Mature woman always wants | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

Netzfundmargit Knupfer was in the best mood this morning. In my thoughts on the evening before, with a smile on her lips, she was sitting at her desk. The voice of her work colleague and girlfriend, with whom she shared the small office on the campus of the Karlsruhe University, she was shouting out of her daydream. It was still early in the morning. Coffee fragrance pregnant the warm air in the office of the two women who were responsible for organizing the courses with filing cabinets and storage compartments.

“What do you grins so good in a mood this morning?«Paula Hauber, the Margit colleague, who was four years older, had a full coffee cup in balancing into the office, without taking Margit Groß’s note from her. As always, Paula looked like her small office was the headquarters of a renowned law firm and not an administrative office for teaching material. Her black high-heels shone like freshly polished. The gray business costume nestled close to its curvy body, the white blouse was too far opened.

The black hair perfectly styled. Subtle make-up retouched ten of their 52 years from their face. Margit looked up from her work and, as always, let the look at her colleague wander a little jealous. How did it always do that. Even she found that Paula looked biting every day every day. In contrast to herself. Her black, inconspicuous ballerinas did not suggest men’s fantasies. The jeans were tight and fashionable, but a jeans and not just over the knees ending stretch rock rock.

Her sweater nestled closely on her upper body, but her breasts were not big enough to record it significantly below. No push-up and no other tricks help either. Her brown hair always seemed a little neglected, even if that was actually never the case. But she just never managed to blow dry her hair into a stylish and more beneficial hairstyle. Only if she came fresh from the hairdresser. Then she hardly recognized herself when she winked out of the mirror with a grumpy face and after two hours at the latest she had her head under the tap to make the embarrassing hairstyle even.

Therefore, a few days ago she decided to cut her off and missed a short -haired hairstyle, which she has so far been getting used to it as little as the former curls. And nevertheless. With all the Biedenen that she radiated, she had an experience yesterday, which even her colleague Paula Hauber could only dream of. “I did it yesterday. What I’ve indicated a few times. My guess. With Karl. “The grin that seemed to spread over both cheeks up to the ears could not hold back with the best will in the world.

Since she had opened the door to her office this morning, she was burning with excitement to finally describe her colleague her yesterday afternoon. Finally she had something to report once that she believed that her colleague and best friend would be pale with envy. Paula parked the coffee cup without taking care of the papers, which she administered an unsightly brown ring. She slipped to her seat and even forgot to remove her hands over the butt so that the skirt did not throw any wrinkles when you sit down.

The gesture belonged to her, like the blush of the nose when she received mail from certain colleagues on her computer. As if she had forgotten the plot, Margit Knupfer had noticed the absence of the lack of. “Wait, Yesterday your student had his first job, or?«Margit nodded. Her corners of the mouth rose to a mischievous grin. Paula rolled a little to the side with her office chair so that they didn’t have to talk about the two monitors that stood between them.

The screens between them stood like a barrier. In the way when they wanted to gossip, as a grateful wall when they were angry. “Tell me. «Paula had rolled so close to her, as if she feared on the long way you could be lost information. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ‘Student for mowing and gardening wanted’.

The display was new, the tears with the cell phone numbers were all still available. The author had provided a total of ten pieces of the advertisement. The sheet with the text was on the top. If not countless people had been traveling in front of the cafeteria of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, a look at the shoulder could have paid off after the client. Whoever spotted the note on the black board of the Studentenwerk, he couldn’t have come far yet.

When trying to tear down one of the pre -cut cell phone numbers, the whole leaf loosened. The display had been stuck with a short pin over several other ads. Cesar Martinez, 23-year-old student of mechanical engineering, born in Mexicans and living in Germany for 22 years, bent into the note that had blown between his legs. His black curls fell in his face. He was still looking for the pin, but did not find it. It might have fallen between the metal rods of the ventilation grille, which stretched along the wall.

In vain, Cesar was looking for a new PIN to put the display with the remaining nine cell phone numbers again. He quickly realized that the client probably had to have had the same problem. The board was simply overcrowded. Now Cesar took a quick look over both shoulders. Nobody took note from him. It was 11:25 a.m. All students were on their way to the cafeteria. At the moment, hunger and thirst were the more important problems to solve.

Without further ado he inserted the whole sheet. Outside he was looking for a place under the shady trees, where he pulled his smartphone out of his jeans’ hip pocket. Mowing work in midsummer was not exactly his preferred work, but he liked to be outdoors and in the air. Better than waiters or some dull temporary job in a stuffy production hall. His last activity was the picking of cosmetic articles. He had enough of that. A woman indefinable age, with a warm, friendly voice, contacted his call.

“Yes hello?””Yes, good day. Cesar Martinez. I saw your ad in the cafeteria. «He deliberately left out what was on the note. Sometimes one and the same person looked for someone for different activities. He didn’t want to install the option of fishing a better job than it. But that didn’t seem the case here. “But that was quick. «In the background there were noisy voices to hear the clatter of dishes and the scratch of chairs.

Cesar automatically raised the view towards the cafeteria. Presumably he would only need to go through the doors and look for someone who held a cell phone to the ear. The chances that the client would sit a few meters away from him would certainly be high. However, he made no hope to recognize her. Sitting at the table and holding a cell phone in your hand was still in front of eating and drinking the most managed activity.

“We live in the forest city,” said the lady in his considerations. The forest city, a district of Karlsruhe, borders directly to the university and the football stadium. Probably the job would only be a few minutes away from his student flat share. “I’m looking for someone who mowed the lawn every now and then and keeps the garden in good shape a little. My husband can’t just. Would that be something for you?«The reasons from which her husband failed did not call her.

“Yes, quite,” Cesar heard to say. The quiet, somewhat smoky voice had enchanted him on the spot. She spoke slowly and with one, as he found, very erotic undertone, who immediately captivated him. Despite the overlapping background noise. To his complete astonishment, his thoughts led to his pants narrow. “If you want, we can meet there later and I’ll show you what it is about. Maybe in an hour? Or do you still have lectures?«Cesar listened to the voice as enchanted.

“I have no more lectures. Would go in an hour. «“ That’s great. I’m glad that it worked so quickly. «She called him the address and said goodbye. ‘It worked quickly’ echoed in his ear. He hadn’t even asked about the payment. The property has not yet been seen and the work that would come to him. But somehow she seemed to have been assumed automatically that he would promise.

Well, actually, if he thought about it, he already had that. If that meant that he was allowed to make calls more often, then definitely definitely. His client turned out an hour later as a rather average fighter. The voice in Natura as mysteriously dark as on the phone. The visual appearance, on the other hand, does not close to what his imagination had pretended to him. Unlike in his imagination, which he had connected to the erotic voice, she weren’t received him in high-heels, nor in the ultra-root mini skirt and not in a transparent blouse.

She did not touch him casually, did not lick her lips and did not make any clearly ambiguous remarks on the lawn and to fuck wildly. But she was nice, friendly and in a good mood. The small family home in the green, whose garden had to be maintained, was getting a little old. The lawn, the beds and trees a little neglected. But no jungle as he feared. He couldn’t see the man.

Payment in view of the work that would come to him was more than decent. So he said about it for a long time. They agreed a few days in succession until the worst mess was in order and a regular day a week afterwards. His first layer would begin tomorrow. She had shown him the tool shed, the benzinkanister for the lawn mower and some utensils that, as she believed, were intended for gardening.

He had listened to her suggestions with a smile. It was not difficult to guess that the woman would never be a gardener again. To judge the narrow hands, the light skin and long fingernails, she was more of the academic than the worker. Already much less motivated he appeared the next day. No erotic voice had loosened him, no fantasies about pretty neglected wives had occupied him. The weather was far too good for gardening and actually he should have learned something than earning money.

But the latter was that he urgently needed and he also agreed. Returns were not his thing. He collided the lawn mower, filled up gasoline and started to work. He had been shown to him how he came on the property without ringing and so he had not bothered to announce himself. The crawling and rattling lawnmowing was enough announcement. After two rounds with the rickety, stiff thing, the sweat had broken out.

Due to the summer heat, he had come directly to old Bermudas. His discarded running shoes were already blurred green. When he came under the old, mighty walnut for the third time, which dominated the garden, he quickly hung his T-shirt on a deeply hanging branch to continue working with free torso. Nobody seemed to watch him here, the garden was fenced with more than man -sized Thuja Hecke, which also urgently needed a cut. His Indio ancestors had inherited a deep brown, all-year-old tan.

