Gangbang with a three -hole mare | Erotic sex stories

Note: All texts, actions and people on this page are fiction and freely invented and sent by our readers. They should not serve for any form of illegal acts.

I had been friends with this couple for several years. I knew Harald since I became a journeyman. He was my foreman in my first department after the training. We became friends from us. On a Birthday party I also met his wife of another colleague. However, Mone was a very silent and reserved woman. But that was done, as I was able to find out once. Even I didn’t know that the two of them built a fairly open sex life in silence.

At some point he confessed that it would turn him on if she let another birds. At first she was adorned. But the more she thought about it, the more her interest in it grew. Probably also because he always started with the topic. On which ways the two suitable partners found for it. And since then it has always happened that they were doing this together. She fucked with a stranger and he watched her.

One day we sat together. Since I was there without my wife, it probably gave them the impetus to speak to something. At least he already knew that my wife and I, similar to her, had our freedom of freedom in terms of sex. And after some hesitant rums, he then asked me if I would be ready to take his Mone together with several men. Like to first in the way they met with other men so far.

I looked at Mone and asked the question of whose idea was that. Whereupon it was astonished because it was hers. The first or less cheating once or less cheating once or less, she still had a lot of overcoming. But after she had done it a few times, she really liked it. And when her husband also participated in the last stranger, so she had two men at the same time, she brought that to the thought of a Gangbang.

She also did not find the idea absurd after her Harald even one porn showed such an activity. Now it was Mone who was always in Harry in his ears. Well, now we were sitting here and talking about it. I personally was not averse. When I asked who would take part, they had no answer yet. He was able to imagine two other friends of Harry. And Mone threw whether Harry still had the numbers of the types with which she had already fucked.

However, he could not serve with that, since these meetings all came about via online portals and mail. I only said that they should stick to people who would also give their trust. So the topic was ready for the time being. A few weeks later Harry called me. Before that, we could no longer talk about this topic. You would have found a few people for Mone and whether I was still interested in participating.

Since I did not refuse, I was invited for next Saturday evening. I was excited in two ways. On the one hand, getting to know Money really. On the other hand, who was still involved. On the said Saturday evening, I saw who came together here. Mone and Harry, of course. Then came Harry’s two friends and two other work colleagues, which I also knew, one of them even bringing his wife with them. I asked if she would also participate.

Then she replied that she would not be fucked with her, but she would like to hold Mones hands and could take care of the pats. Then that was clear. And after a little drink we were asked to make us fresh. Then we met again in the living room. Simone and Harald have changed the furniture so that a playground was created in the middle. And the inventory of a mattress and a few pillows.

So far so good. How do you start a men’s over -school party without overwhelming the main character the first time? The host had the idea of helping out Money and making yourself tasty to the gentlemen. In a light, lesbian -like gimmick, she brought Money to present herself naked. Then she persuaded her, gradually one Blowjob to greet. So Mone crouched on the mattress and did it.

At the beginning actually one by one. But in the course of this initial ceremony she soon had one tail in the mouth and jerked their cocks one or two on the side. Accordingly, and almost unnoticed for Mone, the fumbling also increased to her. After all, we all had a stand and mones tits, her butt and the cunt were also tapped lustful. So it was time for the increase. And everyone who now wanted to climb Mone got a Parisian by the hostess.

Nobody would have thought that there should be an enormous rubber pile of rubbers in the course of the evening. But fuck without wasn’t. And so you could now see Money with legs spread out in front of one. And one after the other changed to mouth and cunt. So far the host and Harry were sitting or stood next to it and watched it. But when Harald noticed that his Mone began to moan more and more and she literally dropped, he couldn’t hold back either.

And so Money was able to find out for the first time what it means when 6 guys used them at the same time. At almost regular intervals she sucked the different cocks and was crazy by them. And she really seemed to enjoy it. Of course also all the hands they pull out, kneaded her tits and grabbed her ass. Even the woman put on her hand here and there. Pulled the pussy apart so that the next gentleman could drive into her.

The initial caution, since it is mones first time was also quite brisk. Even I got on how I hooked my stiff something coarse in the mouth or drove into her cunt. And you could be really cool when you saw how Mone distorted her face when one of the big spanking was inserted into her. Two of the teammates really had fat slats. Suddenly one called that Mone should be on top.

The idea arrived and Mone was sitting on one of the guys. When she started to ride nicely, it was really wonderful to get her body into the light. It wasn’t the slimest one, but also not fat. One would talk to her about baby bacon. And it was precisely these sweet bacon handles that really started to rock with the clock. Not to mention their tits. And as if she had never done anything else, she continued to suck the tails holding on her and jerked another one.

This picture was only disturbed if someone else wanted to lie down under Mone. But after a short implementation it went on quickly. And after a while everyone was ridden by Mone in a row. As a special encore there was one and the other departure for Mone. And what did the host do all the time? Well, she was still standing and watching. Only now and then she fed a bit on Mone. But I also saw how she fertilized herself from time to time.

