Sibling love | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

It was 18 years later after my 3 -year older one was Sister Tanja seduced in our home at the age of 16. We had often felt like one another for five years and got each other by hand or mouth. It was never bored with my sister. Unfortunately, at the age of 24, she found her great love Jan, a stupid show -off that I could never really like.

Probably because I had to imagine what Tanja was doing with him, whereas it was over the next day between us to the next. We still got on great and we could still tell ourselves everything. Although I would have liked to do without it initially.
I can still remember every detail that day when Tanja came into my room. She stepped on my bed, sat down with me and woke me up.

It was around 7 Sunday.30 a.m. in the morning and usually she only came to me so early to use my morning latte. A seductive smile set up, she waited calmly until I really came to myself. Usually her hand had long been looking for my stiff under the covers, or I even became awake because her warm soft lips had sucked on my glans. But nothing of all of this happened at that moment.

“Brother heart, I absolutely have to tell you something,” continued Tanja when she was sure of my attention. “I slept with Jan tonight,” she said fully delighted, in the expectation that I was also happy with her. Great, I thought. She was just a week with this paint monkey and he was already allowed to fuck my sister, although I had never enjoyed in the 5 years.

I was clearly jealous, but I tried not to show me.
“Wow, and how was it?“I asked instead and tried to hide my real feelings as well as possible.
“It was heavenly! He was so soulful, as tender as he entered me. It came twice in a row while we slept together.“Tanja told all the details down to the last detail and although her representations met me deeply into the mark, my stand made her words swell more and more powerfully. When Tanja had described her experiences after a few minutes, my glans pounded like crazy. To my horror, she said to the end: “So brothers, I’ll let you continue to sleep again.” -” Waaas? You want to leave me sooo here?“, And pulled my duvet aside to make her suffering understandable and her high -red tail aggregate.
Only now did she seem to have understood what her words had triggered in me.

A knowledge that was not necessary before Jan, because otherwise she wanted to consciously fuel me.
“Oh you aaarmer you, let me correct it quickly,” replied Tanja, who had already been about to go again. She pulled her mini skirt up until I saw her transparent panties and underneath her partially shaved pubic hair and sat on my bed again. This time wide -legged in front of me on my thighs, while her long legs swell my hips and them tenderly, but quickly with their right jerk off started. The fingers of her left hand gently let my neck crawl and pulled me down to her face until our lips met and her tongue found her way into my mouth.

I immediately replied their tongue and my breath became faster and harder.
Her hand was tender and still demanding, as if she wanted to get it behind quickly. “Come on, smaller Brother. let it out. Spray me fully, ”Tanja asked me between the kisses of the tongue.

No teasing, but constantly pushing my foreskin over my most sensitive area and it didn’t give me a break, so that after a few minutes I started to breathe more violently and splashed my sperm between our upper bodies. “Yeah, that’s how it is. Spray everything out, ”Tanja said and only let me off until my source dried up. A short kiss afterwards and Tanja said goodbye to me as she put her clothes in order and left my room.
I was satisfied, but it was also a little disappointed.

I would have been more disappointed, I had guessed at the time that I had to wait for the next sexual adventure with my sister for 18 years, even though we were still emotionally close. Tanja spent almost all of her free time with the trant bag of Jan for the next few weeks and months, which she should marry 2 years after she got to know each other.
But time did not stop for me and I met Marina, with whom I have been happily married for 18 years.
But Marina is also a career woman and therefore often on the road for her own company around the world. Of course I look forward to seeing her again when she was traveling for days and the sex is particularly intense afterwards, although I sometimes wanted it that she would often be at home. Then I wouldn’t have to lend a hand myself to make myself relief.

So I was 31 years old, happily married and my wife on the road again when the phone rang.

At the other end of the line, Tanja, who was completely dissolved and howled on the phone. She was almost not to be understood, so I made my way to my sister to clarify what she had got out of her.
I heralded Tanja’s front door and when she opened me, a pile of misery was in front of me. Her eyes red, the mascara and her eyes make-up run away from her thick tears and her long reddish-brown hair slightly tapped. The fact that she hid her flawless body behind an old lodgrey gray training suit only reinforces the overall picture.
“What’s going on sister,” I asked her when I entered her apartment and we had closed the door.

