In the Philippines | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions & people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

New happiness

I lay on my bed and waited that Jeanlynn would come home.

I still didn’t really know how to confess her between Maya and me this morning. At just before eight

It knocked on the door. I quickly got up and opened.

It was Jeanlynn. I took her in my arm and kissed her as tender as I could. She returned my kiss briefly, then she turned out of my arms and went into the kitchen. Sat down at the table and got money and bills out of the wallet.

Let’s do the billing she said pretty cool.

Everything ok with you I asked and kissed her tenderly back.

With me, and with you? She was kind of strange. Maya had told something from this morning, I went through my head.

Everything was right with the billing.

I have Maya caught How she wanted to make an invoice disappear and put the money of it, she said suddenly and looked at me strange.

And then, I wanted to know? She explained to me that I would be stupid if I didn’t do that too, and shouldn’t do me that way. Again she looked at me so strange.

Immediately tomorrow morning I throw them out, promise, and took them tenderly in their arms.

She pushed me away from herself.

You don’t do that, first we are looking for a new service, and when we have found it you throw it out. I can’t do it alone, there are too many guests at the moment.

And if you approach Maya again, it’s best to look for two new waitresses, because then you will never see me again? And looked at me badly.

You know what happened this morning?

What do you think it was a pleasure for Maya to rub it under my nose, she screamed at me. You are such an asshole, you know that?

Jumped up, hewed me and broke out in tears. She cried uninhibitedly to the other from one second.

I really felt like the last asshole.

I tenderly hugged her, pressed her head to my chest and caressed her through her hair.

You can have everything from me, really everything, you really don’t need this bitch, she sobbed. The first time that I fell in love with a man and then something like that.

Why does something like that have to happen to me?

Again she was shaken by a wine cramp. The tears also got into my eyes now.

She was such a wonderful creature, did everything for me, and I knew asshole nothing better to do than cheating on Maya,

Just because I was horny. We stood there for a few minutes and both cried uninhibitedly.

I’m so sorry, really, I’m so sorry, I swear something like that never happens again, I whispered her in her ear. let’s go to bed. Raised her up and carried her into bed in the bedroom.

I took her firmly in my arms and stroked her neck and back.

She calmed down slowly and stopped crying.

Again and again I promised her that something like that would no longer happen, no matter how long it would take for the first time to

would sleep with each other.

She just looked at me silently with big eyes.

Again I kissed her tenderly. This time she replied my kiss, crowded to me and didn’t want to stop anymore.

A feeling of happiness so great that I can’t describe it at all.

I really don’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t given me a chance. I was really totally in love with her, and swore myself again that I would never hurt her again, no matter what Maya or whoever would try.

Slowly she loosened from me again.

Come on now we are cooking or you are not hungry, she asked me.

Of course I am hungry.

Then you go to the market now, buy a chicken, rice, potatoes, mottles, pineapple, coconut sauce and curry, I’m going to take a shower, ok?

I could probably contradict.

Agreed, I kissed her again and then got up and went to the market.

While I was shopping, her words went through my head again.

The first time I fell in love with a man. She had somehow said it was strange. For me it had sounded like when she had been in love, just not in a man. There was probably not much left if I didn’t misunderstand her


On the way back I took it carefully to speak to her.

When I was back at home she just got out of the shower and knotted a large towel that she had wrapped around her body on the side next to her chest. Her hair was wet and hung her confused face. In addition, the contrast of her brown skin to the white towel that ended in the middle of her thighs.

From one second to the other I was totally cool. Tried to imagine how she would look naked. I quickly put the bag on the table, took her in her arm and kissed it passionately.

She returned my kiss briefly, but then pushed me out of herself again. Went into the bedroom and shortly afterwards she was back with a fresh towel.

Pressed it in my hand with the words, you shave now and shower thoroughly and I do the food for as long as.

Again I wanted to kiss her, but she just looked at me badly.

Ok, ok, I’m already gone, read it and went to the bathroom. How ordered I shaved myself and then showered for a long time and thoroughly.

I was able to hear her in the kitchen and she sang some Filipino song about it. Apparently she had really forgiven me and was in a good mood.

It really couldn’t go better for me, I went through my head. Which woman would have one to a man Fling Probably forgiven so quickly? In addition, if you were more or less together for just two days.