In addition, Pechschwarzes Hair that lied up in half -length curls up to his shoulders. With his Indian roots, he was still considered exotic among all the Western Europeans, the southern countries and the blacks in the city. His body was used to physical work. He was wiry and persistent. A long -distance runner. Marathons were his hobby. And the training for it. After completing the fourth round around the tree, the batch of the lawn mower was full. Here was the first problem.

Where to put it? A compost heap or a container he should collect it had not been shown to him. Unfortunately, he had also forgot to search for it beforehand. He looked around, looked back to the house. Despite the wonderful weather, the terrace was empty. The windows were closed, the roller shutters were left far down to the in front of the terassent door and a single one on the second floor. Dark lay the panes behind it. He thought he had recognized someone on the upper floor.

A scheme was recognizable behind the curtain. He waved, but received no reaction. Perhaps some piece of furniture also shook a shadow. The house was quiet and abandoned. Nevertheless, he set off, climbed the narrow, uneven stone levels on the terrace and tried to catch a glimpse into the dark interior of the house through the reflective door. Although he shielded his eyes in front of the bright sun, he saw only deep darkness. But when he leaned against the door to see inside, she suddenly gave in.

She was just ajar. With a look at his dirty shoes on which countless blades of grass hung, he grazed them before putting on the door. He was too quiet barefoot. He felt like a burglar. “Hello?«His voice echoed through the empty house. “Is anyone at home?«The apartment was dark and quiet in front of his eyes, which slowly got used to the darkness. He was in the middle of a living room. A massive leather couch dominated the room.

You probably got into a hallway further. A staircase led up and down. The front door that led to the front of the street was seen. “I need a container for the grass section. ” No reaction. Nobody from him seemed to take note here. He remembered the schemes on the second floor. If nobody reacted here, he should just go up and look up?”Hello,” he tried again. This time even louder.

“Here is Cesar Martinez. I just mow their lawn and need their help. «He felt pretty stupid, as he roared through the empty house here. Still no reaction. He could just tip the mowned lawn on the side and collect later when it was done. Or tomorrow, if nobody would appear until then. He had just made your mind when a quiet click from the second floor penetrated through the open staircase.

As if someone had completed a door. Steps to be heard a little louder. Then feet appeared at the top of the stairs. Someone gripped the wooden steps barefoot. In the meantime, his eyes had got used to the dark so well that he recognized yesterday’s woman who slowly came down the stairs. He still saw her rightly plucking the shirt before she had come down the stairs so far that he could see her completely.

The way she fought around the shirt suggested the conclusion that she had just put it on quickly. “I’m sorry when I bothered her,” Cesar started. He smiled friendly, but only looked into a expressionless face. If he had really bothered her with something intimate, she didn’t let it look at it with any expression. Only the few tiny drops of sweat that were on their foreheads they could have betrayed. But they could simply be owed to the warm temperatures and the stuffy air in the house.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** »What did Karl say when you confronted him with the student?“Paula Hauber rolled back to her keyboard to take a sip of her already cold coffee before she rolled up a little closer to Margit Knupfer this time, this time with the cup in her hand.

“What beautiful. He said we didn’t need that. «But the plaster has to stay tuned for a while. He wants to supply the garden with the plaster foot?«Margit flinched his shoulders impatiently. She wanted to tell more and did not stay with such irrelevant things as what her husband thought. “You know him,” she wiped off succinctly. “So I left Karl at the top of the window and went down the stairs. “”Naked?«Paula made big eyes.

“No. «In Margit’s voice, significant impatience swung. “Of course I put on something. Karl was ready long ago. The painkillers bring him completely for his little potency. «She giggled and winked at her colleague. “It took less than five minutes. As soon as I had put myself with him, the lawn mower frightened him. He had to see from above what the student does in his garden. Sex is secondary when it comes to his plants.

«Paula shrugged. Men. What else can you say about that. She leaned a little more expectantly. “All right then. You watched him from above. Naked. And then he called you to you. Further. “Not right after me, for someone at all,” corrected Margit. “So I’m down to listen to what he wanted. I tell you. The sight was the hammer. «She closed her eyes for a moment, as if she wanted to recall that sight exactly that sight.

“A muscle package. I’ve already guessed it before yesterday. But so without a shirt and totally sweaty. I almost expired when I saw him standing like this. I had to master myself incredibly that he couldn’t read my thoughts directly from my face. «Margit made a short, dramatic break to let Paula sag. “He needed something to collect the lawn cut. So we are in the garage. And I see from the corner of the eye how Charlemagne sees down at the window to us.

The whole time. «She persuaded to see her colleague as if she wanted to underline the importance of the next sentence. “I think I’ve never been so horny. I decided that it had to happen now and today. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** Cesar Martinez followed the woman out into the glaring sunshine.

After she got down the stairs to listen to his concern, sparkle in her eyes had attracted his attention. He didn’t know what to think of the look that had disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. When she passed him to go into the garden in advance, he was gone again. Outside, in bright sunlight her skin shone almost lightly light. She didn’t seem to get a ray of sun very often.

The orange carrier top nestled closely for a slim upper body. The breasts were small, like tender buds, the nipples were characterized under the fabric. The legs stuck in short trousers looked fragile, as bright as they were. The white fabric of the shorts strengthened the impression of their snow -white legs. Barefoot she groped over the stone slabs of the terrace, down on the still unused lawn. Her very short, dark brown hair seemed to be shaved on the back of the head.

The no less bright scalp shimmered out. Cesar was torn back and forth how he should assess her. She was neither ugly nor neglected or unaesthetic. She was neither extremely thin nor did she otherwise have any flaws that stood out at first glance. She just seemed to have no interest in her exterior, which gave her a more stubborn impression at first glance, which was only refuted when you take a closer look. While she was trotting through the garden in front of him, her gaze wandered onto the window on the upper floor, the roller shutters of which was not completely lowered.

Cesar followed the view inconspicuously. The shadow was still there. Someone was clearly up there and looked down at them. The angle was a little better of this part of the garden. A narrow silhouette emerged in the half -darkness behind the window. They found a container in the garage that Cesar had not looked into. The garage had not been included on his tour yesterday. An old, dusty Mercedes was the only car in the wide double garage.

He didn’t look like he had been moved for the past few weeks. The air in the garage was stuffy, smelled of warm concrete and dust. Everything here made the impression that it had been perfect for years until suddenly it was as if the time had stopped, no longer used. Nothing was really neglected or neglected. Everything seemed as if you just had to wipe the dust, clean briefly and it would be in a bright state again.

The garden had already given this impression. Cesar helped his client to put a few objects on the side. Fine dust particles whirled up in front of them and danced in the brightly lit rectangle, which projected the falling sun through the side window onto the floor. While he took a box out of her hand, her fingers touched a little longer than necessary. Her eyes met for a moment. Again there was this sparkle in the eyes that cesar had goose bumps over his back.

When she turned away to get the container, it was over again. “It should work with that. “Cesar nodded to confirm that he had searched for it exactly. After the lawnmower was empty again, Cesar made the next round around the magnificent walnut. The silent client had long since withdrawn into the shadow. She crouched on a small stone wall that separated the utility garden with some tomato perennials, paprika plants and a few cucumber tendrils from the lawn.

Cesar hung his thoughts while having done his work routinely. After a good hour, the lawn was back in a considerable condition. But he is all the less the. The hair stuck his head sweaty, strands of his black curls stood in all directions. His upper body shone in the sunlight. Thick sweat beads stood on his shoulders, dripping into thick lanes over his back and chest. The covenant of his Bermuda shorts was wet and dark discolored.

The veins on his arms appeared thick. Grasshalms stuck on his calves, a few withered petals had laid on the wet skin of his shoulders. For a moment he looked at his work. His gaze wandered over the garden and got stuck on the house. The shadow on the upper floor was still there. He thought he had recognized a movement after looking. As if you were watching him and the observer had taken a step back.

Whether that was the husband of his client? Cesar could only see a vague scheme behind the dark disc. He stowed the lawn mower thoughtfully and cleared everything he had needed. He met the woman at the entrance to the device scales, where she leaned against an old -fashioned fountain. She stood there with arms crossed in front of the chest. The orange top had a few small dark spots on which the sweat had collected.

Her expression seemed a little rushed as if she had still dates and with it that Cesar had long been finished at this time. Your cheeks were red. The way she was emphatically leaning against the fountain reinforced the impression as if she had been surprised again with something that she had physically exerted and that she was now trying to play down with excessive serenity. Only at that moment did he find a little irritated that he had not noticed her for the last half hour.