Tanja sailed around my neck, buried her face on my shoulder and howled again as she crying her suffering crying:
“Jan, the Schißkerl has been cheating on me with his secretary for 2 years. I threw the whore from my apartment … ”
She pushed herself to me and I felt her tremendous body, which was ranking jasily. I would have liked to tell her that this ass wasn’t good enough for her anyway and she deserved something better. Instead, I led them to the living room, where we settled together on the couch.
“I’m really sorry, honey.

How do you know that he is cheating on you, ”I asked instead. “I’ve been suspected for a long time,” Tanja continued. “He hasn’t slept with me for almost 2 years. He just said that he was too stressed by work …Well, now I know what really stressed him … his secretary’s pussy! That’s why he always came home so late.

And last night he arrived and said we have to talk. He no longer loved me and told me about this bitch.“Tanja had big tears in his eyes again. “He said they would love each other, so I thrown him out. He picked up his things earlier.

And just look at me. I look really shit. Maybe he’s right if he was looking for someone else.“Tanja cried again heartbreaking.
I took her chin in my hand, raised her head and wiped her tears with her other hand. I looked her deep into her eyes.

“Listen to me, you look absolutely fantastic and Jan is an idiot when he cheats on you. You are not to blame.“We looked into our eyes for seconds. My words seemed to have calmed down Tanja. Then she pressed a hearty kiss on my lips.

“You are always so nice to me, thank you brother heart.”
“Always like to, and I never want to hear that you say that you sow shit …Although “, I took a short break and wanted to loosen up the mood a bit with a flippant funny remark. “… I really couldn’t say that from your training suit.“Tanja looked at me in astonishment for a short moment, then she broke out in half tears and half laughter and gave me a pat against the upper arm. “On an erotic scale from one to ten?“She asked and I was glad that it had worked out to distract her something.
“At most one two,” I replied, grinning what I once again received a pat.
“Well, then I’ll be fresh. Do you want to stay for dinner? I would be happy.“Tanja got up and went towards the bathroom.

“Loyal what is there?”, I asked. “Let yourself be surprised”, I only got a short answer.
I made it comfortable on the couch and zapped through the television program while Tanja used the shower. I heard clearly through the only slightly based door the water rushing. After a few minutes the flowing water was turned off and then it was calm in the bathroom.
I was still looking towards the telly and couldn’t say how long Tanja was in the open bathroom door.

She only drew my attention to her again when I heard how she asked me: “And what do you think now on a scale from one to ten?”
It was lasciviously only lasciviously dressed with panties and bra, one hand upwards on the door frame leaning and smiled in a variety of ways. Your panties and your bra were transparent white and mainly kept in top and covered the bare most covered. Her long hair looked darker through the moisture and had just been grated dry with a towel and partially stuck on their skin. Tanja looked really breathtaking with her flawless figure and half naked.
“Why,” I asked, trying to stay calm to kid, “something changed?“I had to force myself to stay as natural as possible and to avert the view from this extraordinary beauty.

My mouth was dry and my heart beat wildly in my chest.
From the corner of the eye I was just able to see how Tanja came up with me and threw himself on me. “You want to shit me, little brother.“A smaller scramble started on the couch and I lost my control and started. All in all, it seemed like a “deja vue” and I only knew too well as it was the first time has ended.
“So I’m two,” she said, trying to fix me on the couch. But I was no longer a little boy and in terms of strength in terms of strength.

She was lying on me on the side when I got her wrists and her body nestled with mine.
“No, in truth you are a twelve out of ten,” I whispered and suddenly she became very quiet and looked deep into my eyes. “But I am married and we should put an end to before we make a mistake.”
“Would it be a mistake?“Tanja breathed tenderly and it crackled with sexual tension. “I love marina. I don’t want to cheat her.”
“I am your sister and I don’t want to take Marina away from you either.

Let’s just have a little fun together.“Tanja Schlang one leg over me and sat on my lap wide -legged. She hurriedly began to rock her pelvis in front of and back and rubbed through my jeans over my still limp penis, which immediately reacted to her caresses.
“Please not …” I borrowed Tanja very convincingly while my cock rapidly won size.
“Please …”, Tanja replied and put more and more into her way, the more she felt me grow under her. “… I haven’t felt a tail for almost 2 years. I need you more than ever more than ever.