I quickly brushed my teeth and then wrapped the towel around my hips.

Back in the kitchen it smelled wonderful of chicken curry. The plates were already on the table.

I stepped behind her, kissed her tenderly on her neck in my arm.

She pressed tightly towards me, turned her head and kissed me tenderly.

Sit down, the food is ready and turned out of my arms.

I sat down at the table and enjoyed how she was graceful how she spread the meat with the sauce on the plates,

Back to the stove, so that I was able to admire her butt that was very much used by the towel. Then coming back with the rice, also distributing it on the plates. I was so horny, but that something would really run after eating, I didn’t really want to believe.

Anyway, the food was fantastic, she was a really good cook. We enjoyed it. I was finished faster than her, because Filipina’s eating slowly, every bone is endlessly geared, then a handful of rice, in the sauce, and the same game again and again, with my hands, of course.

I watched her for a while, then I asked her what was burning on my tongue all the time.

How did you mean that before that I fell in love with a man?

Breaked her head over the plate, she looked at me up from the bottom.

What do you think how I meant it?

I don’t know, I’m not quite sure, so I ask you.

Do you really want to know?

Yes, really.

For a while she was in silence to look at me all the time.

I was together with a woman for almost a year, she suddenly said completely surprisingly.

I wasn’t really surprised, but of course I did so.

Wow, real, I can’t believe that, and why did you fall in love with me now when you look lesbian


She had stopped eating, looking at me in silence for a while again.

Suddenly got up, took me by the hand and said that let’s get into the bedroom. And then pulled me into the bedroom and pressed me onto the bed.

She made the light in the kitchen, then in the bedroom and then lay down next to me.

I tenderly hugged her.

And how did you fall in love with a woman?

Again it took a while until she answered. It was almost a year ago and happened when I still lived in the province.

I had a best friend, better said she is still. From an early age we did everything together. And a year ago she fell in love with a man. Was totally bad for me, suddenly I was completely alone.

I was often at home and cried because I missed her so much. After almost two weeks she suddenly came to my home. Cryless and I really didn’t know how to comfort her. Then she told me everything.

Your friend naturally wanted to sleep with her, but since she was still Virgo was she wanted

of course not immediately. She then got him down twice every day and then got her days so that she was one more than one more

Had a grace period. In that time she had to blow him twice a day. As soon as her days were over, her friend wanted, of course

sleep with her.

She was in love with him and then just said yes. It must have been terrible, as soon as she was naked, he has it

her brutally put in, no prelude nothing. As she said, she bleed incredibly. And of course it also hurt incredibly.

The next day she couldn’t walk in pain, but her boyfriend didn’t care and he just wanted to do it again. There she is of it

Ranned directly to me. Yes and that’s how it turned out. Of course I also wanted to know how it is with a man and of course I asked her.

And over time we just started to explore our bodies. First just stroke, then

kiss. It was just nice, so tender. I will never forget when I had my first orgasm.

Please tell me exactly what that was, please.

We had full moon and so it wasn’t really dark in the room. The moon seemed through the curtains.

She smiled at me shyly, why do you want to know that?

Because I love you, I want to know everything about you.

Come on it to tell me how it was when she kissed your pussy for the first time?

Again she smiled shy at me.

I was getting hotter. I could see the approaches of her breasts and the towel had slipped aside on her thighs and I could almost completely see her thigh. Almost even her pussy, the towel only briefly covered her.

I caught her thighs tenderly.

Well, she started, we are in bed, kissed and petted ourselves. I kissed her tenderly and let my hand slowly and gently slide her thighs upwards.

Just like we now?

she nodded.

And then.

Then she opened the bra and stroked my breast. I stroked her over the cheek and then let my hand slide down to the base of her breasts. You read it.

And how did it go on?

Well, then she kissed my nipples and her hand went down and further down.

Again I kissed her on my mouth. Then on the neck and further down to the approaches of your breasts. I gently turned her on my back, stroked her cheek, neck and then let my hand hike to her breasts.

I carefully enclosed her chest. I could clearly feel through the towel how her nipple hardened. She sighed quietly.

May I kiss your breasts too?

She nodded silently.

