear about her, and so I almost forgot that I had done it at all. What I noticed, however, was that she had enjoyed yourself a few times with our various toys.

That was quite unusual because she always said she doesn’t like the feeling of the toys in her and she had other more effective ways to satisfy herself. One evening, after being off on Saturday and she alone at home, a lot to me that she even tested the new vibrator alone, which I had recently ordered under shake of the head. He was lying in her night’s closet greasy when I accidentally discovered that he was no longer in mine, where he was immigrated immediately after the delivery.

The thought and the sight made me so itchy that I asked her at night when we went to bed. “I have a question that I am very curious about,” I said to her, “I noticed that the new vibrator is no longer in my drawer, but in your” silence. Then a short “well” with a somehow reproachful undertone. “And how is he? I actually just want to know that “Silence again. Then a pretty rugged “go like that”.

We were silent about an apparent eternity. “Is it uncomfortable that I asked? I didn’t want to, was just curious!”I said apologetically. With a brief clear no, she ended our conversation. The following week the ice was once again a few centimeters thicker and I was annoyed about myself that I had asked at all. On Thursday then she was in a good mood again and told me that she wanted to invite friends to celebrate on Friday and therefore would like to accommodate the child with grandma and grandpa.

These had already agreed and so stood ours Game evening Nothing in the way. I was happy about her enthusiasm and that we should have some distraction in the house tomorrow. Anyone who came should be a surprise, let me know my loved one, so I didn’t bore, but calculated with the usual suspects. When I came from work on Friday, order was already in the house, the child with the grandparents and a small selection of drinks – a very unusual collection – cold.

Saskia had already dressed up. She was wearing her pretty black tight top, her best jeans in her big round butt to bite, much stronger makeup than usual and an elaborate updo. In short, she looked beautiful and I was already wondering why she had taken so much effort for the evening. “Do you still make yourself fresh? The guests should be there soon, ”she said happily to me happily. The used ladyshave has reached me in the bathroom.

Obviously she had shaved legs and armpits, I thought with myself. I went showering and shaved, then I pulled myself a little more chic, apparently according to the high visit, jeans and shirt should be enough. Saskia hung on the couch and typed on her cell phone. In the kitchen I then gave ourselves a slight meal that we had a casual income. We talked about our day slightly absent and waited for the guests.

Soon afterwards she had the phone in her hand again, which slowly started to annoy me. After a few minutes she said “So he’s there!“Jumped up from the couch excitedly and went to the door in a hurry. Slowly I really wondered what should happen now, tried to remove the murmur on the hallway, but the door opened again and Saskia entered our apartment with a guy hanged on the arm.

The man, a little older than me, tall and not unattractive, was completely unknown to me, but obviously Saskia was obviously not. I looked at her questioningly from the couch, but she just grinned like a honey cake horse and pulled the gentleman into the living room behind him. Then she let off from him, put a chair from the dining table in the middle of the room and said “Please sit down here”. A bad feeling crawled in me and put a cold fist around my stomach.

Slowly I rose, went to the chair and let me sink down, accompanied by the impression just a tacit way to have made an irreversible decision. Without a word but nervously my gaze danced from her to him and back. Saskia had hung up with him again and looked up from below to him, turned back to me and broke the silence “So, that’s Maik. “She said happily to me. I didn’t answer anything else and waited for further explanations, Saskia understood and continued timidly.

“Aaaalso, I told you that I had a sex relationship before we came together?… that was with him. “Maik grinned at me smugly, while my widened look danced even more hectic between my sweeties and him back and forth. Immediately an angry instinct burned up in me to pack the guy and drive my fists out of my apartment, but I swallowed the thought and greeted him with a cool, stretched “Hello Maik”.

“Hello” he briefly returned. Saskia took over again, and we both looked at them while she spoke “Well it is, I was not so honest back then to you. I not only slept with him a few times, that was a pretty long story. We met more often, even behind the back of my friend at the time. Because the fact is … “She took a dramatic break, looked up at him again and then said without taking his eyes back from him, but with a big grin” … Maik fucks really well!“He too grinned her now, then at me, took his hand in the Saskia and put them back on her plump butt.

I watched the two stunned and my intestines cramped more and more while Saskia continued to speak. “You know, all the conversations we had, all your efforts, it just didn’t do better. Sleeping with you has become so boring, and you were right, I really need a bit of variety and just good sex again. Really good sex!“And overemped the last words almost tortured. Her sentences felt like a glowing hot lance was pushed into my chest, my air became scarce and everything around me was apparently turning to turn.

