The BDSM mediation | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

The dating agency for cruel men in Holland, in Nijmegen, whether 322, exists a dating agency for men and women who have sadistic or masochistic ambitions. You write there, indicate your exact wishes and then get a partner assigned against remuneration. So far the facts! The imagination follows!On my trip to Holland I visit a club for sadists. It is very expensive and very exclusive. You live there, are among yourself and have a game object at any time.

In the basement, a large number of masochists are kept in cages like a lot of dogs. Due to a catalog you can choose such an object and have it brought to the apartment. But you can also treat it in the large torture room. But you can also choose yourself what you have to take the trouble to drive into the basement. You can carry out the torture yourself or have it carried out by the employees.

You can watch or have the spectacle transferred to the apartment via video. You see that I have every option there. At the end you pay like in a hotel with a check card. I see a new slave in the catalog that seems familiar to me. Isn’t that Ralf, my chat partner from Xhamster? It says yes! He is it! Immediately I call the administration to show you naked in half an hour, which also happens on time.

Two pretty, young Scherginnen bring you in. Their costume is provocative: only a brief shell that makes the breasts appear on a plate, a mini sock, including stocking belts and stockings and high -hooked shoes. The elevions in white, the Scherginnen in red and the women in black. The guests of the house go around as they like. The employees, i.e. the elevids, the Scherginnen and also the women, are of course also available to us, since most of us are also bisexual, they have to provide ourselves and it is a very attractive thing to be able to torture someone, of which you know that he or her is sadistic.

So the two Scherginnen bring you in. Your hands are in handcuffs, your cock is stiff and bouncing. So I know that you have tried to excite yourself or to make yourself on the Scherginnen. You are all a bit breathless, seems to me. As usual, you kneel down at the door and let your gaze lowered. Then you will be torn up and dragged to my sofa. There you fall back on your knees and kiss my toe tips.

“Stand up, you ungrateful slave and look at me!“, I’ll drive you on. Startled you jump on us look at me. Red the shame spreads over your face when you recognize me. “As you can see, slave, you don’t escape me. Speaking! Why are you here in the club and make yourself available to every lady?”” Forgive, the mistress, how could I guess that! The long breaks between the chats could no longer be endured! Please forgive me, rather, punish me to your heart’s content, mistress!““ You don’t need to ask for that! Of course you deserve punishment and you will get them too.

“They pull you out after you kissed my tips. Within a short time you will find yourself in a small, intimate torture chamber. You will be tied there in a very simple position: standing, the legs spread wide, the arms, on bottles, also pulled wide apart. I have watched so far. Now I step to you, grab your cock and feel how stiff he is. But he still has to be stiffer. To do this, the two Scherginns put back on the floor on the floor, around the left ankle and around the right ankle of the other there is a cuff with a ring.

I hook the catch of a bottle train in these rings and interpret the lady that she can open. In no time the two dangle on one leg in front of you and in front of me;The mini skirts release thighs, buttocks and shame, the baskets of the minibust holders lose their content, which now dangles freely. I let myself be given a short, multi -stranded leather whip and get rid of the two dangling, half -naked bodies. I know very well how much the scouting of others excited you.

Your tail becomes extremely stiff, painfully stiff while you look at the two striemes. They also bend wonderfully and they scream and screech when I meet their most sensitive places, the breasts, the ass and cunt. It is also a very wonderful sight how the two of them, because before us, swirling around with all their limbs and winding and curling in unbearable pain. It doesn’t take very long, but it is enough, it is enough for the two battered and it is enough for you.

Your tail is iron -hard and it was also a nice pleasure for me. I let the two girls crank down. Breathing you bring your wardrobe, which is quite disordered, and go with flashing eyes and excited breathing, high -red on the face of the head overlap and the patient pain on your work, to you!You already know what to do. At a button pressure, a steel post appears from the ground. The girls get a slightly curved plate, which is inserted and that is covered with countless, long and pointed needles on the surface that sees you to you.

The sweat breaks out, you tremble in the premonition of what awaits you. Slowly the girls now push the post with the coniferous plate in your direction. He runs on rails, silently, slowly, but relentlessly towards your erect and hard tail;You moan when the relentlessness of the situation becomes clear to you. I have to smile about how you try to turn your bonds and turn how to try how far you can move, because I know: You can move, you should move, but you cannot use it to need the needlesEscape and you shouldn’t.

You should just try to try in vain, because this in vain struggle against the inevitable arouses me more than anything;Now the tips are so close that they can reach the glans at any moment. You try to turn, but the plate is curved and that doesn’t help. So you can only try as far as your bonds allow to avoid the abdomen backwards. You also do that, directed at the back of the closer tips.

You start to tremble with effort, to whine. You tear your eyes off the tips, look into the faces of the two girls, but only see zeal and merciless desire in their faces, see the concentration with which they work to torture you as long as possible and as intensely as possible. Horrified you tear your gaze over to me. Your eyes begging me, but I’m just smiling. “No, no, Mistress, just not that, have mercy, have to be stopped! I always want to be obedient.

