Cuckold dream | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

In advance it should be said that this story is not of me, but by a unfortunately unknown writer from a Cuckoldforum. But as she is written, that’s exactly how I would like to be able to experience it myself. Have fun reading and maybe comment. The first contact took place with Dirk. We were sympathetic and spontaneously agreed to meet. It should be a real blind date: a “dinner in the Dark”, in which blind waiters serve the food and drinks in a night black room.

Deprived of seeing, only buttons, smell, feel and taste. Getting to know each other differently … I was very excited and a little nervous at the table. Silvia and Dirk were late. Whether they would come at all? When the two were led into the room by a waiter, I recognized Dirk’s voice immediately. My excitement rose. As a greeting, a firm handshake by Dirk. Not so easy in the dark … then Silvia stood in front of me. I kissed them on both cheeks and clearly took the scent of their perfume.

“You smell great!”I said to her. Silvia smiled a “thank you”. The waiter picked up the drinks and went. What followed, Dirk and I had discussed it in advance. I pulled Silvia to myself, opened the zipper on the back of her dress, brushed both straps over her shoulders and pulled the dress quietly to the ground. She was so close to me that I could feel her breath. My fingertips went on a hike.

I gently follow the contours of their back to the buttocks and bravely grabbed with both hands. Slowly I drove through her poreates. My heartbeat stopped for a moment. Silvia did not wear bra or slip, but an anal plug. I whispered “you make me insanely” into him ear. Then I tenderly kissed her neck bend. My hands researched the front of her slim but very female body. Her breath accelerated herself and she groaned slightly when my fingertips circled around the hard -standing warts of her fantastic breasts and I started to twist.

I also explored her belly button and then hiking down the hips along the outside of her thigh with my hands. When I led my fingers back up on the inside, Silvia sighed and opened her thighs slightly. Before I reached her center of lust, Dirk asked me “everything is to your satisfaction?“I answered him with excitement“ perfect! It feels great! A little quieter, so that only we three could hear it he said to me: “Before eating.

Silvia and I had another quickie in the toilet of the restaurant, because we both couldn’t stand it out of sheer lust. As an aperitif, you can now lick your freshly inseminated cunt. “My thoughts took a roller coaster, because we hadn’t discussed that. I would lick this bare, exciting and almost unknown wife in the middle of a fully occupied restaurant, who had just been freshly fucked. And that while her own husband sits next to it.

What a couple and what kind of situation! I grinned and cheered internally “What are you for a damn lucky guy. “Because I love to spoil a woman with my tongue … When I think about Dirk’s BI tendency, I thought about how I could” renounce “myself afterwards, the waiter served food and drinks. I didn’t feel like eating at all at all. Suddenly I felt a testing hand on my tough, swollen limb through the fabric of my pants.

Was that the hand of Dirk or Silvia? Dirk wished a “good appetite!”In the round and spoke to Silvia“ My darling, now you can prove that you are actually a multi-tasking-with. “That was the signal for me. I listened to the group … There were lively conversations around us and the incessant sound of cutlery could be heard. I pushed my chair back, climbed under the table on all fours and searched in the dark until I got a naked calf.

I pulled out my shoe, lifted my leg and lovingly sucking her big toe. With my hand I tenderly stroked the underside of her calf. Silvia pushed her pelvis forward and placed her butt so that he came directly on the edge of the chair. Now she hit her legs over my shoulders. One on the left, the other on the right … I stroked her stomach, her hip and at the same time work my inner legs slowly towards her magical triangle.

Parts of Dirks sperm were found on the inside of the thighs. He had to have pumped a huge load of cream in Silvia. I took it eagerly. Between her legs, it smelled intensively for fresh sperm and the fragrance of a woman in the highest excitement. Welcome to Paradise! “If these lips could speak, what would they tell me?“I went through my head. With your thumb and index finger I split her labia and pushed my rough tongue into her pleasure grotto.