“And you know, Maik is just a man who knows how he has to deal with girls like me. And honey, he can do sooo long and has such a big one! I’ve already told you that I am just big, and well, let’s be honest, yours are just not! I’m sorry that I have shown you something there! But I am also sorry for me that I have foregone a really good number for so long! I have always been true to you all the years, you have to believe me, just not in my thoughts.

And I need that now!“I didn’t know what to do or leave. Everything in me broke open. All the assumptions about our sex life, all the suspected inadequacies suddenly confirmed in a cruel way. Cold sweat broke out, I got sick. Anger and jealousy, humiliation and self -hatred piled up into a turmoil of light. Quiet snorting and jaw grinding, but otherwise motionless, but I stayed on my humiliation throne, the fists cramped that the ankles were white.

“I understand honey, I love you and I would never leave you! But I just can’t do without such a part, ”she said, with a noticeable honesty and interpreted with his free hand on Maik’s curved lap. Then Maik spoke the word “And besides, I told me that you have the imagination that someone else really takes through your eyes” his voice was deep and rough and unfortunately hit the nail on the head.

And obviously she had not only read the stories in the browser, but also decided to continue gossiping my imagination to Maik and putting it into action with him. I was still incredibly angry and injured, but with the last sentences the two unfortunately also had my curiosity and – oh god what happened here – my lust aroused. “Say what darling!“Saskia pleaded and tore me out of my shock rigid. I thought about a long moment in which a thousand thoughts and fears stormed on me.

“What should I say?”I asked half wins” Do you now want my permission or what?”” I don’t need your permission!“Suddenly she crowded to add“ I want your blessing. I wish that you want it too and you can get along with it!“We looked at ourselves without saying anything, I just didn’t know how to decide. On the one hand, a terrible jealousy and fear burned in me, on the other hand it was really an exciting imagination for me, and even in the face that it would be reality, the lust and the desire to be able to experience it in complete extension did not go away.

Maik finally took the decision, just grabbed her hand, put her on his trouser slit and said “Come little ones, we just show him what, then he will find the right words!“How remote controlled it obeyed him without hesitation, and without turning away from me she opened the button of his pants, slowly pulled the zipper down and reached into his white boxer shorts. As in slow motion, it ran in front of my eye, and again the urge fought to go in between and the curiosity in me.

Nevertheless, I stayed paralyzed and kept watching. Saskia’s eyes suddenly widened when she obviously his tail Got “it got even bigger? That’s amazing!”She was happy, and Maik replied to her grinning” you are simply not used to little “while her eyes rested deep in the eyes of the other. Jealousy threatened to take my breath away when the two looked into the eyes so familiar, their handle around his covered device.

Saskia explored the length and hardness with her hand that offered her there, began with gentle wanking movements and thus let his pants hike further and further down. A huge pink acorn over the waistband was slowly visible. Then Maik Saskia began to kiss on her mouth, first gently, then more and more demanding until both finally combined her mouths into a long intensive tongue kiss. Another arrow bored into my heart, and at the same time my cock began to press against the seam of the pants.

Maik’s free hand went on a hike, stroked her stomach up and finally gently grabbed her chest. Saskia immediately took a deep sigh, accompanied by the smack noise of her damp tongues. Maik immediately started with stronger kneading movements, Saskia pressed her body closer to Maik and accelerated pace and the depth of her wanking movements. Finally she took her hand out of his pants, grabbed the covenant and tore his pants down completely, his erect tail with a feathers jumped completely out of his pants.

I didn’t trust my eyes what came out and even forgot the wild kisses that the two exchanged for a moment. I stared in disbelief on the mighty, rock -hard straps. It was completely shaved and the large, shiny pink acorn was half out of the foreskin, which spanned the long, thick and straight shaft. Saskia grabbed with extremely greedy groaning again with her eyes closed and jerked it pressing and pulling to full size.

I was still staring at their passionate handwork on his enormous device and did not notice how the two of them now looked at me. First Maik’s deep voice tore me out of my fascination “Look, he can’t get enough of the sight! Take off your clothes!“He said to her without his instruction to tolerate a contradiction. Immediately she let off from his porn curb, and hurriedly overlooked like a child who tears off his Christmas present, she grazed her top, then the jeans from the body.