At some point she had disappeared from the stone wall from which she had watched him for a while. Cesar was so deepened that he had completely forgotten her. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** »And he didn’t notice that you got it behind the arbor yourself all the time?«Paula Hauber shook his head in disbelief.

“I hid behind the hedge. He was deepened into his work far too much. «Paula seemed to think about that for a moment. Margit waited impatient until the penny had finally fallen with her. It would be far too unspectacular if she gave her the punch line. But Paula hadn’t fallen upside down. “Wait a minute, the hedge behind the arbor, but you can see it from above from your bedroom. «Her eyes widened to two bright blue buttons surrounded by arctic white.

“Karl saw you from above all the time?«Margit nodded. When she was talking she had long since got going, but now she felt a pull in the abdomen that almost took her air. She swallowed dry as the blush shot into her face. Her pussy was so wet that she was afraid of having a dark spot between her legs. The desire to touch there was almost limitless. “And then?«Paula was now hanging on Margits’s lips.

The noises that were around them in the old building somehow seemed steamed. The air had become heavy and stuffy. Both windows were closed because the sun shone directly into their office in the morning hours. The roller shutters were closed at half a height. Margit licked the dry lips before she continued. “I said he should touch me. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** His client had joined him while he struggled with the rusted castle of the door of the device scales.

The somewhat rusted thing stubbornly hooked. He felt how she stopped behind him for a moment as he was looking at how he struggled with the castle. Her breath stroked his upper arm. A subtle cloud of perfume and cream penetrated into its nose. The fragrance was strangely beguiling and somehow did not match her presentation. She had passed close to him earlier, but Cesar couldn’t remember the fragrance.

Whether she had put it on after not watching her for a while? But why should she do that?Cesar’s thoughts made wild jumps. Something about his silent client had captivated him. He felt it. The short look she had thrown him in the house. What had illuminated a second break in her eyes was that it was concerned. Something longing. Something not perceived for a long time. As if she had remembered something she knew but hadn’t seen for a long time.

He wanted to imagine that it was. The thought made him smile unintentionally. She seemed to notice it, he believed that he grinned because he struggled so clumsily with the castle. Finally the hanger raced, the key turned completely and could be removed. He turned and put it in the woman’s open palm. She closed her hand faster than he could pull his fingers back. It was cold and dry, her fingers are delicate.

For a long moment she kept his hand with the key while her eyes met. As casually, she led the other hand on her stomach, where the hem of the topped top was winding. Her fingers slid on her warm, damp belly, pushed the fabric up a small piece and bare, smooth light skin. Her belly was so flat that the pelvic bones were clearly visible. A quiet groan of the woman took away from his side.

Cesar remembered the shadow behind the window and suddenly felt like an extent. He could not describe what the feeling triggered, but suddenly he was as if he had entered a marriage scene in the middle of a marriage, the background of which he did not understand. Until the moment she whispered without seeing him: “Get me when you like. «She was switched to you without further ado. Although her voice was open to the option that he could reject it, she did not sound like she would expect protest.

Cesar was completely perplexed for a moment. Unable to sort his thoughts. He had to be interrogated, but he actually had no problems with his ears. Even the woodpecker, who had hammered on the walnut like a bersorian like a bersorian, was quiet for a moment. “What?«His voice was just a croak. “Touch me. Please!«She turned towards him. Looked into his eyes unexpectedly. Her tongue flashed at lightning speed once over her lower lip.

Your eyes sparkled. The nipples had set up steeply under the top and seemed to want to drill through the thin fabric. There were tiny drops of sweat on her forehead. The skin on her bare shoulders shone moist in sunlight. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** above, on the second floor, in the room of which was the only one pulled up, a man was barefoot in the warm parquet floor.

He was in the shade. His tips of his toes touched the bright, sun -flooded part of the floor behind the window as if it were a natural barrier. His skin was pale and did not exactly help to defuse his overall overall impression. His back was slightly bent forward, his upper body was based on a crutch. Next to the bed, another crutch leaned on a stool. He was alone, nobody else was in the bedroom. His wife had gone a long time ago after the student called through the house.

He breathed heavily, but evenly. His chest rose and lowered in a steady rhythm. He had got up without a shirt, his bony chest with the thin, only occasionally growing hair was snow white. His eyes had observed the young man for the last half an hour as he was stripped through the garden with sweat shiny upper body. His muscles and tendons twitching and vibrant as if they were under power. Down in front of the tool shed, his wife had approached this shiny muscle package so close to touching them almost.

As they stood close behind the student, he could see her eyes scurried in his direction. Despite the distance, he could see her well. He saw the derogatory look she gave him up from below. He made sure that he suddenly came up as small and helplessly than ever, since the plaster leg and the breathing difficulties had tied him to the bed most of the time. At the same time, he flinched a feeling that he had only known for a few days and that spread through his body like a warm rain.

It seemed to him to drive the sweat out of all pores. To speed up your heartbeat and make the blood pulsate. Everywhere, just not where it would have needed it the most. Why did he also have to be punished with this crushing medication cocktail? Why did he have had to break the rib, the leg alone would not have been enough? Why did the rib also have to damage the lungs. The questions that have been racing him through his head for weeks.

He felt his excitement, but he was also afraid of what would happen. Before what had happened for days. Nevertheless, in his wife’s exciting front view, he could not prevent his hands from sliding on his tail, which was dangerous under the wide, short trousers. He would have to try again. Although the last attempt was less than ten minutes back, this unsightly desire to satisfy him again. The desire that occurred in it at times and seemed to eat it from the inside.

For which there was apparently no valve to breastfeed it at the moment. His valve was uniform and limp. Not able to get hard to leave his lust outside. When he watched his wife to masturbate a few minutes ago, tears of despair had shot his eyes. What was wrong with him and would normalize it again at some point? To endure the stupid plaster was difficult enough.

But the impotence? He preferred to endure the pain in his chest again than not being a man longer. And what did his wife do in this situation? Instead of lovingly taking care of him, she put on so huge horns that he was hardly able to wear it anymore. And what did that with him? It excited him so much that he no longer knew himself. If he was only able to show her his excitement.

After his wife had given the student a container to fill the lawn cut, she had stayed on the stone wall. Already then he had noticed her restless nature that something was wrong. Otherwise his wife wasn’t that fidgety. Something was paved, but he would not have thought possible that it would accept this proportions. It was strolled from the wall to the arbor. No more sneaking. Keep out that the working student did not notice her.

But they didn’t seem to be considered anyway. However, she made no effort to prevent him from watching her on her foray. On the contrary. She even chose the way around the arbor so that he could watch her unhindered. After looking for a wide gap behind the hedge from which she could watch the students, her hand had hiked between her legs. She had gone slightly and while her arm was moving like a jerk, her upper body rocked up and back in a slow rhythm.

Karl Knupfer almost screamed when he realized what was going on in the garden below. His wife masturbated while watching a half -naked young man and knew exactly that he watched. While he should have packed his crutch and storm into the garden, he was unable to move on the window to watch the scene. The only movement he had carried out was that of his hand on his cock and the apparently limitless surprise in his facial features when he had noticed what he was doing in a trance.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** »and he hesitated?«Paula Hauber licked his lips with relish. For a moment, her eyes sparkled as playing through her thoughts as she would have felt in the situation. For Margit it was the best joy she could have made her. Finally she had something that her friend was jealous.

“Just a moment. «Margit winked. With the body, she added in his thoughts and had to smile. Paula also fell into the smile. Maybe for other reasons, but Margit didn’t care. “He must also have noticed that someone is watching us from above. He looked up and asked: If we are observed? He spoke as quietly as if he wanted to prevent someone else from hearing us. Yes, I said and also looked at Karl.

It was amazing. The tension could almost be grasped. I trembled and … well you already know. I was so terribly wet, I thought I walked out at any moment. I only had the shorts. I thought it was going down my thighs down. «Paula Hauber groaned softly. “I can imagine. «“ This is my husband, I said. He is not so enthusiastic about the fact that a stranger cares for his garden.

That visibly surprised him. Until then, he had definitely assumed that he was welcome here and his activities. He looked at me completely irritated. Oh, that doesn’t matter, I said. It is mainly because he is terribly jealous. Nothing that should disturb. “” And that was enough for him? He touched you on that?«Paula looked back questioningly. Margit could already imagine why. She was no less surprised that things would go so quickly.

She shrugged her shoulders. “He asked what Karl will say about it. Oh, don’t worry. He won’t say anything, I said and smiled at him. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** Your request seemed to have to be held in his head seconds later. Like a sum that was slowly getting quieter. Had she really said that, or had he imagined it? Twice? Impossible.