Please don’t let me beg.”
I still captured her wrists and when I let her go, she immediately caught her arms around my neck and pressed firmly against my upper body. Her breath got faster and she started moaning easily. I felt her soft warm body, which nestled against me as if she wanted to merging with mine.
“Please Tanja …“, I made one more last attempt to resist, although my jeans were already tensioning and the sensation in my pants was already too foggy my brain. “…please don’t.”
Her hands wandered to my waistband and nested with nervous fingers until she opened all my buttons in turn, without getting a little slower with her abdomen.

She pulled and tugged at the opening of my jeans and only partially did it to clear my cock. Without my help, she would probably not make it entirely. And so I had to decide whether I wanted to stay strong or whether I would give in to her request.
Almost unconsciously, I raised my pelvis together with my sister and helped her to pull my jeans and my boxer shortage down to my knees with a jerk under my buttocks under my buttocks. A mighty stand came to the fore that pounded with excitement.

And Tanja immediately sat on it again and pressed my cock against my body with her abdomen to rub it faster and faster. She was so starved and after satisfaction that she got into ecstasy after just a few minutes and rubbed herself to the climax. Trembling and trembling her body really sagged together after her orgasm had announced with a loud groan.
She was completely out of breath and could only speak with difficulty the next words: “It was great, it took me for the first time, thank you very much.“Her eyes were glassy and her senses intoxicated. “But now it’s your turn.

And I know exactly what your cock is asking for now.“Her words gave a lot of guessing and without a hinge Tanja took my stiff cock in her hand while she raised her pelvis.
“Tanja?…“I just brought out questioningly and I looked at her for a moment undecided. But with her other hand she pulled her panties to the side with her other hand and positioned my plump acorn on her smooth hot labia and sat on me with a jerk. Her damp valley willingly received me centimeters by centimeter until I put deep in her innermost and started to move your pool in a circle. I groaned softly when her vaginal muscles massaged me firmly.

A feeling that I had been waiting for for 18 years has now been from a moment to the next reality. I was still skeptical to look down to see it with my own eyes to believe it too. And my stiffer actually stuck in my sister. Not a single hair adorned her wet pussy and I felt such a feeling of high feeling as if I had sexual intercourse for the first time.
“Danced enough,” said Tanja after her pool had slowly and bobbing around my hot spanking a few times.

“Now we want to make a pace to get you going to tour properly.“Tanja raised her buttocks, so that my cock slipped a few centimeters out of her greedy valley, in order to be just as powerfully incorporated into the stop. Again and again, faster and faster.
“Just think of you now, just let yourself go. So it’s wonderful, yeah … ske with me deeply, I ride you until you come. Your cock feels great in my pussy.

You feel me? I fuck you until you spit your juice deep into my inner one. Come on for me, yes well that.”
I was as excited as it hasn’t been for a long time. With the fingers I opened the closure of her bra on her back, grazed it over her shoulders and threw him aside on the ground. I covered her breasts from below with both hands and gently kneaded while I alternately once and then put the left nipple with my mouth, nibbled tenderly, or sucked tightly on it.

Tanja groaned again and caught every thrust with her feathers buttocks. Again and again until I could feel how my testicles pulled together and she rode me towards my climax. I was aware that it would not make sense to warn Tanja. I knew her well enough if she had put something in her head, that she also pulled it through it.

And so I only pushed myself more firmly and gasped when the pressure became overwhelmed and my sperm poured out deep in its innermost surge. “Nice, spray everything deep into me. So it is good. Yes.”
Tanja rode me to the last drop and then stayed calm on me while my cock was still in her.

“Thanks little brother, that was great, I really needed that now. I really missed your stiff cock.“Our bodies were sweaty again and after breath I kept them firmly in my arms. “You are absolutely crazy, you know that? You totally manage me.”
“Oh, you think that’s it? Nenene, we just started. I have a lot to catch up with my darling.

And you will get me. Once …, twice …, as often as I want, “Tanja’s pool began to move again before my penis had a chance to shrink and slide out of it. Their movements were again fluent and resembled an erotic dance. “I see how you like it.

That has always been what you wanted. To take me, to bump, to fuck. From the front, from behind. Come on, take what you want.”
Yes, she was right.