With a look at Maik, who also equal to that of a child when the gift, she opened her bra as soon as possible and threw it just as carelessly as the other clothes on the floor in front of the couch, both of which were stuck. “Hm they still look horny!“Maik said to her and reached with both hands, immediately started kneading the breasts and twirling her nipples. Saskia moaned feverishly and wanted to pull herself down the panties, when Maik snapped “ne wait, let him do it” and then grinned at me with sparkling eyes.

Saskia hesitated briefly, but then turned away from him and came up with the short way to me. She looked deep into my eyes and I saw the pleasure and excitement that burned in it. Her nipples were already hard and steep to me, her cheeks glowed and her blonde hair gently hung on her face. She was as incredibly beautiful and obviously as horny as I had never seen her before. My jealousy lost, I just wanted to treat her to this fuck that she seemed to be so much longed for.

Hardly noticeably I nodded her very gently, a smile played around her beautiful lips, and without taking the look out of her deep green eyes, I lifted my hands like in a trance and put her on the cuffs of her panties. “Wait, turn around! I want the frontal view!“Maik snapped, our eye contact immediately tore off and Saskia turned to Maik in my hands. “Pull down now, slowly!“Now ordered me Maik, and I chopped my thumb in her black panties and let him slide bit by bit over her butt and the legs sliding down.

Maik looked at Saskia for an eternal moment, greedily greedily on her up and down hiking. “Take your panties and look how wet I make your little bitch!“Triumphed Maik. Saskia gently climbed out of the piece of black fabric on our floor and stood in front of me to continue looking at Maik. I picked up the slip and didn’t trust my senses. The fabric was completely softened in the pubic area, milky glitter glittered in the pale light of our lamp.

It could impossible to wear it for more than three hours, and our little show didn’t take longer than maybe 10 minutes. Apparently I had never made her so horny, mostly she was relatively dry and I was always convinced that she is one of the women who are not so moist. Maik came up to us and stood next to Saskia. “Well, horny or? Saskia always went out properly when we fucked.

“He said to me and then ordered her” hug you, I’ll show him the source!“Saskia took her deep forward, spread the legs slightly and stretched towards me. Immediately the well -known fragrance rose into the nose that made me suddenly with lust and also made my pants noticeably narrower in this absurd situation. Maik put his big rough hands on her ass cheeks and pulled her apart roughly.

So he released a view of a view that was so familiar to me and yet completely unknown. Her labia were swollen, but the clit peeked out a little out of it. The inner lips were also swollen, and thanks to Maik’s vice handle, her cunt was already slightly open. She was completely smooth shaved, a sight and feeling that I hadn’t been able to enjoy forever more. With a new stab, I now became aware that she had not only shaved completely bare for him not only legs and armpits, but also her sweet cunt.

The most remarkable was the moisture that could be seen everywhere. Everything in her pubic area shone from a thick, sticky layer of her secretion. Even her dam and Anus shone and a few drops had already made a path down her leg down. I stared into her heated column as a Maik in disbelief!“And laughed in atained. “Look, your old one is so wet, you can even put your finger in your ass!“Put his index finger on her hole and pressed him halfway into her.

Saskia groaned and my jaw really fell down. After the short experiment phase at the beginning of our relationship, her ass had always been taboo for me, she found it just disgusting and painful she had always said. And now this guy just put his finger in her ass, without preparation, without saying anything. “Oh, let me guess, you don’t let you on the back door?“Maik Zynisch said to me, and I looked at him in disbelief and still open mouth and shook his head absent.

“Come on, then take a sample!“He said to me, pulled his finger out of her and stopped him in front of my face. The lust and the humiliations had made me completely willless, hesitantly, I approached his index finger and finally sucked it off. Maik grabbed Saskia on the upper arm and turned her to herself. “Know yourself, let’s see if you have forgotten the blowing in your male or can still swallow my piston as greedily as before”.

Subjected, she followed his instruction, knelt on the floor and took his hard into his hands. Then she looked at me briefly and said shame “look at the part. I just have to blow it!“Turned her eyes back to Maik’s tail and put her lips over the glans. With relish she started to suck and suck, played with his tongue on the tip of the tail and his frenulum, so that he was deep and jerked it in her mouth.