His eyes slid over her body unabashedly. Her nipples were clearly distinguished below the thin top. Her breasts seemed small and firm, the top is not particularly bulky. Where the nipples stretched the fabric, they shimmered out dark. The tops of the top were narrow enough to underline the missing bra. Without the excited nipples, the missing piece of clothing would not have been particularly noticeable. Not unusual considering the summer temperatures. Now the outfit suddenly seemed extremely stimulating.

He clearly felt that between his legs. How remotely controlled his hand slid to her stomach. Since he had not assumed that she was expecting a touch on her shoulder or her back, his hand stroked as a matter of course below the top up to her left chest, which nestled incredibly tenderly into his palm. He was rarely shy, but his intolerance surprised him. This also did not change that she had asked him to do so.

A soft moan and a pronounced goosebumps was the reaction that showed him that he had done it right. Meanwhile, his cock pounded hard on his shorts. Cesar didn’t really know where to look. From above down to the woman, or up to the man to the window. Which was suddenly disappeared. The uncertainty was written in his face. Nevertheless, he didn’t seem to keep back to touch the woman. When his hands stroked over the belly of the woman and slid over the shorts between her legs, a goosebumps shook him.

His scalp tingled as if someone with a raised hammer was right behind him. He knew that he didn’t need to turn around. The man could never stand behind him so quickly. Except for him there was nobody here. The feeling of excitement made him tremble. The woman turned, leaning her back on his chest. Her gaze wandered to the second floor as well as that of Cesar. She pushed her breath away when she noticed what Cesar had already noticed.

In Cesar’s eyes, the man who at that moment was on the terrace was a ghost. His skin was so bright that it almost shone. His hair had to be gray. They stood a little messed up from his head. He wasn’t particularly big. While his skin was already bright, one leg shining snow white and strangely uniform. The arms were based on crutches. He had stopped right after the door.

Cesar had expected that he would storm directly from the terrace to him to confront him. But the person standing there looked anything but intimidating. Certainly not with a plaster bone. But that did not necessarily have to stop him if someone grabbed his wife in the way he was doing it with relish. The logical explanations that were offered: he didn’t care, he didn’t dare to intervene, or what he saw he liked.

“What will be for heaven will that? Can you explain it please?«Cesar had asked the question while watching the man on the terrace. The woman paused and turned to him with a smile. It just seemed to her that Cesar could have no idea about the background. For him they had to look like two crazy people. Instead of answering his question, she started nesting at his Bermudas. With trembling fingers she loosened the cord, grazed the loose fabric over the mighty bump, which caused his tail.

The swing on the spot heightens to the air after the fabric had fallen on his ankle. Her delicate, long fingers found his pulsating shaft and kept him clutched as to make sure that he did not run away with what she would say. Cesar’s eyes were directed at the man on the terrace, who could see exactly how his shorts had fallen and his wife had grown to the strange man – to him -.

She ignored his question. Her voice was just a whisper. “Take off me!«Her voice trembled with excitement. It sounded like a pleading. Her shoulders fluttered and their thighs fluttered. Cesar saw goosebumps on her upper arms while she turned over again and turned his back on him. Your skin seemed to vibrate. Welding beads were on their neck, where the fine hair of the shamen hairstyle had grown up. “But do it very slowly. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** **”Craziness!«Paula Hauber got panted air.

Breathless she followed Margit’s story. “How did it feel?«Margit needed a moment for the answer. “It was simply incredible. His hands were huge. Real praise. And they were so incredibly tender. Quite different than I imagined it. «And very different from Karl’s slender hands, added to her thoughts. Real workers’ hands. They can grab. “He grabbed me at the hem of the top and pulled it over my head.

It was carelessly thrown into the grass. His hands found the button on my shorts, but did not open it immediately. He took a step closer to me. His stiff tail pushed me into the cross. «Margit came to his back. She almost hoped to feel the touch, but of course she had long since faded. “I leaned against his chest. He put his arms around me and grabbed my breasts.

«“ Packed? Really firm?«Apparently unconsciously quickly Paula’s hands on her breasts and pressed him under the white blouse. “Yes. Really firm. «Margit’s voice smoke in a whisper. “I picked up and clasped his shaft. «Paula loudly loudly the air. “I’m about to freak out. «Margit knew what she meant. She felt as excited when she was telling her again as if she was experiencing it live again. “How was he?«Paula made a gesture by holding the palms in front of the body and slowly creating an ever increasing gap between the open hands.

Margit shook his head. Not because she did not know or could not answer, but because she was unable to describe what she felt like at that moment. “He was just huge. «Paula swallowed. Without noticing it, her falling hands slid onto the tightly stretched skirt. She quickly felt that she would not get to her pussy and pulled her hand away before Margit realized it. But Margit had noticed it.

She felt a quake in the abdomen as a vibration something on the floor that planted her directly into her over her chair. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** While his hands slid over her stomach around the hem of the pants, the husband on the terrace took a awkward step aside.

He had to see his cock in her back. Cesars Bermudas still hung on his ankles. Cesar heard the woman breathing. The noises around them seemed to have been exposed for a moment. ‘Why does he stand up there and just watch?‘, Cesar asked himself. “Take my hand and pull me past him into the living room. «She still shivered while she spoke the sentence. “Don’t pay attention to him, but see that your cock commutes as wildly as possible.

«How to make sure that his pipe was hard and ready to commute, her hand closed for a moment to Cesar’s tail. “Throw me on the couch. Not on the width opposite the door. The two -seater on the left that faces the television. And fuck me there. «Her voice was just a hoarse croak. The words came chopped off their lips. She had to take a breath several times before she was able to press the next words out.

She trembled all over the body. Her shoulders shone damp. At the hairline on the temples glittered welding beads. Her eyes showered over his body restlessly. She didn’t seem to be able to decide where she would like to look. While her husband stood as motionless on the terrace as a statue, the woman fiddled with trembling fingers the zipper on her pants, who did not want to slide down because of the damp skin of her thighs. She leaned a little forward to help.

Her short hair tickled on his chest. Then she turned again as if she wanted to make sure that her husband could see everything too. Cesar noticed that there was no panties under the shorts. “Why the two -seater?«The question surprised him at the same moment when he asked her. Countless other questions whizzed through his head, but he thought nothing better than clarifying the thing with the couch. “Because that’s ‘his’.

«She emphasized so much that Cesar could imagine what she alluded to. It seemed to give a kind of chopping order in terms of the best places in front of the television. Nevertheless, the request sounded strange. Then she asked him to fuck her, which was more than unusual alone and then wanted a special place where it should take place. And a not exactly fancy place. Cesar felt like time and time again as if he had stumbled into a situation with too little background information in which he was now pushed back and forth like a game ball.

Nevertheless, he struggled his Bermudas off his ankles. They landed on the little bunch of clothes that had formed under the walnut. Cesar grabbed the woman’s wrist and took two big steps to the terrace, which she could not follow in speed. She was torn hard on the shoulder behind him. If she had had long hair, if she were blowing behind her, at such a pace he drove the woman behind her.

She stumbled more than she ran and groaned almost non -stop. Whether Cesar couldn’t hear from pain or lust, but she did not protest. His cock clapped against his thighs in a wild staccato while storming the few steps up the terrace. He focused on the terass tent. Nevertheless, he noticed her husband’s wide eyes when he dragged her past him by the long arm.

For a moment he saw her reflection in the slice of the door. Unlike he seemed, she seemed to look at her husband. He could not recognize her expression in the distorted, shadowy picture, but he was almost sure that she was grinning her and petrified man. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** “Margit”, moaned Karl Knupfer with eyes wide open.

He was hardly able to move. Not only because of the effort that it had cost him to limp the steps from the upper floor to get into the garden, but in front of shock that suddenly drove into his wife. There was something else that paralyzed him, but he only became aware of it when the muscle -baked man with a wildly commuting cock was stormed towards him. Until he had looked at the whole scene from a distance.

As if she weren’t true at all and was only played through an invisible canvas. But now the man ran right towards him. With his wife on her arm, which he almost heard of male behind him. He felt the draft when the two stormed past him. Smelled the slightly musk -like smell he exuded. Smelled perfume on his wife without thinking that she hadn’t put on a perfume for him for years.

When he had observed the scene from above how his wife’s student had moved out of the top, he still thought she played with his handicap not to be able to go to them. As if she wanted to offer him a little entertainment for comfort because he could leave the room so badly. That had already seemed very questionable, but this scenario was easiest. He wanted to go to them. There under the walnut, but he knew that it was hopeless.