I had dreamed of it for far too long and now I had the opportunity. I carefully raised her and gently put her up the couch, Where Tanja stripped off her panties, her thighs spread to me again. I slipped completely out of my pants, brushed my T-shirt over my head until we both were completely naked and lay down between her open thighs. Your rights again took my penis and conducted me unerringly to her hot gate.

I pushed my cross through and pushed my pelvis before I penetrate deeply into it. One leg was caught by Tanja around my buttocks and supported my deep bumps while her arms lay around my neck and she passionately kissed me. I was careful and tender until Tanja asked me to fuck her stronger and faster. Then I almost violently drove her my pleasure between her thighs and our bodies clapped tightly, although she groaned louder and more violently: “Yeah, just like that, get me.

Fuck me harder. Even harder, I think I’ll come back right away.“Her pelvis fought towards me and her head stretched backwards. A few more strong bumps and their lusts were discovered again in a loud moan while their thighs trembled violently. After her orgasm had completely subsided, she escaped me for a moment and turned on my stomach while she stretched her back towards me.

I didn’t let myself be asked for long, grabbed her buttocks with both hands and penetrated her back into her. Whether from the front or back, your dream body looked incredibly sexy from anywhere and we quickly found our rhythm again. Her hand reached between her thighs and at the same time she rubbed her clit with her middle finger. It didn’t take at least very long for it to strive towards her next climax and my glans also itched me violently.

I tried to delay my orgasm until we both got into ecstasy at the same time and I filled her pussy for the second time that day, while she groaned powerfully and worn out her body.
A short moment later we were closely wrapped on the couch again, naked. “I’ve often thought of our experiences from the past lately,” said Tanja. “But I really only thought of seducing you when I under the shower was standing.”
“And I’m glad you did it. But we are not allowed to say Marina, I ask you.

I do not want to loose her.” – “Of course not. I don’t want that either. You are my brother and the only thing I want from you is sex. But then a lot of it.“Tanja smiled and gave me a kiss.
“So, let’s jump under the shower, I promised you another meal.”
We went into the shower together and soaps each other, whereby we paid particular attention to the lower regions and put on hand in an extraordinarily thorough way.

Tanja was going to tour faster again, while for me it took a lot longer for me to get something between my thighs again. I carefully pushed her two fingers into her vagina and stroked her clitoris with my thumb, while Tanja directed the shower beam against my glans and jerked it tenderly with her other hand. She was so soulful and persistent that she soon raised my best piece back to stately dimensions. She pulled my fingers out of her damp hole and clamped my erect stand between her thighs, so that the top pressed against her labia and clit.

Then she closely closed her legs while one hand put my ass cheeks and conducted me so that my rod slid slowly between her pelvis. With the other hand, she now directed the hand shower between us in her most sensitive area. The more she got going, the faster she indicated with her hand, I should make pace. In a few minutes I drove my stiff between her thighs like a obsessed man and brought Tanja to the next climax.
“Wonderful, yes …, I’ll be back soon,” I said full of lust and immediately noticed how the pressure from her thighs suddenly became less.

At first I thought of a joke, but Tanja left me alone with my erection in the shower cubicle and began to dry up.
“What’s up? Do you really want to leave me here now, ”I asked her. “I’m sorry, but now I really have to prepare in the kitchen and food.“She smiled mischievously, but it was probably serious her. “But maybe you want to come with you and go a little at hand, then I could possibly also go a little at your hand if you understand.“After she had dried up to some extent, she left the bathroom splinter fiber. The beast had picked up her orgasm and refused me to do so.

I had no choice to dry myself up and follow her into the kitchen if I didn’t want to jerk off myself.
Tanja was actually still naked in the kitchen and prepared the food, for which I absolutely not interested, but only had eyes for my sister. And she knew how she could heat me. If she got a saucepan out of the lower closet, then she leaned upside down with stretched legs, which I had her pink shiny paradise right in front of my eyes. In the same way, she stretched up with slightly spread legs on the tips of the toe when she got something out of the upper cupboards.
And I trotted behind her and tried in vain to sink my stiff red cock in her pussy.