She became more and more wild and wilder, the huge part squeezed further and further into her throat. Maik grunted a throaty “Jaaa!” as my girlfriend The tail with great effort and made the throat disappeared into her throat. I knew that she could blow well – more from the memory than recently – but that she was so virtuoso in the throat was completely new to me. She looked at him in the eye with his tail in her mouth.

So I always wanted it but always closed her eyes when we had oral sex. She continued to suck his cock, sometimes deep into what Maik had deeply groaned every time, then gently sucking and wanking. His cock shone from my girlfriend’s neck before thick saliva. She was completely sunk into her service and didn’t seem to get enough of it at all. At that moment I remembered that she could be very moist when blowing and she had confessed to me that she was actually very happy to do so.

So my gaze wandered down to her pelvis on her naked body, which excitedly pushed back and for. And indeed, on our floor, a good dozen thick drops had already collected from her cunt between her wide -spread legs, so much it excited that she could spoil Maik with her mouth. Then it became clear to me that she hadn’t lied, she really likes to blew cocks, only with mine she obviously didn’t have enough fun to treat me more than maybe 3-4 times a year.

Perhaps it was the challenge she was looking for, or the feeling of how it took her, because she was able to swallow mine without any problems. Maik began to set the bar himself by taking her back of her head and pressing his cock deep and long into her throat. Saskia picked him up with a distorted face, and as soon as Maik pulled back, she pulled a feverish moaning and pantling air. The noise made me crazy about asking.

So he fucked her mouth smacking and chuckling for a while and after a few other bumps he pulled back from her. Tough saliva dripped from his thick plump sack and the tip of the tail onto our parquet floor. “Come here, I want your cunt now. It’s far too long ago that I could feel this horny wet tightness!“Maik said excitedly to Saskia. Half -supported, half dragged, he transported her back on his feet and Saskia made it out of sheer lust panting whimper tones.

With his grip he conducted her back into couch, nimble steps she tapped on it, her butt and breasts waved seductively in front of our eyes. Immediately she knelt on the seat, supported her arms on the headrest and pressed out her butt with spread legs spread. Maik and I stared together at the hot sight for a moment, then he looked down at me again, grinned smugly and wanked my girlfriend.

He put his tail tip on her wet gate and Saskia took a whimpering sound of deepest longing. But Maik paused and said “Come here, look at how I enter her!“And looked at me from his muscular shoulder. I rose timidly and ran to them as in slow motion. Again something screamed in me ‘no! NO!‘But how remotely I approached my girlfriend’s scene, who submitted to another, a better cock, ready to receive the fuck of her life from him.

Maik assigned me my place on her right side with one finger, and I stood in addition to the close view of his huge penis, which rested on my girlfriend’s shaved wet pussy, which fidgeted back and forth back and forth. “Ready sweetness?”Asked Maik, and Saskia replied to him as if from the pistol shot” Jaaa, Biiitte!“And stretched the words forever. Her voice sounded brittle and feverish, there was an incredible greed and impatience in it, she sobbed the tones half.

On the last syllable he slowly drove his cock completely into her, but despite the immense size and thickness, her slippery column absorbed the pipe without an obstacle. Saskia sucked up again and lust in the air, stopped the air on the last centimeters and then moaned her entire lust at the stop heiser and with a volume – aaaaarrghh – completely unknown to me. Her hands cramped in the couch pillow and she pushed her pelvis firmly against his bumps when he started to push his tail back and forth again and again.

Every time he pulled it out, I was amazed at how long the way was. Saskia groaned gently when Maik bored her hot tightly with other bumps and visibly moved her swollen labia in front of and back. He started playing with her, just put the glans in her and massaged her vaginal entrance with short bumps, and then back to her in full length. Saskias moans and jauchzen became more and more excertical and louder.

I had not yet been able to lure such tones from her. Maik roughly grabbed her breasts from behind, twirled her hard warts and kneaded the soft meat, elicited her more Jaaas and Ohhs. She had closed her eyes and open her mouth, deep fulfillment and frenzied lust were read on it. The sight was deeply happy and hurt me terribly at the same time. The movements of the two became increasingly wilder and I needed some form of stop, so I ran backwards and let myself be sinked into the soft upholstery of our corner couch compared to the two lovers.