Sure, leaves you something like that if you see it in front of you. And finally she let herself be carried away by helping the guys who were neither in Mons cunt or mouth. Until the end of the evening, she stayed unfucked, but liked to jerk off one or the other cock. Only as far as Mone affected, she dared to do something beforehand. It’s a good thing that she occasionally fumbled around her from the outset.

The fact that she suddenly kept around Mone’s back door, even slid it with lubricant and then asked one of the guys, was not agreed. I was standing next to it at that moment. Mone rode eagerly and still had to do with two cocks in the mouth alternately. She probably didn’t even notice what was going with her back there. Up to the time when the guy pushed his stand into her asshole. Mone stopped with riding, tore up her eyes frightened, then pinched her eyes together, and yet she did not let off the tail in the mouth.

I only noticed that her fingertips were running white, so much she was looking for the guy below. I was immediately aware that she wasn’t really. But why didn’t she mind? But now I didn’t want to be the one who let this evening burst. Mone was also old enough to defend himself. But Harry didn’t seem to get any of it either. He should have seen it on Mone’s face.

Because he was just in front of her and pushed his belt into her mouth when the next one in Mones ass took. And Mone simply took this triple penetration. Multiple. Only when the one below wanted to go into the backstill did Harry noticed that even more was going on than agreed here. Lighsmaker, I only thought with myself. The Untermann wanted from Mone to turn over and sat on him. Just with her asshole.

And Mone actually did it. After the tail had nested properly, the next one climbed over her and nailed her cunt again. Until then, Harry was still distracted because he continued from the other old one jerk off left. It was only when he noticed that a third stood over Money and pushed his meat skewer into her throat, he called a little louder. “Mone! Yes, say. You really let it crack! Who said what about ass fucking?“To do this, it must be mentioned that Harry spoke it out, bitter or disappointed.

Rather surprised that Mone went so far. But since it was now, Harry delighted the picture how the guests were now even hornier about his wife. And that the nonplusultra always seems to be the nonplusultra, again confirmed this evening. For a while, Mone was now only taken anal. Even the two stalliontails put them in the back. But we also know that every game gets a final whistle.

And more or less Money itself. Almost completely done, sweaty and cuddling let her slip out of her ass and climbed down from the guy. The next place was just about to take over, but Mone defeated. And the other term immediately and therefore asked to come at the end. “And boys, you know how the end has looked. Or?“Then she looked at her husband. He just nodded back. “Fine. And if you want, I would be happy to help you shoot.

“The men who had put on a Parisian literally tore them from their slats. Then we all stood around Mone and started our endwichsen. Two came to the end quite quickly and moneated their loads at the same time into the heated face. After the two had pumped out, the next thing was sucked by Mone to shoot. The fourth and I enjoyed helping the other Tussi. Although she blew my bleed and the other jerked.

The sixth in the group, the husband’s husband, took care of his himself and fired his pipe over Mones tits. After him my neighbor switched from Tussi to Money and pushed his spanking into her again. And when he sprayed, he captured Mone’s head so that she had no other option than to let him empty. And what a load he gave her to her. She could hardly stop spitting.

She probably didn’t want to swallow. Finally I was the last one who wanted to get rid of his load. So I also introduced myself to Mone. She was still sitting in the tailor and the Schmodder my predecessor dripped and dripped from her. “May I wank him until the end?“But the question of the old answered Mone. “No. I’ll do it. But thanks for your help. “With that she crouched on her knees and put my cock in her mouth again.

And she blew him until he twitched. When I sprayed it was she who now prevented me from giving way back. I had to cum into her. It was only when I was empty she let go of me again. Then she shone all over the face, showed me my load in her mouth, and with a smile she swallowed everything down. “I only did that because you are Harald’s oldest friend here. But still my thanks to all of you.

It was horny with you. Thanks alot. “Now there was still Harry. The only one who hadn’t unloaded yet. He raised this for the crowning glory. So formerly it was thought differently. But since his wife suddenly brought in an undisguised practice in the game, he thought at short notice. He turned Mone on all four again. And off to the Kotkammer. Without rubber. As her husband it was allowed.

And he rammed them through violently. Mone groaned loudly and roasted almost hoarse. Harry only clapped against Mones Heck, so hard he pushed her. Until he finally went out. Together with Mone. And he shot his seed completely into the eharsch. After he was finished and pulled his Lümmel out of Mones Darm, the Schmodder soup out of her. All of this final celebrated with thunderous applause. When everyone calmed down, Harry had a question to his Mone.

“When did you come up with the idea to let yourself be fucked? Not that I had something against it. I just didn’t expect it from you. “” Well, you are to blame for that and the sweetness. The fact that you like to visit me through the back room is nothing new. And when she suddenly made me fit there … thanks for that …, I thought you had something to do with it. But as I see, you don’t have that.

No matter, shit on it. It wasn’t planned, but sucking horny. “Well. I would not have thought of some things about Mone. We then let the evening run out in a convivial atmosphere. After we all freshened up, we drank something together. Harry, Mone and I met afterwards many times. However, without sexual debauchery.

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