My phone sex date saved my sex life | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I lived in an actually happy relationship for years. Actually, exactly! But as it is, I and my sweetheart was in bed out in bed. Since I am really a loyal soul, one would be one Fling never considered. But I just wanted to want something that was actually forbidden, but Cheat was not available.

So I researched around the net and I opened Telephone sex private. Already with the word Telephone sex I had artificially moaning women mentally in front of my face and really didn’t know how this artificial groaned concert should get my libido going again.

But what had I lost? I was looking for orgasm and wanted to enjoy a sex experience with a completely strange man without cheating on my sweetheart. The sex on the phone was the perfect alternative. Even if my own head cinema had just 1000 disturbing pictures, I started my phone sex on me Contact to search.

There were really thousands of men because this type of satisfaction seemed to be a real trend.

After hours of search I came across Marc and I liked it from the start. In the beginning we wrote harmless news and got to know each other. Strangely, we already got on dazzling in the news and it also seemed sexually to be right. Because we actually had the same sexual preferences.

Our curiosity was flamed. The next evening I had storm -free because my darling was with his football training. The phone sex date was clear and I was really excited. When my darling dropped the door behind him, I ran into the bedroom and put on my most beautiful lingerie.

Even if it was just sex on the phone, I wanted to look damn hot.

Sounds stupid, it is too! But the preparation was part of it for me. When I was done I have to admit, I already noticed that my little pussy was pretty horny. Because my love juice ran into my panties before the phone sex. I was really looking forward to the voice.

Male voices were able to trigger true quakes of lust satisfaction in me.

Exactly with this thought my cell phone rang, because of sheer nervousness I didn’t even know how to take a call. But the second time it worked. Marc was on, as expected and his voice was pure sex. This male -sounding voice makes me even more nervous, but he seemed to feel this.

In a quiet voice he told me that I should lie on the bed and listen to him. To be honest, I didn’t really know what to say. But I put myself on the bed well. Marc didn’t seem to do that for the first time, because he asked me directly what I would wear.

I described my lingerie exactly and he seemed to please him.

When he asked me if I was already damp, I said no, but wet. A quiet smile whispered towards me in the listener. Then it should go on. Marc told me I should stroke my tits.

I did this immediately and when I first touched my nipples were stiff and hard. Even the delicate petting units almost hurt me. I had never reacted to my nipples so sensitively. I asked Marc brave what he did with his tail Made and he held the listener to his penis.

I was able to hear exactly how his delicate hands drove over the shaft and he jerked his big piston more and more intensely.

This wanking sound of his magnificent piston almost drove me crazy. I would have preferred to feel his thick Schwengel in my gossip pussy right now. But Marc wanted more from me. With his voice he conducted my finger towards the pussy and I slowly wandered to my Venushügel.

But I wasn’t allowed to penetrate my wet pussy yet. No, first I was allowed to explore my pussy with my fingers and it was particularly difficult on the clit. Because I was sharp like neighbor Lumpi. If I had fucked me a cock at that moment, I might have already come to a hell of orgasm when I first pushed.

Again and again I wanted to ram my fingers into my gossip wet cunt, but Marc knew how to slow me down.

Slowly I had to massage my clitoris and spoil them with circular movements. But that’s not all, because suddenly I should taste my own lust juice. I had never tasted my own pussy juice. But Marc insisted on it.

A little hesitantly I slid into my mouth with my fingers soaked in pussy juice and I could the first time Not only smell, but also taste. I tasted really good and actually wanted more. But Marc wanted to “torture” me in his way.

Now I was allowed to put my first finger in my dripping wet hole and I really enjoyed every movement. But then I should take three fingers to fuck the pussy.

Nothing easier than that, because my pleasure gap was ready for everything. I groaned louder and fucked myself more hard than ever. I have never had three fingers in my vagina at the same time, while a completely strange man groaned my phone on the phone. Then the time had come and I couldn’t hold back my orgasm.

I got a sensational climax with full volume and I really enjoyed every single second.

Marc also experienced a very lively moment with me. Before he put on, he said to me, now you can spoil your husband right away. Even if I had a really intense orgasm, I still had the feeling that I needed more sex that evening. I was in the right clothing anyway and decided to let my lingerie.

I wanted to surprise my sweetheart and seduce it again after old manner. To be honest, I could hardly wait for him to finally come home. But if minutes feel like hours, you could go crazy as a woman.

But then I heard the door lock and my pussy reacted immediately with a damp anticipation. I felt exactly how my own juice dripped into the panties between my swollen labia.

You had to be able to see the pussy juice in my tanga in the meantime. My darling called and I just said, I’m in the bedroom. He also promptly came into the bedroom and looked at me with a wide grin. Without hesitation, he opened his trouser stable and his plump member literally popped towards me.

Now one Blowjob was just the right thing.

I picked up his big cock in my juicy mouth and literally let it do it to me. So I sucked and sucked on his thick cock and enjoyed every centimeter in my mouth cunt. I never picked up his hard piston so deeply in my mouth cunt. But he seemed to like that.

Because my darling rammed his extremely large cock into my mouth. The tears were already running, but I couldn’t get enough. Then my darling stopped and he pushed my tanga aside. He quickly pushed his fingers into me without any warning and I screamed out of sheer lust.

Because he had never taken me so roughly before.

But then he wanted to fuck me with his thick cock. I spread my thighs to the stop and he could see my pussy glue run out. His tongue apparently wanted to risk a sample and he gave my dripping wet pussy until I came to a really loud orgasm. But not enough with that.

Because even his plump piston should slide deep into my pleasure column. First he fucked me from the front and with every bump his eggs clapped my buttocks.

I couldn’t get enough of the hard bumps and continued to push my pelvis towards him. So he could put his thick penis extremely far into my pussy. With violent bumps he almost fucked me to orgasm.

But only almost. Because he wanted to torture me a bit and pulled out his big cock again and again to tickle me. With every renewed ram into my cunt, I screamed out my orgasm out of sheer lust. Even my darling only wanted to experience his lively climax.

He quickly pulled out his penis and I knelt in front of him naked.

I opened my mouth full of expectation and blew again on the thick piston. I already felt the twitch of the tail and just wanted to feel his warm cum on my mouth. At that moment it already happened and my darling jerked me all the juice into my mouth. Longing I lust with every drop in me and I couldn’t get enough.

This telephone sex was really cool in itself, but my sex life was given the extra kick and I am really grateful for that.

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