He looked at me and grinned again this smug grin, then he grabbed her hips and began to bump into her like a wilder. He pushed into her in full length and with an insane speed, loudly claps his pelvis against the plump baking by Saskias ass. Saskia’s moaning became an excalic cheeked scream. My alarm bells shrilled again, my body tensioned in the expectation of an action, my fists clumsy and a burning heat lay on my face.

Ready to end this agony for you, to strike down the Rüpel, switch my body to attack, but then Saskia screamed as if from your senses with a delayed face “Jjaaaa Jaa-ahh, give me! Fuck mi-ich! Fi-ic M-IIC! Aaaaahh I have this Schwa-Anthe so misses Jaaaaaaaaaaaa, Oooh-Ooh GooooooOottt!“And gasped and joked like wild. “Yes, like something before? I’m really ready!“Grunted Maik, hit her twice on her butt and increased the pressure again.

In these words, something broke in me. Saskia was not recognizable to a wildly fucking porn star without any inhibitions mutated. With no syllable she took some note from me and could be fucked without disgusting this hard device, screamed her desire as I had never experienced and let it do whatever this maik wanted from her. I would never be able to give her that.

It fulfilled me with terrible disappointment and grief, but at the same time it came up with a feeling of joy, joy for Saskia that she could still have really good sex … and lust. It made me incredibly keen to see how she went out, the whole scene of this fuck that is otherwise only known from porn, with my lover in the leading role. Half actual, I felt the immense poking in my cock and started without looking from the hustle and bustle in front of me, to steel my tight jeans.

I reached into my underpants and took out my fully size, but compared to Maik but ridiculous cock, on which thick drops of pleasure glittered. I started to jerk slowly and constantly, just carefully, because I was incredibly excited and knew that I didn’t need a lot of strokes to cum huge. Maik was the first to notice my handicraft, started without interrupting his a **** ram and fiery down to Saskia “Look here, your male is so horny of our fuck, he even jerks up!”.

Saskia opened my eyes, looked at me dreamily and probably needed a moment to realize what was going around her around her. She looked at me a little suspiciously, then her features became mild and her lust distorted open mouth joined a gentle smile. So we looked in the eye for a moment, only the clapping could be heard. Then she said “Do you see treasure, you also like how he takes me – a intended ‘Hnnggnn’ interrupted her speech” I am happy – ‘Aaargh’ – that you like it that way!“Maik now became very slow and pushed himself very gently into her, stroking her back and down to the breasts that gently bounced.

She looked at me demanding and I felt forced to return something, so I said little loudly in a voice “I … I … just want you to be happy. If that’s what you need … “My voice tore off” What?”Asked she asked” then you should be able to take it when you want treasure!”I said and jerked more violently. Saskia was not hidden, her smile became a smile.

That makes me even hornier!“And started her pelvis to push back violently. Maik immediately understood her body signals, stiff and left Saskia the work that started to push back more strongly and stronger to go back in the abdomen and thus closer to itself to the abdomen orgasm drive. “Get off your little one, spray for me!“She tortured the words from her tremendous body.

How wild I tore around on my cock, spurred on by her hurtful and at the same time awesome words, felt like a huge wave on me and unloaded me wildly and painfully groaned on my upper body. Saskia got into my jobles, rammed the hard thing with full force twice and screamed loudly to an incredibly intense orgasm, in which she cramped her face into a face and then sagging and twitching on the couch.

When she opened her eyes again, her gaze was similar to that of a addict who had finally got his shot. With a broad and grinning, she looked at me and finally said “Shit that was so cool, I needed that!“And smacked satisfied. I realized that she didn’t talk to me, but with Maik. “Glad my wet heart. One has to do it, ”he laughed, and Saskia laughed at. After the cumshot, my mind was clearer again, and the laughter of the two was cruel humiliating.

I kept my relaxing cock in my hand and looked at the two. Saskia had come to breath and said to Maik, in her own world, “I can now ride Maik on you?“, Their tone was bright and submissive. “Well then come here,” he answered and withdrew from her, brilliantly smacked the rock -hard thing from my girlfriend, who made a shaky, slightly disappointed tone.

She quickly got up, with her back to me, and made Maik a place at the head end of the couch by taking a pillow and putting the backrest. Meanwhile, Maik got rid of his remaining clothing hanging on half mast. Then she took his hand tenderly and conducted him on his place, half -sitting half -lying. It threw the backrests on the floor impatiently to have more space, then sat on Maik in my legs, although she had to push up well over the height of his upright stitches.