He would not create the leaked narrow steps that led from the terrace onto the lawn. He had had a foot since he had a gypsum, climbed the garden twice over this staircase. Both times he had sat on his butt and was hopped down the steps individually. It had also been degrading alone. With the observation of his wife and the student, he did not want to put on this humiliation. Now he stood right next to her and yet she stormed past him without really taking any note.

Which was not entirely right when he honestly interpreted her facial expression and sparkling in her eyes. She not only played with him, she showed him a form of contempt that he had not known until now. Which seemed to shrink it on the size of a worm. And which excited him over all dimensions. He could not have described which knowledge shocked him more. “You’re joking, right?«His voice was hardly more than a whisper.

She hadn’t heard him anymore. With a long outstretched arm she had disappeared behind the student through the terassent door. If one had told him how long the expression of her eyes would burn his memory from that point. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** “Margit” was the only one that the man groaned when they rushed past him.

Then they were through the door. The darkness hit him like a blow, it took a long time for his eyes to get used to the light. For a moment he thought he was running against a closed black door. Without seeing exactly where he was going, he was oriented to the left as she had applied him. His thigh turned against a half -high table. It ripped down on the parquet floor. Something that had stood on it clattered clattered.

Hopefully no glass he thought. Margit rushed barefoot after him. He threw her around, she almost flew through the room, seemed to have lost the contact with the ground for a moment and was hit hard on the backrest of the two -seater. He slid through the room a few centimeters on all four stand feet. While the brand -shattering squeak of the couch, the tinny clatter, with which the overturned object drowned over the ground, was Cesar over Margit and drilled his cock so impetuously into her almost overflowing pussy that he was afraid for a moment if he was notwould hit the entrance directly.

But Margit was so wet and ready to receive him as just possible. She screamed when he penetrated her with force. The two -seater was a monster made of green synthetic leather, with massive armrests and deep seat cushions. Margits skin shy off the dry material. The terassent door that he had performed impetuously just fell back into the castle. Margit looked around Cesar for a moment, but her expression immediately relaxed because the door was pushed again and her husband appeared in it.

Cesar saw his reflection in a glass cabinet next to the couch. The bronze struts running in the caroma pattern divided it into many parts. He couldn’t really see his expression, but his attitude seemed tense. He did not say anything. Except for meals and clapping, it was quiet in the large living room. Only Margit’s voice cut through the warm, stuffy air like an arrow. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** »Fuck me, you horny big tail!«Margit Knupfer took the words so loud that she was afraid you would have heard it on the whole floor.

Paula was shocked together and struck a hand out of his mouth. Margit did it in the same second fraction part. So they sat there for a moment before they had to grin inevitably. What looked even more funny behind the scenes than it already. “You didn’t say that!«, Paula’s eyes were far from surprise. “And whether. And Karl stood right next to it. “” Tell me how he felt. «As soon as she had spoken out the sentence, she lifted her hand as if Margit could shoot out the answer so quickly.

“No wait. «She got up from her desk chair. Margit was sure that her knees were trembling. But theirs did so too. How crazy. Your pulse raced. The thin summer sweater seemed to glue her on the upper body. Paula stepped at the door, reached for the shield that they put on the door outside when they were both on the campus and hanged it onto the intended hooks with trembling hands. With a quick look she checked the hallway to the left and right, which seemed to be empty.

Then she closed the door, locked her from the inside and came back to her desk. Her costume’s jacket hung over her backrest. The thin blouse that came to light, her steep nipples hardly covered her steeply. Margit SOG surprises the air when she registered how much her experience of Paula seemed to excite. She would not have thought that her story would have this effect. Hoped yes, but not believed. Not at Paula, who has not been alarm for years that her marriage only existed on paper and which her lovers could choose in rows.

Sometimes several at the same time. Paula was rolled up on her desk chair to hover to the edge of Margit’s desk. Margit smelled her perfume, which she surrounded like a cloud. When she was in the room she swarmed the air with her sweetly exciting fragrance. If she got her as close as now, then Margit always had to control himself not to suck her air in a delightful way to inhale the fragrance for adventure and passion. She knew how crazy it sounded.

Without preventing it, Paula gave her a deep insight into her handsome cleavage. She made no secret of the fact that her breasts were not real. More than ten years ago she had been used for the first time implants. For two years she had had new ones that brought her breasts to a youthful, tight format. Rarely that she hid her. After the jacket was stored, a black top bra shimmered out under the white fabric of the blouse.

She leaned a little forward to get closer to Margit. “Tell me how he felt. «Her voice had accepted a smoky, scratching undertone that caused Margit goosebumps. As if the serious, the scope of what she was talking about was aware of her, which she was aware of. She felt like her cheeks blushed. A wave of excitement, mixed with pride and joy, rolled over her, which she had trembled into the tips of the hair.

“I think I have never experienced anything hotter,” she replied. Her voice suddenly had the same scratchy impact. She wanted to clear her throat reflexively, but then just spoke on. “His cock was huge. Incredibly hard. I thought he shared me in the middle. «A shower rolished her back, which made her tremble so that her chair jerked a little on the soft rollers. A new goosebumps spread on their arms. She kept her arm up.

Grinning, she perceived her own reaction. Paula also looked at the fine hairs of Margit’s forearm with a smile in the corner of the mouth. “Cesar has Indian roots,” it sounded strangely familiar, as she said. “Maybe like the blacks, they are always well stocked. «She winked Paula too. “Or you got off a particularly good copy, you happy. «Paula’s eyes rolled closely. “What did Karl do? He won’t stay outside on the terrace?Margit shook his head.

“No he followed us. It stopped at the terassent door and looked at everything. «Again a wave of excitement rolled over it. She was so strong that she had to stroke her hands through the short hair to distract herself from the scalp tingling like crawling. “He didn’t rage?«Paula’s expression expressed all the amazement that Margit felt since the fuck on the couch. She shook her head.

“You will not believe this. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** The sight of his twitching wife fascinated Karl as rarely before, but at the same time he felt a almost boundless hatred of the man who, in his place. This hatred, in turn, excited him so much that he wanted to jerk off his cock.

He let him tremble into the tips of his hair. A feeling as if he puts his arms into an anthill. The feeling of not being perceived as if he were not gnawing at all in the room on the one hand, but on the other hand it was exactly what he was overwhelmed. He wanted to fuck his wife to the man sweating and panting, add physical pain, beat him, bite him as well as he was just humiliated himself. At the same time, however, he felt an almost overwhelming urge to kneel next to him and touch his eggs, stroke the thick hard shaft while the wet and shiny penetrated into his wife.

He wanted to feel like him, imagined how his cock it would be, the size and the magnificent shape penetrate into the wet clasp of her cunt. He wanted to scream and moan at the same time. Howl and laugh. Turn away and approach closer at the same time. Suck in the smell of his wife and the student. Beat it and bite him, lick him with his tongue over these indecently twitching muscles. He knew how crazy his thoughts were. This male guy who nailed his wife did not pay attention to him.

He looked at him, but in his eyes it was clear that he did not take him seriously. The contempt he felt towards him was read in his eyes. It was she who excited him into the last fiber of his body. He believed he had a tuning fork in his chest, which shot his body in vibrations. The guy fucked his wife. His wife. He felt how he would inject into his pants and had no chance to prevent it anymore.

He pumped one thrust after the other into his underpants without even perceiving his cock. His eyes were focused on the student’s tail. He was his. In his head the mighty cock pumped his sperm into his wife’s pussy. On her body, on her breasts, on her bright, flawless skin. In her face, her hair, over her eyes, her nose, her open lips. He gasped and groaned and pumped continued until nothing came and a stinging pain filled his urethra, in which he had to bend the upper body.

His pants turned dark as if he had got into it. He didn’t feel the damp warm sauce that collected between his legs. He was he. He was the guy who stood behind his wife and sprayed. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** Cesar looked fascinated in the face. The mien play that the man had lived through the last minute seemed to express a hurricane of sensations.

If he believed in one moment the husband would scream, the crutches swinging on him, the next moment he had fear that he would get closer, touch him, stroke him, or even worse. The thought aroused Cesar. His own cock felt so hard and plump that it almost hurt. The veins that meandered down the shaft shimmered violet and pumped out with blood until shortly before the bursts. As always, he was able to get enough of the game of his abdominal muscles, who crashed hard at Margit’s abdomen and the wet glittering tail, which did not get enough of your pussy.