I am expecting a slimy mixture as a sperm and pleasure juice. I gently kissed her clitoris. Then my tongue began to explore the inner labia with slow, circular movements. To do this, I stroked the sensitive skin of Silvia’s inner leg and the area between the vagina and the buttocks. Suction, smacking, massaging and licking with slow licking, I explored her lap, and swallowed everything I could get … We were interrupted when the waiter came back to our table and asked whether everything was to our satisfaction.

I turned my head in its direction and replied smugly, but truthfully “it couldn’t be better. The meat is very tender, very juicy and excellent. “Silvia grinned grinning“ I also like it very well. “He pushed away again. Whether he had noticed anything?My tongue tirelessly drove up and down, back and forth. Silvia’s stomach raised and lowered under her heavy breathing. It literally ran out. A small laugh had formed on the seat … Now I introduced two fingers into her vagina and moved them in short but firm bumps.

After a while I put my mouth on her clitoris and licked it very carefully. Silvia twitched together. When I stopped, I heard her murmur “Please don’t stop, keep going!””. With my lips I put the hood of her clitoris back and sucked gently on her pleasure pearl. “Suddenly Silvia’s thighs pressed together, her upper body arched, became very stiff. Her hands pulled around a head. Accompanied by an uncontrolled twitching of her body, she came tremendously and had her right to do not start loudly.

Suddenly a wet ray hit me in my face. I reflexively opened my mouth and tried to swallow everything. Two or three violent fountains followed, then Silvia sank together. I hadn’t succeeded in swallowing everything from the squirt. My face and my clothes were wet. With a kiss on her shame I thanked Katharina for this wonderful experience. As soon as we sat again at our table, the waiter cleared the first course.

Since my plate was completely unused, he asked me “did not like it?””. I replied to him “, very … But I tried my neighbor… ”Now take a little breath … We started chatting together. During the second course we told each other about ourselves, our previous experiences and so far unfulfilled wishes. There was a relaxed, funny and relaxed mood between us. A familiarity as if we have known each other for a long time. When the waiter cleared second gear, I said Dirk that I would like to thank him for having just left me Silvia.

I got up, went to him, took his head in my two hands and kissed him directly on his mouth. Now I opened the top buttons of his shirt, drove into both hands, and stroked his chest. Then I ńme my well -known place under the table and got tuned at the zipper of Dirk’s trousers. Not long, and the pants were hung on his ankles below. He also had no underwear.

I crazy about his two testicles in my left hand, while I brought life to his member with wanking movements of the other hand and my lips. I put his penis in my mouth, pushed the foreskin over the glans and played with my tip of the tongue at the opening in the glans. My treatment did not miss its effect. The limb stuck hard in the height. Now I pushed my lips just over the glans, increased the pressure and pulled it out of my mouth.

Up and down, again and again … I sucked, sucked and put on my tongue. Then I realized that Dirk wouldn’t stand me long anymore. Shortly before he came, I included his link behind the scrotum and pressed my thumb very firmly onto the vasophery. From this way I prevented Dirk’s ejaculation. A dry orgasm … In the case of dry orgasm it is possible to have several orgasms in a row. And I wanted Dirk not forgotten this blowjow.

After a short break, my game started from front. With a lot of spit on my index finger, I introduced my index finger to his anus. Dirk Wanden before lust under my lips. I worked on him and thread with mouth, lips and tongue. His breathing was now increasingly difficult, a sign that he would come soon. This time I would have it granted … Dirk came winced wildly and gave a huge amount of sperm in my mouth.

I jerked his cock by hand until he slipped. Then I got up, felt myself to Silvia, took her head in my hands, and kissed her on her mouth. I drove my tongue between her lips. When she readily opened her mouth, I gave her a sperm acute. Our lips carried out a wild dance together in the middle of Dirks Sahne … completely streaked we took the third and last gear together. My cock now insisted to the neck.

I hadn’t come to the train yet … It was clear to all of us that we wanted to continue what had just experienced in my hotel room. And Dirk and Silvia should determine what they would organize with me ……..In the end I would like to point out again, the story does not come from my pen!.

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