Immediately she took it in hand, sat down at her wet smooth gate and slowly let himself down. During the entire process, she gave a vibrant groan of the deepest satisfaction until she finally came to sit on Maik’s closed legs. There she now started with gentle circular movements and rubbed her cheeks over his legs, cozy showers ran through her beautiful body and made themselves noticeable in gentle snack noises. She stroked Maik’s breast dreamy, leaned down to him, kissed his neck and licked his nipples and then finally divided in a double way to unite with a passionate tongue kiss.

Meanwhile, Maik stroked her hair, down to the big baking, which he then kneaded gently and pulled apart. With pain and lust at the same time, I was fascinated by the passionate, intimate association of the two. They had completely forgotten me, were just there for each other and loved themselves as if they had never done anything else. You were really the perfect sex couple. Fortunately, these thoughts came to me later, otherwise I would probably have broken out on the spot with jealousy in tears.

But so I limited myself to my passive role, somewhere between deadly jealousy, insane lust and treating joy for my girlfriend, and continued to look at the unreal hustle and bustle in front of my eyes to. Saskia straightened up again and now started to slide up and down, rubbed her clit roughly over Maik’s shamed shame, and then pushed the tail into her cunt again with full length and greatest physical effort. Maik still had his hands on her ass and supported her movements, grabbed it bravely and put down her poreates, whereby his hand pull -off on the bright buttocks remained reduced again and again.

Both moaned with relish and devoted, and Saskia seemed to be able to enjoy being able to determine depth and hardness of the penetration for a moment. Lasciviously she threw her head back. Their elaborate hairstyle had already turned into a rumpled tangled blond strands, some of which hung on her back and bumped in the beat of her riding movements. Her skin began to shine with exertion, a sight that was beautiful and again unknown to me. I knew how much she liked to ride, but it was always pretty tense with us, because I slid out of it relatively quickly and sometimes I couldn’t keep an erection.

Maik obviously had no problems with it. As if, as so often, she had thought about my thoughts, my threaded mine Angel Suddenly “Uuhhh-Oohh is horny, I couldn’t ride a big cock for a long time. You are sooo hard, hmmmjjaaaa “. Then she accelerated her pace and the hardness, clapped her baking in the Stakkato on Maik’s eggs and her clit on his shame, and turned her into a tact of the same way of pleasure. Maik continued to cheer on “Come bitch fuck you to orgasm, yes off!“Roughly grabbed her breasts, dragged wildly on her nipples.

Saskia quit the pointed screaming with lust and pain-filled tips and rammed his strap into the abdomen like wildly. Maik grabbed her throat and choked her gently, reached around her with the other hand and gave her firm slap on her butt, Saskia swelled “I-I-I-I-I-O mmmmmee-Jaaa-a-A”, only gave a squeakyQuickly “and finally came to another violent climax that shakes through her entire body. She raised her butt, slide up to Maik and kissed him wildly.

In doing so, his cock slipped out of her and gave a tough gumper milky fluid, which ran out of the open red -fucked cunt and made a path down on Maik’s tight eggs on our couch cover, where he seeped into a dark spot. I stared at the two outer genitals and was amazed at her horny squirt with an open mouth. My bedroom, smeared tail, which was still resting in my hand, woke up to new life, whether the horny performance.

I carefully rubbed my glans, which was pleasantly gliding thanks to my sperm. The two stroked and kissed for a while. Saskia had Maiks Penis, who had never lost anything in terms of standards, clamped between her labia and gently slid up and down on it. Then she remembered the viewer she had and looked over her sweaty shoulder to me. I can only guess what sight I offered her, especially proud and male he was certainly not.

Then she turned back to Maik and asked him out of breath “How long do you need you? My pussy is slowly hurting “” If you remember, I can also have a second and third round. But if you want we can slowly come to the grand finale, ”he said back. Saskia crawled backwards, her hands stroked his entire body down. Her butt continued in my direction and I had a nice view of her stretched Möschen, which never looked so swollen with my efforts and looked red.

Then she sat between his legs and lay on her back so that her head on the coucheck next to my seat came to lie down. Hair stuck her wet on her forehead, her cheeks shone rosy, the lips were red and fleshy, a satisfied, relaxed grin was in her mouth. She looked beautiful and deeply satisfied. I loved and desired them at that moment as rarely before. We looked at ourselves for a while while Maik put himself in position, Saskia’s legs took her shoulders.