He stretched through his body, every vision and muscle tense and was promptly rewarded when Margit let her fingers slide over his biceps and tense chest muscles. She clutched his Latissimus, almost seemed to stick to the backrest in his rhythm. Her long, thin fingers dig deep into his skin, the fingernails scratched like the claws of a cat. The pain sweetened his excitement. Cesar felt incredibly excited about this situation.

The humble way of how the man allowed him, a strange man, fascinated his wife. What did this man had to do in the head to allow this. Obviously excited about it. He tried to think of the other man. Saw his own wife being fucked by a strange man. Excited and tense and still damn only to be a spectator. Would he get his cock out in his place and participate in the fuck? Most certainly.

Would he allow it to get that far? Definitely not. What did the man expect from him? That he retired and immediately stopped with it? Apparently not. That he asked him to join him? Should he withdraw, clear his wife’s pussy and instead take care of other parts of the body or openings? He tried to explore the face and thoughts of the man, but the emotions were so different that he did not get behind what was going on in him.

More specifically, what stopped him from chasing him out of the house and finally doing exactly what Cesar had been doing with his wife for minutes. This realization, in turn. For a moment he was terrified of his own thoughts, then he saw the ever darker stain on the man’s pants and almost laughed, so unreal the scene seemed unreal.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** »» He just hosed down while he watched you?«In addition to skepticism, Paula’s expression also pressed a large portion of contempt. A seasoned man, admittedly not exactly the daredevil, looked at how his wife was fucked and sprayed himself into his pants without having only touched his cock at all.

How ridiculous. “When I tell you. He stood at the door didn’t say anything, just looked and suddenly he sprayed into his pants. «“ That is pathetic. «Margit shook his head after Paula said that. Her eyes expressed something different than rejection of Paula’s statement. She seemed to notice that and think about what she had just said. Then her expression cleared up as if she had also recognized the scope.

“That’s awesome. Totally cool. Your age is a cuckold?«Margit shrugged. Her grin was so wide that she showed two rows of bright white teeth. “This is crazy, I know. But I told you that I will try it out at some point. I’ve always thought that something like that slumbered in him. “And you showed him on the hard tour. «» On the very hard!«The two women giggled like schoolgirls. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** The feeling of her husband to humiliate hunted a warm shower through her body.

The weakness and uncertainty that expressed his attitude over over there at the Terassent door caused a feeling of superiority in it. As if she could afford everything. Exercise the feeling and dominance of this weak worm, crawled her back like a fat spider. From one second to the other, a desire in her eyes burned as if she had been waiting for this moment for months. Cesar was visibly shocked. She saw it clearly in his face.

Lossed in thought she licked her tongue over her upper lip. Her eyes seemed to have lost the focus for a moment, as if she were looking through him. He was bent over her, had supported his arms on the backrest and drove his cock almost standing into her so that it smacked. She had spread her legs wide and stretched to the ceiling. Her narrow bonds twitched on the right and left of his head. They invited to stick to it to get even harder.

She thanked him his efforts with a first, wildly twitching orgasm. For months the first one she hadn’t prepared herself. He rolled over her like a hurricane. A groan of her throat. The noise was reminiscent of the growling of a wild animal. She felt her wet on her thighs. The hard, big cock drove further into her. Only a few moments and she would come back. She was looking forward to him.

Starved and full of desire she gave herself to the wild cock polling in her. From the terassent door there was a moan as if someone had hit her husband in her stomach. In the reflection, Margit recognized how he was heavily supported at the door, as if his legs would buckle at any moment. His other hand disappeared from her field of vision, but the attitude indicated that he was holding his tail with it. “Margit?«Her husband’s voice brought her back to the surface.

Her eyes became clearer but by no means less blazing. The fire in them burned light and hot. The desire to humiliate her husband could hardly be tamed. The dog’s view did not change that, which he threw after her after she finally turned to him. It was just missing that he let his tongue hang out of his mouth and panted the wandering of how his wife was plowed through. The parquet floor creaked as loudly in her ears as if it were tearing out of the joints.

Your senses were strangely sharpened. She smelled the dusty dry smell of the warm air in the room, heard the loud, somewhat rattling breath of her husband who was a little closer to. In front of her eyes, dust particles danced in the backlight of the sunshine, which penetrated through the door. The sun -drenched rectangle that the light projected onto the floor blinded it. “Margit,” moaned her husband. His face was strained. He gasped, his cheeks got red spots. In his eyes it was read that he had long recognized that he was unable to stop her.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** »Do you see that you are pitifully weight?«Margit’s voice cut like a razor through the room. “I have had to live with your crushed pipimann for weeks. Why can’t you have such a magnificent strap? Why do I have to be satisfied with a miserable thumb?“Cesar observed how the man’s expression was founded as if every word had inflicted physical pain.

Then, however, lay an equally strange shine in his eyes as he watched the Margit. For a moment he had the feeling of being a spectator in a highly intimate scene in which he was right in the middle of it, but only served as an extent. That was strange, but as long as she was willingly fucked, he didn’t want to complain. “I want you to take your miserable tip in your hand.

«With the somewhat strange -looking dirty talk that she suddenly left out, Cesar almost grinded. “I want you to get him hard and quickly. «The man’s hand actually jerked his cock. He did so quickly and without hesitation, as if he feared serious consequences if he didn’t start with it immediately. “Otherwise this magnificent guy will fuck me here until I scream. Did you get that?«The zipper of the shorts of her husband’s short trousers was probably enough answer.

“He will fuck me until I cum. And then he will fuck me in the ass. Deep and hard and firm and for hours. «Her voice became a throaty whirlpool. Red spots had spread to their cheeks. The man’s carelessly buttoned pants bare his shrink -like, little masculinity. Cesar had to look there exactly. The man paused for a moment, her eyes met a fraction of a second. Cesar tried to suppress the twitching in his corners of the mouth, but it was too late.

The man had noticed the short amusement flash in his face. It was something in the man as a break. His shoulders sagged, his upper body sagged together. The measly, smeared penis seemed to be even smaller when the sack that seems too large for the small tail came together visibly. Cesar had still not been able to take a look from there. The man tugged and rubbed on his thumb. A smacking sound of the foreskin that has become a little too long came out between his fingers.

Margit looked expectantly on the desperate undertaking for a moment. Cesar had no idea what the man stopped fulfilling his marital duties. Whether it was the age, the accident, or a simple malfunction?”You will finally make an effort,” Margit threatened. Faint sweat beads had long since formed on the man’s forehead. His breath went briefly and roaring. Cesar had his concerns about whether all of this would end without any problems for him.

Whatever the end may look like. At the moment it seemed like Margit had success. The man’s eyes scurried over his wife’s naked upper body. He seemed to cling to every little opportunity to cling him. What he maltreated between his fingers actually seemed to grow something. If you could call it growing. He sweated, fought and gasped. He seemed to have completely hidden Cesar. His eyes sucked on the steep nipple of his wife’s small apple breasts.

They shimmered pink over the light skin. Their warts were tiny small. Her breasts a feast for the eyes, as Cesar had already noted. Small, firm, light -skinned and flawless. Like that of a teenager. It is all the more surprising that they did not excel the man at the pure sight. In any case, at Cesar they still worked. But when he turned back to the man, he actually had something like an erection. Although he also pressed his shaft together at the root that the acorn violet shiny the acute blood mu.

Somehow he was relieved that the man’s efforts that seem harmful to health finally show. To Cesar’s surprise, the man suddenly didn’t seem to bother that a stranger looked at him on his tail. Quite the opposite. Something about the way he met Cesar’s look, irritated it. It was like the man had a huge pipe that he proudly presented. His gaze seemed defiant and arrogant. If he had trouble, anger, or even hate, it was more of a kind of amused grin.

No no grin, rather a kind of sour resignation. As if his wife was about to make something that she had threatened him for a long time. And what he knew that he could ultimately not defend himself against it. Margit’s face moved into a sarcastic grin. She freed himself to Cesar’s amazement. She jerked around until she clutched Cesar’s cock, who wanted to free herself out of her closed fist. The acorn was swollen up.

She shimmered matt. There was no foreskin. “This is how a cock looks like it is horny for me. «She jerked her head briefly as if she first realized what she was holding in her hands. “This is what a cock looks like,” she added quieter, almost melancholy. For a moment, a tone swung in her voice as if the magnificent piece of male meat was unreachable for her in her hands. She had long since had everything in her hand.

literally. Cesar did not suffer from the Mediterranean short -taility nor was he with a dark -skinned ponytail, but so far none of his female contacts had complained about his cock. Margit also seemed visibly satisfied. Her husband’s gaze, however, was completely directed at what he had achieved with painstaking manual work. An expression of relief was his facial features. Cuckold, thought Cesar. Is it what he had heard under the name before? Was that the game that he was just drawn into? The dirty talk, the insults, the strange submissive attitude of the man.