Please please! To get away, stop, stop! Please, so have mercy! I can’t go back!“Now it’s time for me. I step behind you and let myself be given the leather rod that I love very much because it pulls so beautifully and creates wonderful streaks because it hurts without hurt too much;You turn your head in an inhuman horror, see me behind you with the whip and know that you are now looking forward to unbearable agony.

With the horror voice, you start with horror voice: “Mistress, I ask you, I ask you to do it: Let this needle plate take away! Whisk me to my heart’s content, but please, remove the needles! I shed me in front of it!““ That is the purpose, that is supposed to be! You should suffer torment! I want to hear your whine, your screeching, your howling and grinding, I want to smell your sweat of fear and agony, I want to see how you curve and windest in your defenselessness, want to feel as you are at the mercy, want to enjoy my powerto be able to add more or less pain to your body.

I want to see and feel the stripes, I want to see your blood from the stab wound sources, you don’t understand that?”” But Mistress, I understand that very well. Do what you want, destroy me and my masculinity, I long for it, but forgive myself when the body is weak and I am afraid of what I wish that longing for agony and humiliationfight the physical pain in me.

But to serve you to satisfy you is my only wish!”” You said that, so let’s go!“I raise the whip, you scream on in fright, I lower the whip. “No, Mistress, please don’t, please, please, spares me!“I’ll get it out again. “Please, please dear Mistress, don’t do that to me, you will kill me! You will at least mutilate me! Please wait!“But now the whine end. I will be stupid to kill you.

You still have to suffer a lot, my dear! You also have to get used to it, always express wishes: you are nothing but a pleasure object for me, understood?“I lift the whip and let it whiz on your butt. Involuntarily you turn off. Where? Of course forward. A right scream of pain is the answer to double agony: the blow on the ass and the needles that have drilled into your acorn. In horror you drive back.

But the next blow falls;Again he drives your body forward and the acorn gets acquainted with the needles. You shout on with pain. And I keep struggling at the right moment before you can get to reflect. Every blow drives your lap forward and the needles drill into your tail. You howl in inhumane agony, your body commutes between the blows and the needles, driven by my whip, powerlessly back and forth.

If you only fight a little bit, you would just put your butt rigidly stretch back and put the blows that you get anyway and would avoid the needles. Therefore I must not let you come to mind. As long as you react purely emotionally, instinctively and blindly with pain, I can torture you at will. Oh, how I enjoy it! The Scherginnen and the women also stand with sparkling eyes and enjoy the spectacle that you offer.

But unfortunately I don’t stay so cool myself, I am very excited by this situation. When it starts to get wet between my legs, I am inattentive for a moment and strike too late. You will be rigid, your ass stays in the back, I also get started. You have grasped it. But a wink from me to the Scherginnen, I take a sigh of relief and exhausted the whip away. The two understood the wink.

Now your time has come. They slowly push the post on the rails, millimeters by millimeter. Moaning and with the eyes widened with horror, you will soften back, as far as possible. And suddenly the inferno starts for you: they pack the thing on his grip and bump up with force;They pull back, they push, back and forth, and every time you get hundreds of needles into your glans. The drops of blood swell out thick.

You roar your defenselessness and torture uninhibitedly. Under this inhumane treatment, your tail finally shrinks, your strength will suffer, but this now also meets the needles to your thighs and the scrotum, which thereby get their part. When your lap is finally completely blood -smeared and you are only bold in the bonds I am having to pause the two Scherginnen. You will see the conifer disappear, then the post. You will even be tied;But of course there is no peace for you.

The Scherginnen bring a lower bank in. “Well, you are a great -speaking slave! Are you exhausted?”” No, no, mistress, just a little, you can continue to do carefree!“, It comes panting and moaning from your distorted mouth. “What you can rely on,” I replace, “you will now captivate yourself, make yourself defenseless for the further torture?“This announcement already leaves your cock back. “Yes, mistress, I understood. Of course I will serve your pleasure!”” On this bank with you! You lie down on your back, lift your legs over the vertical back until your knees touch your face.

The ankles come into these cuffs that are attached to chains behind your head and keep the legs in a horizontal position. Now you have to pull your eggs and your tail up and put your legs up and put your legs together so that sack and tail cannot fall back on your stomach. They are now in the rear furrow between your thighs. So that they stay there, you have to put together the thighs above the knee with this wide strap.

Two other straps around the neck and under the armpits prevent you from sliding along the bench or set up or turn on the side. You tie your left hand into this cuff on the right side of the bank, whereby you carry the forearm under the bench, you also carry your right hand on the left side under the bench and put it in the self -snapping handcuff there. Now you are completely defenseless and helpless, ass, tail and eggs are in front of me as on the presentation plate.