She always fended off me skillfully. “You should help me and don’t stand in my way,” she said in passing. “Or do you know what? I have a much better idea, ”said Tanja right away and made it on the spot.
“I will tell you the individual work steps and you will prepare the food, so I have both hands free and can devote myself better things. What do you think of it?“Well, she didn’t have to tell me twice.

“Great idea, what should I do?”, I asked.
“So first cut the meat into strips and salt and pepper. Then fry in the pan with a little olive oil.”
I did as I was called and while I started cutting the meat into strips, Tanja stood behind me and I already felt her two hands stroking my butt and her soft breasts that were pressed into my cross. Her fingers went grapping and tasting on a discovery tour, while one hand struck between my legs and looking for my testicles, the other wandered to my front and pulled my foreskin back to the stop.
It was not easy to concentrate on the preparation of the food, while my eggs were massaged and their soft palm laying around my solid meat at the same time, gently pushing, let go of it and pressed it back slightly, and up and down my foreskinpushed. All of this made her so incredibly slow, so soulful and tender that a pleasant shower ran over my whole body.

My plump glans pointed exactly on the worktop in front of me.
“Tanja …?“I was able to raise just enough strength to hear the next words audibly over my lips. “… if you keep going so cool, then the cream will come to the meat prematurely …”.
Her mouth was now very close to my ear, and although she whispered, I could hear her very loudly and clearly. “You mean ..?“, And in doing so, she pulled my testicles almost painfully far down with two fingers, while her other hand now only closed around my glans and she briefly and intensively undergone an extra treatment. I sighed out loud and only brought out three words … “Yeah …, horny sooo”.

I was about to mess up the food. “Don’t worry,” she whispered, “I’m already careful not to do that that doesn’t happen.“Her tongue licked on my ear and a few seconds before I had to cum, her hand stopped on my cock and her other pressed my testicles painfully tightly with her fingers from below and her claws drilled into my sack, so that the approaching orgasm was immediatelyWas disappeared. A felt eternity later loosened her handle and my throbbing eggs were caressed again and scratched while my acorn stroked and as a tenderly soulful treatment as before got. The game was repeated countless times and every time she drove me a little further towards the summit to push me back down just before.
After the xen repetition I almost couldn’t stand it anymore.

My eggs burned and pulsed in pain, while my tail tip was further stimulated and screamed after relief, regardless of whether the food was affected by this.
“Please Tanja, let me inject, I can’t anymore,” I almost meager when I again controlled the climax.
“Oh what, you do it excellently,” said Tanja almost triumphantly and choked another orgasm from me. “It takes a maximum of half an hour for the food to be finished.”
Good gracious. She wanted to drive it on for at least half an hour and I felt my climax get closer from time to time at a shorter intervals. I would definitely be on the 20 times before and you would use violence to turn me off.

I couldn’t endure that and bend her again for grace.
But nothing helped. She remained ambiguously and therefore had uncanny fun.
Your words “food is done” were an indescribable acquisition. I had lost every sense of time and was happy when her hand suddenly loosened from my testicles. The other hand stayed on my cock when she turned me around and got on her knees in front of me.
“Well made little brother, but I will treat myself to a little starter in front of the main course.“She pulled back my foreskin as far as possible and I already felt her soft lips, which enclosed my violet-bluish acorn and began to suck firmly as her head quickly moved back and forth and so heartily sucked my tail thatI pumped my juice into her mouth just a few seconds later.

My orgasm was of such an intensity, as has not been the case for a long time and I was groaning loudly and exploded in her mouth. I had the feeling that my sperm came out of my eggs with overpowering pressure, but Tanja kept her lips tight around my glorn and effortlessly took everything into itself and with audible swallowing noises she treated herself to her starter full of pleasure.
The Boeuf Stroganoff tasted excellent, even if I could only remember the type of preparation very vague. The break was also very good for me because Tanja took me to her bedroom after eating, where we had sex for half the night. She sucked my liquid out of my body, again and again.

The next morning I came home exhausted and exhausted and immediately went to bed.
When Marina was still in bed in the evening and asked me why I didn’t go on the phone yesterday when she called, I told her that I was with my sister because she had separated from Jan and needed my support.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Marina. “Tomorrow you can help her again, but now you belong completely to me.“When I thought about what awaited me the next day, I was already excited. But at first it was my turn my wife ..

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