Me, the black and my girlfriend | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

From Iloveblack

So it was finally ready New Year’s Eve 2010 was just around the corner . My name is

Jens am 28 years old and my girlfriend means lisa she is 21 years

old . We finally had in ours long before New Year’s Eve

Take a dream city of Hamburg. No sooner said than done on the morning of the 31.12

we got into our car to Hamburg ! Finally arrived

we checked in at the hotel .

Then it went under the shower and fresh

do … my girlfriend is 1.67 cm tall full slim with big

Busty blue eyes and blond very long hair . I am 192 cm

Large slim blue eye brown hair and I’m very well stocked. After

we got ready and it was now 6 p.m

On the slopes it was a great evening .

We drank one or

other sparkling wine and after 12 noon we went to a night club

celebrate . Already when I came I noticed like a black boy

My sweetie as looked at but I didn’t think anything about it … when he

But when I continued it was a bit uncommon but me

tried not to let me know . When it was around 3 a.m. to 4 p.m

I with my girlfriend was closely dancing was this guy stood

Suddenly in front of us, my sweetness saw her hand and wished her

A happy new year he came to us so that we have his fragrance

Recordings like he was part of us he smelled really good and

diligent .

When he and then invited to a glass, we didn’t say no and

went with him to the brawl . He ordered 3 cocktails and we caught

to entertain us and I have to admit I had to open again and again

His pants look a very tight white fabric pants she was so

Bewarded that was no longer normal . When he went to the toilet

I suddenly to my sweeties that is really cute or ? I

I have to admit I always like to have porn with blacks in the past

Seen … she meant something wrong yes .

When he was again

From the toilet everything went very quickly and we invited him to

come to our hotel and end the New Year’s Eve night

allow . Ers spontaneously agreed and we left the club ! In the

When I got a hotel room we opened a powder sparkling wine that very quickly

Was empty . When the second was open my girlfriend had to pee her

went to the toilet and then it happened I was very cheating and spoke that

Actually, he was called Jerome’s blacks . I said all

Attention I have never seen anything like that ..

He looked and asked what

do you think ? I said that between your legs … he laughed and

said well that is a rare compliment from a man … I

Was embarrassed like in another world … How did mine go by itself

Hand to his thigh .

He said stop when you touch me fuck

I your little one is clear ? I agreed I had everything

done … I opened his pants and what I saw was not in words

To grasp … I have never had one tail a stranger

Time or something but that was awesome I caught him

Massage when my girlfriend was suddenly behind me she was totally

shocked … I just continued to massage the giants of the black

And said to her to put you left next to Jerome Schatz ..

She did it and

I could see the black one rubbed his fingers on her … and

she tried to kiss what she suffered after initial defense

Meanwhile I wixxt on as his cock and then went down

to your knees to have better hold and control … at once

he said I want you to suck him, I asked how please ? inner

Had I just waited for it to come and I started that

Fat giant part to plug in my mouth while he started mine

Girlfriend massage the tits … I sucked the part wild

tried to put it deeper and deeper into my throat but it didn’t work

I was already choking when my girlfriend rushed to the floor and

said now I show you how man does it and she started that

huge part to blow i have to say honestly i was jealous that he was

Cock was no longer in my mouth …

The black caught the

To push my cute head on the tail as deeper and he groaned

Like a bear the big 2.00 cm black man was really hot … I

Meanwhile, the mouse started cunt Licking players with my tongue

On her intimate piercing and licked her quickly she was gossip wet

horny mouse as the black said riding my cock I wanted

It couldn’t wait to finally fuck a cock what

I never did until here, but he just didn’t say yours

Little bitch does that and you lick it to me egg … I obeyed

on his word I was like senses … my mouse sat on the

huge cock and screamed like on the spit and I tried his big ones

Eggs to stop in my mouth, which I didn’t want to succeed

He had really thick fat eggs ..

My mouse rode him wildly

And screamed as Lauter you tear me up … My sweetness rode from

Orgasm to orgasm and I continued to lick his fat eggs and

The sauce that clapped from my girlfriend’s cunt on his eggs

I greedily licked . When the black man had enough of riding and

My sweetness just threw out of himself, he said in strict tone

that we both him suck should be until he comes … so knelt

My darling along with Mcih and we alternately licked the eggs and denr

huge cock and that definitely for 20 minutes until the guy finally

Waped what a flood sperm shot is no longer normal

Couple he screamed like a bull as he sprayed ! My girlfriend and

I had the whole face Woller wanking the black …


After injected, he said he had to go right away because his friends

would still wait for him in the club but I think he was a subject

Finished with us we felt properly used and horny … when we

had brought to the door and then he was gone we lay down without

have a shower in the hotel beds and slept! The next morning

We then drove home after showering and breakfast ! Such a cool one

Like ever, New Year’s Eve ! I hope that happens more often

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