Infinite lust rises in me. I am impatiently discharged the Scherginnen and the ladies who have watched your self -bondage in silence. I tremble with desire for you, for your body, which is now completely exposed to me that I can excite that I can torture that I can use as desired. I can satisfy myself at any time and this greed shakes me too, but also to let the greed be suffered, feel how you cramp and bend in pain and in pain.

I look at you greedy: you are now there, there is hardly any breath in the curved position and your most sensitive body parts lie in front of my eyes: the hard stiff lies in the furrow of your thighs, the eggs move sluggishly and mollus -like in the almost up to the assholehanging sack and the asshole itself is pretty tight, as is the butt. Wonderfully spread everything to hit it. And I want that too;This time I don’t take the whip, that would be too cruel, but a multi -stranded, short leather whip that will cause you enough.

With wild greed I grab your eggs and pull that you hear all the angels sing, then I raise your stiff as far as possible and let it snap down with pleasure into the femoral furrow and then the humiliation comes for you: I put the stem of theWhip on your asshole and press too. You snake and moan and tremble: a jerk from me and the thing drives you deep into your intestines.

But that is too little cruelty for me, I want more. I pull the stem out and turn the whip and let it whiz on your ass, where your paired is nicely spread out and gets its part. After the first blows, the eggs hurt you so hellishly that you get almost passed out. The underside of the tail is also very sensitive, but not so much. The pain that I create on the butt and the thighs are true delights! Due to the blows that I use with all power, of course, stripes, swell the blue -red and bring the stab wounds of some time to a slight bleeding again.

I am delighted with how wonderful you scream and moan and windest in the bonds. The clinking of the chains on the ankles, the pressed breathing between the blows, the inhuman, animal roar after each blow, the clapping of the whip on the sweat and blood -moist skin, the crumpling and squeaky sounds that come fromthe leather bonds banged and windest like a kicked worm, all of this is even more pissed off by the sense of the sense of pain.

I threw wildly on your most sensitive places. I register the pain -related pulling of your ass gross, sinking down the eggs in the scrotum quickly and sinking down the slowly, twitching the hard tail. I feel how it comes to me. So far I have always been sideways from you or below you, I have moved back and back from one side, so I am now introducing myself to you with spread legs after I have pulled out my panties so that my lust juices you right into youFace drips and you see my wet cunt from below.

As a result, I also have physical contact with you and feel the pleasure that is also buried in you, your body is tightening. I whip in the highest greed and excitement like wild now along your thighs, so it comes to me and runs and runs in your face. I sit on your legs, my hands rummage greedily in your gender, which slips away from blood and sweat again and again. I pack your eggs and squeeze them.

Everything is swollen to unimaginable size due to the blows and is extremely sensitive. I grab your stiff and strip down that you think I want to brush away the foreskin, I tear it down, I take it in my mouth and chew you greedily on it, so excited that you get afraid, yes, you get scaredBefore that, I could forget myself in my excitement and you break your tail or really bite it and neuter you.

I feel this on your sudden tension. But I want to continue enjoying and therefore you are now raped, raped how only women become. I slide and put your stiff in and start ride up and down, as with a gallop. To do this, I pack my whip again and push them into the asshole with great pleasure and fuck you there in the same rhythm. This extends my joys because it reduces your excitement and we only come after a few minutes.

It is a common effusion that moisturizes us across all masses;But I don’t have enough yet!I quickly climb down from you and free you from the bonds. The pulley still apparently forgotten, when the two Scherginnen first dangled on. That is intention;You look horrified when I take a cuff. What is still blooming for you now, you think very exhausted. But your cock rises again. I take note of it satisfied.

So you don’t have enough yet, could tolerate more. I reach for the Zorro whip, a devilish instrument that makes you scared. You stay on the table and think that I now want to whip you without captivating, as I have often done to show my art, always a very painful art for you, because I strike very, very accurate and strong. Now I also take off naked, probably to increase the stimulus.

Your tail really bobs again expectantly. But there, what’s that? I pull the cuff around my right ankle joint myself, lie down on the floor and hood, with a single, strong train on the pulley, I just hang out so high that my fingers roam the floor, nothing more! I took the whip between my teeth for this brief surprise maneuver, now I throw it too, you will catch them and find them happy what that means! I am defenseless, helplessly revealed to you how to do me beforehand.

I tree naked and revealed in front of you. You can do what you want with me. There is no one who controls or prevents you;My ass, my thigh, the belly, the breasts and the column, everything hangs in front of you, the whip is in your hand. I can not do anything. I can only scream, struggle, bend and snap around, like before you, and you would not be a man if you did not use this situation with all might.

And you use it. Soon I’m just a screaming bundle of burning agony. Only until you are completely exhausted, you let off and put your cock in my mouth and lick my column until it comes to both of us again. Then you will be led back to your cage and I will be taken down by the lady who had the line and wanks into my bathroom!.

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