I carefully opened the towel and hit it aside.

Two perfectly shaped breasts with perfect wine -red nipples came to light. Her nipples were almost a centimeter

away. I carefully played around her nipples with my tongue, sucked her nipples alternately in my mouth.

She groaned quietly and behavior.

And what did she do with you then.

With one hand she stroked my neck. Take your hand led her under the towel and put it on her stomach.

She stroked me between her legs she whispered in my ears quietly.

I kissed her tenderly and slowly let my hand hike down. I let my hand slide deeper and deeper.

I could feel the first pubic hair.

I smell them tenderly. They were like a delicate fluff. I still sucked alternately on her hard nipples.

Your moans got a little louder.

Do you like it?

Yes, keep it up, it’s beautiful. Your hand tenderly stroked my neck.

Slowly I continued down and then I was able to feel her warm soft meat of her pussy for the first time. She was damp, but not yet really excited and really wet.

I carefully cut her labia with my finger, which elicited a quiet ooohhhh Jaaaaa. My finger slid down to her entrance, where it was already noticeably wet. I distributed her love juice all over her pussy and could feel how her labia swelled and her love pearl greater and bigger.

She groaned quietly and behavior and her hand claped my neck and more firmly.

Ooooouuuhhhh Jaaaa, that’s nice, don’t stop, please don’t stop.

I tried carefully into her with my finger. She spread her legs a little further and without major problems I was able to push my finger into her hot tight now totally wet pussyl hole.

OooUuuhhh, she groaned a little louder and her breath went a little more irregular.

If you like it, I made sure again.

Yes, continue, it is beautifully whispered.

I hit the towel that still covered its lower body, and I also got rid of my towel myself. My tail Was Steinhart although I had already hosed down at Maya twice today.

I slid up a little again, turned and her back on the side so that I could kiss her. Then I took her hand and led her to my cock.

She encompassed him uncertainly. I took her hand and led her.

So it’s nice for me. Slowly back and forth. Dare, take it

more firmly in my hand, that doesn’t hurt me. She gently pressed him and let her hand slide up and down.

My finger was back in her

Love grotto and carefully drove in and out. We kissed tenderly. It was just beautiful. Her tongue in my mouth, her hand on my cock and her completely excited wet pussy that I spoiled with my finger.

I would have loved to put him in now, only I was able to master myself and left it when kissing and caressing her pussy. It was finally that turned on her back and pulled me between her spread legs.

She looked deeply into my eyes. Please be very careful, please, I’m a little afraid.

I kissed her tenderly and started rubbing my cock between her labia up and down.

Oooohhh, mmmmhhhh, that’s nice, ooooouuuhhhh, she groaned quietly and behavior again. Her hand took my cock and led him to the entrance of her love grotto. Please whispered very carefully as my glans.

Your eyes were closed. Her hands were left and right on my hips. The legs set up and spread. So she lay there and expected I entered her.

With my hands I supported myself to the left and right of her upper body, I increased the pressure very slightly and could feel how my acorn penetrated it further into it. What a nice feeling. It was so hot, so tight, but since it was completely excited I was able to sink my entire acorn relatively easily. She breathed heavily now, just wonderful how she pulled her muscles together and massaged my glans.

Slowly I penetrated them deeper, always waiting for the resistance of their maiden crowd, but nothing of the like happened. Half I had entered her, until then she had breathed hard, not even slowed down or asked to stop me. She was wonderfully tight and wet, but it didn’t feel like she was still a virgin. Anyway, in the end these were only a second -length thought, it was simply too nice to penetrate this wonderfully tight, hot wet pussyl hole.

I also penetrated, I had definitely sunk in her three quarters of my cock when she first groaned loudly and a little painfully, at the same time held onto my hips and please no further whispered. I kissed her tenderly and stayed.

She looked at me with big eyes. Don’t be afraid I’m very careful.

Let me sink down on her and kissed her again tenderly on the mouth. She put a hand on my neck and conducted my head on her neck. I kissed him tenderly and started to fuck her very carefully. Just a little out and in again, again and again, which elicited her ever louder groan.

I was still not completely inside, I could feel that there was a resistance. I gently pressed tighter and was able to penetrate a little further. Now it felt like a virgin for the first time.