Margit straightened up from the seat and clung his arms around his neck. Before he knew, he felt her tongue in his mouth. Was almost eaten by her lips. With one hand she clawed into a shoulder blade. The long fingernails drilled deep into his skin. The pain flinched him like fine needles. He couldn’t have shouted out with her tongue deep in his mouth. Instead, it was the man next to the couch, who represented a tortured loudly for Cesar’s pain, which seemed to come deep from his throat.

Margits’s head jerked around. It doesn’t matter he didn’t seem to be her. Or it was a reflex that could not be stopped in the short time. Cesar grabbed her breasts with her hands, shaped it in his hollow hand by handing her up and giving up and leaning forward and leaning forward to bite uninhibitedly into one of the pointed nipples. This time it was the pain that overlaid the excitement that made Margit cry out.

“Fuck me again, you horny big tail. I don’t need to hope for him. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** “Herrgott, is that cool”, Paula Hauber took it. When Margit had reached her nipples at the bite, she had taken her own chest, the nipple between the thumb and index finger was clamped and played on her nipple without consciously perceiving what she did here.

In the office of your job. Steps rushed outside in the hallway. Someone had tried to enter their office twice. Every time the door handle had moved down, they had a shocked shrinking and calm mouse. The sign was that nobody was in the office, actually big enough. Only when they were certain that the troublemaker had pulled off again Margit had resumed her story. As banned, Paula had listened to her experience.

She had grasped a mixture of excitement and envy. Paula fascinated the way Margit described her experience, this almost innocent, blunt, blunt form, how she experienced the afternoon in my thoughts a second time. But there was more. There was a feeling of the surface that she had successfully locked away for a while. Because it was hopeless. Handless and completely crazy. Her eyes wandered over her colleague. Margit had already been at this point before her.

Had shared the office with a colleague that was retired when Paula was added. Already on the first day she felt that Margit Knupfer triggered anything in her. In the beginning she couldn’t understand what it was, but when she was getting more and more into clear thoughts that dealt with her and her new colleague, she had to admit that she felt dressed by Margit. Maybe even a little in love with her.

In this inconspicuous wall flowers, which was so completely different in its kind than she either ignored or did not perceive them at all at all. In her despair, Paula had taken greater risks. I had increasingly revealed more intimate details and made hints that Margit had to have recognized as obvious. But nothing had happened. Margit took her as a colleague and later also as a good friend, but never as what Paula had hoped for.

For a long time she was torn back and forth. Even played with the thought of changing the job again because her thoughts only circled for Margit. But since she showed no reaction and Paula did not dare to give the crucial indication of her feelings, at some point she decided to lock these feelings in a box, to complete it, throw it away and the box in a boxto pack, with which she wanted to proceed the same.

She wanted to pack all the boxes in the back, dark part of her brain and forget there. For a long time she had succeeded. Until now. Something made sure that despite all the keys and all the boxes, their feelings spilled upwards like bile, where they threatened to suffocate. From one second to the next, she had the desire that Margit Knupfer finally said to say the truth. Regardless of every consequence. As in a trance, as if she wanted to watch her body from the side herself, she saw up getting up.

“Stay sitting”, an inner voice screamed, but she couldn’t stay left. Her knees were like pudding, their thighs fluttered. Her pulse raced, her heart beat her to her neck, the blood roared booming in her ears. When she opened her mouth to say something, she believed her voice would fail. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** »I run out.

If I don’t get your cock back into my cunt soon, I’ll do it myself. «Margit reached between her legs with both hands, reached for her fleshy labia and pulled her apart. A dark cave in the middle of pink meat opened up in front of Cesar. It was his first look he actually achieved between her legs. Her pussy was thick and red swollen. She clearly sat down from the light skin on the stomach and thighs that it looked like she had been maltreated with blows.

The clit stood thick between the labia. She was shaved in sparkling clean. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** »I run out. If you don’t push your fingers into my cunt soon, I’ll do it myself. «Paula Hauber gasped the words breathless. She couldn’t. She had the excitement so firmly under control that she had thrown all reason overboard.

What she had just said was serious. She had to touch her pussy, rub her clit, push her fingers into her overflowing cave. If Margit didn’t want to do it, she had to do it herself. She had jumped up. They wore their knees even though she hadn’t expected it. How long would it be shown. But she didn’t want to stand here either. She wanted to feel Margit’s tongue on her pussy, her fingers she fucked.

She dragged the skirt upwards. Below she was naked. As always. Her labia pressed together. Even without touching them, she knew that they were thick and red. Almost painfully they pressed together. The clit was no less excited between the labia. She was shaved in sparkling clean. As always. Margit’s shock lasted shorter when she hoped in her wildest dreams. With her eyes wide open, she had persecuted how she pulled her skirt over her hip.

Her legs failed faster than feared. She clumsed back on the chair, grabbed her back of her back with one hand and pulled her legs almost under the chin. Her pussy gaped openly and shimmering rosy wet between her thighs. Whatever would happen now should happen. Either the scene was no longer to be beaten, then her career would end now and here in this office, or … Margit slipped from her armchair and almost fell on the floor between her legs.

Her face was so close to her pussy that she felt her warm breath on her sweat -humid skin. Her eyes beamed as clearly as she had rarely seen her. She licked her lips as if she wanted to delay the moment a little, but Paula saw in her eyes that she had reached her goal. Finally. Then the tip of her work colleague touched her clitoris and Paula Hauber so loudly that you had to hear it in the hallway.

But she couldn’t prevent the cry. This longing had been locked away for too long to simply redeem it. Should find out the whole floor what she was finally given. When Margit’s fingers dipped deep into her hot grotto and she took the moisture that she received, Paula closed her eyes. “Tell telling. «** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** The husband winced so violently at Margits’s exclamation that he lost a crutch.

He jerked even faster. His foreskin, despite the stiff tail, snapped and smacked over his glans. He had jammed it between the thumb and index finger, which somehow seemed ridiculous because he could get a decent wanking movement, the other three fingers spread. It had the impression that he was working on him with pointed fingers. As if he were being disgusted in front of it properly. Cesar felt touched on the cheeks.

Two cold hands with narrow, long fingers lay on his skin. They led his head in the direction that she thought was better. “The music plays here,” she whispered to him. Just quickly enough for their lips and their tongues could get into each other immediately afterwards. The kiss almost took his breath away, but Margit had more to suffer from the intensive tongue game. She gasped her hot breath in his face, hardly able to get a long and sufficient enough air.

To do this, he polled his cock wildly and hard into her. She was pressed deep into the seat cushion. Seating it came out again. First drops of sweat rolled out of Cesar’s forehead, ran down his temples and dripped from the chin to Margits’s neck. They gathered in the hollow of their larynx until she shook her head with lust and sprayed her on the left and right onto the upholstery. She gasped an orgasm in a breathless moan.

Her long fingernails drilled into his back. The pain also had Cesar groaned. That in turn had the husband groaned. A cacophony of lust echoed through the warm, stuffy living room. The sun had hiked a few degrees since Cesar stormed here before a felt eternity. Since sweat and effort made sure that he had pinched his eyes together, the dazzling light made no difference. Margit had now laid her legs around his hips to receive even deeper.

He felt the heat of her body on his skin. Except for her fingers, who still fled in his back like icicles, her skin was feverishly hot. She was as flawless as it was painted over. No liver stain, no birthmark, nothing but snow -white, bright light skin. They could have been made naked between white statues and would have had to make an effort to interpret them from it. She groaned and gasped alternately. In between until they are right in his earlobes to the left that Cesar had the feeling after a short time that he could look around for Ohrringen soon.

It took a moment to realize that the clasp had loosened her legs around his hip. “Fuck me from behind,” she gasped breathlessly after he hadn’t reacted quickly enough. He loosened from her, straightened up and threw her around. She landed on her knees, the little couch jerked a few centimeters over the floor. Her ass had the perfect height to penetrate it from behind. He grabbed her with the hips that feel welding and hammered his strap into her pussy.

It clapped as if they had been a horde of spectators behind them who applauded them. The pace was accordingly. He couldn’t see Margit’s eyes, but after the husband looked her in the face, Cesar suspected that she returned her eyes. He was wrong, she had closed her eyes as if she wanted to see the sight of her husband and especially his tail, which was barely maltreated in front of her nose tip. Cesar expected that she would stretch her hand after him, might jerk or stroke him, but nothing of the like was probably part of her game.