“Do you see how well we do that to us?”She asked me. I just nods silently and continued rubbed my hardening cock. “Maik takes care of it so well darling. Thanks. Thank you for making me do that “nod again. Then she took my head between her hands and pulled me down to a kiss tenderly. We kissed tentatively, finally merged our tongues and kissed passionately. Then Maik penetrated her back into her, Saskia moaned vigorously into my open mouth.

Between our smacking wet kisses and Maik’s murmurous chasing she spoke to him again and again, but in my face “Yes, push me, fuck me, make me everyone. Fuck my pussy jjjaaaaa ”, groaned and gasped my hot breath in my face. My cock became more and more tougher and I jerked vigorously. Maik’s eggs hit her ass clapping, his breath became deep and violent. Saskia closed her eyes in gonne, pinched her face together, her mouth shaped into a silent ‘o’.

She now took my head and dragged it into her shoulder bend, so that she could whisper directly in my ear. Her voice was deep, rough and feverish, filled with an insatiable desire “He fucks me so well, yes, look, look how to get it to me. I am his bitch, I was always. You can’t fuck me like him. Aaaaahhh Jaaaa. Such a hard big cock, Jaaaa, that’s so geiiiiil “.

Painful as her words crushed my cock in my hands and jerked myself into another orgasm with hard trains, sprayed up the couch Next to her shoulder and gasped into the upholstery. Then it was probably the case with Maik, he pressed out “where do you want to go the cream, as usual into the mouth?”. Saskia Spie out “Yes, spray in my mouth, go, fuck, fuck! I want your juice Jaaaaaa “Maik rammed a few more merciless bumps of his pulsating meat into my friend’s body, then jumped up hectically and knelt next to Saskia’s head.

Two more rough trains with his hand brought him a throaty climax, twitching and pulsating spy his huge tail 8, 9 big loads thick white sperm directly in the greedy and wide mouth of my friend, her face, her hair, her hair. She grabbed the tail and sucked and licked the last drops out under Maik’s appreciative murmur. After all, she licked it again like over a sweet ice, grinned to Maik and finally swallowed everything down without licking the eyelash.

I had been able to experience that once. Apparently his sperm tasted much better … gently pulled his foreskin back and forth, finally looked up and satisfied with him and said exhausted “Thank you. I needed that soooo!“And stretched the word cynically long again. “No problem little ones, your cunt was a pleasure again. I like to come back!“And gave me his smug grin one last time on my spectator rank.

Then he pulled back, with a disappointed pout rolled over Saskia’s face when she could no longer keep the sagging giant in her hand. Maik pulled her clothes over while Saskia put on in peace. Sperm was still stuck in her face. She looked at me how I was still half together on the couch. She asked me to do it, I sat down next to her. She hugged me and put my hand over her sweaty waist.

“Look” she started conciliatory and still briefly with breath “It’s just fucking. I love you more than anything. But you have just seen what he can do with me, how I can get off with his horny big cock. Let me fuck with him every now and then, then I promise you that I will never run away from you. Because I can have both! A great friend and dirty hard sex. Do you understand?!“In question, she looked at me with her beautiful eyes.

I couldn’t help it. I love this woman and want to enable her everything to be happy to be happy. So I replied “Yes honey, I understand it. “” Look, it was good for you and liked it too. When was the last time you hose twice in a row with me!? That was only at the very beginning!“She instructed me. And also Maik, who had dressed up, sat next to me and patted my shoulder “She has very buddy, it is only fucking.

We both … “He smiled over to Saskia” … her cunt and my cock, they just belong together!“Mute and sad I nodded him. “I’ll then. Take a good little one!“He said goodbye with a deep kiss at Saskia“ Gut good buddy. heads up. I’m actually not a bad guy!“And held his hand for greeting. I pressed them weakly. Turned to Saskia with the last words “We write, yes?”, Where she answered flowering” clear, see you soon!“, He closed the door behind him.

Now we were alone again. Saskia looked at me for a long time, then she gave me a long kiss of tongue that had the sweet and salty aftertaste of his sperm. “Come on, you can take a shower with me if you like!“She said and I was looking forward to being able to drain her exhausted beautiful body. Perhaps that was the beginning of an incredibly happy, unpleasant three-way relationship.

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