Absolutely tight and only a little damp.

Again I pulled it out and then pressed in more firmly again. She groaned loudly,

But I had done it. My cock was completely sunk. She gasped and her hands clawed into my back.

I stayed, kissed her neck tenderly and gave her time to get used to my cock. Slowly she relaxed again. Her hands stroked my back.

Oh god Klaus, I feel you so deep inside me, it’s beautiful, I love you, whispered her.

Slowly I let my pelvis circle what now elicited a more and more continuous groan.

Oooouuhh jaaaa, that’s nice, oh my god what a feeling.

My cock was completely enclosed, plus this heat and moisture, I felt that I couldn’t control myself for long. I was shortly before the cumshot.

Jeanlynn, Jeanlynn, I feel right now, I groaned.

Me too, keep going, don’t stop, please keep going, oooouuuuhhh jaaaaa.

The point was reached, I just wanted to cum now. A little further out and back in, faster and firmer and it came to me.

Two three times I injected into her, which at the same time elicited her loud, uh, uhs, and just as the last feelings with me

Smarted their hands clasped my ass and her pelvis began to circle accompanied by further uh, uh, uhs. I could clearly feel how her pussy pulled together again and again rhythmically.

Only slowly she calmed down again. We kissed tenderly.

Stay in me, please, it is beautiful to feel you whispered in my ear and hung her legs into mine and pulled me as close as possible.

Was that really yours first time, I wanted to know.

Yes, the first time with a man and it was infinitely beautiful and pressed my head back on her neck.

Whatever that should mean.

I didn’t want to destroy the moment and didn’t ask any further, just enjoyed the feeling of solidarity, my cock still completely, even if there is limp in her pussy.

It was so hot inside me when it came to you Klaus, that was incredibly beautiful, I can’t tell you how nice, please let us do it again, she whispered in my ear.

If it didn’t hurt you, I wanted to know.

But yes, but it was really not bad, it was so nice to feel you so deep inside me, please do it with me again, put her hands on my ass cheeks and pressed me tightly.

I hose for the third time today and really enough.

Sorry, Jeanlynn, but I’m no longer the youngest, tomorrow, ok, please don’t be angry, and kissed her tenderly.

Agree, but tomorrow morning, promise me that.

Promised, tomorrow morning I wake you very nice and then we’ll do it again, just like straight.

Kissed her again tenderly and then slowly pulled my cock out of her pussy, which removed her again a soft sigh.

We were still there for a long time, kissed and stroked and then at some point they fell asleep closely fell asleep.

Since we fell asleep relatively early, I woke up early in the morning, after the sun was not later than seven o’clock.

Jeanlynn was only half -covered with the sheet side next to me.

I carefully turned her on my back. She murmured something in her sleep, but didn’t wake up. I hadn’t really seen her really naked yet, just in the half -darkness. In the morning I was always horny anyway and she also wanted that we continued in the morning where we stopped at night.

I carefully struck the sheet and was able to admire it for the first time completely naked. She was really as beautiful as Maya. Her breasts were a bit smaller, the waist was not so pronounced, the thighs a little narrower, but her body was firmer, muscular, even if she now relaxed dalag and slept you could see that her stomach had solid muscles, as well as her arms andLegs. I cautiously knelt next to her to be able to look better.

Of course, my pussy was most interested in me. I really hadn’t been able to look at them yet. She really only had a delicate fluff. A strain in the middle with thick hair that ended on the labia and quickly becomes sparse on the left and right of it.

Her legs were only slightly spread, but I could still look at her pussy. She was beautiful, wine red like her nipples, the little labia stood out, were larger than the outer ones, and I could also see her clit. He was relatively big, which I felt last night. The next thing I noticed was that I couldn’t find traces of blood in bed with the best will in the world.

Just as I felt yesterday she was probably not a virgin, even if I was her first husband.

She had been deflowered by her friend? Probably true that went through my head after what she had told me. Which I didn’t mind in retrospect even now. So it was for me and of course for her the first time was just much more beautiful and problem -free.

I carefully leaned over her pussy and smelled it. She smelled pleasantly, also injected by me, unwashed last night, fully sprayed. I carefully played around her clit with my tongue. Then divided her labia.