Or whatever that was here. She laid her hands on the armrest, pushed her forehead into the upholstery so that she could stretch her butt even higher. Her hollow cross had accepted an almost worrying curvature. Cesar dripped a trickle of sweat on her back, which mixed with her own and gathered in the deep hollow of her spine. Fuck after five minutes of fucking doggy style, the broth spilled back and forth. Margit whimpered her orgasms in a small decoration pillow at ever shorter intervals, as if she wanted to avoid that the neighbors heard her.

The hands had ranged a piece of the fabric each, the fingernails drilled deep into the foam. She tore and dragged on it with every push. Cesar has been under maximum performance for ten or twelve minutes now. Margit had countless orgasms, she shook and cramped from one to the next. The husband, on the other hand, maltreated his cock as possible (or must). He had long since struck a rather leisurely pace, probably because of his battered physical performance.

Only the red spots on his face and the thick drops of sweat on his forehead testified to his effort. Cesar, on the other hand, was bathed in sweat. The floor around its legs was littered with drops, ass and back now gathered so much that the most violent movements dripped through their buttocks along their thighs to the two -seater. The green synthetic leather became more and more slippery. Just when he had completed the thought, the husband came practically without warning.

He inject himself on his stomach, his sperm ripped in his hands. His wife did not take any note of it, she had pressed her head against the leather, raised her butt up and lifted her hard bumps with her thighs against Cesar’s hard bumps. Something like the man had his orgasm changed a switch in Cesar. Faster than thinking seconds ago he also felt that he would come. “I come,” he gasped, only in the event that she had special ideas where the goal should be.

Obviously she didn’t have it, because she could be fucked without comment until the last blow. Until Cesar pulled his cock out of her pussy to spray her back in a wide arc. As soon as he had sprayed the first thrust into her hair, he realized why the husband’s pitiful injected. He wanted to show how to do that right. He shot the second and third load over her back and as well as the first one.

The rest landed on her ass cheeks. He twitched and gasped until he was somewhat with his senses. Then he ploped powerlessly in front of the couch onto the bottom of the living room. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** “I come,” gasped Paula Hauber, who had pleaded and cramped the fingers of her work colleague, who gradually pushed her into her, as if they were not for the very first time and notDo in the middle of the office on the campus of the University of Karlsruhe.

Somehow Margit had made it while she had continued and met her hot breath on Paula’s even hotter labia to open her jeans to push the free hand between her legs. Paula was no longer sure that she was more excited about. The narrative or the incredible chuckle, the Margit’s finger created in their own pussy. The smack was reminiscent of children playing in a mud hole, who bubbled on the surface with their hands.

“Wait!«, Margit gasped no less breathless. As she managed to have a breath despite the effort to tell, Paula was a mystery. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** Margit rolled around, stepped down in the cesar just that was still kneeling on the Cesar. She stretched the sperm -smeared back to her husband.

A decent amount had caught in her hair. She smiled at him satisfied. Her face was red. The skin on the shoulders and forearms showed the contact surfaces with the leather. Where she was supported, large red spots were emblazoned. Without turning around, with a view to Cesar, she said: “You finally lick me clean, or should I take it in hand myself?«Cesar winced because she spoke to him directly. In her eyes it flashed.

But just when Cesar wondered whether that was really serious, her husband in her back cumbersome on a crutch, leaned on one hand and leaned forward to her. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** The two women came twitching and panting at the same time in their office. One on the office chair, packed their legs on the knees and pulled to the chest, the other crouching on the floor, a hand in the colleague’s pussy, one in her own.

Under an annal grunt, Paula’s excitation finally broke through and loosened in an infernal orgasm that had it slid off the chair. She hit her butt hard on the floor, just a millimeter next to the legs of the swivel chair, which would have drilled into her coccyx. Margit Knupfer also came trembling. She pushed her forehead against the worn linoleum, her butt steeply raised up. Her pussy fought a few very undamaged noises one after the other than the air escaped.

For minutes they hung heavily, wedged into each other on the floor. Half crouching, half -lying. The steps outside in the hallway were transferred as fine vibrations that they felt under their butt. The memory only slowly returned where they were and under what circumstances they were here. Nevertheless, it took a while until they were able to get up, to get their clothes in order as far as possible and to find their way back on their chairs.

Margits Jeans had a monstrous dark stain between the legs. She had come so wet that it was splashed into her jeans. Fine stripes pulled down to the knees on the inside, where the fabric was not wet enough to completely soften. Paula’s white blouse had two very unsightly dirty spots on the sleeves that she had got on the dirty floor. Her skirt was crumpled. On her knees she wore her fingers, who had dug deep into the soft skin.

Slowly they became master of their senses again. In order not to have to talk about what had just happened between them, Paula asked: »He really licked the sperm from your back?«Margit nodded. »And very conscientious. He even believed it out of my hair and licked his fingers. “She smiled whether the visibly irritated face of her colleague, who put all the questions that Margit had also gone through the head since that experience.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** “Let’s go shower”, his wife had whispered to the young student after Karl Knupfer licked the sperm from the back and out of her hair. It was still liable to his tongue. The spicy taste chased goose bumps over his back. What was happening here?When his wife had disappeared from the living room with the Indian, his thoughts moved away from him that he believed that he had been dreaming for a moment.

He let himself sink on the completely dirty two -seater, on which his wife was just fucked by the student, barely able to move and in an excitement that made his nerves like like guitar strings to tremble. At the sight of how the cock on which he was jealous, he had had one mental orgasm after the other despite his acute potency problems, despite his acute potency problems. If it had led to the visible result for him even with great effort, his thoughts and fantasies were in a state shortly before the explosion during the whole fuck.

At that time he still believed what he could see with his own eyes would bring him to mind with excitement, he had to find out at this moment that there was actually an increase. Trembling and with tense muscles he crouched on the couch. The shapely plaster bone stretched in an uncomfortable posture, half crouching on an ass cheek, half above the edge of the seat cushion. Kicked his eyes as if he wanted to hide the whole world, he listened to the noises from the bathroom.

The water had been tackled, his wife and the student took the shower. He had only noticed her entertainment as an uncomprehending marbling. That she talked about him was as obvious as it was stimulating. Although he didn’t want to be the focus. Quite the opposite. But then the water had dropped out and the moan had been used. The moaning of the student, above all, the moaning of his wife. He could only guess what the two drove in the shower, but it was the idea that excited him to the extreme.

So much so that he actually got an erection shortly after orgasm. A real erection. For a moment he had the need to call his wife to show her what stood between his legs, but then moaning had become a scream and he had been distracted again. Especially since his wife would be fucked by this gem again. Despite the erection, his thumb was not worth a show.

Over there in the bathroom, the shower wall banged, a tumult was created as if the two were dismantling the shower coating, then the whepper and moaning became louder. It seemed like the two were either in the middle of the bathroom or even outside in the hallway. “Oh yes, fuck me through your horny cock,” gasped his wife. Skapping skin and rhythmic moans overlaid the exclamation. Karl Knupfer crouched on the couch, tense with every muscle, unable to move and listened to the noises that hunted the two fuckers through the house.

He could have got up. It would have been exhausting that his knees had protested, but he would have made the short way to the hallway. But that would not have been the same as to listen to you here in the living room. He had already seen what the student brought his wife for. To hear it and to decorate it with his own imagination increased his excitement to heights that are hardly considered possible. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** “Fuck me in the ass,” I screamed.

“Put your spanking deep into my ass. «A smile on Paula’s face, with Margit’s rapture. “And I guess he did that too. «The nod was answered enough. She could vividly imagine how it felt. »And Karl?”” Held in the living room. “”Crazy. «Paula shook her head in disbelief. Despite everything that Margit had told, the situation could hardly be grasped. “And now?«Margit shrugged.

“No idea. We fucked until midnight. Karl has not got up. He slept on the sofa this morning and I didn’t want to wake him up. Through the painkillers he sleeps like a stone anyway. «“ You have no idea how things will go and what is going to happen when you come home?«Paula could still be surprised about something. Hard to believe that what she had already learned today. Again Margit twitched his shoulders.

“I can only tell you that Cesar comes to cut the hedge at 4 p.m. «She winked at her colleague, who let herself sink back, closed her eyes and put on a dreamy grin. “Do you have any plans for today?«When Paula quickly pushed forward and opened his eyes, Margit Knupfer winked too. Now it was she who leaned back with a dreamy grin.

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