She moved somewhat, but continued to sleep. Gentle my tongue slid up and off between her labia, and every now and then on her clitoris sucking, which quickly increased. Her labia also swelled, became moist. Because the inner labia was larger than the outer ones, their pussy looked like an open goblet.

My cock was at half past eight again so horny the sight made me.

Her pussy shone more and more from my saliva and love juice that she exuded.

Mmmmmmhhh, she groaned, spread her legs a little further and stroked my back of my head. Now you wake me up every morning.

I turned my head and looked at it. In love she smiled at me. Should I continue? She nodded silently, closed her eyes and spread her legs again a little further. Again I started licking her, let my tongue slide to her entrance and drilled something that elicited a little sigh.

I took her legs, spread her, pulled her to the stomach and lay down in between.

She was completely open in front of me. Her now wet shiny pussy and a little further down the little frowned back door. I pulled carefully

her labia apart and then the light pink was able to admire meat inside her pussy.

I sucked the meat in my mouth gently.

Ooooouuuhhhhhh, that’s nice, mmmmmhhhhhhh, oh yes, please keep going.

Again my tongue slid up and down between her labia, I sucked firmly on her clit, which was then even bigger.

Certainly one inch he stood out, just horny this sight.

In addition, her hand clawed more and more firmly into my hair.

Again I spread her labia and drilled my tongue into her light pink meat. She gave more and more juice from herself. A small

Rinsal ran over the dam and wet her cute little hole.

I read my tongue to this trickle and then played with her hole.

Crystous groaned and flinched at the same time. With her hand she covered her hole. Klaus, please don’t, that doesn’t work.

I gently pulled her hand away. Why not, is a nice feeling for you, or not?

She fought a bit but then she pulled her hand away again.

Just enjoy the nice feeling, relax, I love you. I devoted myself to her pussy again, sucked, licked and every now and then I drilled my tongue into her as deep as possible.

I had put my thumb on her hole and massaged it there as gently and tenderly as possible. Her groaning became more and more louder and more continuous. She moved her pelvis more and more, and then it came to her.

A quiet long -lasting ooooouuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I could feel my thumb how her hole pulled together again and again rhythmically. My thumb was drawn more or less on its own. It was beautiful to see and feel how it came to her. Her orgasm only slowly.

Come to me she said and pulled my head up. Thank you, I’ve never been woken up and kissed myself tenderly. I still knelt next to her and my cock was now awakened to the full size.

Do you do that for me too, I asked her and took her hand and led her to my cock.

She smiled at me shyly and began to jerk him slowly and carefully.

Come on dare, you will like me to spoil me like this, and gently pulled your upper body up. She smiled at me unsafe. Come to me in front of me, took her legs and turned her to the side so that it was easier for her to kneel in front of me.


Kniet in front of me, still a hand on my cock, but now close to her mouth.

Kiss him, please, let me feel your soft lips. Again she smiled at me from the bottom I was still unsure my cock. Millimeter for millimeters approached their lips of my cock tip.

And then it was finally time. She sucked my glans into her mouth gently slowly up and down with her hand. What a sight, my recalled foreskin was directly on her lips, gently sucked on my glans and at the same time her tongue played my tail tip. I couldn’t suppress a moan.

Oh Jeanlynn, that’s beautiful, don’t stop, please don’t stop, ooooohhhhhh.

Slowly she became safer, her handle became firmer and she sucked stronger. Her cheeks arched inside. Wonderful this sight.

I took her two hands and put them on my hips so that my cock was now free in her mouth. I gently pressed him a little

continue so that my glans was completely in her mouth. She understood and carefully took him further into her mouth. It was

Incredible to see how he continued to disappear into her mouth.

Over half of her had him in her mouth when she stopped. Slowly she drove up and down with her lips.

My cock was rock hard, felt like he was bursting as much as my erection was so strong. She went back completely, my cock was steeply up, the foreskin was completely rolled back due to the strong erection.

Only with her tip of the tongue she played around my cock tip.

I wouldn’t stand it for a long time.

Jeanlynn I want you now, come around. Again she slowly took him into her mouth as far as possible, looked at me and asked with my cock in the mouth, mh?

I want to be inside you now, turn around, please, I want you now.

She didn’t stop, up and down she drove, and I was getting more and more approaching the cumshot. I didn’t care if you were until the end

Why not wanted to do it, it was beautiful. Shortly before it really came to me, she stopped abruptly. Smiled me up seductively from the bottom, read her tongue around my glans a few more times and then turned around and stretched her back

in contrast to.

What a sight, the small frowned, and a little further down her wet shiny pussy. It obviously had her horny too

made to suck my cock. I couldn’t help it, I let my tongue slide through her wonderfully wet labia.

What a taste, just divine.

In addition the sweet little hole. I kissed them gently there, which immediately let them turn their heads backwards.

Don’t worry, but you’re so beautiful, I just had to kiss you there. Straightened me up and led my cock tip to the entrance

her pussy.

I was able to sink my glans without any problems. Accompanied by a quiet sigh. I also penetrated into them. She was totally

wet and hot.

My cock was closely wrapped, but definitely not the second time that she had something between her legs.

I was able to clearly remember how much it was Maya at the beginning when I entered, even though her friend her

had already banged quite many.

I gently fucked her, continue working into her and further into her. Again it was like yesterday after I was about three quarters inside, she became much closer.

This was probably the point where I was definitely the first one who penetrated so deeply into it.

I took her firmly on my ass cheeks and pressed it in completely. She groaned loudly and sank to the elbows.


Slow, please, not so firm, ooooouuuuhhhhhhhhh.

Her hands were firmly clenched into fists. I went in and out carefully, more and more ways. Her moan was now a permanent Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

He slipped better and better. It literally ran out. Still, she was wonderfully tight.

Still my cock was completely tightly tensioned.

Now he shone from her pussy juice when I pulled him out. I leaned over her, pressed her down, put myself on her and started to fuck her a little more firmly. My face was next to her. If you like it, I wanted

know that my tongue drilling in your ear.

Ooooouuuhhhh, yes, that’s nice, ooooooouuuhhhhh, don’t stop, ooooouuuhhhhhh.

I pulled her back into the kneeling position and fucked her more and more. It clapped when I crashed into her plump ass cheeks. Uh, uh, could now be heard at every bump.

Ooooouuuuuhhhh, ha, du, ooooouuuhhhhhhhhhh.

And then again this uh, uh uhs. And then suddenly she sank forward. My tail slipped out.

She lay on her stomach and groaned to herself. Oh my god, what do you do with me, oh my god. I turned her around and kissed her gossip pussy. Whitish juice ran out of her.

Ooooohhhh. Again, I asked her while my tongue slid through her labia. Oh yes, please, don’t stop, slipped to me

and pulled her legs wide on the stomach. I pressed my cock completely into her.

Aaahhhhrrrrrrrrrr, du, oooouuuhhhhhhhhhhh.

I immediately started to fuck them. Not by force, but still more firmly than before. Then I took her legs and put them on mine


Bang me and supported me with my hands next to her breasts. Her hands were next to her head, the eyes were wide open. Incorrect amazement was in her face for the fact how I fucked her.

Uuuuuuhhhh, uuuuuuuuhhh, du, ooooouuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

She was getting louder and louder. Klaus, Klaus, Oh God, I, I, I come back, uh, uh. Your hands clutched my wrists. As best I went, she returned my firm bumps, and then she came with a loud reducing aaaaaaaoooouuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uh, ooooouuuuhhhh, oh my god.

Please spray me now

Full, please, I want to feel how it comes to you, please.

And she moved her pelvis wildly up and down.

I had had to hold back a few times so as not to spray. Had my cock pushed at the root.

Actually, I wanted to inject her in her mouth, but too, I also turned it on, I fucked her again a little tighter and after four five hard bumps it came up with loudly.

It was so intense, my eggs contracted, I could clearly feel how the seed shot up to me, how I sprayed into her, how my eggs pulled together again and again and the seed was pumped out of me, directly into her tightness, hot incredibly wet pussy.

She also groaned at every thrust that I splashed in her loudly. Ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhh, that’s hot, ohhhhhh Klaus that’s a nice feeling, ooooouuuhhh, mmmmmmmhhhh is hot.

I slowed down my bumps, let go of her legs and sank to her.

Enjoyed the feeling of how our sweaty bodies were together, how my heartbeat slowly calmed down again. How they stroked my back and whispered to me tenderly, I love you, Klaus I love you, oh my god that was beautiful, do what you want, I swear to you, no matter what, I just love you.

Her tongue tenderly pushed into my mouth, again and again she kissed me and hugged me tightly. At some point we were just there, my cock was still in it.

We were still wet sweated.

Come on let’s take a shower, and then we put ourselves and cuddles I suggested. She nodded silently. I carefully pulled my cock out of her what she had quietly groaned.

I took her by the hand and arm in arm we went into the bathroom.

The water was pleasantly cool and after we both cooled down, she started to pull me. First her arms, then the head, back, the front, and then she knelt in front of me and washed my tail, the eggs and my ass also didn’t read it out. My cock was already a bit stiff what she took note of with a smile, but otherwise ignored.

In the end she has my legs.

Then got up and pressed soap and swam into my hand, now you are on it. I did it straight away, arms, head, back, she turned

Rum again and soap her breasts tenderly. What a nice feeling, how it slipped through the water and the soap.

She enjoyed it,

Your eyes were closed. I also knelt to her. I have gently soap her pussy. Her legs spread a bit, after that

The buttocks came on and finally their buttocks, of course, which made them twitch a little again.

In the end of course your beautiful slim legs. I got up and turned the water back. Both we enjoyed how the soap was washed off the body.

Stroked us and helped in the places where the water alone was not enough to remove the soap.

Then she dried me off and then I. We had not talked about a word in time. It was just beautiful to enjoy this togetherness.

We went back to bed and snuggled closely together.

It was now half past eight, so we still had over an hour before we had to get up.

May I ask you something I said to her.

Sure, what do you want. I

Of course, I wanted to know how it had been with her virginity, but didn’t really know how to ask her


Well, you know, so yesterday …, well you said that I was the first man in your life, but when we then

Slept, I don’t know how to say that, please don’t be angry, but ……


What do you want to know, say already.

I really didn’t dare to ask.

You want to know why I wasn’t a virgin said she said after I stayed silent.

I nodded.

Can’t you imagine that? I told you that I was with a woman.

You mean she deflowered you?

she nodded. I was afraid that when I was sleeping with a man for the first time, it could be as terrible as with her. And we also knew from other friends that it was nice to feel a man in himself. Then we just got ourselves

once bought a few egg plan on the market in different sizes.

(Is a vegetable similar to cucumbers). And then we just tried out how it feels. And at some point it just happened.

And why are you no longer with her today? Sounds like you were happy together?

At some point we both knew that it was an absolutely nice feeling when you have something inside, well, and then she was still in love with the man who deflowered her and then went back to him.

And then I was alone again. Wasn’t easy for me. Really hurt. But at some point I thought about that maybe I should try a man.

I hadn’t had really bad experiences with men. But I didn’t want to stay in the province, because it still hurt every time I saw her with her boyfriend. That’s why I went here. If you are disappointed now, she wanted to know.

No really not, it’s ok for me, maybe it was really better that you were no longer a virgin, otherwise you might have really hurt you the first time.

Certainly, it is much thicker and longer than the cock that she from her boyfriend described has.

Everything was said and so we cuddled a little until the alarm clock from our grave crack at half past nine for us.

We got up and she cooked coffee and made scrambled eggs with ham.

What do we think with Maya, I asked her while how.

How much debts does she have with you?

I can’t say exactly. 3000 yesterday, then about two weeks ago 2000, and then the money that was missing every time I was always drunk, minus the reward for the last two weeks, I think it will be about 4000 or 5000 pesos.

In principle, she has to work at least a month so that you have your money back?

You could say it like this. Only if I don’t give her anything I don’t think she stays here for as long as she stays here.

The money is definitely gone and from

Something she and her friend must live too. If you ask me, we’ll look for a new service, if we have it I throw them out no matter how much money she still owes me. I can cope with that and is certainly better for you and me, or?

So well, but as long as I always do the early shift until the end. And only I collect, otherwise you can be sure that she steals again.

And you come in nice and good every morning the pub, So that the bitch has no chance to seduce you, that’s clear? She looked at me really badly.

Yes boss, to command, and kissed them tenderly. Together we went to the pub at ten.

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